Houseplant List
Houseplant List
Houseplant List
Light Requirement
(measured in foot candles(ftc) at mid-day; see “Light for Houseplants” article on Gardening Solutions for descriptions of different light levels)
Direct Sun, 4+ hours High (over 500 ftc, partial/indirect) Medium (100-500 ftc, indirect) Low (25-100 ftc, indirect)
Allow to dry
Aloes ◆ Ponytail Grape Ivy Peperomia Grape Ivy Wax Plant Few plants survive in conditions of
Jewel-leaf Plant extremely low light. Even the “low
Crown of Thorns Succulents ◆ Jade Plant ◆ Succulents (some) ◆ light” plants listed here will grow
Jade Plant ◆ Jewel-leaf Plant Wax Plant Peperomia and Pilea faster at higher light levels.
Croton ◆ Air Plants Philodendrons Asparagus Fern ◆ Parlor Palm Bamboo Palm
English Ivy Begonias ◆ Pilea ◆ Bamboo Palm Philodendrons Cast-Iron Plant
Water once soil surface layer is dry
Flame Violet ◆ Corn Plant Pothos Cast-Iron Plant Podocarpus Kentia Palm
Geraniums ◆ English Ivy Prayerplant Chinese Evergreens Pothos Monstera
Kalanchoes ◆ False Aralia Velvet Plant Christmas Cactus ◆ Prayerplant Parlor Palm
Norfolk Island Pine Fiddle Leaf Fig Red Dracaena Corn Plant Velvet Plant Peace Lily
Most herbs Gloxinia ◆ Snake Plant ◆ Dumb Cane Red Dracaena Philodendrons
Oxalis species Kalanchoes ◆ Spider Plant False Aralia Rubber Plant Pothos
Kentia Palm Tradescantia ◆ Fastia ◆ Snake Plant ◆ Snake Plant ◆
Monstera ZZ Plant Green Dracena Spider Plant ZZ Plant
Water Requirement
Hibiscus Areca Palm Peace Lily Bird’s Nest Fern ◆ Peace Lily
Calathea Pygmy Date Palm Calathea Pygmy Date Palm
Flamingo Flower Staghorn Fern ◆ Flamingo Flower Staghorn Fern ◆
Lady Palm Lady Palm Zebra Plant