Pdev Module 2
Pdev Module 2
Pdev Module 2
Module 2
Rubrics for Essay Learning Exercises:
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Information is Information is Information is The information
very organized in slightly organized but appears to be
a well- organized in a paragraph(s) are disorganized.
constructed well-constructed not well-
paragraph or paragraph or constructed.
paragraphs. paragraphs.
Information Information Information Information has
relates to the relates to the partially relates little or nothing
topic. It provides topic. It provides to the topic. No to do with the
Content a lot of few supporting details and/or topic.
supporting details and/or examples are
details and/or examples. given.
Main points well Main points well Main points are Main points lack
developed with developed with present with detailed
high quality and quality limited detail and development.
quantity support. supporting development. Ideas are vague
Development Reveals high details and Some critical with little
degree of critical quantity. Critical thinking is evidence of
thinking. thinking is present. critical thinking.
weaved into
Essay is free of Essay has few Most spelling, Spelling,
distracting punctuation and punctuation, and punctuation, and
spelling, grammatical grammar correct grammatical
punctuation, and errors allowing allowing reader errors create
grammatical reader to follow to progress distraction,
Grammar errors; absent of ideas clearly. through essay. making reading
& Mechanics fragments, Very few Some errors difficult;
comma splices, fragments or run- remain. fragments,
and run-ons. ons. comma splices,
run-ons evident.
Errors are
Meets all formal Meets format and Meets format and Fails to follow
and assignment assignment assignment format and
requirements and requirements; requirements; assignment
evidences margins, spacing, generally correct requirement;
attention to and indentations margins, spacing, cover format,
detail; all are correct; essay and indentations; incorrect
Format margins, spacing is neat and essay is neat but indentations;
and indentations correctly may have some neatness of essay
are correct; essay assembled. assembly errors. needs attention.
is neat and
assembled with
professional look.
Have you ever asked yourself this question: Who am I? If you have, you are not alone.
Adolescence is the time when young people start to ask questions about themselves, about
their future, and even about their religious and political beliefs. During the adolescent
stage of development, the young person grapples with his or her identity. This may seem
very philosophical to some, but to know oneself is the first step in personal development.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, the students should be able to:
It is believed that the words “Know Thyself,” which were written at the
entry of the oracle at Delphi by seven Greek philosophers, statesmen, and
lawgivers, became the cornerstone of Western philosophy. Socrates, who
came decades after two words were scripted at Delphi, said that it for him to
investigate other unimportant things when he has not known his self yet. For
Socrates, the most important to pursue was self-knowledge, and admitting
one's ignorance is the beginning of true knowledge.
II. Personality
There is an abundant definition of what personality is. In Module 1, we
defined it based on a common definition provided by dictionary. This time, we
will define personality in the same way psychologists define it.
Personality psychologists have different viewpoints. One definition states,
“personality refers to the unique and relatively enduring set of behaviors,
feelings, thoughts, and motives that characterize an individual”(Feist and
Rosenberg 2012). Two key components of personality are highlighted In this
definition: the uniqueness of an individual's thoughts, feelings, and behavior;
and their being relatively enduring, or being consistent, over different
situations and over time.
For example, a person who is considered as “friendly” would, at any given
situation, be outgoing and easily liked by others or is someone who is not
perceived as threatening or aggressive. This person’s uniqueness is
manifested in his own brand of showing friendliness: a sunny disposition, a
readiness to give advice when needed, and generosity to those in need. The
uniqueness is shown by how a person’s physical and behavioral traits are
combined to depict friendliness. In terms of being consistent, as an
adolescent, this friendly individual develops friendships among his peers.
Upon entering adulthood, this same friendly individual is perceived by co-
workers and peers to still be his old friendly self as when he was in high
school. This consistency through time and the unique manner by which
thoughts, feelings, and behavior are expressed, defines personality. However,
there will always be exceptions to these two components. Consistency is more
likely to mean most of the time but not all the time. A friendly person can get
nasty or aggressive when provoked or cornered. Sickness can oftentimes
change the consistency of an individual’s personality. An example of this is
Alzheimer's disease. Studies have shown that Alzheimer's disease changes
three of the Big Five dimensions of personality (anxiety, extraversion, and
openness) (Costa and McRae 1992).
Gordon Allport defines personality as “a pattern of habits, attitudes, and
traits that determine an individual's characteristics, behavior, and traits”
(Sanchez, Abad, and Jao 2012). This definition does not emphasize
uniqueness and consistency, but nevertheless still captures aspects of
V. Measuring Personality
There are different ways to measure personality. One is by observing
people's behavior. This is quite limited as other people may not be able to
observe all aspects of personality such as loneliness, which is internal and is
observed by others very subjectively.
Personality can be measured using different kinds of tests like the
Rorschach Inkblot Test, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), and the
Keirsey Temperament Sorter. Many online tests are provided for free,
particularly for those who seek to find out their personality to establish their
career paths. One example of this is the Alberta Learning Information Service
of the Government of Alberta in Canada.
5.1 The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Katherine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers developed the Myers-Briggs
personality model based on four preferences of individuals. These are:
5. How does knowing oneself better make a person accept his strengths and limitations, and
improve the way he deals with others.
On your journal, write your thoughts and feelings about what you have discovered and understood about
your “Self,” your personality and personality traits, and your reflection regarding the question, “Who am I?” (10
1. The "Self” can be defined in different ways: philosophically, psychologically,
spiritually, and also in thoughts, actions, or behavior.
2. Personality is the unique and enduring set of behaviors, feelings, thoughts,
motives, and attitudes that characterize a person.
3. Both nature (heredity or genetic) and nurture (environment) influence the
development of one's personality.
4. There are different personality theories and one of them is the Big Five or Five-
Factor Model by Costa and McRae, which defines five dimensions of personality:
Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and
5. Personality traits can be measured using different personality tests such as the
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).
Santos, Ricardo Rubio. Personal Development. First Edition. Rex Printing Company.
Quezon City. February 2016.
Feist, Gregory J. and Erika L. Rosenberg. 2012. Psychology: Perspective and
Connections, 2nd Edition, International Edition. New York, NY, USA: McGraw-Hill.
McCrae, R. R., & Costa, P. T.-, Jr. 1996. Toward a New Generation of Personality
Theories: Theoretical Contexts for the Five-Factor Model. In J. S. Wiggins (Ed.), The
five-factor Model of Personality: Theoretical Perspectives (pp. 51-87). New York:
Sanchez, Custodiosa A., Paz F. Abad, and Loreto V. Jao. 2002, 1998, 1989, 1982.
Genera! Psychology, 4th Edition. Manila, Philippines: Rex Book Store, Inc.
Internet Sources:
➢ http://www.binghamton edu/cnes/docs/gnothi_sauton.pdf
➢ http://www.arkintime.com/know-thyself/
➢ http://psycho-logy.about.com/od/personalitydevelopment/a/bigfive.htm
➢ https://www.ocf. berkeley.edu/~johnlab/pdfs/2008chapter.pdf
➢ https://careerinsite.alberta.ca/careerinsite/ know-yoursetf.aspx