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Dr. Shivani Ghildiyal, MD, Ph.D.

Contact no. +91-8765363310
Email: drshivanighildiyal@gmail.com
Current Status: Assistant professor, Department of Dravyaguna, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New

Work Experience:
1. Worked as senior resident, Department of Dravyaguna,Institute of Medical Sciences,BHU.
Varanasi.(11Nov 2010- 23Aug 2013)

2. Worked as Assistant Professor, Department of Dravyaguna,State Ayurvedic College and

Hospital,Varanasi.(24Aug 2013 to 28 Oct 2015 )

3. Working as Assistant Professor,Department of Dravyaguna,All India Institute of

Delhi. (29 Oct 2015 to till date)

Academic qualifications:
1. PhD – Department of Dravyaguna, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi, India (duration- Sep 2009 to Feb. 2014).
2. M.D. - Department of Dravyaguna, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi, India (2006-2009) with BHU Medal
3. B.A.M.S. -State Ayurvedic College and Hospital Lucknow(UP), India (2000-2005 )with Gold
4. 2 year Diploma in French- Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. (2012)
5. Diploma in Yoga- Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India (2009)

1. Pharmacognostical studies of classical Ayurvedic drugs
2. Qualitative and quantitative estimation of phytocostiuents.
3. Pharmacological screening of classical Ayurvedic drugs on different animal models for
evaluating anti-inflammatory,anti-histaminic,laxative,analgesic and wound healing activity.
4. TLC,HPTLC and HPLC analysis for identification of active constituents.
5. Biochemical analysis (LPO, NO, SOD, GSH, CAT, hexuronic acid, hexosamine,
hydroxyproline etc).
6. Acute inflammatory marker- Myeloperoxidase (MPO).
7. Data analysis and data interpretation by SPSS.

Area of Interest:
1. Natural product research
2. Molecular pharmacology
3. Drug development (Pre-clinical & Clinical study)

Research Publications
1. Shivani Ghildiyal, MK Gautam, M Gangwar, G Nath, RK Goel, VK Joshi.” Pharmacognostic
evaluation and invitro antibacterial activity of Uraria picta desv. Root”. Plant Archives
(2012)Vol 12 No.2, 931-935.(SCI index).
2. Shivani Ghildiyal, MK Gautam, VK Joshi, RK Goel. “Anti-inflammatory activity of two
classical formulations of Laghupanchamula in rats”. Journal of Ayurveda & Integrative
Medicine (2012) Vol 4(1), 23-27. (Pubmed index).
3. Shivani Ghildiyal, MK Gautam, VK Joshi, RK Goel.” Pharmacognostical Study of Hedychium
Spicatum (Ham- Ex-Smith) Rhizome”. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease (2012) S148-
4. Shivani Ghildiyal, MK Gautam, VK Joshi, RK Goel. “Analgesic and hypnotic activities of
Laghupanchamula: A preclinical study”. AYU (2014)35(1);79-84. (Pubmed index).
5. Shivani Ghildiyal, V. K. Joshi.” Pharmacognostical studies on Solanum surrattence Burm f.
Root”. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2014; 3(4): 240-245.
6. Nirmal Kumar, Shivani Ghildiyal, Anil Kumar Singh.” Nicula (Barringtonia Acutangula
Linn. Gaertn.): a phytopharmacological review”. World Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research
(2014) 3(5):254-263.
7. Nirmal Kumar, Shivani Ghildiyal.” pharmacognostical standardization of Ayurvedic
hepatoprotective drug Phalatrikadi kvatha”. International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Science
And Research (2013) 5(1): 275-281.
8. Shivani Ghildiyal. “Jeevaneeya Mahakashaya: A group of Rejuvenators”. J. Adv. Res. Ayur.
Yoga Unani Sidd. Homeo.(2014) 1(1):19- 23.
9. Shivani Ghildiyal, VK Joshi.” A Critical Review On Two Types Of Laghupanchmula.” AYU
(2012)33(3):343-345. (Pubmed index).
10. K Agrawal, Shivani Ghildiyal, MK Gautam, VK Joshi, RK Goel.” Studies on Laxative effect
of extract of dried fruit pulp of Cassia fistula”. Journal of Natural Remedies (2012); 2: 118-
11. Shivani Ghildiyal, MK Gautam, RK Goel, VK Joshi. “Qualitative phytochemical screening
and pharmacognostic standardization of Solanum indicum Linn. Root”. Asian Pacific Journal
of Tropical Biomedicine (2012) 1-4.(Elsevier).
12. Shivani Ghildiyal, MK Gautam, VK Joshi, RK Goel. “Pharmacological Evaluation of Extracts
of Hedychium spicatum (Ham-ex-Smith) Rhizome”. Ancient Science of Life 2012; 31(1):44-49.
(Pubmed index).
13. K.Agrawal,Apurva Joshi,Shivani Ghildiyal,M.K.Gautam,Mayanka Gangawara,R.K.
Goel,V.K. Joshi.”Qualitative phytochemical and physiochemical analysis of Cassia fistula L.
Fruit”.Medicinal plants (2014)6(2):138-142.
14. Mallotus philippinensis Muell. Arg fruit glandular hairs extract promotes wound healing on
different wound model in rats M Gangwar, MK Gautam, Shivani Ghildiyal, G Nath, RK
Goel - BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 2015,15:123.
15. Kumar N, Singh AK and Ghildiyal Shivani. Potent Hepatoprotective Phaltrikadi Kwath: A
Clinical Study. SM J Pharmac Ther. 2015;1(1):1-5.

16. Pharmacological evaluation of Mallotus philippinensis (Lam.) Muell.-Arg. fruit hair extract
for anti-inflammatory, analgesic and hypnotic activity ( 2016) 5(1): 14–21.
Poster/Oral Presentation in National & International Conferences:
1. In-Vivo Wound Healing potential of two kinds Of Laghupanchmula In 6th World Ayurveda
Congress & Arogya Expo”. 6-9 Nov.(2014) Pragati Maidan,New Delhi.
2. Pharmacological aspect and Pharmacodynamic principles of Ayurveda. In “Recent Advances
on the role of Basic science in Ayurvedic Medicine”. 18-19 Oct (2014).organised by Mahima
Research foundation and Socil welfare,194,karaundi, BHU, Varanasi. (International).
3. Classical Ayurvedic Drugs in Modern Society:Current Perspective.In “Presentation of
Ayurveda in Modern Society-Prospective Approach”. 26 Aug.(2014).Organised by All India
Ayurvedic Specialists(PG) association Varanasi Branch and department Of Siddhanta –
Darshan Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU, Varanasi. (National)
4. Need of Restructuring Education System of Ayurveda.In“Satellite Seminar of 6th World
Ayurveda Congress & Arogya Expo”. 27 sept.(2014).
5. Classical Aphrodisiacs in Ayurveda.In “International Conference On Aphrodisiacs Myth &
Facts”.Sept.(2014)”.Organised By Teachers Association of S.R.M. govt. Ayurvedic college
and Hospital, Bareilly,U.P.(International).
6. Traditional Plants having Wound Healing Potential-A Review.In “Global Scenario Of
Traditional system of Medicine,Ayurveda,Agriculture and Education”.21-22 Jan (2013)
Organized by Rajiv Gandhi South Campus,Barkachha, Mirzapur, BHU, Varanasi.
7. Quantitative Microscopy of Powdered Drug by Lycopodium Spore Method,In “National
Seminar on Recent Advances and Future Challenges in Ayurveda”.March 26 (2012) Organized
by Rajiv Gandhi South Campus,Barkachha, Mirzapur, BHU, Varanasi. (National).
8. Anti-inflammmatory,analgesic and anti-histaminic Properties of Hedychium spicatum Ham-
ex-Smith:a Botanical Source Of Ayurvedic Drug Shati.28 March (2011)“National Seminar on
Emerging Trends in Education & Research in Ayurveda” Organized by Rajiv Gandhi South
Campus,Barkachha, Mirzapur, BHU, Varanasi. (National).
9. Quality control and Standardization of Plant based Ayurvedic Medicines-A review. 14-15 Oct
(2011). In “Recent Advances in Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics” Organized by Dept. of Rasa Shatra,
Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU, Varanasi. (International)
10. Anti-Histaminic effect of Hedychium Spicatum Ham-ex-Smith(Poster).22-23 Dec.(2010).In
“International Conference on Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences” Organized by
Dept. of Pharmaceutics, IT-BHU, Varanasi. (International).
11. An Integrated Approach To Identify Guggulu.In “National Seminar On Guggulu”.17-19
Nov.(2007).Organised by National Institute Of Ayurveda Jaipur,Rajasthan.(National).
12. Incredible Moringa oleifera :Ancient wisdom in future light in conference during 19th
World Congress on Clinical nutrition13-15 March 2015.
13. Viruddha Ahara An offender for chronic Non communicable Diseases in National
Seminar on Ahar-Vihar in the management of Chronic Non Communicable Diseases. 11
April (2015).Organised by Govt.Ayurvedic College and Hospital Sapurnanand Sanskrit
University Varanasi.
14. A comparative Anti-inflammatory effect of Two kinds of Laghupanchmula.21-22 Jan
(2015) in National Conference on Application of Dosha- Dhatu- Malas in physio
pathology of Pranavaha Srotasa Vyadhi (Respiratory Disorders) organized jointly by the
Department of Balaroga and Department of Kriya Sharir of the Faculty of
Ayurveda,Institute of,Medical Sciences,Banaras Hindu university.
15. Rasayana Plants and their immunomodulatory effects.16-17 March (2013).International
Conference on Geriatic Health Care Through Yoga.Organized by the Indian Academy of Yoga
and Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga,Faculty of Ayurveda,Banaras Hindu
17. St.John,s Wart(Hypericum perforatum);a herb to combat depression 18 March (2015).In
National Seminar On Psychosomatic Disorders;Current Perspective in the
Management.organized by Department of Kayachikitsa,Faculty of Ayurveda, Banaras Hindu
University Varanasi & All India Ayurvedic Specialists(PG) Association Varanasi Branch.
18. Innovative Ayurveda through Integration:A perspective for future.25-26 April(2015).In
National Seminar on Skill Development for AYUSH Professionals-Issues and
Challenges.Organised by Vishwa Ayurveda Parishad,Varanasi Branch.
19. World Ayurveda Congress
20. Food festival
21. PG Association
Conference attended (National & International) and visit:

1. International Conference on “Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences” held at

Department of Pharmaceutics, Institute of Technology, BHU, India from December 22nd –
23rd, 2010.
2. International Conference on “Recent Advances in Safety and Efficacy of Ayurvedic
Formulation”held at Department of Rasa Shastra, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical
Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, India from February 24th – 26th, 2011.
3. National conference on “National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Education & Research in
Ayurveda” organized by Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Barkachha, Mirzapur, BHU, Varanasi,
India on 26 March 2011.
4. 3rd International BHU Alumni Meet & International Seminar On “Education in the 21 Century
and Mahamana’s Vision”Organised by Banaras Hindu university in Association With
Mahamana Malaviya Mission ,Varanasi, India on 6-7 Jan 2007.
5. BHU Alumni Meet and Seminar on”Higher Education and Sustainable Development:
Emerging Challenges and Mahamana’s Vision”,Organised by Alumni Cell, BHU, Varanasi,
India on December 24-25-26 March 2011.
6. Vaijyanika tatha Takneeki Shbdawali,Rasa Shashtra and Bhaishjya Kalpana.Organised by
Department of of Rasa Shastra, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras
Hindu University, India from October 22th – 23th, 2008.
7. Visited Milan, Italy with a delegation deputed by Ministry of AYUSH during 16 -19 September
8. National Seminar on Prevention and Control of Diabetes through Ayurveda, organized by
Ministry of AYUSH , Government of India, on 28 October 2016.

Workshop,CME,Symposium attended (National & International):

1. National Symposium On Ayurvedic Rasayana and Nanamedicine.Feb.7 (2013).Organised By

Molecular Biology unit, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
2. National Symposium and Workshop, On Molecular and Ayurvedic Biology of
Inflammation.Feb.7-9(2014). Organised By Molecular Biology unit, Institute of Medical
Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi India.
3. Symposium on Inflammation in Metabolic Disorders and Its Management-Perspective Of
Ayurveda & modern Medicine.Jan 6 (2012).Organised by department Of Medicinal Chemistry
Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi India.
4. C.M.E. On Symbiotic Approach of Treatment for Better Global Health Care and Challenges.
oct.15(2014).Organised by Department Of Sangyaharan, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras
Hindu University, Varanasi India.
5. Workshop on Digno-theraputic procedures in the care of Pranavaha Srotas/Hemato-biochem
Disorders in National Conference on Application of Dosha- Dhatu- Malas in physio pathology
Pranavaha Srotasa Vyadhi (Respiratory Disorders) organized jointly by the Department
Balaroga and Department of Kriya Sharir of the Faculty of Ayurveda,Institute of,Medical
Sciences,Banaras Hindu university.21-22 Jan 2015.
5. Symposium and Workshop entitled “Molecular and Ayurvedic Biology of In Organized By
Molecular Biology unit, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi,
6. C.M.E. on “Ayurvedic Education-Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya’s Vision” Organized by
Department of Sangyaharana,IMS,BHU,Varanasi &U.P. State Branch A.A.I.M.6 Feb 2015.
7. Three days workshop on “ Internal Counsellor Programme on NABH Standards for Ayurveda
Hospitals ,conducted by Quality Council of India from 10-12 June 2016.
8. Two –Day workshop on “Prevention & Management of Diarrhoea” conducted from 27th -28th
July 2016 at All India Institute of Ayurveda,New Delhi.
9. Worked as coordinator in 7th World Ayurvea Congress and AROGYA 2016-Kolkata on 1st - 4th
December 2016.
10. Participated in two days International Symposium on Drafting of National Policy on Medicinal
& Aromatic Plants of India, from 19-20 January 2017,at A.P.Shinde Symposia
Hall,ICAR,NASC Complex,Dev Prakash Shashtri Marg, Pusa Campus, New Delhi.
11. Participated in 5 days workshop on Biostatistics at All India Institute of Ayurveda, New
Delhi,during Jan-Feb 2017.
12. Worked as Judge in the Slogan Competition held as a part of Swacchata Pakhwara(1-15th Feb
2017) at .All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi.
13. Worked as Co-ordinator in the Slogan Competition held as a part of Swacchata Pakhwara(1-
15th Feb 2017) at .All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi.
14. Participated as a Trainee Teacher in the 6 days(2nd to 7th Jan 2017) CME program held at G.J.
Patel Institute of Ayurvedic Studies & Research,New Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand.

Examiner and Expert:

1.Participated as an expert in meeting for framing of Level -2 E course on the component
“Diet ,Life style regulation and preventive healthcare through Ayurveda” at Rashtriya
Ayurveda Vidyapeeth, Panjabi Bagh, New Delhi on 30th Aug 2016.

2.Conducted Viva-Voce examination of BAMS II nd Prof.from 06-10-2016 to 07-10-2016 in

thedepartment of Dravyaguna ,I.M.Sm B.H.U. Varanasi

Editorial Board Member : SM Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

Awards and Prizes:

I. Best Paper Award for Pharmacological aspect and Pharmacodynamic principles of Ayurveda.
In “Recent Advances on the role of Basic science in Ayurvedic Medicine”. 18-19 Oct
(2014).organized by Mahima Research foundation and Social welfare,194,karaundi, BHU,
Varanasi. (International).
II. Best paper award (faculty) on Oratory competition on Medical Education in India-Pt.Madan
Mohan Malviya Vision Organized by Department of Sangyaharana, IMS,BHU, Varanasi
&U.P. State Branch A.A.I.M.17 Jan 2015.
III. B .H.U. Medal for standing first in MD (Ay)/MS(Ay) examination of 2009.
IV. Himalaya Drug Company Jivaka Award for securing highest marks in BAMS final
examination 2005.
V. Saraswati Sammana by Dr. Vishmbhar Nath Mishra Memorial Sansthan Lucknow, 2005.

Computer skills:
Fast and excellent use of MS Word, Office, excel, power point, SPSS, graph pad and
other oracle based soft ware’s for routine research purpose.
Personal information:
Name- Dr Shivani Ghildiyal
Husband’ name-Lt.Col. Gaurav Negi
Father’s name- Late Shri Shiv Prasad Ghildiyal
Mother’s name Mrs. Yegeshwari Ghildiyal
Date of Birth- 1 June 1981

Mob. No +91-8765363310
Email drshivanighildiyal@gmail.com
Nationality- Indian
Marital Status- Married
Language Known- Hindi, English, Sanskrit, French(basic)
Correspondence Address- Department of Dravyaguna, All India Institute of Ayurveda,New Delhi ,
PIN- 110076
Dr R.K. Goel, Ex- Professor, Head & Dean, Dept. of Pharmacology, Institute of Medical Sciences,
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. Email: rkgoelbhu50@gmail.com
DrV.K.joshi, Professor & Head &Ex. Dean, Dept. of Dravyaguna, Institute of Medical Sciences,
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. Email: vinodkumarjoshi@gmail.com

I hereby declare that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge.

PLACE: New Delhi, India

( Dr.Shivani Ghildiyal)

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