DLL Tle-6 Q1 W1
DLL Tle-6 Q1 W1
DLL Tle-6 Q1 W1
A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees
B. Performance Standards Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
C. Learning Competencies/ 1. Observe the proper care of plants and soil
Objectives 2. Differentiate the methods of planting trees
( Write the L Ccode for each) 3. Explain how to prepare seeds for planting
4. Discuss the process of seed germination
5. Discuss the preparation of seedlings before transplanting
6. Conduct survey on the elements to be observed in planting trees and fruit bearing trees.
II. CONTENT Elements to be Observed in planting trees and fruit bearing trees
( Subject Matter)
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from PPT, VIDEOS
Learning Resource LR portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous Lesson or Can you name some famous orchard growers? What made them become successful?
presenting new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the What do you think this plant need?
a. Presenting examples/ instances Discuss what planting is all about. How to do the planting process and the manner on how plants are to be taken care of.
of the new lesson. Discuss the elements to be observed.
b. Discussing new concepts and 1. What must we do to have a healthy and bountiful harvest?
practicing new skills.#1 2. How can we maintain high quality seeds?
3. How do seeds germinate?
c. Discussing new concepts and What are the processes needed in order to have high survival of seedlings?
practicing new skills #2. What are the steps in transferring plants?
f. Making Generalizations and What are the elements of planting trees and fruit trees? Can you enumerate them? Why is it important for the growers to
Abstraction about the Lesson. observe this elements?
g. Evaluating Learning raw a happy face on practices that are good and sad face on practices that are not good.