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Lesson Plan Letter A

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Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: English Reggio Emilia

Trainee: Ohoud yaser Topic or Theme: planting and garden

Class: Date & Duration:

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on: student achievement

Lesson Focus

By end of the lesson 80% of the student will able to identify, say the phonemes (A) and listen and write the letter (A). And compare between tall
and short. And identify different the colors and know the part of the plant.

Social: Roles and responsibilities

Emotional: Self-image and awareness

Emotional: Expressing and managing self

Lesson Outcomes:

Science: Investigate what things plants need to stay alive

Math: Sort & classify things according to 1 given attribute such as colour, size & shape

English: identify, make and say the letter A: K2W. 1. 1. 2 Express thoughts and ideas through mark-making, drawing and writing using a
verity of tools.

Students will be able to:

say the phonemes (A)

listen to letter A

write the letter (A). And compare between tall and short.

identify different the colors

know the part of the plant.

Links to Prior Learning

Letters we have already covered – N/F/T/P

21st Century Skills

 Critical thinking. 
 Creativity. 
 Collaboration. 
 Communication.

Key vocabulary

1- Stem
2- Plant
3- Roots
4- Leaves
5- Flower
6- Airplane
7- Alligator
8- Arrow
9- Apple
10- Ant
11- Ambulance

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

student cannot write letter Aa Teacher will give the student a paper with a point and
they will write above the point letter Aa

Resources/equipment needed

 Plant
 Pictures (apple, airplane, alligator, arrow, ant, ambulance)
 Seeds
 Letter A paper
 Paint colours
 Letter A paper with point
 Picture of watermelon
 Plant, water and seeds

& Time
Students will: Teacher will:

1- Student will song with The teacher will say for the student “good
teacher good morning morning KG 1, today is? Wednesday our
song, days of the week letter is? Aa our theme is: planting and
and sound of the letter. garden the teacher will write it in the small
2- Student will count with board.
the teacher
3- Student will write will the The teacher will ask the student “how are
teacher letter Aa you today? You feel good or bad?”
4- the student will say sound According to Reggio Emilia method
of A “relationship is important”
5- student will follow the The teacher will say who want to count
rules of the game.
how many girls in the classroom?

The teacher will count the girls in the class

room, then the teacher will say okay who
won’t how many boys in the classroom,
the teacher will choose one of student and
count the boys, then the teacher will say
who wont to count all the student in the
classroom the teacher will choose and let
one of the student to count all the student.

Ok boys and girls stand up we will song

good morning song, then days of the week
song then sound of the letter.

Today I’m going to teach you a new lesson,

and it’s all about letter A, the teacher will
show the student a letter A, the teacher
will say for the student: letter A is the first
letter of the alphabet, and this is mother A
the big A, also we have the baby letter a
the small letter a, the teacher will show the
student letter a, the teacher will say what
this a gain? ok, the teacher will say for the
student the sound of letter a, the teacher
will say for the student say after a, the
teacher will show the student a picture:
Apple, airplane, alligator, ante, arrow,
ambulance, Then the teacher will choose
one of the student and ask him to find a
letter A in the word.

Then the teacher will show the student

how to write the letter A a and then she
will choose a student to write it. According
to Reggio Emilia “allow children make mistakes”
in my first lesson when I teach the student about how
to write letter Aa then I show them how to write it,
then I choose someone to write if the student write it
wrong I didn’t say it’s wrong but I let him complete
then I show him the correct way to write it.

Then the teacher will say for the student

we will play a small game, the teacher will
make two groups of 3 boys and 3 girls, the
rules of the game is we have a box
including big letter A and small letter a, and
its will be in the board sentence “big
mother letter A and other side small baby
letter a, the student have to take the
letters and put it in the write place in the
board, if one of the group take more they
will win.

Then the teacher will show the student

plants and tell them the parts of plant
stem, roots, leaves flower. The teacher will
take plant around the student and she will
let them see the part of the plant and they
will touch it to remember the parts of the
plant. According to Reggio Emilia
curriculum “Children learn best through
a multi-sensory approach: Reggio
classrooms contain experiences that
appeal to all senses. Children will be
touching, seeing, hearing, moving,
speaking and listening”
Then the teacher will hold a 3 bottle, one
with water and one with soil and one
empty” air” and a picture of a sun. the
teacher will tell the student this is the
important thinks that the plant need it to
grow up, then the teacher will choose 3
students to hole the bottles and the sun,
then each one will say what he holds. “the
children should see to remember the
things, also I show them a different think
that plant need to grow up water, air, soil
and sun and they all able to see it and
touch it “Children learn best through a
multi-sensory approach”
Then the teacher will choose one of the
student to tell the whole class the parts of
the plants.

Then the teacher will explain for the

student what they will do in the canters
and she will let them go to do the

Main activities
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
According to Reggio Emilia method there is According to Reggio Emilia. “write
three educators 1- the teacher 2- the children observation” while the student in working in centers I
3- environment, as a teacher in Reggio Emilia set with my focus group then I go around the class
method we much let the student to talk with room to see what the student did and I had a small
each other according to Reggio Emilia method note book to see what they do
in my lesson in centers time I let the student to
talk with each other’s and ask questions.
 The teacher will explain for the
student in each center before they
go to do.
Art center: the student will do a craft letter a  Teacher will guide the student and
by using small paper they have two different help them if they need, according
colors (red, yellow), they will do letter a like an
apple, and they will have leaves they will use to Reggio Emilia “teacher guide
colors to paint the leaves and then print it in student”
the paper. According to Reggio Emilia  Teacher will set with focus group,
“materials from the environment” and I use and then she will go around the
According to Reggio Emilia, creativity is centers and ask the student a
important. question

 Creativity: student will create a letter A

like an apple, they will use the colors to
paint it in the leaves.
 Collaboration: student will use the
materials together and they will talk
together about the shapes of the leaves.
 Critical thinking: student will think who to
write letter Aa

Math center: the student will sort flowers

colors and shapes of the leaves, and they will
have a seeds and watermelon paper with
numbers they will take a seed and count it and
put it in the watermelon.
 Communication: student will communicate and
talk with each other’s while they work
 Critical thinking.: student will be creative
when they draw.
According to Reggio Emilia “materials from
the environment” and I use a flowers, seeds
and leaves

Science center: In this center, there is will be 2

students, they will have in front of them a 3
bottle of air, water, soil and sun there is will be
a sentence in front of the student (what the
plant need to grow up) they will have a paper
flower and they will cut it and draw inside what
the needs of flowers, and they will have a
paper with a half leaves and they will draw the
other half
According to Reggio Emilia “materials from
the environment” and I use bottles with water,
soil and some leaves

 Communication: student will

communicate and talk with each other.

Focus group: the teacher will set with focus

group and explain for them what the plant need
to grow up and she will show them a seed and
water and cotton and then they will plant and
put it outside. According to Reggio Emilia” use
recourse from environment” I let the student to
see the seeds and water and then show them
how we plant it.

 Communication: student will

communicate and talk with each other.

Differentiation activities (Support)

Student in writing group (emergent student) they will practise to write letter A with a point

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

Student in science canter (master student) they will draw and write inside the paper the needs of plant.

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

Students will Teacher will

Student will take the paper and find The teacher will give the student
the picture begin with letter A and they formative assessment to who understand
will paint it the lesson and who not.
Teacher will let the student to set in the
carpet and then she will give them a paper
with different pictures and its will be one
picture begin with letter a and they will
paint it.
According to Reggio Emilia the documentation I
big part in the method “ the documentation is
impetrate in Reggio Emilia class room, because
when the teacher document student work she will
show there parent and in this way the parent will
know the level of their children and if the levels if
low they will help their children to improve, in my
lesson while the children do the activates I document
there work by taking a pictures, and then I send if to
my MST then she print in out and put it in the wall
to let the student see what they did, in this way they
will feel proud because they see what they did in the
last class, also use the pictures to put it in my Wix
for my booklet.

Homework Review word begin with letter Aa

Assessment The teacher will give the student formative assessment (self-assessment) to who
Strategies: understand the lesson and who not.
Teacher will let the student to set in the carpet and then she will give them a paper
with different pictures and its will be one picture begin with letter a and they will
paint it.
☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment

☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback


AAWC Lesson Reflection (Completed after EVERY lesson taught)

Select (S):
Identify a lesson and what standards are you addressing By end of the lesson 80% of the student will able to identify, say the
phonemes (A) and listen and write the letter (A). And compare between tall and short. And identify different the colors and know
the part of the plant.

Social: Roles and responsibilities

Emotional: Self-image and awareness

Emotional: Expressing and managing self

Describe (D):
Who is the lesson for? The lesson is student in Naima school, there is 25 students in the school including boys and girls, the
outcome of the lesson was about Science: Investigate what things plants need to stay alive Math: Sort & classify things according
to 1 given attribute such as color, size & shape English: identify, make and say the letter A: K2W. 1. 1. 2 Express thoughts and
ideas through mark-making, drawing and writing using a verity of tools,

Where did the lesson take place? The lesson was in the class room there is 25 students in the class room all together boys and

What were you trying to achieve in your lesson? I try to achieve a lots of things in my lesson, in the introduction I show the
student a different pictures begin with letter A, the student set in the carpet and lesson to me, I think in next time I will let the
student to go around the classroom and find a something begin with A letter , and I will but the thinks for them fir example Apple,
and I will let them looking for the thinks, and then I show the student how to write letter Aa and say for them the different
between big and small and then we played a game I choose two student and let them sort the big A and the small a I think the
student like this game and they feel exciting. And then I Shaw the student a real plant and tell them the part of the pant and how
the plant grow up because the theme for the week in plant and garden “ how the things grow up” The centers were about a
different subject, there Is a math, science, art, and writing.

What did the students do?

Art center ; the student did a craft by using small papers and they have a natural leaves and they print the leaver in the paper by
using the colors, the student was exciting to use the leaves and print it in the papers, but the student how use the paper craft they
feel boring, in next time I will let the student to use this fingers to do the letter a they will have to letter a printed out and they will
put their fingers to paint it and do it like an apple.

Writing center: student will have a paper with letter Aa and they will write letter Aa, and they have a paper with different picture
begin with letter A (alligator, arrow, airplane, apple) and they will choose a one picture and they will draw it) in next time I will
try to make the writing center more fun for the student and I will let them all to write big letter A in a big paper they will write it
all together and then they will draw the all thinks begin with letter A this will help them to be more communication with each
other and more fun.

Math center: the student will sort flowers colors and shapes of the leaves, and they will have a seeds and watermelon paper
with numbers they will take a seed and count it and put it in the watermelon. The student loves the watermelon activity
because they did something different, and but in next time I will let them to do a letter Aa by using the seeds and they with glues
in the papers.
Science center: In this center, there is will be 2 students, they will have in front of them a 3 bottle of air, water, soil and sun
there is will be a sentence in front of the student (what the plant need to grow up) they will have a paper flower and they will
cut it and draw inside what the needs of flowers, and they will have a paper with a half leaves and they will draw the other half ,
the student like the leaves and they complete the shapes of the leaves but in next time I will let them draw the whole leaves to
know the shape.
In focus group I let the student to plant, at the end f the lesson I gave the student a exit ticket “ formative assessment” in this
worksheet was a different picture begin with Aa letter and the student have to color one picture begin with Aa, I think some of
the student they did not understand what they have to do and I notice a lot of them paint all the pictures, in next time I will try
to make for them an easy formative assessment, I will give them a empty paper and let them write letter Aa .

Analyze (A):
Why do you think the students responded the way that they did? The student was quite but some
of the student are very naughty, and if they continue making a bad behavior I give them a first
warning, if they did not listen I let them to set in the X place and at the end of the day they will
not have a chocolate , and the student loves the happy face, before I begin my lesson I show them
a happy face and I said for them if you listen to me and do not make a bad behavior I will give
you a one.
How well did your teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding?
How well did you engage the students?

Appraise (A):
Explain the nature of the experience from the students’ perspective
Did your lesson meet your teaching goals? My lesson met my goals’ because 80% of the student will able to
identify, say the phonemes (A) and listen and write the letter (A). And compare between tall and short. And identify different the
colors and know the part of the plant., and at the end of the lesson after I gave the student the formative assessment, i set with
them in the carpet and I ask them a question about what we learned today? , and 80% of the student know the answers.

Transform (T):
How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future? In the future, the student will learn the different letter and
the sound of the letters, and if they know the sound of the letters when they grow up they will be easy for them the read the
English words.

What are the implications for your professional practice? This experiment will help in the future in my career, because I learned
a lot of new thinks, I learn how to manage the student and how to deal with the different levels of the student, and how to let them
understand the lesson I good and easy way. Also in this experiment, I learn how to communicate with special needs student.

Theory reflection: Reggio Emilia

I teach students, the lesson outcome was about

Science: Investigate what things plants need to stay alive

Math: Sort & classify things according to 1 given attribute such as color, size & shape

English: identify, make and say the letter A: K2W. 1. 1. 2 Express thoughts and ideas through mark-making, drawing and
writing using a verity of tools. The theme in the week that I teach the student it was about “planting and garden” and also “what
the think need to grow up “, in the introduction I teach the student about letter Aa and the sound of letter a and I let the student
learn how to write letter Aa, according to Reggio Emalia method they use a resource from the environment, in my lesson I
follow Reggio Emilia method and I use a materials from the environment, after show the student letter A I bring a natural
plant and I teach the student about the parts of the plant because I relate my lesson with the theme “ panting and garden. What
the thinks need to grow up?” then I tell the student the plant has a different part to help it to grow up “roofs, stem, leaves flower”
then I let each one of the student see and touch the plant because the idea of Reggio Emelia said that “children learn best
through a multi- sensory approach” children will be touching, hearing, seeing, moving, speaking and listening. And in my
lesson, I let then to see and touch the real martials for example “leaves, flowers, steam and roots.” and then each one of
the student they touch it, it’s better to let the student to touch, see and listen because they will
remember the lesson more and also they are too young if we just give them an information without
seeing what we gave them they will not memorize it they will forget the what we already give them,
the children should see to remember the things, also I show them a different thinks that plant need
to grow up “ water, air, soil and sun” and they all able to see it an touch it, also in my centers I include a
different material from the environment. Math center the student Learn a sorting, I put for them a different color of plant and
they sort it, and we use the seeds to count we have a watermelon with numbers and the student see the number and count the
seeds and put in the watermelon. Also in the art center, we use real leaves to print in the paper by using different colors, in
science center the student has in front of them a future that have a seeds and we can eat it such as “pears, pomegranate and the
student can see it and explore, and is this way they can know that there is a seed inside the future and can eat it, and we bring the
future from the plant and they have a different type of real plant, and the needs of the plants to grow up “ soil, water, air, sun”
it’s all a real materials, and in focus group the student planting and then they put it out side to see it every morning.

According to Reggio Emilia method “relationship are important” before I start my lesson I ask each one of the student “
how are you today, are you feeling good or not?” in this way I build good relationship between me and the student and they will
not be afraid of doing or asking for something, in the centers I let the student to talk with each other’s while they working and
ask each other’s a question and if they need a help they will help each other’s, in this way I follow Reggio Emilia method to let
the student communicate with each other’s, we put the materials’ in the center of each table to let the student use it together and
they will collaborate with each other and they will build a good relationship with their colleague.

According to Reggio Emilia method there is three educators 1- the teacher 2- the children 3- environment, as a teacher in
Reggio Emilia method we much let the student to talk with each other according to Reggio Emilia method in my lesson in
centers time I let the student to talk with each other’s and ask questions. “write observation” while the student in working in
centers I set with my focus group then I go around the class room to see what the student did and I had a small note book to see
what they do and write a notes about them, and al “also challenge and provide ideas through open ended question” while I am
going around the student I ask them about what they do for example in math center in sorting I ask them “ what the color of this
flowers?”. And if one of the children give me some idea I respect his idea and did not argue with them because Roggio Emalia
method said “teacher educator: respect the children’s own idea”, also Reggio Emilia said that “ allow children make mistakes”
in my first lesson when I teach the student about how to write letter Aa then I show them how to write it, then I choose someone
to write if the student write it wrong I didn’t say it’s wrong but I let him complete then I show him the correct way to write it.

According to Reggio Emilia the” teacher are facilator ” that’s mean the teacher guide the student and explain for them what
they have to do, in my lesson p explain for the children what they have to do before they go to their centers and if any one need
a help they ask me and I help them.

According to Reggio Emilia the documentation I big part in the method “ the documentation is impetrate in Reggio Emilia
class room, because when the teacher document student work she will show there parent and in this way the parent will know
the level of their children and if the levels if low they will help their children to improve, in my lesson while the children do the
activates I document there work by taking a pictures, and then I send if to my MST then she print in out and put it in the wall to
let the student see what they did, in this way they will feel proud because they see what they did in the last class, also use the
pictures to put it in my Wix for my booklet.
Refrence: https://whichschooladvisor.com/uae/guides/what-is-the-reggio-emilia-curriculum-2

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