Absolute Value
Absolute Value
Absolute Value
Absolute Value
- The absolute value of a number is the
distance between that number and zero.
- It is denoted by “| |” two bars.
| 2 | = 2 “the absolute value of 2 is 2”
| -2 | = 2 “the absolute value of -2 is 2”
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
What are the opposites of the
following integers?
1) -10 10
2) -35 35
3) 12 -12
4) 100 -100
5) 1 -1
Compare using <, > or =.
1) | 2 | > -| 2 |
2) | 10 - 2 | = |6+2|
3) -| 5 - 2 | < -| 1 + 1 |
4) | 8 - 3 | = |6-1|
5) | 3 | > -| -3 |
Mini Task #1
Look for anything inside your house that can be considered a set.
Take 3 pictures of the 3 different sets then describe each set using
Roster Method, Descriptive Method, and Set-Builder Notation.
Mini Task #1
4 3 2 1
Exceptional design Simple design, but
Attractive and invites Little to no layout
Creativity and outstanding
the viewer
layout could be more
and design
visual appeal organized
All of the assigned Most of the assigned Some of the assigned Student did not turn
Completion work is complete work is complete work is complete in assignment
Mini task was Mini task was 2 days
Mini task was 1 day Mini task was 3 or
Timeliness received on the due
more days late
All of the answers Most of the answers Some of the answers Little to none f the
Accuracy are correct are correct are correct answers are correct
Work All work is Most work is Some works are Student did not show
meticulously shown meticulously shown meticulously shown any work