Iso 2859 2 2020
Iso 2859 2 2020
Iso 2859 2 2020
Second edition
ISO 2859-2:2020
Reference number
ISO 2859-2:2020(E)
© ISO 2020
ISO 2859-2:2020(E)
Contents Page
Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions, and symbols and abbreviated terms.................................................................................. 2
3.1 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
3.2 Symbols and abbreviated terms............................................................................................................................................... 3
4 Choice of sampling plan................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
4.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
4.2 Choice of limiting quality (LQ)................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.3 Obtaining a sampling plan............................................................................................................................................................. 6
5 Acceptance and non-acceptance........................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.1 Drawing of samples.............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
5.2 Acceptance of lots.................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
5.3 Disposition of non-accepted lots.............................................................................................................................................. 7
5.4 Accepted lots with one or more nonconforming units or nonconformities....................................... 7
5.5 Resubmitted lots..................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
6 Sampling for nonconformities................................................................................................................................................................ 7
6.1 Sampling for nonconformities for lots with correlation of the nonconformities........................... 7
6.2 Sampling for nonconformities for lots without correlation of the nonconformities................... 8
General advice on sampling for nonconformities...................................................................................................... 8
7 Examples........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
7.1 Example of sampling for nonconforming items.......................................................................................................... 8
7.2 Example of sampling for nonconformities ISO 2859-2:2020 for lots with correlation......................................................... 8
7.3 Example of sampling for nonconformities for lots without correlation................................................. 9
8 Additional information about the tables..................................................................................................................................... 9
8.1 Tables 8 to 15 ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
8.2 Tables 16 and 17 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Annex A (informative) Statistical properties of single sampling plans..........................................................................37
Annex B (informative) Calculation of the statistical indices......................................................................................................40
Annex C (informative) Information on technical background of confidence intervals.................................45
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 46
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to
the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see (
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 69, Application of statistical methods,
Subcommittee SC 5, Acceptance sampling. ISO 2859-2:2020
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 2859-2:1985), which has been technically
The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:
— inclusion of a sampling plan for the number of nonconformities per item in the lot;
— extension of the range of preferred LQ values from the original range "0,5 0,8 1,25 2 3,15 5 8
12,5 20 31,5 to the new one "0,05 0,008 0,125 0,2 0,315 0,5 0,8 1,25 2 3,15 5 8 12,5
20 31,5 50 80 125 200 315 500 800 1 250 2 000 3 150";
— tables of shortest length confidence intervals for lot proportion nonconforming under confidence
levels 0,95 and 0.99;
— new technical annexes: Annex A on "Statistical properties of single sampling plans", Annex B on
"Calculation of the statistical indices" and Annex C on "Information on technical background of
confidence intervals".
A list of all parts in the ISO 2859 series can be found on the ISO website.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at
1 Scope
This document specifies an acceptance sampling system for inspection by attributes indexed by limiting
quality (LQ). The sampling system is used for lots in isolation (isolated sequences of lots, an isolated
lot, a unique lot or a short series of lots), where switching rules, such as those of ISO 2859-1, are not
applicable. Inspection levels, as provided by ISO 2859-1 to control the relative amount of inspection, are
not provided in this document. In many industrial situations, in which switching rules might be used,
they are not applied for a number of reasons, not all of which might be valid:
a) production is intermittent (not continuous);
b) production is from several different sources in varying quantities, i.e. “job lots”;
c) lots are isolated; iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW
d) (
lots are resubmitted after inspection.
The sampling plans in this document are ISO indexed by a series of specified values of limiting quality (LQ),
where the consumer’s risk (the probability of acceptance at the LQ) is usually below 0,10 (10 %), except
in some instances. 377cf1be2a8c/iso-2859-2-2020
This document is intended both for inspection for nonconforming items and for inspection for
nonconformities per 100 items.
It is intended to be used when the supplier and the consumer both regard the lot to be in isolation. That
is, the lot is unique in that it is the only one of its type produced. It can also be used when there is a
series of lots too short for switching rules to be applied.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 2859-1, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes — Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed by
acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection
ISO 3534-1, Statistics — Vocabulary and symbols — Part 1: General statistical terms and terms used in
ISO 3534-2, Statistics — Vocabulary and symbols — Part 2: Applied statistics
[SOURCE: ISO 3534‑2:2006, 4.6.2, modified — The symbol has been deleted; the original Note has been
deleted; and the new Note 1 to entry has been added.]
consumer’s risk quality iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW
quality of a lot or process which, in the acceptance sampling plan, corresponds to a specified consumer’s
risk (3.1.1)
ISO 2859-2:2020
Note 1 to entry: For the purposes of this document, the consumer's risk quality is mostly equated to the limiting
quality (LQ) (3.1.3). 377cf1be2a8c/iso-2859-2-2020
[SOURCE: ISO 3534‑2:2006, 4.6.9, modified — The symbol has been deleted; in the definition, “quality
level of a lot or process” has been replaced with “quality of a lot or process”; the original Note has been
deleted; and the new Note 1 to entry has been added.]
limiting quality
quality level, when a lot is considered in isolation, which, for the purposes of acceptance sampling
inspection, is limited to a low probability of acceptance
[SOURCE: ISO 3534‑2:2006, 4.6.13]
producer´s risk
probability of non-acceptance when the quality level has a value stated by the plan as acceptable
Note 1 to entry: For the purposes of this document, the producer's risk is approximately 0,05 (5 %), and never
exceeds 0,05 (5 %).
[SOURCE: ISO 3534‑2:2006, 4.6.4, modified — The symbol has been deleted; the original Note 1 and
Note 2 have been deleted; and the new Note 1 to entry has been added.]
producer´s risk quality
quality level of a lot or process which, in the acceptance sampling plan, corresponds to a specified
producer´s risk (3.1.4)
[SOURCE: ISO 3534‑2:2006, 4.6.10, modified — The symbol has been deleted; the original Note 1 and
Note 2 have been deleted; and the new Note 1 to entry has been added.]
Ac acceptance number
LQ limiting quality
N lot size
OC (
operating characteristic
4.1 General
The following procedures shall be followed in advance of acceptance sampling.
a) The value of the limiting quality (LQ) shall be specified in accordance with 4.2.
b) The lot size shall be determined.
The sampling plan to be used shall be found in accordance with 4.3.
By reference to Tables 1 to 4, an applicable sampling plan is identified from the lot size (N) and the
limiting quality (LQ).
With the specified lot size and the limiting quality as indexing values, the sample size n and the
acceptance number Ac are given in Tables 1 to 4.
Although the primary index to Tables 1 to 4 is the limiting quality (LQ), the producer/supplier needs
guidance on the quality level required if lots are to have a high probability of acceptance.
Table 3 (continued)
Limiting quality LQ in average number of nonconformities per 100 items
Lot size (model without correlation of the nonconformities)
50 80 125 200 315 500 800 1 250 2 000 3 150
501 to 1 200 n, Ac 32, 10 32, 18 20, 18 13, 18 8, 18 5, 18 5, 31 5, 51 5, 84 5, 141
1 201 to 3 200 n, Ac 50, 18 32, 18 20, 18 13, 18 8, 18 8, 31 8, 51 8, 84 8, 141 8, 229
3 201 to 10 000 n, Ac 50, 18 32, 18 20, 18 13, 18 13, 31 13, 51 13, 84 13, 141 13, 229 13, 374
10 001 to 35 000 n, Ac 50, 18 32, 18 20, 18 20, 31 20, 51 20, 84 20, 141 20, 229 20, 374 20, 593
35 001 to 150 000 n, Ac 50, 18 32, 18 32, 31 32, 51 32, 84 32, 242 32, 229 32, 374 32, 593 32, 959
150 001 to 500 000 n, Ac 50, 18 50, 31 50, 51 50, 84 50, 141 50, 229 50, 374 50, 593 50, 959 50, 1 524
>500 000 n, Ac 80, 31 80, 51 80, 84 80, 143 80, 231 80, 374 80, 607 80, 959 80, 1548 80, 2 455
For a product, the limiting quality has been set at 3,5 percentage nonconforming (3,5 %). This is a nonspecified
value and it shall be converted to the specified value of 3,15, since 3,5 lies in the interval of 3,15 < LQ < 5 in
Table 6.
For a product, the limiting quality has been set at 12 nonconformities per 100 items. This a nonspecified value
and it shall be converted to the specified value of 8, since 12 lies in the interval of 8 < LQ < 12,5 in Table 6.
6.1 Sampling for nonconformities for lots with correlation of the nonconformities
Nonconformities tend to cluster on particular items. This means:
— the occurrence of a nonconformity on an item increases the likelihood of finding further
nonconformities on that item;
— the total number of nonconformities in a lot is rather unevenly distributed over the items in the lots
(see example in 7.2).
For further information on the sampling distribution, see Annex A.
6.2 Sampling for nonconformities for lots without correlation of the nonconformities
Nonconformities do not cluster on particular items. This means:
— the number of nonconformities on individual items in the lot deviates from the mean number p of
nonconformities per item in the lot with an average square deviation of the order of magnitude of p
or smaller;
— the total number of nonconformities in a lot is rather evenly distributed over the items in the lot (see
example in 7.3).
For further information on the sampling distribution, see Annex A.
7 Examples
7.1 Example of sampling for nonconforming items
A consumer wishes to purchase packages of 10 screws to include in the self-assembly bookcase kits. He/
she plans to produce 5 000 kits in lots of 1 250. While he/she prefers each package to contain exactly
10 screws, he/she can tolerate a few packages with fewer screws, but does not want to risk accepting a
ISO 2859-2:2020
high percentage of nonconforming packages.
The supplier agrees to use this document with preferred value of limiting quality 3,15 (in percentage
nonconforming). For lot size 1 250, the selected sampling plan is n = 125, Ac = 1. (See Tables 1 to 4.)
The supplier offers to provide the packs needed for all 5 000 kits as a single lot. The new sampling plan
is n = 200, Ac = 3. (See Tables 1 to 4.)
By Tables 8 and 9, the consumer incurs a consumer´s risk (CR) of 0,085 7 at the LQ of 0,031 5 for lot size
N = 1 250, whereas he/she incurs a CR of 0,119 9 for lot size N = 5 000 at the same LQ.
Furthermore, Tables 8 and 9 provide the respective producer´s risk quality (PRQ) and producer´s
risk (PR). While at the LQ of 3,15 (in percentage nonconforming) and for lot size N = 1 250, the PRQ
is 0,003 13 (0,313 %) with a PR of 0,05, at the same LQ and for lot size N = 5 000, the PRQ amounts to
0,007 0 (0,7 %) with a PR of 0,05, too. That is, a feasible lot proportion nonconforming less or equal to
0,003 1 and 0,007, respectively, is rejected with a maximum probability of 5 %.
at the LQ 5 (in nonconformities per 100 items). Furthermore, Tables 13 to 15 provide a producer´s
risk quality (PRQ) of 0,000 00 (0 %) and a producer´s risk (PR) of 0,000 00, i.e., by the occurrence of
one single nonconformity in the lot the PR bound of 0,05 probability of acceptance would already be
Lot size
0,05 0,08 0,125 0,2 0,315 0,5 0,8
100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
16 to 25
inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection inspection
inspection inspection inspection
0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,0000 0,000 0 0,000 0
ISO 2859-2:2020
(450, 0) (450, 0) (287, 0) (280, 0) (220, 0)
100 % 100 %
281 to 500 0,000 0 0,1000 0,100 0 0,097 5 0,094 6 0,089 5 0,097 4
inspection inspection
0,000 0 0,0000 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0
(1 080, 0) (1 080, 0) (720, 0) (684, 0) (510, 0) (380, 0) (255, 0)
501 to 1 200 0,000 0 0,100 0 0,000 0 0,100 0 0,100 0 0,099 6
iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW 0,038 5 0,099 7 0,101 2 0,098 0
0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0
(1 800, 0) (1 710, 0) (1 400, 0) (956, 0) (653, 0) (430, 0) (280, 0)
1 201 to 3 200 0,100 0 0,099 8 0,100 0 0,099 0 0,099 6 0,096 4 0,098 8 0,094 8
0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,0000 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0
(3 690, 0) (2 501, 0) (1 676, 0) (1 087, 0) (699, 0) (450, 0) (315, 0)
3 201 to 10 000 0,100 0 0,099 9 0,099 9 0,099 9 0,099 8 0,098 9 0,099 5 0,076 5
0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 1 0,050 0 0,000 2 0,050 0
(4 306, 0) (2 762, 0) (1 793, 0) (1 132, 0) (717, 0) (500, 0) (500, 1)
10 001 to 35 000 0,100 0 0,100 0 0,099 9 0,099 9 0,099 9 0,080 1 0,089 1
ISO 2859-2:2020(E)