Rapid COmpetency Assessment
Rapid COmpetency Assessment
Rapid COmpetency Assessment
Direction: Describe your level of competency for the following items. For the column labeled “Pre-F3”, you will describe
your competency level before you joined/attended this program. For the column marked “Post- F3”, describe your
competency level after having participated in the training program
Competency Scale to be used:
4 – I have superb content and pedagogical knowledge in teaching this competency.
3 – I have adequate content and pedagogical knowledge in teaching this competency.
2 – I have inadequate content and pedagogical knowledge in teaching this competency.
1 – I lack content and pedagogical knowledge in teaching this competency.
Pre-F3 Post-
1. Describing and illustrating well-defined sets, subsets, universal set and the null set.
2. Defining and describing the union and intersection of sets and the complement of a set.
3. Using Venn Diagrams to represent sets, subsets and set operations
4. Solving problems involving sets.
5. Describing and illustrating the absolute value of a number on a number line as the distance of
the number from 0.
6. Performing fundamental operations on integers: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
7. Stating and illustrating the different properties of the operations on integers (commutative,
associative, distributive, identity, inverse).
8. Defining and illustrating rational numbers and arranging them on a number line.
1. Expressing rational numbers from fraction to decimal form and vice versa
2. Operations on rational numbers
3. Illustrating properties of rational numbers
4. Describing principal roots and telling whether they are rational or irrational.
5. Determining between what two integers the square root of a number is.
6. Estimating the square root of a number to the nearest tenth.
7. Illustrating and graphing irrational numbers (square roots) on a number line with and without
appropriate technology.
8. Describing, representing and comparing the different subsets of real numbers.
9. Finding the union, intersection and complement of the set of real numbers and its subsets.
10. Arranging real numbers in increasing or decreasing order.
11. Determining the significant digits in a given situation.
12. Writing very large or very small numbers in scientific notation.
13. Describing principal roots and telling whether they are rational or irrational.
14. Describing and representing real-life situations which involve integers, rational numbers,
square roots of a rational numbers and irrational numbers
15. Solving problems involving real numbers.
16. Describing what it means to measure.
17. Describing the development of measurement from the primitive to the present international
system of units.
18. Estimating or approximating the measures of quantities particularly length, weight/mass,
volume, time, angle and temperature.
19. Using appropriate instruments to measure quantities such as length, weight/mass, volume,
time, angle and temperature.
20. Converting measurements from one unit to another for each type of measurement including the English system.
21. Translating verbal phrases to mathematical phrases and vice-versa.
22. Differentiating between constants and variables in a given algebraic expression.
23. Evaluating algebraic expressions for given values of the variables.
24. Identifying the base, coefficient, terms and exponents in a given polynomial.
25. Defining and interpreting the meaning of an where n is a positive integer.
26. Deriving inductively the laws of exponents (Exponents restricted to positive integers).
27. Illustrating the laws of exponents.
28. Adding and subtracting polynomials.
29. Multiplying and dividing polynomials.
30. Finding inductively using models the (a) product of two binomials; (b) product of a sum and
difference of two terms; (c) square of a binomial; (d) cube of a binomial; (e) product of a
binomial and a trinomial.
31. Finding algebraically the (a) product of two binomials; (b) product of a sum and difference of two terms; (c) square
of a binomial; (d) cube of a binomial; (e) product of a binomial and a trinomial.
32. Differentiating between mathematical expressions and mathematical equations.
33. Translating English sentences to mathematical sentences and vice versa.
34. Differentiating between equations and inequalities.
35. Defining and illustrating the meaning of absolute value.
36. Finding the solution of an equation or inequality involving one variable, including one that
involves absolute value (a) from a given replacement; (b) intuitively by guess and check; (c) by
algebraic procedures (applying the properties of equalities and inequalities); (d) graphing
37. Solving problems that use equations and inequalities.
38. Representing a point, line and plane using concrete and pictorial models.
39. Defining, identifying and naming the subsets of a line.
40. Illustrating, naming, identifying and defining the different kinds of angles.
41. Deriving relationships of geometric figures using measurements and by inductive reasoning:
supplementary angles, complementary angles, equal angles, adjacent angles, linear pairs,
perpendicular lines and parallel lines.
42. Deriving relationships between vertical angles and among angles formed by parallel lines cut
by a transversal using measurement and by inductive reasoning.
43. Using a compass and straightedge to bisect line segments and angles and construct
perpendiculars and parallels.
44. Classifying triangles according to their angles and according to their sides.
45. Illustrating, naming and identifying different kinds of triangles and define the terms associated
with a triangle.
46. Deriving relationships among the sides and angles of a triangle using measurement and
inductive reasoning.
47. Illustrating, naming and identifying the different kinds of quadrilaterals.
48. Deriving relationships among the angles and among the sides of a quadrilateral using
measurement and inductive reasoning.
49. Defining and illustrating convex polygons.
50. Deriving the relationship of exterior and interior angles of any convex polygon using
measurement and inductive reasoning.
51. Explaining the basic concepts, uses and importance of Statistics.
52. Posing questions and problems that may be answered using Statistics.
53. Collecting or gathers statistical data and organizes the data in a frequency table according to
some systematic considerations.
54. Using appropriate graphs to represent organized data: pie chart, bar graph, line graph and a
55. Finding the mean, median and mode of statistical data