الرسالة 111
الرسالة 111
الرسالة 111
Contents Page
Abstract 4
Keywords 5
Chapter One 8
1.10 Hypotheses 16
Literature Review 20
3.1 Introduction 23
3.3 Setting and Respondents 25
3.6 Procedure 47
Chapter four: 60
4.1Study variables
4.2Statistical processing: 62
5.1 Introduction 69
References 77
Exploration of the Relationship between personality and Internet
self-efficacy for Pre-service English as a foreign language teachers
using online searching strategies
This study aims to look into the Relationship between personality and
Internet self-efficacy for Pre-service English as a foreign language
teachers using online searching strategies. The researcher used the Big
Five factors of personality (Extraversion, Agreeableness,
Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Intellect/Imagination (or Openness).
Data were gathered through questionnaires administered to 84 pre-service
education teachers .The participants in the current study are fourth-year
English majors from Kirkuk University's College of Education for
Humanities. 84 people took part in the study as respondents, 52 of them
were women and 32 of whom were men. All of the respondents are in
their fourth academic year, and 11.9% have less than 11 years' worth of
experience, 40.5% have between 11 and 12 years' worth, and 47.6% have
more than 13 years. The results revealed that extroversion (E) had an
important relationship with all three sub-measures as well as overall
teaching effectiveness. The researcher collected data through the
questionnaire, and the SPSS statistician program was used to analyze that
data, as this research is quantitative research Sensing was negatively
correlated with student engagement, while judgment was positively
correlated with classroom management effectiveness. More research
needs to be done on the inverse relationship between sensing and
effectiveness in student engagement.
Chapter One
This study attempts to investigate the relationship between pre-service
teachers' internet-efficacy and their personalities. In order to achieve this
purpose, the researcher has to develop a measuring tool that can
investigate the personality aspects in addition to the internet-efficacy
aspects in order to discover the relationship and correlation between such
aspects for Pre-service English as a foreign language teachers. For this
purpose, the researcher will develop a questionnaire that can explore the
personality aspects of the participants in addition to their internet self-
efficacy aspects in order to attempt to investigate the relationship and
correlation between such aspects.
The researcher will use the Big Five factors of personality (Extraversion,
Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and
Intellect/Imagination (or Openness) for the exploration of personality
aspects of participants (Donnellan, Oswald, Baird, & Lucas, 2006). These
five factors are considered 'the dominant model of personality structure'
in psychology (Donnellan, Oswald, Baird, & Lucas, 2006, p. 192). In this
study, the researcher will use the short assessment instrument as
developed by Donnellan, Oswald, Baird, & Lucas (2006) for the
assessment of personality based on the Big Five factors of personality as
stated above avoiding the long large questionnaires in order to ensure
reliability and validity. Using already developed tool for measurement of
personality traits will help in avoiding errors in the short form
questionnaires that may affect the reliability and validity of such tool.
Big Five traits and it is a 'psychometrically acceptable and practically
useful short measure of the Big Five Factors of personality' (Donnellan,
Oswald, Baird, & Lucas, 2006, p. 192)
In the way for the exploration of the factors that are significant and have
impacts on internet self-efficacy in general, there are many previous
studies and researches that investigated these factors for the purpose of
the exploration and investigation of these factor playing important roles
in internet self-efficacy. According to Eastin & LaRose (2000), internet
self-efficacy is considered an important factor that is correlated positively
to prior internet experience, outcome experiences and internet use and
negatively to internet stress and self-disagreement. This factor is always
studied in various studies using questionnaires in order to assess the
internet self-efficacy of any person (Chuang, Lin, & Tsai, 2015). Many
researchers tried generally to explore and assess internet self-efficacy. For
example, Torkzadeh & van Dyke (2001) studied internet self-efficacy
using three factors, surfing/browsing, and encryption/decryption and
system manipulation. Other studies investigated only particular kinds of
internet self-efficacy such as Shang, Chen and Hung (2008) who studied
blog self-efficacy and Davis & Lang (2012) who studied self-efficacy of
game usage.
In this study, the researcher, in developing the measuring tool part related
to internet self-efficacy, will use such instrument developed by Chuang,
Lin, & Tsai, (2015) for the investigation of the person's internet self-
efficacy from various aspects, including but not limited to verification,
metacognition and application.
1.3 Research Questions:
1-What are the personality traits that affect positively the internet self-
efficacy of pre-service teachers of English as a foreign language using
online searching strategies?
2-What are the personality traits that affect negatively the internet self-
efficacy of pre-service teachers of English as a foreign language using
online searching strategies?
After the introduction of technology in Education, especially in English
curriculum, and the use of internet in every aspect of life, especially in
Education, it has become important to consider technology and internet in
every side of education process, starting from the development of
curriculum and to the preparation of education college students on the use
of technology and internet in the teaching process. For this reason, there
is always a need to assess the teacher's ability in utilizing and using
technology and internet in the education and teaching process.
judgments found to be correlated positively with it. Eastin & LaRose
(2000) considers that the self-efficacy is not intended for the
measurement of the skill of the person, but it considers such person's
belief in what he/she can do with the skills he/she owns. Therefore,
personality aspects are one of the aspects to be considered for the
assessment of self-efficacy, giving significance and a need to the
investigation of such relationship between the personality traits and the
self-efficacy of the person.
The result of this study will depend on the searching strategies and
searching skills. There are a number of studies that used searching skills
and tasks to investigate the learning outcomes in the internet-based
context considering searching the most commonly used activity on the
internet, therefore, it is important to examine that and the influence on the
internet self-efficacy
The researcher will use the Big Five factors of personality (Extraversion,
Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and
Intellect/Imagination (or Openness) for the exploration of personality
aspects of participants, and will add to the research tool, the
questionnaire, the instrument developed by Chuang, Lin, & Tsai, (2015)
for the investigation of the person's internet self-efficacy from various
aspects, including but not limited to verification, metacognition and
application. Through this research tool and the analysis of responses of
the participants and the study community, the researcher will such
personality traits having impacts on internet self-efficacy of pre-service
teachers of English as a foreign language using online searching
relationship between the study variables. In light of these results, the
researcher will provide some recommendations and suggestions, either
for the development of the training and preparation courses for the pre-
service teachers of English as a foreign language and for the future
additional research and studies.
The current study incorporated some limitations that could be mentioned
as follows:
1.10 Hypotheses
The researcher defines it procedurally as the belief of any person of his
ability to perform a specific task regardless of his/her actual mastery of
the method of doing such task.
Chapter Two
combining them together for the purpose of developing the correct
methodology and approach that can help achieving the purpose of the
study. These three elements are the personality taxonomy, the elements or
factors of self-efficacy in general and internet self-efficacy in particular,
and the online searching strategies and skills, in order to link them
together in a way that enable us to achieve the objective of the current
Personality Taxonomy
There are various psychologists who use the natural language as a source
of attributes that can be used for scientific taxonomy of the personality.
They always depend on the lexical approach beginning with the
extraction of all personality-related terms from the dictionaries. They
assume that the personality characteristics are encoded in the natural
language. Accordingly, the personality vocabulary in the dictionaries of
language can give a set of attributes for the personality. Therefore, they
used the language for their personality taxonomy purposes. Baumgarten's
(1933) and Allport and Odbert (1936) are examples of the studies that
used the personality-relevant terms for their studies related to personality.
They included all the terms that could be used to “distinguish the
behavior of one human being from that of another. Their complete list
amounted to almost 18,000 terms (Oliver & Sanjay, 1999).
In the discovery of the Big Five factors in Personality trait ratings, Cattel
(1943) used the list of Allport and Odbert for multidimensional model of
personality structure, and his work stimulated other scholars and
researchers to examine the dimensional structure of trait ratings. In
general, there are various scholars and researchers who contributed in the
discovery and the clarification of the Big Five dimensions, starting from
Fiske (1949) who used Cattel (19430 variables who constructed much
simplified descriptions. Norman (1963) replicated this five factor
structure followed by Borgatta (1964) and Takemoto-Chock (1981).
These five factors were initially labelled to include:
5. Culture (intellectual, polished, independent-minded). These factors
eventually became known as the "Big Five", including five factors that
summarize a large number of distinct and more specific personality
characteristics. One of the advantages of the Big Five taxonomy is its
representation of various and diverse systems of personality description
in a common framework (Oliver & Sanjay, 1999).
There are various personality measures that depend on the Big Five, and
there are several developed measures that are short, including but not
limited to the 60-item NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI; Costa &
McCrae, 1992), the 50-item International Personality Item Pool – Five
Factor Model (IPIP-FFM; Goldberg, 1999), the 44-item Big Five
Inventory (BFI; John & Srivastava, 1999) and the 40-item Big Five Mini-
Markers (Saucier, 1994). However they may still be too long, particularly
in studies where participants will be completing a considerable number of
items or whenever use of participants’ time must be very brief.
The exercise of control, 1997). It is the state that consider the confidence
of the person in his capabilities to control something, in a way that
influence all manner of human experience, including the goals for which
people strive, the amount of energy expended toward goal achievement,
and likelihood of attaining particular levels of behavioral performance
(American Psychological Association, 2020).
Internet Self-Efficacy
examination of his/her confidence in the general skills or knowledge of
operating the internet functions or application (Tsai, Chuang, Liang, &
Tsai, 2011).
One of the other sources that Chuang, Lin, & Tsai (2015) considered is
the vicarious experience that is the direct experience and it is defined as
the experience that the persons acquires through the observation of other
competent persons successfully perform a specific task. This can support
the assumption that the model plays an important role in the person's
vicarious experience, especially in the internet environment.
It is also assumed that the verbal persuasion in the internet environment
cannot be considered in the form of verbal communication only, but it
also includes text-based, graphic-based or video-based.
of millions of users and computers around the world in the way that any
use may access to other information on other computer in the world and
the information stored on it. Therefore, it may be described as the tool
that connect the various types of computers in a way that a computer on
the Internet can communicate and share information with other computers
in the network of networks, even though there may be no direct physical
connection between them. It can be said that Internet is a system
architecture that has revolutionized communications and method of
commerce by allowing various computer networks around the world to
interconnect Internets, sometimes referred to as network of networks.
Regardless of the various definitions of the internet, they all share the
idea that the internet is a worldwide network can be accessed from any
place of the world (Eke & Omekwu, 2014).
Currently, and with the increase of interest in using internet in all aspects
of the life, especially in the education and learning process, it becomes
clear that the teacher in the education and learning process should have
the ability to find, evaluate and use information that is constantly
changing. It is assumed that in order to provide students with an adequate
education, it is necessary to address these changes in the society through
the education process. In addition, with the ongoing changes in the way
information is accessed, it becomes clear that ability is not enough for
teachers, but there are some other important issues above the level of
ability that shall be considered in that, including the self-efficacy of the
teacher (Eke & Omekwu, 2014)
become the state of the art. This is so considering the strategic importance
of Internet in information retrieval. However, Brown (1999) stated that
most valuable skill of the twenty first century is the information
navigation. It is related to the navigation of the information stored on the
internet to find the most accurate and reliable information. For this
reason, there are many studies now exploring and investigating such skill.
The ability of reaching to the needed information may be considered the
most critical as what we do on the internet depends on our ability to
search for specific information (Eke & Omekwu, 2014).
3.1 Introduction
This study aims to investigate the relationship between pre-service
teachers' internet-efficacy and their personalities. In order to achieve this
purpose, the researcher has to develop a measuring tool that can
investigate the personality aspects in addition to the internet-efficacy
aspects in order to discover the relationship and correlation between such
aspects for Pre-service English as foreign language teachers.
2-What are the personality traits that affect positively the internet self-
efficacy of pre-service teachers of English as a foreign language using
online searching strategies?
3- What are the personality traits that affect negatively the internet self-
efficacy of pre-service teachers of English as a foreign language using
online searching strategies?
variables: The independent variables are (Extraversion, Agreeableness,
Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, Intellect/Imaginate)
Personality Dimension
Reliability Statistics
Reliability Statistics
.799 .799 20
.980 .981 40
N %
Cases Valid 84 84
Excluded 16 16
Reliability Statistics
.966 .967 60
Item-Total Statistics
P1_EX 200.617 1316.37 .654 . .965
0 2
3 2
IN_USE4 200.957 1303.56 .757 . .965
4 3
IN_COMM 200.276 1309.90 .776 . .965
1 6 0
3 6
IN_LEA2 200.638 1295.36 .829 . .965
3 6
related to internet self-efficiency. Regarding the exploration of
personality traits, the researcher will use the Big Five factors of
personality (Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness,
Neuroticism, and Intellect/Imagination (or openness) for the exploration
of personality aspects of participants (Donnellan, Oswald, Baird, &
Lucas, 2006). Furthermore, the researcher, in developing the measuring
tool part related to internet self-efficacy, will use such instrument
developed by Chuang, Lin, & Tsai, (2015) for the investigation of the
person's internet self-efficacy from various aspects, including usage,
sharing, communication, verification, metacognition, application in
addition to learning.
The questionnaire is divided into parts. The first part of the questionnaire
consists of five elements, which are the time of responding to the
questionnaire questions, the gender of the respondent, the age of the
respondent, the education level of the respondent and the number of years
of learning or practicing English.
The next part of the questionnaire includes the questions related to the
exploration of the personality traits. This part includes twenty sentences
all of them explore the aspects of personality. The respondent in order to
respond to each of them has five responses ranging between "I strongly
disagree" and "I strongly agree". The sentences of this part include:
6. Don’t talk a lot.
In the next part of the questionnaire, there are eight sentences exploring
the internet self-efficiency of the respondents, and it includes the
following sentences:
Whenever I encounter any problem online, I can fix it myself
I know how to use all kinds of websites to help myself get online
Although the website on the smartphone version may look different from
the one on the computer, I know how to get the information via the
I know how to distinguish the things I can solve online from those I can't
In the next part of the questionnaire, there are other six sentences
exploring the aspect of information sharing of the respondents, including
the following sentences:
I know how to contact my online friends
In the next part, there are eight sentences related to the skill of
verification of information, including the following sentences:
In the next part, there are other six sentences related to metacognition,
including the following sentences:
I know how to distinguish information that I already know on the Internet
I know how to use the internet to buy daily necessities like books and
I know how to use the Internet to manage electronic spaces, such as blogs
and social media sites
Finally, and in the last part, there are four sentences related to using
internet for learning:
I know how to use online resources to fix the problem I'm having
I know how to use the internet to learn any subject that interests me
SN Demographic Gender
Educational level
years of practice
Intellect/Imagination Have difficulty understanding abstract
ideas. (R)
2 Use I know how to use the Internet to
browse information
Inte others on the Internet
I know how to provide the information
I know in]
effi I know how to start an issue for others
5 Verification I know how to judge the correctness of
information on the Internet
online behavior
fix the problem I'm having
3.6 Procedure
Each one of these five dimensions has four questions in the questionnaire
as indicated in table (2) above.
The questionnaire consisted of a demographic section, and other two
main sections: The participants' personality which consisted of 20 items,
namely (1, 2, 3… 20), and internet self-efficacy scales which
incorporated 40 items, namely (21 31, 32… 60).
The data were interned into SPSS version 25 for the arrangement of the
data and analyzing them later after responding to the questions of the
questionnaire by the respondents. After entering the data, the responses
of the questionnaire were encoded first as follows:
5 4 3 2 1
Then, all responses of respondents have been entered with these codes
into SPSS in order to analyze them as stated in the following parts. But
before starting analyzing, the researcher checked the negative parameters
and reversed their encoding. These questions in the personality
parameters are:
8. Am not really interested in others. (R)
1 2 3 4 5
After collecting the data, and the necessary information about the
variables of the study, it was coded and entered into the computer to
extract the statistical results, where the software for the statistical
packages for social sciences (SPSS) was used to process the data obtained
through the field study from the members of the study sample, and
specifically the researcher He used the following statistical methods to
answer the study questions and test its hypotheses:
Descriptive statistics: to describe the characteristics of the study sample
and to indicate the extent to which it represents the characteristics of the
community from which it was drawn
Stepwise multiple regression analysis to test the effect between the study
variables.Then, the researcher started the analyzing process and
extracting results as indicated in the following chapters of the study.
Chapter four
Study variables:
Statistical processing:
After collecting the data, and the necessary information about the
variables of the study, it was coded and entered into the computer to
extract the statistical results, where the software for the statistical
packages for social sciences (SPSS) was used to process the data obtained
through the field study from the members of the study sample, and
specifically the researcher He used the following statistical methods to
answer the study questions and test its hypotheses:
The validity of the internal consistency through (Pearson correlation
coefficient): It indicates the strength of the correlation of each of the
dimension statements with the dimension as a whole.
Stepwise multiple regression analysis to test the effect between the study
Male 32 38.1
Female 52 61.9
Total 84 100%
Table (1) shows that the study sample members were distributed
according to the gender variable as follows: (38.1%) for males and
(61.9%) for females. We conclude from this that most of the students of
the English Language Department at the College of Education are
Table (2) Distribution of the study sample members according to the age
22 years 11 13
23 years 8 9.5
24 years 47 55.9
Total 84 100%
22 years 23 years 24 years More than 25
21.4% 13%
Table (2) shows that the study sample members were distributed
according to the age variable as follows: (13%) for 22 years, (9.5%) for
23 years, (55.9%) for 24years, and (21.4%) for more than 25 years
Table (3) shows that the study sample members were distributed
according to the variable of the fourth stage of study, and it was 84 of the
sample with a percentage of 100
Age Frequencies Percentage
Total 84 100%
Table (4) shows that the study sample individuals were distributed
according to the variable years of practice as follows: (11.9%) for less
than 11years, (40.5%) from 11 to 12 years, (47.6%) for more than
13years. We conclude that most of the sample members have many years
of practice
independent and dependent study variables, and the items constituting
each variable, were taken into account (Likert-type scale) used in the
study was graded as follows:
5 4 3 2 1
Table (4) mean, and standard deviations of the responses of the study
sample members to the Diminution Extraversion:
Table (4) shows the mean and standard deviations of the responses of the
study individuals about the dimension (extraversion), where the item (I
am the life of the party) ranked first with a mean (4.2738) and a standard
deviation (0.70028), which is of the high rating, and the item came in last
place (talk to a lot of different people at parties) with an average (4.0476)
and a standard deviation of (0.90387), which is of the high rating
As it can be seen from the previous table that the overall mean of the
dimension (extraversion) was (4.1488) which corresponds to the high
Table (5) mean, and standard deviations of the responses of the study
sample members to the Diminution Agreeableness:
Table (5) shows the mean and standard deviations of the responses of the
study individuals about the dimension (Agreeableness), where the item
(Sympathize with others’ feelings) ranked first with a mean (4.2619) and
a standard deviation (0.69627), which is of the high rating, and the item
came in last place (Am not interested in other people’s problems) with an
average (4.0476) and a standard deviation of (0.84888), which is of the
high rating.
As it can be seen from the previous table that the overall mean of the
dimension (Agreeableness) was (4.1310) which corresponds to the high
Table (6) mean, and standard deviations of the responses of the study
sample members to the Diminution Conscientiousness:
Table (6) shows the mean and standard deviations of the responses of the
study individuals about the dimension (Conscientiousness), where the
item (Make a mess of things) ranked first with a mean (4.2262) and a
standard deviation (0.76601), which is of the high rating, and the item
came in last place (Like order) with an average (4.1429) and a standard
deviation of (0.86627), which is of the high rating.
As it can be seen from the previous table that the overall mean of the
dimension (Conscientiousness) was (4.1786) which corresponds to the
high rating.
Table (7) mean, and standard deviations of the responses of the study
sample members to the Diminution Neuroticism:
Get upset easily 4.1667 0.75782 high
Table (7) shows the mean and standard deviations of the responses of the
study individuals about the dimension (Neuroticism), where the item
(Seldom feel blue) ranked first with a mean (4.1905) and a standard
deviation (0.81368), which is of the high rating, and the item came in last
place (Have frequent mood swings) with an average (4.0476) and a
standard deviation of (0.86296), which is of the high rating.
As it can be seen from the previous table that the overall mean of the
dimension (Neuroticism) was (4.1399) which corresponds to the high
Table (8) mean, and standard deviations of the responses of the study
sample members to the Diminution Imagination:
Table (8) shows the mean and standard deviations of the responses of the
study individuals about the dimension (Imagination), where the item
(Have a vivid imagination) ranked first with a mean (4.1905) and a
standard deviation (0.85695), which is of the high rating, and the item
came in last place (Have difficulty understanding abstract ideas) with an
average (4.0952) and a standard deviation of (0.83043), which is of the
high rating.
As it can be seen from the previous table that the overall mean of the
dimension (Imagination) was (4.1488) which corresponds to the high
Table (9) shows that the means of the independent variables ranged
between (4.1310, 4.1786), where (the conscience) got the highest mean
which is (4.1786), while the (Agreeableness) have the lowest mean
Table (10) mean, and standard deviations of the responses of the study
sample members to the Diminution Use:
Although my computer is
different, I know how to connect 4.0833 0.82445 high
it to the Internet
Table (10) shows the mean and standard deviations of the responses of
the study individuals about the dimension (Use), where the item (I know
how to use the Internet to browse information) ranked first with a mean
(4.2024) and a standard deviation (0.65454) which is of the high rating,
and the item came in last place (Although it may seem difficult to operate
the functions provided on the website, I am learning how to use them in
no time) with an average (4.0733) and a standard deviation of (0.71487),
which is of the high rating.
As it can be seen from the previous table that the overall mean of the
dimension (Use) was (4.1324) which corresponds to the high rating.
Table (11) mean, and standard deviations of the responses of the study
sample members to the Diminution Sharing:
Table (11) shows the mean and standard deviations of the responses of
the study individuals about the dimension (Sharing), where the item (I
know how to have a discussion about a particular issue with others on the
Internet) ranked first with a mean (4.2838) and a standard deviation
(0.68286) which is of the high rating, and the item came in last place (I
know how to start an issue for others to discuss online) with an average
(4.1429) and a standard deviation of (0.67917) which is of the high
As it can be seen from the previous table that the overall mean of the
dimension (Sharing) was (4.2202) which corresponds to the high rating.
Table (12) mean, and standard deviations of the responses of the study
sample members to the Diminution Communication:
Table (12) shows the mean and standard deviations of the responses of
the study individuals about the dimension (Communication), where the
item (I know how to ask others for help on the Internet) ranked first with
a mean (4.2857) and a standard deviation (0.76947) which is of the high
rating, and the item came in last place (I know how to manage my online
friendship) with an average (4.1429) and a standard deviation of
(0.74677) which is of the high rating.
As it can be seen from the previous table that the overall mean of the
dimension (Communication) was (4.1964) which corresponds to the high
Table (13) mean, and standard deviations of the responses of the study
sample members to the Diminution Verification:
correctness on my own
Table (13) shows the mean and standard deviations of the responses of
the study individuals about the dimension (Verification), where the item
(I know how to judge whether information is needed on the Internet)
ranked first with a mean (4.2738) and a standard deviation (0.66498)
which is of the high rating, and the item came in last place (I know how
to judge the correctness of information others provide on the Internet)
with an average (4.1190) and a standard deviation of (0.62873) which is
of the high rating.
As it can be seen from the previous table that the overall mean of the
dimension (Verification) was (4.1994) which corresponds to the high
Table (14) mean, and standard deviations of the responses of the study
sample members to the Diminution Metacognition:
I understand the consequences
4.2738 0.62770 high
of my online behavior
Table (14) shows the mean and standard deviations of the responses of
the study individuals about the dimension (Metacognition), where the
item (When I am sure of what I am looking for on the Internet, I can think
of different ways to achieve my goal, and think of different ways to
achieve my goal) ranked first with a mean (4.2976) and a standard
deviation (0.74088) which is of the high rating, and the item came in last
place (I know how to elicit unnecessary information on the Internet) with
an average (4.1071) and a standard deviation of (0.77643) which is of the
high rating.
As it can be seen from the previous table that the overall mean of the
dimension (Metacognition) was (4.2262) which corresponds to the high
Table (15) mean, and standard deviations of the responses of the study
sample members to the Diminution Application:
Table (15) shows the mean and standard deviations of the responses of
the study individuals about the dimension (Application), where the item
(I know how to use the Internet to manage electronic spaces, such as
blogs and social media sites) ranked first with a mean (4.2381) and a
standard deviation (0.83043) which is of the high rating, and the item
came in last place (I know how to use the internet to buy daily necessities
like books and clothes) with an average (4.1429) and a standard deviation
of (0.73045) which is of the high rating.
As it can be seen from the previous table that the overall mean of the
dimension (Application) was (4.1905) which corresponds to the high
Table (16) mean, and standard deviations of the responses of the study
sample members to the Diminution Learning:
Table (16) shows the mean and standard deviations of the responses of
the study individuals about the dimension (Learning), where the item (I
know how to use online resources to fix the problem I'm having) ranked
first with a mean (4.2976) and a standard deviation (0.75697) which is of
the high rating, and the item came in last place (I know how to use the
internet to make my studies more efficient) with an average (4.0714) and
a standard deviation of (0.86121) which is of the high rating.
As it can be seen from the previous table that the overall mean of the
dimension (Learning) was (4.1915) which corresponds to the high rating.
Table (17) shows that the means of the dependent variables ranged
between (4.1324, 4.2262), where (Metacognition) got the highest mean
which is (4.2262), while the (use) have the lowest mean (4.1324)
And to answer the second and third questions about the knowledge of
personality traits that affect self-efficacy positively or negatively, we
conducted a study Stepwise multiple regression analysis to test the effect
between the study variables
Pearson Correlation
Internet-self 0.687** 0.668** 0.690** 0.670** 0.705**
R R² Adjusted R² F Sig
0.726 0.528 0.516 45.269 0.000
Model t Sig
B Std. Error
2.322 1.014 2.291 0.025
Table (18) shows the explanatory and predictive ability For personality
traits (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism,
thought/imagination) in Internet self-efficacy is (0.516) depending on the
adjusted R² value, the remainder of the variance in the dependent variable
is due to other factors outside the scope of the study, and it is also clear
that the value of the F statistic (45.269) with a statistical significance
level less than (0.05), which indicates a statistical significance.
We conclude that the effect relationship between personality traits and the
self-efficacy of the Internet is statistically significant
It is clear from the table (18) and by following the T-test values of the
independent variables (Imaginate, Conscientiousness) has a statistically
significant effect on Internet self-efficacy, and the calculated T value was
(2.982, 2.291) respectively with a statistical significance level less than
While the variables (Extraversion, Acceptance, Neuroticism) were
excluded for them not of significance
We conclude that the more (Imaginate) by one unit the greater the
(Internet self-efficacy) by 2.712 and the more (Conscientiousness) by one
unit the greater the (Internet self-efficacy) by 2.322
5. Chapter Five
5.1 Introduction
Humanities. 84 people took part in the study as respondents, 52 of them
were women and 32 of whom were men. All of the respondents are in
their fourth academic year, and 11.9% have less than 11 years' worth of
experience, 40.5% have between 11 and 12 years' worth, and 47.6% have
more than 13 years.
2-What are the personality traits that affect positively the internet self-
efficacy of pre-service teachers of English as a foreign language using
online searching strategies?
3- What are the personality traits that affect negatively the internet self-
efficacy of pre-service teachers of English as a foreign language using
online searching strategies?
party, among other phrases in this section? \ r2. Be understanding to
others' emotions. Do your chores immediately away. In the first part of
the questionnaire, there are eight sentences related to the skill of
verification of information, including the following sentences:. I know
how to judge the correctness of information on the Internet. The
respondent also in order to respond to each of these questions, has five
responses ranging between I strongly disagree and 'I strongly agree.
Examine the sentences related to metacognition, which include the
computer to extract the statistical results. The software for the statistical
packages for social sciences (SPSS) was used to process the data obtained
through the field study. The researcher used the following statistical
methods to answer the study questions and test its hypotheses. After
collecting the data, and the necessary information about the variables of
the study, it was coded and entered into the computer to extract the
statistical results. The software for the statistical packages for social
sciences (SPSS) was used to process the data obtained through the field
study from the members of the community. The population of this study
consists of students from Kirkuk University, College of Education for
Humanities, English department, and fourth stage. The number of
respondents in this study is 84 respondents, 52 of them are female and 32
of them are male students. Table (1) showed that the study sample
members were distributed according to the gender variable as follows:
(38.1%) for males and (61.9%) for females. We conclude from this that
most of the students of the English Language Department at the College
of Education are females. According to the age variable, the study sample
members were distributed as follows, as shown in Table 2: (21.4%) for
more than 25 years, (13%) for 22 years, (9.5%) for 23 years, (55.9%) for
24 years. Table (3) showed that the study sample members were
distributed according to the variable of the fourth stage of study, and it
was 84 of the sample with a percentage of 100. Table (4) showed that the
study sample individuals were distributed according to the variable years
of practice as follows: (11.9%) for less than 11years, (40.5%) from 11 to
12 years, (47.6%) for more than 13years. We conclude that most of the
sample members have many years of practice. The results of the
descriptive statistical analysis of the data, which include the arithmetic
averages and standard deviations of all the independent and dependent
study variables, and the items constituting each variable, were taken into
account (Likert-type scale). Table (4) showed the mean and standard
deviations of the responses of the study individuals about the dimension
(extraversion). The item (I am the life of the party) ranked first with a
mean (4.2738) and a standard deviation (0.70028), which is of the high
rating, and the item (talk to a lot of different people at parties) came in
last place. The mean and standard deviations of the study participants'
responses to the dimension are displayed in Table (5). (Agreeableness).
The first-placed item, "Sympathize with others' feelings," had a high
rating with a mean score of 4.261 and a standard deviation of 0.69627.
The last-placed item, "Am not interested in other people's issues,"
received a poor rating with an average of 4.0476 and a standard deviation
of 0.84888. The results of the study participants' responses are shown in
Table (6), with the item (Make a mess of things) ranking first with a
mean (4.2262) and a standard deviation (0.76601), both of which are of a
high rating, and the item (Like order) coming in last with an average
(4.1429) and a standard deviation of (0.86627), also of a high rating.
From table6, it is clear that the dimension's overall mean
(Conscientiousness) was (4.1786), which is a high grade. Table (7)
displayed the mean and standard deviations of the responses made by the
study participants regarding the dimension (Neuroticism), with the item
(Seldom feel blue) ranking first and the item (Have frequent mood
swings) coming in last with averages of (4.0476) and (0.86296), both of
which are highly rated.
As can be seen from the previous table, the dimension's overall mean
(Neuroticism) was 4.1399, which is a high grade. Have a vivid
imagination came in first with a mean (4.1905) and a standard deviation
(0.85695), which is of the high rating, and have difficulty understanding
abstract ideas came in last with an average (4.0952) and a standard
deviation of (0.83043), which is of the high rating. Table (8) showed the
mean and standard deviations of the responses of the study participants
about the dimension (Imagination).The total mean of the dimension
(Imagination) was (4.1488), as shown in the preceding table, and this
value corresponds to a high ranking. Table (9) showed that the means of
the independent variables ranged between (4.1310, 4.1786), where (the
conscience) got the highest mean which is (4.1786), while the
(Agreeableness) have the lowest mean (4.1310). I know how to use the
Internet to browse information, which ranked first with a mean of 4.2204
and a standard deviation of 0.65454 that is of the high rating, and the item
that came in last place, "Although it may seem difficult to operate the
functions provided on the website, I am learning how to use them in no
time," which had an average of 4.0733 and a standard deviation of
The previous table showed that the dimension's overall mean (Use),
which equates to a high ranking, was 4.1324. I know how to have a
discussion about a specific issue with others on the Internet ranked first
with a mean (4.2838) and a standard deviation (0.68286), which is of the
high rating, and the item came in last place (I know how to start an issue
for others to discuss online) with an average (4.1429) and a standard
deviation of (0.6791). Table (11) showed the mean and standard
deviations of the responses of the study participants about the dimension
As can be seen from the previous table, the dimension's overall mean
(Sharing) was (4.2202), which is a high ranking. Table (12) displayed the
mean and standard deviations of responses from study participants
regarding the communication dimension. The item "I know how to ask
others for help on the Internet" came in first with a mean of "4.2857" and
a standard deviation of "0.76947," both of which are of a high rating, and
the item "I know how to manage my online friendship" came in last with
an average of "4.142" and a standard deviation of "0.74677," also of a
high rating.
positive correlation and statistical significance at the 0.01 significance
level between all dimensions of personality traits (extraversion,
agreement, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and thought/imagination) and
the dependent variable (internet self-efficacy). Table (17) showed the
study Stepwise multiple regression analysis to test the effect between the
study variables. Table (18) showed the explanatory and predictive ability
For personality traits (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness,
neuroticism, thought/imagination) in Internet self-efficacy. The more
(Extraversion, Acceptance, Neuroticism) was excluded for them not of
significance, we derive the regression equation. We conclude that the
effect relationship between personality traits and the self-efficiency of the
Internet is statistically significant.
Several inferences can be made in light of the facts given and the
objectives that drove this investigation. The reader is advised that these
findings only apply to the teachers who took part in the study. The first
objective was to explore the extent of the impact of the personality on the
internet self-efficacy of the pre-service teachers of English as a foreign
Sensing was adversely correlated with student engagement, while judging
was positively correlated with classroom management effectiveness.
According to theory, context factors (student teacher traits) and predictor
variables (teacher attributes) interact to influence product variables, such
as a good student teaching experience. According to experts at Texas
A&M University, more outgoing cooperating instructors probably foster
a better learning environment, which would improve the experience for
student teachers. Given the large proportion of sensing teachers in this
study, more research should be done on the inverse relationship between
sensing and efficacy in student involvement. This study needs to be
repeated with other cooperating teacher groups utilizing generalizable
sampling techniques.
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