C Mueller
C Mueller
C Mueller
Product Catalog
Strainers / Check Valves / Butterfly Valves / Specialty Products
Table of Contents About Mueller Steam Specialty
Special Approvals eginning in New York City as a small specialty manufacturer
Fireline, ABS, API and Special Specifications.................. 4 servicing the valve industry, Mueller Steam Specialty incorporated
in 1956 to start manufacturing pipeline strainers. Since then, the
company and its product offering have expanded dramatically. The
Special Approvals company moved to Nor th Carolina in 1972 and due to its
Military Specifications.................................................... 3 continued growth, moved again in 1992 to a new and larger facility in
St. Pauls, North Carolina. There are now over 300,000 square feet of
ISO 9001:2000 registered manufacturing space devoted to Mueller’s
Templates for Drilling various product lines. In addition to a full range of pipeline and specialty
150 lb., 300 lb. and 600 lb. steel standards................... 4 strainers, the company now manufactures a broad offering of check
valves and butterfly valves.
Flange Bolting Data
Mueller Joins the Watts Family
For Butterfly Valves........................................................ 5
In December 2005, Mueller became a part of the Watts Water
Technologies, Inc. family of companies. The resources and
“Y” Type Strainers support that Watts has added to Mueller have enabled the company to
Cast Iron, Bronze, Cast Steel, Stainless Steel................. 6 consolidate previous efforts while at the same time plan for future growth
and expansion in products and services.
Specials Approvals - Fireline, ABS, Special Specifications, and API
Approval Type Model Size Description
in. mm
FM 595 4, 6, 8 100, 150, 200 Cast Iron Body, Class 125, basket strainer, flanged ends
UL 595 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, Cast Iron Body, Class 125, basket strainer, flanged ends
UL 911U 2 1/2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 65, 80, 100, 125, 150, 200, Cast Iron Body, Class 125, “Y” strainer, flanged ends
10, 12 250, 300
UL 911U 2 1/2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 65, 80, 100, 125, 150, 200, Cast Steel Body, Class 150, “Y” strainer, flanged ends
10, 12 250, 300
Special Specifications
ASTM F1199 Cast and Welded Pipeline Strainers - “Y and basket strainers
ASTM F1200 Fabricated Strainers
• Mueller Steam Specialty Sure Check Valves conform to API 598 & 6D.
• Mueller Steam Specialty rubber seated butterfly valves conform to API 609 and MSS SP 67.
• All Mueller Steam Specialty standard butterfly valves conform to MSS SP 25 and MSS SP 55.
• Mueller Steam Specialty has PED (Pressure Equipment Directive) approval for pipeline strainers and check valves.
Products Size Class
Y Strainers 1 1/2" - 24" ANSI 125 to 2500
Basket Strainers 1 1/2" - 24" ANSI 125 - 600
Pipe Line Check Valves 1 1/4" - 54" ANSI 125 to 2500
Specials Approvals - Military Specification
“Y” Strainers
Specification Model Description
Mil-S-002953C: 582, 764/WE, 766M/WE, “Y” type, 3" & below, 600# & 1500# flanged, socket weld, or butt weld end connection, bolted cover
Class A, B, D 862/BC, 864M
WW-S-2739: 11M “Y” type, iron body, screwed, brass blow off plug
Type 1
WW-S-2739: 758 “Y” type, iron body, flanged, brass blow off plug
Type 2
Mil-S-21427A 764/WE, “Y” type main steam line, drilled screen, X-Ray, magnaflux, 4" & above, 600# & 1500# flanged, socket
766M/WE weld, or butt weld end connection
Mil-B-24480 851M, 852 “Y” type, bronze or nickel aluminum bronze body material, flanged end 150# & 300# sea water strainer
#810-8441499 352 1/2 “Y” type, bronze body, Silver brazing ends
Rev J
Basket Strainers
Specification Model Description
Mil-S-13789A 125F* Basket strainer, iron body, flanged, large capacity, surge test, flanged to grooved nipples often required, 150#, 300#
Grooved nipples often required. and 600# steel
The specification also describes
Mil-B-24480 165, 125, 125F Basket strainer, bronze or nickel aluminum bronze body, screwed or flanged ends,
Class 125-300, sea water strainer
Duplex Strainers
Specification Model Description
Mil-S-17849E 690/790 Series Pipe Line Duplex Strainers, all models can meet this specification
Silent Check Valves
Specification Model Description
Mil-V-18436E See Description All Mueller Steam Specialty Silent Check Valves - consult factory
Templates for Drilling -
Fire Line, ABS, Special Specifications, and API
150, 300 & 600 Pound Steel Standards Unless otherwise ordered, 150 and 300 Pound Steel Flanged
Class Size A B C D E # of Dia. of F G Strainers are regularly furnished with a 1⁄16" high raised face.
Bolts Bolts
in. mm or or The thickness of flange dimension (dimension "C") includes the
Studs Studs 1
⁄16 " high raised face.
½ 15 ½ 3½ 7
/16 1 3/8 2 3/8 4 ½ 2¼ 1¾
¾ 20 ¾ 3 /8
7 7
/16 1 /16
2¾ 4 ½ 2¼ 2
1 25 1 4¼ 7
/16 2 3 1/8 4 ½ 2½ 2
1¼ 32 1¼ 4 /8
½ 2½ 3½ 4 ½ 2½ 2¼ Bolt Length, F
1½ 40 1½ 5 9
/16 2 /8
3 /8
4 ½ 2½ 2¼ C
1/16" A
2 50 2 6 5
/8 3 5/8 4¾ 4 5
/8 3¼ 2½ D Stud Length, G
2½ 65 2½ 7 11
/16 4 1/8 5½ 4 5
/8 3½ 2¾ E
3 80 3 7½ ¾ 5 6 4 5
/8 3½ 3
150 & 300 Pound Class
3½ 95 3½ 8½ 5½ 7 8 5
/8 ½ 3
150 and 300 Pound Class
150 Lb.
4 100 4 9 15
/16 6 3/16 7½ 8 5
/8 3½ 3 F = Length of stud
5 125 5 10 15
/16 7 5/16 8½ 8 ¾ 3¾ 3 G = Length of machine bolt
6 150 6 11 1 8½ 9½ 8 ¾ 4 3¼
Bolt Holes
8 200 8 13½ 1 /8 1
10 /8
11 ¾ 8 ¾ 4¼ 3½
Bolt holes are drilled 1⁄8" larger than the diameter of the bolt.
10 250 10 16 1 3/16 12 ¾ 14 ¼ 12 7
/8 4¾ 3¾
Drilling templates are in multiples of four, so that valves or fittings
12 300 12 19 1¼ 15 17 12 7
/8 4¾ 3¾
may be turned to face in any quarter when installed. Bolt holes
14 350 13 ¼ 21 1 3/8 16¼ 18 ¾ 12 1 5¼ 4¼ are drilled to straddle the center-line unless otherwise ordered.
16 400 15 ¼ 23 ½ 1 /167
18½ 21 ¼ 16 1 5½ 4½ The bolt holes are spot faced.
18 450 17 ¼ 25 1 6/16 21 22 ¾ 16 1 1/8 6 4¾
20 500 19 ¼ 27 ½ 1 11/16 23 25 20 1 1/8 6¼ 5 Bolt & Stud Lengths
24 600 23 ¼ 32 1 7/8 27 ¼ 29 ½ 20 1 1/8 7 5½ The lengths indicated as dimensions F and G in the above ta-
½ 15 ½ 3¾ 9-16 1 /8
2 /8
4 ½ 2½ 2 ble apply for flanged joints made up of combinations of 150lb
or 300lb valves, fittings, or companion flanges with 1⁄16" high
¾ 20 ¾ 4 5/8 5
/8 1 11/16 3¼ 4 5
/8 3 2¼
raised faces.
1 25 1 4 7/8 11
/16 2 3½ 4 5
/8 3 2½
Stud Length "G" also applies for Tongue to Groove Flanged
1¼ 32 1¼ 5¼ ¾ 2½ 3 7/8 4 5
/8 3¼ 2½ Joint.
1½ 40 1½ 6 1/8 13
/16 2 7/8 4½ 4 ¾ 3½ 2¾
2 50 2 6½ 7
/8 3 5/8 5 8 5
/8 3½ 2¾
2½ 65 2½ 7½ 1 4 1/8 5 7/8 8 ¾ 4 3¼
3 80 3 8¼ 1 1/8 5 6 5/8 8 ¾ 4¼ 3½
3½ 95 3½ 9 1 /163
5½ 7¼ 8 ¾ 1¼ 3½ Bolt Length, F
300 Lb.
Templates for Drilling -
Fire Line, ABS, Special Specifications, and API
4 100 4 10 ¾ 1½ 6 3/16 8½ 8 7
/8 5¾ 5½
5 125 5 13 1¾ 7 5/16 10 ½ 8 1 6½ 6¼
6 150 6 14 1 /8 7
8½ 11 ½ 12 1 6¾ 6½
8 200 7 7/8 16 ½ 2 3/16 10 5/8 13 ¾ 12 1 1/8 7¾ 7½
10 250 9¾ 20 2½ 12 ¾ 17 16 1¼ 8½ 8¼
12 300 11 ¾ 22 2 5/8 15 19 ¼ 20 1¼ 8¾ 8½
14 350 12 /8
23 ¾ 2¾ 16 ¼ 20 ¾ 20 1 /8 3
9¼ 9
16 400 14 ¾ 27 3 18 ½ 23 ¾ 20 1½ 10 9¾
18 450 16 ½ 29 ¼ 3¼ 21 25 ¾ 20 1 5/8 10 ¾ 10 ½
20 500 18 ¼ 32 3½ 23 28 ½ 24 1 5/8 11 ½ 11 ¼
24 600 22 37 4 27 ¼ 33 24 1 /8 7
13 12 ¾
“Y” Type Strainers Lead Free*
Mueller Steam Specialty supplies customers world-wide with all of their requirements for "Y" Strainers. Whether the need is
for a simple low pressure cast iron threaded strainer or a large, high pressure special alloy unit with a custom cap design,
we have the "Y" strainers that fit the application.
We maintain a large stock of both standard and special sizes and materials. This stock includes end connections of thread-
ed, flanged, socket weld, butt weld, solder, silbraze and grooved ends. We also have units with screwed caps, bolted caps,
hinge type covers and swing type clamp covers.
Pressure is not a problem for Mueller Steam Specialty. "Y" strainers are available for pressures from ANSI Class 125 through
Class 2500 and higher.
All of these strainers are available in a wide variety of materials. Units are maintained in stock with standard materials such as:
• Cast Iron • Ductile Iron
• 316 SS • 316L SS
• Monel • Hastelloy
• Bronze • Carbon Steel
• 304 SS • Alloy 20
Our Screens & Baskets are Designed to Achieve Maximum Straining Efficiency
The most critical aspect to any strainer is straining efficiency and durability. Mueller Steam
Note: Retainer caps/covers shown are for illus- Specialty's many years of experience and continuous improvements provide the highest quality.
tration purposes only. They do not necessarily We carry a larger inventory of perforated metals and meshes than any other strainer manu-
reflect actual product shipped. facturer in the world. Besides standard metals, we carry thousands of variations of materials
and openings. Openings range from 1" to 5 microns.
“Y” Type Strainers Lead Free*
“Y” Type Strainers Lead Free*
Basket Type Strainers Lead Free*
Mueller Steam Specialty Simplex Basket Strainers are called for when the application requires a strainer with an extremely large capacity.
Most of these strainers have an open area ratio of 6 to 1 with even greater open area ratios available.
As with all of the Mueller Steam Specialty strainers, basket strainers are available in an almost endless combination of materials, pres-
sures, end connections and cover configurations from 1⁄4" to 24" (72" in fabricated units). Units are also available in cast iron, bronze,
carbon steel, stainless steel, Alloy 20 and most other alloys. The baskets in the Mueller Steam Specialty simplex basket strainers share
the same quality of construction as the Mueller Steam "Y" strainers.
From threaded end connections to offset flanged connections, we can provide the exact basket strainer to meet your needs.
Duplex Strainers Lead Free*
Many times, critical systems cannot be shut down for strainer basket cleaning. These systems include cooling water, com-
pressors, condensers, fire lines, fuel lines, chemical process systems, pump suction applications and other similar services.
For these applications, the Mueller Steam Specialty Duplex Strainer is the perfect choice.
For sizes 3⁄4" through 6", the Revolutionary Ball-Plex™ duplex strainer from Mueller Steam Specialty has all of the features
you need. Bubble tight seating, true in-line maintainability, extremely easy seat replacement and long, trouble-free service
life in a very simple and rugged design.
Available from stock in cast iron, bronze, carbon steel and stainless steel. Other alloys are also available.
All of the Ball-Plex™ units are standard with 316 SS balls and PTFE seats. Other alloys are also available for the balls.
Threaded and flanged units are available with full rated pressures from Class 125 to Class 300 (Class 600 flanges also available).
With the floating ball design and relatively low torque requirements, it is very easy to automate these units for remote operation.
Model 794-SBH Model 792-FHH
Class 300 Class 150
Bronze Stainless Steel
• Size: ¾" - 3" (20 - 80mm) • Size: 1" - 6" (25 -150mm)
Model 794-FBH
⁄4" - 6" (20 - 150mm)
3 Model 794-SDH* Class 300
Class 300 Bronze
Model 791-SAH Carbon Steel • Size: 1" - 6" (25 - 150mm)
Class 125 • Size ¾" - 3" (20 - 80mm) Model 794-FDH*
Cast Iron NPT Ends, Knob Type Cover • 740psi WOG @ 100°F
• 51 bar @ 38°C Class 300
316 SS Balls
• Size: ¾" - 3" (20 - 80mm) Carbon Steel
Model 794-SHH
• 200psi WOG @ 150°F • Size 1" - 6" (25 - 150mm)
• 13 bar @ 65°C
Class 300 • 740psi WOG @ 100°F
Stainless Steel • 51 bar @ 38°C
Model 792-SBH • Size: ¾" - 3" (20 - 80mm) Model 794-FHH
Class 150
Class 300
Model 796-SDH* Stainless Steel
• Size ¾" - 3" (20 - 80mm)
Class 600 • Size: 1" - 6" (25 - 150m
Model 792-SDH*
Carbon Steel Model 796-FDH*
Class 150
• Size: ¾" - 3"(20 - 80mm) Class 600
Carbon Steel • 740psi WOG @ 100°F
• Size: ¾" - 3" (20 - 80mm) Carbon Steel
• 51 bar @ 38°C
• 285psi WOG @ 100°F • Size: 1" - 6" (25 - 150mm)
• 19 bar @ 38°C Model 796-SHH • 740psi WOG @ 100°F
Model 792-SHH Class 600 • 51 bar @ 38°C
Duplex Strainers - 8" - 24" Lead Free*
For sizes from 8" - 24" (200 - 600mm), the larger Mueller Steam Specialty duplex strainer is the unit of choice. Using an
in-line plug design, quick flow transfer is accomplished with less than a 90° rotation of the handle. Economical actuation of
the unit is also available.
Sizes 8" - 16" (200 - 400mm) are available in cast iron, bronze, carbon steel and stainless steel and Class 125 and 150.
Sizes 18" - 24" (450 - 600mm) are fabricated. All units can be supplied with special materials, baskets and coatings.
8" – 24" Duplex Strainers How to Order
Mueller Steam Specialty Ball Plex™
Model 691 MFA Duplex Strainer basic model numbers
Class 125 are based on ANSI Class connections
Body: Cast Iron Flanged Ends, Bolted as follows:
or Clamped Flange Cover 791 for Class 125
• Size: 8" - 16" (200 - 400mm) 792 for Class 150
• 150psi @ 150°F 794 for Class 300
• 10 bar @ 65°C 796 for Class 600
Material Code
Flanged F
Cast Iron A
Bronze B
Carbon Steel D
Stainless Steel H
Monel Q
Ball Bronze B
Stainless Steel H
* Pressure-Temperature Rating for Stainless Steel Models only
Consult factory for Carbon Steel. Optional sizes, materials, baskets, gaskets and mesh
liners are available on application.
Special Strainers Lead Free*
Fabricated Strainers
Model 48 T-B
Class 1500
Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, and other
Alloys, Bolted Cover
• Size: 2" - 36" (50 - 900mm)
Model 41 T-Q
Class 150
Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, and other
Alloys, Quick Opening Cover
• Size: 2" - 36" (50 - 900mm)
Line Blinds
Pump Protection Lead Free*
CHEXTER® Check Valve
The CHEXTER® Check Valves are designed to be used economically in a variety of commercial and industrial applications - including
commercial construction, industrial, marine, utilities and process industries.
CHEXTER® Check valves meet the requirements of, and are approved for use by:
• General Services Administration
• U.S. Navy, the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Air Force and NASA
• Utility industry requirements for performance-Water, gas and compressed air lines
The CHEXTER® Check valve may be outfitted in a broad combination of metal trims allowing quick selection of the right valve for your
CHEXTER® Check Valve
CHEXTER® Check Valve
Silent Check Valves - Wafer Style Lead Free*
Mueller Steam Specialty Silent Check Valves are designed with a spring assisted in-line disc that is guided both upstream
and downstream. This design feature allows valve closure at zero flow. Flow reversal does not occur and check valve induced
water hammer is eliminated.
The Mueller Wafer Silent Check Valve is designed with a short face-to-face dimension and fits conveniently between two
matching flanges. Only a limited amount of space is needed for installation and installation time is reduced. The valves are
used in a variety of liquid, air and gas applications. These units are available in cast iron, bronze, carbon steel, stainless steel
and other alloys.
Silent Check Valves - Globe Style Lead Free*
With the same design features as the wafer silent check valves, the Globe style valves offer a more streamlined flow and
lower pressure drop figures.
The valves are designed for liquid, air and gas service* and are available in a complete range of sizes, body trim materials
and pressure classes.
These valves are engineered to be partially open at 0.5psi and fully open at 1psi differential pressure at a liquid velocity of 8
feet per second.
Mueller Globe Style SIlent Check Valves can be installed in horizontal or vertical flow. Each valve is 100% tested in accor-
dance with ANSI, API and MSS standards
Globe Styles NPT Type
Silent Check Valves Lead Free*
How to Order
Model Numbers
These numbers describe valves furnished with standard trim. For any other type of
trim refer to "Body Materials" table and "Trim Materials" table on this page. Substitute
the correct letter indicating the trim materials which you require.
Body Trim ANSI Compact Full Face Globe Type NPT Description Code
Material Class Wafer Wafer
Cast Iron (Semi-Steel) A
Type Type
Bronze, 85-5-5-5 B
Cast Iron 125 91AT* 105MAT Bronze, "M" Metal C
Stainless Carbon Steel, Gr. WCB D
Cast Iron 250 107MAT 303AT
Steel Carbon Moly, Gr. WCI E
Carbon Stainless Body Material Stainless, Type 410 F
150 101MDT 105MDT
Steel Steel Stainless, Type 304 G
Carbon Stainless Stainless, Type 316 H
300 103MDT 109MDT
Steel Steel
Ductile Iron I
Carbon Stainless
600 131DT 113DT Aluminum J
Steel Steel
Other - Specify X
Carbon Stainless
1500 117DT Stainless, Type 410 R
Steel Steel
Stainless Stainless, Type 304 S
316 SS 150 101MHT 105MHT
Steel Stainless, Type 316 T
Trim Material
Stainless Monel U
316 SS 300 103MHT 109MHT 303HT
Steel Carbon Steel V
Stainless Other - Specify X
316 SS 600 131HT 113HT
Soft Seat available in EPDM, Buna-N and Viton®**.
Stainless Consult Factory.
316 SS 1500 117HT
Double Disc Check Valves - SURE CHECK®
Lead Free*
Double Disc Check Valves - SURE CHECK®
Lead Free*
Ordering Information
Important: To assist you in ordering the
Example proper product for your application, the fol-
Six inch, Model 71, cast iron body, 316 SS shaft, ductile iron lowing information is necessary: operating
disc, Buna-N seat, 316 SS spring, no special features. pressure, temperature, flow rates and/or
velocity and the type of service used.
Model # Code Example 6.0 71 A H H 3 H 0
Model No
Special Feature
Consult factory for all special features. If no special features are required, use "O"
in place of "X" in the ordering and tagging number.
Material Specifications
Material Code Material Code
Cast Iron ASTM A126-B (Semi-Steel)
Carbon Steel D Bronze B-62 B Carbon Steel ASTM A216 WCB
316 SS ASTM A479
Monel ASTM B164
Carbon Steel D 316 SS H
Epoxy Coated
Inconel X (up X Monel Q Drain Connections
to 1000° F)
Consult Factory, we can overlay with
weldable materials.
Butterfly Valves Lead Free*
How to Order Mueller Steam Specialty
Model 88 Butterfly Valves
Example: 04.0-88IHH61
This is a 4" lugged body valve with a ductile iron body, 316 SS stem, 316
SS Disc, EPDM Seat and a ten position handle
4.0 - 88 - I H H - 6- 1
88-Full Lug (Replaces previous Model 66M)
I-Ductile Iron
H - 316SS (Available 2" - 12")
P - 431SS (Available 14" - 24")
1 - 10-Position Lever handle (Lockable in both open and closed positions)
5 - Gear Operator (Recommended for 10" and above)
LOCXEND® - Grooved End Products Lead Free*
Model 1011G
Class 150
Ductile Iron Body Suction Diffuser
Grooved Inlet,
Flanged Outlet, Knob Cover through 8" x 8"
(200 x 200mm)
Bolted available for all sizes
• Size: 2" x 11⁄4" - 12" x 12"
(50 x 32mm – 300 x 300mm)
• 300psi WOG @ 100°F
• 20 bar @ 38°C
Model 758G
Ductile Iron Body "Y" Strainer
Grooved End Connections
Bolted Ductile Iron Cover
• Size: 2" - 12" (50 - 300mm)
• 640psi WOG @ 100°F
• 44 bar @ 38°C
LOCXEND® - Grooved End Products
How to Order
Since the LOCXEND® Sure Check® Valve can be ordered with a choice of disc and seat materials, the table shown should
be used for ordering.
Example: Six inch Model 74G, with ductile iron body, bronze disc, Buna-N seat, 316 SS spring, with no special features
would have the ordering number shown with the table.
Material Code
Model # Code Example 6.0 74G I H B 3 H O
Ductile Iron I
Model No
Carbon Steel D Shaft
Ductile Iron I Disc
Ordering information
Important: To assist you in ordering the proper LOCXEND® product for your application, the
following information is necessary: operating pressure, temperature, flow rates and/or velocity
and the type of pump used in the installation. If special screens are required for suction dif-
fusers, "Y" Strainers or "Tee" Strainers, the particle retention size should be specified. Advise
factory when corrosive fluids are involved.
Complete Mueller Steam Specialty Representative
information available at: