Contact Details For Comments On Spec/STR's: Draft Spec. No. - C-K209 (Rev. 1)
Contact Details For Comments On Spec/STR's: Draft Spec. No. - C-K209 (Rev. 1)
Contact Details For Comments On Spec/STR's: Draft Spec. No. - C-K209 (Rev. 1)
1) RDSO has revised the above specification/STR in line with latest technological developments in
the field, modify clauses not relevant in the present context and making them more enabling with
focus on functional requirements.
SN Particulars Information
1 Name
2 Designation
3 Professional Qualification
4 Organization / Firm’s Name
5 Address for Correspondence
6 Contact No.
7 Email ID
8 In case of Firm / Individual: Manufacturing
experience of item (or similar Item) on which
comments are offered
9 Where relevant: Whether any technical document
to support suggested changes is available /
enclosed for better appreciation
Issued By:
Name & Prepared by: D Kulshrestha Checked by: Vivek Anand Approved by: S K Sharma
Designation JE/Carriage SSE/Carriage Director/Carriage
Ref: CG-WI-4.2.1-1 Ver.1.0 Page 2 of 10 Date of issue: July, 2020 Spec. No.: C-K209 (Rev.1)
1. Scope 3
2. Particular Requirements 3
3. Equipment Design 4
4. Material 4
5. Performance Requirements 5
6. Developmental Inspection 5
7. Purchase Inspection 6
8. Tests 6
9. Warranty / Guaranty 7
10. Painting 8
11. Packing 8
12. Appendix – I 9
Name & Prepared by: D Kulshrestha Checked by: Vivek Anand Approved by: S K Sharma
Designation JE/Carriage SSE/Carriage Director/Carriage
Ref: CG-WI-4.2.1-1 Ver.1.0 Page 3 of 10 Date of issue: July, 2020 Spec. No.: C-K209 (Rev.1)
1.1 This specification covers the technical requirements related to the performance, Inspection and
testing of Distributor Valve with relay valve conforming to UIC specification No. 540, 541-1 & 547.
The specification also covers adaptor with isolating cock, Pipe bracket with Control Reservoir and
gasket used on Air- brake system, of passenger stock and does not include other necessary
provisions of the contract.
1.2 Where vendor approval is done by RDSO, all the provisions contained in RDSO’s ISO (titled
“Vendor – Changes in approved status”) latest, shall be binding and applicable on the successful
vendor/vendors in the contracts floated by Railways to maintain quality of products supplied to
2.1 Manufacturers willing to supply Distributor Valve, including adaptor with isolating cock, Pipe
bracket with Control Reservoir and gasket for the use of Indian Railways shall register themselves
with RDSO.
2.2 Manufacturers should provide evidence of technology received from principal as provided in para
3.1 and submit the same to RDSO.
2.3 The manufacturer would get all drawings/ specifications approved by principals/RDSO. The master
list of drawings and specifications will also require the approval of RDSO.
2.4 The manufacturers shall have adequate facilities as listed in IL:14:2000 for the manufacture and
assembly of distributor valve including adaptor and Isolating cock, pipe bracket with control
reservoir and gasket conforming to the laid down design and drawings. The manufacturer shall
have facility for inspection and testing of individual components and assembly to ensure that these
are manufactured strictly to the laid down design and quality standards.
2.5 Manufacturers shall have a well-documented ‘Internal Quality Assurance System’ to ensure
sustained quality of products being manufactured. The Quality Assurance System’ shall also cover
the following.
2.5.1 The components shall be identified as imported, in house manufactured, semi-finished purchased
from sub-let vendor, finished components purchased from sub-let vendor other than rubber item,
rubber items and standard hardware item.
2.5.2 The system to ensure that correct raw material is being used for the components manufactured in
house, purchased as semi-finished and purchased as finished.
2.5.3 System to ensure that components having manufacturing defects are identified and destroyed so
that such components are not used during assembly.
Name & Prepared by: D Kulshrestha Checked by: Vivek Anand Approved by: S K Sharma
Designation JE/Carriage SSE/Carriage Director/Carriage
Ref: CG-WI-4.2.1-1 Ver.1.0 Page 4 of 10 Date of issue: July, 2020 Spec. No.: C-K209 (Rev.1)
2.5.4 System to ensure that bought-out components, finished or semi-finished are strictly as per
requirement laid down in the specifications / drawings.
2.5.5 System to ensure that sub-let vendor manufactures rubber components strictly as per laid down
specifications and drawings. The specification of the rubber components shall be approved by
2.5.6 System to maintain strict control of dimension and workmanship of the components and assembled
2.5.7 Systems to test and establish that the items manufactured by the firm conform to the laid down
requirements and meet the requirements of the relevant UIC specifications.
2.5.8 System of periodical calibration of the equipment gauges to ensure accuracy of the product.
3.1.1 The distributor valve design with Relay Valve will require the approval of RDSO. The design of the
distributor valve should be proven and should have been obtained from a principal whose
distributor valve with graduated release feature is approved by UIC. The following designs of
distributor valve with relay valve are acceptable at present.
3.1.2 The equipment shall be manufactured indigenously strictly to the laid down quality standard as per
para 2.3. No change shall be done without the approval of RDSO.
3.2.1 The general design and controlling dimensions of pipe bracket with Control reservoir and gasket
shall conform to the latest revision of RDSO Drg.No.WD9-7951-S-10 and WD-83062-9-01
3.2.2 The pipe bracket with control reservoir and gasket shall be manufactured indigenously strictly to
the laid down quality standard as approved by RDSO.
4.1 The material of distributor valve body shall be Aluminum to the grade and specification as
recommended by the principal manufacturer / collaborator. The material for other Items, pipe
bracket with control reservoir and gasket shall be to the specification laid down by the principal
manufacturer / collaborator.
Name & Prepared by: D Kulshrestha Checked by: Vivek Anand Approved by: S K Sharma
Designation JE/Carriage SSE/Carriage Director/Carriage
Ref: CG-WI-4.2.1-1 Ver.1.0 Page 5 of 10 Date of issue: July, 2020 Spec. No.: C-K209 (Rev.1)
5.1 The distributor valve shall be graduated release type and its performance shall conform to the
latest revision of UIC specification 540, 541-1 and 547 for passenger train application.
5.2 The distributor valve shall be suitable for operation with the following locomotive brake control
• 26 LV-1
• 28 LAV-1
• Dual Air Brake System of WSF
• IR-AB-1 / IR-AVB-2 system of Indian Railways
Note:- Details of Loco Brake System can be obtained from DG / Motive Power, RDSO, Lucknow.
5.3 The Distributor Valve shall also be suitable for fitment / operation with 25 mm. Brake / feed and 20
mm branch pipes and joints to RDSO specification No. 04-ABR-94.
5.4 The Distributor valve shall have fixed “P” position and shall cater for underframe mounted brake
system of coaches with two 355 mm bogie dia. brake Cylinders and bogie mounted brake system
of coaches used on IR with four 203 mm dia. brake cylinders.
5.5 The Distributor Valve shall be suitable for fitment with pipe bracket and gasket to RDSO
Drg.No.WD9-7951-S-10 and WD-83062-S-01 respectively.
5.6 The Distributor Valve body shall be, provided with appropriate size of casting tag at appropriate
location so that it can be chipped off when required after fitment of the same on the coach.
5.7 The Distributor Valve shall be suitable for obtaining maximum brake cylinder pressure of
3.8+0.1kg/cm² at full application. The maximum brake cylinder pressure should not increase even if
the control reservoir pressure and the brake pipe pressure increase.
5.8 Vertical and horizontal position of the handle of isolating cock shall indicate open and closed
position respectively.
5.9 The distributor valve offered shall be suitable to function with electro-pneumatic system if so
required at a later date. This shall be possible without any major modification to the proposed
distributor valve.
6.1 The developmental inspection shall be carried out at the time of registration of the firm with RDSO,
and at the time of renewal of registration. In addition to the other requirements for registration, the
Inspecting authority shall verify that the manufacture of the distributor valve is strictly controlled by
the ‘Internal Quality Assurance System’ conforming to the laid down and its components are in
conformity with laid down specification and drawings.
6.2 Three nos. prototype Distributor valves shall be submitted to RDSO at the time of registration of the
firm. Only one Distributor valve randomly selected out of three shall be subjected to performance
test as per para 8.1 at RDSO and endurance test as per Annexure-I at RDSO or at the firm's
Name & Prepared by: D Kulshrestha Checked by: Vivek Anand Approved by: S K Sharma
Designation JE/Carriage SSE/Carriage Director/Carriage
Ref: CG-WI-4.2.1-1 Ver.1.0 Page 6 of 10 Date of issue: July, 2020 Spec. No.: C-K209 (Rev.1)
premises in the presence of authorized representative of Inspecting Authority. However, at the time
of renewal of registration of the firm the DV shall be tested for performance requirement mentioned
in para 8.1 at firm's premises.
7.1 The purchase inspection shall be carried out at the premises of the manufacturers who are cleared
for the regular manufacture and registered with RDSO. The following procedure shall be followed: -
7.1.1 The Inspecting authority shall make audit checks of the manufacturing procedure / Internal Quality
Assurance System’ to ensure that the lot offered for Inspection is manufactured strictly as per
‘Internal Quality Assurance System’ and the manufacturer has carried out all the tests / inspection
during manufacturing stage to ensure that the items are manufactured strictly to the specification /
drawing and quality standard of the collaborator.
7.2 Inspection Authority will ensure that endurance test at the rate of 6-10 cycle per minute on 100% of
the DV's for 5000 cycles are being carried out by the manufacturer before offering for inspection. It
shall be ensured during the endurance testing that the BC pressure gauge of endurance testing
machine is registering 3.8+0.1 Kg/cm2 in each brake application and not more than 1.0 Kg/cm2
pressure in each brake release. After having satisfied the quality standards, ten percent of each lot
of 100 distributor valve shall be tested as per procedure given in para 8.1. Twenty five percent of
each lot of 100 pipe brackets with control reservoir and gasket in the assembled condition shall be
tested at per procedure given at para 8.2.
7.3 One distributor valve will be opened and checked with respect to all dimensions mentioned in the
drawings every three months.
7.4 Once in every year or every contract two distributor valves shall be subjected to endurance test as
per the procedure given in Appendix-I.
8.1 The distributor valve shall be mounted on the test bench and tested for the following features. All
the test shall be conducted with twin pipe system.
S.No. Check Specified Values As Observed
Name & Prepared by: D Kulshrestha Checked by: Vivek Anand Approved by: S K Sharma
Designation JE/Carriage SSE/Carriage Director/Carriage
Ref: CG-WI-4.2.1-1 Ver.1.0 Page 7 of 10 Date of issue: July, 2020 Spec. No.: C-K209 (Rev.1)
8.1.11 Brake pipe pressure when cylinder pressure is 4.85 kg/cm² approx.
8.1.12 Automatic exhausting of Brake Cylinder and CR & BC pressure
Control reservoir test of quick release valve. should automatically
exhaust to zero
8.1.13 Overcharge Protection
Overcharge Brake Pipe (BP) to 6 Kg/cm2 after Control Reservoir (CR)
full service "application" Pressure should not
rise within 10 sec
Note: In case of any ambiguity regarding parameters above, UIC 540, 541-1 & 547 provisions shall be
used for guidance.
Note:- i) Charging of AR and CR to be done at air pressure of 5 Kg/cm2 by brake pipe only.
ii) Specified values of test Indicated at para 8.1.1(a), 8.1.1(b) & 8.1.9 shall be furnished by the
manufacturer and approved by RDSO.
8.2 The Pipe bracket with control reservoir and gasket shall be mounted on a suitable test stand and
tested for leakage at 10 kg/cm² air pressure. There shall be no leakage.
The warranty / guarantee period will be 60 months from the date of supply or 48 months from the
date of commissioning whichever is earlier for the distributor valve. In case a distributor valve with
relay valve fails within the warranty, it shall be replaced by a new distributor valve.
Name & Prepared by: D Kulshrestha Checked by: Vivek Anand Approved by: S K Sharma
Designation JE/Carriage SSE/Carriage Director/Carriage
Ref: CG-WI-4.2.1-1 Ver.1.0 Page 8 of 10 Date of issue: July, 2020 Spec. No.: C-K209 (Rev.1)
The distributor valve with Relay Valve including adapter with isolating cock and pipe bracket with
control reservoir shall be given suitable anti-corrosive treatment and the exterior excluding the
flange faces shall be painted with black enamel paint.
The manufacturer shall ensure that all-external ports of distributor valve and pipe bracket shall be
suitably covered with protector caps and the complete assembly shall be adequately packed before
dispatch to prevent damage in handling and storage.
Name & Prepared by: D Kulshrestha Checked by: Vivek Anand Approved by: S K Sharma
Designation JE/Carriage SSE/Carriage Director/Carriage
Ref: CG-WI-4.2.1-1 Ver.1.0 Page 9 of 10 Date of issue: July, 2020 Spec. No.: C-K209 (Rev.1)
Scheme for Conducting Endurance Test on Distributor Valve
The endurance test shall be conducted at the rate of 6-10 cycle per minute and the procedure to be
followed for conducting endurance test on Distributor Valve to check the performance of distributor
valve and rubber items are given below. It shall be ensured by inspecting authority during the
endurance testing that the BC pressure gauge of endurance testing machine is registering 3.8 + 0.1
Kg/cm2 in each brake application and not more than 1.0 Kg/cm2 pressure in each brake release.
1. The Inspecting authority shall select two DV’s out of a lot of not less than 20 DV for endurance test
and must put an identification mark on the DV.
2. Tests these DV one by one in the DV test rig and check all the parameters indicated below and
record the values.
1. Charging time for AR.
2. Charging time for CR.
3. Full service application time.
4. Release time after full service application.
5. Max. Brake Cylinder pressure after full service.
6. Protection against overcharging of CR.
7. Sensitivity.
8. Insensitivity.
9. Graduated application.
10. Pressure tightness in brake released & applied condition.
11. Graduated release
12. Refeeding test.
3. The DV and the counter of the testing machine shall be properly sealed to prevent any tampering
during the course of testing. DV shall not be displaced or attended without permission of Jt.Director
(I&L) and as per procedure of this scheme.
4. Conduct endurance test under accelerated condition upto 1 lakh brake applications and release.
5. After 1 lakh brake application and release the DV shall be removed from the testing machine in the
presence of authorized representative of Inspecting Authority and all the tests indicated at para 2
above shall be conducted on the DV test rig.
6. If there is no significant variation in the values of test conducted with the values at the start of
endurance test, the DV shall be again fitted back on the endurance test machine and the test
continued upto 5 lakh of brake applications and release. If major variation is found, the DV shall be
examined in detail and reasons for variation recorded. The test will end at this point if defects are
due to failure of rubber components. Otherwise the DV shall be repaired and again put up on next
stage of test.
Name & Prepared by: D Kulshrestha Checked by: Vivek Anand Approved by: S K Sharma
Designation JE/Carriage SSE/Carriage Director/Carriage
Ref: CG-WI-4.2.1-1 Ver.1.0 Page 10 of 10 Date of issue: July, 2020 Spec. No.: C-K209 (Rev.1)
7. After 5 lakh of brake application and release, remove the DV from the testing machine in the
presence of authorized representative of Inspecting authority and conduct all the test indicated at
para 2 above on the DV test rig.
If major variation is found, the DV shall be examined in details and reasons recorded. The test will
end at this point if defects are due to failure of rubber components. Otherwise repair the DV and
again put up on next stage of test.
8. If there are no significant variations in the values of test conducted now with the initial test values,
the DV shall be fitted back to the endurance test machine and the test continued upto 10 lakh brake
applications and release.
9. After 10 lakh brake applications and release, the DV shall be removed in the presence of authorized
representative of Inspecting Authority and all tests indicated at para 2 above will be carried out on
the DV test rig and values recorded. There shall be no significant variation of the value obtained
now from the initial test values. Similarly, second DV shall be tested for endurance.
10. Both the DV’s shall then be dismantled in the presence of authorized representative of the
Inspecting Authority and the rubber components examined. If there are no damages, the
components and DV can be considered to have passed the endurance test by Jt. Director (I&L). The
position shall be advised to RDSO, Lucknow.
11. In case during the course of the test the DV becomes defective, the matter should be referred to the
Inspecting authority. The DV shall be removed in the presence of Inspecting Authority
representative and dismantled. Items found defective shall be identified. If the failure has been on
account other than failure of rubber components the fault may be rectified and the test can be
continued till 10 lakh brake applications and release are completed as explained above after the DV
is properly sealed.
Name & Prepared by: D Kulshrestha Checked by: Vivek Anand Approved by: S K Sharma
Designation JE/Carriage SSE/Carriage Director/Carriage