CLC 12 Reflection
CLC 12 Reflection
CLC 12 Reflection
Although I have not yet fully decided what my career plan is, if I connect these skills to
my career plan in a general sense, there are definitely some similarities and connections to be
made. For example, some of my strengths from being my personality type of ENFJ, are that I am
receptive, reliable, passionate, altruistic, and charismatic. All of these skills when utilized
properly, are very helpful in any job. Some career paths that I have looked into are corporate law,
or something in the general field of finance. One of the suggested career paths from this
personality type is a lawyer so I might be on the right track. Some other jobs that are suggested
are social work, teaching, counselling, and health care, although having my specific personality
type from what I can tell, has a vast array of opportunities for different career paths.
Some of the workplace habits given to me by this personality type are that I am able to
push myself to prove merit and make good impressions, I am perceptive, dedicated,
hardworking, reliable and eager to help. I am also tolerant, sociable and charismatic which often
leads to being called to a management role where I am able to inspire others to work hard. This
aligns with my future goals as I do plan to be in some sort of management role when I choose my
career. Of course, I understand this does not happen right away and I will have to work my way
up but as the personality says, I am hardworking and will keep going until I get where I want to
Something I have always known about myself is that I like people. My job will likely
reflect that as I get older as my ultimate goal is to always have the opportunity to work with
others. This may be some sort of service job when I start off and then I may be some form of
consultant, such as a criminal consultant which is a career path I have also considered. This
experience also told me that my personality type can thrive in any work environment such as a
corporate boardroom or behind the counter at a coffee shop.