Unit 8 - Lesson 1
Unit 8 - Lesson 1
Unit 8 - Lesson 1
Rule # 1: Infinitives Rule # 1 : Only gerunds are Examples: 1- I remember The exception:
should be used after used after prepositions mailing the letter If “but” or “except” are used like
adjectives (with one exception). (I have a memory of a past this, they need to be followed by an
action) infinitive:
Example: It is not easy to Example: I talked him out of I remembered to mail the
graduate from university. taking that job letter ( I reminded myself to Example:
mail the letter) - I had no choice but to follow her.
Rule # 2 : Infinitives are Rule # 2: Gerunds are often 2- I stopped drinking coffee -Mary made no stops on the
often used when actions used when actions ( I gave up the habit) way except to get gas.
are unreal, abstract, are real, fixed, or completed. I stopped to drink coffee ( I
or future stopped doing something
else to have a cup of coffee)
When to avoid using Gerunds and infinitives
I stopped to water the plants.
She promised me she will take out the trash.
My parents say that I shouldn’t quit school.
I'm really looking forward to ________ at the weekend.
a. seeing you b. see you
I promise not ________.
a. to tell anyone b. telling anyone
I must remember ________ on his birthday.
a. to call Dad b. calling Dad
The thing I most enjoy ________ at the weekend is sleeping
a. to do b. doing
Do you love ____________?
a. to come here b. coming here
You can't pretend ________ – you only look twelve!
a. to be eighteen b. being eighteen
What do you want ________ for her birthday?
a. to give Mom b. giving Mom
I need to stop ________ late at night – I keep making terrible mistakes!
a. doing my homework b.to do my homework
1. I often enjoy (dance) ___ on a Saturday night.
A- to dance B- dancing
2. When I finish (write) ___ this letter, I'll come and help
A- to write B- writing
Hey Mom, dad, and Izzy- had a great time yesterday! Dear Parents,
We went piranha fishing on the Amazon in a canoe.
Last night we arrived at the most fantastic hotel in
Victor told us to throw pieces of meat into the water
Arequipa, Peru. It is great to be in a room with a private
to attract the fish, but we didn’t manage to catch
bathroom. We expected to have a good night’s sleep but
anything. We stopped to camp on the banks in the
woke up when an earthquake struck about 2 a.m. Don’t
evening and really enjoyed watching the sunset and
panic, Mother! You’ll be happy to hear that no one was
swimming in the dark. Unfortunately, we’d forgotten to
hurt. We fell asleep again shortly after, and everyone felt
bring a flashlight, so we were lucky to escape from the
fine in the morning despite the holes in the walls and
crocodiles. Love ya! Bill.
ceilings. We’re thinking of staying here two more days. I’ll
let you know our plans.
Lots of love, Jill
Group A questions:
Group B questions:
What happened to Kate? What was Bill doing in the Amazon?
How did her parents find out? What was Victor’s advice?
Why is Dan writing to his mother so late? What did Jill enjoy most about Peru?
What does he want his mother to do? What catastrophic disaster took place?