Grade 10 Qtr1 Lesson 4
Grade 10 Qtr1 Lesson 4
Grade 10 Qtr1 Lesson 4
Lesson 4
A. Content Standards
Demonstrate understanding of the relationship among the location of volcanoes, earthquakes, epicentres, and
mountain ranges.
B. Performance Standards
1. Demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruption.
2. Suggest way by which he/she can contribute to the government efforts in reducing damages due to
earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruption.
C. Learning Competency
Describe the different types of boundaries
Sub Competency/ies
1. Name the types of plate boundaries.
2. Describe each type of plate boundary.
III. Learning Resources
Science Learner’s Material 10, page 14
Science Insight: Exploring Earth and Space Teacher’s Edition, page 100-101
A. Preliminary Activities
ELICIT -ANAGRAM- From the set of letters posted on the board form the word or term/s that are being
described in each item. (BOARD WORK). (plate, plate tectonics, plate boundaries, crust, rocks)
. ENGAGE-Show picture of maps and street signs within city and ask them to identify where this place
are located (rotonda, bridge connecting barangays, purok boundaries)
. 1. What does this picture tells us?
2. How are puroks, barangays and cities separated from each other?
B. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills
EXPLORE- Think-Pair-Share. Provide 2 pieces of rocks, paper, or clay ask student to illustrate ways on
how this object can move with respect to one another.
1. What happens were the rock, paper or clay meets?
2. How many ways were you able to move the materials with respect to each other?
(toward,away,slide past (side by side)
To picture the interaction of the plates, imagine you are riding a bumper car at the amusement
park. What could or usually happens in this place?
C. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the Lesson
EXPLAIN- Post Activity Discussion- Ask student about what they did and relate it to plate tectonics.
1. What is plate tectonics?
2. How do the plates interact?
*The Earth’s lithospheric plates interact with each other. Each plate is always in contact with
each other on all of its side. Most plates have all three types of boundaries around them.
ELABORATE- Show a video presentation on plate tectonics (convergent, divergent, transform
1. What are the different types of plate boundaries?
2. How do they differ from each other?
D. Evaluating Learning:
EVALUATE- Fill in the blank. Write the term/s to complete each statement.
1. ___________ is type of boundary were two plates slide in opposite directions beside each other.
2. Any boundary where plates move away from each other is called a ______________.
3. A boundary where two plates come together is called ________________.
4. _____________ suggest that earth’s crust is made up of plates that interact in various way.
5. ____________are rigid sections of the lithosphere that moves.
E. Additional Activities for Remediation:
EXTEND- Using the map of the Earth’s tectonic plates identify the type of plate boundary between
each plate. Which plates are interacting (convergent, divergent and transform).