2020 Ghasc 25
2020 Ghasc 25
2020 Ghasc 25
25TH JUNE, 2020
SUIT NO. Jl/9/2020
SUIT NO. Jl/12/2020
We partly granted two reliefs of the plaintiff in Writ No. Jl/9/2020 subject to the
operation of C.1.126. Those two reliefs, effectively, were a statement of the meaning
and effect of the constitutional provisions stated therein and did not convey substantive
rights enforceable by the plaintiffs.
The antecedent facts of the case are that the 2nd Defendant had indicated that in
preparation for the 2020 presidential and parliamentary elections it would compile a
new register of voters. !n preparation for the compilation of the new register of voters,
the 2•·• Defendant gave gazette notification for the making of Regulations intituled
Public Elections (Registration of Voters) (Amendment) Regulations on 3 March 2020.
This Instrument did not provide for the inclusion of the current voter identification card
as a document for the identification of persons who apply for registratlon as voters.
On 19th March, 2020, the National Democratic Party ( 1ct Plaintiff), a major political
party, issued a writ against the Attorney General (l't Defendant) and the Electoral
Commission (2'° Defendant) Invoking the original jurisdiction of this court to Interpret
and enforce the Constitution under articles 2 ( 1) and 130 ( 1) thereof.
1. A declaration that upon a true and proper lnterr,retatlon of l\rtlclc '15(a} of the 1992
I nd
Constitution, 2 Defendant has the constitutional power to, and can compile a register
of voter-. only once, and thereafter revise it periodicc1lly, as may be dett~rmined by law.
Accordingly, J Dt>ft'ndant can only revise the exl~tlng register of voters, and lacks
power to prepijre a fresl1 reglst~r ot voters, for U1c conrluct of the Dccemt>er 2020
Presidential and Parliamentary Elections.
2. I\ declatation that upon iJ troe and proper Interpretation of the provisions of the
Constitution, specifically article 51, read conjointly with article 42 of the Constitution,
the power of the 2"" Defendant to compile and review the voters' register must be
exercised subject to respect for and the protection of the right to vote;
4. A declaration that, upon a true an<! proper interpretation of the provisions of the
Olnstitution, particularly a1ticie 42, of the Constitution, all existing voter identification
cards duly Issued by the 2nd Defendant to registered voters are valid for purposes of
identifying such persons in the exercise of their right to vote;
6. A der.laration that the 2nd Defendant, in purPOrting to exercise its powC.>rs puri;uant to
article 51 of the onslltutl de the existing voter Identification cards from
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the documents required as proof of identification to enable. •u pe•,son regs
1 ter as a voter
without any justification, is arbitrary, capricious, unreasonable and contrary to article
296 of the 1992 Constilu\ion;
8. An order directed <1t the 2r<1 Defendant to include all existing voter Identification cards
duly issued by the 2nd Defendant as one of the documents serving as proof of
identification for registration as a voter for the purposes of public elections;
9. Any other order or orders as this Honourable Court would deem fit in the
In compliance with the relevant rules of the court, the parties subsequently med their
respective Statements of Case. No Joint Memorandum of Agreed Issues was flied by the
parties as required by the rules and the practice of the Court. On the contrary, the 1
and 2''" Defendants filed a "proposed joint memorandum of issues" on 20 May 2020 and
tl1e 1•t Plaintiff filed its memorandum of Issues on 4 June 2020. On 4 June 2020, the
Court directed the 2"<1 Defendant to file a supplementary Statement of Case to provide
the legal b<Jsis for the non lnCIL1sion of the current voter identification card as a
document to be used for the identification of a person who applies to be regist~red as a
voter In the compilalion of a new register of voters. Option was given to the other
pa,tles to fill! supplementary St..1tements of case If they so desired. All tho parties cluly
rncu supplementary Statements of Case. on 10 June 2020, the Public Elections
(Registration of Voters} (Amendment} Regulatlons,202.0 (C.I 126} came In force. On the
11th June 2020, after being put to Its election by the court, the 1' Plaintiff abandoned
its relief 1 and the same was struck oul as withdrawn. The said relief 1 was ror:
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LA declaration that upon a true and proper Interpretation of Article 45(a) of the J99
Constitution, 2"' Defendant has the constitLJtlonal power to, and can compile a register
of voters only once, and thereafter revise It perlodiCJlly, as may be determined by law.
11 1
Accordingly, 2 • Defendant can only revise the existing register of voters, and lacks
power to prepare a fresh register of voters for the conduct of the December 2020
Presidential and Parliamentary Elections.
On 12 June 2020, a day after the 1,t Defendant had abandoned its relief 1, a new writ
was issued by Mark Takyi-Banson (2°d Plaintiff) against the l51 and 2°.i Defendants
seeking the following reliefs:
i. A dedaration that upon a true and proper interpretation of article 45(a) of the 1992
Constitution of the Republic of Ghana, the Electoral Commission's constitutional and
statutory mandate to compile the register of voters for the conduct and supervision of
all public elections and referenda is spent, saving only the power reserved in the
commission to revise and expand the register of voters at such periods as may be
determined by law.
il. A declaration that the Electoral Commission's decision to compile a new register of
voters is inconsistent with and In violation of article 45(a) of the 1992 Constitution or
the Republic of Ghana.
ill. A declaration that Regulation 1 (3) of the Public Elections (Registration of Voters)
(Amendment) Regulations, 2020 (C.I 126) is inconsistent with and violates the
provisions of article 42 and 45 (e) of the 1992 Constitution to the extent that it excludes
Birth Certificates issued to Ghanaians as a mode of identification and/or establishment
of qualification to be registered In the register of voters.
Iv. A declaration that Regulation l (3) of the Public Elections (Registration of Voters)
(Amendment) Regulations, 2020 (C.l. 126) is inconsistent with and violates the
·· f 1' I 2 d 45 (e'. , of the 1992 Constitution to the extent that It excludes
prov1s,ons_o.1 e .-, ~n~
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the existing Voter Identification card as a mode of identification and/or establishing
qualification to be registered in the register of voters.
v, An order directed at 1st Defendant to include under Regulation 1 (3) of the Publlc
Elections (Registration of Voters) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 (C.I 126), the
existing voter· Identification Card issued by 1st Defenda~t as evidence of identificatfon.
vi. An order directed at pt Defendant to include under Regulation 1 (3) of the Public
Elections (Registration of Voters) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 (C.l. 126) birth
certificates as evidence of identification.
vii. Any other order or orders its to this Honourable Court may deem fit.
On 19 June 2020, upon an application by the 1st Defendant for the consolidation of the
two suits, this court upon determining that the two suits raised substantially the same
issues, made an order for the consolidation of the two suits. The court also made an
order for the abridgement of trme for filing of the respective Statements of Case of the
parties. All the parties complied with the order and filed their respective Statements of
On 19 June 2020, an application for leave to file an amicus brief was filed by four (4)
applicants, namely; Imani Centre for Polley and Education, Conservative Policy Research
Centre, Alliance for Socfal Equity and Public Accountability (ASEPA) and Institute for
Liberty and Polley Innovation. In view of the lateness of the application and the fact
that the draft amicus brief attached to the application did not provide any new, relevant
information, thls Court refused the application.
From the reliefs lndorsed on the two Writs and after a careful consideration of the facts,
tl1e processes flied by the parties and the relevant law, tvvo (2) issues arise for
determination in this action. These are:
II. Whether or not the non -Inclusion of the curmnt voter Identification card and birth
certificate as documents for the Identification of persons who apply for registration as
voters undt!r C.1.176, Is Inconsistent with or In contravenllon of the Constitution.
As has been noted, the first relief indorsed on the Writ of the 1'1 Plaintiff is for;
"A declaration that upon a true and proper interpretation of Article 45 (a) of the 1992
constitution, 2nd Defendant has the Constitutional power to, and can compile the
register of voters only once and thereafter revise it periodically, as may be determined
by Law. Accordingly, 2"~ Defendant can only revise the existing register of voters, and
lacks the power to prepare a fresh register of voters for the conduct of the December
2020 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections".
This relief, as has been noted, was abandoned by the 1ot Plaintiff and struck out as
abandoned by the Court. But this issue was resurrected by the 2nrl Plaintiff. Reliefs 1
and 2 indorsed on the 2nd Plaintiff's Writ are as follows:
i. A declaration that upon a true and proper interprettitlon of article 4S(a) of the 1992
Constitution of the Republic of Ghana, the Electoral Commission's constitutional and
$tatutory mandate to compile the register of voters for the conduct and supervision of
all public elections and referenda is spent saving only the power reserved In tho
commission to revise and expand the register of voters at such periods as may be
determined by law.
ii. A declaration that the Electoral Commission's decision to compile a new 1cgl5tcr of
voters Is inconsistent with and a vlolatlon of article '\S(a) of the 1992 constitution of the
Republic of Ghana.
The relevant provision of the Constitution is article 45(a), which provides as follows:
(a) To compile the register of voters and revise it as such periods as may be
determined by law . p
The 2nd Plaintiff contends that on a true and proper interpretation of article 45 (a), the
2 Def'endant's power to compile a new register of voters can be exercised only o'lCe
and that after the compilation of a new register, the register can subsequently only be
revised. The 2"'! Plaintiff submitted that the words •compile" and "revise" in artide 45
(a) ~do not mean the same thing" or "have the same effect or resulr. He concludes,
"that the purposive interpretation and effect of Article 45 (a) of the 1992 Constltutoo,
as restated in section 2(a) of the Electoral Commission Act, 1993 (Act 451), is that the
constitutional statutory mandat e of the 1'1 Defendant (The Sectoral Commission) to
compile the register of voters for elections and referenda is spent save the mandate tO
revise the register of voters.•
The 1-'-' and 2"d Defendant take issue with the 2rd Plaintiff on his Interpretation of article
15 {a) of the Constitution. They both oontend that under and by virtue of article 45 (a),
the ra Defer.c!ant has power to compile a new register of voters, and that the authority
to rompile a new register is not a one-off power, but is a power that may be exercised
per.odically as and when cletellllined by the 2"'' Defendant and in accordance with law.
Qnmsel for the 1st Defenclanl submitted that the 2"' PlaintifFs interpretation of article
'15 {a) is strained and farfetched. He contended that on a plain reading of article 45 (a),
tne )"d Defendant may "compile the register of voters ilnd revise It as such periods as
may be d<,termined by law·. He submits that the phrase ·at such periods as may be
determined by la•,.,. applies both to the oompilation of a new register and its revision.
He noted the absence of any punctuation in article 45 (a) and submitted, "Quite cicar1y
therefore w,thout any difficulty, the words must be read together. Tncre's no need to
cf,saggregate them•. C.Our.sel for the I-" Defendant further suom,tted that by artlclc 'l9
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(b) of 1he ConstitutJon, where a r,o-Ner to 00 an act i5 confe<red en a person, th0t
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power or duty may be <'Xercised or discharged from time to time as necessary and that
the power of the 2nd Defendant to compile a new register of voters may be exercised
from time to tlmti, and not only on~c.
Toe 2M Defend~nt also submitted thul artltle 45 (a) lloes not confer J slngle•u~e
mandate but provides for a role of a continuing nature. It further submitted that the
Constitution must be read as a whole and that whon article 45 (a) Is read together with
article 297 (c), It Is clear that tl1e power of the 2"~ Defendant to compile a new register
of voters is not a one-off power but can be exercised as and when determined by the
2nd Defendant and In accordance with law.
We have carefully considered the contentions of the parties, the submissions of counsel
and the relevant provisions of the Constitution on this lssuo and are of the considered
opinion that there ls no merit In the contention of th<l 2110 Plaintiff that the power of th0
2"" Defendant to compile a new reglster of voters can only be exercised once and tl1at
thereafter it only 11as power to revise the register from time to time, but not to compile
a new one.
We uphold the submissions of counsel for the 2"~ Oef0ndant that the power vested In
the 2°i Defendant by article 45 (a) "to compile the register of voters and revise it at
such periods as may be determined" is clear and unambiguous and means that the 2""
Defendant may compile a new register of voters or revise it from time to timli as it
deems necessary and In accordance with law. The Interpretation urged by t11e 2"'1
Plaintiff Is strained and farfetchcd and Is rejected.
Toe Constitution must be read as a whole. As this Court stated in J.H. Mensah v.
Attorney-General [1996•97] SCGLR 320, by Acquah JSC (as he then was);
"l think It is now firmly settled that the better approach to U1e interpretation of the
t 992 Constitution is to Interpret the provlslon In relation lo the other provisions of the
Constitution so as to r •nder the interpretation consistent with tht> other provisions and
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the ovcrnll spirit of the Constitution. An I nterpretalion based solely on ii p.:irticulor
provision without reference lo the other provision Is likely to lead to a wrong
appreciation of the true meaning and import of the provision."
In I his case, the related constitutional provision which we believe will cnht1nce the
appreciation of the true import of article 45(a) is article 297(b}, which makes provision
for implied powers and other matters relating to the scope and Implications of powers
conferred under the Constitution. Article 297(b) of the Constitution provides that, "In
this Constitution and in any other law, (b) where a power is inferred or duty is imposed,
the power may be exercised and duty shall be performed, from time to time, as
occasion requires".
We therefore hold that when article 45 (a) Is read together with article 297 (b), as it
must, it is clear that the power of the 2nd Defendant to compile a new register of voters
may be exercised from time to time as occasion requires and In accordance with law.
Additionally, tile power of the 2"" Defendant to compile a new register is recognized by
the Public Elections (Registration of Voters) Regulations, 2016 (C.!. 91) whicl1 has just
been amended by C.I.126. Regulation 33 of C.l. 91, on revocation and saving, provided
as follows:
"33. (!} The Public Elections (Registration of Voters) Regulations, 2012 (C.I. 72) is
hereby revoked.
(2) Despite the revot.atlon under sub regulation (1 ), the existing register or voters is
saved under these Regulations until the new one is compilod by the Cornmission
(emphasis supplied).
Lastly, we note lhal as a matter of fact, this is not the first linw that a new register of
voters would be compiled since the coming Into force of the 1992 Constitution. A new
r<!glster of voters was In fact compiled by the 2"i Defl?ndant In 2012 under C.I. 'l2
In light of the foregoing, we hold that the compilation of a new register of voters by the
2 d Defendant is not inconsistent with or in contravention of the Constitution or any
other law.
V'Je now proceed to examine whether lh0 non- lnr.lusion hy C. T 126 of the current voter
identification card and birth certificate as documents for the Identification of a person
who applies for registration as voter is inconsistent with or in contravention of the
"1. The Public Elections (Registration of Voters) Regulations, 2016 (C.I. (91) is
amended in regulation 1
"(3) A person who applies for registration as a voter shall provide as evidence of
identification one of the following:
(a) a passport;
(b) a national identification card issued by the National Identlfication Authority;
(c) one voter registration identification guarantee form as set out in Form One
of the Schedule that has been completed and signed by the two registered
voters."; and
"(4) Despite paragraph (c) of subregulation (3), a registered voter shall not guarantee
C.l. 126 docs nol therefore l11clude the currnnt voter identification card nnd birth
cc1 t1flc.1tu a~ one of the documents to be used ror the Identification of a person who
applies for rcgistr<1t1on as a voter.
Tim 1'1 ,md 2"~ Pk1lnt1rr~ contend th(lt the non-inclusion or the voter identification card
as II documc nt or ldcnt1fic.Jt1on violates the Constitution, while the 2r-<1 P1alnblf contC'ndsI
additionally, that the non- induSIOO of birth certificate contravenes the C.Onstltution.
V-!c wlll now examine these contentions beginning with the non-inclusion or the voter
identification card.
Ri::liefs (4), (5) and (6) indorscd on the pt Plaintiff's Writ provide as follows:
'I A dl•claratlon that, upon a true and proper interpr<:tation of the provl$1ons of the
Const1tut1on, particularly article 42, of the Constitution, all extsting voter identification
cards duly issued by the 2.: Def<.'fldant to registered votCfS are valid for purposes of
ldent1fylng such persons In the exel'CiSC of their right to vote;
of no effect whatsoever;
6. A dl:Cl,11 nt1on that the 2nd Defendant, 111 purport1n<J to exerctse its powers pursuant to
t1rticie 51 of the 1992 ConstiMiOn to exclude the ex1st1ng voter identification cards from
the doane.,ts reQU red as proof of idtntiflcallon to enable a person regl~er as a voter
\'llthout any just.flcatlor Is arb trary, ecpnoous, unreasonable and contra!)' to article
Adeclaration that Regulation 1(3) of the (Amenclmcnt) Regulations, 7.020 (C.I.l 26) Is
inconsistent with and violates the provisions of artlr.lc 42 ilnd 45(e) of the 1992
Constitution to the extent that it excludes the existing Voter ldcntlficntion Card as a
mode of identification to be registered in the register of voters.
An order directed at the l51 Defendant to Include under Regulation 1(3) of the Public
Elections (Registration of Voters) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 (C.I.126), the
existing voter Identification Card issued by the pt Defendant as evidence of
In support of its contention, counsel for the 1'1 Plaintiff made a number of submissions.
First, counsel submitted that the non-inclusion of the current voter Identification card Is
a violation of the right to vote as enshrined In article 42 of the Constitution. Counsel
argued that embedded In the right to vote Is a correlative right of every Ghanaian of
eighteen years of age and above and of sound mind to register as a voter. Counsel
relied on Abu Ramadan and Another v. The Electoral Commission and Another
[2013-20141 2 SCGLR 1654 (Abu Ramadan (Nol); where Wood C.J stated nt
page 1670 as follows:
"If the right to vote Is Important In participatory democracy, the right to register as
even more fundamental and critical. It is the golden key thc.1l opens the door to
exercising the right to vote."
Counsel c1lso cited Abu Ramadan and Anotherv. Electoral Commission and
Another [2015·16] SCGLR 1(Abu Ramadan (No2}; Tehn-Addy v. Electoral
Commission [1996-9) SCGLR 589; a nd Apaloo v. Electoral Commission [2001-
2002] SCGLR 1 in support of this SLJbmission.
Second, counsel for the 1~~ Plalntlff submitted thdt previous Regulalions such as t l1e
Public Elections (Re~1ulatlons of Voter~) Reg1r,alions, 7.012 (C.L 72) and the Public
E'ectio1 s {Rl3gb.rcJtion nt Voters) Regulations, 201 G (C.T. 91) had included tl1e exi;;ting
voter identification card as one of the document$ tot the id~nlificatfon of a person who
applies fer registration as a voter.
Counsel for the 2nn Plaintiff submitted that once a person has been registered as a voter
~111d holds a voter identi fication card, the 2nd Defendant has no constitutional nght to
introduce a ne1.v regulation \lvhich does not include the current voter identification card
as or,c af tile documents that may be used in lh~ identification of a person who applies
to be registered as a voter.
Not surpr.isingly, Counsels for the 1st and 2nd Defendants disagreed with Counsels for
H'ie 1-:,l c.md 2nrt Pl aIntiffs,
Counsel for tl,e 1::.t Defendant submitted that non-lnclus1on of the current voter
identification card as one of the documents for tho identifir.at1on of a person who
applies for registration as a voter is not in violation of the ngt,t to vote as enshrined 111
article 42 of tne Constitution. Counsel argued that in determining which documents
would be used ,n Identifying applicants, the 2nd Defendant must be guided by artlclu 47
and the need to establish a credible and reliable register and structures1 systems and
processes tht1t ·v11ould guard, protect und preserve the sancllly and credibility of tl1e
nght to vot~. C'.cllnsel relied 011 Abu Ramadan (No2) supra, for this submission.
Counsel for the 1:;t Defendnnt also ~rgued that the Electoral Commission ls an
independent constituli onal body cJncl that the µowcr of ttie Courts to review its decis1ons
is circtJm~cntJed and limited to clear cases or unconstitutionality or illegality, Counsef
submitted tl"'at non incluc.ion of 1he current vol er ldcntlncation wrd as an identification
documen~ is not patently unconstitt1tional or Ulegal, but tt,e exerci.se of a discretion
vested in tl1e 2nd Def J ~i'- t. Counsel l·her~fore submitted Urnt thi~ cxc:rc:is8 of discretjon
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is not in violation of a1ticle 296 of the constitution and should not be overturned by this
Court. Counsel relied on Abu Ramadan {No2), supra for his submission.
Lastly, counsel for the 1st Defendant submitted that the onus ot proving
unreasonableness, capriciousness or arbitrariness rests only on the Plaintiffs, and not on
the 2nd Defendant.
Counsel for the 21,c1 Defendant, the Electoral Commission, contended that the 2nd
Defendant had legitimate reasons for not Including the current voter identification card
as a document to be used for the identification of a person who applies for registration
as a voter. Counsel submitted that the processes that resulted in the issuance of the
current voter identification card were fundamentally flawed and in violation of the right
to vote as enshrined In article 42 of the Constitution.
i. the non-inclusion of the current voter identification card and the right to vote,
ii. the non-inclusion of the current voter identification card and the exercise of
discretionary power.
3.2 Non-Inclusion of the Current Voter Identification Card and the Right to
"Every citizen of Ghana of eighteen years and above and of sound mind has the right to
vote and is entitled to be registered as a voter for the purposes of public elections and
Therefore, persons with t11e rlghl to vote and entitled to be registered must be;
I. citizens of Ghana,
II. eighteen years of age or above, and
tii. of sound mind.
ln Abu Ramadan (No 1), supra, at page 1673, this Court emphasized that "these
criteria must be jealously guarded and protected if we must succeed ln protecting the
constitutionally-entrenched right to vote".
"1. The Public Elections (Registration of Voters) Regulations, 2016 (C.I. (91) is
amended in regulation 1
"(3) A person who applies for registration as a voter shall provide as evidence of
Identification one of the following:
(d) a passport;
(e) a national ldcntificallon card Issued by the National Identification Authority;
(f) one voter registration ldentincatlon guarantee form .;is set out in Form One
of the Schedule that has been completed anti signed by the two rcgistemd
voters.''; and
"(4) Despite paragraph (c) of suhrer1ulation (3), a rec1isterecl voter shall not 9uarontL~
the Identity for more than ten persons.""
This Court has held that in actualizing and giving effect to a1tide 42, the 2"d DcfP,ndant
Is, of necessity, called upon to make certain vital (:!ecisions and choices on how to
guarantee the right of all Ghanulan citizens of elghteon years of age and above to vote
whilst keeping out those not qualified to vote,
In Abu Ramadan (No 1) supra, the Court speaking through Wood CJ. stated the
position as follows at page 167 I;
"A meaningful actualization of article 42 rights requires, inter alia, that the 2"'1
Defendant Electoral Commission establishes credible and reliable structures, systems,
processes and procedures for translating the constitutionally-guaranteed rlgl1ls Into
reality. These mechanisms, structures, systems, processes and procedures guard and
protect and preserve the sanctity and credibility of the rights guaranteed thereunder. A
perfect electoral system Is obviously utopian; hence the notion that the structure should
on balance, not undermine, detract from, dilute nor wl11Ltle down the rigl1t to qualify to
be registered, the first crucial step that would enable that citizen to vote."
"Voter registration is crucial to the success of the entire electoral process for il
estabflMl(!S the eliglblllty of citizens to the franchise. It is the gatcw;iy to the ,ight to
vote • the open door to participation In the governance procC?ss. Safegua, ding the ent,ro
registration process, which process Includes the qualification criteria, is therefo!'f' key Lo
securing the legllimac f the entire electoral process and by logical reasoning the
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sovereignty of the state. The registration process must therefore be protected from
under-age persons, non-citizens and voter-fraudsters nlil<e."
In choosing the three modes of identification, this Court believes thut c. 1 126 is
seeking the most effective way of actualizing article 42, ensuring that those with the
right to vote are able to reglstf:!r whilst keeping out those without the right to vote and
who are not entitled to register.
Additionally, there is evidence before us that there are serious questions about the
legitimacy of the processes which led to the issuing of the current voter identification
First of all, the Public Elections (Registration of Voters) Regulations, 1995 (C.I.12) did
not require that any identification document be provided by a person who applies for
registration as a voter. Subsequent Constitutional Instruments, the Public Elections
(Registration of Voters) Regulations, 2012 (C.I.72) and the Public Elections
(Registration of Voters) Regulations, 2016 (C.1.91), have sought to correct this
"A person who applies for registration as a voter shall provide as evidence of
identification one of the following.
(a) a passport;
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(c1) D passport;
(e} One voter registration identification guarantee form as set out in form completed
and signed by two registered voters."
However1 there is evidence before us that the registration exercises undertaken under
the Regulations of C.I. 72 and C.I. 91 did not comply with the requirements imposed by
these Reguratfons. It is noted that the Registration Officials Manual used by the 2r-o
Defendant in the registration exercise in 2012 contained this startfing statement at page
16: ' PresentJng a proof is however not mandatoty, even though it will help speed up
the process."
Therefore, though C.I. 72 had provided that a person who applies for registration must
provide an identification document or guarantor form, the registration officials were
guided by the instruction that proof ot eligibility was not mandatory. This had the effect
of subverting the right to vote as enshrined article 42 of the Constitution.
These anomalies in the 1995 and 2012 registration exercises were earned through imo
the 2016 registration exercise, because bott, C.I. 72 and C.l.91 provided for the use of
the exi~1ing voter identification card as a document for the identiACotion of a person
who applies for registration as a voter. It is the resultant situation which led to the Abu
Ramadan series of cases. Tl1c issue in controversy In these ca~X-?S was the
constitutjonality o of National Health fnsurc1nce (NHI) card ,1s evidence of
ider.tifi-:!atlon of a per.son v.rho applies for registration i;JS c1 voter. In Abu Ramadan
(No1) supra, this court held that upon a tnie and propar inlerpretation of the right to
vote as enshrined rn '1rticle 42.. the use of tt,e NI II card ilS an itl~r1lification document by
Regulation l(3~(d) of C.I. 72 was inconsistP.nt with and in contravontion of article 42.
Adcitionall}', the court granted an order of perpetual Injunction restrainlng lhe Hectoral
Commfssion from using the NHI card for the identification of perso11s who app1y for
registratitw as voters. Tile reason for the decision of Uie Court was that the NHl car-d
was na5ed on resicence and does not provide evidence of citizenship, a fundamental
re:cuirernent oF article 42.
After tl-t€ Plaintiffs in Abu Ramadan (Nol) had failed to get the Electoral Commission
to compile a new· register of voters or clean up the existing register by removing the
ncm1e.s of persons who had registered with the NHI card, tney Instituted another action,
Abu Ramedan {No2)1 seeking compliance with the d~ision of the cou1t ln Abu
Ramadan (Not). Abu Ramadan (No2) was therefore about the production of "a
rea.scnabiy accurate or credible" register.
This Court t1elct at page 43, "that the current register of voters which contains names of
persons ,,.-.iho have ri()t established qualification to be registered 1s not reasonably
accl!rate or Gedible'', It further held 1'that the current regiswr of voters which contalns
the names ot persons vJho are deceased is not reasonably accurate or credibler'.
''{a) that t:J1e Electoral Commission takes steps immediately to delete or as popularry
known ' clean'' the current register of voters to comply \Nlth the provlsions of Lhe
O:mst1tulion t1nd applicahle taws of Ghana''.
The E e-:toral Commission did not comply with t~·,e orders of the Court. This necessitated
tne plriintiffs to bring a post-judgment application ln this Court for clarification arid
ftirlh~r directions In respect of the orders given by the Court. In the course of the
heariing of thC! anplicatlon 1n Abu Ramadan and Nimako {No.3) v Electoral
Commission an~,~ i · rn_~1 G-~~~tJi~o.3) [2015-2016] 1 SCGLR 77 (Abu
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Ramadan (No.3), tlli:. Court by i'lf1 lnler'lm order, dlrected the Electoral Commi5!iiOn to
provide in writtng to the court u,e ft1U llst of pC'!rc;ons v,.rt,o had ulilist'.d t..1,c NHL Ca rd a!j a
means of idcntlllcation to reyist~~r and alc;;o lo submit ln ,.,.,r,i ting lo th(-> c.ourt ttlc
rnodalitie.s it intended to apply to ensure full compliance witt, the court's c.:ons€quen~ial
orders rnade in Abu Ramildan (No.2). ·rhe Elect.om I Comrnisskirl subrrnl1e<I Io \he
court tl1r. names of 56,739 as the ll~~t of persons on tt1e regi~ter of voters wtm hncl used
"(5) After due cor1sideration of the objections by the applicants tendered in the list of
persons being NHI registrants on the e1ectoral roll subm;tted by U1e first defendant
Electoral CommissionJ' in compliance with ttie court's order, the Supreme Court woutd
hold that it was precluded in the instant post~judgment application for clarificaUon from
veering into issues that were not immediately covered by the application ...
Per curiam: Vve are of the opinion tl1at an lnquiry Into the autl1enticity and cred;bility of
the list submitted might result in the modlficut;on or alteration of the substance ot the
A~ these events demonstrate that the E,ectoral Commission could not or was disabled
from conducting a thorough deaning of the voters register in 2016. 0Verall 1 there arc
serious quesU011s and doubts about the legit;macy of the processes wh,ct"l led lo the.
issuing of the current voter identification cards. In recognit1on of lh;s filct, we are
satisfied that the 2nd DQfendant1 in deciding not to include the current voter
identification card as a document to be used in ident1fylng appliCilnts for voter
registration, was guided by tt1e need to establish a credible and reliable voters regi~r
that would guard, protect and preserve ttie sanctity and credibility of the right to vote.
We therefore hold that the non~incltision of the current voter lclentillG1tion card a~ one
of the documents to, d for the ldentlflcation of a person wbo applies for
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. . t •. t ifl vroliltion of the right to vole as enshrined ln articrc 42 of
reg1stratron as a vo er 1s no
the Constftution.
The 1~t Plaintiff contends that the non-inclusion of the currcmt voter ldentiflcation card
JS a w~rc document for the identification of a person who applies for registration as r.i
voter by c.r. 126 a·id the 211d Defendant Electoral Commission is unreasonable, arh[trary
i.llid capriciolls and rs rn violation of article 296 of the Constllutlon.
COL1nsel argued that the non-inclusion of the voter fdentlflcation card In C.I. L26 Is
unreasonable, arbitrary and capricious and in violation of article 296 of the Constitution.
Counsel submitted that even though tl1e 2m Defendant 1s entrusted by the Constitution
with the power to make Regulations for the conduct of public electrons, it must ac1· ln
accordance with tl1e Constitution. Counsel further submitted that the onus of provlng
the reasonabtenGss and fairness of thG non-inclusion of the voter identification card as a
basic document for t'le identifrc.ation of a person who applies for registratron as voter is
on the 2"11 Defendant.
Lastlv, counsel for the I st Plaintlff submitted that previous Regulat1ons such as the
Public Elections (Regulations of Voters) Regulatfons, 2012 (C.I. 72) and the Public
Elections (Registration of Voters) Regulations, 2016 (CJ. 91) had included the existing
voter idQnt1fication card as one of the documents for the identification of a person who
applies for regi::.trntion as a voter. Counsel contended that the non-indus1on of the
current voter identification card 1NOuld result in the disenfranchisement of many eligible
as one of the doc.wnent.s th~1t may 110. used In tt11; ldentifiu1Hon of a person vvho c:ippl1es
Counsc,I for Ihe 2 :1 Plol11tl1r ~lso sul ,111illvd th'1t oncu a p~1son ltrJZ ber..!n registered as a
vot·er und 1ssu, cl with .1 votr~r ILientirievt 1011 Ctlr cl, lhe nor1-inclu5lorI of the r;iird for tl1c
dentJflcatlon of a porson ,,A1ho applies for rr,nistrallon ··r,x I 11 11 r:\vblon of I 111~ reg1!jter is
unconstitutional, Illegal, arbitr;1ry .:md umer1',onahle ..,
"Where in this Constitution or in any other law dlscretionc.JrY power 1s vested in any
person or authority;
(a) that discretionary power shall be deemed to imply a duty to be fair and candid;
(b) the exercise of the discretionary power shall not be arbitrary, capricious and biased
either by resentment, prejudice or personal dislike and shall oe in accordance with due
process of law; and
(c} where the person or authority is not a judge or other judicial officer, there shall be
published by constitutional rnstrument or statutory instrument, regulations that are not
inconsistent with the provisions of thls Constitution or that other law to govern the
exercise of the discretionary power."
Attention is also drawn to article 46 of the Constitution, which proVldes for the
ir:1dependence and autonomy of the 2na Defendant Electoral Commlssion as follows;
\'Except as provided in this Constltution or in any law not inconsistent \ivlth this
Constitution, in the performance of its functions, the Electoral Commission shall nut be
subject to the direction or control of any person or authority. 11
The issue under consideration, the circ.umstances in which lhe exercise of dlscretion by
the 2nd Defendant Electoral Commission mny be declared unconstitutional by tl1is Court,
is not novel and hi;l?. . 1ber of cases including Ransford France
l ,,.,....
(No 3) \/. Electoral Commission & Attorney General [2012] 1 SCGLR 705; Abu
Ramadan {No l), 5 upra; a"d Abu Ramadan(No2) supra.
This Ccutt tias consistently held thaL it would be loalti to declare Hie decisions and
ilcticns uf u,e 2,ncJ Defendanl Elcctur~I Commission tmconstrtutional and would only do
First, in Abu Ramadan {No2) supra, this Court held that the burden of establishing
ur1rcasonableness, arbitrariness or capriciousness is on the Plaintiffs. Genin JSC stated
the p(}sition thus at page 50;
'V\lith these regulations 1n place, the Plaintiffs assume the lnitial burden of convincfng
the court that the pt Defendant Electoral Commission has t.aken any step 1n the process
of cleaning up the register 1Nhrch Is not governed by the repealed C.I. 72 but now by
C.I. 92.
The Plaintiffs also have to satisfy this Court that the !51 Defendant has abused the
discretlon2iy pm11:er vested in rt by article 296 of the Constitution 1992 by taking steps
Nhich are arbitrary, capricious or un,Narranted by the law of n:?gulations."
Tllrs Court has also held that where a number of choices are open to 2rd Defendant
Electoral Comm1ssion 1 the decision as to which optron(s) to choose is one for the 21"\~
Defendant, c1nd this 1Nill not be interfered with by this Court unless it is patently
unconst:itut1onal or unlawful. In Abu Ramadan (No2), supra, this court stated per
Gbadegbe JSC at page 39 as fallows;
' , .. \Nhere th(~ CoriSLitution intended the exercise of any of the functions conferred on
the Electoral Commission to be sub1ect ta any other person or law, it is so provided.
A.ccordingly, 'Nhere no 5uch provisions have been specifically made, the effect is that
tl"'e Con 5tir-ution intendt2d the Electoral Commission to exercise its discretion without the
control or clirection of anv,, son or authority. This Court being the ultimate Judicial
:·."-"""",..... '
r .
. ~.,.
=> endeavor to rec:pect the boundaries of the jurisdiction
autt,orlty •111 the coun.try nlU'"'t .;J
,. . the court has no po1Ner to compel or even direct the first clefenclant as to how to
exercise its coristltutlonal mandi:.'ltc to produce a credible register; it is the end tl1Jt
Justif G5 the means. I must emptiaslze that even if there is provision in I.he law and/or
regulations for validation, the Court cannot compel the first defcndilnt to follow that
method unless it is the only mode that Is sanctioned by the law or regulations. If the
law provides for alternative ways of performing the task, the discreUon is vested in •he
actor in dl'ciding within the llmiL(j lmposed by article 296 of the Constitution a~ to whict1
one of them •Nould best suit the task on hand, ... As fong as the process it f1as chc5en to
clean up the register is authorized by t.he ,aw or regulations, they cannot be faulted,
even if it is considered that a more emcient mode exists."
The 1st and 2nd Plaintiffs have failed to discharge the burden of establishing
unreasoncJbleness, arbitra1incss or caprldousness. lil addition to a passpo,t or national
Identification card issued by the National Identification Authority, C.I. 126 provides for
the guarantor system as a mode of identification. Under the guarantor system an
applicant for registration rnay be identified by a voter identification form signed by t:iNo
registered voters. Fut1·herrnore, the evidPncc before lhis court provided by the National
ldcmtmcation l\uti1or1ty is that, tJs at 2•,; June 2020, the nationdl identity card had been
issued to 10,026,276 citizens or Ghanc1 of eighteen Years of age and above. The
Govt:mment Statistician also provided evidence to ttie court that From Lhc projections of
his office tl1e total populiJtion or Ghananians as i'lt JL1ne 2020 is 30,20l,G91 . Of tt1I~ Lota!
nurnbet~ the poputat,on of GhLlnaiuns of eighteen years and ubove is projected as
16,650,476. These pieces of evidence were not contradicted or ChiJllenged by the 1'·~
and 2,.:.: Plaintiffs and ar. . of dec.:lslve effect in lhe deter · tion of the matters br.?fore
We h V"' al o d mon tr t ·d In Ion .2 of hi'" j rdgm n U1cjt l11l¾r a,c serious
legtllmot qu cuon b ut lh utn, Y f th m' "r1 v '' Id nt1nc.<lt10n rd c:;;, a means
Thu , t1, ] t nd nt' d I , n ti >t o lnr ludl1 lh 1 irr nt vot r Id n lficc:1 ,on card as
a d un nt to bf u cd for th Id ntiflcatlon of an c ppllcunt for r gt" tr uon s vo r
b C.l 126 i d arly gu ded by the need to ensure er d1bl vot 1
I r c1· er and re are
sattsficd that thts d ctslon is fair and reasonable.
The 1 and 2"" Plaintiffs have therefore failed to satisfy this Gou, that the non lnr-luslon
of the current voter ldentJfication card as a document for the ldentificat,on of a person
who applies for registration is, in all the circumstances of this case, unreasonable,
arbitrary or capricious. We therefore hold U1t1t tt,e non-inclusion by C.I. 126 of the
current voter identification card as basic document for the identification of a person
who applies for registration as a voter is not inconsistent with article 296 of the
Constitution or any other Law.
The 200 Plaintiff contends that the non-inclusion by C.1.126 of birth certificate as one of
the documents to be used for identification of a person who applies for registratlon as a
voter is in contravention of and inconsistent with the Constitution.
Reliefs iii and vi indorsed on the 2nd Defendant s Writ are for;
iii. A declaration that Regulation 1 (3) of the Public Elections (Registratlon of Vot rs)
(Amendment) Regulations, 2020 (C.I. 126) is inconsistent with and violates the
provisions of article 42 and 45 (e) of the 1992 Constitutio1, to th e tent that it excludes
811th Certificates Issued to Ghanaians as a mode of identification and/or establishment
be registered ln the register of voters.
Vi. An order directed cJt 1~ Oefenddnt to inch.1de under Re9ulation 1 (3) of the Public
Elections (Registration of Voters} (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 (CI. 126) birth
Vi/B. find no merit v.1hatsoever In the 2.mJ Oufendtint's contention. rt fli8s in the face of
articlu 42 of thP. Const1tutmn and Lhe dL~is,ons of this court In Abu Ramadan (No1),
supra and Abu Ramadan (No2), supra. A birth cert.ifiec~tc is not a form of
identification. It does not establish the identity of the bearer. Nor do~s It link the hold~r
vvith the inform~tion on the certificate. Quite obviously, [t provldes no evidencP. of
citrzensnip. It therefore does not satisfy the requirements of the artide 42 of the
Constitution. In fact, as a form of identification, it Is worse than the NHI card which was
held to oe unconstltutional as evidence of identification of a person who applies for
registration as a voter in Abu Ramadan {No1), supra and Abu Ramadan (No.2),
In Abu Ramadan (NoL), supra this Court per Wood C.J at page 1674, held in respect
to the NHI card as follows;
\ ••• the term 1evidence for identiflcilt1on' as used ln regulation 1(3) is referable, not in the
strlct and narrow sense as advocated by the defendants, to a personrs mere ~identity by
name and race only, but the more important constitutional criteria that qual;fy a person
for registration as provided under the primary source, i.e. article 42 of the Constitution
and repeated under regulation of CJ. 72."
" ... among the lot that does not provide undoubted information on the holder's
rmtiona1itV, .. .It identifies the holder by the name and face alright, but makes no
alsclosure about the holder's ldentification... and thus fails to meet the citizenship
restrlc.tion test."
It is litUP. \vonder that a birth certificate has never been included as one of the
documer.ts to be used as evidence of identification by a pcr<;on who applies to be
registered as a voter. We have quoted the relevant provisions of C.I. 72 and C. I. 91 in
this judgment. None of these specify a birth certificate as an Identification document.
Its introduction would be a retrograde step.
Y.Je, therefore, hold that non-inclusion of birth certificate as a document for the
identification of a person who applies for registration as a voter by C.I. 126 1s not
inconsistent with or in contravention of the Constitution, or any other law.
4.0 Conclusion
It is for the above reasons that we substantially dismissed the claims of the 1st and 200
Plaintiffs and upheld the constitutionality of the compilation of a new register of voters
and of the Public Elections (Registration of Voters) (Amendments) Regulations, 2020
(C.I. 126) and tile latter's non-inclusion of the current Voter ldcntificatlon card and
birth certificate as documents for the 1dentiflcation of persons who apply for registiation
as voters.
Jl/12/2020 WITH HIM HOPE AGl30ADO.