Retrievable Cementers
MODEL "EA" (4O7-O5) locks and rotation. Model "R" Upstrain Unloading
RETRIEVAMATIC Testing is possible with the Sub (675-05) to allow equalization
CEMENTER Model «S"-Full-Bore Tubing of tubing and annulus pressures.
Proven in all types of squeeze Tester (672-05). Testing is possible with the Model
cementing operations, casing test- "N" Full-Bore Tubing Tester
ing, formation fracturing, and MODEL "C" (41O-O1) (672-01).
high-pressure acidizing with subse- FULL-BORE CEMENTER
quent testing. It is a full opening, This is a full opening, upstrain
set-down squeeze packer with a squeeze packer that can be set
piston type hold-down (actuated by at any depth. It is particularly
pressure from below), a three sec- desirable when setdown weight
tion packing element system, and is limited. Can be used in "block"
rocker-type lower slips. and other squeeze cementing, cas-
PERFORMANCE FEATURES ing testing, formation fracturing,
Dependable Release. By picking and high-pressure acidizing with
up on the tubing, pressure across subsequent testing.
the hold-down pistons is equalized PERFORMANCE FEATURES
instantly. Holds Pressure from Holds Pressure from Above and
Above or Below-the separate Below. Has two sets of opposed
circulation passage, running com- rocker-type slips enabling it to
pletely through the Retrievamatic, remain packed off when subject to
isolates the hold-down pistons pressure reversals. Instant Pack-
from tubing pressure surges, so Off.-circulation possible with
they can't be dulled. Proven upper slips set as it packs off Model "C"
Model "EA"
Face-Seal Unloader-controls the the instant tubing is raised and Retrievamatic Full-Bore
separate circulation passage and upstrain applied. Cementer Cementer