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DRA37 MurderinMossbank

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The document details a murder mystery one-shot D&D adventure where the party is hired to investigate the murder of Sylviel. The main suspects are Horace, Norman, and Sylviel herself.

The main suspect initially seems to be Horace, Sylviel's husband, but clues point to Sylviel framing him.

The party can visit places in town like the tavern, city watch station, arena, and homes of suspects to look for clues.


Designer: Jes Wade

Template: Simple Microsoft Word Template by Laura
Hirsbrunner Background .................................................................................... 2
Cover Illustration used with license: Karnoff Overview ......................................................................................... 2
Editor: Hiten Dave Adventure Hooks .......................................................................... 2
Play testers: Just a Note ................................................................................. 2
Brandon Cheatham - Zimel The Suspects .................................................................................. 2
Rachel Spinelli - Phaedra of Rwanda The “Murderer” ............................................................................ 2
Liz Tucksmith - Finneas the Availing Framing Horace ....................................................................... 3
Sandy Runyan - Dwarf the Dwarf Killing Horace .......................................................................... 3
Sample Timeline ..................................................................... 3


Call to Action: Investigators for Hire ....................................... 3
Part 1: Investigating the town .................................................... 4
Places to Visit ........................................................................... 4
Travelers Coin .......................................................................... 4
I started playing D&D on a camping trip with some of my rugby
City Watch Station .................................................................. 4
team mates in July of 2019, later that month I tore my ACL and
The Arena .................................................................................. 5
looked to D&D to take me on adventures when my legs could not.
The Humbuddy, opens at 2pm ............................................. 5
Since then I have started creating goofy and light-hearted one
Warner's Wares ....................................................................... 5
shots and supplements. You can find my prior releases here.
Chopped Liver .......................................................................... 5
Sylviel's House ......................................................................... 5
For all things fun and D&D related, you can find me on twitter
Norman's House...................................................................... 6
@Jesthehuman – you can also DM me any questions you may
Part Two: The Showdown ........................................................... 6
Horace's House ........................................................................ 6
Horace's House - Party goes with Horace to Shed .......... 6
Horace's House - Party goes Inside House when Horace
goes to Shed.............................................................................. 6
Finding Sylviel at the Inn ...................................................... 6
Appendix A ..................................................................................... 7

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names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.

This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permissio n under the Community Content Agreement for
Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Jes Wade and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

can’t keep his wife safe, how can he keep the town safe?)
Horace thinks Norman will use Sylviel’s death to announce
his run for Head of City Watch, so he hired some ruffians to
stalk Norman and scare him away from participating in the
This mystery one shot is designed for three to four level 1st Horace and Norman grew up childhood rivals. Horace
or 2nd-level characters. The setting is neutral and can got the last guard spot out of school that both he and
feasibly be placed into your existing campaign. Norman applied for. Norman always had a crush on Sylviel,

but she ended up with Horace. Now that she is dead,
Horace thinks Norman probably killed her in a jealous
rage, but he doesn't have sufficient evidence. Horace is
The adventure begins when the adventurers wander into happy to take the characters to his house when his shift
Mossbank two hours after the funeral of Sylviel; a beloved ends at 4 pm, if they’re interested. A character who
member of the community who is assumed to have been succeeds on a DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) check notices that
murdered three days ago. The party is offered 150 gp by the Horace’s answers seem rehearsed. (He is running for an
mayor to aid in solving her murder. Townsfolk are split on elected position after all.)
whodun it, and the party must work together to piece
Personality. Horace likes to keep up appearances and
together clues; ultimately finding out that it was a frame
frequently attends the town's events. He often takes a few
job done out of spite.
moments to answer questions, as if he is rehearsing his

OVERVIEW answers, and he calls everyone “buddy.” Horace can be hot

headed and is firm with his judgement.

The adventure’s story is spread over 2 parts and takes Appearance. Horace is an older human that always has five
approximately 2 to 3 hours to play. The adventure beings o'clock shadow. His grey eyes always look tired; he's not as
with a Call to Action. fit as he once was.

 Call to Action: Investigators for hire. The characters
find themselves being asked aid the town in solving
Sylviel’s murder. Norman is not planning on running for the City Watch
 Part 1: Investigating the town. Many shops have position. None of the townsfolk really know what Norman
closed down to mourn Sylviel’s death, however some has been doing for a living or what he’s been up to since he
businesses remain open with helpful clues to help lost the guard position over thirty years ago. He lives a
solve the murder. modest life outside of town and is kind but generally keeps
 Part 2: The showdown. The party comes face to face to himself. Norman thinks Horace killed Sylviel because
with the “murderer.” she was finally going to leave him for Norman. Horace
must have found out and murdered her. As evidence, he
ADVENTURE HOOKS has a love letter confirming she was planning on leaving
Just Hanging Around. The characters are browsing the few Norman is extremely upset about Sylviel's death and his
shops that are open when they are offered 150 gp to aid the grief often impairs his ability to articulate his thoughts.
town in solving Sylviel's murder. Since Sylviel's death, he has been seen brooding at the
Battle of the Barbarians. Perhaps the characters wanted to Humbuddy, which is unusual for Norman, he's usually
watch or join the ongoing Battle of the Barbarians. only seen a few times a year to buy supplies. He gets the
Help Wanted. The characters heard about Sylviel’s death same order from Warner and Cassidy every other month,
and wanted to investigate. and then a pint at the Humbuddy before taking off. If the
characters are friendly to Norman, he offers them
JUST A NOTE directions to his house; he will refuse to leave the
Humbuddy right away.
There is minimal combat in this adventure, but the
characters should start fully rested. Feel free to change the Personality. Norman has a reputation for being calm, cool,
experience/setting to fit the needs of your DM style and and collected. However, when the characters meet him, he
the needs of your party. Ensuring the characters know seems to be on edge.
what time it is throughout the adventure is important, so Appearance. Norman is a middle-aged elf. He wears his
they can end up at the inn on time. While there is minimal coiled graying hair in a low, messy bun, and also wears a
prep work required for this adventure, I recommend dark blue cloak.
reading it all in advance at least once.


HORACE Sylviel faked her own death three days ago to frame Horace
Horace, the current elected Head of City Watch, is running after years of being stuck in an unhappy and unending
for re-election unopposed (the election is next week) and relationship. She met with Norman last week to let him
has the safety Mossbank forefront in his mind. He thinks know she was leaving Horace. She didn't tell Norman
the recent murder of his wife is an attempt to stir up a coup about plotting her own murder to make her death seem
to remove him from office by an old rival, Norman. (If he more genuine, thinking that no one would suspect him.

Sylviel is a shapeshifter, born of a doppelganger and a Battle of the Barbarians
human mother. She never knew her father, as he was Sylviel started a heated argument with Horace at the Battle
presumably only in town to create more shapeshifters. of the Barbarians (where the town barbarians fight in a pit
Sylviel led a normal human life and only started exhibiting until only one is left standing.) She left before Horace, then
strange behavior in her teen years. Sometimes, her eyes he left to her house. She deliberately tried to make the
and hair seemed to change color throughout the day. exchange loud enough to be heard by people in the
Occasionally her peers could have sworn she looked immediate vicinity, including Dave, the ticket taker. In the
slightly different the last time they saw her. She kept this a public eye, Horace was the last person seen with Sylviel.
secret to all, even her mother. As she aged, she started The "Murder"
conforming to a "normal life, but with Horace’s busy Sylviel slaughtered a chicken and used its blood to douse
schedule, she took advantage of her alone time to practice her home in bloody hand prints, making it look like there
her shapeshifting skills (see appendix A for her stat block). was a struggle. She also left behind a bloody shoe.
She is able to shift into anyone in town; she could have
easily shifted into her mom or husband to "identify" her KILLING HORACE
body at the morgue, or perhaps she shed the Sylviel skin
After the group is without a doubt that Horace killed
and disguised a dead body as her own. This part of the
Sylviel, it will need to be announced that Horace has died. I
adventure is up to you. Sylviel is not against using her
would advise that she kills him when the party goes to
powers to get her way.
investigate his home. Perhaps he hears something coming
The characters first meet Sylviel in her disguised form of
from the shed and meets them inside after. He'll come face
Mayor Amos Dapremont.
to face with himself (Sylviel) and she'll kill him on the spot
Personality. Sylviel has a reputation for being very sociable, after ensuring Amos is still sound asleep. Your party might
always addressing townsfolk by their name and having a happen upon this, or they might not. Regardless, they
pleasant smile on her face whenever she strolls through should still be able to find her at the Inn (room 9.) If the
town. However, she is also very calculating, and says party finds Horace's dead body outside his home, they
anything she needs to in order to achieve her goal of should also find her shed Horace skin. At the end of the
framing Horace for her murder and eloping with Norman. adventure, I've written out various possible endings.
(Reference Part 2: The Showdown.)
Appearance. Sylviel typically presents as an older human

with curly red hair. She has a slight limp in her left leg and
is bruised all over.

Before party arrives in Mossbank

1. Sylviel, wife of the head of the City Watch met with
Sylviel and Horace were older when they got married, each
Norman, an old flame at the Humbuddy Inn six days ago.
retained their separate housing. One of the biggest deciding
2. The “Battle of the Barbarians” event takes place in the
factors was that Horace often had to work the graveyard shift.
city arena four days ago, where Sylviel gets into an
Sylviel always said if she was going to sleep alone, she wanted to
argument with her husband.
do so in the comfort of her own home. She begged Norman not to 3. Sylviel was "murdered" three days ago.
run for City Watch because she didn't want to be in another one Today
sided relationship. 1. The party arrives in Mossbank two hours after Sylviel's
FRAMING HORACE 2. The party meets "Mayor Amos Dapremont." who is
portrayed by Sylviel.
Kidnapped Mayor 3. The party starts investigating in town.
Sylviel has been hanging around town posing as the mayor 4. The Humbuddy Inn opens at 2 pm where the party may
since her "murder." She has Amos, the real mayor, locked meet Norman.
safely away in Horace's tool shed under a sleeping draught. 5. After a pleasant encounter with Norman, the party
With the elections happening next week, she knew he was investigates his home.
too busy to need to visit, and if someone were to find Amos 6. The party meets Horace, the Head of City Watch and
in that position, it would certainly help in her framing him. husband to the “deceased.” He may take the characters to
When she kidnapped Amos, she had shifted into Horace's his home.
skin so if Amos were to escape, Horace would implicated. 7. Sylviel potentially kills Horace.
The Letter 8. The party finds Sylviel at the Inn OR the Party sees
Sylviel gave Norman most of a love letter when they met in Sylviel murdering Horace. Either way you're at the
secrecy at the Humbuddy six days ago. She planted the last showdown. Your party may not follow the timeline (and
page of the letter in Horace's bedside table. that's OK.)
The Errand Boy
Sylviel, in the form of Horace, sent an Errand Boy to the
bank to retrieve a large sum of money from his bank CALL TO ACTION:
account to help her start a new life, and to help frame
Horace by opening up an extremely large life insurance
policy. She instructed the errand boy not to bother her The characters arrive just two hours after the funeral of
(Horace) upon returning, and to just give the withdrawal Sylviel. The whole town is pretty shaken up about Sylviel's
and paperwork to Sylviel. death, and many shops have closed down to mourn her

death. The party will be greeted by the Mayor, Amos PENNY, THE BANK OWNER
Dapremont (currently portrayed by Sylviel.)
Penny didn't know Sylviel very well, so she decided to keep

AMOS DAPREMONT the bank open. "Death doesn't stop the bills from coming."
Penny is pretty sure that Horace killed Sylviel. Horace had
Amos greets the party and offers them 150 gp to aid the sent an errand boy to withdraw a large amount of gold
town in solving Sylviel's murder. The town is split on who pieces two days before Sylviel died (she won't say the
the murderer may be, but most think it was either a jealous amount, but she will say it's enough to pay someone off to
old flame, Norman Butterwelk, or her husband, Horace kill her.) This errand boy also purchased a double platinum
Dungraer. Amos is suspicious of Horace - he's been life insurance policy for both Sylviel and Horace. She
stressed out by the upcoming elections, and they've been shows the party the paperwork with Horace's signature to
on the rocks for a while. He suggests starting at the City prove authenticity. Horace often sends errand boys to do
Watch station, where Horace is certain to be. He also his personal work as he is too busy "protecting the town,"
invites the party to visit the shops that are open (many to do so himself.
have closed for the day due to the funeral.) He also lets the
Personality. Penny has a very dry sense of humor and
party know that the Humbuddy Tavern opens at 2 pm.
cracks a few jokes when interacting with the characters.
Personality. Sylviel effectively portrays Amos’s true She laughs way too hard if any of the characters attempt to
personality. The mayor is known to be a truly amicable humor her.
man, and it is no surprise that he has been elected five
Appearance. Penny is an elf and walks with a limp but does
terms in a row with no competition. He refers to everyone
not like to talk about it. She wears flats and conservative
as friend until he knows their name. Amos will address
clothing. Her dark brown hair is pulled into a tight bun.
everyone by their name once he knows it, repeating it and
often using it in conversation.
Appearance. Sylviel’s portrayal of Amos is Buster and Ralph are two shady humans (Reference
indistinguishable from the true Amos, a portly human man Monster Manual page 343 for the bandit’s stat block) that
with a bushy brown mustache. His smile beams with two Horace hired to scare Norman away from the City Watch
golden front teeth. As he talks, he is quite sweaty, and his election. They are at the bank at the same time as the
eyes are slightly shifty, as if he's looking for Sylviel’s characters, depositing 20 gp into their accounts.
murderer among the crowd. The ruffians are secretive, but a character can try to coax
information out of them with a Charisma (Intimidation)
PART 1: INVESTIGATING THE check. The information gained depends on the results of
the check:
TOWN  DC 13. They were hired by Horace.
 DC 15. They were hired by Horace to scare Norman
PLACES TO VISIT away from the election.
Traveler’s Coin (Bank)  DC 18 (or making them surrender in combat). All the
City Watch Station above, and a promise to leave Norman alone for good
The Arena (Fighting Pit) (if that is what the characters desire).


The Humbuddy (Local Tavern) opens at 2 p.m.
Warner's Wares (General store)
Chopped Liver (Local Butcher Shop) The City Watch station could use a few touch ups; the decor
Sylviel's House is outdated, and it has a funky smell to it. Horace swears
Horace's House Horace may offer to take the characters to that he uses their funding for more watch duties, and that
his house at 4 pm when he gets off work there is no need to update the station as it doesn't directly
Norman's House Norman may offer the characters affect their performance. The only watchmen in the station
directions and keys to his house when they meet him at the are Thalia and Horace.


Thalia guesses Norman killed Sylviel. She saw him sneak
Horace Norman into the Humbuddy with her six days ago and it seemed
Norman Horace like they were too close for her comfort. She told Horace,
Bonivelle Thalia but he didn't seem to care.

Reid Cassidy Personality. Thalia is quite aloof and has a crude sense of
humor. She has the utmost respect for Horace and almost
Penny Bernadette
seems to smile when talking about him. She expresses that
Dave Warner she doesn't love the smell of the building if asked, but she
appreciates Horace putting the town's money to good use.
TRAVELERS COIN Appearance. Thalia is a human with a shaved head and a
Although the Traveler’s Coin is small, it is a well-kept and broad nose. She wears a dark green City Watch uniform
upscale looking bank that deals with investment and has visible forearm tattoos of fighting lions.
opportunities, real estate, personal and business banking,
and life insurance policies.

The Arena is a large fighting pit that is used for Battle of Warner's Wares sells necessities like food, clothing, and
the Barbarians and large town meetings. It is set up as a firewood. It is a medium-sized store that most citizens
small coliseum (100-foot diameter circle) there's only one utilize. The more privileged citizens import their wares.
entrance/exit. The arena is empty except for Dave.
DAVE, THE TICKET TAKER Warner is certain that Norman murdered Sylviel. Last
Dave deems his testimony to be “game-changing”, so he week, he came in to purchase rope, gardening shears, and
only offers it if the characters entertain him in a duel an axe. Why else would he purchase that stuff? He doesn't
amongst themselves. He offers to restore their health with garden. He's gotten the same order for the past 10 years:
cure wounds after the battle. He also solicits bets before the 20 baskets of vegetables, 5 baskets of fruit, and 10 baskets
fight. I’d suggest setting a time limit of 10 minutes (out of of non-perishables.
game) on the battle (perhaps Dave gets bored if it goes on
Personality. Warner enjoys chatting with their customers.
too long.)
They ask the characters to purchase something if they
Personality. Dave clearly doesn't like his job but clearly want information, but ultimately will reluctantly reveal
loves watching people fight. He is definitely a gambler. what they know regardless.
Appearance. Dave is a young dwarf who has a long, slicked- Appearance. Warner is an older human with golden
back pony tail and wears glasses too large for his face. shoulder-length hair. They wear combat boots, although
they've never fought a day in their life, and have a colorful
Rules for combat:
1. Non-lethal hits only

2. Dave will give the winner 5 gp and will honor all bets
3. Roll for initiative The Chopped Liver has been in the Dulart family for
generations. The Dulart family also owns a cattle ranch to
THE HUMBUDDY, OPENS AT 2PM supply their own free-range meat. The meat is slightly
more expensive than your average butcher shop, but the
The Humbuddy is a small tavern/inn with approximately
citizens of Mossbank are willing to pay the price. They
10 guest rooms (although Mossbank never has enough
specialize in chicken, cow, and elk.
guests to fill all the rooms.) Only a few rooms are rented,
mostly by folks in town for the Battle of the Barbarians.
The bar area is crowded but homey. There are a few rows of
long tables and the bar itself. Outside, there is a small fire Cassidy can't believe Sylviel is really dead. She was in the
pit with a few tree stumps used for small gatherings. store buying one of his egg-laying chickens just days
before she supposedly “died." He has a gut feeling Norman
BONIVELLE, THE TAVERN OWNER did it out of jealousy.

Bonivelle attempts to whisper and nod over towards Personality. Cassidy is a very quiet young man. He answers
Norman before telling the party her information. Bonivelle questions and speaks freely about his grief. His father died
is convinced Horace killed Sylviel. She thinks he found out last year in a freak butchering accident, and Cassidy was
about her and Norman getting a room at the Humbuddy's the only heir to the Chopped Liver. Talking about death
Inn on Sunday. Sylviel and Norman came in disguises, but reminds Cassidy of his late father, leaving him prone to
Horace is the Head of the City Watch, and has eyes tears.
Appearance. Cassidy is a human with broad shoulders and
Personality. Bonivelle is extremely interested in gossip; tired eyes. His hands are callused and he wears weathered
half the town thinks she owns the bar to keep up with local clothing.
Appearance. Bonivelle is a middle-aged elf with a cropped SYLVIEL'S HOUSE
hair cut. She wears an apron that says "Humbuddy Loves Sylviel lived in a small one-bedroom cottage near the city
You," and is extremely flirtatious toward femme- center. Sylviel's house was turned upside down and
presenting characters. bloodied the day of her murder; it appears as if Sylviel
certainly put up a good fight. As far as anyone can tell,
REID, THE LOCAL DRUNK nothing has been taken or destroyed. Sylviel's mom,
Reid thinks Horace killed Sylviel. They saw Horace talking Bernadette, has worked most of the blood stains out of the
to some shady looking folks outside the Arena before the flooring, but there are a few areas that were heavily
Battle of the Barbarians. Reid doesn’t think it’s a saturated.
coincidence Sylviel was found dead the next day.
Personality. For someone who usually has a drink in their
Bernadette is still trying to clean up Sylviel's house,
hands, Reid is very intuitive. It's very apparent that Reid is
although she mostly just sits on the ground cursing and
a high functioning alcoholic.
sniffling. Bernadette is disgusted that someone would kill
Appearance. Reid is a human in their early forties. They her daughter and then take her body with them.
wear many cool blue hues in their wardrobe. Bernadette thinks it might have been Norman. Sylviel had
confided in her that she had some business to attend to

with Norman Sunday evening, and they were going to meet P.S. I believe Horace is having an affair with one of
again. She can find the receipt room 9 for this evening.
his guards. While I am not surprised, I have a feeling
Nobody knows what Norman does but Bernadette saw him
with some shady characters lately, perhaps he hired them if I don't escape this marriage soon, I may never have
to kill Sylviel. Bernadette has no idea that Sylviel's father another chance.
was a doppelganger. He was just a guy passing through the
city that caught her eye.
All my love,
Personality. Bernadette used to be a kind-hearted woman, Your dearest Sylviel
but her grief is currently making her prone to bouts of
Inside his desk drawer the party can find a wrinkled
Appearance. Bernadette is a spry human in her mid-70s
contract; as if water had been thrown on it. A DC 13
with wispy white hair. Her finger nails have been chewed
Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals a few sentences
off, and she bites the corner of her top lip.
are still legible. The group can read that Horace had hired

NORMAN'S HOUSE two ruffians two days ago for 20 gp a piece to follow
Norman and tell him not to enter the election for Head of
Norman lives in a small one-bedroom bungalow with a the City Watch. They met at the Arena.
den and kitchen inside. Outside there a small plot of land
that holds a small shed with a lock on the door. Inside the HORACE'S HOUSE - PARTY GOES WITH
shed, the characters can find the rope, gardening shears,
and an axe that Warner mentioned (if they visited
Warner's Wares.) They can also find chopped wood, a So you've gotten Horace all the way to his home with the
potted rose plant, gardening gloves, and stakes inside the party? I'd suggest having Horace hear something coming
shed. Outside, there is a small tilled area. from the shed and letting the party go inside without him.
If confronted, Norman admits that he had planned on If they are dead set on going with him, so be it. Horace and
planting a rose garden for Sylviel, but now the thought of the party will come face to face with another Horace. Roll
looking at her favorite flowers saddens him. In his for Initiative. After defeating or the second Horace, the
bedroom there is a small bed, bedside table, and desk. shifting skin will fade away show a dying Sylviel. In her
Inside the bedside table, there is a love letter from Sylviel last breaths she'll reveal that she just wanted to be free
to Norman detailing when she planned on leaving Horace from their loveless marriage; she never meant to hurt
to live a life of love with Norman. She has also asked anyone.
Normal to meet her at 6 pm on today's date at the inn,
room number 9. The pages are numbered - page 3 of 3 is HORACE'S HOUSE - PARTY GOES INSIDE
missing. On the desk rests Norman's private journal. HOUSE WHEN HORACE GOES TO SHED
Skimming through the journal reveals that Norman thinks
So you've gotten Horace all the way to his home with the
he's being watched by a shady group. He's extremely
party? I'd suggest having Horace hear something coming
paranoid and has been careful to only travel to public
from the shed and letting the party go inside without him.
Once the party has searched his home, they'll find his body


outside his home by the shed. The shed door will be open,
leaving the party to find Amos. He will be extremely
disoriented, swearing that Horace kidnapped him and
HORACE'S HOUSE wasn't making sense, he was talking about murdering
Make sure you've read the next two sections and refer to himself? Outside the shed, a DC 10 Intelligence
them as the party visits Horace's house. Horace lives in a (Investigation) reveals shed "Horace" skin and a key to the
larger one-bedroom home. Outside, there is a tool shed inn. It should be nearly 5:30 pm by now, the party can head
behind his home. There is no lock on the door but, it is to the Inn to catch Sylviel.


rigged with a trap. A character that succeeds on a DC 12
Intelligence (Investigation) check finds a magical owl
glyph disguised on the door. Disabling it requires a Sylviel can be found in room 9 at the Inn. She'll be
successful DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check. If a creature expecting Norman and will be quite flustered with a visit
other than Sylviel touches the door while the trap is not by the party.
disabled, the glyph activates a modify memory spell (save
DC 12) that affects any creature within 15 feet of the door. "Do you know what it's like to be in a loveless marriage? I
On a failed save, a target loses the last two minutes of its just wanted an out; I know he's been unfaithful. I didn't
memory. The trap will reset after two minutes. mean to hurt anyone." Sylviel cries.
Inside Horace’s bedroom there is a desk, a bedside table,
and a large unmade bed. A creature searching the bedside
Sylviel lies and tries to reason with the party - she was
table and succeeding on a DC 14 Intelligence
never going to kill Horace. He provoked her and was going
(Investigation) check notices a false bottom to the table.
to kill her, so she acted in self-defense. If the party hasn't
Inside it is a very crumpled “page three” of Sylviel's love
pieced all the clues together, she tells them how she
letter to Norman.
framed him to buy herself more time. She tries to escape
without fighting the party but defends herself if attacked.


Medium humanoid (shapechanger), chaotic neutral

Armor Class 13
Hit Points 35 (7d8+7)
Speed 30 ft.


10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 18 (+4)

Skills Deception +9, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +8

Condition Immunities charmed
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common
Challenge2 (450 XP)

Battle Ready. As a bonus action, Sylviel releases extra adrenaline

and gains 8 temporary hit points. The next attack against her has
Shapechanger. Sylviel can use an action to polymorph into a
Small or Medium humanoid she has seen, or back into her true
form. Her statistics, other than her size, are the same in each form.
Any equipment she is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. Any
time she transforms, she must shed the old skin, which appears on
the floor in her space. She reverts to her true form if she dies.”

Talon. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5
(1d4 + 3)
Screeth. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) Reactions

Shifting Escape. If Sylviel is hit by an attack, she can use a

reaction to polymorph into an owl.

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