Self Drilling Anchors - Karakteristike I Katalog PDF
Self Drilling Anchors - Karakteristike I Katalog PDF
Self Drilling Anchors - Karakteristike I Katalog PDF
Product catalogue
The Rock Reinforcement center in Feistritz/Drau, Austria
Quality assurance means safety
Quality assurance – for safer
Safety in a mine is not something Atlas Copco,
takes lightly. It’s a major issue for those who own
and those who work there. A minor fault in a rein-
forcement bolt may prove fatal. That’s why
Atlas Copco rock bolts are rigorously tested to en-
sure the best possible quality and reliability. In fact
our Quality assurance system is the most compre-
hensive on the rock reinforcement market today.
Quality assurance means safety
MAI SDA self-drilling anchors
There are two important quality parameters for a
MAI self-drilling anchor. Firstly, that anchors can
withstand the stipulated working pressure and,
secondly, that couplings and bits can be easily
Ultimate load tests are carried out on 1 in 200 of
the manufactured anchors. A special test bench
pulls these anchors until they break and the results
are monitored. Should an anchor fall short of the
given tolerances, production is stopped and the
fault is rectified.
Atlas Copco MAI also offers a hot dip galvanized
MAI self-drilling anchor. This galvanised layer has
to be the right thickness for the couplings and bits
to be threaded on properly.
Again, a sample of anchors is removed from the
production line during each shift and the thickness
of the galvanisation is tested and registered.
MAI SDA anchors versus Swellex bolts
The Atlas Copco MAI SDA is a unique bolting
solution for unstable ground conditions such as
sand, gravel, silt, and clays, and in soft to medium
fractured rock formations.
For projects facing such ground conditions, MAI
SDA self-drilling anchors should be considered as
the main productivity solution.
Atlas Copco Swellex rock bolts, which are
quickly and safely installed in rock not tending to
collapse, gives immediate support, speeding up
operations and boosting revenues. Over the past
two decades, the Swellex rock bolting solution has
become world famous as the simplest, fastest and
most reliable rock reinforcement technology avail-
Swellex installation
The Swellex bolt is a folded steel tube, which is
inserted into a pre-drilled hole in the rock. Water
is blasted into the tube at high pressure, blowing
out the fold and expanding the tube into the exact
shape of the hole, adapting to every irregularity.
Bolt installation takes less than 30 seconds, and
provides full and immediate support along the
entire hole length, in ground conditions ranging
from the hardest rock to clay even non-cohesive
material. Swellex manual installation
MAI SDA self-drilling anchors
A MAI SDA self-drilling anchor consists of:
a hexagonal nut
a bearing plate
extension couplings, if the anchor consists of
several anchor rod sections Plate
MAI SDA self-drilling anchors
The application circle below displays the three steel reinforcement to resist the design load.
most important areas and industries where the
The MAI SDA micro piles can be installed in sites
MAI SDA is best utilized
with limited headroom, restricted access capability
with light drilling equipment which have low noise
Slope stabilization
and vibration and require minimal site preparation.
Is used to stabilise mostly unstable rock/soil for- MAI SDA can be installed successfully into most
mations which are normally benched prior to the ground conditions including rock and is suitable
installation of the "soil nails". The unconsolidated for tension and compression loads. The big advan-
or weathered ground conditions favour the tech- tage is the combined drilling and grouting making
nique of Self Drilling Hollow Core Anchors (SDA) high piling outputs possible.
for the fast and simple method of installation com-
pared to the traditional methods of cased boreholes Tunnelling
and inserting of a suitable tendon.
MAI SDA anchors are the most economical
solution for the reinforcement of the tunnel cir-
Foundations with micropiles
cumference and advance roof support for tunnel
MAI SDA micro piles can be defined as small excavation in overburden and soft factured rock
diameter replacements, drilled piles, composed of conditions.
injected grout with the MAI SDA anchor rod as
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MAI SDA self-drilling anchors
MAI SDA self-drilling anchors
X type XX type
Description A forged cross-cut drill bit. Description A two stage cross cut bit.
R38 Ø 110 mm
Description A machined or cast hardened cross dill bit. Description The tungsten carbide cross bit.
R32 Ø 76 mm R32 Ø 76 mm
Diameters Diameters
R38 Ø 76 mm R38 Ø 76 & 90 mm
MAI SDA self-drilling anchors
ES type ESS type
Cast and hardened hemispherical button profile Tungsten carbide hemispherical button profile
Description drill bit. Suitable for silt, sand and gravel, but drill bit. Suitable for penetrating a larger range of
also for soft rock formations. Description soils and bolders, and also soft to medium rock
formations as found commonly along slopes in
mountainous regions.
Optimum Achievable for SPT-N values and UCS values of
penetration 0 - 60 N/mm2 Optimum Achievable for SPT-N values and UCS values of
penetration 0 - 50 N/mm2
ES-F bit ES-D bit ESS-F bit ESS-D bit
Configuration Flat face Configuration Drop center Configuration Flat face Configuration Drop center
R32 Ø 51 mm R32 Ø 51 mm
Driving head
This driving head was developed for soft
clay applications. NB! Consider a method of
simultaneous driving and grouting for optimum
grouting results.
Diameters R32 Ø 65 mm
SPT-N= Standart Penetration Test,
Suitable for soft clay
UCT=Unconfined Compressive Strength,
Suitable applications with
conditions anchor lengths up to 8 RQD=Rock Quality Designation Index
MAI SDA self-drilling anchors
Extension couplings
The coupling features a patented design that
enables direct end-to-end energy transmission
between each bar, reducing losses and ensuring
maximum percussive energy at the drill bit.
To enable the correct seating of each bar within the
coupler, all bars are chamfered with precision to
enable the bar ends to have contact.
An extension coupling
MAI SDA self-drilling anchors
Bearing plates
The bearing plates are formed steel plates with a
centre hole, allowing articulation of seven degrees
in all directions.
All functional parts are constantly tested, in line
with the Atlas Copco rigorous quality assurance
Bearing plates
Hexagonal nuts
The hexagonal nut is manufactured with cham-
fered edges on both ends from high precision steel,
and tempered to meet any stringent demands of the
anchor specifications and the daily operations of
underground works.
All nuts exceed the ultimate strength of the bar by
A hexagonal nut
Galvanized anchors
Corrosion is a very complex process, and corro-
sion rates are very hard to predict accurately. How-
ever, predictive methods can be helpful to evaluate
the need for corrosion protected rock bolts. For
this reason Atlas Copco has developed a hot dip
galvanizing corrosion protection. The full range
of SDA bars with couplings and nuts are available
with this corrosion protection.
Galvanized anchors
MAI SDA installation methods
Manual installation
MAI SDA installation methods
MAI SDA self-drilling anchors
Quick reference
Anchor rods
Description R32 L R32 N R32 S R38 N R51 L R51 N T76 N T76 S Unit
Outer diameter 32.0 32.0 32.0 38.0 51.0 51.0 76.0 76.0 mm
Average internal diameter 21.5 18.5 15.0 19.0 36.0 33.0 51.0 45.0 mm
Cross-sectional area 304 396 488 717 776 939 1835 2400 mm
Ultimate tensile load (UL) 210 280 360 500 550 800 1600 1900 kN
Yield load (YL) 160 230 280 400 450 630 1200 1500 kN
Weight 2.9 3.4 4.1 6.0 7.0 8.4 15.0 19.7 kg
Extension couplings
Description R32 L R32 N R32 S R38 N R51 L R51 N T76 N T76 S Unit
Diameter 42.0 42.0 42.0 51.0 63.0 63.0 95.0 95.0 mm
Length 145.0 145.0 190.0 220.0 140.0 190.0 200.0 200.0 mm
Weight 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.7 1.2 1.9 6.4 6.4 kg
Description R32 L R32 N R32 S R38 N R51 L R51 N T76 N T76 S Unit
Key size 46.0 46.0 46.0 50.0 75.0 75.0 100.0 100.0 mm
Length 45.0 45.0 45.0 50.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 mm
Weight 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.6 1.6 3.6 3.6 kg
Anchor plates
Description R32 L R32 N R32 S R38 N R51 L R51 N T76 N T76 S Unit
Dimension 150x150 200x200 200x200 200x200 200x200 250x250 250x250 250x250 mm
Thickness 8.0 10.0 12.0 12.0 30.0 40.0 40.0 60.0 mm
Hole diameter 35.0 35.0 35.0 41.0 60.0 60.0 80.0 80.0 mm
Weight 1.4 3.1 3.7 3.6 8.8 18.5 18.0 26.9 kg
MAI SDA R32 MAI SDA self-drilling anchors
Hammers Shank adapters Adapter couplings Anchor rod Extension coupling Anchor rod Bit example
R32 R32-R32 R32 R32
COP 1238-R32/R38 R32-R32
COP 1440-R32/R38
COP 1238-R32
COP 1838-R32
Hammers Shank adapters Adapter couplings Anchor rod Extension coupling Anchor rod Bit example
R32 L 2.0 5.4 32.0 21.5 304 210 160 9899 7000 50
R38 R38-R38 R38 R38
R32 L 3.0 8.1 32.0 R38-R38
21.5 304 210 160 9899 7000 49
COP 1238-R38
R32 L 4.0 10.8 32.0 21.5 304 210 160 9899 7000 51
R32 1838-R38
N 2.0 6.8 32.0 18.5 396 280 230 9899 1007 54 21,5 mm
“L version”
R32 N 3.0 10.2 32.0 18.5 396 280 230 9899 1007 55
R32 N 4.0 13.6 32.0 18.5 396 280 230 9899 1007 56
R32 S 2.0 8.2 32.0 15.0 488 360 280 9899 1007 58 32,0 mm
R32 S 3.0 12.3 32.0 15.0 488 360 280 9899 1007 59
R32 S 4.0 16.4 32.0 15.0 488 360 280 9899 1007 60
Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999)
R32 L 2.0 5.4 32.0 21.5 304 210 160 9899 1013 77
MAI SDA R51 18,5 mm
“N version”
R32 L 3.0 8.1 32.0 21.5 304 210 160 9899 7013 79
R32 L 4.0 Shank adapter
10.8 Adapter coupling
32.0 21.5 Anchor rod
304 210 Extension
160 coupling Anchor
9899 7013 81 rod Bit example
T51-R51 R51 R51-R51 R51 R51
R32 N 2.0 6.7 32.0 18.5 396 280 230 9899 1011 60 32,0 mm
COP / T51
R32 N 3.0 10.0 32.0 18.5 396 280 230 9899 1018 52
R32 N 4.0 13.4 32.0 18.5 396 280 230 9899 1021 88
R32 S 2.0 8.2 32.0 15.0 488 360 280 9899 1013 67
R32 S 3.0 12.3 32.0 15.0 488 360 280 9899 1013 66
15,0 mm
1 2 3 4
Average internal diameter / Cross sectional area / Ultimate load / Yield load
Hammers Shank adapters Adapter couplings Anchor rod Extension coupling Anchor rod Bit example
T76 T76-T76 T76 T76
COP / T51
SDA R32 extension couplings
Size Type Length Weight Outer Ø Product number
HL90-T76 (kg) (mm)
Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order. 17
MAI SDA self-drilling anchors
MAI SDA R32 bits
Size Type Weight Outer Ø Product number
(kg) (mm)
Drill bit R32 L&N&S X 0.5 51.0 9899 1007 79
Drill bit R32 L&N&S EX 0.3 51.0 9899 1007 81
Drill bit R32 L&N&S EX 1.2 76.0 9899 1012 67
Drill bit R32 L&N&S/L74 EXX 0.5 51.0 9899 7004 09
Drill bit R32 L&N&S EY 1.2 76.0 9899 1510 37
Drill bit R32 L&N&S EYY 1.0 76.0 9899 1503 54
Button bit R32 L&N&S ES-F 0.4 51.0 9899 1500 30
Button bit R32 L&N&S ESS-F 0.4 51.0 9899 1500 31
Button bit R32 L&N&S ESS-F 0.9 51.0 9899 1509 63
Split arc bit R32 L&N&S EC 0.4 51.0 9899 1500 83
Split arc bit R32 L&N&S ECC 0.4 51.0 9899 1507 52
Ram head R32 L&N&S Driving head 0.6 65.0 9899 1500 36
Anchor plate
Size Type Dimension Thickness Weight Hole Ø Product number
(mm) (mm) (kg) (mm)
R32 L 150x150 8.0 1.3 35.0 9899 1007 97
R32 L&N 200x200 10.0 3.1 35.0 9899 1007 98
R32 S 200x200 12.0 3.7 35.0 9899 1007 99
Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999)
R32 N 200x200 10.0 3.2 35.0 9899 1011 63
R32 S 200x200 12.0 3.9 35.0 9899 1013 69
18 Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order.
MAI SDA self-drilling anchors
Coupling box – Adapters – Shank adapters
Description Type Weight Product number
Quick coupling NW25 1" IT "female" L&N&S 0.5 9899 1003 73
Coupling box R25-R32 with middle stop L=200 mm L&N&S 1.7 9899 1018 30
Coupling box R32-R32 with middle stop L=200 mm L&N&S 1.5 9899 1018 31
Coupling box R32-R38 with middle stop L=200 mm L&N&S 2.5 9899 1018 32
Coupling box R32-T45 with middle stop L=200 mm L&N&S 3.1 9899 1501 37
Drill bit adapter R38/R32 L&N&S 0.01 9899 1500 08
Injection adapter R32/1" L&N&S 0.6 9899 1019 52
Shank R25 male/SK22 L&N&S 1.2 9899 1015 03
Shank R25 male/SK25 L&N&S 1.4 9899 1015 00
Centralizer R32/ Ø72 L&N&S 0.3 9899 1515 32
Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order. 19
MAI SDA self-drilling anchors
Hammers Shank adapters Adapter couplings Anchor rod Extension coupling Anchor rod Bit example
R38 R38-R38 R38 R38
COP 1238-R38
COP 1838-R38
20 Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order.
MAI SDA self-drilling anchors
Anchor plate
Size Type Dimension Thickness Weight Hole Ø Product number
(mm) (mm) (kg) (mm)
R38 N 200x200 12.0 3.6 41.0 9899 1008 00
Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999)
R38 N 200x200 12.0 3.8 41.0 9899 1019 80
Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order. 21
MAI SDA self-drilling anchors
Hammer Shank adapter Adapter coupling Anchor rod Extension coupling Anchor rod Bit example
T51-R51 R51 R51-R51 R51 R51
COP / T51
Hammers 2.0 14.0
Shank adapters 51.0Adapter couplings
36.0 776
Anchor rod550Extension
450 coupling
9899 1500 57
Anchor rod Bit example
R51 L 3.0 21.0 51.0 36.0 776 T76 550 T76-T76
450 9899 1500 52T76 T76
22 Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order.
MAI SDA self-drilling anchors
MAI SDA R51 nuts & plates
Size Type Length Weight Key size Product number
(mm) (kg) (mm)
R51 L&N 70.0 1,6 75.0 9899 1500 23
Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999)
R51 L&N 70.0 1,6 75.0 9899 1512 61
Anchor plate
Size Type Dimension Thickness Weight Hole Ø Product number
(mm) (mm) (kg) (mm)
R51 L 200x200 30.0 8.8 60.0 9899 1500 96
R51 N 250x250 40.0 18.5 60.0 9899 1500 97
Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999)
R51 L 200x200 30.0 8.8 60.0 9899 7000 09
R51 N 250x250 40.0 18.5 60.0 9899 1511 64
Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order. 23
MAI SDA self-drilling anchors
Hammers Shank adapters Adapter couplings Anchor rod Extension coupling Anchor rod Bit example
T76 T76-T76 T76 T76
COP / T51
Krupp / HL90
24 Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order.
MAI SDA self-drilling anchors
MAI SDA T76 nuts & plates
Size Type Length Weight Key size Product number
(mm) (kg) (mm)
T76 N&S 80.0 3.6 100.0 9899 1506 45
Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999)
T76 N&S 80.0 3.6 100.0 9899 7003 26
Anchor plate
Size Type Dimension Thickness Weight Hole Ø Product number
(mm) (mm) (kg) (mm)
T76 N&S 250x250 60.0 27.0 80.0 9899 1510 47
Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999)
T76 N&S 250x250 60.0 27.0 80.0 9899 7003 27
Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order. 25
MAI SDA accessories
A centralizer is available for specialist applica-
tions. For general use the centralizer is not re-
quired as it snags during rotation and interferes
with grout circulation in the borehole. The use of
a centralizer does not guarantee comprehensive
grout cover along the length of the bar as it's is im-
possible to control the grout within the borehole.
Rotary percussion is the preferred method of in-
stallation. Either hydraulic or air hammer is suit-
able. To transfer the rotation and percussion from
the hammer to the bar's system there is a need for
the special tool named shank adapter. Atlas Copco
is providing a full range of different shank adapt-
ers for different hammers.
MAI SDA accessories
Grout coupling
After using standard flushing media - water or air,
grouting has to be done. For connecting the grout-
ing hose from the pump with the anchor bar, the
grout coupling is used. The grout coupling will be
removed and reused after the grouting process is
Grout coupling
MAI anchor mortar is mixed with clean water; ap-
proximately 5.0 l/bag are needed. For processing,
standard mortar mixing pumps, especially the MAI
pump m400 NT are suitable. MAI SDA anchor mortar
Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order. 27
MAI grout pump
Areas of use
The proven mixing and pumping technology is
especially suitable for:
Injection work
Re-injection grouting
Drill hole filling
Back filling
Anchor mortar Productivity characteristics
Sturdy construction.
Galvanized frame guarantees optimum corro-
sion protection and can withstand even the
toughest treatment.
Simple to dismantle and quick to clean and
28 Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order.
Swellex rock bolts
Since its introduction 25 years ago, the Swellex
rock bolting system has gained wide recognition
in mining and tunnelling works. It is a unique rock
bolt, as it is made out of a welded tube folded on
itself and sealed at one extremity. It is re-expanded
using a high pressure water flow provided by a spe-
cial pump and adapter. The bolt is expanded inside
a borehole drilled into the excavation wall, why the
installation process is easy and very similar as other
rock bolts, making Swellex accessible to all opera-
The speed and quality of installation and the exten-
sive application range have solved support problems
and increased profitability for contractors and mine
operators all over the world. As mine and tunnel
safety requirements have become more stringent,
the prompt, reliable and versatile support available
with Swellex rock bolts has made them the best for
most problem solving, and one of the best for rock
reinforcement in general.
Through a process of continuous improvement,
Atlas Copco has refined Swellex to offer the most
versatile portfolio of rock bolts available on the
market. Swellex rock bolts from Atlas Copco ex-
ist in two typical versions, one being the Swellex
Premium line, a relatively stiff rock bolt for tunnel-
ling and mining in moderate stress conditions, and
the other one called the Swellex Manganese line, a
highly deformable rock bolt for large rock deforma-
tion situations.
Another improvement is the line of corrosion
protected Swellex. From the well accepted rubber
bitumen coating to the new Plasticoated Swellex for
highly corrosive environments, Atlas Copco cov-
ers all demands for corrosion protection and long
life rock bolts. And again, for special applications
like hangers and deep reinforcement, Atlas Copco
has perfected versions of Swellex to perform these
tasks with the same easy system. With the Swellex
Hanger Pm24H, the operator can install its serv-
ice hanger in the same reinforcement operation as
the primary support. The Connectable Pm24C is a
modern replacement to medium length cable bolts,
with high productivity, quality control and safety
Swellex rock bolts
Swellex features
The Swellex rock bolt is made out of a welded
steel tube folded on itself and sealed at one extrem-
ity, while the other extremity is set with a special
head bushing used for inflation and retaining of the
face plates typically used in rock bolting.
The expansion of the bolt, inside the drilled bore-
hole, creates a friction and interlocking anchor,
which provides instant reinforcement and support. A Swellex rock bolt before An inflated Swellex rock bolt
inflation adapted to the bore hole’s
Swellex rock bolts can be considered as a full
column support as they provide reinforcement and
support on the whole length of the borehole, what-
ever happens at the collar area.
Swellex rock bolts
Swellex rock bolts are extremely versatile and can like roof and hanging wall bolting have adopted
be used in a variety of excavation, from tunneling Swellex as a rapid and performing stabilisation de-
to mining. A very typical application in tunneling vice. Because Swellex is expanded inside a bore-
is to use Swellex as pattern bolts to support, rein- hole smaller than the folded tube circumference,
force or consolidate the periphery of an excava- it is not sensitive to hole diameter, rock quality or
tion. The density of bolting depends of the size of water conditions and provides a good anchorage
the excavation and the self-supporting qualities of capacity in most tunneling and mining conditions.
the rock mass. In mining, common applications
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Swellex rock bolts
Atlas Copco offers a versatile portfolio of rock
bolts that provides reinforcement solutions for
ground conditions varying from easy to very dif-
ficult. With three typical capacity ranges, at 120
kN, 160 kN and 240 kN, the Swellex rock bolts
can be used in most reinforcement and support ap-
plications. They can also be used either in mines or
in civil engineering applications and their specific
mechanical properties will provide the needed
safety and performance. Selection of a rock bolt is
usually done during the design phase of an excava-
tion, and is the prerogative of the design engineer
as it involves geological and structural knowledge
and engineering computation. However, the fol-
lowing sections can help understand the specific
mechanical properties of the Swellex bolts and
ease the selection process.
Premium line
The Premium line is a typical tunnelling bolt, with
a high yield load and good deformability. It pro-
vides a competitive strength combined with the
classic Swellex system performance. Pm rock bolts
can also be used in mining when low to medium
stress conditions require a stiff Swellex rock bolt
with a high yield load. However, Pm line Swellex
are deformable enough to provide a safe behaviour
in rising stress conditions and can be used in most Swellex Premium line rock bolts
typical mining environments.
Manganese line
The Manganese line was developed to suit large
stress changes occuring in some mining and tun-
neling projects. Made from a very specific steel
type, Mn rock bolts receive a heat treatment to im-
prove their mechanical properties. Manganese line
Swellex rock bolts have a unique yielding behav-
iour that can be matched only with the proper steel
manufacturing. As a result, they provide a high
ultimate load and a large deformation capability.
Because of these outstanding mechanical proper-
ties and the quality assurance associated with the Swellex Manganese line rock bolts
Swellex system, the Manganese line has been a
mining success.
Swellex rock bolts
Bitumen coated
Bitumen coated Swellex is created by coating a
Swellex bolt with a thick rubber bitumen paint, to
provide medium term corrosion protection against
most corrosive conditions.
Plastic coated
Plastic coated Swellex is providing its long term
corrosion protection through a thick plastic coating
that is impervious to water and current. The dam-
age resistant coating is very effective in very corro-
sive environments and its resistance and effective-
A plastic coated Swellex rock bolt
ness is proven over years of application in highly
acidic conditions.
Swellex installation methods
Manual installation
1. Drill the hole. 2. Insert the bolt. 3. Connect and start 4. Installation
the pump to completed.
expand the bolt.
Mechanized installation
Rock bolting for mining and tunnelling has
reached a phase of performance never attained
in the past. While spot bolting is still used to
stabilize individual blocks in roofs and walls of
excavations, the trend is to use rock bolting as a
systematic mean to provide a global reinforcement
mechanism that will allow longer and safer use of
underground excavations.
Along these changes, mechanization of rock bolt-
ing has become a preferred way for many tunnel
and mining operators. Not only does a mechanized Fully mechanized installation of Swellex with a Boltec
drill rig
installation provide a higher productivity, it also
helps to maintain a safer working environment.
However, since the demand for manually installed
rock bolts is still high, support systems must be
flexible and allow manual as well as mechanized
installation operations.
Over the last decade, it has been recognized that
the installation operation is a critical step in as-
suring the effectiveness of a rock support system.
If not properly installed, the best rock bolt will
behave poorly and provide a false sense of security
that is detrimental to the reinforcement purpose.
Better bolting operation and quality control of the
raw materials is now a basic component of a good
reinforcement system.
Swellex installation methods
1. Drill the hole 2. Install bolt 1 and 3. Add bolt 3 with 4. Connect the inflation 5. Inflate the bolts 6. Installation
add bolt 2 face plate chuck and install all completed
the bolts
1. Drill the hole 2. Mount the infla- 3. Connect the 4. Inflate the bolt 5. Dismount the 6. Mount the eye-
tion adapter chuck to the adapter bolt
Swellex rock bolts
Quick reference
Swellex Premium line
Bolt type
Description Unit
Pm12 Pm16 Pm24 Pm24C Pm24H
Type of steel S275JR / S355MC
Minimum breaking load 110 160 240 200 200 kN
Minimum yield load 100 140 200 190 190 kN
Minimum elongation ** 10 10 10 10 10 %
Inflation pressure 300 300 300 300 300 Bar
Profile diameter 27.5 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 mm
Original tube, diameter 41.0 54.0 54.0 54.0 54.0 mm
Material thickness 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 mm
Upper bushing, diameter 28.0 38.0 38.0 38.0 38.0 mm
Inflation bushing, diameter 30.0/36.0 41.0/48.0 41.0/48.0 41.0/48.0 - mm
Optimal hole diameters* 35.0 - 38.0 45.0 - 51.0 45.0 - 51.0 48.0 - 51.0 45.0 - 51.0 mm
Range hole diameters 32.0 - 39.0 43.0- 52.0 43.0 - 52.0 48.0 - 54.0 43.0 - 52.0 mm
Connection diameter including welds - - - 45.0 - mm
Recommended collar diameter - - - - 53.0 - 55.0 mm
Bitumen coated option Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Plastic coated option Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
* Typical values
** A5. According to SS-EN 10 002 - 1 where applicable.
Swellex rock bolts
Swellex rock bolts
Swellex Pm12
General information
Minimum breaking load 110 kN
Minimum elongation* 10%
Minimum yield load 100 kN
Inflation pressure 300 bar
For further information, see also Technical data page 36
* A5. According to SS-EN 10 002 - 1 where applicable.
38 Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order.
Swellex rock bolts
Swellex Pm16
General information
Minimum breaking load 160 kN
Minimum elongation* 10%
Minimum yield load 130 kN
Inflation pressure 300 bar
Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order. 39
Swellex rock bolts
Swellex Pm24
General information
Minimum breaking load 240 kN
Minimum elongation* 10%
Minimum yield load 200 kN
Inflation pressure 300 bar
40 Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order.
Swellex rock bolts
Swellex Pm24C – a connectable bolt
Size Description Length (m) Weight Product number
Assembled Overall
"NR" (Connectable)
SWX Pm24C Blind 1.62 1.62 6.3 9899 7013 89
SWX Pm24C Injection 1.52 1.62 6.4 9899 7013 90
SWX Pm24C Intermediate 1.62 1.72 6.6 9899 7013 91
SWX Pm24C Blind 1.92 1.92 7.8 9899 7013 83
SWX Pm24C Injection 1.82 1.92 7.4 9899 7013 87
SWX Pm24C Intermediate 1.92 2.02 7.9 9899 7013 85
SWX Pm24C Blind bushing 2.22 2.22 8.5 9899 7013 95
SWX Pm24C Injection hole 2.12 2.22 8.5 9899 7013 96
SWX Pm24C Intermediate 2.22 2.32 8.8 9899 7013 97
SWX Pm24C Blind 2.52 2.52 9.7 9899 7013 30
SWX Pm24C Injection 2.42 2.52 9.7 9899 7013 32
SWX Pm24C Intermediate 2.52 2.62 10.0 9899 7013 31
SWX Pm24C Blind 3.12 3.12 12.0 9899 7013 36
SWX Pm24C Injection 3.02 3.12 12.0 9899 7013 34
SWX Pm24C Intermediate 3.12 3.22 12.2 9899 7013 33
SWX Pm24C Blind 4.12 4.12 15.9 9899 7013 92
SWX Pm24C Injection 4.02 4.12 15.9 9899 7013 93
SWX Pm24C Intermediate 4.12 4.22 16.1 9899 7013 94
"NR" Plastic coated (Connectable)
SWX Pm24C Blind 1.62 1.62 6.4 9899 7014 08
SWX Pm24C Injection 1.52 1.62 6.4 9899 7014 09
SWX Pm24C Intermediate 1.62 1.72 6.6 9899 7014 10
SWX Pm24C Blind 1.92 1.92 7.8 9899 7014 03
SWX Pm24C Injection 1.82 1.92 7.4 9899 7014 02
SWX Pm24C Intermediate 1.92 2.02 7.9 9899 7014 04
SWX Pm24C Blind bushing 2.22 2.22 8.5 9899 7014 12
SWX Pm24C Injection hole 2.12 2.22 8.5 9899 7014 13
SWX Pm24C Intermediate 2.22 2.32 8.8 9899 7014 14
SWX Pm24C Blind 2.52 2.52 9.7 9899 7014 00
SWX Pm24C Injection 2.42 2.52 9.7 9899 7013 99
SWX Pm24C Intermediate 2.52 2.62 10.0 9899 7014 01
SWX Pm24C Blind bushing 3.12 3.12 12.0 9899 7014 05
SWX Pm24C Injection hole 3.02 3.12 12.0 9899 7014 07
SWX Pm24C Intermediate 3.12 3.22 12.2 9899 7014 06
SWX Pm24C Blind 4.12 4.12 15.9 9899 7014 15
SWX Pm24C Injection 4.02 4.12 15.9 9899 7014 16
SWX Pm24C Intermediate 4.12 4.22 16.1 9899 7014 17
Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order. 41
Swellex rock bolts
42 Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order.
Swellex rock bolts
Swellex rock bolts
Swellex Mn12
General information
Minimum breaking load* 110 kN
Minimum yield load 90 kN
Minimum elongation* 20%
Inflation pressure 300 bar
For further information, see also Technical data page 36
* A5. According to SS-EN 10 002 - 1 where applicable.
44 Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order.
Swellex rock bolts
Swellex Mn16
General information
Minimum breaking load 160 kN
Minimum yield load 120 kN
Minimum elongation* 20%
Inflation pressure 300 bar
For further information, see also Technical data page 36
* A5. According to SS-EN 10 002 - 1 where applicable.
Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order. 45
Swellex rock bolts
Swellex Mn24
General information
Minimum breaking load 200 kN
Minimum yield load 180 kN
Minimum elongation* 20%
Inflation pressure 300 bar
For further information, see also Technical data page 36
* A5. According to SS-EN 10 002 - 1 where applicable.
46 Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order.
Swellex rock bolts
Swellex face plates
Face plates are used to create a local surface sup-
port around the borehole collar area. With point
load anchor bolts, the plate is used to transfer the
displacement of the rock mass into the rock bolt,
without it no load transfer can take place. Full col-
umn support like grouted bolts and friction bolts
need a face plate to maintain rock mass loading on
the area of the collar only as most of the loading
occurs along the bolt body. Face plates are used to
maintain local roof stability, to prevent keyblock Swellex face plates
Hanging feature
Most face plates types can be specified with a hole
or notch to be used to hang light and non-vibrating
or oscillating services. The suffix “L” is then added
to the plate description to indicate the presence of
such a hole or notch. This added feature does not
reduce strength specifications, but it should not be
Face plates with lance Face plates with a
attempted to hang heavy or vibrating services as bent corner
the long term capacity of the rock bolt could be
dramatically reduced.
Swellex rock bolts
Swellex Pm12, Mn12 face plates
Regular strength ¬ ¬ ¬
Name General Suitable conditions Data Product numbers
Std SWX Traditional spherical Normal ground conditions Steel: Domex 600 / Plate size: 151x151 mm Standard 3125 5655 03
plate domed plates with low to medium stress Hole size: 29x39 mm ± 5 mm
level & small convergence Bent corner 3125 5655 01
Min. mtrl. thickness: 3,8 mm
Min. breaking load: 89 kN ASTM grade 2 Lance -
VR12 / Domed plates Normal ground conditions Steel: HSLA Gr 75 ksi / Plate size: 151x151 mm Standard 9899 7006 32
VR12L with medium stress levels & Hole size: 30,2 mm ± 0,3mm
small convergence. Bent corner -
Min. mtrl. thickness: 3,8 mm
Min. breaking load: 110 kN ASTM grade 2 Lance 9899 7012 90
D12/D12L Low profile plate Normal duty applications. Steel: HSLA Gr 75 ksi / Plate size: 151x151 mm Standard 9899 7006 31
with a ridge Normal ground conditions Hole size: 30,2 mm ± 0,3mm
with low stress levels & Bent corner -
Min. mtrl. thickness: 3,8 mm
small convergence. Min. breaking load: 100 kN ASTM grade 2 Lance 9899 7012 89
NR12 Low profile domed Mining & tunnelling applica- Steel: S355JR / Plate size: 151x151 mm Standard 9899 7014 18
plates tions. Normal ground conditions Hole size: 30,2 mm ± 0,3mm
with low to medium stress Bent corner -
Min. mtrl. thickness: 4,0 mm
levels & small convergence. Min. breaking load: 70 kN Lance -
F12 Flat plate Mining and tunnelling ap- Steel: S355JR / Plate size: 151x151 mm Standard 9899 7012 91
plications and relatively even Hole size: 30,2 mm ± 0,3mm
rock surfaces Bent corner -
Min. mtrl. thickness: 4,0 mm
Min. breaking load: 70 kN Lance 9899 7012 92
High strength ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬
VS12 Domed plates Normal ground conditions Steel: HSLA Gr 75 ksi / Plate size: 151x151 mm Standard 9899 7006 33
with high stress levels & Hole size: 30,2 mm±0,3mm
important convergence. Bent corner -
Min. mtrl. thickness: 4,8 mm
Min. breaking load: 142 kN ASTM grade 3 Lance 9899 7012 97
NS12 Low profile domed Mining & tunnelling applica- Steel: S355JR / Plate size: 151x151 mm Standard 9899 7014 20
plates tions . Normal ground condi- Hole size: 40 mm±0,3mm
tions with high stress levels Bent corner -
Min. mtrl. thickness: 5,0 mm
& important convergence. Min. breaking load: 100 kN ASTM grade 2 Lance -
Mn face Traditional spherical Normal ground conditions Steel: Doomex 600 / Plate size: 151x151 mm Standard 3125 5655 13
plate dome plates with low to mediuim stress Hole size: 39x44 mm ± 0,5 mm
levels & small convergence Min. mtrl. thickness: 3,8 mm Bent corner -
Min. breaking load: 89 kN ASTM grade 2 Lance -
NR24 Domed face plates Normal ground conditions Steel: S355JR / Plate size: 151x151 mm Standard 9899 7014 21
with low to medium stress Hole size: 40 mm ± 0,3mm
levels & small convergence. Min. mtrl. thickness: 4,0 mm Bent corner -
Min. breaking load: 100 kN ASTM grade 2
Lance -
VR24 / Domed face plates Normal duty applications. Steel: HSLA Gr 80 ksi / Plate size: 151x151 mm Standard 9899 7012 95
VR24L Normal ground conditions HHole size: 40 mm ± 0,3mm
with low stress levels & Min. mtrl. thickness: 4,1 mm Bent corner -
small convergence. Min. breaking load: 90kN ASTM grade 2
Lance 9899 7012 96
High strength ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬
VS24 / Domed face plates All ground conditions and Steel: HSLA Gr 75 ksi / Plate size: 151x151 mm Standard 9899 7006 34
VS24L developed for the especially for high stress & Hole size: 40 mm ± 0,3mm
North American convergence. Min. mtrl. thickness: 5,4 mm
market Min. breaking load ASTM: 144 kN Bent corner -
Min. breaking load, bushing: 200 kN ASTM
grade 3 Lance 9899 7012 98
48 Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order.
Swellex installation pumps
Swellex installation pumps
Swellex pump PSP 240/300
The pneumatic Swellex pump PSP 300 is a well-
proven high pressure water pump for Swellex rock
bolt installations. It has an integrated pump unit,
which is a pressure booster consisting of a double
acting air cylinder connected to a water pump by
means of a common piston rod. It requires an inlet
air pressure of 5 bar to inflate bolts up to 300 bar.
The expansion time for a 4.0 m long Standard
Swellex rockbolt is about 70 seconds.
50 Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order.
Swellex installation pumps
Swellex pump H1 and HC1
The hydraulic Swellex pump H1 is designed to be
used with hydraulic bolting rigs. The H1 is robust
and reliable. It can be used with a manual instal-
lation arm or it can be integrated with the rig's
installation system. Swellex H1 hydraulic pumps
are only available in stainless steel version to
resist corrosion, provide a long life expectancy and
low operating costs. The HC1 version has been
designed to assure the quality of installation by
controlling the inflation until the required pressure
is reached. It then maintains this pressure for a set
period of time so the bolt is fully expanded around
the irregularities inside the borhole and the best Areas of use
anchorage capacity and a perfect installation is Swellex hydraulic pumps are preferred when high
granted. bolting performance is required.
When Swellex HC1 is used with a drill rig To be used with hydraulic rigs.
equipped with the CANBUS control system, an With the HC1, the inflation process is fully con
optional function is available for recording number trolled by the pump system and is not affected by
of bolts installed and inflation pressure. human factors.
Productivity characteristics
To be used with hydraulic rigs.
Short inflation time.
Simple and robust.
Quality of installation is assured with the HC1.
Hydraulic pressure 150 - 250 bar L=1.6 m for Pm/Mn 16 & 24 12.0 8613 2430 09
Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order. 51
Swellex installation pumps
Swellex E1
The electric Swellex pump E1 is a fast and quiet,
high pressure water pump. It has an electrically
driven Triplex plunger pump for up to 320 bar
installation pressure. The main advantage is that
the flow delivered by the pump is independent of
the water pressure and thus speeding up the bolt
expansion process. The expansion time for a 6.0
m long Mn24 or Pm24 rockbolt is less than 60
seconds. The pump is equipped with electric main
switch, a pressure sensor on the incoming water
side and an outlet pressure sensor with signal light.
The outlet pressure from the pump can easily be
adjusted via a pressure switch. The pump can also
be used as a high pressure washing unit when used Areas of use
with Atlas Copco dedicated washing nozzle. Swellex Electric pump E1 is the favourable tool
when high performance bolting is required with
Productivity characteristics various types of rigs and equipment.
Can be used with any types of rigs or equipment Can be used with hydraulic rigs or others.
where electricity is available. Can be used for manual or mechanized bolting.
Can be ordered with required current and voltage The pump is equipped with a time control system
requirements. so the inflation process is unlikely to be affected
Robust with short inflation time. by human factors.
52 Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order.
Quality assurance
Atlas Copco Swellex products are all manufactured according to strict ISO rules. Stringent incoming
quality control assures high quality materials are used. Extensive quality testing is performed to assure
that the products are adequate for the Atlas Copco brand.
Pressure gauges
Shipment number:
Steel sleeves Swellex Pm12 rockbolts are manufactured with a specially developed steel within the S355MC specifications
according EN 10 149. Swellex Pm12 rockbolts meet or exceed the breaking load, yield load and elongation
specifications stated below.
The production quality is continuously monitored and evaluated. Each bolt is marked with an individual batch
number. The documentation system makes it possible to trace the bolt all the way back to the steel mill.
Swellex rockbolts are designed, manufactured and tested to meet ASTM F 432 Standard. Swellex rockbolt
Letter of compliance
production is ISO 9001 certified.
Werkstrasse 17
A-9710 Feistritz/Drau
Pressure gauge for Pm12, Mn12 Pressure gauge for Pm16, Pm24, Mn16, Mn24
Description Weight Product number Description Weight Product number
(kg) (kg)
QA pressure gauge Ø 30 mm 0.9 8613 1101 01 QA pressure gauge Ø 40 mm 0.9 8613 1101 02
Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order. 53
Quality assurance
Pull tester
Hydraulically operated test equipment with
digitally displayed test results.
Atlas Copco Swellex products are the easiest to
test for installation quality and random quality
testing thanks to the original adapter that allows to
pull-test any Swellex bolt at anytime, without spe-
cial set up during the bolt installation. Accordingly,
new and old Swellex bolts can be tested with the
same ease. Atlas Copco provides a complete pull
tester set for the customer's convenience.
The Swellex pull-tester is designed to meet the
highest demands on accuracy and portability that Pull tester
professional users in the mining and tunnelling
industry put on a measuring instrument of this
type. With Swellex pull-tester you can test any Pull test equipment
installed Swellex bolt. The adapter sleeve grips Description Weight Product number
around the head of the bolt when you set up the
Pull tester complete 62.0 8613 1108 00
equipment and you do not have to prepare a bolt
Mechanical parts for pull tester 22.3 8613 1108 01
for pulltesting prior to installation. This means
Pull tester hose, 700 bar, 6m 2.1 8613 1108 80
that you can easily pull test bolts installed a long
time ago. You can pull-test bolts with or without
face plates.
Steel sleeves
When performing non destructive sliding tests
to estimate the specific anchorage capacity of
Swellex bolts in a given rock type or rock mass
conditions, it is customary to use steel sleeves
passed over the profile to reduce the effective
anchored length, thus enabling to slip out the bolt
without failure. Atlas Copco can also provide those
sleeves for the customer convenience.
Steel sleeves are an important tool when perform-
ing anchorage capacity pull tests. These tests are Steel sleeves provided for performing anchorage
done to verify that the rock bolt can provide the capacity estimation
54 Products in bold are stock items, other items are produced to order.
Swellex accessories
Mesh washers
The Swellex Mesh Washers are used for instal-
lation of wire mesh on already installed Swellex
rock bolts. This special friction washer is pushed
over the inflation bushing head and can carry
over 10 kN. Care must be taken that the washer is
pushed straight over the bushing head and that the
teeth of the hole are not broken or bent during the
Mesh washers
Colour plugs
Color plugs are designed to help differentiate the
length of Swellex bolts once the bolts are installed
in the excavation. When more than one length of
Swellex bolts are used in the same excavation, col-
our plugs are an easy and efficient way to perform
quality control on the reinforcement system as they
allow rapid identification of the bolt.
Colour plugs
Description Indicated Product number
bolt length
Colour plug, orange 1.2 - 1.5 9899 7004 19
Colour plug, natural 1.8 9899 7004 22
Colour plug, blue 2.1 9899 7004 20 Swellex colour plugs
Colour plug, green 2.4 9899 7004 21
Colour plug, red 3.0 9899 7004 23
Colour plug, white 3.6 9899 7004 25
Colour plug, yellow 4-5 9899 7004 24
Atlas Copco Geotechnical Drilling and Exploration
© Copyright 2008, Atlas Copco Craelius AB, Märsta, Sweden. Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited. This applies in
6991 1571 01b Märsta, Sweden, December, 2008 particular to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and drawings. Illustrations and photos in this brochure may show equipment with optional extras.
Specifications and equipment subjects to change without notice. Consult your Atlas Copco Customer Center for specific information.