Perdev Module 1
Perdev Module 1
Perdev Module 1
Prepared by:
CAC – Part-Time Lecturer
Module 1
Introduction to
Personal Development
Rubrics for Essay Learning Exercises:
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Information is Information is Information is The information
very organized in slightly organized but appears to be
a well- organized in a paragraph(s) are disorganized.
constructed well-constructed not well-
paragraph or paragraph or constructed.
paragraphs. paragraphs.
Information Information Information Information has
relates to the relates to the partially relates little or nothing
topic. It provides topic. It provides to the topic. No to do with the
Content a lot of few supporting details and/or topic.
supporting details and/or examples are
details and/or examples. given.
Main points well Main points well Main points are Main points lack
developed with developed with present with detailed
high quality and quality limited detail and development.
quantity support. supporting development. Ideas are vague
Development Reveals high details and Some critical with little
degree of critical quantity. Critical thinking is evidence of
thinking. thinking is present. critical thinking.
weaved into
Essay is free of Essay has few Most spelling, Spelling,
distracting punctuation and punctuation, and punctuation, and
spelling, grammatical grammar correct grammatical
punctuation, and errors allowing allowing reader errors create
grammatical reader to follow to progress distraction,
Grammar errors; absent of ideas clearly. through essay. making reading
& Mechanics fragments, Very few Some errors difficult;
comma splices, fragments or run- remain. fragments,
and run-ons. ons. comma splices,
run-ons evident.
Errors are
Meets all formal Meets format and Meets format and Fails to follow
and assignment assignment assignment format and
requirements and requirements; requirements; assignment
evidences margins, spacing, generally correct requirement;
attention to and indentations margins, spacing, cover format,
detail; all are correct; essay and indentations; incorrect
Format margins, spacing is neat and essay is neat but indentations;
and indentations correctly may have some neatness of essay
are correct; essay assembled. assembly errors. needs attention.
is neat and
assembled with
professional look.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, the students should be able to:
1. understand and explain in their own words what personal development is;
2. understand and explain the psychological basis of personal development;
3. relate the concept of personal development in his or her own experiences as an
adolescent; and,
4. express their spiritual and religious beliefs and how these influence their personal
I. Human Development and Personal Development
Developmental scientists identified the three aspects or domains of human
development as (Papalia and Feldman 2012):
1. Physical Development, which covers the growth of the body and the brain,
motor and sensory skills, and even physical health;
2. Cognitive Development, which covers our capacity to learn, to speak, to
understand, to reason, and to create; and
3. Psychosocial Development, which includes our social interactions with
other people, our emotions, attitudes, self-identity, personality, beliefs, and
While human development covers the whole lifespan of human existence in
relation to the three domains, personal development is one's own development and
growth within the context of the three aspects of human development. Human
development is also influenced by:
➢ Heredity or the inborn traits passed on by the generations of offspring from
both sides of the biological parents' families;
➢ Environment is the world outside of ourselves and the experiences that result
from our contact and interaction with this external world; and,
➢ Maturation is the natural progression of the brain and the body that affects
the cognitive (thinking and intelligence), psychological (emotion, attitude, and
self-identity), and social (relationships) dimensions of a person. The influence
of physical maturation over a person’s development is most pronounced
during his childhood and adolescence stages.
• the set of emotional qualities, ways of behaving, etc., that makes a person
different from other people;
• attractive qualities (such as energy, friendliness, and humor) that make a
person interesting or pleasant to be with;
• attractive qualities that make something unusual or interesting;
• distinction or excellence of personal and social traits; also a person having
such quality; and
• a person of importance, prominence, renown, or notoriety.
Some examples that are given for the word personality are:
Personal development may be defined as a process in which persons reflect upon themselves,
understand who they are, accept what they discover about themselves, and learn (or unlearn) new
sets of values, attitudes, behavior, and thinking skills to reach their fullest potential as human
Zorka Hereford in her book, 9 Essential Life Skills - A Guide for Personal
Development and Self Realization, defined personal development as “the process of
striving to be the best that you can be in order to reach and realize your full potential.
It is a journey of self-discovery, self-improvement, and self-realization.”
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
toward what is good and positive about human persons and their desire to achieve
their full potentials. Positive psychology also created a balance between what
humanistic psychology emphasized that human nature is basically good, while
adding that human nature includes both the positive and the negative aspects. In
short, positive psychology stresses that human nature has its good and positive
strengths, as well as its inadequacies and weaknesses (Peterson 2006).
In the Philippine context, authors Corpuz, Lucas, Borabo, and Luddo (2010)
defined the three stages of adolescence as:
Adolescence starts with the biological changes called puberty. The physical body
undergoes growth spurts at this time, for both male and female, leading toward
physical maturity.
Biological changes bring about cognitive (thinking and reasoning) and affective
(feelings and emotions) changes. The child, who has reached adolescence, is now
capable of reasoning about abstract concepts and problems (Piaget). At this point,
the adolescent become more inquisitive about things like philosophy, religion, and
politics. This is also the stage when they begin to ask questions about their identity.
Relationships with family and friends are also affected by puberty during
adolescence. Friends become the center of relationships more than family.
V. Spirituality and Religious Beliefs in Personal Development
As we have discussed personal development in the psychological, social, and
biological contexts, it is also important to consider the spirituality and religious
beliefs of a person, and how these influences personal development. According to a
research study conducted among US teens, the formation of one's identity includes
attitudes about religion. This reflection is left to the student to find out how his or
her religious beliefs influence one's identity development and understanding of
personal development.
1. How does the age and stage of development of a person influence their personal development?
2. Relate your spiritual and/or religious beliefs to personal development. How does this manifest in
terms of your day-to-day behavior at home? In school?
3. How would you relate Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in your personal life? Elaborate your
4. What is your OWN definition of happiness? How is this related to your personal development?
Write down what you have learned and reflections on the topics discussed. This will serve as your
journal entry, which you will continue to do throughout the year. In the journal, write down your thoughts,
feelings, and realization about the lesson. Pay special attention to what kinds of emotions you are feeling
and how these are affecting your thoughts about yourself. List down things about yourself that you would
like to improve on and create a work plan on how to do this. List down the things you want to learn and
change about yourself. (10 points)
1. There are three aspects of human development: physical, cognitive, and
2. There are three factors affecting or influencing human development: heredity,
environment, and maturation.
3. Personal development is a process in which persons reflect upon themselves,
understand who they are, accept what they discover about themselves, and
learn (or unlearn) new sets of values, attitudes, behavior, and thinking skills
to reach their fullest potential as human beings.
4. Psychology serves as a foundation of personal development.
5. There are several schools of thought or theories on personal eve op were
developed through the years: humanistic psychology by its lead proponent
Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, and positive psychology espoused by
Martin Seligman and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
6. Adolescence is the transition period between childhood and early adulthood,
it is widely believed that the adolescent age spans from 11 or 12, up to age 18.
7. Spiritual and religious beliefs influence personal development. Research
shows that the formation of one's personal identity includes attitudes about
Internet Sources:
• Maslow's Key Characteristics of Self-actualized Individuals. Accessed on
October 2014. http:// 2.htm.
• Peterson, C. 2006. A Primer in Positive Psychology. New York: Oxford
University Press. Found online on June 12, 2015 at.
Images and Artworks used in this Module: