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Ansaldo STS US Railway Signaling Catalog - 2013

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Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II Wayside Control System - General
Information and Configuration Guide
ASTS USA’s MicroLok II multi-purpose wayside
controller has become the rail industry’s dominant
package for performing vital and non-vital
management of signaling systems. As of January,
2009 over 2400 units were operating on five U.S.
and Canadian Class I railroads, eight U.S. mass
transit systems, rail lines in three European
countries, six different rail lines in Australia, two
major mass transit lines in China and 14 rail lines
spanning India to Malaysia. Since the first
MicroLok II equipment was first installed in 1996,
the system has provided fault-free service for tens
of millions of operating hours (cumulative).
Installations now range from simple end-of-siding
to double-track universal crossovers, and include
advanced applications such as Driverless
as railroad interlocking and highway crossing control,
Automatic Train Control (ATC) and
MicroLok II is designed to downgrade system
Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC). In operation to a safe state in the event its processing
addition, the system has been given expanded software detects a failure. This is done using a
duties (from its original deployment as an combination of “Diversity & Self-Checking” and
interlocking controller) for applications such as “Inherent Fail-Safety” techniques.
dark territory and highway crossing control.
To further enhance system reliability and availability,
MicroLok II can also be configured as a full, stand-
vital MicroLok II systems can be configured in
alone non-vital controller, providing “code line”
redundant (on-line and standby) pairs. Several
serial communications with a central office and
configurations are available (e.g. “Hot Standby”,
numerous local I/O channels for equipment such “Seamless Redundant”) to ensure the least disruptive
as Local Control Panels and ground detectors. hand-off from the failed system to the back-up system.
Failover can be handling using an external relays or
General Information via an LAN-style communications link.
Introduction In addition to vital applications, MicroLok II units can
be configured as entirely non-vital systems. In a
The MicroLok II system is a versatile, microprocessor- typical railroad application, the CPU manages code
based logic controller designed specifically for railroad line communications with a CTC office using one of
and rail mass transit applications. Its basic function is several commonly used protocols such as Genisys ,
to monitor various inputs (via discrete channels and ARES, ATCS and MCS-1. The same unit can house
remote communications links) and process these several non-vital I/O boards to handle LCP and other
inputs according to instructions contained in a operations.
standard ASTS USA-designed Executive software
program, and a user-customized Application software
program. Based on these computations, the system Inputs and Output Management
will deliver discrete-channel and/or coded outputs to
MicroLok II is electrically and electronically compatible
operate local equipment and subsystems under its
with a wide range of electro-mechanical, discrete-logic
control, and/or deliver remote communication
solid-state devices and other processor and computer-
messages to other electronic controllers or computer
based systems. Parallel-channel inputs can be taken
systems within a network. In vital applications such
from electrical contacts of devices such as

For more information, contact your www.ansaldo-sts.com

ASTS USA Account Executive.
RSE-1A1, p. 1
MicroLok II Wayside Control System
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
– General Information and
RSE-1A1 Configuration Guide
Rev. 4-11

General Information (cont’d) enhanced with the use of “Isolation Modules” in the
Inputs and Output Management (cont’d) lines between the MicroLok II system. These modules
help shield the MicroLok II electronics from voltage
relays and switch machine circuit controllers. Parallel- transients by providing the electronic equivalent of
channel outputs can be delivered to energizing “double-break” circuit protection.
devices such as relay coils and power conditioning
modules for switch machine motors, signal lamps, etc. MicroLok II systems can also be outfitted with non-vital
Options are provided for different output power levels I/O channels for a variety of support functions.
(e.g. 12V or 24V) and uni-polar or bi-polar channel Examples include receiving manual switch inputs from
configurations as required by the application. Several an interlocking Local Control Panel (LCP), operating
different types of coded outputs are available for LCP indicator lamps, as well as monitoring equipment
generating dc track circuit block signals and cab signal house ground detector and commercial power status.
speed code rates on several different cab carrier
frequencies. Remote Communications
MicroLok II CPU circuitry is equipped with several
ports for high-rate message exchange with external
systems such as other MicroLok II units (vital or non-
vital), digital Audio Frequency (AF) track circuits and
other ASTS USA processor-based equipment, data
transmission system field interface units and media
converters (e.g. fiber-optic modems), and local or
distant computer systems, including those in a Central
Office. Several EIA “RS”-series data ports on the
CPU PCB are available for this purpose. Multiple
MicroLok II serial links can be networked in a
traditional Master-Slave structure, or to take
advantage of TCP/IP connectivity. TCPI/IP provides a
means for multiple MicroLok II units to communicate
more efficiently, such as in transit applications or
In vital control applications, output power is switched multi-unit standard interlocking applications.
through the contacts of a Vital Cut-Off Relay (VCOR). A separate MicroLok II “Hub” and “Network Interface
The coil of this relay is controlled by a internal power Adapter” offer an efficient way of interfacing MicroLok
supply output from the MicroLok II electronics. In turn, II to existing networks and supporting the
this output is controlled by the vital CPU logic. In implementation of wayside IP connectivity for
event the CPU detects an external or internal failure, transmission of vital and non-vital data through a
the CPU terminates the power supply output, thus broadband backbone network. In addition to
removing power from the VCOR coil. Vital equipment exchange of routine railway control information, IP
such as switch machines and signals revert to a safe connectivity permits remote observation and
state. Note: MicroLok II signal driving circuits can be modification of MicroLok II software, including
configured so that the signal head displays a red downloading of event and error logs for diagnostic
aspect following a system shutdown, even though vital purposes.
output power routed through the VCOR has been
Reliability of vital, parallel-channel I/O channels is
achieved in several ways. First, each channel is
continuously checked by the CPU logic at the
MicroLok II end for its operating integrity. This is done
in a repeating background fashion that is transparent
to normal communications with external equipment. If
any individual channel fails one of these tests, the
channel is logged as failed and the CPU declares a
failure condition. I/O channel reliability is further

RSE-1A1, p. 2
MicroLok II Wayside Control System –
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
General Information and Configuration
Guide RSE-1A1
Rev. 4-11
General Information (cont’d)

Application and Executive Software

All MicroLok II vital and non-vital systems share a Diagnostics and Repair
common Application software platform that contains
an extensive set of tools for composing, testing, and MicroLok II systems are designed for ease of
loading software, as well as performing diagnostics troubleshooting and maintenance on several levels.
and maintenance. As a result, users of various Cardfile PCB front panels contain both alphanumeric
MicroLok II-based systems need only become familiar and discrete LED displays that can indicate a system
with a single software platform for all field applications. failure or fault with an individual I/O or power-delivery
For the system’s application software, the “MicroLok II line. On the CPU board front panel, selected logs and
Development System” offers a variety of means to configuration settings are observed by operating
design the vital or non-vital logic, including the familiar several toggle switches and observing the resulting
Boolean format which provides an easy method of data on the alphanumeric displays.
simulating relay logic circuits. Within the Development For more in-depth diagnostics, a PC can be connected
System, the “MicroLok II Tools” program gives to the MicroLok II CPU to observe a wide variety of
maintenance personnel and application engineers a data such as performance of individual I/O channels
broad spectrum of software-related capabilities such and serial communications ports, routine (normal)
as uploading of executive and application software, event logs and error logs. Field servicing of MicroLok
configuration of system during commissioning, and II units simply consists of replacing faulty plug-in
viewing system status and historical data from system, PCBs, reloading Application software (if required) and
user and error logs. The familiar Windows format is resetting the system. To verify that individual PCBs
employed to make procedures as user-friendly as are faulty, ASTS USA offers shop test equipment that
possible. performs exhaustive, chip-for-chip tests of PCB
All MicroLok II systems are programmed at ASTS circuits. Boards in need of repair or replacement are
USA with standard Executive software that performs returned to ASTS USA Batesburg, SC Service Center
vital and non-vital input processing, decision-making for service.
and generates outputs based on instructions
contained in the Application software. From time to
time, ASTS USA will issue version updates to the
Executive software, typically to accommodate a new
feature or function. Users are informed through a
carefully conducted revision notification process. Both
Executive and Application software are uploaded to
the vital CPU electronics via an on-unit, PC-
compatible serial port. Replacement of EPROM chips
is not required.

RSE-1A1, p. 3
MicroLok II Wayside Control System
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
– General Information and
RSE-1A1 Configuration Guide
Rev. 4-11
Configuration/Application Guide
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Common to all MicroLok II-based systems (vital and
Manages other PCBs in system cardfile;
Performs system decision-making functions and
continuous internal/external diagnostics; MICROLOK® II
Commands system to safe state in event of failure;
Carries Application, Executive S/W I/O I/O SP
Provides four high speed data ports for remote comms; PROG.,
Provides single high speed data port for software
uploading and log downloading; - CENTRAL OFFICE
Front-panel switches and displays permit selective COMM. - OTHER WAYSIDE
diagnostics, configuration setting; - ETC.
PCB ordering information: See RSE-1D2
Vital Outputs: General

Typically used to operate switch machines, switch locks,

searchlight signal mechanisms, misc. relay-controlled

Standard Vital Output PCB: 16 channels, 12V or 24V; PARALLEL TO:

Mixed Vital I/O PCB: 8 output channels, 8 input - S-STATE DRIVERS
- ETC.
channels, 12V, 24V or 50V

Isolated 8-Output PCB: 8 uni-polar or 4 bi-polar vital

outputs, 12V or 24V VITAL MICROLOK® II
PCB front panel LEDs monitor individual output

PCB ordering information: See RSE-1D2.2

Vital Outputs: Conditional Power Assurance

Power for all outputs routed through vital relay (VCOR)


CPU cuts off outputs’ power upon diagnostics failure

(controlled equipment reverts to safe state)

Application information: See RSE-1D10

PN-150B relay used for normal contact loads (see RSE- CPU MA. OUT CKT.
PN-150HD relay used for heavy contact loads (see RSE- POWER

RSE-1A1, p. 4
MicroLok II Wayside Control System –
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
General Information and Configuration
Guide Rev. 4-11
Configuration/Application Guide (cont’d)
Vital Outputs: External Isolation and Bi-Polar Configuration

Output Isolation Modules provide equivalent of “double-

break” protection for devices/circuits in separate house. ISOLATED OUTPUTS TO:
Also permits installation of bi-polar output circuit. MOD. - S-STATE DRIVERS
- ETC.
12V up to 50V output versions.
Useful in MicroLok II “Hot Standby” systems (RSE-1A6) CPU

Output Isolation Modules ordering information: See


Vital Outputs: Switch Machine Interface

Solid-state SML Modules permit direct drive of electric mach.

24V and 110V (input) models

Eliminates need for electro-mechanical relays. 2 HIGH SSR SML-110 SSR
Permits simultaneous control of two switch machines MACHINES NW NW
Compatible with 2-, 3- or 5-wire controlled machines
Application information: See RSE-1D12 CPU OUT-
Ordering information: See RSE-3A1, -3A2, -3A3 MICROLOK® II

Vital Inputs: General

Typically used to monitor relay contact inputs (e.g. track

Vital Input PCB: 16 channels, 12V, 24V or 50V; CHANNELS - RELAYS
Mixed Vital I/O PCB: 8 input channels, 12V, 24V or 50V - ETC.

PCB front panel LEDs monitor individual input channels; VITAL

PCB ordering information: See RSE-1D2.2

Vital Inputs: External Isolation

Electrically isolates external inputs’ battery source

Configurable for 2 uni-polar inputs or 1 bi-polar input INPUTS FROM:

Built-in surge and short circuit protection INPUTS - ETC.

Module ordering information: See RSE-1D7


RSE-1A1, p. 5
MicroLok II Wayside Control System
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
– General Information and
Rev. 4-11 Configuration Guide
Configuration/Application Guide (cont’d)
Vital Inputs and Outputs: DC-Coded Track Circuit

Isolated I/O PCB: 4 inputs, 2 outputs (all circuit-

protective) TO VITAL
Non-Isolated I/O PCBs: 4+4 (12V), 4+4 (12/22V)
Application information: See RSE-1A3, -1A5 OUT ISO. CKT.
PCB ordering information: See RSE-1D2.5 HOUSE/CASE

Non-Vital Inputs and Outputs

Suitable for variety of non-vital applications (e.g. power
off, ground detection, LCP interface)
Isolated (circuit-protective) or non-isolated options
Input+output PCB options: 16-in/8-out, 32-in/32-out GND. DETECT, ETC.
Input-only PCB option: 16 or 32 isolated (circuit- NON-
protective) channels CPU (SIG. VITAL
Output-only PCB option: 32 isolated (circuit-protective)
PCB ordering information: See RSE-1D2.3 LCP

Wayside Signal Operation: LED

“LED 12” PCB drives up to 12 ASTS USA LED signals; LED SIG. LED SIG.
Signal unit power supplied by Constant Current
Regulator; no slide-wire resistor needed;
Built-in LED-fail detection capability (i.e. “Lamp Out”)
MicroLok II can drive non-ASTS USA LED signals with PROT.
appropriate interfaces;
Application information: See RSE-1A12
LED 12 PCB ordering information: See RSE-1D2.4 CPU LED MICROLOK® II
LED signal ordering information: See RSE-7A1, -7A2 CCR

Wayside Signal Operation: General DC Incandescent

Vital DC Lamp Driver PCB: Up to 16 lamps, 300W (max.); INCAND. INCAND.

Direct drive of color-light, position-light and searchlight
signal lamps;

Capable of driving, 16, 18, 24, 25W lamps;

PCB front panel LEDs monitor individual channels;

PCB ordering information: See RSE-1D2.4 DRV

RSE-1A1, p. 6
MicroLok II Wayside Control System –
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
General Information and Configuration
Guide Rev. 4-11
Configuration/Application Guide (cont’d)
Wayside Signal Operation: DC Coded Track Circuit
Applications SIGNALS
PCBs for colorlight and searchlight signals
18W or 25W lamps
1 or 2 signal heads
2 spare isolated inputs also available
Application information: See RSE-1A3, -1A5, -1A6
PCB ordering information: See RSE-1D2.4

Wayside Signal Operation: AC Incandescent

AC Lamp Driver Module interfaces MicroLok II vital AC SIG. AC SIG.

output channel to AC signal head;

Module capability: Up to 4 AC lamp circuits;

Augmented with “Filament Checker” to confirm lamp AC LAMP FILAMENT

filament integrity; DRIVERS CHECKER

“Redundancy PCB” permits parallel lamp control from MICROLOK® II

separate MicroLok II systems; CARDFILE
Module ordering information: See RSE-1D5

DC-Coded Track Circuits: MicroTrax

Permits exceptionally long track circuits

Train detection plus through-the-rails communications of

track codes

Inherent broken-rail/faulty insulated joint detection TRACK PANELS

MicroTrax Coded Track Circuit PCB options for non-cab, MICROLOK® II

cab-compatible applications CARDFILE
Application information: See RSE-1A3, -1A5, -1A8 I/O

PCB ordering information: See RSE-1D2.5

Fully compatible with all versions of ElectroCode track

Integrates MicroTrax features with ElectroCode TRACK TRACK


Allows control of both ElectroCode and MicroTrax T.C.s

from one MicroLok II system

Application information: See RSE-1A2, -1A3, -1A5 MICROLOK® II CPU M-TRAX E-CODE
PCB ordering information: See RSE-1D2.5 PCB

RSE-1A1, p. 7
MicroLok II Wayside Control System
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
– General Information and
RSE-1A1 Configuration Guide
Rev. 4-11
Configuration/Application Guide (cont’d) MICROTRAX® MICROTRAX®
DC Coded Track Circuits: Track Interface

Track interface panels isolate rail transient voltages from

MicroLok II electronics CODED TRK CODED TRK
Provides high immunity to unwanted signals

Also provides compatible operation with existing cab. MICROLOK® II

Cab and non-cab models available TRACK TRACK
Applications: See RSE-1A2, -1A3, 1A5, -1A6, -1A8

Panel ordering information: See RSE-1D3

DC Coded Track Circuits: Shunt Speed Optimization MICROTRAX® MICROTRAX®

Reduces shunt detection time down to 100 milliseconds
Valuable in detection zones requiring release of switch CODED TRK CODED TRK

Wired with MicroTrax Track Interface Panels

Module ordering information: See RSE-1D4 MICROLOK® II CPU CODED CODED VITAL MOD.

Digital AF Track Circuits: Communication and Train

Serial communications to digital AF track cardfiles to
deliver profile-based cab commands TRACK. OCCUP.
Key feature of ASTS USA driverless and driver-operated TO “INTERLOCKING”
Integral with Interlocking MicroLok II cardfiles, or in LINK CPU MISC.
separate “Track” MicroLok II cardfiles RLY.
Separate train detection line via relay contact input to
Vital Input PCB channel (typical) MICROLOK® II

Interlocking Track Circuits: OS

Built-in MicroLok II capability for interlocking train


Injects and monitors 400 Hz signal (ideal for interlocking

PCB ordering information: See RSE-1D2.5 OS CARDFILE

RSE-1A1, p. 8
MicroLok II Wayside Control System –
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
General Information and Configuration
Guide RSE-1A1
Rev. 4-11
Configuration/Application Guide (cont’d)
Cab Signal Code Generation

Built-in MicroLok II capability for cab signal carrier and

code generation

Standard 60 and 100 Hz carriers available

Standard 75, 120 and 180 CMP rates available
System can be designed with customized carriers and CARDFILE
PCB ordering information: See RSE-1D2.7

Inter-System Communications: IP Connectivity

Based on peer-to-peer protocols, enabling faster NIA TO CONNECT TO
on-demand communications (rather than slower EXISTING NETWORK
polling method) HUB
Provides MicroLok II interface to existing
networks; installation-customized links not

Permits multiple MicroLok II units to MICROLOK® II MICROLOK® II

communicate more efficiently (e.g. complex NETWORK CARDFILE CARDFILES
transit applications or multi-unit interlockings) INTERFACE (UP TO 8)
Suitable for vital and non-vital communications

Also enables IP-based access to MicroLok II logs

Application information: See RSE-1A11 ADAPTER (NIA)
Ordering information for TCP/IP modules: See
IP Connectivity: Serial-Ethernet Translation

Converter Module translates MicroLok II Peer messages

(from CPU serial ports) to/from Ethernet standard

Permits routing of MicroLok II Peer messages using

TCP and UDP network protocols

Suitable for MicroLok II peer-based central office

Compatible with HMAC-to-peer protocol messages SERIAL-TO-
Converter ordering information: See RSE-1D9
- ETC.

RSE-1A1, p. 9
MicroLok II Wayside Control System
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
– General Information and
RSE-1A1 Configuration Guide
Rev. 4-11
Configuration/Application Guide (cont’d)
Inter-System Communications: Standard Serial Link Ports

Four CPU PCB serial ports for MicroLok II external


CPU Ports 1 and 2 (Master): RS-485, asynchronous, up

to 19,200 BPS

CPU Ports 3 and 4 (Slave): RS-423/423, synchronous CPU MICROLOK® II

or asynchronous, up to 19,200 BPS CARDFILE

Serial Link Relay PCB: Provides RS-485 serial link

between “Interlocking” and “Track” MicroLok II systems - REMOTE DIAG.
PCB ordering information: See RSE-1D2.1 - ETC.
RS-485 LINKS (2)
RS-232/423 LINKS (2)

Standard Serial Link: Communications-Protective Devices

Serial Isolator Unit: Protects RS-232/RS-423 link
between MicroLok II CPU and code system from voltage MICROLOK® II
ATCS-Compatible Serial Isolator: Provides transient
signal protection on Motorola MCP Radio-based non-
vital serial links with MicroLok II
Serial Communications Adapter Panel: Protects serial LINK ISO. LINE CARRIER
communications between MicroLok II and other systems
in separate wayside houses.
RS-232/423 LINKS
Application and ordering information: See RSE-1D8

MicroLok II Executive Software

Installed in all MicroLok II-based systems (vital and non-
Performs vital and non-vital logic actions based on AP S/W.
Application software instructions
Performs continuous safety-critical diagnostics (internal EXEC. EX S/W.
and external) S/W
Safely downgrades system in case of diagnostic failure

Performs recording and playback of routine logs and REMOTE

user-specified events COMM.
Version updates (from ASTS USA) accommodate new
technologies (e.g. IP communications)

Version updates uploaded via CPU-connected PC

RSE-1A1, p. 10
MicroLok II Wayside Control System –
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
General Information and Configuration
Guide RSE-1A1
Rev. 4-11
Configuration/Application Guide (cont’d)
MicroLok II Application Software: General
Customizes the MicroLok II system to user’s exact, CARDFILE
location-specific requirements V N-V PWR
Functional equivalent of 4095 relays with 50
contacts/relay APPLI. S/W EX S/W.
Functional equivalent of 400 adjustable timers TEST
Incorporates variety of Windows -based design and
checking tools (“Development System”) REMOTE

MicroLok II Application Software:

Development System
Text Editor: Creates MicroLok II
application logic source file using any
DOS or Windows-based text editor
application (Boolean logic-based)

Logic Compiler: Checks application logic

source file for errors and generates final
application file

Ladder Logic Graphic User Interlace (GUI)

Tool: Enables application logic to be TEXT LOGIC
developed using Ladder Logic approach FILE FILE
Reverse Compiler: Assures application
source file was translated correctly by the MICROLOK II
application-logic compiler SYSTEM AND MICROLOK II
Comparison Tool: Compares running PROGRAM

program with original program to verify

intended application is in use

Logic Checker Application: Allows

viewing and printing of source programs
in alternatives to the Boolean logic (e.g.
ladder logic, simple relay, AAR/AREMA
relay style)

Maintenance Tools Program: Provides

variety of tools to view and troubleshoot
MicroLok II system operations

RSE-1A1, p. 11
MicroLok II Wayside Control System
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
– General Information and
RSE-1A1 Configuration Guide
Rev. 4-11
Configuration/Application Guide (cont’d)
MicroLok II Executive and Application Software: Genisys II
Variant of MicroLok II vital software for non-vital code AP S/W.
system applications (GENISYS® N-V PWR
Loaded into same CPU PCB hardware as MicroLok II EX S/W.
vital systems

® ® ®
MicroLok , MicroTrax and Genisys are registered trademarks of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-1A1, p. 12
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
® TM
MicroLok II: E-Code Track Circuit Enhancement
When it was introduced in 1999, the ASTS USA
MicroLok II Wayside Control System was the first
microprocessor-based controller to combine vital
logic, data transmission, non-vital logic and
electronic coded track circuits into a single
package capable of controlling applications as
complex as a double cross-over.
The benefits of the MicroLok II Wayside Control
System, however, could not be realized in territory
where Electrocode coded track circuits were
installed because they were not compatible with
the MicroLok II control system.
To enable the MicroLok II Wayside Control System
to be compatible with Electrocode track circuits
and to be economically applied in Electrocode-
equipped territory, ASTS USA has developed the
MicroLok II E-Code Coded Track Circuit.

General Description
The new ASTS USA MicroLok II E-Code Coded Track
Circuit makes the ASTS USA MicroLok II system fully Track circuits are terminated at low impedance to
compatible with all versions of Electrocode coded minimize the effect of ballast variations.
track circuits. By enabling the MicroLok II system to
be installed in territory equipped with current and past Reliable track communication and train detection.
generations of Electrocode track circuits, the E-Code
Provides reliable operation independent of received
track circuit allows the benefits of the MicroLok II
current above the operating threshold of 0.5
system’s diagnostic and maintenance tools, user-
interface features and data-recording functions to be
realized system-wide, without application constraints. Shunt detection time of 6.3 seconds (maximum);
MicroLok II/E-Code supplements the MicroLok II track restore time is based on receipt of four
system with of two E-Code-specific elements: A Track messages.
PCB and a Track Interface Panel. The Track PCB
interfaces with the CPU board, where the functions of Slower restore time allows for proper operation of
track messaging and train detection are performed stick logic, which is dependent on an orderly
(see RSE-1D2.5 for additional information on the progression of track circuit occupancy.
Track PCB). Both the Track PCB and the Interface
Adjustment and performance of the track circuit
Panel are dual-function units designed to handle two
can be reviewed easily without requiring
independent track circuits. The Interface Panel is
instrumentation or a need to interrupt the track
designed for compatibility with highway crossing audio
overlay equipment, and provides immunity to 60 Hz
interference. The unit also provides secondary surge Transmitter output voltage can be adjusted without
protection. It is functionally and mechanically interrupting track circuit communications.
equivalent to the Electrocode 5 (EC5) Track Interface
Panel (TIP-2). Application programming using Boolean
expressions or ladder logic diagrams.

Reverse compiler and logic-comparison tools.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-1A2, p. 1
MicroLok® II: E-CodeTM Track Circuit
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 4-11

Basic E-Code Applications E-Code Track Circuit PCB



















RSE-1A2, p. 2
MicroLok® II: E-CodeTM Track Circuit
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 4-11
Application Software Characteristics
The MicroLok II E-Code Track Circuit allows MicroLok As a part of the MicroLok II product family, MicroLok II
II hardware and application software to support E-Code Track Circuit programming is performed using
MicroTrax and E-Code track circuit formats the ASTS USA MicroLok II Development System.
simultaneously. This provides a transitional bridge This Windows -based consists of a Maintenance Tool,
between Electrocode territory and MicroTrax territory an Application-Logic Compiler, a Reverse Compiler
without the need for additional hardware. and an Application Logic Comparison Tool. These
tools enable the user to retrieve system event and
Track circuit adjustments are easily made by one error logs and to compile, debug and upload an
person and require no instrumentation. application-logic program from a PC into the i-Lok card
- A 10-position selector switch on the front file. For more information on the MicroLok II
panel of the MicroLok II E-Code PCB enables Development System, contact your ASTS USA
transmitter output voltage to be set in accordance Account Executive.
with adjustment tables, which specify the voltage
output for each increment of track circuit length.
Typical E-Code Track Circuit Status Screen
A menu-express push-button on the track board
immediately changes the two 4-character displays
on the CPU board to indicate the codes being
transmitted and received.
- Repeat pressing of the push-button cycles
through displays indicating received current,
transmitted voltage and transmitted current.
A 3-position (STEADY, OFF and NORMAL)
transmitter toggle-switch is available for each track
circuit for trouble-shooting purposes.
- STEADY position: Transmitter output steady
- OFF position: Transmitter is deactivated and
receiver is activated continuously.
Ordering and Information

Track Circuit-Related Specifications For ordering and other information on the MicroLok
Transmitter: Output Voltage into 1.25 ohms: 1.0 II E-Code Track Circuit enhancement, contact your
to 2.5 volts DC. ASTS USA Account Executive.
Output Impedance: 0.15 Ohms. MicroLok II E-Code Track Circuit board part
Current Measurement Range: 0 to number shown at lower left.
6.0 Amps.
Refer to RSE-1D2.5 for additional information on
Receiver: Input Impedance: 0.15 Ohms. the ECode PCB.
Current Measurement Range: 0 to
3.6 Amps. Request ASTS USA Service Manual 7101 for
additional MicroLok II/E-Code system information.
MicroLok II E-Code Track Circuit
Refer to RSE-1A5 for E-Code track circuit
Order No. Description
applications in the MicroLok II End Point system.
N17063901 E-Code Track Circuit PCB
Refer to RSE-3J1 for ASTS USA’s portable Track
Circuit Simulator, which provides convenient testing
of Electrocode track circuits.

® ®
MicroLok and MicroTrax are registered trademarks of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.
E-Code is a trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-1A2, p. 3
RSE-1A2, p. 4
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II Intermediate System for
Incandescent Signal Locations
Introduced in 1999, the ASTS USA MicroLok II
Wayside Control System combines vital logic, data
transmission, non-vital logic and electronic coded
track circuits into a single package capable of
controlling applications as complex as a double
As advantageous as such a control package has
proven to be, the MicroLok II system has too much
I/O capacity to be economically implemented at
intermediate signal locations.
To be able to apply a MicroLok II-based package at
simple signaling locations, ASTS USA has
developed the MicroLok II Intermediate System.
This RSE Catalog section describes the
Coded Track Circuits
Intermediate System designed for operation of
incandescent-lamp colorlight signals or Coded track circuit capability is provided by the ASTS
searchlight signals. Refer to RSE-1A4 for the new USA “MicroTrax ” type Coded Track Circuit PCB or
the E-Code Coded Track Circuit System PCB (see
intermediate system compatible with LED
RSE-1A2), which allows the MicroLok II Intermediate
colorlight signals.
system to be applied in territory where Electrocode
track circuits are installed.
General Description
The MicroLok II/ Intermediate System is designed to Advantages
include the vital control logic, electronic coded track
circuits and the I/O capacity required at intermediate Direct drive of incandescent-lamp color light and
signal and other small-scale wayside control locations position light signals.
such as repeater or intermediate locations. MicroLok
II/Intermediate is used to manage track circuits Direct drive of searchlight signal mechanisms.
providing end-to-end rail integrity, including detection Hot filament checking of signal lamps.
of train shunt, faulty insulated joints or broken rail. In
Boolean Logic or Ladder Logic programming.
addition to managing track circuits, this system allows
the user to control incandescent-lamp signals, drive Windows -based development system.
relay outputs and receive inputs from external - Maintenance tool.
sources. - Application-logic compiler.
- Reverse application-logic compiler.
Vital Control Logic - Application-logic comparison tool.
MicroLok II Intermediate features the MicroLok II CPU - Enables user to write, compile and check
printed circuit board (PCB) and software, including the application-logic source files.
executive program and the MicroLok II Development Diagnostics via alphanumeric displays and PC
System. The Development System package consists serial link.
of an application-logic compiler, a reverse compiler, an
- Serial link downloading of application
application-logic comparison tool and a maintenance
tool. Contact your ASTS USA Account Manager for
additional information. Flash Memory.
- No EPROM burner or eraser necessary.

Internal track circuit code generators.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-1A3, p. 1
MicroLok® II Intermediate Track
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Circuit System for Incandescent
RSE-1A3 Signal Locations
Rev. 4-11

Hardware Characteristics Color light PCB (see also RSE-1D2.4):

A MicroLok II/Intermediate installation consists of a
cardfile assembly with plug-in modules and track - Drives two incandescent-lamp color light signal
interface panel/panels for the operating tracks. Within heads and includes two isolated inputs.
the cardfile assembly are the plug-in modules specific
Searchlight PCB (see also RSE-1D2.4):
to the requirements of the location being designed.
For example, certain locations may only require track - Drives two searchlight mechanisms (with
circuit operation, others may require incandescent- mechanism checking) and includes two isolated
lamp signal lighting and others may require driving inputs.
relays and/or receiving inputs. Each individual location Isolated I/O PCB (see also RSE-1D2.2):
may combine portions or all of the options noted.
- Includes two isolated outputs and four isolated
Cardfiles (see also RSE-1D1): inputs.
- Available with or without built-in VCOR relay Coded Track circuit PCBs (see also RSE-1D2.5):
- I/O connectors options: Buchanan screw lock or - PCBs to accommodate ASTS USA “MicroTrax/
Wago cage clamp connectors. MicroLok II” or Electrocode track code
- Serial ports for Master-Slave communications. communications.
CPU PCB (see also RSE-1D2.1): Cab signal coding and amplifier PCBs for sending
- Used in all applications. out cab signals to the rails (see also RSE-1D2.7)
- Contains vital Executive and Application software Power Supply PCB (see also RSE-1D2.10):
stored in flash EPROMs. - Provides +12 Vdc and +5 Vdc regulated output
- Monitors external indications from vital input, needed for card file operation.
coded track circuit, non-vital input and code
system interface cards. Vital Cut-Off Relay (VCOR; see also RSE-1D10
and -4E1)
- Drives vital output cards (relay, lamp driver,
coded track). - Disconnects power from the outputs in the event
of a fault. ASTS USA PN-150B relay or Alstom
- Monitors and controls serial comms. ports.
B1 Relay available for VCOR function.
- Monitors system internal operation for faults and
responds to detected faults.





RSE-1A3, p. 2
MicroLok® II Intermediate Track
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Circuit System for Incandescent
Signal Locations RSE-1A3
Rev. 4-11
Hardware Characteristics (cont’d) Specifications
Other Peripheral Units Power and Environmental:
- Track Interface Panels - Links the MicroLok Supply Voltage: Battery: 9.8 to 16.2 Vdc
II/Intermediate electronics to ASTS USA or Operating Temp.: -40°C to +70°C.
Electrocode-based coded track circuits at the rails Humidity: 0% to 95% non-
(refer to RSE-1D3 for additional information). condensing.
- Quick-Shunt Module – Reduces track occupancy
detection times in heavy traffic areas (refer to RSE-
1D5 for additional information). Other Parameters:

- Isolation Module – Provides double-break circuit Cardfile: Refer to RSE-1D1

protection for vital I./O channels, and can convert Plug-In PCBs: Refer to RSE-1D2 to
single-polarity vital outputs to bi-polar (refer to RSE- RSE-1D2.10
1D6 for additional information). Track Interface Panels: Refer to RSE-1D3
- Serial Communications Adapter Panel – Used when Quick-Shunt Module: Refer to RSE-1D5
the MicroLok II/Intermediate system is
communicating over a serial link to another control VCOR Relay: Refer to RSE-4E1
system in a separate house or case, to protect the
serial link signals from unwanted voltage transients Additional Information: Specifications,
(refer to RSE-1D8 for additional information).
Ordering, Service Manuals

Software Characteristics Refer to these RSE catalog sections for

additional specification data on the MicroLok II
Like all of the ASTS USA microprocessor-based products Intermediate System:
before it, the ASTS USA MicroLok II/Intermediate Track
Circuit System is designed to be programmed by the end- - System Cardfile: RSE-1D1
user. Programming is performed using the ASTS USA - Plug-in PCBs and Panels: RSE-1D2 to RSE-
MicroLok II Development System. This Windows -based ID2.10
consists of a Maintenance Tool, an Application-Logic - Track Interface Panels: RSE-1D3
Compiler, a Reverse Compiler and an Application Logic
- AC Lamp Driver Module: RSE-1D4
Comparison Tool. These tools enable the user to retrieve
system event and error logs and to compile, debug and - Quick Shunt Module: RSE-1D5
upload an application-logic program from a PC into the - Isolation Modules: RSE-1D6
card file. For more information on the MicroLok II - Serial Interface Units: RSE-1D8
Development System, contact your ASTS USA Account
Executive. - VCOR and Non-Vital Interposer Relays: RSE-
1D10, RSE-1D11, RSE-4E1 and RSE-4E2.

Typical Color Light Lamp Driver Status Screen For additional information on MicroLok II
Intermediate Track Circuit System applications,
contact your ASTS USA Account Executive.
Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6800E
for detailed MicroLok II/Intermediate Track
Circuit System data.
Refer to RSE-3J1 for ASTS USA’s portable
Track Circuit Simulator, which provides
convenient testing of MicroLok II Intermediate-
controlled track circuits.

MicroLok is a registered trademarks of Ansaldo STS
USA, Inc. E-Code is a trademark of Ansaldo STS
USA, Inc.

RSE-1A3, p. 3
RSE-1A3, p. 4
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II Intermediate System for LED
Signal Locations
With the use of LED style wayside signals expanding
throughout the railroad industry, the MicroLok II
Intermediate System has been modified to enable
operation of ASTS USA’s LED colorlight signal units.
The MicroLok II LED 12 Intermediate System provides a
complete range of functions for the typical mainline
intermediate location, and is housed in a standardized
wayside package that is simpler and less costly to
implement than previous designs. It is ideal for
MicroTrax or E-Code coded track circuits in
applications where a plug-in system with set I/O and
LED signaling is desirable. Among its component
options are cardfiles and boards that allow Ethernet-
based remote communications. Like all MicroLok II-
based products, the LED 12 Intermediate System is
programmed using the familiar and versatile MicroLok II
Development System software package.

General Description These PCBs are assigned to specific sets of cardfile slots,
thus simplifying system field configuration work.
The MicroLok LED 12 Intermediate System consists of a
The MicroLok LED 12 cardfile incorporates an extended
small set of hardware modules that can be configured for a
backplane motherboard with 12 front-accessible cage
variety of intermediate applications. Cardfiles and plug-in
clamp connectors (Wago brand) that enable direct
PCBs include:
connection of external I/O wiring to the cardfile. This
Several models of plug-in PCB cardfiles that arrangement eliminates the need for separate rack-mount
accommodate Ethernet or serial communications to a terminal strips and/or connector cable assemblies. To aid
remote wayside system of office, as well as ASTS USA in field wiring, the connectors are assigned (as labeled) to
or Alstom style VCOR relay options for vital power specific types of PCBs. Slot-address jumpers for the LED
switching. 12 and track circuit PCBs (MicroTrax and E-Code) are also
located on the motherboard. Additional jumpers allow for
The standard MicroLok II CPU board, which performs inputs to the LED 12 boards to be shorted together to
vital logic functions using the system’s resident support Constant Current Regulator (CCR) sharing between
Executive and Application software. LED signal outputs, without the use of additional external
wiring. Other motherboard-mounted devices include:
MicroLok II vital I/O PCBs for parallel-channel inputs and
outputs to relay coils, contacts, etc. Board types include EEPROM for storing unit-specific configuration data.
Mixed (standard) Vital I/O and 8-Input/8-Output Isolated
I/O. Top mounted RJ-45 jack for Ethernet communications
LED 12 PCB(s), which enables operation of up to 12
ASTS USA-design LED signal units, and also affords Two 25-pin “D” connectors to interface vital or non-vital
built-in “lamp-out” protection. serial communications wiring (when required) to the
CPU PCB’s serial ports. These ports also permit daisy-
ASTS USA’s standard MicroTrax and E-Code track chaining of several LED 12 systems.
circuit boards for through-the-rails transmission of track
codes and detection of track shunts (train detection). AREMA (AAR) terminal posts for connection of power
input wiring (includes wired-in transient voltage
Power Supply/CPS board, which provides both vitally- protection). These terminals, which incorporate post-to-
controlled power for the VCOR relay coil and operating post straps, are also used to route VCOR-controlled
power for system PCBs. power and CCR power when the LED 12 PCB is

Power ON/OFF switch and 10A fuse.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-1A4, p. 1
MicroLok II Intermediate System for
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
LED Signal Locations
Rev. 4-11
same time. The motherboard allows for the
grouping of three outputs per regulator. Specific
CCR configurations permitted include:

Each signal with its own CCR

Each signal with a shared CCR (3 max.)

LED DRIVER Each signal with a shared CCR and failover-to-
BATT. PROT. PCBS ETHERNET red capability
Refer to catalog sections RSE-7A1 and RSE-7A2
for additional information on the CCR and
associated protective devices.
CARDFILE Vital Inputs and Outputs
The LED 12 system is equipped to carry one or
two MicroLok II Mixed Vital I/O PCBs, each of
VCOR which incorporates eight isolated outputs and 8
non-isolated inputs (16 channels max.).
General Information (cont’d) The eight isolated (+, –) individual vital inputs can be used
The VCOR relay is housed in the left-hand bay of the for inputs such as switch machine correspondence or OS
cardfile and includes a built-in relay base. This track circuit occupancy. Bi-polar inputs require a relay
arrangement eliminates the need for a separate VCOR rack interface.
installation outside the cardfile. Both ASTS USA PN-150B The LED 12 system can also incorporate one MicroLok II
and Alstom B1 relays are provided in the various cardfile Vital Isolated 8-Output PCB. This PCB provides eight vital
options (see Ordering Information). isolated outputs for double-break control of uni-polar relays
Several models of the MicroLok II LED 12 System cardfile and bi-polar relays. Each output provides a “+” and a “–“
include an Ethernet Communications Module (ECM) that is connection that is isolated from the house battery and other
stand off-mounted on the back side face of the outputs. Outputs are jumper-selectable to drive normal vital
motherboard. Ethernet communications are enabled relays. Or, outputs can be combined to drive bi-polar
through Port 4 on the CPU PCB and the Ethernet jack at the relays.
top of the cardfile. Versions of the cardfile not equipped Refer to catalog section RSE-1D2.2 for additional
with the Ethernet capability can be upgraded in the field at a information on these vital I/O PCBs.
later date by installing the ECM as an add-on component.
Refer to catalog section RSE-1D1 for additional design Track Circuits
information on the LED 12 System cardfile.
The MicroLok II LED 12 System accommodates both
MicroTrax mainline circuits, with or without cab signals. A
Applications single MicroTrax Coded Track Circuit PCB is installed in the
LED Signal Operation cardfile for this purpose, and interfaces to the rails via a
The cardfile is equipped to carry one or two LED 12 PCBs, Track Interface Panel. Train detection (track shunt)
each capable of operating up to 12 ASTS USA LED signal indications are passed via this panel to the PCB.
units (maximum of 24 units per cardfile). The system is not Generated track circuit codes (22 available to user) are
compatible with other makes of LED signals. The LED output to the rails via the panel. Two of the user codes are
signal external driver circuits incorporate Constant Current intended for non-vital purposes, such as train occupancy or
Regulators (CCRs) and several types of lighting and surge tumble down. Twenty of the user codes are vital and are
protection modules. available for any purpose. The remaining reserved code is
used to establish communication, referred to as “Link-Up”.
As shipped from the factory, there are three straps on the
Refer to catalog section RSE-1D3 for additional information
front terminal block to distribute system battery to feed to
on the MicroTrax-based panels.
the regulators. The regulator and LED12 power can be
isolated from the system power. To drive LED signal E-Code Track Circuits are also included in the LED 12
aspects with an isolated source, straps are repositioned System options. This track circuit option is compatible with
from the factory-installed location and isolated battery is all versions of Electro Code®. E-Code consists of two
connected to specified terminals. elements: One E-Code Track Circuit PCB and a Track
The cardfile motherboard includes jumpers that allow for the Interface Panel. The E-Code track PCB interfaces with the
CCRs to be shared between multiple outputs without the LED 12 System 's CPU, where the functions of track
use of additional external wiring. Note that CCRs can only messaging and train detection are performed. Both the
be shared between outputs that will never be on at the track PCB and the interface panel are dual units to handle
two independent track circuits. The Interface Panel is

RSE-1A4, p. 2
MicroLok II Intermediate System for
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
LED Signal Locations
Rev. 4-11
Applications (cont’d) The port can be used as an RS-232/423 communications
designed for compatibility with highway crossing audio link. Signal pin-outs include standard TXD, RXD, RTS,
overlay equipment and provides secondary surge protection. CTS, System Common, DCD, Transmit Clock and
It is functionally and mechanically equivalent to the Electro Receiver Clock.
Code 5 (EC5) track interface panel – TIP-2. Refer to catalog
sections RSE-1A2, RSE-1D3 and RSE-1D2.5 for additional Advantages
information on related E-Code track circuit applications and
equipment. Ideal for applications where a plug-in system with set
I/O and LED signaling is needed.
Ethernet Communications
Accommodates intermediate locations with ASTS USA
Selected models of the MicroLok II LED 12 System are LED signals;
equipped to perform Ethernet-based communications using
an integral ECM and Ethernet-style communications jack Simple installation, PCB configuration and wiring;
(refer to Ordering Information).
Specialized I/O cables not required.
The Ethernet port is a standard eight-pin RJ45 connector
which uses any of the widely available Category 5 (CAT5) or ASTS USA service-proven MicroLok II hardware and
better cable (standard off-the-shelf cable). An Ethernet software;
crossover cable is required to connect the NIA directly to a Compatible with MicroTrax and/or E-Code track
PC, while a standard Ethernet cable is used to connect the circuits (PCB options);
NIA to the network.
ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9759 provides detailed Ample vital I/O for typical intermediate locations;
procedures for: Cardfile options with or without Ethernet port and
ASTS USA or Alstom VCOR;
Configuring Internet Explorer to access the ECM
configuration screens Ethernet-based or serial link-based remote
Connecting the ECM to the PC for configuration
Remote system configuration using Internet Explorer.
Accessing the ECM configuration page
Configuring the ECM Specifications
Selecting ECM options Electrical
Input Power: 9.8 to 16.2 Vdc
Uploading new ECM firmware
Starting Voltage: 11.2 Vdc (min.)
Identifying IP addresses of Digi-Devices on a network
Front Panel Fuse: 10A
Erasing existing configuration file
Power Connection: 5 AREMA (AAR) Terminals
P.S./CPS PCB: Internal outputs: +5 Vdc @
5A, +12 Vdc@1A, -1Vdc@1A
CPU-to-CPS check sig.:250 Hz

LED 12 PCB: Up to 12 ASTS USA LED units
per PCB
1 or 2 PCBs per cardfile
24 LED signals (max.)
Mixed Vital I/O PCB: 1 or 2 PCBs per cardfile
Up to 8 isolated inputs
NIA Advaned Tools Display Example
Up to 8 non-isolated outputs
Serial Communications Isolated 8-Output PCB: 1 PCB per cardfile
The LED12 Intermediate System uses one communications Up to 8 isolated outputs
link that can be daisy-chained to other units. Serial Configurable for uni-polar or bi-
Communications Port No. 3 of the CPU PCB connects via the polar relay control
motherboard to two, parallel-wired, 25-pin "D" male
connectors located at the top right area of the motherboard. MicroTrax PCB: 1 PCB per cardfile

RSE-1A4, p. 3
MicroLok II Intermediate System for
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
LED Signal Locations
Rev. 4-11
Specifications (cont’d)
MicroTrax PCB (cont’d): Track circuits controlled: 2 Mechanical
Track circuit lengths: Up to Cardfile Connectors: 12 cage clamp connectors
22,000 feet @ 3 ohms RJ-45 Ethernet Jack (8-pin)
ballast/1000 ft. (6705 m @ 3
ohms ballast/305 m) 2 25-pin “D” connectors (serial
23 total track codes
5 AREMA (AAR) terminal posts
22 user-defined codes
Cardfile Dimensions: 19"W x 16.76"H x 11.09"D
2 user codes reserved for non- (48.25 cm W x 42.6 cm H x
vital data (e.g. tumble-down) 28.2 cm D)
1 user code reserved for comm. See also RSE-1D1
Cardfile Mounting: Rack or wall (see Ordering
E-Code PCB: Compatible with all versions of Information)
Electro Code Cardfile Weight: 30 lbs. (13.6 kg) - with a
minimum card complement.
Remote Communications
Ethernet: 1 CPU PCB port utilized (Port 4)
1 RJ-45 jack (8-pin)
Temperature: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
Required cable: Cat. 5 or better +158°F)
EMC-to-PC direct connection: Humidity: 0% to 95%, non-condensing
Crossover cable required
Serial: 1 CPU PCB port utilized (Port 3)

Ordering and Additional Information

Refer to the following RSE catalog sections for ordering
information on peripheral components:
Refer to Ordering Tabulation for MicroLok II LED 12
cardfile options and field-installed components. - Track Interface Panels for MicroTrax and E-Code:
Other MicroLok II PCBs not shown in tabulation are not
- CCR and protective devices for LED signal circuits:
compatible with LED 12 System Cardfile.
RSE-7A1, RSE-7A2

Refer to RSE-1D2.4 for additional information on the


Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9759 for

additional MicroLok II LED 12 System information.
MicroLok II LED 12 Cardfiles Order No. Misc. Equipment
Order No. VCOR Type Ethernet Port N322500-701 ASTS USA PN-150B 400 ohm VCOR
N18003001 ASTS USA PN-150B -- A62-0125 Alstom B1 500 ohm VCOR
N18003002 ASTS USA PN-150B X N17006202 Ethernet Communications Module
N18003101 Alstom B1 -- X18000802 Cardfile Rack Mounting Kit
N18003102 Alstom B1 X X180025021 Cardfile Shelf Mounting Kit
J071153 Cardfile Replacement Fuse
Order No. Cardfile PCBs (1)
N17061301 Central Processing Unit (CPU)
N17066101 LED 12 PCB
N17061601 Mixed Vital I/O (12V type)
N17065801 Isolated 8-Output PCB (12V type)
N451910-0701 MicroTrax Coded Track Circuit
N17063901 E-Code Track Circuit
N16661203 Power Supply/CPS
Note (1): Refer to RSE-1D2 for PCB specs. MicroLok® and MicroTrax® registered trademark of
Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-1A4, p. 4
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II End Point System
The MicroLok II End Point system is ideal for a
variety of MicroTrax and E-Code track circuit
applications where a plug-in system with set I/O is
desirable. This system can be used as a “Relay
Interface” (e.g. “Line Interface”) to control up to
four track circuits in various MicroTrax and/or E-
Code Track configurations. Like other MicroLok
II-based systems, the End Point system can also
handle direct signal lamp driving and parallel I/O
assignments such as switch correspondence and
OS occupancy. The system features a self-
contained cardfile with front-accessible
connectors that eliminate the need for customized
PCB connectors/cabling. A serial port enables
vital and non-vital communications using
MicroLok and Genisys, or peer-to-peer vital and
non-vital protocols.
When a DC Lamp Driver PCB is installed, the unit can
be used for a simple intermediate or holding signal.
General Description "Fail to Red" is supported using an external relay.
The MicroLok II End Point system is housed in a 19- Battery power for the signal lamps can be tapped from
inch (48.25 cm) cardfile designed for rapid installation AREMA (AAR) power input terminals on the front of
and replacement; refer to RSE-1D1 for design details. the unit. Straps between these terminals are
Front discrete-wire connectors are provided for configured to provide an battery source for the lamps
interfacing to one DC Lamp Driver board, up to five that is isolated from system power.
Mixed Vital I/O boards (8-in/8-out), and two track Power for all End Point vital output channels is routed
circuit interface boards (MicroTrax and/or E-Code through a built-in Vital Cut Off Relay (VCOR) under
type). Up to 16 aspects can be controlled with the the vital supervision of a standard MicroLok II CPU
lamp driver. Each Mixed I/O board handles up to 8 board. Cardfiles with ASTS USA or Alstom style
non-isolated outputs. Eight non-isolated inputs VCOR relays are available (refer to RSE-1D1).
accommodate searchlight mechanism check, switch
machine correspondence and OS track circuit train A front-mounted RS-232/423 serial data port allows
detection. the End Point unit to conduct serial communications in
the following modes:
When used as a “Relay Interface”, the MicroLok II End
Point system can control up to four of the following MicroLok II vital data
track circuit configurations: Genisys non-vital data
4 E-Code Track Circuits, or: Peer-to-peer (can send vital or non-vital data once
peer protocol is defined for the port)
2 Master MicroTrax and 2 Slave MicroTrax Track
Circuits; or; The End Point unit is compatible with "off-the-shelf" IP
devices, providing an economical solution for remote
1 Master Microtrax and 1 Slave MicroTrax and 2 E- communication. Standard MicroLok type Master-
Code track circuits. Slave communications schemes with other systems
Note: The End Point unit can also be used to convert are also observed. A second, parallel-wired serial port
a MicroTrax track circuit to an E-Code track circuit. is available to permit “daisy-chain” linking of several
Standard MicroTrax style and E-Code style Track units.
Interface Panels are used to connect the track circuit
electronics to the rails (see also RSE-1D3).

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-1A5, p. 1
MicroLok® II End Point System
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 4-07

T.C.’s T.C.’s






Application with two MicroTrax Track Circuits

T.C. T.C.








Application with E-Code Track Circuits Application with MicroTrax and E-Code Track Circuits

Software enable the user to retrieve system event and error logs
Like other MicroLok II-based systems, the End Point and to compile, debug and upload an application-logic
System is designed to be fully programmed by the program from a PC into the cardfile. For more
end-user. Application logic programming is performed information on the MicroLok II Development System,
using the MicroLok II Development System. This contact your ASTS USA Account Manager.
Windows -based consists of a Maintenance Tool, an Note: ASTS USA has developed "canned" application
Application-Logic Compiler, a Reverse Compiler and software for the unit, contact your ASTS USA Account
an Application Logic Comparison Tool. These tools Executive for details.

RSE-1A5, p. 2
MicroLok® II End Point System
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 4-07

Advantages Specifications (cont’d)

Simple, easily installed system for variety of track Power and Environmental:
circuit applications Supply Voltage: Battery: 9.8 to 16.2 Vdc

Accommodates up to four MicroTrax and/or E- Start-up Voltage: 11.2 Vdc (min.)

Code track circuits Fuse: 10A

Permits MicroTrax-to-E-Code conversion Operating Temp.: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to

Provides up to 16 signal lamp aspect outputs Humidity: 0% to 95% non-condensing.
Lamp Driver board permits a simple intermediate
(holding signal) application Hardware:
Vital or non-vital serial communications via TCP/IP Cardfile* 19” inch (48.25 cm),, wall shelf
peer-protocol, or; or rack mount

MicroLok vital, Genisys non-vital serial protocols PCBs** 1 CPU (standard)

1 or 2 MicroTrax Track Circuit
Compatible with “off-the-shelf” IP devices Interface

ASTS USA or Alstom built-in VCOR 1 or 2 E-Code Track Circuit

Employs standard ASTS USA PCBs, application Up to 5 Mixed Vital I/O
1 DC Lamp Driver
Ready-made application software packages I/O Connectors: 6 Wago style
T.C. Connectors: 2 Wago style
Serial Connectors: 2 25-pin “D” (parallel-wired)
Power: 5 AREMA (AAR) terminals
VCOR Relay: Integral to cardfile
I/O Type: Non-isolated
ASTS USA PN-150B*** or
I/O Channels: Up to 5 Mixed I/O PCBs (8- Alstom Type B1 biased DC
* Refer to RSE-1D1 for additional cardfile data
40 non-isolated inputs (max.)
** Refer to RSE-1D2.1, -1D2.2, -1D2.4 and -1D2.5
40 non-isolated outputs for additional PCB data
*** Refer to RSE-4E1 for additional PN-150B relay
Signal Lamp Aspects: Up to 16 (1 DC Lamp Driver data.
Serial Comm: EIA RS-232/423
TCP/IP peer-to-peer
(vital/non-vital) protocol
MicroLok (vital) or Genisys
(non-vital) protocol

RSE-1A5, p. 3
MicroLok® II End Point System
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 4-07

Ordering Information Refer to RSE-3J1 for ASTS USA’s portable Track

Refer to tabulation below for standard MicroLok Circuit Simulator, which provides convenient testing
End-Point component ordering numbers of MicroLok II End Point-controlled track circuits.

Refer to RSE-1D3 to order Track Interface Panels Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for any
additional ordering, system application or software
information required.

Order No.
N18002701 Cardfile with ASTS USA PN-150B VCOR Relay
N18002801 Cardfile with Alstom B1 VCOR Relay

Plug-In PCBs
Order No. Notes
N17061301 CPU
N451910-0701 Track Interface - MicroTrax
N17063901 Track Interface - E-Code
N17061601 Mixed Vital I/O (8-In/8-Out)
N17060101 DC Lamp Driver
N16600301 Standard Power Supply (1)
N16660301 Standard Power Supply (2)
N16601201 Enhanced Power Supply (1)(3)(5)
N16601203 Enhanced Power Supply (1)(4)(5)
N16661201 Enhanced Power Supply (2)(3)(5)
N16661203 Enhanced Power Supply (2)(4)(5)
Note (1): Without front display panel
Note (2): With front display panel
Note (3): Without Isolation Power Supply
Note (4): With Isolation Power Supply
Note (5): Extra-capacity Power Supply PCB for
driving additional inputs; contact ASTS USA
for additional details.

® ®
MicroLok and MicroTrax are registered trademarks of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-1A5, p. 4
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 1-04
MicroLok II Hot Standby Application
When rail traffic is busy, the downtime caused
by a single-point failure cannot be afforded.
Now, MicroLok II is available in a hot standby
configuration, allowing seamless transfer
between primary and secondary units to further
improve overall system reliability, availability
and safety.

General Description
The Hot Standby configuration of MicroLok II is a
redundant configuration of two synchronized
MicroLok II units linked serially, receiving the same
field inputs and delivering the same outputs.
VCOR relays are cross-connected, providing
information that both units are operational. Each
Additional Information
unit incorporates the same programming, but with
inputs that identify which unit is primary and which Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for
unit is secondary. Each MicroLok II unit monitors detailed ordering and technical information on the
the output states of the other MicroLok II via serial MicroLok II Hot Standby application.
links. With both MicroLok II units on line, the
synchronization architecture ensures outputs are
delivered only if both units agree. This eliminates
mis-matched outputs, and by confining the
comparison to output bits only, software loading is
minimized and responsiveness is minimally
affected. PARALLEL-
MicroLok II outputs are delivered to an Isolation OUTPUTS FIELD INPUTS
Module (see RSE-1D6), or other suitable field
interface device, structured in a way that no single MICROLOK® II
point failure can adversely affect both MicroLok II
units. A shorted output, for example, will inhibit that
particular assigned function, but all other functions
will remain operation and neither MicroLok II unit will
be affected. An internal short in the Isolation Module
will force either A or B offline and transfer exclusive
control to the other unit.
Improved reliability, availability for heavy traffic
Seamless failover transfer
Mis-matched outputs eliminated B12 B12 N12 B12
No catastrophic shutdown from single-element UNIT I.D.) UNIT I.D.)
Identical software in both units OR SUPPRESSES MICROLOK “B” OUTPUTS

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA.

For additional information, contact your www.ansaldo-sts.com

ASTS USA Account Executive.
RSE-1A6, p. 1
RSE-1A6, p. 2
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II Sleep Mode Application
(Dark Territory Track Integrity)
ASTS USA has been working in partnership with
Railroad customers to provide a method to verify
the integrity of railroad track in dark territory. As a
result of the R&D efforts, ASTS USA has
developed a cost effective, technically innovative
approach to provide track integrity information to
trains approaching dark territory blocks equipped
with MicroLok II units in a “Sleep Mode”

General Description
The MicroLok II Sleep Mode configuration enables
these units to be best used for track integrity (i.e.
broken rail detection) in remote, dark territory MicroLok units at each location normally operate in the
applications where minimum power consumption is power-down or “Sleep” mode, drawing very little
essential. This type of MicroLok II unit incorporates a battery power. The MicroLok II units can be
special Sleep Board that switches off power to the awakened by a radio-transmitted wake-up signal, or in
unit’s Power Supply Board during periods of inactivity. response to a coded track circuit message. Circuitry
An external “wake-up” signal triggers the Sleep Board on the Sleep Mode board, linked to the Track Interface
to turn on the Power Supply and activate the MicroLok board, responds to the track circuit message. The
II system for track circuit output. Initial installations of approach side of a track circuit awakens via radio and
the Sleep Mode configuration have used a data radio the exit end in response to track signals received from
system, but the system can be adapted to other the approach end. When the approach end
means of external triggering. Refer to RSE-1D2.6 for establishes track circuit communication with the exit
additional information on the Sleep Mode PCB. end, the radio transmission to the locomotive confirms
A typical set of MicroLok II Sleep Mode equipment rail integrity. If rail integrity cannot be established (e.g.
consists of: broken rail, shunted track or from auxiliary input
status), the system transmits a not-clear status back
MicroLok II cardfile with terminal strip for radio and to the train. The system is designed for bi-directional
track circuit interfaces. PCBs include: train traffic. Wake-up from the Sleep Mode can also
be initiated manually on the board for maintenance
- CPU PCB (with Sleep Mode-related software)
- Power Supply PCB
- Track Circuit Interface PCB (MicroTrax Type) Sleep Mode Board Description
- Mixed Vital I/O PCB (8 inputs/8 outputs) The MicroLok II Sleep Mode board monitors signals
- Sleep Mode Board from the cardfile Track Interface PCB and external
wake-up signal source (i.e. radio) in order to send a
Track Circuit Interface Panels (for Track Interface power-up command to the system’s Power-Supply
PCB communications) PCB. It also delivers a system wake-up indication so
that track status (clear/not-clear) can be reported back
Radio equipment at the MicroLok II wayside to the approaching train. This PCB is equipped with
locations and on locomotives six front panel LEDs that indicate Sleep Mode in
progress, East or West track circuit wake-up, East or
West radio wake-up and on-unit test in progress. Two

MicroLok® and MicroTrax® are a registered trademarks of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

For additonal information, contact www.ansaldo-sts.com

Your ASTS USA Account Executive.
RSE-1A8, p. 1
MicroLok® II Sleep Mode Application
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
(Dark Territory Track Integrity)
Rev. 4-11

Typical Radio-Based Application Sleep Mode PCB




General Description (cont’d)

momentary pushbuttons enable testing of the
individual east and west track wake-up circuit
operations. Note: ASTS USA can tailor the design
and operation of the Sleep Mode board for a different
(e.g. non-radio) method of triggering as required by
the customer.

Provides broken rail, shunt etc. detection in dark
territory for improved safety
Adaptable to radio or other remote triggering Typical Specifications (Radio-Based System)
systems Power Input: 9.8 to 16.2 Vdc (12 Vdc nom.)
Powers off during inactive periods for minimized Start-Up Power: 11.5 Vdc (min.)
power use
E and W Radio 9.8 to 16.2 Vdc (12 Vdc nom.)
Permits use of solar-powered wayside locations Wake-Up:
Uses only one special-purpose (Sleep Mode) PCB; Sys.-to-Radio Load volt. output range: 60V Max.
others are standard MicroLok II. Outputs: Load current output range: 3A max.
o o
@70 C and 6A Max. @25 C
Ordering and Information Auxiliary Inputs: Min. input for “On” state: 9.5 Vdc
Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for Max. sustained: 34 Vdc
detailed ordering and technical information on the Input to ensure “Off” state: <7 Vdc
MicroLok II Sleep Mode/Track Integrity application.
Radio System Two required: East wake-up, West
Refer to RSE-1D2.6 for additional information on Contacts: wake-up, Isolated dry type, 0.1A
the Sleep Mode PCB. capacity

RSE-1A8, p. 2
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
MicroLok II: TCP/IP Connectivity and Network Capabilities
For nearly 20 years the MicroLok Wayside Control
System has been a flexible and efficient way to
manage all of your vital and non-vital wayside
systems. Now, ASTS USA has implemented IP
connectivity with the MicroLok II control system,
providing the most effective way to communicate
between various vital train control devices in the
field from office-based train control centers.

General Description
By putting field communication systems through a
common data network, all of your vital and non vital
protocols can be seamlessly transported over land-based
Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
networks and RF communication networks. Imagine the • Unique Addressing: MicroLok II now allows for
possibilities: In the event of weather-related damage or a unique addressing of devices, which is critical when
disaster, each control point can be moved from one using a modern communications network. Both the
dispatching center to another. Use of the TCP/IP sender and receiver addresses are included in the
interface also allows the exchange of data remotely with messaging to clearly identify the communications link.

any control point anywhere on the network. Even if a
network does not exist, the TCP/IP connectivity allows for Link Configuration and Initialization: With a TCP/IP
several MicroLok II units to be linked in a “mini protocol in place, MicroLok II will now accept
LAN/HUB” configuration, ideal for a complex interlocking messages that are not of a fixed length, reducing the
situation. time required to troubleshoot a link.

MicroLok II TCP/IP connectivity provides: • Network Redundancy: The implementation of

Wayside-IP connectivity allows MicroLok II to be
• Enhanced communications through a common, peer- immune from any single hardware connection failure.
to-peer protocol It also reduces the impact of multiple hardware
failures on the overall system.
• Interface to existing networks
• Data Types: The new vital protocol allows for the
• More efficient communications in transit and multi-unit transmission of both vital and non-vital data between
standard interlocking applications the same two units on the same link.

• Numeric variables in programming, in addition to the • Data Throughput: The traditional Master/Slave
standard Boolean bits configuration as a means of communication has
proven to be successful when used with a limited
number units. In larger systems this configuration can
Enhancements be quite slow.
Implementation of TCP/IP with MicroLok II has resulted
in many enhancements to this incredibly flexible system:
• Message Sequencing: The new protocol makes sure
• Provides an interface for MicroLok II to existing net
that a given message does NOT stay static for an
extended period of time. If the receiving unit does not works for improved communications capabilities.
see bits changing on a regular basis, the rest of the
input data on the link is set to a more restrictive state. • Provides a means for multiple MicroLok II units to
So, instead of leaving this to be handled by the communicate more efficiently, such as in Transit
application, it is now handled by the protocol. applications or multi-unit standard interlocking

For additional information, contact www.ansaldo-sts.com

your ASTS USA Account Executive.
RSE-1A11, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA MicroLok® II: TCP/IP Connectivity and
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Network Capabilities
Rev. 3-09



Features (cont’d) Advantages of a Peer-to-Peer Protocol

• Supports enhanced communications in MicroLok II by

Since each MicroLok II unit is able to initiate a
communication sequence, delays are no longer a factor.
replacing the current Master-Slave polled protocol
As soon as a data change is detected, an output
with a peer-to-peer “on-demand” communication
message can be formatted and transmitted. And since
there is no longer a demand response, once a message
• Provides an efficient way of interfacing MicroLok II to
has been sent, the communication channel is open for
other transmissions without waiting for the first message
existing networks and supporting the implementation
to be processed. If a response to the message was
of Wayside IP-Connectivity for transmission of vital
required, it will be sent when needed but will not delay
and non-vital data through a broadband backbone
other communications during the processing time.
Importantly, now that each unit can talk directly to any
unit with which it needs to share data, there will not be
any intermediate unit through which the data must pass.
Equipment: MicroLok II Network Hub and Network
Interface Adapter MicroLok II has been continually enhanced to offer
innovative solutions for wayside control. With the
To facilitate the new communications scheme, the addition of TCP/IP connectivity, ASTS USA once again
MicroLok II Network Hub and Network Interface delivers a solution that makes it even easier to implement
Adapter (NIA) have been developed for use with the and configure across a network.
new network protocol for serial communications. The
Hub supports up to eight MicroLok II units connected
to it and provides the media access layer for Ordering Information
arbitrating the new peer-to-peer network protocol. An
expansion port is available for up to 16 MicroLok II • Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for
units. Refer to RSE-1D13 for additional information. complete ordering and application information on the
MicroLok II TCP/IP Connectivity and Network
The Network Interface Adapter provides TCP/IP
connectivity for MicroLok II units. It can be connected
to a single unit or to multiple units using the MicroLok • Refer to RSE-1D13 for ordering and additional
II Network Hub. RSE-1D13 provides additional details information on the MicroLok II network hardware
on this unit.

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-1A11, p. 2
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II Operation of LED Signals
With simple hardware and software modifications,
MicroLok II-based systems can now drive the LED
colorlight signals. This makes MicroLok II product
family readily adaptable to the growing demand
for these long-life, low-maintenance signals. For
this application, an “LED 12” board has been
added to the roster of MicroLok II PCBs to enable
direct driving of LED signals, without the need of
complex and costly interfacing equipment. Light-
out and other fault detection monitors are built
into the PCB/signal unit circuitry, and composing
or modifying the system’s application software to
accommodate the new board is simple and

The LED 12 PCB is capable of driving up to 12 ASTS
USA Color Light LED Signal units. Unlike non-ASTS Advantages
USA LED signal configurations, vital circuitry is
contained in the LED 12 PCB itself (not the signal unit Enables LED signal operation from any MicroLok-II
circuitry). Full and highly accurate light-out detection based system;
is performed by both the PCB and the LED unit. Each
output of the LED12 board reads signal electrical Only one new cardfile PCB, modest software
values and compares them to predetermined ranges, adjustments required;
in order to indicate the signal is in the correct state All vital circuitry secured in the MicroLok II unit
(on/off) and is producing the necessary light output. (LED 12 PCB);
Each output includes a switch that applies/removes a
negative source from the output, preventing the LED PCB output channel circuit design assures correct
signal from lighting due to noise, as well as providing a signal state, no errors from transient signals;
means to perform off state signal integrity checking.
Constant Current Regulator provides precise signal
The state of an output is displayed on the board’s front
operating power level;
panel by a corresponding LED. Light-out and other
fault conditions are also indicated by front panel LEDs. Driver Protection Board guards against transients
The MicroLok II-based LED signal driver circuit also induced in field wiring.
includes low cost Constant Current Regulator modules
and Driver Protection boards. The Module provides a MicroLok II LED 12 System for Railroad
constant 350mA regulated current output for driving Intermediate Locations
the LED Signals (no direct battery power input
required), while the Protection Board provides a high To simplify the installation of MicroLok II intermediate
degree of surge protection for the LED 12 PCB from signal locations equipped with ASTS USA LED
surges that may be induced on the signal’s field wiring signals, ASTS USA has developed the MicroLok II
connections. LED 12 Intermediate System. This product consists of
an easily mounted and wired cardfile with a limited,
Note: The LED 12 board is not designed to operate limited set of plug-in PCBs, including the LED 12 PCB
non-ASTS USA LED signals, however MicroLok II for driving wayside LED signal units. Also, this unit
applications can be designed to drive these signals. can be configured for Ethernet-based remote
Contact ASTS USA for details. communications. Refer to catalog section RSE-1A4
for additional information.

For additional information, contact your www.ansaldo-sts.com

ASTS USA Account Executive.
RSE-1A12, p. 1
MicroLok® II Operation of
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
LED Signals
Rev. 4-11

Additional Information
For additional information on products used in ASTS
USA’s MicroLok II/LED signal application, refer to
these catalog sections:

RSE-1D2 to -1D2.10: MicroLok II PCBs

RSE-7A1, RSE-7A2: LED Color Light Signals and

Auxiliary Equipment

Basic MicroLok II/LED Signal Application










MicroLok is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-1A12, p. 2
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
MicroLok II Control of Highway Crossings
MicroLok II has evolved from a highly reliable
railway wayside control system into an equally
reliable controller for highway crossings. ASTS
USA has furnished MicroLok II-based crossings
as stand-alone installations, and as part of larger
wayside train control systems where the
controlling MicroLok II is linked to other MicroLok
II units and/or a central office. MicroLok II is
capable of performing the complete range of
crossing-related functions such as monitoring
train-approach (track occupancy) indications,
triggering gate mechanisms and lights (via
crossing controller), interfacing traffic light
systems, enabling on-site manual control of the
gates, and operating various peripheral indicators
such as trackside warning indicators for train
operators. MicroLok II has been further developed
to control a system of four crossing gates to
prevent entrapment of a motor vehicle between
the gates; refer to catalog section RSE-5A3 for
additional information.

Typical Configurations and Applications condition. This indication is fed to the MicroLok II
crossing system as a vital input(s) to the cardfile.
For highway crossing applications, the MicroLok II Other inputs can include gate controller status, gate
system uses a configuration similar to wayside arm position (up/down), crossing case power failure,
signaling applications. Key components include a flasher check and on-site manual (pushbutton)
standard PCB cardfile, a CPU logic board, a set of operation of the gates. Vital output channels are used
vital and non-vital (as required) input/output PCBs, a to energize interface relays between the cardfile and
Power Supply/CPS PCB and a Vital Cut-Off Relay the crossing controller unit. The overall arrangement
(VCOR). The CPU PCB contains the system’s vital is well suited for complex highway crossing locations
decision-making logic and is responsible for involving multiple tracks and track circuits, or several
requesting the operation of the gate mechanism(s) in crossings in close proximity to each other.
response to a train approach detection. The CPU
also performs continuous internal and external MicroLok II’s CPU board serial ports can also be used
diagnostics. In the event any diagnostic fails, the as a communication medium for receipt of crossing
crossing system will lower the gates irrespective of a track occupancy indications from an adjacent
train detection indication. This is done by routing vital MicroLok II installation. In the typical application, the
power to the crossing controller through the contacts crossing MicroLok II system shares a fiber optic
of the CPU-controlled VCOR relay. Loss of this power communications network with other (e.g. interlocking)
is designed to revert the system to the most restrictive MicroLok II systems. Since the same communication
(safe) state. network is also used to convey information to and
from a central office, crossing operations can thus be
MicroLok II can be configured and programmed to checked from that office in the form of MicroLok II
monitor train detection indications through a variety of event logs.
means. For example, line wire circuits can be used to
pass these indications to the MicroLok II crossing MicroLok II’s parallel I/O can also be interfaced to
controller system. The line circuit relays are be various auxiliary crossing apparatus such as crossing
energized by an adjacent MicroLok II interlocking warning indicator lamps for the train operator and
system, which detects the actual track occupancy pedestrian signs such as “DO NOT WALK”.

For additional information, contact www.ansaldo-sts.com

your ASTS USA Account Executive.
RSE-1A13, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA MicroLok® II Control of
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Highway Crossings
Rev. 3-09




Typical Configurations and Applications (cont’d) Advantages

As with wayside signaling-based MicroLok II systems,
the highway crossing applications are easily
• Handles the full range of crossing devices and
programmed using the Windows®-based MicroLok II
Development System software package. • Compatible with ASTS USA or non-ASTS USA
crossing equipment;

Alternative System for Small Wayside Cases:

• Based on service-proven wayside signaling
MicroLok Object Controller
For installations where smaller wayside cases are • Designed for fail-safe operations (gates down upon
preferred in place of full-size houses, the MicroLok system failure);
Object Controller can be used to perform many • Ample memory, I/O channels and serial ports for
highway crossing functions. Refer to catalog section any crossing application;
RSE-1B1 for additional information. • Stand-alone system or integrated with larger
wayside/office control system;
• Permits remote reporting/monitoring of crossing
• Several options for receipt of crossing track
occupancy indications;

Additional Information:
For additional information on MicroLok II-controlling
highway crossings, contact your ASTS USA Account

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc

RSE-1A13, p. 2
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II Half-Box (H.B.) Unit
The MicroLok II “Half-Box” (H.B.) unit provides the
full range of capabilities of standard MicroLok II
units, but in a more compact enclosure that can fit
into a standard wayside case. As such, it helps fill
the gap between complex MicroLok II applications
requiring standard size (19-inch/48.25 cm)
cardfiles in wayside houses, and special purpose
applications using the small, case-mounted
MicroLok Object Controllers. The H.B. unit uses
all but one of the standard MicroLok II boards,
thus simplifying overall maintenance and stocking
of spares for all MicroLok II system’s in a
railroad’s inventory. This unit is ideally suited for
Positive Train Control (PTC) applications; refer to
RSE-1G2 for additional information.
protection across the battery is provided by a 5W,
General Description 16V, Transzorb mounted on screw terminals. The
Cardfile Transzorb assembly, with ring terminals, is field-
replaceable by the customer.
The MicroLok II H.B. cardfile shares all of the basic
design characteristics of standard MicroLok II 19-inch MicroLok II external I/O cables are connected to six
(48.25 cm) cardfiles, but is only 11 inches (28 cm) 48-way cable connectors on the exposed section of
wide for maximum space savings inside an equipment the motherboard. These are used to interface the
case. The stainless steel H.B. contains 10 slots and various vital and non-vital I/O boards installed in the
includes a PCB motherboard that is used to cardfile. Only the 32/32 Non-Vital I/O board
interconnect these MicroLok II PCB’s: CPU, Power (N17061501) is not compatible with this unit since it
Supply, and up to six vital or non-vital I/O boards. utilizes a 96-way connector.
Alternately, the unit can be equipped with an front- The H.B. cardfile contains several front panel ports for
attachable Local Control Panel (LCP). When the LCP any desired configuration of standard serial
is installed, remaining boards include CPU, Power communications channels. These include one 9-pin
Supply and one slot for any single-width MicroLok II RS-232, one 9-pin RS-232 and two 9-pin RS-485
I/O PCB. Keying strips are provided in the ports. In addition, as an option the H.B. cardfile can
motherboard to prevent insertion of a board in the be equipped with a standoff-mounted Serial-To-
wrong slot. The H.B. cardfile is designed to allow wall Ethernet Converter PCB to permit Internet-based
or shelf mounting. communications with remote systems or terminals.
This board is mounted on the upper rear of the
Power and Data Interfaces motherboard and incorporates a RJ-45 jack for the
The H.B. cardfile is designed so all electrical Ethernet connection. The jack is accessible on the top
interfacing with the unit is done from the front, with no surface of the cardfile’s back cover.
need to remove the unit for set up or maintenance.
This cardfile supports the use of existing external Applications and Software
MicroLok II I/O cables through front-facing The MicroLok II H.B. cardfile can be used for most of
connections on the motherboard, which extends the applications handled by other MicroLok II-based
upward from the PCB bay. Input battery (12 volt) systems. Examples include:
interfaces with the cardfile through two pins of a 4-way
removable Wago brand connector. This connector is Control of LED or incandescent lamp wayside
also used for wiring of an external Vital Cut Off Relay signals (colorlight or searchlight).
(VCOR). The Input Battery from the Wago connector Switch machine control and indication.
is routed through the power switch and fuse holder
(with 10A fuse) to the Power Supply Board. Surge Switch lock position monitoring

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
MicroLok II Half-Box (H.B.) Unit
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11






Applications and Software (cont’d) Advantages

Monitoring of mainline track circuits for track Space-saving design ideal for case-mounted
occupancy indications and track circuit problems MicroLok II installations.
such as faulty insulated joint or broken rail
(MicroTrax or E-Code). Fills the gap between the full-size MicroLok II
cardfiles and the MicroLok Object Controller.
Through-the-rails communications to adjacent
wayside control systems (MicroTrax or E-Code).
Wall or shelf-mounted.
Monitoring of interlocking OS track circuits.
Minimal number of field-configured PCB slots.
Cab signal carrier/code generation.
Uses all standard MicroLok II PCBs except 32-
Line wire communications interface. Channel Non-Vital I/O.
Local manual control of wayside signals and switch
machines for maintenance and contingency Allows railroad to keep stock of standard PCBs for
operations. all of its MicroLok II installations.

Vital remote communications to other compatible Compatible with all 48-pin MicroLok II
interlocking control and coded track circuit connector/cable assemblies.
Equipped with remote communication ports for vital
Non-vital controller logic and code line or non-vital communications.
communications to remote office.
The MicroLok II H.B. system uses the same Executive Ethernet communications option available.
and Application software standard for other MicroLok
II-based systems, including all of the programming Special Executive or Application software not
and diagnostic tools of the MicroLok II Development needed.
System. Contact your ASTS USA Account Manager
for additional information on this software.

, p. 2
MicroLok II Half-Box (H.B.) Unit
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
Specifications Serial-Ethernet Converter PCB
Input Power: 9.8 to 16.2 Vdc (12 Vdc nom.)
Starting Voltage: 11.2 Vdc (min.)
Fuse: 10A (front panel mounted)
Surge Protection: 5W, 16V Transzorb (5KP16A)
Power/VCOR Wiring: 4 Wago brand terminals

PCB Interfaces
Total Field PCB Slots: 6
PCB Cable Connectors: 48-pin (not compatible with 96-pin
Applicable I/O PCBs: All except 32/32 Non-Vital I/O PCB
N17061501 (see RSE-1D2.2 and
Applicable Cables: All except those with 96-pin Ordering and Additional Information
connectors (see RSE-1D2.20)
Refer to tabulation below to order basic
cardfile without PCBs and optional Serial-
Remote Communications To-Ethernet Converter PCB.
Serial Ports: Two 9-pin “D” connectors: RS-485 Refer to RSE-1D2 to order PCBs.
(switch-selectable ports)
Refer to RSE-1D2.20 to order cables.
One 25-pin “D” connector: RS-232
Note: 32/32 Non-Vital I/O PCB N17061501
One 9-pin “D” connector: RS-232 not compatible with the H.B. unit.
Ethernet Port (Option): RJ-45 jack Contact ASTS USA to order shelf or wall
mounting brackets.
Mechanical Refer to RSE-1G2 for Positive Train
PCB Design/Mounting: Standard Eurocard Control (PTC) Wayside Interface Unit
Unit Dimensions: 17.25”H x 11.0”W x 11”D (43.8 (WIU) applications.
cm H x 27.9 cm W x 27.9 cm D) For detailed information on the Half Box
See RSE-1D1 for detailed drawing. cardfile, request ASTS USA service
manual SM-1D2.0008.
Unit Mounting: Shelf or wall (via brackets)
Contact your ASTS USA Account
Unit Weight (Approx.): 7.5 lb. (3.4 kg) Executive for any additional H.B. design or
application information required.
o o
Operating Temperature: -40 C to +70 C (-40°F to +158°F) MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo
Humidity Limit: 95%, non-condensing STS USA, Inc.

MicroLok II H.B. Cardfile and SEC PCB

Order No. Description Notes
N18003901 Cardfile (1) (2)
N17006202 Serial-To-Ethernet Converter PCB --
Note (1): Refer to RSE-1D2 to order PCBs and
Note (2): Not compatible with 32/32 Non-Vital I/O
PCB N17061501

, p. 3
, p. 4
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
MicroLok Object Controller Units
OC-1000, -2000, -3000, -4000 Series
The MicroLok Object Controller (OC) unit
performs many of the functions of larger vital and
non-vital wayside systems, but without the need
for space-consuming rack cardfiles and variable
arrangements of plug-in PCBs. Instead, the user
can select from a small number of completely self-
contained units, each tailored to suit a specific
range of applications. If a unit develops a fault, it
is quickly replaced as a complete assembly.
Mechanical installation only requires a screw
driver, a simple I/O wiring connector and related
connector tool. The OC meets or exceeds rail
industry environmental standards for vibration
resistance and operation over extreme ranges of
temperature and humidity. All OC units are also equipped with discrete LEDs (in
several colors) to indicate unit operating status and
OC Unit Design fault conditions. A single Unit Health LED gives an
instant indication of the OC unit’s status; if this LED is
The basic MicroLok OC is housed in a ruggedized, not flashing at the proper 1/sec. rate, an internal fault
high-impact plastic housing designed for shelf for wall is indicated. Other LEDs report conditions such as
mounting in either the horizontal or vertical position. serial communications transmit/receive/error status,
Its small dimensions permit installation into enclosures vital I/O channel energized/deenergized and
as small as the typical 16” x 16” x 8” (40.6 cm x 40.6 Conditional Power Supply active. Some LEDs can be
cm x 20.3 cm) wayside junction box. programmed to light or flash per user specifications in
Internal heat is dissipated through vent holes in the the application software.
housing (no active ventilation required). Electronic OC-4000 series unit, which are designed to drive
components are mounted on several stand-off ASTS USA LED signals, are equipped with a
mounted PCBs inside the housing. Different PCBs Conditional Power Supply (CPS) output that removes
are installed in the various OC series units according output power to the signal in the event of a fault. This
to the application and none are plug-in boards CPS eliminates the need for a separate Vital Cut-Off
requiring field installation. If a board is determined to Relay (VCOR) where a failover-to-red configuration is
be faulty, the entire unit is replaced. All OC units are not required.
designed to satisfy industry-standard specifications for
The OC unit operates from a nominal 12 Vdc/2.0A power
vibration, shock, temperature and humidity resistance.
Electrical isolation is rated at 2000 Vac at 60 Hz for 1
minute, channel-to-channel.
Each OC unit is shipped with separate WAGO brand wire
connectors for I/O and power wiring. The only tools • Compact unit: Does not require large houses or
needed for installation are a screwdriver and WAGO equipment rack mounting;
connector insertion tool (see Ordering information for
part number). Vital I/O, non-vital I/O, proximity sensor
• Rugged construction: Designed to withstand the
railroad or transit environment;
and analog input wiring is terminated at 12-way and
16-way connectors on one end of the unit; these • Fully isolated design: 2000V limit;
connectors accept #12 to #16 AWG wires. Refer to • No plug-in PCBs or modules to field-calibrate,
RSE-1B3 for additional information on proximity install or replace;
sensor applications.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-1B2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA MicroLok® Object Controller Units
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
OC-1000, -2000, -3000, -4000 Series
Rev. 3-09
OC Mounting Dimensions

Typical Front Panel Layout Typical Rear Panel Layout

RSE-1B2, p. 2
MicroLok® Object Controller Units Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
OC-1000, -2000, -3000, -4000 Series
Rev. 3-09

Advantages (cont’d) Specifications (cont’d)

• Simple mounting, minimal electrical/power CPS Output (cont’d)*: Current: 3.0A (max.) from
each output terminal on OC
connections permit fast installation or replacement;
connector J1., total 6.5A
• Enables combining bi-polar and discrete (max.)
inputs/outputs into a variety of configurations. Power (3 signals on at same
• LEDs report unit heath, status of individual I/O and
time): 80W (max.)
serial channels.
Isolation*: 2000 Vac between battery
• Serial ports for TCP/IP or EIA RS-232 input and CPS output
communications Efficiency*: 85% with output power at
Specifications Vital Input Imped.: 2000 ohms per discrete input
I/O and Serial Communications 2000 ohms per bi-polar input
I/O Options: Vital Inputs and Outputs, Maximum I/O “On”: 6 (with 200-ohm loads)
Proximity Sensor Inputs, Analog Input: Range: 0 to 30 Vdc (nom.)
Analog Inputs, ASTS USA
LED signal drivers, non-vital 50 Vdc (max.) without
and outputs damage to input (input only
measures up to 30 Vdc)
I/O Configurations: See Ordering Tabulation
Impedance: 10K Ohms
Vital Outputs: Voltage Range: 12 to 14 Vdc
Voltage Isolation: 2000 Vac
200 ohms per discrete output between input leads and
(max.) battery
200 ohms per bi-polar output Accuracy: +0.2 Vdc from 0 to
(max.) 10 Vdc, +2.0% from 10 to 30
Each pair: 1 bi-polar or 2 Vdc
discrete Response Time (DC
LED Signal Outputs*: Battery draw (3 signals on at measurement only):
same time): 84 W (max.) Readings updated once per
continuous, 7A @12V second (approx.)
Battery Input Fuse: 15A Prox. Sensor Input: Refer to RSE-1B3.
slow-blow (ASTS USA P/N Serial Ports: Options: TCP/IP (RJ-45), EIA
J710038-0025) RS-232 (DB9)
Signal Unit Limit: OC-4000 series units can Configurations: See Ordering
operate up to three 6-3/8” Tabulation
(16.2 cm) units or up to two 8-
3/8” (21.25 cm) units at any Protocols: MicroLok II,
given time. Genisys®, Peer-to-Peer

CPS Output*: Voltage: 12.2 Vdc (regulated

when input battery is above

*Applicable to OC-4000 series unit (with LED signal outputs)

RSE-1B2, p. 3
Ansaldo STS USA MicroLok® Object Controller Units
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
OC-1000, -2000, -3000, -4000 Series
Rev. 3-09

Specifications (cont’d) Ordering and Additional Product Information

Netw. Adap. Interface: Available: Up to 3 adapters • Refer to OC ordering tabulation on next two pages
Functions: Application Port for OC-1000, -2000, -3000 and -4000 units part
Routing (peer protocol), Web numbers.
Tool (access unit diagnostics)
• Refer to second tabulation for part numbers of
PC Access Reqmts: PC with Ethernet port support equipment and components.
Ethernet crossover cable or
standard Ethernet cable • Refer to RSE-1B3 for proximity sensor ordering
Internet Explorer Version 6.0
or higher • For OC installation and programming information,
request ASTS USA service manual SM-9494.
Java Run Time Environment
Version 1.4.2 or higher

Power Input: 19.8 to 16.2 Vdc (12.0 Vdc
Current draw: 2 inputs and 2 outputs ON:
Isolation: 2000 Vac @60Hz for 1
minute, channel-to-channel
Lightning Protection: See Ordering Tabulation

Unit Dimensions: See diagram on page 2.
Unit Weight: 6.8 lbs. (3.1 kg)
Mounting: Shelf or wall, vertical or

Temperature Range: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
Humidity: 95% relative humidity at
Shock and Vibration: Compliant with AREMA
Manual Part 11.5.1, Class B

MicroLok® and Genisys® are registered trade marks of

Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-1B2, p. 4
MicroLok® Object Controller Units Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
OC-1000, -2000, -3000, -4000 Series
Rev. 3-09

MicroLok Obect Controller Units

Model I/O Comm Port 1 Comm Port 2
Order No. No. Config. Config. Config.
N17700101 OC-1001 4 Vital Inputs TCP-1P: RJ-45 RS-232: DB9
4 Vital Outputs
2 Prox. Sensors
1 Analog Input
N17700102 OC-1002 4 Vital Inputs TCP-1P: RJ-45 TCP-1P: RJ-45
4 Vital Outputs
2 Prox. Sensors
1 Analog Input
N17700103 OC-1003 8 Vital Inputs TCP-1P: RJ-45 RS-232: DB9
8 Vital Outputs
4 Prox. Sensors
2 Analog Inputs
N17700105 OC-2001 6 Vital Inputs TCP-1P: RJ-45 RS-232: DB9
6 Vital Outputs
N17700106 OC-2002 6 Vital Inputs TCP-1P: RJ-45 TCP-1P: RJ-45
6 Vital Outputs
N17700107 OC-2003 12 Vital Inputs TCP-1P: RJ-45 RS-232: DB9
12 Vital Outputs
N17700108 OC-2004 12 Vital Inputs TCP-1P: RJ-45 TCP-1P: RJ-45
12 Vital Outputs
N17700111 OC-3001 6 Vital Inputs TCP-1P: RJ-45 RS-232: DB9
N17700112 OC-3002 6 Vital Inputs TCP-1P: RJ-45 TCP-1P: RJ-45
N17700115 OC-4001(4) 6 LED Drivers (1) TCP-1P: RJ-45 RS-232: DB9
1 N-V Input (2)
1 N-V Output (3)
N17700116 OC-4002 (4) 6 LED Drivers (1) TCP-1P: RJ-45 TCP-1P: RJ-45
1 N-V Input (2)
1 N-V Output (3)
N17700117 OC-4003 (4) 6 LED Drivers (1) TCP-1P: RJ-45 RS-232: DB9
6 Vital Inputs
6 Vital Outputs
1 N-V Input (2)
1 N-V Output (3)
N17700118 OC-4004 (4) 6 LED Drivers (1) TCP-1P: RJ-45 TCP-1P: RJ-45
6 Vital Inputs
6 Vital Outputs
1 N-V Input (2)
1 N-V Output (3)
Note (1): Outputs for driving ASTS USA LED signals.
Note (2): Non-vital inputs
Note (3): Non-vital outputs
Note (4): OC-4000 series units can operate up to three 6-3/8" signal
units or up to two 8-3/8" signal units at any given time.

Ordering Information continued on next page.

RSE-1B2, p. 5
Ansaldo STS USA MicroLok® Object Controller Units
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
OC-1000, -2000, -3000, -4000 Series
Rev. 3-09

Ordering Information (cont’d)

MicroLok Object Controller Auxiliary Equipment

Order No. Description Notes
J039000-0159 Tool for Wago Connectors (1)
J709146-1908 Connector: 16-pole, gray (for I/O) --
J709146-1909 Connector: 16-pole, orange (for I/O) --
J709146-1910 Connector: 4-pole (for power input) --
J709146-2070 Connector: 6-pole --
J710038-0025 Fuse: CPS Power (Slo-Blo type) --
J710038-0027 Fuse: System Power (10A Fast-Acting) --
Note (1): Used to insert and remove wires from OC connectors.

RSE-1B2, p. 6
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
Proximity Sensors for MicroLok Object Controller
The utility, packaging and functional
characteristics of the MicroLok Object Controller
(MOC) make it ideally suited for confirmation of
movable bridge miter joint alignment, as well as
similar applications. In particular, the OC-1000
series units are equipped with two or four vital
proximity sensor interfaces for this purpose. The
unit is expertly designed to detect all proximity
sensing states: on, off, shortened, open or
indeterminate. This capability minimizes the
number of sensors needed to fulfill an application.

General Description
ASTS USA provides different models of inductive
proximity sensors. These models offer different
measures of detection distance, current draw,
connection method (quick disconnect or potted) and
physical/mounting design. These are detailed in the
ordering tabulation. Each sensor is also equipped
with an LED that indicates when the observed
movable object is inside or outside the minimum
alignment tolerance. The LED is off when the spacing
is within the tolerance; this is detected by the MOC as way and 16-way connectors on one end of the unit.
a “sensor-on” indication. When the alignment is out of These connectors accept #12 to #16 AWG wires. The
tolerance, the LED turns on and the MOC detects a MOC/sensor interface requires metal oxide varistor
“sensor-off” indication. (MOV) surge protection at junction box terminals
Sensor indications are fed to one or several of the approximately 6 ft. (1.8 m) from the sensor itself. The
vital proximity sensor ports on the OC. Two MOC recommended MOV is shown in the ordering
models are equipped with two such ports, while the tabulation. Typical MOC-to-sensor cable is 100 ft.
other contain four ports. Sensor wiring is terminated (30.5 m) of twisted-pair #16 AWG.
at 12-




To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-1B3, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Proximity Sensors for MicroLok®
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Object Controller Applications
Rev. 3-09

Ordering and Additional Information

• Refer to ordering tabulations on next page for • Request ASTS USA service manual SM-9494 for
proximity sensor and MOV part numbers. additional information on MOC units and proximity
• Refer to RSE-1B2 for ordering information on the
OC-1000 series MicroLok Object Controllers. • Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for
other MOC and proximity sensor application

(J738104-0029) (J738104-0030) (J738104-0031) (J738104-0032) (J738104-0033)

Proximity Sensors for MicroLok Object Controller Applications

Sensing Detachable
Order No. Distance Connection Cable Figure Ref.
J738104-0029 20 mm Quick-Disconn. X A
J738104-0030 20 mm Potted -- B
J738104-0031 10 mm Potted -- C
J738104-0032 15 mm Potted -- D
J738104-0033 10 mm Quick-Disconn. X E
J738104-0009 5 mm Potted -- (Not shown)

Order No. MOV Protection

J735550-0016 Metal Oxide Varistor connected across each sensor.

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-1B3, p. 2
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
Cardfiles (MicroLok II Applications)
The cardfiles used in MicroLok II systems In addition to equipment rack installations,
accommodate the full range of user system MicroLok II cardfiles can also be shelf or wall-
applications and PCB configurations in a single mounted as needed. Also, the cardfile is designed
rack-mount unit. Unlike earlier systems, separate to be CE-compliant for grounding. The Half Box
logic/serial link cardfiles, parallel I/O cardfiles and and Half Box 2X cardfiles described in this catalog
power converter panels are not required. section can be applied as Wayside Interface Units
(WIUs) for the latest Positive Train Control (PTC)

General-Purpose Cardfile
Half-Box (H.B.) Cardfile

End-Point Cardfile Intermediate Cardfile

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
Cardfiles (MicroLok II Applications)
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11

MicroLok II General-Purpose Cardfile

General-Purpose Cardfile (Single and Dual-

Motherboard Models)
The MicroLok II General-Purpose cardfile can be
Description mounted in a standard 19-inch equipment rack, or on
The General-Purpose MicroLok II System cardfile a wall or shelf using the fiberglass mounting brackets
contains the system’s central controlling logic and supplied with the unit.
circuits that interface this logic to external circuits.
Logic and interface circuits are contained on the
familiar Eurocard format plug-in printed circuit boards Specifications
(PCBs). Two versions of this cardfile are available, PCB Design/Mounting: Standard Eurocard
including a unit with a single motherboard governed by
one CPU PCB, and a unit with dual (identical) Total PCB Slots: 19 (both single and dual-
motherboards that incorporate separate CPU boards motherboard models)
for their respective sets of PCBs. The dual- Slot Bus Addressing: Via 8-rocker DIP switches
motherboard version allows two MicroLok II in connector housings
subsystems to be housed in one cardfile for
applications such as hot standby, and locations where Upper PCB Connectors: 48 and 96-pin male
two single-motherboard cardfiles are not required or Mounting: Standard 19” (48.25 cm)
adequate space is not available. rack, wall or shelf
Both cardfiles contain 19 card slots. All external wiring
is connected to the cardfile via 48-pin or 96-pin Unit Dimensions: See above diagram.
connector/cable assemblies attached to connectors Cardfile Mechanical Loads: 1.0g RMS, 0.2”
along the rear of the cardfile. In the typical equipment displacement, 5-1000 Hz
rack installation, this wiring is routed to separate
adjacent terminal strips. Operating Temperature: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
To prevent accidental insertion of a PCB in the wrong
cardfile slot, each PCB is equipped with male keying Humidity Limit: 95%, non-condensing
pins. Dual in-line package (DIP) switches within the
connector housings are used to set the cardfile bus
address for communications between the CPU and
other PCBs.

, p. 2
Cardfiles (MicroLok II Applications)
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II Intermediate Cardfile for LED Signal Locations

LED 12 Intermediate System Cardfile The VCOR relay is housed in the left-hand bay of the
cardfile and includes a built-in relay base. This
Description arrangement eliminates the need for a separate VCOR rack
The MicroLok II LED 12 Intermediate System cardfile uses installation outside the cardfile. Both ASTS USA PN-150B
the basic Eurocard design, which allows plug-in PCBs to and Alstom B1 relays are provided in the various cardfile
form an complete front control/display panel. Several options (see Ordering Information).
models of plug-in PCB cardfiles that accommodate Ethernet Several models of the MicroLok II LED 12 System cardfile
or serial communications to a remote wayside system of include an Ethernet Communications Module (ECM) that is
office, as well as ASTS USA or Alstom style VCOR relay stand off-mounted on the back side face of the
options for vital power switching. motherboard. Ethernet communications are enabled
This cardfile incorporates an extended backplane through Port 4 on the CPU PCB and the Ethernet jack at the
motherboard with 12 front-accessible cage clamp top of the cardfile. Versions of the cardfile not equipped
connectors (Wago brand) that enable direct connection of with the Ethernet capability can be upgraded in the field at a
external I/O wiring to the cardfile. The arrangement later date by installing the ECM as an add-on component.
eliminates the need for separate rack-mount terminal strips
and/or connector cable assemblies. To aid in field wiring,
the connectors are assigned (as labeled) to specific types of Specifications
PCBs. Slot-address jumpers for the LED 12 and track PCB Design/Mounting: Standard Eurocard
circuit PCBs (MicroTrax and E-Code) are also located on Total PCB Slots: 8
the motherboard. Additional jumpers allow for inputs to the
LED 12 boards to be shorted together to support Constant Cardfile Connectors: 12 cage clamp connectors
Current Regulator (CCR) sharing between LED signal RJ-45 Ethernet Jack (8-pin)
outputs, without the use of additional external wiring.
2 25-pin “D” connectors (serial
Other motherboard-mounted devices include and EEPROM links)
for storing unit-specific configuration data, top-mounted RJ-
45 jack for Ethernet communications wiring, and two 25-pin 5 AREMA (AAR) terminal posts
“D” connectors to interface vital or non-vital serial Unit Dimensions: See above diagram.
communications wiring (when required) to the CPU PCB’s Cardfile Mounting: Rack or wall (see Ordering
serial ports. These ports also permit daisy-chaining of Information)
several LED 12 systems. AREMA (AAR) terminal posts are
also provided for connection of power input wiring (includes Cardfile Weight: 30 lbs. (13.6 kg) - with a
wired-in transient voltage protection). These terminals, minimum card complement.
which incorporate post-to-post straps, are also used to Operating Temp.: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
route VCOR-controlled power and CCR power when the +158°F)
LED 12 PCB is installed.
Humidity Limit: 0% to 95%, non-condensing

, p. 3
Cardfiles (MicroLok II Applications)
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II Intermediate Cardfile for Incandescent Signal Locations


18.2” (46.25 CM)


(40.39 CM)

11.0” (27.94 CM)

Intermediate System Cardfile for Incandescent vital relay, which serves as the system Vital Cut-Off
Signal Installations Relay (VCOR). This relay is controlled by the CPU
board and switches power to all vital outputs.
The MicroLok II Intermediate cardfile for incandescent
signal locations also utilizes the familiar Eurocard Specifications
design common to other ASTS USA systems, but also
PCB Design/Mounting: Standard Eurocard
incorporates parallel and serial I/O data connectors on
its top panel. This cardfile is designed for standard Total PCB slots: 20
19” rack, shelf or wall mounting and contains slots for
Mounting: Standard 19” (48.25 cm)
up to 20 plug-in PCBs, four of which are typically used
rack, wall or shelf
for various I/O boards. Three wiring terminal blocks
are mounted at the top of the unit for all parallel I/O Unit Dimensions: See above diagram.
wiring. Depending on the model, these can consist of
Parallel I/O Wiring: Three 22-way screw lock
three 22-way screw lock connectors, or two 22-way
connectors (Buchanan)
plus one 20-way cage clamp connectors. Battery
power to the unit is connected to a pair of standard Two 22-way + one 20-way
AREMA (AAR) terminal posts. cage clamp (Wago)
For installations where the MicroLok II Intermediate
unit communicates over a serial link with another Serial Data Ports: Two 25-pin “D”, RS-485
MicroLok II Intermediate system or controlling vital
processor, two 25-pin “D” connectors are provided. In Power Connections: Two standard AREMA
a typical application, a MicroLok II system serves as (AAR) terminal posts.
the serial link Master unit to a several MicroLok II Operating Temp.: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
Intermediate Slave units. +158°F)
A bay in the MicroLok II Intermediate cardfile contains Humidity limit: 95%, non-condensing
either an ASTS USA PN-150B vital relay, or Alstom B1

, p. 4
Cardfiles (MicroLok II Applications)
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II End Point Cardfile

End Point Cardfile End Point unit operating power is brought to AREMA
(AAR) style terminal posts on the left-hand end of the
Description terminal board. Five such terminals are provided,
The MicroLok II End Point cardfile features front- including two for connection of system battery power and
accessible discrete-wire connectors that eliminate the three additional posts that allow signal lamp powering
need for separate specialized PCB direct from a battery source isolated from the system battery
connector/cable assemblies. These connectors, along source. Post-to-post straps are provided for configuring
with front serial link ports and an integral Vital Cut-Off the above lamp driving power setup.
Relay (VCOR) make the End Point unit very simple to
install, configure and replace.
The 19” (48.25 cm) End Point cardfile is shipped with
rear edge wall mounting ears already attached; kits are PCB Design/Mounting: Standard Eurocard
available for conversion to equipment rack or shelf Total PCB slots: 10
mounting (see ordering information). Slots are provided
Mounting: Standard 19” (48.25 cm) rack,
for up to 10 PCBs including one DC Lamp Driver, up to
wall or shelf (shipped with wall-
five Mixed Vital I/O, one Power Supply, one CPU and up
mount brackets; see ordering
to two Track Circuit boards (MicroTrax or E-Code type).
information for kits)
All PCBs are standard MicroLok II models. The left-hand
bay of the cardfile houses the VCOR relay with relay Unit Dimensions: See above diagram.
mounting base (ASTS USA or Alstom type) built in. Parallel I/O Wiring: Six 32-terminal (16+/16-) cage
External I/O wiring is brought to eight Wago style cage clamp connectors (Lamp Driver
clamp connectors accessible at the top front of the and Mixed I/O PCBs)
cardfile. Board addressing for the Lamp Driver PCB and Two 5-terminal cage clamp
Track Circuit PCBs is accomplished with jumpers connectors (Track Circuit PCBs)
adjacent to the respective Wago connectors, while
Serial Data Ports: Two 25-pin “D”, RS-232/423
Mixed Vital I/O PCB addressing is performed in the
Power Connections: Five standard AREMA (AAR)
application software. No connector-mounted addressing
terminal posts, with straps
switches are required.
(system battery and isolated lamp
The End Point cardfile also incorporates two DB-9 25-pin power option)
“D” connectors to allow vital or non-vital serial linking of
Fuse: 10A
the unit to other MicroLok-based systems. These
parallel-wired connectors also permit “daisy-chain” Operating Temp.: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to +158°F)
linking of several End Point units. Humidity limit: 95%, non-condensing

, p. 5
Cardfiles (MicroLok II Applications)
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II Half-Box (H.B.) Cardfile

Half Box (H.B.) Cardfile

The MicroLok II Half Box (H.B.) cardfile is designed for Specifications
wayside installations where mounting space is limited (e.g. PCB Design/Mounting: Standard Eurocard
equipment case) or a full size equipment house is not
Unit Dimensions: See above diagram
available. As such, it serves as a bridge between the
large19-inch (48.25 cm) MicroLok II cardfiles and the Unit Mounting: Shelf or wall (via brackets)
compact MicroLok Object Controller. The H.B. cardfile is Unit Weight (Approx.): 7.5 lb. (3.4 kg)
only 11 (27.9 cm) inches wide and is equipped with
brackets for wall or shelf mounting. Only six of the unit’s 10 Input Power: 9.8 to 16.2 Vdc (12.0 Vdc nom.)
available slots require field configuration of I/O PCBs; the Starting Voltage: 11.2 Vdc (min.)
CPU and Power Supply/CPS boards’ location are fixed for
Fuse: 10A (front panel mounted)
all applications. The unit can also be outfitted with a front-
attached Local Control Panel. Surge Protection: 5W, 16V Transzorb (5KP16A)
The internal motherboard is extended above the cardfile to Power & VCOR Wiring: Four cage clamp terminals
provide a convenient panel to attach I/O PCB cables, serial Total Field PCB Slots: 6
cables, power input wiring and VCOR wiring. Six male-pin
connectors are provided on this panel to attach standard Applicable I/O PCBs: All except 32/32 Non-Vital I/O
48-way MicroLok II cables (refer to RSE-1D2 for these PCB N17061501 (see RSE-
cables). Only the 96-pin cable for the 32/32 Non-Vital I/O 1D2.2 and -1D2.3)
PCB (N17061501) connector/cable assembly is not Applicable II Cables: All except those with 96-pin
compatible with the H.B. unit. connectors (see RSE-1D2)
Battery and VCOR wiring is attached via a 4-way Wago Serial Ports: Two 9-pin “D” connectors: RS-
brand connector in the upper right corner of the panel. 485 (switch-selectable ports)
Below this connector are three “D” style plugs for
One 25-pin “D” connector: RS-
connection of RS-485 or RS-232 serial communications link
wiring. The two RS-485 plugs are switch-selectable. An
optional Serial-To-Ethernet Converter PCB can be installed One 9-pin “D” connector: RS-
to enable Internet-based remote communications. This 232
board is mounted inside the cardfile’s rear cover and Ethernet Port (Option): RJ-45 jack
provides a top-accessible RJ-45 jack for Ethernet
communications. Operating Temperature: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
Unit power is controlled by a standard 2-position toggle
switch, while the unit’s current draw is protected with a 10 Humidity Limit: 95%, non-condensing
Amp fuse, also on the upper panel.

, p. 6
Cardfiles (MicroLok II Applications)
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
Half Box 2X Cardfile
The MicroLok II Half-Box 2X (HB2X) Cardfile is
derived from ASTS USA’s highly successful
Half-Box cardfile (see catalog page 6). It can be
configured as a multi-purpose vital and/or non-
vital monitoring and control system for railroad or
mass transit wayside interlocking applications,
including railroad PTC configurations. This unit
has 14 user-configurable slots and is designed
for wall or shelf mounting.
The HB2X cardfile accommodates most
standard MicroLok II plug-in PCBs. Three
double-width PCB slots are reserved for the
Power Supply PCB in Slots 15 and 16. Slots 17
and 18 are reserved for the vital CPU board,
while slots 19 and 20 are held for the Genisys II
style non-vtial CPU board (when used). The
remaining 14 slots can take any standard
MicroLok II I/O PCBs. Refer to the ordering
tabulation on catalog page 9 for other PCB
assignment information. The HB2X cardfile is
equipped with an upper and a lower
motherboard. Connectors for external cables
are mounted on the front of the upper
A 6-point, removable WAGO brand power connector is Input Power: 9.8 to 16.2 Vdc (12.0 Vdc
mounted on the front of the upper motherboard. This nom.)
connector is used for the battery input and VCOR coil Fuse: 10A
wiring. One pin of this connector is routed internally to
the shutdown function of the Power Supply PCB. The Surge Protection: 5W/16V Tranzorb
function allows the user to shut down the system using Wiring Connections: Upper: 6-point WAGO: Batt.
an external power supply. The lower motherboard is input and VCOR wiring
equipped with a 6-pin WAGO brand connector to provide
Lower: 6-point WAGO:
auxiliary (external power supply) power to the HB2X in
External power (in place of
place of a Power Supply PCB.
Power Supply PCB)
The HB2X cardfile contains three vital and/or three non-
Serial Ports: Two 9-pin “D” connectors:
vital communications ports for external communications.
RS-485 (switch-selectable
An additional port is used for internal communications
between the non-vital and vital CPU PCBs, as required
by the application. An optional Ethernet PCB One 25-pin “D” connector:
(N17006202) can be plugged onto the rear of the HB2X RS-232
upper motherboard. The Ethernet port is accessible on One 9-pin “D” connector:
top of the cardfile when the Ethernet PCB is installed. RS-232
Ethernet Port (Option): RJ-45 jack (cardfile top-
Specifications mounted)
PCB Design/Mounting: Standard Eurocard Weight*: 22.25 lbs. (10 kg), *typical
with all PCBs installed.
Unit Dimensions: See above diagram
Operating Temperature: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
Unit Mounting: Shelf or wall (via brackets)
Unit Weight: 22.25 lb. (10 kg)
Humidity Limit: 95%, non-condensing

, p. 7
Cardfiles (MicroLok II Applications)
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
Split-Motherboard Cardfile (With Integral DB-9 Serial Ports)

PCB Design/Mounting: Standard Eurocard
The Split-Motherboard cardfile incorporates the same
Total PCB Slots: 17
basic enclosure design, mounting and I/O wiring
provisions as the General-Purpose cardfile. However, Slot Bus Addressing: Via 8-rocker DIP switches
this cardfile features a built-in serial port backplane in connector housings
PCB, adjacent to the main motherboard, that contains
Upper PCB Conns: 48 and 96-pin male
six 9-pin serial port connectors. This cardfile is typically
used in mass transit ATC applications consisting of Backplane Serial Ports: 2 permanent RS-485
redundant MicroLok II cardfiles that are wired to enable
2 jumper-selectable RS-
automatic failover. A “Serial Link Relay” PCB is plugged
into this motherboard PCB (of both MicroLok II units) to
provide a path for failover communications. These 1 jumper-selectable RS-
PCBs and associated VCOR relays inter-operate to 423/232
establish which MicroLok II is online and which is in
standby. Included in the serial port backplane PCB are 1 jumper-selectable RS-
RS-485, RS-423/232 port and RS-232 ports, several of 232
which are field-configurable for vital or non-vital serial Mounting: Standard 19” (48.25 cm)
communications. rack, wall or shelf
There are 16 remaining slots in the Split- Motherboard Unit Dimensions: See above diagram
cardfile. These are designed to accept the standard
MicroLok II CPU, I/O and Power Supply PCBs using 48- Cardfile Mech. Loads: 1.0g RMS, 0.2”
pin or 96-pin connectors. The CPU is internally wired to displacement, 5-1000 Hz
the serial-port backplane PCB as part of the inter- Operating Temp.: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
MicroLok II failover configuration. +158°F)
Although the Split-Motherboard Cardfile was originally Humidity Limit: 95%, non-condensing
designed for ATC systems with redundant MicroLok II
units, it can be used in entirely different applications.
Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive to discuss
potential uses.

, p. 8
Cardfiles (MicroLok II Applications)
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
Ordering Information Refer to RSE-1G2 for Positive Train Control (PTC)
Wayside Interface Unit (WIU) applications of Half-
Refer to tabulations for ordering information on the Box and Half-Box 2X cardfiles.
MicroLok II-based cardfiles.
Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for
Refer to RSE-1D2 for ordering information on the additional information on special-application
MicroLok II plug-in cardfile components. MicroLok II cardfiles (e.g. Sleep Mode, AF-900
Track Circuit control).

MicroLok II Cardfiles
Motherboard Built-In Signal Lamp
Order No. Type Design VCOR Relay (1) Driver PCB Type Ethernet Port
N16902101 General Purpose Single -- Incandescent --
N16905301 General Purpose Dual (2) -- Incandescent --
N16903101 General Purpose Split (3) -- Incandescent --
N18003901 H.B. (4) Single -- Incand. or LED X
N18005201 HB2X (5) Single -- 'Incand. or LED X
N18005301 HB2X (6) Single -- 'Incand. or LED X
N34600401 Intermediate Single PN-150B Incandescent --
N34600402 Intermediate Single PN-150B Incandescent --
N34600403 Intermediate Single Type B1 Incandescent --
N34600404 Intermediate Single Type B1 Incandescent --
N18002701 End Point Single PN-150B Incandescent --
N18002801 End Point Single Type B1 Incandescent --
N18003001 LED 12 Intermed. Single PN-150B LED --
N18003002 LED 12 Intermed. Single PN-150B LED X
N18003101 LED 12 Intermed. Single Type B1 LED --
N18003102 LED 12 Intermed. Single Type B1 LED X
Note (1): ASTS USA PN-150B or Alstom Type B1
Note (2): Contains two equal-capacity sets of card slots.
Note (3): Smaller motherboard for serial port interface only.
Note (4): General-purpose "Half-Box" cardfile. See RSE-1A14 for details.
Note (5): All PCB slots equipped with 48-pin connectors. Cardfile cannot use Non-Vital
32/32 I/O PCB N17061501
Note (6): Slots 1 - 3 equipped with 96-pin connectors for Non-Vital 32/32 I/O PCB
Cardfile Mounting Hardware
Order No. Description Notes
M451811-4501 Mounting Bracket: Right-Hand (1)
M451811-4502 Mounting Bracket: Left-Hand (1)
M18004301 Mounting Bracket: Right-Hand (2)
M18004302 Mounting Bracket: Left-Hand (2)
X18000802 Rack Mounting Kit for LED 12 intermediate Cardfiles --
X180025021 Shelf Mounting Kit for LED 12 Intermediate Cardfiles --
Note (1): For General Purpose (single and dual motherboard) and
Intermediate cardfiles only.
Note (2): For HB2X cardfiles only

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

, p. 9
, p. 10
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II Printed Circuit Board and Panels: General
Information and Ordering Guide
MicroLok II systems are supplied with numerous
plug-in PCBs and panels to meet the full range of
system application I/O, power and user
operating/maintenance needs. These boards and
panels are equipped with informative and easy-to-
use maintainer controls and/or displays. Several
of the boards are also equipped with front-panel
remote data ports on-site programming and
ASTS USA also provides a complete set of ready-
made connector/cable assemblies for interfacing
these boards in the General Purpose and H.B.
cardfiles to external circuits (refer to RSE-1D2.20).
This Ordering Guide provides a convenient (alpha-
numeric) list all of plug-in PCBs and cardfile
panels listed in this edition of the RSE catalog.
Refer to the indicated RSE catalog sections for To ensure reliable operation in vital applications,
additional details on individual items. individual input and output channels on the Vital I/O
PCBs are periodically monitored by the CPU for proper
operation. This is done as a background operation
General Description without affecting the normal flow of information. If any
MicroLok II PCBs utilize the familiar Eurocard design I/O channel fails a CPU test, the MicroLok II system is
with integral front control/display panel. The CPU PCB designed to downgrade the entire system to the most
(common to all systems) incorporates two alpha- restrictive (safe) state.
numeric LED displays and 2-position toggle switches All PCBs are secured to the cardfile with two slotted
that allow on-unit access to and adjustment of machine screws, while two levers enable smooth
selected configuration parameters, as well as event insertion and extraction without damage to PCB pins
and error logs. This PCB also provides a 9-pin PC or backplane connectors.
port for interfacing the various MicroLok II software
MicroLok II built-in Local Control Panels enable the
programming and diagnostic tools.
cardfile to function as a self-contained LCP, thus
eliminating the need for a separate LCP panel. Two
MicroLok II vital and non-vital I/O boards all basic types of built-in LCPs are provided. One version
incorporate discrete LEDs to enable monitoring of incorporates a generic double crossover track plan
individual I/O channels. Dual-color LEDs are used on with pushbuttons and LEDs for switch and signal
boards that interface bi-polar I/O. These PCBs operations/indications. A plastic card can be inserted
interface the CPU to many different external over this plan to change the interlocking configuration
equipment and subsystems such as relay coils and to single crossover, etc. as required by the installation.
contacts, switch machine motors and circuit The second type of MicroLok II built-in LCP features a
controllers, switch locks, track circuits, incandescent 2-column matrix of pushbuttons and LEDs with blank
and LED signals, cab signal wayside circuits, line wire labels to allow marking of each control or indication
circuits, highway crossing predictors, power-off relays, function. Additional LEDs are provided to monitor
ground fault detectors, external Local Control Panel auxiliary external inputs. A key-locked version of this
switches/lamps, vital and non-vital serial panel selects local or remote (LCP locked out) of the
communications links, fiber optic modems, Ethernet controls and indications.
links, etc.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
MicroLok® II Printed Circuit Board and
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Panels: General Information and
Ordering Guide
Rev. 4-11

Ordering Guide (by Part Number)

Order No. Description RSE Catalog Section
N12301102 VitalNet Co-Processor Daughter PCB RSE-1D2.1
N16600301 Power Supply PCB RSE-1D2.10
N16601203 Power Supply PCB RSE-1D2.10
N16660301 Power Supply PCB RSE-1D2.10
N16661201 Power Supply PCB RSE-1D2.10
N16661203 Power Supply PCB RSE-1D2.10
N16901301 Built-In Local Control Panel with Interlocking Layout RSE-1D2.11
N17000601 Non-Vital 16/8 I/O PCB-LCP Type RSE-1D2.3
N17002801 Non-Vital Isolated 32/16 I/O PCB-LCP Type RSE-1D2.3
N17002901 Built-In Local Control Panels for Misc. Applications RSE-1D2.11
N17002902 Built-In Local Control Panels for Misc. Applications RSE-1D2.11
N17060101 Vital Lamp Driver RSE-1D2.4
N17060501 Non-Isolated Vital Output PCB RSE-1D2.2
N17060502 Non-Isolated Vital Output PCB RSE-1D2.2
N17061001 Standard Vital Input PCB RSE-1D2.2
N17061002 Standard Vital Input PCB RSE-1D2.2
N17061003 Standard Vital Input PCB RSE-1D2.2
N17061004 Standard Vital Input PCB RSE-1D2.2
N17061301 Standard CPU PCB RSE-1D2.1
N17061302 Genisys II Code System Interface PCB RSE-1D2.1
N17061315 Standard CPU PCB (CENELEC-certified) RSE-1D2.1
N17061501 Non-Vital 32/32 I/O PCB RSE-1D2.3
N17061601 Mixed Vital I/O PCB RSE-1D2.2
N17061602 Mixed Vital I/O PCB RSE-1D2.2
N17061603 Mixed Vital I/O PCB RSE-1D2.2
N17061801 Bi-Polar Non-Vital Output PCB RSE-1D2.3
N17062301 Communication PCB RSE-1D2.8
N17062301 Serial Link Relay PCB RSE-1D2.8
N17062701 Non-Vital Isolated 32-Output PCB RSE-1D2.3
N17063701 Non-Vital Isolated 32-Input PCB RSE-1D2.3
N17063901 ECode Track Circuit PCB RSE-1D2.5
N17064901 Sleep Mode PCB RSE-1D2.6
N17065801 Isolated Vital Output PCB RSE-1D2.2
N17065802 Isolated Vital Output PCB RSE-1D2.2
N17006601 Vital LED 12 Driver PCB RSE-1D2.4
N17066401 Vital Hot Standby Synchronization PCB RSE-1D2.9
N17066402 Vital Hot Standby Synchronization PCB RSE-1D2.9
N17066701 Mixed Vital I/O PCB RSE-1D2.2
N17066702 Mixed Vital I/O PCB RSE-1D2.2
N17066801 Non-Isolated Vital Output PCB RSE-1D2.2
N17066802 Non-Isolated Vital Output PCB RSE-1D2.2
N17067601 PTC-Upgradeable CPU PCB (without VitalNet PCB) RSE-1D2.1

, p. 2
MicroLok® II Printed Circuit Board and
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Panels: General Information and
Ordering Guide
Rev. 4-11
Ordering Guide (continued)

Order No. Description RSE Catalog Section

N17067602 VitalNet CPU PCB (PTC-compatible) RSE-1D2.1
N34601301 Blank Shield Panel RSE-1D2.12
N451810-6701 OS Track Circuit PCB RSE-1D2.5
N451810-7501 Conditional Power Supply (CPS) PCB RSE-1D2.10
N451850-1101 Blank Shield Panels RSE-1D2.12
N451850-2901 Blank Shield Panels RSE-1D2.12
N451850-2902 Blank Shield Panels RSE-1D2.12
N451910-0701 “MicroTrax” Coded Track Circuit PCB RSE-1D2.5
N451910-1501 “MicroTrax” Signal Lamp Driver PCB RSE-1D2.4
N451910-2101 Isolated Vital I/O PCB RSE-1D2.2
N451910-5801 Cab Signal Coder Output RSE-1D2.7
N451910-6401 Cab Signal Amplifier PCB RSE-1D2.7
N451910-6601 Non-Isolated Vital I/O PCB RSE-1D2.2
N451910-6602 Non-Isolated Vital I/O PCB RSE-1D2.2
N451910-6901 Cab Signal Auxiliary Amplifier PCB RSE-1D2.7
N451910-7001 Cab Signal Auxiliary Coder Output PCB RSE-1D2.7
N451910-7301 “MicroTrax” Signal Lamp Driver PCB RSE-1D2.4
N451910-7501 Conditional Power Supply (CPS) PCB RSE-1D2.10
N451910-7601 “MicroTrax” Coded Track Circuit PCB RSE-1D2.5
N451910-7602 “MicroTrax” Coded Track Circuit PCB RSE-1D2.5
N451910-7603 “MicroTrax” Coded Track Circuit PCB RSE-1D2.5

MicroLok ® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

, p. 3
, p. 4
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II Central Processing Unit (CPU) PCBs: Standard,
PTC-Upgradeable, VitalNet™ and Genisys II CSIB
MicroLok II CPU PCBs perform all of the essential
decision-making and communications functions
of MicroLok II-based vital and non-vital systems.
In addition, they permit on-site or remote access
of the entire MicroLok II-controlled system for
routine monitoring or diagnostic purposes. The
CPU can also serve as a high-capacity wayside
event recorder, simultaneously monitoring scores
of parallel and serial I/O events (for example, at a
complex interlocking), as well as its own
operations. Thousands of CPU boards have been
in successful service on mass transit lines and
railroads around the world for nearly 15 years. In
those 15 years, numerous hardware and software
refinements have been applied, improving its
original capabilities and reliability even further.
The latest “VitalNet” advancement enables
MicroLok II to function in Positive Train Control
(PTC) applications.
Two independent banks (128KB total) of fast Static
Descriptions Random-Access Memory (SRAM) are provided on the
Standard CPU PCB (N17061301 and N17061315) CPU PCB for processing vital data. Events and errors
are stored in up to four 256KB banks of low power
The Standard MicroLok II CPU PCB performs a SRAM. Error/event memory is maintained by a
variety of functions such as: capacitor backup that provides up to four hours of
Monitoring external indications from vital input short-term Random Access Memory (RAM) protection.
PCBs and non-vital input PCBs. The CPU is also designed to store read/write data in
one of two optional Personal Computer Memory Card
Processing vital external indications and executing International Association (PCMCIA) card slots, using a
logic defined in the Application logic. PCB-mounted cardholder. This additional memory is
Driving vital output PCBs as required by the used to increase the on-board event recording
Application logic. capability. The CPU PCB uses a real time clock
based on a 32.768MHz oscillator. The same capacitor
Monitoring and controlling serial communication and external lithium battery used for the fast SRAM
ports (which are links to other controllers). also backup this device. The CPU PCB has five serial
The CPU PCB is controlled by a 68332 micropro- data ports, four of which are intended for
cessor, which operates at a speed of 21MHz. Most communications with external vital and non-vital
internal operations are 32 bits wide. All outside bus devices. The remaining port interfaces with a laptop
cycles are 16 or 8 bits wide. The Executive and PC, which connects to the front panel 9-pin connector.
Application logic is stored in four flash Erasable Two alphanumeric displays on the CPU PCB display
Programmable Read-Only Memory (EPROM) chips menus allowing the user to obtain system information
that provide up to 8MB of memory. Flash EEPROMs without having to connect a laptop PC. The menus
permit direct handling of the software using a laptop include two Reset (one for configurable devices and
Personal Computer (PC) connected to the CPU PCB one for non-configurable devices) and an On-Line
front panel diagnostics serial port connector. Jumpers menu.
on the CPU PCB enable or disable the flash
EEPROMs for programming and select programming The “315’ version of the Standard CPU PCB is
voltage. European CENELEC-certified.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
MicroLok II Central Processing Unit (CPU)
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal) PCBs: Standard, PTC-Upgradeable,
VitalNet™ and Genisys II CSIB
Rev. 4-11
Descriptions (cont’d)
PTC-Upgradeable CPU PCB (N17067601)
This CPU PCB is fully backward-compatible with the
Standard CPU PCB (see above description) and is
designed to be upgraded (when required) to Postive
Train Control (PTC) functionality using the VitalNet Co-
Processor Daughter PCB (see following descrption).
The basic “601” PCB incorporates uses much of the
same hardware as the “301” PCB above, including four
external-system serial ports and one front panel laptop-
compatible port. See diagram at right for the front panel
layout. The “601” PCB can be used with all ASTS USA
I/O bus and modular-based products such as End-
Point, Half-Box and Intermediate.

VitalNet CPU PCB (N17067602)

The VitalNet CPU PCB is comprised of the PTC-
Upgradeable CPU (see previous section) and the
VitalNet Co-Processor Daughter PCB, which is
attached to it. The combined assembly is referred to
as the MicroLok II VitalNet™ CPU. This combined
PCB assembly enables integrated Positive Train
Control (PTC) Wayside Interface Unit (WIU)
functionality in within a MicroLok II-based interlocking
control system.
The board transfers vital interlocking data messages,
containing wayside signal indications, switch positions
and hazard indicator statuses to a radio that forwards it
to the carborne ATP equipment on approaching
vehicles. It monitors the states of the wayside devices
and vitally constructs a message that depicts those
states. Each message is delivered to a Wayside
Communications Module (WCM) that chooses the most
appropriate media to send the message to a train.

VitalNet Co-Processor Daughter PCB

MicroLok ® and Genisys ® are registered

trademarks of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.
VitalNet is a trademark of Ansaldo STS
USA, Inc.

, p. 2
MicroLok II Central Processing Unit (CPU)
PCBs: Standard, PTC-Upgradeable, (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
VitalNet™ and Genisys II CSIB
Rev. 4-11
Descriptions (cont’d) Advantages
VitalNet CPU PCB (N17067602) (cont’d) CPUs provide comprehensive monitoring and
The VitalNet Co-Processor Daughter PCB control of vital or non-vital MicroLok II systems.
communicates with the main CPU through a vital
Perform continuous internal and external
communications protocol. Two diverse Field-
diagnostics to ensure system reliability and safety.
Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) to implement a
2-out-of-2 voting architecture, which provides vital Ample memory available to perform as a wayside
reception of MicroLok II input and output states, and event recorder.
vital generation and transmission of PTC messages to Four serial ports compatible with a variety of
the data radio or back office. communications architectures.
The VitalNet system contains two independent and
Easily accessed (on-site or remote) to
isolated Ethernet connections through RJ-45
check/download event logs and perform
connectors on the front panel of the PCB. These ports
may be used simultaneously. They are intended for
use with the WCM to exchange messages with the VitalNet versions meets requirements for the latest
train, and to respond to inquiries from the central PTC standards and applications.
office. Additionally, the Ethernet ports can be used for VitalNet Co-Processor (Embedded Web Server
maintenance functions. The ports may be configured Interface) Features:
as DHCP clients for connection to a WCM or existing - Enables connection of laptop PC via Ethernet
IP network, or may be configured to serve as DHCP port
hosts for maintenance functions without the need to
change Network settings on the maintainer’s PC. - Device configuration
The VitalNet Co-processor contains an embedded - Modify PTC application settings
web server interface so that a user can connect a - Upload/download software
laptop PC to the Ethernet port to configure the device, - View diagnostic and event data
modify the PTC application settings, upload and
download software, and view diagnostic and event Genisys-II version accommodates all of the railroad
data. In addition to Executive and Application code system applications of the earilier “401” CSIB.
software, the VitalNet CPU PCB is programmed with
location-specific PTC application and configuration
software. Specifications
Standard PCBs “301”, “302” and “315”
Genisys II Code System Interface PCB (N17061302)
Microproccesor Type: 68322
The Genisys II Code System Interface Board (CSIB) is
Microprocessor Speed: 21 MHz
an enhanced replacement for the Genisys 2000-based
CSIB (N17061401). The new CSIB functions as an Operations: Internal: 32 bits wide
interface between various non-vital code line protocols Outside bus: 8 or 16 bits
commonly used in the railroad industry. It is physically
identical to the standard N17061301 CPU, having the Flash Memory: Flash EPROMs: 4
same front panel layout, connector pinouts and option Capacity: Up to 8MB
jumpers. The CSIB operates using the non-vital PCMCIA Cards: 1 or 2. Additional
Genisys II Executive software, which is structurally memory: Up to 8MB (4M
similar to the MicroLok II vital Executive. x 16)
When the “302’ CPU is used execlusively in a non-vital Programming voltages:
MicroLok II application, it supports all of the non-vital +5V and +12V
MicroLok II I/O boards (refer to RSE-1D2.3). However,
it is not capable of controlling the vital MicroLoK II I/O Vital Data Processing: Fast SRAM: 2 banks
boards. The Genisys II CSIB is supported by the 128 KB (total)
Genisys II Development System, which is similar to the Event/Error Storage: Low-power SRAM: Up to
MicroLok II Development system. 4 banks, 256 KB (each)
Note: This CSIB is not a direct replacement for the Protection: Up to 4 hours
Genisys 2000-based PCB N17061401. Connector RAM
rewiring is required to install the newer PCB.

, p. 3
MicroLok II Central Processing Unit (CPU)
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal) PCBs: Standard, PTC-Upgradeable,
VitalNet™ and Genisys II CSIB
Rev. 4-11
Specifications (cont’d)
PTC-Compatible/VitalNet PCBs “601” and “602” VitalNet Co-Processor Daughter PCB (PTC
Microproccesor: MC68322 (32-bit) Applications)
2KB internal fast-termination Mounting: 6 PCB stand-offs
RAM Daughter-to-CPU Link: Vital protocol
Operations: Internal: 32 bits wide ASTS USA G96 Bus
Outside bus: 8 or 16 bits Two diverse FPGAs
Independent Clock: 2MHz (enable) 2-out-of-2 (2oo2) voting
Supports older 6800 Ethernet Connections: Independent/isolated
peripherals RJ-45 connectors
Flash Memory: Flash EPROMs: 4 Ethernet Configuration: Options:
Capacity: Up to 8MB DHCP clients for WCM or
PCMCIA Cards: 1 or 2 existing IP network
Additional memory: Up to DHCP host for maintenance
8MB (4M x 16) functions
Vital Data Processing: Fast SRAM: 2 banks
Genisys CSIB PCB
128 KB (total)
Hardware: Identical to Standard CPU
Event/Error Storage: Low-power SRAM: Up to 4
banks Code System Protocols: Genisys Master
256 KB (each) Enhanced Genisys Slave
Protection: Up to 8 hours MicroLok II Peer Protocol
RAM Enhanced SCS-128 Slave
Serial Ports: Four external: Two RS-485, Enhanced MCS-1 Slave
two RS-232 ARES WIU
One front panel: One RS- ATCS WIU
GETS Serial Local Control
Panel (SLCP)
S2 Slave
Ordering and Additional Information Request the following ASTS USA Service Manuals
Refer to tabulation for CPU-based PCBs’ part for additional information:
numbers. - Standard CPU PCB: SM-6800A, -B, -C, -D
Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for - PTC-upgradeable CPU: SM-1D1.0028
CPU PCB software updates and MicroLok II - VitalNet Co-Processor Daughter PCB: SM-
applications possibilities in general. 1D1.0031
- Genisys II CSIB: SM-6800M

MicroLok II CPU PCBs

Order No. Description
N17061301 Standard CPU PCB
N17061315 Standard CPU PCB (CENELEC-certified)
N17067601 PTC-Upgradeable CPU PCB (without VitalNet PCB)
N12301102 VitalNet Co-Processor Daughter PCB
N17067602 VitalNet CPU PCB (PTC-compatible)
N17061302 Genisys II Code System Interface PCB

Flash Memory Card

Order No. Description
J703105-0107 Flash Memory Card (Standard and PTC)

, p. 4
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II Power Supply and Conditional Power
Supply (CPS) PCBs
ASTS USA supplies a variety of power supply PCBs to meet the
requirements of different MicroLok II applications. Versions are
available with a combination of internal (5V, 12V) and/or CPS circuits.
All of these boards have provided safe and dependable service in
mass transit and railroad applications for over a decade.

Power Supply and Power Supply/CPS PCBs (N16660301, N16600301,
N16661201, N16601203, N16661203)
Power Supply PCBs provide basic internal MicroLok II system operating
power. Several versions of these boards also serve a vital role in the fail-
safe design of the system.
All versions of these boards produce regulated ±12V and +5V cardfile
power from system battery. MicroLok II cardfile power is distributed to the
other system printed circuit boards (through the motherboard) to the
cardfile PCB's 96-pin PCB bottom rear connector. The +12V output of the
Power Supply PCB is not used as a source for any vital or non-vital
outputs. (External battery power is used for this purpose). Current draw on
the battery is determined by the application configuration, (number of signal
lamps, cab signal carrier frequency, etc.) and can be computed by using
the power calculation feature of the MicroLok II Development System.
Selected versions of this board also contain a Conditional Power Supply
(CPS) circuit. These particular boards generate the VCOR voltage (–9 Vdc
to –14Vdc) from a 250Hz CPU check signal, to energize the VCOR relay.
The 250Hz check signal is delivered to the Power Supply PCB as long as
diagnostic checks performed continuously by the CPU detect no internal or
external system faults. The CPS creates the VCOR voltage in response to
the 250Hz signal. Failure of a diagnostic check by the CPU results in the
removal of this check signal from the power supply PCB and the
corresponding loss of VCOR power. Once the VCOR drops all output
power is removed from the cardfile vital outputs.
Several versions of these boards are equipped with a Conditional Power Supply (CPS) PCBs (N451910-
standard front panel. In these boards, the front panel 7501 and N451810-7501)
LEDs on this board indicate when the 5V internal These CPS PCBs are used in MicroLok II installations
power is turned on, and when the “conditional” power where internal operating power is supplied from a
output to the VCOR is turned on. The remaining separate PCB or source. As such, this board is
versions of these boards have no front panel and are equipped with the same CPS circuit required to enable
designed to be mounted behind a blank panel or one the pick-up voltage for the VCOR. Point-to-point
of the MicroLok II built-in Local Control Panels (LCPs). wiring between the upper and lower motherboards
Refer to the ordering tabulations for the specific board transfers the required voltage (+5V, +12V, -12V and
configurations. ground) to the upper motherboard PCB slot connector
Note: ASTS USA’s PN-150B relay (see RSE-4E1) is to provide these board’s required operating power.
used for low output current VCOR applications, while The “N451910-7501’ board is equipped with its own
the PN-150HD relay (see RSE-4E2) is used for high front panel, while the “N451810-7501” board does not
output current VCOR applications. include this panel (mounted behind a blank panel).

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
MicroLok II Power Supply and
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Conditional Power Supply (CPS) PCBs
Rev. 4-11

Internal 5V/12V circuits regulate/convert external battery power for all

MicroLok II cardfile circuits.
CPU-controlled CPS plays critical role in driving VCOR relay for vital outputs
Boards available with or without front panels/LED indicators for use
with/without built-in LCPs, blank panels, etc.


Refer to ordering tabulation for Power Supply/CPS board specifications.

Ordering and Additional Information

Refer to tabulations for Power Supply and CPS board part numbers.
When ordering a replacement MicroLok II Power Supply PCB, please note
the following:
- Older PCB N16660301 can be replaced with newer PCB N16661203, but
not the reverse.
- A Power Supply-only PCB cannot be interchanged with a CPS-only PCB.
Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for Power Supply/CPS PCB
applications as well as MicroLok II applications possibilities in general.
Request ASTS USA Service Manuals SM-6800A and SM-6800B for
additional information on the Power Supply and CPS boards.

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

Power Supply and Conditional Power Supply PCBs

Order No. Type 5V Internal 12V Internal Input Range Front Panel Notes
N16660301 P. Supply + CPS +5V @ 3A +12V @1A 9.8 - 16.2 Vdc X (1)(4)
N16661203 P. Supply + CPS +5V @ 5A +12V@1A 9.8 - 32.0 Vdc X (1)(2)(5)
N16600301 Power Supply +5V @ 3A +12V @1A 9.8 - 16.2 Vdc -- (1)(2)(3)(5)
N16661201 Power Supply +5V @ 5A +12V@1A 9.8 - 32.0 Vdc X (1)(2)(4)
N16601203 Power Supply +5V @ 5A +12V@1A 9.8 - 32.0 Vdc -- (1)(2)(3)(5)
N451910-7501 CPS Only -- -- -- X (6)
N451810-7501 CPS Only -- -- -- -- (6)
Note (1): +5V power for cardfile internal +5V circuits.
Note (2): +12V power for cardfile internal +12V and -12V circuits.
Note (3): Mounted behind blank or LCP panel.
Note (4): Without isolation power supply
Note (5): With Isolation power supply
Note (6): Used when cardfile powered from external source.

, p. 2
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II Built-In Local Control Panels

Built-In Local Control Panel with Interlocking Layout (N16901301)
This optional MicroLok II built-in Local Control Panel (LCP) enables
manual operation of interlocking switches, signals, and selected
inputs and outputs. The on-unit panel is intended for simple
interlockings such as single end-of-siding or crossovers. This device
attaches to the cardfile frame and plugs into the 48-pin front connector
of Non-Vital I/O PCB N17000601 (refer to RSE-1D2.3).
LCP front panel devices include interlocking-related and The “EXTERNAL INPUTS” LEDs on these panels can
power supply-related LEDs, 2-position toggle switches, be used to monitor functions such as door open/close
and a key lock for enabling/disabling the operation of and smoke alarms. The REMOTE/LOCAL key switch
the LCP. Six LEDs are arrayed to allow arrangement of is used to select local (manual) or remote (central
different interlocking track/signal configurations (east or office) control of the location.
west end-of-siding or single and double crossover, for
example). A reversible plastic insert on the LCP front
panel provides a legend for the panel switches and
LEDs. This insert can be modified to mask selected
LEDs as necessary based on the specific configuration Advantages
of the associated interlocking.
Eliminate need for separate traditional LCP.
Built-In Local Control Panels for Misc. Applications
(N17002901, N17002902) Plug directly into installed standard MicroLok II
Non-Vital I/O boards.
These MicroLok II built-in LCPs enable manual
operation and monitoring of miscellaneous equipment No additional LCP connector/cable wiring required.
under the control of that MicroLok II system. The
LCPs consist of one or two pushbutton/LED panels “Interlocking” version includes inserted card to
attached to the front of the cardfile (see illustrations on mimic different interlocking track configurations.
page 2). The second (right-hand) panel is available
when for additional I/O that cannot be handled with the “Misc. Application” version provides user-defined
first panel. Each plugs into a rear Non-Vital Isolated labels for each I/I channel.
32/16 I/O PCB equipped with a front-edge connector “Misc. Application” version included key-locked and
(PCB part number N17002801; see RSE-1D2.3). non-locking versions.
Sixteen small LEDs show the on-off states of the
outputs of the panel to the input channels of the
attached PCB.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
MicroLok® II Built-In
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Local Control Panels
Rev. 4-11
Ordering and Additional Information

Refer to tabulation for MicroLok II LCP part Request ASTS USA Service Manuals SM-6800A
numbers. and SM-6800B for additional information on the
Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for built-in local control panels.
Local Control Panel applications as well as
MicroLok II applications possibilities in general.

N17002901 (LCP with Key Lock) N17002902 (LCP without Key Lock)

Built-In Local Control Panels

Order No. Description Note
N16901301 Built-In Local Control Panel (1)
N17002901 Built-In Local Control Panel (2)
N17002902 Built-In Local Control Panel (3)
Note (1): Used with Non-Vital I/O PCB N17000601
Note (2): With Remote/Local Control key; used with Non-Vital I/O
PCB N17002801
Note (3): Without Remote/Local Control key; used with Non-Vital I/O
PCB N17002801

, p. 2
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II Cardfile Blank Panels
Blank panels for MicroLok II cardfiles are used to cover spaces not
occupied by plug-in PCBs. In addition to providing a contiguous
surface for all of the plug-in PCBs, these panels help mimimize
damage to the PCBs and the cardfile motherboard from dust and
other potential intrusions. Several versions of the blank shield panels
are available for covering a single cardfile slot or two slots, or for
covering the space formerly occupied by a MicroLok II Built-In Local
Control Panel (refer to RSE-1D2.11).
For MicroLok II Intermediate units and End Point units, a special wide
version of the Blank panel is available to cover the VCOR bay. Holes
are provided in this particular panel to show the “5V ON” and “VCOR”
Power Supply/CPS board LEDs behind it.

Ordering Information

Refer to tabulation for MicroLok II Blank Panel part numbers.

Blank Panels
Order No. Description
N451850-2902 Single-slot blank panel
N451850-2901 Double-slot blank panel
N451850-1101 Blank LCP replacement panel
N34601301 Extra-Wide Blank Panel (1)
Note (1): Used on MicroLok II Intermediate and End-
-Point cardfiles; covers relay and P.S.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
, p. 2
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II Vital Input/Output (I/O) PCBs
MicroLok II Vital Input and Output boards perform the essential
task of interfacing vital external systems and equipment to the
CPU logic. ASTS USA provides a wide variety of Vital I/O board
for numerous applications and needs (e.g. switch machine
operation and point monitoring, signal lamp driving and track
circuit occupancy check). Boards are available for 12V, 24V and
other circuits, as well as applications requiring an extra measure
of protection from transient voltages. For smaller applications
that do not require 16 separated input and output channels, the
“Mixed Vital I/O” PCB is available with eight inputs and eight
outputs. ASTS USA’s Vital I/O boards have been providing fault-
free service at hundreds of U.S. and international railroad and
transit sites for nearly two decades.

Non-Isolated Vital Output PCBs (N17060501, N17060502,
N17066801, N17066802)
The Non-Isolated Vital Output PCBs interface CPU vital instructions to
external relay coils and similar loads. All PCBs provide\ sixteen
independent outputs and include versions for 12V and 24V circuit
applications. For the “501” and “502” boards, each output is protected
by a PolySwitch, which acts like a circuit breaker. When the over-
current trip point is reached (approximately 0.75A), the PolySwitch
switches to a high impedance. The switch resets to its normal low
impedance when the additional load or short is removed. For the
“801” and “802” boards, circuit protection is provided by a fuse. The
front panels of the Non-Isolated Vital Output PCBs are equipped with
16 discrete LEDs to show the on-off states of individual channels.
Isolated Vital Output PCBs (N17065801 and respond to the presence or absence of voltage and
N17065802) indicate a 1 or 0, respectively, through the motherboard
Isolated Vital Output boards provide “double-break” data bus to the CPU PCB. All Vital Input PCBs provide
control of outputs to switch machines, relay coils, etc. 16 isolated (+/-) discrete channels for external inputs.
Both 12V and 24V versions of this board are available, Inputs can be wired in a uni-polar or bi-polar
and both can be wired to provide eight uni-polar or configuration. Inputs are only accepted as "On" when
four bi-polar outputs. Each output provides a “+” and the positive voltage value is within a specified range
a “–“ connection that is isolated from equipment (refer to specifications). Each input channel includes
house/case house battery and other outputs. Outputs surge protection components, an input monitor signal
are jumper selectable (JP1 – JP8) to drive normal uni- from the CPU PCB, an opto-isolator for isolation
polar vital relays, or outputs can be combined to drive between input signals and cardfile operating voltages,
bi-polar relays. Front panel indicators include eight and data latches for delivering received bits through the
discrete LEDs to show the on-off states of the motherboard bus to the CPU PCB. Sixteen LEDs on
individual output channels. the boards’ front panels report the states of individual
input channels.
Standard Vital Input PCBs (N17061001, N17061002,
N17061003, N17061004) Mixed Vital I/O PCBs (N17061601, N17061602,
N17061603, N17066701, N17066702)
The Vital Input PCB interfaces with external devices
such a track circuit relay contacts. These PCBs are The Mixed Vital I/O PCBs combine the functions of the
available in four models for system voltages of 12V, Standard Vital Output and Standard Vital Input PCBs,
24V, 50V and 10V. Standard Vital Input PCBs and utilize the same output and input circuitry,

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
MicroLok® II Vital Input/
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Output (I/O) PCBs
Rev. 4-11
Descriptions (cont’d) Typical Vital I/O PCB
Mixed Vital I/O PCBs (cont’d)
These boards are ideal for MicroLok II installations where a relatively
small number of vital I/O channels are present and/or cardfiles with a
limited number of slots.
The eight isolated vital input circuits, which interface with external
devices, are isolated from all other inputs, the motherboard I/O Bus,
cardfile chassis, and system battery to a minimum of 2000Vrms
isolation. All eight non-isolated outputs on the PCB share a common
floating N12 (isolated from system ground).
Each input circuit senses the voltage (vital level detector) applied to
it, translates that voltage into a specific "On" or "Off" state, and then
makes that state available to the cardfile CPU via the cardfile
motherboard I/O data bus. When an input is detected and the CPU
system diagnostics are valid, the system software turns the
corresponding LED input indicator "On." Each circuit is vital in the
sense that it will not falsely indicate an "On" state to the CPU.
Inputs are only accepted as "On" when the positive voltage value is
within the voltage range specification of the board. The eight non-
isolated vital output circuits, which interface with external devices,
are controlled by "high side" software-controlled switches (FET). The
FETs are used to connect battery (+) to the outputs. Loads are
connected from the outputs to battery (–). All eight outputs share a
common N12.
Two styles of these PCB are available (all information applies to both
PCB styles unless noted otherwise):

N170616xx PCBs protect each output using a PolySwitch, which

acts like a circuit breaker. When the over-current trip point is
reached (about 0.75A), the PolySwitch switches to a high
impedance. The PolySwitch resets to its normal low impedance
when the additional load or short is removed.

N170667xx PCBs protect each output using a fuse. The fuse is

mounted to the PCB (SMT) and is not user-serviceable.
Separate banks of eight LEDs each show the on-off states of each
input or output channel. As with the 16-channel PCBs, the Mixed
Vital I/O PCBs are accommodate 12V or 24V signaling circuits.

Isolated Vital I/O PCB (N451910-2101)

The Isolated Vital I/O PCB is typically used in MicroLok II railroad
applications where MicroTrax or E-Code track circuits are being used
for train detection and communications (e.g End-of-Siding,
Intermediate). This board incorporates double-break style circuit
protection and is intended for house-to-house I/O circuits where
protection is needed from voltage transients (e.g. lightning induced).
Each isolated output can operate a switch lock coil and/or any 12 volt
relay with at least 150 ohms resistance. The Isolated Vital I/O
module contains four inputs and two outputs. Front panel indicators
include three “Master” unit LEDs monitoring one output and two
inputs, and three “Slave” unit LEDs monitoring one output and two

, p. 2
MicroLok® II Vital Input/
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Output (I/O) PCBs
Rev. 4-11
Descriptions (cont’d) Specifications
Non-Isolated Vital I/O PCBs (N451910-6601, -6602) Refer to ordering tabulation for specifications of
Non-Isolated Vital I/O PCBs are typically used in each MicroLok II Vital I/O PCB.
MicroLok II/MicroTrax railroad applications where there
is an interface to a relay-based interlocking control Ordering and Additional Information
system. Double-break isolation is not required. Two
versions of this module (12 volt outputs driving Refer to tabulation for Vital I/O PCBs’ part
minimum 65 ohm coils or 24 volt outputs driving numbers.
minimum 130 ohm coils) are available. The Non- Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for
Isolated I/O PCB contains four inputs and four outputs. Vital I/O PCB applications and MicroLok II
Front panel indicators include four discrete LEDs for applications possibilities in general.
monitoring inputs, and four more for monitoring outputs.
Request the following ASTS USA Service Manuals
Advantages for additional information:

Interfaces MicroLok II to wide variety of external - Standard (Non-Isolated) Vital Output: SM-
devices and circuits. 1D1.0024
- Isolated Vital Output: (Contact ASTS USA for
Ample I/O channels available. manual)
Isolated Vital Output boards provide extra layer of - Standard Vital Input: SM-6800A
transient voltage protection. - Mixed Vital I/O: SM-1D1.0006
Front panel LEDs provide easy monitoring of - Isolated Vital I/O: SM-6470B
individual channels. - Non-Isolated Vital I/O: SM6470B
All boards proven in years of railroad and transit

MicroLok II Vital Input/Output PCBs

Order No. Type Inputs (Max.) Outputs (Max.) Voltage Notes
N17060501 Standard Vital Output -- 16 12 Vdc --
N17060502 Standard Vital Output -- 16 24 Vdc --
N17065801 Isolated Vital Output -- 8 12 Vdc (1), (2)
N17065802 Isolated Vital Output -- 8 24 Vdc (2), (3)
N17066801 Non-Isolated Vital Output -- 16 12 Vdc --
N17066802 Non-Isolated Vital Output -- 16 24 Vdc --
N17061001 Standard Vital Input 16 -- 12 Vdc --
N17061002 Standard Vital Input 16 -- 24 Vdc --
N17061003 Standard Vital Input 16 -- 50 Vdc --
N17061601 Standard Mixed Vital I/O 8 8 12 Vdc --
N17061602 Standard Mixed Vital I/O 8 8 24 Vdc --
N17061603 Standard Mixed Vital I/O 8 8 24, 50 Vdc (4)
N17066701 Iso/Non-Iso Mixed Vital I/O 8 8 12 Vdc (5)
N17066702 Iso/Non-Iso Mixed Vital I/O 8 8 24 Vdc (5)
N451910-2101 "MicroTrax" Isolated I/O 4 2 -- (6)
N451910-6601 "MicroTrax Non-Isolated I/O 4 4 12 Vdc (7)
N451910-6602 "MicroTrax Non-Isolated I/O 4 4 24 Vdc (7)
Note (1): Battery must be between 9.8 and 16.2 Vdc.
Note (2): For 8 uni-polar or 4 bi-polar outputs.
Note (3): Battery must be between 18.0 and 32.0 Vdc
Note (4): Outputs @24V, inputs @50V
Note (5): 8 isolated inputs, 8 non-isolated outputs
Note (6): Outputs capable of driving any 12V relay @150 ohms (min.).
Note (7): Outputs capable of driving 12V (65 ohm) or greater relays.

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

, p. 3
, p. 4
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-10

General Description
ASTS USA provides fully assembled connector/cable
assemblies for interfacing PCBs in the MicroLok II
General Purpose cardfile and H.B. cardfile to external
circuits. These assemblies include 48-pin or 96-pin
connector housings (as required by the associated
PCB) and are available in cable lengths of 6, 15 or 30
feet (1.8 m, 4.6 m, 9.1 m). Where applicable to the
PCB, the connector housing also incorporates a small
address-select PCB with six 2-position jumpers for
setting the PCB’s cardfile slot address. The
interfacing cable for the CPU PCB contains an
EEPROM for holding site-specific configuration data;
this allows the CPU board to be replaced while
keeping the EEPROM programming in tact.
Note: The MicroLok II H.B. cardfile (see RSE-1A14)
only accepts the 48-pin style connector/cable Ordering Information: Connector/Cable
assemblies, not the 96-pin which is designed for the Assemblies
32-channel Non-Vital I/O PCBs.
Refer to ordering tabulation for MicroLok II
connector/cable assemblies.
Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for any
required MicroLok II circuit interfacing information.

Connector/Cable Assembly Example: N16911801

MicroLok is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
Cardfile Plug-In PCBs, Front Panels and
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Cables (MicroLok® II Applications)
Rev. 4-10

Ordering Information: Connector/Cable Asssemblies

Pre-Fabricated MicroLok II PCB Connector/Cable Assemblies

Order No. Length Used With (PCB) Related PCB Part No. Note
N16911801 6' CPU N17061301 --
N16911802 15'
N16911803 30'
N16912301 6' Vital Input N17061001 (12V), N17061002 (24V) (1)
N16912302 15' or N17061003 (50V)
N16912303 30'
N16912301 6' Vital Output N17060501 (12V) or (1)
N16912302 15' N17060502 (24V)
N16912303 30'
N16912401 6' Mixed Vital I/O N17061601 (12V), N17061602 (24V) (1)
N16912402 15' or N17061003 (50V)
N16912403 30'
N16912101 6' DC Lamp Driver N17060101 --
N16912102 15'
N16912103 30'
N16912701 6' Coded Track Ckt. N451910-0701, N451910-7601, (1)
N16912702 15' (MicroTrax) N451910-7602, or N451910-7603
N16912703 30'
N16913101 6' Coded Track Ckt. N17063901 --
N16913102 15' (E-Code)
N16913103 30'
N16912801 6' OS Track Ckt. N451810-6701 --
N16912802 15'
N16912803 30'
N16911901 6' Code System N17061401 --
N16911902 15' Interface
N16911903 30'
N16912001 6' Non-Vital Bi-Polar N17061801 --
N16912002 15' Output
N16912003 30'
N16912501 6' 32-In/32-Out N17000601 --
N16912502 15' Non-Vital I/O
N16912503 30' (used with LCP)
N16912601 6' 32-In/32-Out N17001501 --
N16912602 15' Non-Vital I/O
N16912603 30' (non-LCP)
N16913001 6' 32-In Non-Vital N17063701 --
N16913002 15'
N16913003 30'
N16912901 6' 32-Out Non-Vital N17062701 --
N16912902 15'
N16912903 30'
N16911701 6' Power Supply N16611201, N16611202, (1)
N16911702 15' N16600301, or N16660301
N16911703 30'
Note (1): All PCB part number versions shown compatible with associated cables.

RSE-1D2.20, p. 2
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II Non-Vital Input/Output (I/O) PCBs
Non-Vital I/O boards in the MicroLok II product family are
designed to handle an broad range of non-vital assignments such
as Local Control Panel (LCP) interfacing, input of equipment
ground detector and power off indications, output to wayside
event recorder, interface to non-vital relays, operation of misc.
indicator lamps (e.g. maintainer’s call), interface to TWC systems,
etc. Options include 8, 16 and 32-channel sets, isolated or non-
isolated circuits and a bi-polar version.

Non-Vital Isolated 32-Output PCB (N17062701)
This board provides 32 isolated, outputs for control of external devices
such as indicators and relays. Outputs are divided into two groups of
eight outputs and one group of sixteen outputs, each group having a
separate bussed common (negative DC) reference output. Isolation
allows switching power from sources isolated from the MicroLok II
power supply battery. Outputs are designed to operate at battery
voltages between 9.5 and 35 Vdc. Outputs switch positive battery and
are capable of supplying up to 0.5 amps. The nominal voltage drop per
output is load dependent and usually less than 2.5 volts.
The Non-Vital Isolated 32-Output PCB employs PolySwitches to protect
the output circuitry. A PolySwitch functions like a circuit breaker.
When the over-current trip point (about 0.75 amp) is exceeded, the
device switches to high impedance. The PolySwitch returns to low
impedance when the overload or short circuit condition is removed.
Front panel indicators on this PCB include 32 discrete LEDS in four
banks of eight LEDS.
Non-Vital Isolated 32-Input PCB (N17063701) “+” and “-“ connections and present a logical “1” when
This MicroLok II PCB system monitors the status of the applied voltage is 6 to 35 Vdc. The board also
non-vital discrete inputs. Examples include controlled utilizes Local Control Panel (LCP) N1700290X
inputs from alarms, sensors and Local Control Panel connected via a 96-pin connector to the front edge of
switches. The PCB provides 32 isolated external the PCB. The 16 of the inputs are selectable via the
inputs. Isolation allows switching power from sources front panel LCP pushbuttons. Isolation allows
isolated from the MicroLok II power supply. The 32 switching power from sources isolated from MicroLok
inputs are divided into two groups of eight inputs and II power supply battery.
one group of 16 inputs, each group having a separate
bussed common (negative DC) reference input. Non-Vital 16/8 I/O PCB-LCP Type (N17000601)
External input voltages between 6 and 35 Vdc This PCB is designed for use with the optional
represent logical "1." Front panel indicators include 32 MicroLok II cardfile Local Control Panel N16901301
LEDs in two banks of 16 LEDs. (refer to RSE-1D2.11). The PCB is fitted with 48-pin
connectors on the front and back. The front connector
Non-Vital Isolated 16-Input PCB-LCP Type engages the LCP, while remaining PCB I/O (16 Inputs
(N17002801) and 8 Outputs) are externally available on the rear
This PCB is designed for use with the optional connector. Latch ICs are used to buffer inputs and
MicroLok II cardfile Local Control Panel N1700290X Field Effect Transistors (FETs) to drive outputs. Front
(refer to RSE-1D2.11). The board provides 16 panel input/output LEDs are under software control
isolated external inputs, and is suitable for lighting and thus indicate the internal logic state of the
lamps up to 25W. These inputs each have separate inputs/outputs, as opposed to being under the direct

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
MicroLok® II Non-Vital Input/
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Output (I/O) PCBs
Rev. 4-11

Descriptions (cont’d) Typical Non-Vital I/O PCB

hardware control of the input/output voltage. Inputs are activated from a
positive voltage relative to battery ground over a range of 6 to 30 Vdc. Two
outputs (31 and 32) are protected by 5 amp fuses. These output circuits are
reserved for control of a relatively high current device. The board may be
used with 12V or 24V circuits.

Non-Vital 32/32 I/O PCB (N17061501)

The Non-Vital 32/32 I/O PCB is similar in design to the Non-Vital 16/8 I/O
PCB (see above description). The “501” PCB contains 32 input circuits and
32 Output circuits. Each output circuit contains a "low-side" FET transistor
switch, which is turned on or off by the I/O Bus. This switch grounds the
circuit's load; the other side of which is connected to system battery voltage.
All 32 output circuits are identical except for over-current protection. Outputs
(1 through 30) employ 0.5A PolySwitches (self-resetting semiconductor
devices), to protect the output circuitry, allowing the PCB to drive a variety of
loads. A PolySwitch functions like a circuit breaker. When the over-current
trip point (about 0.75 amp) is exceeded, the device switches to high
impedance. The PolySwitch returns to low impedance when the overload or
short circuit condition is removed. The board may be used with 12V or 24V
circuits. Front panel LEDs on this board are identical to the “601’ PCB
described above.

Bi-Polar Non-Vital Output PCB (N17061801)

This PCB enables the MicroLok II system to drive bipolar outputs such as
searchlight signal mechanisms. This board provides 12 independent outputs
which change polarity under the control of 24 paired virtual outputs. Alternate
assertion of a virtual pair changes the actual output. Two-color LEDs on the
board’s front panel are used to indicate when the actual output is on, with
green or yellow indicating the polarity. (Yellow indicates normal polarity, and
green indicates reverse polarity.) If neither pair is asserted, the output is off
and both LEDs are dark. Outputs on this board are protected from accidental
connection to B12 or N12. Short circuit protection is also provided. If both
virtual outputs of a pair are asserted, an error will be logged in the CPU event
memory and the output will remain off.


Allow MicroLok II systems to interface most types of non-vital external

devices and circuits.
Ample number of I/O channels meets most application needs.
Isolated (house-external circuit) and non-isolated (house-internal circuit)
versions available.
Separate LEDs show states of all channels, including 32-channel
Bi-Polar version available for bi-polar driver circuits (e.g. searchlight
All boards service-proven on railroad and transit properties.

, p. 2
MicroLok® II Non-Vital Input/
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Output (I/O) PCBs
Rev. 4-11

Specifications Ordering and Additional Information

Refer to ordering tabulations for specifications of Refer to tabulation for Non-Vital I/O PCBs’ part
each MicroLok II Non-Vital I/O PCB. numbers.

Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for

Non-Vital I/O PCB applications and MicroLok II
applications possibilities in general.

Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6800A for

additional information.

MicroLok II Non-Vital Input/Output PCBs

Order No. Type Inputs (Max.) Outputs (Max.) Voltage Notes
N17061801 Bi-Polar Non-Vital I/O -- 12 9.8-16.2 Vdc (1)(2)
N17000601 Non-Vital 16/8 I/O - LCP Type 16 8 6-30 Vdc (3)
N17061501 Non-Vital 32/32 I/O 32 32 6-30 Vdc --
N17002801 Non-Vital Isolated 16-Input 16 -- 6.0-35.0 Vdc (4), (5), (6)
N17062701 Non-Vital Isolated 32-Output -- 32 9.5-35.0 Vdc (6)
N17063701 Non-Vital Isolated 32-Input 32 -- 9.5-35.0 Vdc (6)
Note (1): Bi-polar outputs (e.g. for searchlight signal mechanism).
Note (2): 250 ohm (nom.) load, poly-switch protected.
Note (3): Used with built-in Local Control Panel N16901301 (see RSE-1D2.11).
Note (4): Externally available; remaining I/O interface to built-in Local Control Panels
N17002901 (with key) and N17002902 (without key)
Note (6): Isolation allows switching power from sources isolated from MicroLok II P.S. batt.

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

, p. 3
, p. 4
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II LED and Incandescent Signal
Lamp Driver PCBs
ASTS USA offers several wayside signal driver PCBs for MicroLok
II-based transit and railroad applications. The standard Vital Lamp
Driver board provides up to 16 incandescent signal lamp driver
channels and can also be used to operate specific models of LED
signals. The Vital LED 12 PCB is used to operate ASTS USA’s
latest family of LED colorlight signals, and contains all vital
circuitry internally. Only modest changes are required to the
MicroLok II software to accommodate the LED 12 board. In
addition to these boards, ASTS continues to support the Cololight
and Searchlight signal PCBs originally furnished with the
MicroTrax Track Circuit System.

Vital LED 12 Driver PCB (N1706601)
The Vital LED12 Signal Driver PCB provides up to twelve vital outputs
for control of ASTS USA color light LED signals. Outputs are controlled
by "high-side" software-controlled switches which connect and
disconnect the output of the ASTS USA Constant Current Regulators for
the LED signals (refer to RSE-7A1 and RSE-7A2). The Vital LED12
PCB performs diagnostic and light-out detection functions without the
use of external "check pulses."
Power for the PCB output circuitry is provided by an isolated on-board
power supply. This supply also produces the reverse polarity voltage
used for the Off-state output test. Power to the supply is obtained from
the system VCOR contacts.
Front panel non-vital LEDs are software driven to indicate the controlled
state of the PCB outputs. A lamp out condition is indicated by an
uneven flashing pattern of the output LED indicator (several quick "On"
pulses followed by a longer "Off" period). Twelve other discrete LEDs
on the front panel monitor the states of the individual output channels.

The Vital LED 12 Driver PCB is not designed to Maintenance Tools program loaded on a laptop
operate non-ASTS USA LED signals, including personal computer. Outputs from this PCB are
GELcore models. Other devices used in the LED controlled by "low side" software switches (i.e. an FET
driver circuit include Protection PCBs and Constant that switches the device load line to ground). Lamps
Current Regulator (CCR). Refer to RSE-7A1 and are typically connected from the output through a
RSE-7A2 for additional information on these devices. contact of the VCOR relay to battery “+”. A short from
an output to N12 or B12 will not cause damage, but
Vital Lamp Driver (N17060101) the system will detect an error and shut down due to
The Vital Lamp Driver board enables the MicroLok II the false lighting of a lamp.
CPU to directly operate incandescent color light signal Incandescent lamp voltage is adjusted using external
lamps. This board can also be used to drive LED variable resistors in the common returns for each
signals in selected applications. The PCB uses 16 signal head. These resistors, typically mounted in the
outputs to drive up to 8, 12, or 16 incandescent lamps. MicroLok II equipment rack, protect the lamp PCB
Configurations are defined using the CPU PCB front from damage by limiting current in the event of a short
panel switches and displays, or using the MicroLok II circuit outside the equipment house. Voltage on the

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
MicroLok® II LED and Incandescent
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Signal Lamp Driver PCBs
Rev. 4-11

Descriptions (cont’d) LED 12 PCB Lamp Driver PCB

Lamp Driver PCB can be increased to up to 18 Vdc if
required to compensate long-run cables.
The Vital Lamp Driver is capable of operating
GELcore RM4 LED signals. (Other GELcore models
and other brands of LED signals, including ASTS
USA’s, cannot be driven by this board. Refer to
following description for ASTS USA’s Vital LED 12
Driver PCB.) RM4 signal operation requires specific
MicroLok II Executive software, operation from as 12V
source and location of the LED signal within 1500 ft. of
the MicroLok II unit. Contact your ASTS USA Account
Executive for additional information on this application.
Front panel displays on the Vital Lamp Driver PCB
include two sets of eight LEDs that show the status of
individual lamp driver output channels.

“MicroTrax” Lamp Driver PCBs (N451910-1501, -7301)

These PCBs are typically used in MicroTrax and/or
ECode railroad intermediate signal locations to
operate 18W or 25W (10V) incandescent signals.
Separate versions are available to drive colorlight or
searchlight signals. The colorlight version is capable
of operating two signal heads and also includes two
isolated vital input channels. The searchlight version
also has these features plus is capable of providing 5-
wire searchlight mechanism control. Four screw
terminals on the Searchlight board front panel permit
provide green aspect repeater outputs for two such
signals. Six front panel LEDs (two sets) on both types
of PCBs show when a specific (R-Y-G) aspect is
turned on. Signal lamp outputs on both types of PCBs
are regulated and do not require use of external
adjustment resistors. Adjustment of lamp lamp
voltage and intensity are performed on the PCBs’ front
panels using manually adjustable potentiometers.


Vital LED 12 PCB provides built-in “lamp”-out

detection and “filament” checking.
Vital 12 PCB output channel circuit design assures
correct signal state, no errors from transient signals.
Minimal software changes needed to
accommodate LED 12 board.
Vital Lamp Driver PCB controls 8, 12 or 16
incandescent lamps.
Vital Lamp Driver configuration available for
operating GELcore RM4 LED signals.
“MicroTrax” style colorlight and searchlight PCBs
ideal for railroad applications.

, p. 2
MicroLok® II LED and Incandescent
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Signal Lamp Driver PCBs
Rev. 4-11
Specifications Colorlight Lamp Driver Searchlight Lamp Driver

Refer to ordering tabulation for specifications of

individual PCBs.

Ordering and Additional Information

Refer to tabulation to order LED and incandescent-

compatible signal lamp driver boards.

Refer to RSE-7A1 and -7A2 for additional

information on ASTS USA LED signals.

Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for

signal lamp driver applications and MicroLok II
applications possibilities in general.

For additional information on these lamp driver

boards, request these ASTS USA service manuals:
- Vital LED 12 Driver PCB: SM-6800N
- Vital Lamp Driver: SM-6800A, SM-6800B
- “MicroTrax” Signal Lamp Driver PCBs: SM-

MicroLok® and MicroTrax® are registered trademark of

Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

Signal Lamp Driver PCB - Incandescent Signal Installations

Output Loads Output Loads Output Loads
Order No. Outputs (Max.) @10V @10V @12V Total Wattage
N17060101 16 16, 18, 24, 25W Two 18W 24W 300W (max.)

Signal Lamp Driver PCB - LED Signal Installations

Order No.
N17066101 LED Signal Lamp Driver PCB for up to 12 LED Signal Units (1)
Note (1): Only compatible with ASTS USA LED signal units; see RSE-7A1, -7A2.

Signal Lamp Driver PCBs - Intermediate Incandescent Signal Installations

Order No. Type Lamps Driven Signal Head Isolated Inputs
N451910-1501 Color Light 18 or 25W, 10V 1 or 2 2
N451910-7301 Searchlight 18 or 25W, 10V 1 or 2 2

, p. 3
, p. 4
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II Track Circuit PCBs
MicroLok II Track Circuit PCBs permit the system to perform the
critical function of train detection in railroad applications, both
along the mainline and interlocking locations. The MicroTrax
Coded Track Circuit PCB is part of a total track circuit system that
enables very long track circuits, accurate train detection
regardless of ballast conditions, and data-intensive through-the-
rails communications. The ECode Track Circuit PCB allows
MicroLok II systems to interface with most versions of the
Electrocode Track Circuit, thus expanding applications to more
territories and simplifying the transition to all-MicroTrax
operations. For railroad interlocking (e.g. end of siding), the OS
Track Circuit board provides a simple and reliable means of
detecting trains within the interlocking tracks (no track occupany
relays required).

“MicroTrax” Coded Track Circuit PCBs (N451910-0701, -7601, -7602, -
The MicroTrax Coded Track Circuit PCB provides an interface between
the CPU PCB vital microprocessor and MicroTrax style DC coded track
circuits. The MicroLok II CPU PCB monitors incoming coded track
circuit communications through this PCB, and interprets a loss of
communications (due to shunting of the signal by an approaching train)
as a track occupancy condition (train detection). Each Coded Track
Board monitors two adjacent track circuits simultaneously. The CPU
processes the occupancy inputs in the context of the entire interlocking
control scheme.
The generation track code signal is connected to the The front panel of this board contains LEDs and
rails through a Track Interface Panel consisting of a switches that permit on-site observation of track
transformer and a low impedance inductor (see RSE- signals, calibration and maintenance checks. By using
1D3). Eight front-panel LEDs on the board monitor a a pushbutton on the ECode Track Circuit PCB’s front
variety of signals such as Master and Slave track panel, users can view the transmitted/received codes,
signal pulse transmissions and receptions (+/-) and receive current, transmit voltage and transmit current.
valid message confirmation. Rotary switches on the panel permit manual
adjustment of track code transmit levels for the two
controlled track circuits.
ECode Track Circuit PCB (N17063901)
The ECode Track Circuit PCB enables MicroLok II
systems to be installed in territory equipped with OS Track Circuit PCB (N451810-6701)
current and past generations of Electrocode track The On Switch (OS) Track Circuit PCB interfaces the
circuits. This board interfaces with the MicroLok II MicroLok II system to the OS track circuit at
CPU PCB, where the actual processing of track interlocking applications requiring one OS transmitter
messaging and train detection indications are and two OS receivers (end-of-siding). An OS track
performed. Both this PCB and its associated Track circuit is used to indicate the track occupancy status of
Interface Panel (see RSE-1D3) are dual-capacity units both the crossover track and the short section of
capable of handling two independent dc coded track mainline track near the switch. Detection of the
circuits. presence of a train in either of these areas is used to
prohibit activation of the switch machine. Train

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
MicroLok® II Track Circuit PCBs
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11

OS Track Circuit PCB MicroTrax TC PCB ECode TC PCB

Descriptions (cont’d)
OS Track Circuit PCB (cont’d)
detection indications are typically fed to a channel of
the Vital Input PCB in the same MicroLok II cardfile. It
is not necessary to connect both receivers if it is not
required by the application. In many cases the
transmitter is connected at the heel block and the two
receivers provide independent train detection on the
interlocking through and turnout tracks.
The OS Track Circuit PCB is not equipped with a front
panel and operates independently from the MicroLok II
cardfile bus. Four jumper locations on the board are
used to set the OS track shunting voltage.


MicroTrax and ECode PCBs provide highly flexible

interface between the rails and the MicroLok CPU.
Both PCBs highly adaptable to various interlocking
and mainline applications.
Both PCBs equipped with detailed LED indications
for routine monitoring and diagnostics.
ECode front panel permits on-unit track circuit
OS Track Circuit PCB ideal for intra-interlocking
train detection, without vital relays.

, p. 2
MicroLok® II Track Circuit PCBs
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11

Specifications Ordering and Additional

MicroTrax Track Circuit PCB Information
Cab Signal Compatibility: 40, 50, 50 and 100 Hz (see ordering tab.) Refer to tabulation for track
T.C. Length Adjustment: 0 to 36,000 ft. (10,973 m) in 1000 ft. (305 m) circuit PCBs’ part numbers.
Refer to RSE-1A2 for
Standard Codes: 23 total (3 reserved for link-up, sleep mode and additional information on
quick tumble down) ECode Track Circuit
20 (12 sec. acceptance time) applications.
Fast Codes: 2 (6 sec. acceptance time)
Contact your ASTS USA
Code Format: AC Account Executive for
Code Message Length: 2 sec. MicroTrax and ECode
Code Start/End: 167 msec guard pulse applications and MicroLok
II applications possibilities
Code Pulse Durations: 167 or 333 msec. in general.
Code Amplitude: 2V p-p
Request ASTS USA
Service Manual SM-6800E
ECode Track Circuit PCB for detailed information on
Track Circuit Lengths: ECode-to-ECode: Up to 24,000 ft. (7315 m) @ 3 ECode Track Circuit
ohms/1000 ft. (305 m) ballast installation and calibration.
ECode to EC4: Up to 15,000 ft. (4572 m) @ 3 Request ASTS USA
ohms/1000 ft. (305 m) ballast Service Manual SM-6800B
ECode-to-EC5: Up to 24,000 ft. (7315 m) @ 3 for detailed information on
ohms/1000 ft. (305 m) ballast MicroTrax Track Circuit and
Shunt Det. Response: Standard: 3.7 to 6.3 sec. OS Track Circuit installation
and calibration.
Shunt clear: 11.2 to 12.6 sec.
Quick shunt option: 100 msec (approx.)
Transmitter: Output to 2.5 Ohms: 1.0 to 2.5 Vdc
Output Impedance: 0.15 Ohms
Current measurement range: 0 to 6.0A
Receiver: Input impedance: 0.15 Ohms
Current measurement range: 0 to 3.6A
Sys. P.S. Current Draw: +5V: 110 Ma
+12V: 43 Ma
-12V: 52 mA
Battery: 180 Ma (nom.), 1.1A (max.)

OS Track Circuit PCB

Operating Power: B12/N12 and +5Vdc
Transmit/Receive Freq.: 400 Hz
Receiver Output Voltage: 12 Vdc to 20 Vdc (15 Vdc nom.)
Track Circuit Length: 1000 ft. (305 m)
Track Lead Resistance: 0.5 ohms (max.)
Shunting Voltage Adjust: Via jumpers

, p. 3
MicroLok® II Track Circuit PCBs
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11

Ordering Information

Order No. Coded Track Circuit and OS Track Circuit PCBs

N451910-0701 Coded Track Circuit PCB for general non-cab & 100 Hz cab sig.-compatible applications.
N451910-7601 Coded Track Circuit PCB for 40 Hz cab signal-compatible applications.
N451910-7602 Coded Track Circuit PCB for 50 Hz cab signal-compatible applications.
N451910-7603 Coded Track Circuit PCB for 60 Hz cab signal-compatible applications.
N17063901 E-Code Coded Track Circuit PCB for Electrocode applications
N451810-6701 OS Track Circuit PCB

MicroLok® and MicroTrax® are registered trademarks of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

, p. 4
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II Sleep Mode PCB
The MicroLok II Sleep Mode PCB enables a remotely-located MicroLok II
unit to conserve power when not needed for track circuit operations. As
such, it is ideal for track integrity (i.e. broken rail) applications in remote,
dark territory locations where minimum power consumption is essential.
Using the Sleep Mode configuration, these MicroLok II units can be
powered by less expensive on-site power sources (e.g. solar), rather than
much more expensive commercial power cabling.

The Sleep Mode PCB allows a MicroLok II unit to enter low power mode and
draw very little battery power. The unit can be awakened to a fully functional
mode by a wake-up radio signal or through the rails in response to a MicroTrax
track message. Under normal circumstances, when a train is not in the area, all
other MicroLok II units will be in a low power mode awaiting instructions to verify
the integrity of the track circuit. When requested, the Sleep Mode PCB will
monitor the integrity of the rails using MicroTrax Track PCBs and report any
broken rail condition. Wake-up can also be accomplished by pressing the East
and West pushbuttons on the front panel of the Sleep Mode PCB.

Response Times
The wake-up time for a Sleep-Mode equipped MicroLok II unit is approximately
one minute. The Sleep Mode PCB will wake-up in response to a single contact
closure (East Radio Wake-Up, West Radio Wake Up, East track Wake-Up, or
West Track Wake-Up) of no less than one second. The unit will return to Sleep
mode after the loss of two consecutive inputs (East Clear, East Not Clear, West
Clear, West Not Clear, East, or West) within 30 seconds. When awakened by
use of the front panel pushbuttons, the Sleep Mode PCB will remain in operation
for approximately one hour.

Front Panel Displays

The Sleep Mode PCB incorporates eight user devices including six LEDs and two
pushbuttons. One LED indicates the system is or is not in Sleep Mode. Four
LEDs indicate receipt of wake-up signals from the east or west track circuits,
receipt of east or west radio transmit signals, and activation of the Push To Test
Pushbuttons. Each of these buttons put the Sleep Mode PCB into Test Mode in
the East or West direction (respectively) allowing a technician to troubleshoot the
system for a user-specified period of time. The switch is held down for a
minimum of 0.5 second to activate the test.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
MicroLok® II Sleep Mode PCB
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11

Specifications Ordering Information and Additional

Operating Power Information
Power Input: 12 Vdc (9.8 to 16.2 Vdc) Refer to tabulation below for Sleep
Minimum Startup Power: 11.5 Vdc Mode PCB part number.
Nominal Current: Operation Mode: 1A (not Contact your ASTS USA Account
including radio current) Executive for additional information on
Sleep Mode: 0.1A (not including Sleep Mode PCB applications and
radio current) MicroLok II applications possibilities in
Battery Ripple: 0.5 VP-P (max.) general.

Request ASTS USA Service Manual

East and West Radio Wake-Up Inputs SM-1D1.0032 for additional technical
Power Input: 12 Vdc (9.8 to 16.2 Vdc) details about this board.

Wake-Up Response Time: Up to 60 sec. (from initial radio

reception to activation of Track
Clear or Track Not Clear)

System-to-Radio Outputs
Load Voltage Output Range: 60V max.
Load Current Output Range: 3A max. @ 70°C
6A max. @ 25°C

Auxiliary East Input and Auxiliary West Input

Min. Input to ensure ON State: 9.5 Vdc
Max. Sustained Input: 34 Vdc
Input to Ensure OFF State: Up to 7.0 Vdc

Radio System Contacts

Required: 2 (1 for East Wake-Up Input, 1
for West Wake-Up Input)
Type: Isolated dry contacts
Current Capacity: 0.100A

Order No. Description

N17064901 MicroLok II Sleep Mode PCB

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

, p. 2
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II Cab Signal PCBs
MicroLok II cab signal PCBs enable the system to Coder Output PCB Cab Amplifier PCB
generate various standard pulsed code rates and carrier
frequencies for railroad applications, thus eliminating the
need for separate and expensive cab coding equipment
and circuits. Two basic types of cab-related boards are
used for this purpose: The Coder Output and the Cab
Amplifier. Special “Auxiliary” versions of these boards
are available for railroads using 50 CPM code rates and
40/50Hz carriers.

Coder Output and Auxiliary Coder PCBs (N451910-5801 and
The Coder Output PCBs are responsible for producing the
cab signal code rates that define the speed commands
transmitted to the train’s onboard cab signal systems. Two
versions of this PCB are provided. The “5801” PCB produces
the industry-standard rates of 75, 120 and 180 CPM, while the
“7001” PCB produces an additional 50 CPM for special
applications. The MicroLok II CPU logic directs the Coder
Output PCB to generate the require code rate. The selected
rate is then used to modulate the Cab Amplifier PCB’s carrier
signal (refer to description below). An east-west “direction”
code is also sent by the CPU to the Coder Output which, in
turn, controls relays on the MicroLok II Cab Interface Panel
(see RSE-1D3) to change the direction of the final cab signal
transmission. The cab signal is always transmitted from the
end of the track circuit that the train is traveling towards. A
jumper is required between selected connector pin-outs on
the Coder Output PCB. This jumper provides the east/west
direction signal to the Cab Amplifier PCB.
Front panel LEDs display the selected code rate (mimicked by
a separate flashing LED) and present cab signal east-west
transmission direction. A Steady Carrier switch on the Coder
Output PCB front panel allows steady energy to be applied to
the east or west side of the track connection during rail
current adjustment.

Cab Amplifier PCB (N451910-6401, -6901)

The Cab Amplier PCBs create the baseline carrier frequency
for the code rates supplied by the Coder or Auxiliary Coder
Output PCB. Two versions of Amplifier PCB are available for
standard 60Hz/100Hz applications or special 40Hz/50Hz
applications. The PCB incorporates a jumper used to select
the appropriate carrier frequency. Another jumper defines
current limiting for short or long track circuits in conjunction
with matching adjustments on the associated Cab Signal

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
MicroLok® II Cab Signal PCBs
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11

Description (cont’d) Specifications

Cab Amplifier PCB (cont’d) Carrier Frequencies: 40 or 50 Hz, 60 or 100 Hz
Interface Panel. Cab amplifier output connections to (Refer to ordering tab.)
cab panel transformer primary are doubled to carry the Code Rates: 50, 75, 120, 180 (refer to
extra current load. The East and West direction relays ordering tab.)
on the panel are energized through three additional Battery Current Draw: No outputs: 1.5A
wire connections.
60 Hz carrier/50% on time:
The Cab Amplifier PCB also operates separately from 10.0A (max.)
the CPU PCB (no cardfile bus communications). Two
front-panel LEDs monitor transmission of coded cab 100 Hz carrier/50% on time:
signal to the associated Cab Signal Interface panel 15.0A (max.)
and the state of an on-board current limiter circuit. Rail Current*: Entering end/60 Hz carrier:
1.0A @ 10,000 ft. (3048 m)**
Advantages Entering end/100 Hz carrier:
2.0A @ 8,000 ft. (2438 m)**
Deliver both standard and special application cab * Based on 13V battery
signals code rates and carriers.
** @ 4 Ohms/1000 ft. (305 m)
Simplify MicroLok II cab signal installations by ballast
eliminating separate cab coding equipment.
Ordering and Additional Information
Simple jumper adjustments allow on-site selection
of: Refer to ordering tabulation for Coder Output and
- Transmission east-west direction Cab Amplifier part numbers.

- Carrier frequency Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for

Cab Signal applications and MicroLok II
- Current limiting for short or long track circuits applications possibilities in general.

Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6800A

and SM-6800B for additional information on these

Cab Signal-Related PCBs

Order No. Type Code Rates Order No. Type Carrier Freq.
N451910-5801 Coder Output 75, 120, 180 N4519106401 60/100 Hz Ampl. 60 or 100 Hz
N451910-7001 Aux. Coder Out. 50 N4519106901 40/50 Hz. Ampl. 40 or 50 Hz

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

, p. 2
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11

The microprocessor-based Communication PCB allows

MicroLok II to connect directly to an Ethernet network by
means of two RJ-45 ports. With this new board,
MicroLok II units can be remotely accessed to view
stored data such as event and error logs. This feature
helps reduce the number of on-site field inspections
need to obtain this information. The Ethernet capability
also expedites connection of MicroLok II systems to
other Ethernet-compatible control systems such as
ASTS USA’s new AF-902/904 Generation II Track Circuit
(refer to RSE-1F1).
The Serial Link Relay board is used specifically for
earlier ATC applications where a “Track” MicroLok II is
controlling several AF-900 Series Track Circuit cardfiles
over a standard master-slave serial link.

Communication PCB (N17062301)
The Ethernet port on the Communication PCB may be used
individually for different links, or may be paired on the same
link for use as a redundant network. The board bridges the
CPU Board to external equipment via these two ports. An
external connector at the rear of the cardfile provides the
actual interface point between the Communications PCB and
external systems. The connector allows a standard Ethernet
cable to be plugged directly into the back of the MicroLok II ATC applications where a “Track” MicroLok II
cardfile. This connector contains three address-selection system is communicating cab signal speed
jumpers and two RJ-45 jacks for the Ethernet ports. commands to AF-900 series track circuits. The
The Communications PCB front panel contains six LEDs, board provides a non-vital means of connecting
one reset button and a 9-pin DB-9 serial port connector. Two and disconnecting a MicroLok II unit's serial
LED indications monitor Ethernet activity, three monitor the links to the system communication lines. These
start-up of the on-board executive software and one monitors serial lines are redirected through the Serial
the reset process. As the name implies, the reset button is Link Relay PCB's relay contacts, allowing the
pushed to reboot the Communications PCB after a Transmit Data (TxD) and Request-to-Send
shutdown. The DB-9 connector is only used for factory (RTS) circuits to be disconnected from the
testing; no user interface is required. external wiring when the VCOR relay is
Note: The Communications PCB is only compatible with released. The PCB also provides two level
MicroLok II cardfiles incorporating rear-accessible 48-pin and shifters to convert RS-232 lines to RS-485 thus
96-pin connector/cable assemblies (refer to RSE-1D1 and allowing four RS-485 serial links. External
RSE-1D20). communication ports are wired to "D"
connectors on the Serial Link Motherboard. A
set of four DIP switches with associated
Serial Link Relay PCB (N17062301) termination resistors are located on the Serial
Link internal motherboard for termination/
The Serial Link Relay PCB connects serial outputs from the
biasing of the RS-485 communication ports.
MicroLok II CPU to four serial ports that can be manually
Seven 2-position jumpers provide grounding
configured to suit the serial system communication line
paths for the serial links.
project needs. For example, this PCB can be used in transit

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
MicroLok II Communication and
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Serial Link Relay PCBs
Rev. 4-10

Descriptions Ethernet Jacks On Communications PCB Rear

Serial Link Relay PCB (cont’d) Connector
Two LEDs on the PCB’s front panel monitor the state
of the board’s internal +5V power. A third LED
indicates which Serial Link PCB and which cardfile is
on-line. For MicroLok II units with a VCOR, when lit
the LED indicates the unit is on-line and sending serial
information. For units without a VCOR, it shows the
state of system power.

Communications PCB provides simple, easily-
installed Ethernet capability for MicroLok II
Ethernet remote access reduces time-
consuming/costly field site inspections.
Dual Ethernet ports available individually for
different links or paired (same link) for redundant
Cardfile rear connector provides convenient
Ethernet jack connection to rear of MicroLok II
Serial Link Relay PCB bridges “Track” MicroLok II
to earlier-model AF-900 Series ATC Track Circuits.
RS-232-to-RS-485 conversion circuit provided in
Serial Link Relay PCB Ordering and Additional Information

Refer to tabulation on next page for

Specifications Communications and Serial Link Relay PCBs part
Communications PCB numbers, plus associated components.
Conversions: Serial-to-Ethernet, Ethernet-
to-Serial Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for
Communications and Serial Link Relay PCBs’
External Ports Type: Two RJ-45 jacks applications as well as MicroLok II applications
Cardfile Connector: Internal: 32-pin plug possibilities in general.
External: RJ-45
Request the following ASTS USA Service Manuals
Noise Filtering: ASTS USA CMF-101 for additional information on these PCBs:
Common Mode Filter
recommended (refer to RSE- - Communication PCB (N17062301): SM-
3H4) 1D1.0026
Serial Communications PCB - Serial Link Relay PCB: (Contact ASTS USA)
Serial Ports: Four
Port Conversion: RS-485 or RS-432/232
Port Term./Biasing: Type: Resistor networks
Termination devices: Four 8-
rocker DIP switches
Serial Line Ground: Via seven 2-position jumpers MicroLok® is a registered trademark of
Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

, p. 2
MicroLok II Communication and
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Serial Link Relay PCBs
Rev. 4-11
Communications PCB Serial Link Relay PCB

Ordering Information

Order No. Description

N17062301 Communication PCB
N39908001 External Board Connector (for Communications PCB)
N17062301 Serial Link Relay PCB

, p. 3
, p. 4
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-10

MicroLok II Vital Hot Standby Synchronization PCB

The microprocessor-based Vital Hot Standby
Synchronization (Sync) PCB adds a new network
protocol for partnering two MicroLok II units to provide
redundant seamless operation and increase availability
of the overall system. Both units of the pair deliver the
same synchronized physical outputs. Should one unit
of the pair become disabled through a system reset,
power down or other error condition, the internal logic
and output states remain the same but control transfers
to the remaining unit.

Identical Sync PCBs are installed in the MicroLok II cardfiles
that form the hot-standby pair and are linked by a special
Ethernet-compatible cable assembly. Actual connections are
made at a dual RJ-45 connector plug mounted on the rear of
each MicroLok II cardfile. Front panel devices include four
LED pairs that show inter-unit communications and on/off-
line status. These monitor the “Self” and “Partner” MicroLok
II systems, “Partner” VCOR relay (picked or dropped),
MicroLok II system in or out of “Quarantine” mode and the
state of the actual synchronization status between the two
units. Six additional LEDs provide information on the
individual Ethernet channels (1 and 2) and boot-up of the on-
board Executive software. The 2-position toggle switch on
the front panel initially biases that MicroLok II unit as the on-
line system or the off-line system. A momentary pushbutton
is used to manually reset the entire Sync board when
required. Specifications
Each Sync PCB contains four vital input channels, two vital Part Number N17066401
output channels and an Ethernet communications link (all Voltage: 12V (VBATT)
interfaced of the 48-pin top connector plug). This board also
incorporates two non-vital inputs controlled by the front-panel Input: On = VIN > 9.5 Vdc
switches. These are all system-level I/O points. Off = VIN < 7.0 Vdc
Output: On = VOUT > 0.95 VBATT
Advantages Off = VOUT < 0.75 Vdc
To CIP: 3.3 Vdc (nom.), 2.5A max
Provides for exceptionally high reliability and availability
via redundant MicroLok II systems.
Part No. N17066402
Smooth, seamless failover from on-line (hot) to standby
Voltage: 24V (VBATT)
MicroLok II.
Input: On = VIN > 17.0 Vdc
Negligible disruption to signaling systems during failover.
Off = VIN < 9.0 Vdc
Self-contained PCB is microprocessor-based, does not Output: On = VOUT > 0.95 VBATT
place added processing load on main CPU.
Off = VOUT < 1.5 Vdc
Front panel controls/displays give maintainers detailed
To CIP: 3.3 Vdc (nom.), 2.5A max
information on both system’s status.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
MicroLok II Vital Hot Standby
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Synchronization PCB
Rev. 4-10
Ethernet Jacks On Rear Connector

Ordering and Additional Information

Refer to tabulation for Vital Hot Standby Synchronization PCB and
connector part numbers.

Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for Vital Hot Standby
Synchronization PCB applications as well as MicroLok II
applications possibilities in general.

Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-1D1.0027 for additional

information on this PCB.

Order No. Description

N17066401 Vital Hot Standby Synchronization PCB: 12V (nom.)
N17066402 Vital Hot Standby Synchronization PCB: 24V (nom.)
N39908001 External Board Connector

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

, p. 2
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-07

Track Interface Panels (MicroLok® II Applications)

Track Interface Panels are designed to ensure
sharp and reliable injection of wayside-generated
codes into the rails and equally dependable
detection of received signals from the rails. These
panels are designed to isolate MicroLok II
systems from any unwanted stray signals or
harmonics from other systems also using the rails
for communications. Mounting, wiring and
adjustment of these panels is easy to perform.
Refer to the ordering tabulations for specifications
of these panels. “MicroTrax” Coded Track Interface Panel

Coded Track Interface Panel

The Coded Track Interface Panel is designed for
“MicroTrax®” track signals and terminates the track at
very low impedance to the frequency components of
the track code. This feature enables the use of
maximum length track circuits, and ensures that the
coded track subsystem is compatible with wide-band
terminating shunts. A high impedance is also created
at 150 Hz and higher frequencies. This ensures E-Code Track Interface Panel
compatibility with highway crossing motion and
The Cab Signal Interface Panels limit harmonics that
predictor equipment without the need for external
could disrupt highway motion detectors and crossing
blocking units. Four versions of the Coded Track
predictors. Unwanted side-band frequencies are
Interface Panel are available for use with the MicroLok
minimized through the use of special carrier switching
II system. Three of these panels are designed for
and carrier cycle numbering schemes.
operation with different cab frequencies (as required).
Each panel is equipped with adjustments for rail
current (both sides of insulated joint) and fine
E-Code Track Interface Panel calibration of carrier frequencies. Panel protective
The E-Code Track Interface Panel performs the same features include current limiting when a train is directly
functions as the standard Coded Track Circuit over the track connections and built-in filtering to
Interface Panel, but is tailored to carry the Electrocode prevent cab transmitter interference with coded track
track signals (see RSE-1A2). This panel is also messages.
designed to protect track communications from
unwanted transient electrical signals.

Cab Signal Interface Panel

• Compatible with existing track circuits and other
signals on the rails.
Three different Cab Signal Interface panels are
available to interface the system-generated cab • Highly immune to potential interference.
signals with the rails for overlay on coded track circuit
signals. Each configuration of the interface panel • Isolates sensitive control system electronics from
accommodates a different cab signal carrier transient voltages in the rails.
frequency, including the typical 60 and 100 Hz
carriers, and a 40 Hz carrier for special applications.
• Easy installation and adjustment.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-1D3, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Track Interface Panels
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
(MicroLok® II Applications)
Rev. 4-07











RSE-1D3, p. 2
Track Interface Panels Ansaldo STS USA
® (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
(MicroLok II Applications)
Rev. 4-07
Coded Track Interface Panel Design

7” 4-3/4”
(17.78 CM) (12.06 CM)

19” (22.86 CM) WIRING
(13.33 CM)

Cab Signal Interface Panel Design




7” 4-3/4”
(17.78 CM) (12.06

19” (22.86 CM)

(13.33 CM)

RSE-1D3, p. 3
Ansaldo STS USA Track Interface Panels
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
(MicroLok® II Applications)
Rev. 4-07

E-Code Track Interface Panel Design


(5.71 CM)
19” (22.86 CM)
(10.79 CM)

Specifications and Ordering Information

• Refer to tabulations below for MicroLok II Track Interface Panels’ specifications and ordering information.

Order No. Track Interface Panels

N451835-0101 General applications without cab signal.
N451835-0102 Non-cab territories with 86 Hz crossing predictors.
N451835-0103 100 Hz cab signal territories. Use with cab Signal panel N451835-0802
N451835-0104 60 Hz cab signal territories. Use with cab panels N451835-0801, -1101
N17600101 E-Code Track Interface Panel (1)
Note (1): Requires 10 mH inductor on "+" terminal (in series) for
cab signal applications (see tab. below)

Order No. Cab Signal Interface Panels

N451835-0801 60 Hz cab signal territories. Use with track panel N451835-0104 (1)
N451835-0802 100 Hz cab signal territories. Use with track panel N451835-0103 (1)
N451835-1101 40 Hz cab signal territories. Use with track panel N451835-0104
Note (1): Requires Term. Capacitor PCB for application (see tab below.)

Order No. Auxiliary Panel Components

N451923-2501 Termination Capacitor PCB
J702288 10 mH inductor for E-Code Panels used in cab territory.

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

E-CodeTM is a trademarks of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-1D3, p. 4
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-07
Quick-Shunt Module (MicroLok II Applications)
For heavy traffic applications where the
fastest possible train shunt detection is
needed or where a detection zone is required
to release a switch lock, an optional Quick
Shunt Module is provided. This unit reduces
the normal system shunt detection time of 6 -
12 seconds to about 100 milliseconds.

General Description
The module contains circuitry for independent
train detection on both sides of an insulated joint.
One unit services both adjacent track circuits at
an intermediate location, with connections run to
both Track Interface Panels.
The module circuitry includes an audio frequency
transmitting source and an output transformer
with two secondary windings, each having
conditioning circuitry in series with their Specifications
respective outputs. The output of the module is a Shunt Detection Time: 100 milliseconds (nom.)
DC voltage that decreases significantly when a Input Threshold: 8 Volts (approx.)
shunt is detected. There are two independent
receivers tuned to the system transmitting Track Detection Zone: 75 ft. (22.9 m) (max.)
frequency which connect to the track interface Housing Design: “AFO” style unit with two 8-way
panel(s). With this configuration, true shunt screw-lock plug connectors.
mode operation is attained without the need for
Mounting: Shelf or wall
separate track termination leads.

(6.98 CM)

8-3/8” 7-5/8”
(21.27 CM) (19.36 CM)

7” (17.78 CM)
(11.74 CM)
6” (15.25 CM)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-1D4, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Quick Shunt Module
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
(MicroLok® II Applications)
Rev. 4-07

Typical Quick Shunt Module Wiring






Ordering Information

• Refer to tabulation below for Quick Shunt Module

ordering part number.

Quick Shunt Module

Order No.
N451052-4601 Quick-Shunt Module

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

E-CodeTM is a trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-1D4, p. 2
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-07
AC Lamp Driver, Hot Filament Checker and Redundancy
PCB (MicroLok® II Applications)
The AC Lamp Driver provides the means to drive
up to four separate ac signal lamp circuits. The
unit is designed to drive lamp circuits that each
consist of a W2 transformer and two 10 Vac, 25W
lamps maximum. Two enable inputs (primary and
secondary) provide a power output. These
commands are generated by the controlling
system (e.g. MicroLok II). The AC Lamp Driver is
specifically designed for compatibility with these
systems, and conforms to ASTS USA EMC/RFI/
ESD requirements. The AC Lamp Driver Module is
augmented with a Hot Filament Checker to verify
lamp circuits, and a Redundancy PCB to enable
control from two external systems. Specifications
AC Lamp Driver Unit
General Description
Input Voltage: 110 to 130 Vac RMS, 60 Hz
Lamp Driver Unit
Output Voltage: Directly proportional to
The AC Lamp Driver consists of two main input voltage: 110 to 130
components: A mounting base and a plug-in module. Vac RMS. Applied to lamp
The plug-in module is secured to the base by a latch. transformer primary
The unit occupies the same volume as an ASTS USA
PN-250 series relay and uses the same type of rack Input Enable Voltages: 12 Vdc or 24 Vdc nominal
mounting base. A red light-emitting diode (LED) lights from external power source
when primary enable voltage is applied to the AC Input Primary Enable: For 12V input: 25 mA @
Lamp Driver. 12.5 Vdc
Optional Hot Filament Checker and Redundancy PCB For 24V input: 18 mA @
An optional component, the Hot Filament Checker, 12.5 Vdc
can be installed with the AC Lamp Driver to check Input Secondary Enable: For 12V input: 12 mA @
filament integrity for up to four lamp circuits. The unit 12.5 Vdc
provides output signals that correspond to the For 24V input: 18 mA @
presence or absence of lamp filaments. The Hot 12.5 Vdc
Filament Checker is designed to function with a W2
transformer and a maximum of two 10 Vac, 25 W Max. Lamp Load: 50 W max., each lamp ckt.
lamps per circuit (minimum of one 25 W lamp). Max. Total Lamp Load: 150 W max, (for 25 W lamp
pairs, only three of four
When installed with the optional Redundancy Printed
outputs may be on
Circuit Board (PCB), the AC Lamp Driver can receive
enable inputs from two separate control systems.
Isolation: 2000 Vac control to output
Module Dimensions: Same as ASTS USA PN-
• Enables driving of AC-powered signal lamps 250 series vital plug-in
• Meets ASTS USA EMC/RFI/ESD standards
Operating Temperature: -40oF to +158oF (-40oC to
• Standard PN-250 unit design and mounting base +70oC)
• Hot Filament Checker verifies four lamp circuits Humidity Range: 0 to 95 % non-cond.
• Redundancy PCB allows control from two systems

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-1D5, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA AC Lamp Driver, Hot Filament Checker and
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal) Redundancy PCB (MicroLok® II Applications)
Rev. 4-07

Specifications (cont’d) Hot Filament Checker (cont’d)

Redundancy PCB: Output Voltage Range: 1.7 to 30 Vdc dependant on
Circuit Design: Eight 1000 V, 1A diodes wired input current and line volt.
in four groups of two diodes in Output Volt. Indications: > 9.5 Vdc - filament intact.
logical “OR” configuration.
< 7.5 Vdc - filament failure.
Mounting Location: Base of AC Lamp Driver
Module Lamp Load: Max: Two 25 W lamps.
Min: One 25 W lamp.
Operating Temperature: -40oF to +158oF (-40oC to
Hot Filament Checker +70oC)
Input Current Range: AC lamp load current reflected
Humidity Range: 0 to 95 % non-cond.
to primary of lamp transformer.
Input Voltage: Per lamp transformer primary
current. Note: Checker must
be used with W-2 transformer.

Typical Application: AC Lamp Driver

Typical Application: With Hot Filament Checker

RSE-1D5, p. 2
AC Lamp Driver, Hot Filament Checker and Ansaldo STS USA
Redundancy PCB (MicroLok® II Applications) (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 4-07

AC Lamp Driver Design Redundancy PCB Installation (On Plug-In Base)

Ordering Information
• Refer to tabulation for ordering data on AC Lamp
Driver and related equip.
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-8525 for
AC Lamp Driver Module components.

AC Lamp Driver and Associated Equipment/Parts

Order No.
N40104901 AC Lamp Driver Module: 12V control Input
N3497114901 Installation Parts for N40104901 (1)
N40104904 AC Lamp Driver Module: 24V control Input
N3497114904 Installation Parts for N40104904 (1)
N40104902 AC Lamp Driver: Hot Filament Checker (Optional)
N3497114902 Installation Parts for N40104902 (1)
N17003201 AC Lamp Driver: Redundancy PCB (Optional)
N438689003 PN-250 Style Relay Mounting Base
Note (1): Includes tags, indexing plate and screws

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

E-CodeTM is a trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-1D5, p. 3
RSE-1D5, p. 4
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
Output Isolation Modules
(MicroLok® II Applications)
ASTS USA’s Output Isolation Modules provide the
equivalent of double-break circuit protection
where the system is controlling vital relays or
interfacing line circuits in a separate equipment
house or case. This module can also be used to
create a vital bi-polar output from two single break
standard outputs. “N348”-Series and “N170”-
Series Output modules are available to meet a
variety of applications. The N348-Series Low
Power module is designed to augment the “Hot
Standby” configuration of MicroLok II units.
Included in the N170-Series modules is a unit
designed for circuits controlling LED type signals.

“N348”-Series Low-Power Output Isolation Module

“N348”-Series Low Power Iso. Modules
General Description
MicroLok II unit but the other unit will continue with
The N348-Series Low Power Output Isolation module
uninterrupted service. A shorted output or other
is designed to isolate MicroLok II vital outputs and
internal circuit failure will eliminate the corresponding
deliver a replicated/isolated DC output voltage. There
function to respond, but both MicroLok II units will
are two variations of this module, including a
continue with normal function. For applications
configuration with two identical circuits that convert
requiring more conservative redundancy, isolation
vital non-isolated outputs to isolated outputs, and a
module outputs can be wired in parallel.
configuration having a single bi-polar isolated output.
In addition, each of these units is available in 12V or Elimination of any common galvanic connection point
18V versions. is one part of a general philosophy of total isolation
between MicroLok II units to preclude the possibility
In typical applications, the N348-Series Low Power
that a surge or lightning strike that could affect both
Output Isolation provides the security inherent with
units simultaneously. In either embodiment of the
double break circuits to operate relays or MicroLok II
logical “OR” function, (diode “OR”-ing or cross wired
inputs in remote houses or cases. Surge protection to
outputs) the isolation module is ideally suited as a
a level of 30 joules is built in, but external line-to-line
MicroLok II accessory directed at providing
and line-to-ground arrestors are recommended for
uninterrupted service. It is particularly useful in
additional protection.
implementation of seamless transfer of control or truly
hot stand-by operation.
MicroLok II Hot Standby Application
The N348-Series Lower Power Isolation Module is Unit Design
particularly useful for MicroLok II units in a Hot
The N348-Series Low Power Output Isolation Module
Standby configuration (see RSE-1A6). For each input
is housed in a plastic case that snaps on to a DIN rail
to this device, two internal diodes are provided so that
for ease of mounting. Four extractable plug
the Module is responsive to redundant MicroLok II
connectors are provided to facilitate wiring and unit
units. Particular attention was given in creating a unit
field replacement. These are keyed to prevent mis-
for which a common mode failure would not escalate,
wiring should a unit need replacement. LEDs on the
causing each of the redundant MicroLok II units to fail.
front of the unit provide excellent status information:
For example, a shorted diode will cause the
A flashing LED indicates response to MicroLok II or
corresponding MicroLok II unit to reset because it
OC check pulses and proves the circuit is functional
receives conflicting check pulses from the other
because the LED responds to the output voltage.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-1D6, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Output Isolation Modules
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
(MicroLok® II Applications)
Rev. 3-09

“N348”-Series Low Power Iso. Modules (cont’d) Specifications (cont’d)

Unit Design (cont’d) Isolation Voltage: 2000V RMS
When an LED is lit steady, it indicates an output is Short Circuit Protect.: Continuous shorted output
being delivered. In the bi-polar version, flashing LEDs will not cause damage
provide the same indications and each of the steady Surge Protection: 30 joules, built-in
indications designates a specific polarity of the output.
Operating Temp. Range: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
Specifications +158°F)
Output Configs.: Uni-polar or bi-polar
Output V. Options*: 12V, 18V (see note at right) * Typically into a 200 to 400 ohm load operating from
a system supply of 12 Vdc, the output is nominally
Nom. Output Power: 0.75W 12 Vdc.

4.5” (11.43 CM)


“N348” Series
Low Power Output
Isolation (WIRING
Module Unit Design LABEL – 3.9”

0.9” (2.29 CM) WIRING PLUGS

Uni-Polar Unit Wiring Schematic Bi-Polar Unit Wiring Schematic

1N1A+ 1N1- 1N1A+ 1N1-

1N1B+ 1N1B+
1N1A+ OR 1N1B+ 1N2A+ OR 1N2B+

1N2B+ 1N2- 1N2-


1N2A+ 1N2A+

RSE-1D6, p. 2
Output Isolation Modules Ansaldo STS USA
(MicroLok® II Applications) (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09
“N170”-Series Output Isolation Modules
General Description
N170-Series Output Isolation Modules contain two
independent circuits that can be interconnected to
create a single, isolated bi-polar output when required
by the application.
Three versions of this module are available. All three
models are controlled by a nominal MicroLok II 12V
vital output. Module N17001101 (12V output)
provides an output slightly greater than the battery
source voltage. Current is limited to 0.4A with voltage
fold-back occurring at that point. Module N17001102
(50V output) also provides an output proportional to
the battery source voltage, with fold-back occurring at “N170”-Series Output Isolation Module
approximately 0.13A. Module N17001103 (24V
output) also provides an output proportional to the
battery source voltage, with fold-back occurring at Specifications
approximately 0.4A.
Output Volt. Options: >12V, 24V, 50V
A 120V version of the N170-Series Output Isolation
Volt. Source (Vital Output): 12V
module has voltage characteristics suited for circuits
controlling non-ASTS USA LED signals; contact your Output Protection: Short-circuit protected
ASTS USA Account Executive for additional design Output Volt. Breakdown: 2000V RMS
and application information on this particular module.
Unit Mounting: Per equipment rack DIN
The N170-Series Isolation Modules consists of a 2- rail, or wall-mounted
piece plastic case with an internal dual-circuit printed
circuit board and external screw lock wiring terminals.
The case is mounted in a standard equipment rack
using a DIN rail, or can be wall-mounted.
“N170”-Series 24V or 50V Unit: Typical Uni-Polar Circuit Application

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-1D6, p. 3
Ansaldo STS USA Output Isolation Modules
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
(MicroLok® II Applications)
Rev. 3-09
“N170”-Series 24V or 50V Unit: Typical Bi-Polar Circuit Application

(7.44 CM)
5-1/2” (13.97 CM)
24V, 50V or 120V
High-Power Unit
(8.89 CM)

Ordering and Additional Information

• Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for
• Refer to ordering tabulation for Isolation Module part additional information on the 120V N170-Series
numbers. Output Isolation Module used on LED signal circuits.

• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6800B for

additional information on N170-Series Output
Isolation Module applications.
"N170"-Series Output Isolation Modules
Order No. System Batt. Battery Voltage Notes
N17001101 12.0 Vdc 9.6 Vdc 12.0 Vdc --
12.0 Vdc 16.2 Vdc 18.0 Vdc --
N17001102 12.0 Vdc 14.0 Vdc 40.0 Vdc (1)
12.0 Vdc 18.0 Vdc 55.0 Vdc (1)
N17001103 12.0 Vdc 18.0 Vdc 18.2 Vdc (2)
12.0 Vdc 35.0 Vdc 36.8 Vdc (2)
Note (1): Assumes a 500 ohm or greater load.
Note (2): Assumes a 1000 ohm or greater load.

"N348"-Series Output Isolation Modules

Order No. Type Voltage
N34800201 Unipolar 12V
N34800202 Unipolar 18V
N34800301 Bipolar 12V
N34800302 Bipolar 18V

RSE-1D6, p. 4
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-07
Input Isolation Module
(MicroLok® II and MicroLok® Object Controller Applications)
To further protect and enhance the reliability of
MicroLok II, MicroLok Object Controller (OC) and
other system circuits, ASTS USA has developed
the Input Isolation Module as a companion
product to the Output Isolation Modules described
in RSE-1D6. In its simplest application, the Input
Isolation provides a stand alone component that
can isolate an external battery source. It can also
be used with the Bi-Polar Output Isolation Module
to permit series-chaining of three or more M-3E or
M-23E switch machines with Electronic Circuit
Controllers (see RSE-3A4).

General Description Advantages

The Input Isolation Module is similar in operation to • Provides input circuit isolation from external battery
ASTS USA’s Output Isolation Modules, however source
instead of being driven from a MicroLok II or OC vital
output channel, this module is driven from an external • Configurable with two uni-polar inputs or one 1 bi-
battery source. It can be used anywhere that the polar input
battery arriving from an external source requires • Built-in protection against continuous short circuit
isolation and the current demands of the output are
less than 1.5 watts.
• Enhanced with surge protection components

The Input Isolation Module can be set up with two

• Easily installed and wired
unipolar inputs or with a single bi-polar input. It • No field tests or repairs required (field-replaceable
provides increased front end surge protection using units)
multiple stages of MOVs, inductors, and Tranzorbs.
The Input Isolation Module consists of a plastic, DIN Specifications
rail-mountable module with two internal circuit boards. Input Connection Options: 2 individual isolated
Built-in protection guards against a continuous short unipolar circuits
circuit condition. Connections to the module are 1 bi-polar input circuit
made with four plug-in screw connectors. There are Input Battery Range: 9.8 Vdc to 16.2 Vdc
16 screw connections which will accommodate wire (required to energize)
size from AWG 24 to AWG 12 with two screw
terminals for each connection. The plug-in Load Drive (Each Circuit): 400 ohms impedance or
connectors are individually keyed for easy higher.
replacement. Output Voltage: See tabulation on page 2.
Two yellow LEDs on the front of the units indicate the Input Source: Connected to external
states of the circuit outputs. battery source
Required protection:
The module does not requires any field maintenance.
Line-to-line and line-to-
In the unlikely event of a failure, a faulty module is
ground (ASTS USA
easily replaced as a complete unit.
USGA; ref. RSE-3H2)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-1D7, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Input Isolation Module
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
(MicroLok II and MicroLok® Object Controller

RSE-1D7 Applications)
Rev. 4-07

Specifications (cont’d) Ordering and Additional Information

Input Impedance: See tabulation below • Refer to ordering tabulation for module part
Short Circuit Protection: Continuous short circuit numbers.
condition without damage • Refer to RSE-3H2 for ordering information on
Unit Dimensions: See above diagam. USG-A Lightning Arresters.
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9488 for
additional information on module installation and
Approximate Output Voltages Approximate Input Impedances

Order No. Input Isolation Module

N34800901 Input Isolation Module (complete)

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-1D7, p. 2
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-07

Serial Interface Protective Equipment (MicroLok® II Applications)

ASTS USA provides several different units to help
insure the integrity of serial communications
channels from MicroLok II systems. The Vital Serial
Communications Adapter Panel and several models
of Serial Isolators are designed to protect their
respective data channels from any undesirable
transient signals or voltages that might otherwise
corrupt the transmitted or received data.

RS-232/423-Compatible Serial Isolator

The 232/423 Serial Isolator Unit is designed to protect
RS-232/RS-423 type communications lines between the
CPU PCB, or the MicroLok II CIS PCB, and the external
code system from signal voltage transients. This unit
RS-232/423 Serial Link Isolator (Typical Installation)
operates from signal battery and provides isolation
between the host system and the serial code line or
Glenaire modem. The unit also provides isolated +12V
to power the modem, if required.
The 232/423 Serial Isolator is contained in an assembled
high impact plastic case designed for 4-point mounting
on a rack panel or other suitable surface. Data cabling is
attached on two 25-pin “D” connectors, while unit
operating power is connected on a 2-terminal screw plug.

Supported Serial Modes: RS-232/RS-423
Power Input: 9.5 to 16.5V dc (signal
Modem Power Outputs: +12V and -12V
Serial Cable Connections: Two 25-pin “D” plugs
(female) ATCS Radio-Compatible Serial Isolator
Power Connections: 6 discrete-wire terminals
Unit Mounting: 4-point on rack panel or typically required for this interface. Isolator unit power is
other surface obtained over the MicroLok II CPU or CIS PCB link,
Temperature Range: -40oC to +70oC (-40°F to depending on the application.
+158°F) The ATC Radio Serial Isolator is also contained in a
panel-mountable 2-piece case. ASTS USA provides a
rack-mounted plastic panel for this purpose that can
ATC Radio-Compatible Serial Isolator contain three ATCS isolator units (see ordering tab.).
The ATCS radio-compatible Serial Isolator provides Data cabling is attached at two 25-pin “D” connectors on
transient signal protection on Motorola MCP Radio based the unit’s top cover. Transmitted and received data is
non-vital serial communications links with MicroLok II. monitored with respective LEDs also on the cover.
Two versions of this Isolator are available, including a ASTS USA also produces a small Adapter PCB (see
unit for an RS-422 to EIA/TIA-232 (DCE) interface, and a ordering tab.) that reduces the 25-pin “D” pin-outs to 9-
second unit for an EIA/TIA-485 to EIA/TIA-232 (DCE) pin type for the RS-422 to EIA/TIA-232 (DCE) isolator.
interface. The interface is isolated from input to output at This PCB is also equipped with a 2-post wiring terminal
2000 Vac RMS. The 422/232 unit accepts to connect external 12V when required by the
communications up to 9.6K baud, while the 485/232 unit application.
works with the faster 19.2K baud communications

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-1D8, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Serial Interface Protective Equipment
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
(MicroLok® II Applications)
Rev. 4-07

ATC Radio-Compatible Serial Isolator (cont’d) Power (cont’d) With adapter PCB: 12 Vdc (nom.)
Specifications via 2-terminal connector
Supported Modes: RS-422 to EIA/TIA-232 (DCE) Data Rates: Part No. N16404701 (422/232):
9.6K baud
EIA/TIA-485 to EIA/TIA-232 (DCE)
Part No. N16404702 (485/232):
I/O Isolation: 2000 Vac RMS 19.2K baud
Power Input: On-unit: 9.5 to 16.5V dc (12 Vdc Temp. Range: -40oC to +70oC (-40°F to +158°F)
nom.) over serial link

Serial Isolator
Typical Wiring

3-1/4” 4-1/4” (10.79 CM)

(8.25 CM)

RS-232/423 (12.70 CM)
Serial Isolator 5-1/2”
Design (13.97 CM)


3-1/8” 4-7/8”
(7.9 CM) (12.38 CM) 25-PIN PORTS (2)


ATCS Radio
Serial Isolator

(12.38 CM)

RSE-1D8, p. 2
Serial Interface Protective Equipment Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
(MicroLok® II Applications)
Rev. 4-07

Serial Communications Adapter Panel

The Serial Communications Adapter Panel is used to
protect serial communications between vital processor
systems that are contained in separate wayside houses
or cases. This panel converts the EIA-level signals at
both ends of the link to a 20 mA current loop level. This
protects the serial channels from voltage transients. A
single, standoff-mounted printed circuit board on the Serial Communications Adapter Panel
panel contains the EIA/current loop conversion circuitry.
Two power sources (+12V and +5V) are required to
operate the panel circuitry. User devices include a power
on/off switch, a fuse assembly, power status lamps, and EIA Signal Level Input: RS-232/RS-423 compatible
communications status lamps for the current loop half of
Converted Signal: 20 mA current loop
the interface.
Current Loop Cable: 5,000 ft. (1524 m) max.,
10,000 ft. (3048 m) total cable
path, 30 ohms/mile (1.6 km)
Operating Power Input: +5 Vdc, +5% @100 ma total resistance.
Comm. Power Input: 9.5 to 16.5 Vdc @200 ma, +12 Temperature Range: -40oC to +70oC (-40°F to
Vdc (nom.)


Serial Comm. 20 mA CURRENT LOOP CABLE:
- RXD (IN) – TXD (OUT)
- DCD (IN) – RTS (OUT)
- TXD (OUT) – RXD (IN)


Serial Comm.
Adapter Panel 5-3/8”
Design (13.65 CM)

19” (48.26 CM)

RSE-1D8, p. 3
Ansaldo STS USA Serial Interface Protective Equipment
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
(MicroLok® II Applications)
Rev. 4-07

Advantages Ordering Information

• Units help protect integrity of both vital and non-vital • Refer to ordering tabulation below for Serial
serial communications. Communications Adapter Panel 232/423 Serial
Isolator and ATCS Radio-Compatible Serial Isolator
• Serial Comm. Panel ideal for house-to-house serial part numbers.

• 232/423 Isolator unit ensures reliable data TX/RX for

CPU and CSIB boards

• ATCS-compatible Isolator ideal for MCP radio serial


• 25-to-9 pin cabling adapter available for ATCS


• All units easily mounted and connected.

Order No. Serial Interface Protection Equipment

N451460-3001 Serial Comm. Adapter Panel
N16401101 RS-232/423 Serial Isolator
N16404701 ATCS Radio Serial Isolator: RS-422 to EIA/TIA-232 (DCE)
N16404702 ATCS Radio Serial Isolator: EIA/TIA-485 to EIA/TIA-232 (DCE)
N39902601 25-Pin to 9-Pin Adapter PCB (1)
N16404901 19" Rack-Mount Panel with mounting hardware (2)
N16404902 19" Rack-Mount Panel without hardware (2)
Note (1): Used only with ATCS Radio Serial Isolator N16404701
Note (2): Mounts up to three ATCS Radio Serial Isolator Units

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-1D8, p. 4
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
Serial-To-Ethernet Converter
(MicroLok® II Applications)
The MicroLok II Serial-To-Ethernet Converter (SEC) is a
highly useful device for upgrading existing MicroLok II
serial communications networks. It allows a MicroLok II
unit to be connected to an internal or external network
utilizing the MicroLok II Peer protocol to communicate
vital and non-vital messages. As such, the device
enables routing of MicroLok II Peer messages using
TCP and UDP network protocols.
Alternately, it converts Ethernet signals to serial data
for use by a MicroLok II unit. MicroLok II serial data
placed on the network is also available for central office
applications, enabling MicroLok II units to communicate
with central office applications that support the Peer
protocol. Overall, the SEC can route Peer messages to
any destination that implements the Peer protocol. In
addition, the SEC supports the option of attaching the
Hash-keyed Message Authentication Code (HMAC) to
peer protocol messages.

General Description
The SEC provides Ethernet network connectivity to The SEC provides translation for one serial communications
MicroLok II units. This unit converts the MicroLok II Peer channel between an RS-232 line and the Ethernet. The RS-
messages from MicroLok II serial ports (CPU PCB) to 232 port connection consists of a DB-9 female connector
Ethernet data which is then available to other devices across mounted on the front panel; this port supports both RX and
an Ethernet network. Functional elements of the SEC TX signals. An 8-pin RJ-45 plug is provided for the unit’s
include: Ethernet connection. These two communication ports (serial
and Ethernet) are isolated from each other, from the system
• Serial protocol communication channel which translates chassis, and from system battery.
between MicroLok II RS-232 signals and Ethernet to The RS-45 Ethernet port accepts any of the widely available
allow MicroLok II units to communicate with outside Category 5 (CAT5) or better cable (standard off-the-shelf
networks using the Peer protocol. cable). An Ethernet crossover cable is required to connect
• Power source circuitry which conditions a nominal 12-volt
the SEC directly to a PC and a standard Ethernet cable is
used to connect the SEC to the network.
battery source to provide isolated power.

• Internal web server/interface that provides screens for

configuring the SEC unit. • Enables routing of MicroLok II vital and non-vital
Using the web server/interface, each unit's operational messages using the peer-to-peer protocol;
status and product information can be inspected. This also
allows unit configuration via the web interface and field • Serial-to-peer, peer-to-serial conversions;
upgrading of firmware. Access to the user interface is • Permits routing of MicroLok II Peer messages using TCP
password protected. and UDP network protocols,

Unit Design and Interfaces • Suitable for peer-based central office communications;
The SEC is packaged in a plastic housing with tabs on the • Compatible with HMAC-to-peer protocol messages;
back for DIN rail mounting. Connection to the battery power
source is made using a 4-pin Wago brand connector on the
• Meets all applicable environmental, EMI and vibration
tolerance specifications.
front panel. This connector is supplied with the unit, but
must be wired by in the field. Power status is indicated by a • Built-in web interface for viewing unit status, configuring
red LED on the front panel and is controlled with an On/Off firmware.
rocker switch. A 5 amp fuse, accessible from the front
panel, protects the unit from excessive current.
• No maintenance required.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-1D9, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Serial-To-Ethernet Converter
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
(MicroLok® II Applications)
Rev. 3-09

+ -

Specifications SEC Unit Design and Dimensions

Source Voltage: +9.8 to +16.2 Vdc
Fuse (Front Panel): 5A
Battery Connection: 4-pin Wago brand
Serial Port: DB-9 (female), RS-232
Ethernet Port: 8-pin RJ-45 plug
Ethernet Cable: Category 5 (CAT5) or better
Unit Dimensions: 6.77 in. (17.2 cm) H x 4.41 in
(11.2 cm) W x 1.38” (3.5 cm) D
(see figure at right)
Unit Weight: 0.74 lb. (337g)
Mounting Standard DIN Rail
Temp. Range: -40° C to +70°C
Humidity Limit: 0% to 95% non-condensing
Vibration Limit: AREMA/FRA-compliant
EMI Limit: AREMA/FRA-compliant

Ordering and Additional Information

• Refer to ordering tabulation for SEC top assembly

part number and field-replaceable parts

• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6800O for

additional information on the SEC.

Order No. Converter, Connector and Fuse

N16920401 Serial-To-Ethernet Converter Unit
J709146-1910 Power Connector (4-pin WAGO connector)
J071185 Fuse, 5A

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-1D9, p. 2
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
Vital Cut-Off Relay (MicroLok II Applications)
To ensure maximum operational safety in
MicroLok II-based systems, all vital outputs (e.g.
to switch machines, signals) are routed through a
Vital Cut-Off Relay (VCOR), which is controlled by
the system’s vital CPU board logic. The VCOR is a
key part of ASTS USA “Inherent Fail Safety”
design concept, which ensures that all signaling
equipment under MicroLok II control is
downgraded to the most restrictive state in the
event of a critical fault. ASTS USA’s highly
dependable and service-proven PN-150HD or PN-
150B relay serve as the VCOR in many MicroLok
II-based applications.
Typical VCOR (PN-150B) Relay Installation
General Description MicroLok II Intermediate cardfiles are equipped with
The MicroLok II CPU board performs constant internal an Alstom Type 1 vital plug-in relay where this type of
and external diagnostics and generates a “System VCOR is required for circuit compatibility.
OK” check signal as long as diagnostics are
satisfactory. While this signal is present, a Power
PN-150B Vital Plug-In Relay
Supply PCB output energizes the VCOR coil and
keeps the relay’s power-carrying contacts closed. In ASTS USA’s PN-150B relay is designed for use
this condition, outputs to switch machines, signals, circuits requiring contact capacities up to 4 amperes.
etc. are supplied their required operating power. In This relay incorporates a 400 ohm coil, and 6FB
the event of a non-recoverable system fault, the CPU contacts consisting of low voltage silver-to-silver front
sends a command to remove the Power Supply PCB contacts and silver-to-silver back contacts; refer to
output, thus deenergizing the VCOR coil and cutting RSE-4E1 for additional information. Double battery
off power to the vital outputs. The signaling system is and return paths are wired to the relay to eliminate
then reverted to the most restrictive state. Note: voltage drops. No. 14 wire is typically used for
MicroLok II VCOR circuits can be configured to connections between the cardfile and the relay.
independently light a red signal aspect even though Applicable PN-150B specifications (ASTS USA order
the signal lamp power has been cut off. number N332500-701) are as follows:
For applications using the standard MicroLok II Contacts: 6FB
cardfile, the VCOR is typically attached to rack Coil Resistance: 400 ohms
mounting bars and base adjacent to the cardfile. For
applications using the MicroLok Intermediate or End Pick-Up: 0.0132A, 5.3 Vdc
Point cardfiles, the VCOR is contained inside the System Voltage: 10V
cardfile in a separate bay next to the PCBs. These
cardfiles are already equipped with a built-in VCOR PN-150HD Vital Plug-In Relay
plug-in mounting base. Note: The Intermediate and
End Point units can be equipped with an ASTS USA The PN-150HD vital plug-in relay has six transfer
PN-150B relay or an Alstom Type B1 relay for the contacts. Four are heavy duty contacts that can carry
VCOR function. 15 amperes up to 30 volts dc and ac. The other two
contacts are standard contacts with a 4-ampere
ASTS USA’s PN-150B biased relay is typically used capacity. Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive
as the VCOR in MicroLok II standard cardfile for VCOR applications that may require this relay.
applications, however the PN-150HD can be provided
Refer to catalog section RSE-4E2 for the 150HD’s
for output circuits carrying higher total output current.
detailed specifications.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-1D10, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Vital Cut-Off Relay (VCOR)
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
(MicroLok® II Applications)
Rev. 3-09


Ordering Information

• Refer to tabulation for VCOR ordering information,

including PN-150B, PN-150HD and Alstom Type
B-1 relay and associated installation parts.

VCOR and Relays and Installation Parts

Order No. Description Notes
N322500701 Vital Cut-Off Relay, ASTS USA PN-150B (1)
N322505701 Vital Cut-Off Relay, ASTS USA PN-150HD (2)
J070205-1463 Vital Cut-Off Relay, Alstom Type B-1 (3)
N451376-0302 Mounting Base for PN-150B Relay (4)
M451142-2702 Contact Springs for #14 - #16 wire --
M381333 PN-150B Rack Mounting Bars (5)(6)
M381298 Mounting Bar Clamps (6)(7)
Note (1): See also RSE-4E1
Note (2): See also RSE-4E2
Note (3): Used only with selected MicroLok II cardfiles. See RSE-1D1.
Note (4): See RSE-4E2 to order PN-150HD base.
Note (5): Two required.
Note (6): Not required for selected MicroLok II cardfiles. See RSE-1D1.
Note (7): Four required

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-1D10, p. 2
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
Non-Vital Interposer Relays
(MicroLok® II and MicroLok® Object Controller Applications)
ASTS USA provides a variety of Non-Vital
Interposer relays for wayside applications
such as house/case power off, fire alarm
triggered, blown fuse, intrusion detection and
obstruction detection. Available in AC or DC
models, interposer relays are wired to send
their indications to a MicroLok II-based
system or the MicroLok Object Controller. In
turn, the system can report (locally or
remotely) the indicated condition for
maintenance personnel attention.
For example, in the typical non-vital power-off
application, interruption of commercial power
drops the relay and closes a normally open
(N.O.) relay contact. This contact closure
completes an input to a Non-Vital Input PCB
in a MicroLok II cardfile or a non-vital input
channel on the MicroLok Object Controller
(OC) unit. In turn, this input is processed by
the system logic so that a commercial power-
off condition can be displayed, for example,
by lighting a maintenance call lamp in the
house/case, and/or sending a serial link or
Ethernet message to a remote maintenance
terminal (e.g. in a control office).
The typical Non-Vital Interposer Relay is Ordering Information
housed in a high-impact plastic case,
mounted on a plug-in base and secured with • ASTS carries a wide variety of Non-Vital Interposer Relays
a spring clip. This base is designed for for various applications. Contact ASTS USA’s order entry
attachment to a standard equipment rack DIN staff at 1-800-652-7276, or your ASTS USA Account
rail, or can be secured to a flat surface using Executive to obtain the correct relay for your application.
a screw hole in the relay base.






Typical Relay Wiring: Power-Off Application

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-1D11, p. 1
RSE-1D11, p. 2
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-07

Solid-State Switch Machine Modules and Associated Equipment

(MicroLok® II and MicroLok® Object Controller Applications)

ASTS USA provides solid-state modules that

enable simple, direct driving of switch machines
from a MicroLok II or MicroLok Object Controller
(OC) vital outputs, without the need of expensive
and complex electro-mechanical relays such as
lock and overload. The products include the SML-
24 and SML-110 Switch Locks, the Low Voltage
Switch Machine Controller (SMC), Biased Neutral
SMC and the PN-150SSR solid-state relay.

General Description
The SML-110 Switch Lock is provided for high voltage
(110V) switch machine applications and can be driven
by MicroLok II-based systems or the OC. This unit is
also compatible with earlier ASTS USA solid-state
controllers, or conventional relay-based interlocking
logic. The SML-110 unit can sustain a short circuit on
its output terminals without suffering any damage.
Overload protection is provided with a built-in timer.
The output terminals are electrically isolated from the The PN-150SSR is used with the SML-110 to drive
120 Vac input terminals, eliminating the need for a high-voltage machines. This relay consists of two
separate 60 Hz isolation transformer. Refer to RSE- dual solid state relays that are housed inside an ASTS
3A2 for additional information on the SML-110. USA PN-150 Relay Case. These relays route the
correct polarity voltage that is required to move the
switch machine to either the normal or reverse
Solid-State Switch Locks Used In MicroLok II Applications




For additional information, contact www.ansaldo-sts.com

your ASTS USA Account Executive.
RSE-1D12, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Solid-State Switch Machine Modules and
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal) Associated Equipment (MicroLok® II and
RSE-1D12 MicroLok® Object Controller Applications)
Rev. 4-07

Solid-State Switch Locks Used In MicroLok Object Controller Applications




General Description (cont’d) Specifications and Ordering Information

The SML-24 is used in conjunction with the SMC for • Refer to tabulation for Solid-State Switch machine
low-voltage switch machine operation. Each SML-24 module part numbers.
allows for control of up to two switch machines
simultaneously. The maximum current capacity of the • Refer to the following RSE catalog cuts for
SML, which functions as a DC/DC converter, is additional ordering information and technical
capable of driving one stalled and one operating specifcations:
switch machine at the same time. Each SMC can ‐ SML-110: RSE-3A2
control one switch machine. Refer to RSE-3A1 for
additional information on these units. ‐ SML-24 and SMC: RSE-3A1
The SMC-BN is a biased neutral stand-alone switch ‐ SMC-BN: RSE-3A3
machine controller designed to control two Alstom
switch machines fitted with bias neutral controllers, in
tandem. It is designed to replace the lock and
overload relays and delivers 1 ampere at 12 Vdc of
either polarity. Refer to RSE-3A3 for additional
information on this unit.

Order No. Solid State Switch Machine Control Equipment

N47302302 SML-110 Switch Lock (see RSE-3A2)
N47300701 SML-24 Switch Lock w/rack mtg. plate (see RSE-3A1)
N47300702 SML-24 Switch Lock w/o rack mtg. plate (see RSE-3A1)
N40103601 PN-150SSR Vital Relay (see RSE-4C1)

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-1D12, p. 2
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-07

TCP/IP Network Hub and Network Interface Adpater

(MicroLok® II and MicroLok® Object Controller Applications)
To facilitate the new Internet Protocol
connectivity between MicroLok II and/or
MicroLok Object Controller (OC) systems, the
Network Hub and Network Interface Adapter
(NIA) have been developed for use with the
new network protocol for serial
communications. The Hub supports up to
eight MicroLok II and/or OC systems
connected to it and provides the media access
layer for arbitrating the peer-to-peer network
protocol. Additionally, the Hub includes an
expansion port whereby another Hub can be
attached to provide connectivity for up to 16
MicroLok II and/or OC systems. The NIA
provides TCP/IP connectivity for these
systems. It can be connected to a single or
multiple systems using the Network Hub.

General Descriptions
Serial communication cables are connected to 25-pin and 9-pin
Network Hub “D” connectors arrayed on the unit’s back panel. ASTS USA
The Network Hub connects multiple co-located provides several serial connector/cable assemblies expressly
MicroLok II and/or OC units by creating a Local for these ports (see Ordering Information). Unit operating
Area Network (LAN) for communications power is wired to a single Wago style cage clamp connector
between those units. This Hub provides also mounted on the back panel.
electrical isolation between the devices A removable top cover permit access to the unit’s internal circuit
connected to it and utilizes an RS-423 interface board. This board contains dual-inline-package (DIP) switches
(configurable RS-232, RS-485, RS-423). It can that permit customized setting of various communications
be connected to any of the serial ports on a parameters such as unit Master/Slave designation and per-
MicroLok II CPU PCB or the TCP/IP-compatible channel communication modes (e.g. RS-485).
ports on the OC. The Hub functions as a media
access layer for connecting multiple units in a Network Interface Adapter
single location, and will resolve contention The NIA functions as the link between the network and the
issues when multiple units attempt to transmit Network Hub, or between an external network and a
at the same time. It supports a maximum of separate MicroLok II or OC system. It uses its IP network
eight local connections and can be connected connection to route TCP/IP-encapsulated MicroLok II
to a second Hub to include an additional eight protocol messages to and from remotely located MicroLok II
ports on the LAN, for a total of 16 MicroLok II and/or OC systems that are clients of other NIA units. Non-
and/or OC systems on a single LAN. vital protocol conversion to format messages are processed
The Network Hub consists of standard 19” rack by the NIA as required, inserting the entire MicroLok II
mountable unit with a single internal PCB. The Network Protocol message into the data field of the TCP/IP
unit’s front panel incorporates 20 LEDs that message. The NIA handles all issues, both hardware and
display the request and grant status of each software, relating to the network interface. It does not
channel, including the expansion port, as well modify the content of the MicroLok II or OC message in any
as show received and transmitted data activity. way, and messages are passed intact from end to end,
The front panel also includes an illuminated allowing for both vital and non-vital data processing among
power on-off switch. MicroLok II and/or OC units.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-1D13, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA TCP/IP Network Hub and Network Interface
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal) Adapter (MicroLok® II and MicroLok® Object
RSE-1D13 Controller Applications)
Rev. 4-07
General Description (cont’d) Advantages
The NIA is housed in a compact enclosure that can be Network Hub
shelf, wall or rack mounted (rack installation requires • Supports up to eight MicroLok II and/or OC remote
19” (48.25 cm) mounting bars). User displays on the systems.
front panel include three cluster of four LEDs that
display the status of client and network serial • Provides electrical isolation between MicroLok II
communications and any errors therein. One of two and/or OC systems.
9-pin “D” connectors provide serial ports for MicroLok • Compatible with all MicroLok II CPU PCB serial
II or OC system or Network Hub interface, while the ports and OC TCP/IP-compatible ports.
remaining port provides diagnostics access. A single
8-pin RJ-45 connector serves as an Ethernet port for • Provides media access layer for arbitrating peer
the unit, Either of these ports can be used to interface protocols.
with the configuration software within the unit. Power • Configurable ports for use with all MicroLok II and
is applied via a 2-pin Wago style cage clamp OC serial port communications standards, as well
connector. as NIA interface.
Software • Includes configurable time out settings to ensure
The MicroLok II Executive and Application single port cannot dominate communications link.
(Development System) software has been upgraded • Second Hub connection adds eight LAN ports,
to accommodate network protocol functions. Consult services up to 16 MicroLok II and/or OC systems
your ASTS USA Account Executive when planning to on a single LAN.
utilize the these functions so that the proper software
versions can be incorporated.


Network Interface Adapter

POWER (48.25 9.8”
SWITCH CM) (24.89 CM)

RSE-1D13, p. 2
TCP/IP Network Hub and Network Interface Ansaldo STS USA
Adapter (MicroLok® II and MicroLok® Object (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Controller Applications) RSE-1D13
Rev. 4-07

Advantages (cont’d) Specifications (cont’d)

Network Interface Adapter Network Interface Adapter
• Serves as both network/Hub link or external Serial Ports: Two 9-pin “D” (to MicroLok II,
OC and/or Network Hub)
network-to-MicroLok II or network-to-OC link.
One 8-pin (RJ-45) for
• Handles all network interface hardware and Ethernet communications
software issues.
Serial Port Modes: EIA RS-232, RS-485, RS-423
• Fully preserves/protects MicroLok II and OC Power Connection: 2-pin cage clamp (Wago
messages during communications. style), 16 AWG
• Allows both vital and non-vital data processing Input Power: 10 to 36 Vdc
among MicroLok II and/or OC systems. Ripple: 0.5V p-p (max.)

• Configuration software interfaced through on-unit

Power Consumption: 7W (approx.)
serial or Ethernet ports Suppression: Transient voltage type, built in
Operating Temp: -40oC to +70oC (-40°F to
Humidity: 95%, non-condensing
Network Hub
Unit Mounting: Shelf or wall
MicroLok II LAN Units: Up to 8 MicroLok II and/or OC
units per Hub 19” ” (48.25 cm) equipment
rack with rack mounting bars
Up to 16 units with second
(not supplied with unit)
Comm. Modes: EIA RS-232, RS-485, RS-423
Ordering and Additional Information
Serial Ports: Eight 9-pin “D” (to MicroLok II
and/or OC units) • Refer to Ordering Tabulation on page 4 for Hub
One 25-pin “D” (expansion to and NIA part numbers (units and serial cables).
second Hub)
• Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive to
Port-to-Port Isolation: 2KVrms between any two order associated software.
comm. channels
2KVrms between battery and • Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for any
any single comm. channel additional application information on the TCP/IP
Connectivity and Network configuration, or request
Power Connection: 2-pin cage clamp (Wago
ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6800K.
style), 16 AWG
Input Power: 10 to 36 Vdc
Ripple: 0.5V p-p (max.)
Power Consumption: 20W (approx.)
Suppression: Transient voltage type, built in
Operating Temp: -40oC to +70oC (-40°F to
Humidity: 95%, non-condensing
Unit Mounting: 19” (48.25 cm) equipment

RSE-1D13, p. 3
Ansaldo STS USA TCP/IP Network Hub and Network Interface
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal) Adapter (MicroLok® II and MicroLok® Object
RSE-1D13 Controller Applications)
Rev. 4-07
Ordering Information (cont’d)

Order No. Hub and NIA

N16906701 TCP/IP Network Hub
N16909501 TCP/IP Network Interface Adapter

Data Cables
Order No. Length Description
N16914506 6' RS-232, NIA Client 1 port to MicroLok II Port 3
N16914515 15' (as RS-232) or Port 4, DB9 connector to open
N16914530 30'
N16914606 6' RS-232, NIA Client 1 port to Hub (as RS-232/RS-423)
N16914615 15' DB-9 connector to DB-9 connector
N16914630 30'
N16914706 6' RS-232, NIA Console port to Personal Computer
N16914715 15' Port, DB9 connector to DB9 connector
N16914730 30'
N16914806 6' RS-485, Hub (as RS-232/RS-423) to MicroLok II Port 3
N16914815 15' (as RS-232/RS-423), or Port 4, DB9 connector to
N16914830 30' open
N16914906 6' RS-232/RS-423, Hub (as RS-232/RS-423) to
N16914915 15' MicroLok II Port 3 (as RS-232/RS-423), or Port 4,
N16914930 30' DB9 connector to open

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-1D13, p. 4
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-10
AF-902/AF-904 Generation II Digital FSK Track Circuit
General Information
ASTS USA’s AF-902/AF-904® Generation II (AF-
Gen II) Series Digital FSK Track Circuit systems
provide unmatched capabilities for train detection
and delivery of complex train control data to
moving transit vehicles. As result, these systems
are ideal for management of heavy mass transit
traffic with close operating headways, and provide
the highest measure of system reliability for
advanced functions such as driverless operation.
AF-Gen II track circuits are much simpler to
install, calibrate and maintain than earlier AF-
based systems and require far less of the massive
and complex ground material and interfaces if
these other systems.
AF-Gen II builds upon the success of ASTS USA’s
original AF-900 Series Track Circuit with new
design features and communications • Two or four track circuit (cardfile) options;
technologies/capabilities. For example, AF-Gen II
provides several new Ethernet-based features
• Only two basic types of PCBs required for all
such as peer communications with MicroLok II,
integral Web server user interface and SNMP • New AF-Gen II PCBs can be retrofitted into
remote monitoring. existing AF-900 Series Cardfile;
All of the track interface equipment from the • Highly dependable and flexible digital FSK
original AF-900 Series Track Circuits is retained communications in the rails;
with the AF-Gen II system. In addition, the new • Permits delivery of diverse cab signal commands;
system’s cardfile PCBs can be installed in any
existing AF-900 Series unit. Combined with ASTS • Simple on-site set-up configuration and tuning
USA’s other cutting-edge train control products procedures;
(MicroLok® II wayside and MicroCab® carborne), • Track Cable Bonds greatly simplify system
the AF-Gen II enables ASTS USA to offer a full- connections to rails;
spectrum mass transit Automatic Train Control • Highly adaptable operating software, allowing
(ATC) system adaptable to the most demanding future derivatives to be tailored to customer needs.
needs of any transit operation.
• Unaffected by current incursions caused by broken
Advantages rails, absent or defective bonding, sand, rust,
leaves, etc.;
Basic System
• Shielded against false pick-ups caused by
• Provides responsive train detection and wide- propulsion noise;
spectrum cab signal communications; • Immune to effects of DC propulsion imbalance;
• Redundant design for continuity of operation and • Does not require transpositions, balancing loops,
maintenance of headways; etc. to balance rail resistance (tolerates 100%
• Essential to advanced operations such as propulsion imbalance without disruption or
driverless ATC; degradation);
• Requires no insulated joints on mainline or station • Immune to improper operation due to crossed or
tracks; grounded wires or influences such as capacitive
• Provides sharp, stable track circuit definition; and inductive coupling or stray currents;

For additional info., contact your www.ansaldo-sts.com

ASTS USA Account Executive.
RSE-1F1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA AF-902/AF-904® Generation II Digital
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
FSK Track Circuit
RSE-1F1 General Information
Rev. 4-10
AF-Gen II: “AF-904” Style General Application:
Non-redundant Control of Four Track Circuits

T.C. “A” T.C. “B” T.C. “C” T.C. “D”


AF-904 AF-904
T.C. T.C.



AF-Gen II: “AF-902” Style General Application:

Redundant Control of Two Track Circuits

T.C. “A” T.C. “B”

AF-902 AF-902



RSE-1F1, p. 2
AF-902/AF-904® Generation II Digital Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
FSK Track Circuit
General Information RSE-1F1
Rev. 4-10
Advantages (cont’d) System Application

• Unaffected by conducted and inductive emissions The AF-Gen II Track Circuit is typically part of an
from alternating current (AC) variable drive Automatic Train Control System (ATC), providing both
vehicles; train detection and transmission of digital cab
• Minimal auxiliary equipment: signaling data for the Automatic Train Protection
(ATP) function of the ATC. Track circuits served by
‐ No need for L-C tuned decoders or loading
this system include mainline, station areas, turnouts,
capacitors distributed along track circuit;
crossovers, storage yard and highway crossing
‐ Does not require phase-shifting devices on very zones. Major components of the AF-Gen II Track
short or very long track circuits; circuits include a System Cardfile, Track Coupling
‐ No requirements for vane relays, track Units and a track Cable Bond. In the “AF-902” style
transformers, lightning arrestors, resistors, Track Circuit application, the System Cardfile typically
balancing impedances, insulated joint couplers, uses two redundant subsystems to control two track
filters or fuses. circuits in driverless train control systems. In the “AF-
904” style Track Circuit application, the system
typically uses four non-redundant subsystems to
Ethernet and User Interface: Features and control up to four track circuits in driver-operated train
Capabilities control systems.
• Optional singlular or redundant Ethernet interface AF-Gen II Track Circuits serve specific track circuits
to MicroLok II. along the transit line and are locally managed by
• Ethernet interface provides 5-bit speed code data. track-dedicated ASTS USA “Track” MicroLok® II units.
• Integral Web server provides enhanced user
(Other “Interlocking” MicroLok II units handle standard
interlocking functions such as control and monitoring
of switch machines and wayside home signals.).
• Web server permits Internet Explorer access to all
calibration and data storage functions. The Track MicroLok II units generate vital messages
• SNMP-based remote monitoring permits real-time (train speed/direction, next carrier transmit frequency,
track circuit ID etc.) for the vehicle’s MicroCab® cab
observation of system’s operating parameters.
signal system, using the AF-Gen II equipment as the
• SNMP “trap” messages issued if system errors digital communications medium. Other messages
detected. between the AF-Gen II system and the Track
• Single Track Circuit System (TCS) PCB combines MicroLok II unit include any temporary local speed
functions of original CPU and Auxiliary boards. restrictions and the health of the track circuit.
Between interlockings, train detection indications can
be sent via a standard serial communications link or
using a new Ethernet-based system configuration.
Basic Track Cable Bond
Configuration Typical Cab Signal Direct Injection At Crossover

RSE-1F1, p. 3
Ansaldo STS USA AF-902/AF-904 Generation II Digital
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
FSK Track Circuit
Rev. 4-10
General Information
Typical Rack Installation of AF-900 Cardfiles Basic System Operation
Each AF-Gen II system vitally monitors the status of
one track circuit. An FM, audio frequency carrier is
transmitted at one end of the track circuit and received
at the other. This carrier is modulated in a binary
manner to generate digital cab signal data for the
train. Carrier level and a part of the digital message is
monitored by the receiver to determine track

Train Detection
A key function of the AF-Gen II Track Circuit is to
detect the presence of a train in the monitored track
circuit; this information is processed by the
Interlocking MicroLok II system. Train detection is
accomplished in the AF-Gen II System Cardfile by
measuring the amplitude of the digital track signal
used to deliver data to the vehicle’s cab signal
System Application (cont’d)
equipment. This signal is continually transmitted from
At interlockings, train detection signals from the AF- the other end of the track circuit with one of eight
Gen II system are routed directly to parallel channel possible carriers. The Track MicroLok II system
inputs on the interlocking MicroLok II units to speed determines the vehicle’s direction of travel and which
delivery of shunting indications for interlocking over- AF-Gen II units will function as transmitters and
switch functions. No track relay is needed for these receivers.
detection functions. While the track circuit is unoccupied, the receiving AF-
In storage yard applications, AF-Gen II Track Circuits Gen II circuits continually check the incoming
allow automatic movement of cars for the purpose of message for proper signal threshold and accuracy.
making up new trains. The equipment is well suited Comparison is made with the signal sent by the AF-
for short track circuits/slow car movements in the Gen II transmit circuits. If a message is received, but
yard, and serves as a highly cost-effective alternative fails accuracy checks, the AF-Gen II unit notifies the
to a system of expensive vane relays. Track MicroLok II system of the presence of a train.
In highway crossing zones, the AF-Gen II Track When a train shunts the rails of the monitored track
Circuit eliminates the need for audio frequency circuit, the signal is blocked; this condition is
overlay track circuits to control highway crossing recognized by the receiving AF-Gen II track circuits as
warning systems. The system is designed to permit a drop below a preset signal threshold, and is
application to crossing approach and island circuits. reported to the associated Interlocking MicroLok II
Signals and messages in the rails are communicated system. While the shunting train bridges adjacent
to and from the AF-Gen II cardfiles via simple but track circuits, both are reported as occupied. When
highly effective Track Cable Bonds, consisting of a the train clears a track circuit, the received signal
specified length of heavy (e.g. 350 or 500 MCM) cable threshold is restored; the AF-Gen II system responds
connected/arranged between the rails in “S”, “O” or “I” accordingly.
arrangement as required by the location. Insulated The AF-Gen II Track Circuit equipment includes many
rail joints are not required at mainline or station vital features designed to eliminate missed track
locations. occupancy conditions and false occupancy
At crossovers, turnouts and other areas with high indications. For example, each track circuit has a
metal content, standard cab loops are used to pass unique digital I.D. number, while different signal
cab signaling data to the rails. carrier frequencies are selected for adjacent and
parallel track circuits to help minimize cross talk
AF-Gen II Track Coupling Units are used to bridge between these circuits. The design and function of
signals between the System Cardfile and the Track the Track Cable Bond also minimizes false occupancy
Cable Bonds or Cab Loops. These units are tuned to readings, and staggering of track circuit polarities is
the carrier frequency and provide impedance not required.
matching to/from the track. Refer to RSE-1F2 for
additional details on AF-Gen II Track Circuits major Because the AF-Gen II Track Circuit continually
components. monitors the signal carried in the rails, it also provides
for broken rail detection.

RSE-1F1, p. 4
AF-902/AF-904® Generation II Digital Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
FSK Track Circuit
General Information RSE-1F1
Rev. 4-10
Cab Signal Data Transmission south) bound track circuits, while even-numbered
One of the major strengths of the AF-Gen II Track frequencies go east (or north) bound track. This
Circuit is its extensive cab signal data transmission alternating configuration helps assure the required
capability, made possible through Binary Frequency isolation.
Shift Keying (BFSK) modulation. A typical set of cab In this sample configuration, carrier F1 contains data
signal data elements includes: that informs the train of the next cab signal frequency
Name Function (F3). On board the train, one receiving filter is tuned
to F1 and the other to F3. As the train approaches the
Line Speed Maximum speed permitted Track Cable Bond, signal F1 drops out. Once valid
within track circuit target data and level is detected on F3, the vehicle logic
Target Speed Desired speed at track circuit ignores the data arriving from the F1 receiving filter.
target The new data is then decoded and the vehicle logic
Distance-to-Go Distance to target speed re-tunes the receiving filter (that was tuned to
frequency F1) to the next cab signal frequency in the
Next Frequency Carrier frequency of the next sequence of track circuit frequencies.
track circuit
Track Circuit ID Identification of present track User Interfaces (PC or PCB Front Panel Accessed)
circuit The new AF-Gen II TCS board front panel contains
Berthed (Door Open) OK to open vehicle doors at two Ethernet ports. Each of these ports
station accommodates peer-based AF-GenII/MicroLok II
communications, SNMP-based remote monitoring and
Current Direction Train direction of travel (E or W,
Web server-based user interface. The Web server
N or S)
provides a convenient way to monitor system
Change Direction Reverse train direction of travel operation, as well as configure and calibrate AF-Gen
Couple/Uncouple Couple/uncouple cars during II system operating parameters using Microsoft’s
train consist make-up Internet Explorer. All front panel operations can be
performed using the Web interface.
For example, Line and target speed commands could
range from 0 to 65 mph in 5 mph steps plus additional In addition to Ethernet-based access, the TCS board
speeds of 8 mph and 1 mph. Isolation of commands front panel (see RSE-1F2) can also be used to
between track circuits is accomplished by alternating manually modify and display vital and non-vital
eight available data carrier frequencies (also used for parameters, as well as to calibrate and configure the
train detection). A typical range of frequencies is 9.5 AF-Gen II system.
to 16.5 kHz in 1 kHz steps and are numbered FO
through Fl. On a double-track E-W or N-S right-of-
way odd-numbered frequencies are assigned to west

Typical Configuration of Cab Signal Track Circuit Frequencies

RSE-1F1, p. 5
Ansaldo STS USA AF-902/AF-904® Generation II Digital
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
FSK Track Circuit
RSE-1F1 General Information
Rev. 4-10

User Interfaces (PC or PCB Front Panel Accessed) The PC is linked to the unit via a Router and an
In addition to Ethernet-based access, the TCS board Ethernet switch. The Router can also act as a DHCP
front panel (see RSE-1F2) can also be used to server to give IP addresses to several local PCs.
manually modify and display vital and non-vital
Likewise, a local (e.g. laptop) PC can be linked to an
parameters, as well as to calibrate and configure the
AF-Gen II unit for Web tool access. This PC can
AF-Gen II system.
obtain a network address from a DHCP (if available),
Among the functions observed/controlled from the or manually configured for the network. In this
TCS are track transmission direction (E or W), internal instance, the address of the AF-Gen II hardware can
failover status, system health (“self” and “partner”), be obtained with a discovery tool or manual input. In
MicroLok II communications status and block speed this configuration, all hardware on the network can be
(local or remote). Refer to RSE-1F2 for additional accessed. Note: Ethernet communications is only
details of the various AF-Gen II user interfaces. required if SNMP monitoring or use of a web-based
interface is desired.
Network and Serial Communications
With the incorporation of network-based In the above-described system, standard RS-485
communications, AF-Gen II systems can be serial communications can still be used to connect the
configured for remote communications with other AF-Gen II cardfiles to the controlling Track MicroLok
systems in a variety of ways (see diagrams). For II.
example, an AF-Gen II unit can be accessed from a (Continued on page 8.)
remote PC configured to monitor SNMP messages.

RSE-1F1, p. 6
AF-902/AF-904® Generation II Digital Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
FSK Track Circuit
General Information RSE-1F1
Rev. 4-10

AF-Gen II also allows for fully peer-based In the non-redundant configuration, a single Ethernet
communications with PCs (local and remote) and the switch serves manages PC and MicroLok II messages
Track MicroLok II unit, using both redundant and non- with the AF-Gen II unit(s).
redundant peer configurations. In the redundant
configuration, dual Ethernet switches are used to
route both PC and MicroLok II communications with
the AF-Gen II unit(s).

Non-Redundant Peer Communications

Redundant Peer Communications

RSE-1F1, p. 7
Ansaldo STS USA AF-902/AF-904® Generation II Digital
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
FSK Track Circuit
RSE-1F1 General Information
Rev. 4-10

System Specifications (Typical/Application Peer Communications Received from “Track”

Dependent) MicroLok II
Track Circuit Sig. Message: 26 data bits, 8 header bits, 8
T.C. Length: 1000 ft./305m (max.), 65 ft./19.8m address bits, 24 CRC validation
(min.) bits
Shunt Sensitivity: <0.25 ohms ballast Protocol: ASTS USA MicroLok II Peer
Message Protocol
Pre/Post Shunt: <5.0 ft./1.52m
Parameters: Direction, Next Frequency, Target
FSK Communications Distance-To-Go, Line Speed,
Target Speed, Berthed,
Carrier Freq.: 9.5, 10.5, 11.5, 12.5, 13.5, Birfurcation, Couple/Uncouple,
14.5,15.5,15.5,16.5 kHz Remote Block Speed
Modulation: Binary Frequency Shift Keyed
carrier (BFSK) Misc.
Baud Rate: 200 BPS Speed Commands: 65 to 0 mph in 5 mph steps,
Shift: +200 Hz additional: 1 mph, 8 mph
Bandwidth: 500 Hz Blocking Speeds: 0, 1, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35,
40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 mph
Serial Communications from “Track” MicroLok II
Track Circuit ID No.: 0 to 4095
Sig. Message: 24 data bits, 8 header bits, 8
address bits, 24 CRC validation
Ordering and Additional Information
Protocol: ASTS USA vital serial link
Parameters: Direction, Next Frequency, Target • To order individual components for AF-Gen II
Distance-to-Go, Line Speed, Track Circuits, refer to RSE-1F2.
Berthed, Couple/Uncouple,
Birfurcation • For additional technical details on the AF-Gen II
system, request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-
Serial Communication to “Track” MicroLok II 1F2.0001
Parameters: Block Speed, Standby Health,
Track Occupancy, • For additional information on AF-Gen II Digital FSK
Correspondence Track Circuit applications possibilities, contact your
ASTS USA Account Executive.
Cab Signal Data Transmitted to Train (Via Track)
Cab Message: 37 data bits, 8 header bits, 12
CRC validation bits
Protocol: Synchronous, Bit-Oriented
Encoding; NZRI
Parameters: Track Circuit ID, Primary/Backup,
Direction, Next Freq., Distance-
To-Go, Line Speed, Target
Speed, Berthed (Door), Couple/
Uncouple, Birfurcation

AF-902/AF-904®, MicroLok® and MicroCab® are registered trademarks of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-1F1, p. 8
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-10
AF-902/AF-904 Generation II Digital FSK Track Circuits
Major Components
Like its AF-900 Series predecessor, the AF-
902/AF-904 Generation II (AF-Gen II) Track Circuit
outperforms the functions of earlier AF-based
systems while using a much simpler configuration
of equipment house modules and track-mounted
apparatus. For example, installation and
maintenance requirements for the AF-Gen II Track
Cable Bonds are much simpler than the
impedance and mini bonds of traditional systems.
The AF-Gen II System Cardfile features a simpler
PCB arrangement than the previous AF-900 Series
unit, incorporating only two types of boards. The
original Controller PCB is replaced with a more
advanced Track Circuit System (TCS) board. This
board incorporates new Ethernet-based features
such as peer communications, integral Web
server user interface and SNMP remote
monitoring. The TCS also performs the track
transmit/receive functions of the earlier Auxiliary
Most notable, existing AF-900 Series Track Circuit
cardfiles can be retrofit with the new AF-Gen II
PCBs. No rewiring of cardfile power and data
interfaces is needed.
If the on-line “AF-902” subsystem detects an internal
System Cardfile fault, control is immediately switched to the off-line
subsystem. When this occurs, communications lines
The AF-Gen II System Cardfile performs all logical with the track and both MicroLok II systems (Track
functions related to train detection, cab signal data and Interlocking) are automatically switched.
transmission and communications with Track For applications not requiring the degree of
MicroLok II units, as well as conducting continuous redundancy afforded by the “AF-902” configuration,
internal and local system diagnostics. Only six boards the “AF-904” configuration of the AF-Gen II System
are contained in the cardfile for all non-redundant (AF- Cardfile uses the same number and arrangement of
904-style) and redundant (AF-902-style) applications. PCBs as the 902. However, the cardfile is configured
Only two different types of boards comprise the 6- to allow the PCBs to control up to four track circuits.
board set: Both configurations of the cardfile automatically set
• Track Circuit System PCB – Vital logic, track the direction of track transmissions.
transmissions, receptions, remote communications Like the earlier AF-900 Series Track Circuits, the AF-
(serial or Ethernet), internal diagnostics, user Gen II System Cardfile is designed to perform
configuration, track transmitter power, track continuous internal and external diagnostics. In the
receiver circuits. event of a critical failure, the system is designed to
• Power Supply PCB – Operating power for all block the transmission of cab signal data or an
cardfile PCBs. indication of a clear track.
A key reliability feature of the AF-Gen II Track Circuit To simplify field replacement of AF-Gen II TCS
is its redundant design, an essential element of boards, each TCS board cardfile slot is equipped with
driverless train operations. In the “AF-902” a motherboard-mounted EEPROM. This device is
configuration, the System Cardfile incorporates used to store site-specific track circuit configuration
primary and back-up sets of TCS and Power Supply data.
boards for supervision of two track circuits.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-1F2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA AF-902/AF-904® Generation II Digital
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
FSK Track Circuits
RSE-1F2 Major Components
Rev. 4-10

System Cardfile (cont’d) • System reset switch.

If a TCS PCB must be replaced, no re-configuring of
track circuit addressing parameter is needed. Only a • Two Ethernet RJ-45 ports for:
track circuit calibration procedure must be re-run to
verify settings and calculate new thresholds. ‐ Peer-based communications with MicroLok II

System Cardfile back panel interfaces include track ‐ On-site monitoring, configuration and calibration
circuit connections, serial ports for MicroLok II using a laptop PC.
communications (when needed), calibration jumpers
‐ Remote system monitoring using an SNMP
and power input. Because of the large dynamic range
imposed by the needs of different track circuits, the
AF-Gen II System Cardfile incorporates adjustable
transformer taps for the different track receiver
• 18 LED for monitoring system functions such as
selected direction (E or W), Ethernet channel 1 or
circuits. These allow for variables such as different
2 active, MicroLok II communications, etc.
track lead lengths. Adjustments are made via the
back panel jumpers so that a system reset is not
required with change-out of the track interface
User Interface Via Integral Web Server
The new AF-Gen II TCS board front panel contains
Track Circuit System (TCS) PCB two Ethernet ports. Each of these ports
accommodates peer-based AF-GenII/MicroLok II
User Front Panel Interfaces
communications, SNMP-based remote monitoring and
The TCS board incorporates the following user Web server-based user interface. The Web server
controls and indicators: provides a convenient way to monitor system
• Two alpha-numeric LED displays: Show on-site operation, as well as configure and calibrate AF-Gen
track circuit set-up and operation information. II system operating parameters using Microsoft’s
Internet Explorer. All front panel operations can be
• Four 2-position toggle switches: Enable the user performed using the Web interface.
to step through track circuit set-up procedures.

RSE-1F2, p. 2
AF-902/AF-904® Generation II Digital Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
FSK Track Circuits
Major Components RSE-1F2
Rev. 4-10

Track Circuit System (TCS) PCB (cont’d) Track Coupling Unit

The interface shows five primary pages: The AF-Gen II Track Coupling Unit interfaces the
• View Current Data: Communications with track signals with the System Cardfile receiver and
MicroLok II, track messages, current shunt level, transmitter circuits, and provides for tuning to the track
track signal variance, etc. circuit carrier frequency. This weather-proof,
wayside-mounted unit contains two independent
• View Configuration: Display static configuration coupling circuits, each consisting of a transformer (for
parameters (link to MicroLok II, Ethernet port track voltage step-down) and a jumper-adjusted
addresses, SNMP, track circuit ID, etc.) capacitor bank for frequency tuning. Each
transformer/capacitor section serves a respective
• View Events: Show AF Gen II system events, track circuit end.
warnings and critical errors.

• Front Panel View: Shows all data displayed by the

front panel discrete LEDs.

• Setup: Configure and calibrate AF-Gen II system


RSE-1F2, p. 3
Ansaldo STS USA AF-902/AF-904® Generation II Digital
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
FSK Track Circuits
RSE-1F2 Major Components
Rev. 4-10

Typical Coupling Unit Wayside Installation Coupling Unit PCB Access

Track Cable Bond and Cab Loops

AF-Gen II Track Circuits use a simple but highly For crossovers and turnouts, AF-Gen II Track Circuits
effective successor to the impedance or mini bond. make use of standard Cab Loop cables, which are
This device is nothing more than a few meters of better suited for the high metal content (frogs etc.) at
conductive cable, typically 350 or 500 thousand- these locations (insulated joints retained).
circular-mill (MCM), arranged in an “S”, “O” or “I”
shape depending on track transmission/reception Transmitting track signal currents circulating in the
requirements for the particular installation. The end cable are induced into the rails, while received signals
points of the Track Cable Bond are welded to the rails; are induced into the cable from the rails. This type of
signals are passed to and from the wayside bond provides a strong directional vector using the
electronics via a parallel “Track Loop” wire used to air- dimensional placement of the cable (total length and
couple signals to and from the heavy, rail-connected width of the cable geometric shape) to set track signal
cable. direction.

Typical “S” Track Cable Bond Application

RSE-1F2, p. 4
AF-902/AF-904® Generation II Digital Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
FSK Track Circuits
Major Components RSE-1F2
Rev. 4-10

Typical “I” Track Cable Bond Application

Typical “O” Track Cable Bond Application

Typical Cable Bond Application: Direct Injection

RSE-1F2, p. 5
Ansaldo STS USA AF-902/AF-904® Generation II Digital
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
FSK Track Circuits
RSE-1F2 Major Components
Rev. 4-10

Specifications Track Cable Bond

System Cardfile Light Rail Applications: 600-750 Vdc traction
T.C.’s Controlled: “AF-902” style: Two
(redundant) Type: 350 or 500 MCM
insulated/jacketed cable.
“AF-904”: Four (non-
redundant) Typical Length (e.g. “S”) 39 ft. (12M)
Mounting: Standard 19 inch equipment Rail Elec. Attachment: Welding via cable
rack terminals.
Plug-In PCBs: 6 Rail Mech. Attachment: Flange clips
Blank Panels: 4 Ballast Placement: Above or buried.
Wiring: Discrete-wire terminals for track Neutral Connect. Point: For cross-bonding,
connections. substation returns, catenary
poles, structure ground,
25-pin “D” plug for serial links.
Ethernet Connection: Two RJ-45 jacks per each TCS
One-Turn Loop: #12 AWG, insulated
PCB (8 total per cardfile)
Max. loop wire length: 15 ft
Environment: -25oC to +70oC
95% relative humidity, non-
Power Input: 110/240 Vac @50/60 Hz Interfaces:
Cardfile/T.C.’s: Via Tuned Coupling Units
Twisted-pair #14 AWG,
6000 ft. (1820M) max., 100
Track Coupling Unit
ohms impedance max.
Mounting: Ground base, pedestal or wall.
Cardfile/Track M-Lok II: Ethernet: RJ-45
External Wiring: Via “T” conduit box to internal
Serial: RS-485
Cardfile Power Input: Commercial 110/240 Vac
Environment: -40oC to +70oC, 95% humidity
source, UPS-compatible
Cardfile Data D-load: RS-232 (9-pin) front panel
Power Input: Not required.
serial ports
Field Adjustments: Carrier freq. tuning via
Coupling Unit/Track: 1-turn loop, #12 AWG
capacitor bank jumpers on
internal PCB.

Ordering and Additional Information • For additional information on AF-Gen II Track

• Refer to ordering tabulation on page 6 for AF-Gen
Circuit application possibilities, contact your ASTS
USA Account Executive.
II equipment part numbers.

• When ordering TCS and Power Supply boards to

• For additional technical information on the AF-Gen
II Track Circuit equipment, request ASTS USA
retrofit an existing AF-900 Series System Cardfile,
Service Manual SM-1F2.0001.
contact your ASTS USA Account Executive to
ensure a proper transition to the new boards.

RSE-1F2, p. 6
AF-902/AF-904® Generation II Digital Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
FSK Track Circuits
Major Components RSE-1F2
Rev. 4-10

Ordering and Additional Information (cont’d)

AF-Gen II Track Circuit Cardfiles

Order No. System Type Power Input PCBs Direction Relays
N12200201 AF-902 115 Vac X X
N12200202 AF-902 115 Vac -- X
N12200203 AF-904 115 Vac X X
N12200204 AF-904 115 Vac -- X
N12200205 AF-902 230 Vac X X
N12200206 AF-902 230 Vac -- X
N12200207 AF-904 230 Vac X X
N12200208 AF-904 230 Vac -- X
N12200209 AF-904 115 Vac X --
N12200210 AF-904 115 Vac -- --

AF-Gen II Cardfile PCBs and Panels

Order No. Order No.
N12361001 Track Circuit System PCB N451850-2902 Blank Panel
N12360501 Power Supply PCB (single-width)

AF-902 and AF-904 Track Coupling Units

Order No.
N37500601 Coupling Unit for inductively-coupled locations (e.g. "S" bonds)
N37500603 Coupling Unit for "direction-injection" locations (e.g. crossovers)
N37500604 Coupling Unit for "cab loop" locations

AF-902/AF-904®, MicroLok® and MicroCab® are registered trademarks of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-1F2, p. 7
RSE-1F2, p. 8
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 1-04
Single-Rail and Double-Rail Power Frequency
Track Circuits
ASTS USA Power Frequency PF track circuits
have provided dependable train detection service
at thousands of railway interlocking turnouts and
crossovers for many decades. These circuits
feature robust and reliable electrical designs and
apparatus such as ASTS USA’s PV-250 AC Vane
Relay, W-400 Transformers and impedance bonds.
PF track circuits continue to play a key role in
ASTS USA’s latest transit ATC applications such
as the driverless Copenhagen Metro.

General Description
Single-Rail PF track circuits are employed where a
single rail is available for installation of insulated joints
in order to define track circuit boundaries (the other
“common” or “return” rail carries traction return current Basic functions of ASTS USA PF track circuit
and has no insulated joints). This type of track circuit components include:
uses both rails to conduct the track signaling current, • Track Transformer - Supplies current to the rails.
thus the common rail is carrying both traction return
and track signaling currents. • Relay Transformer (single-rail only) - Prevents dc
propulsion current from passing through the PV-
Systems that do not employ a separate signal rail with 250 Track Relay, where it could cause undesirable
insulated joints make use of Double-Rail PF Track magnetic saturation of the relay structure.
Circuits. This type of track circuit incorporates
insulated rail joints (for track circuit boundaries) in • Limiting Resistors - Prevents serious heat or burn
both rails which, in turn, will carry both propulsion and up of the track transformer due to short circuit
signal currents. Impedance bonds are used to ensure current when a train is on the track circuit.
proper isolation of these currents from one another. • Track Relay (PV-250) – Provides the train
PF track circuit basic operating characteristics detection indication to external circuits and
include: indicates broken insulated joint condition

• Broken-rail protection provided for both rails on • Fuses – Protects track and relay transformers from
normal routes and single rail circuits on the cross- propulsion current increase from defective rail joint
over portion of turnouts or possible full propulsion current.

• Detects the failure of any insulated joint. • Insulated Joints - Defines boundar track circuit
boundary and isolates adjacent track circuits.
• Operation not be affected by traction electrification
return-current imbalances. • Lightning Arresters (double-rail only) - Limits
voltage impressed on any component of the track
• Operates correctly with ballast resistance as low as circuit and minimizes surge currents
3 ohms per 1000 feet (304.9 m), and detect a train
shunt of 0.25 ohm DC (typical) anywhere within the • Impedance Bonds (double-rail only) - Provides low
circuit. DC resistance connection between adjacent track
circuits, and impedance to the flow of AC signaling
• Five-second loss of shunt protection included current from one rail to the other of its track circuit
within interlockings to prevent any switch
movement within this time period.

For additional information, contact www.ansaldo-sts.com

your ASTS USA Account Executive.
RSE-1F3, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Single-Rail and Double-Rail Power
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Frequency Track Circuits
Rev. 1-04

Advantages Additional Information

• Sharp definition: No pre/post shunt effects • For additional information on PF Track Circuit
applications, request ASTS USA Service Manual
• Compatible with shunt fouling circuits SM-6087 or contact your ASTS USA Account
• No length ratio limitations between adjoining track
circuits. • Request SM-6087 for PF Track Circuit component
• No risk of crosstalk between parallel tracks or
part numbers.
bondlines • For additional information on PF Track Circuit key
• Readily compatible with AFO overlay
components, refer to these RSE catalog sections:
‐ PV-250 2-Element AC Vane Relay: RSE-4J1
• No tuning adjustments or measurements required
when installing or replacing PF equipment. ‐ W-400 Transformers: RSE-3E1
‐ USG-A Lightning Arresters: RSE-3H2
• Robust, immune to lightning and propulsion surges
without supplemental protection.

• Relatively simple EMC and safety analysis

Basic Single-Rail Power Frequency Track Circuit








115 VAC*

RSE-1F3, p. 2
Single-Rail and Double-Rail Power Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Frequency Track Circuits
Rev. 1-04

Basic Double-Rail Power Frequency Track Circuit



- -
+ INSUL. +



115 VAC*

RSE-1F3, p. 3
RSE-1F3, p. 4
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroLok II-Based Wayside Interface Unit (WIU) for PTC
MicroLok II HB and HB2X cardfiles are ideal as Positive
Train Control (PTC) Wayside Interface Units (WIUs). In the
typical applications, these cardfiles are installed
interlocking control points to interface and process
information and/or from the location’s switch machine(s),
signal(s) and PTC radio systems. The HB and HB2X are
among the latest derivatives of ASTS USA’s MicroLok II
product family, which has been in dependable service on
thousands of transit and freight rail sites around the world
since 1995. They incorporate the same basic hardware
design, software design and programming/maintenance
concepts as other MicroLok II systems, but also include
several modifications to simplify connection of data
cabling and permit Ethernet-based communications. The
HB is ideal for interlockings of small or moderate
complexity, while the HB2X is designed to handle the most
complex interlockings with a high I/O volume.
MicroLok II Half Box
The HB WIU system is housed in a half-width (10.3-in.) cardfile
to enable wall or shelf installation in equipment cases with
limited mounting space. In a typical PTC application, this unit is
equipped with a VitalNet CPU board and up to six 16-channel
Vital Input PCBs. All boards are powered by a single Power
Supply PCB. The VitalNet CPU performs vitals processing of all
local inputs and remote (radio) messages, and is programmed
with site-specific Application software for each customer site.
Although the HB unit may be initially furnished to the VitalNet CPU and Co-Processor Daughter PCBs
customer with these PCBs, the unit can be upgraded
in the future with other PCBs (e.g. Vital Output) and The VitalNet CPU PCB performs core vital logic
revised software to accommodate new wayside processing for the MicroLok II HB and HB2X systems,
functions as needed by the customer. Refer to RSE- as well as ongoing diagnostics and event/error
1A14 and RSE-1D1 for additional HB design and logging. This board monitors inputs from the Vital
interface information. Input PCBs and messages from the VitalNet Co-
Processor Daughter PCB, then generates the
MicroLok II Half Box 2X necessary outputs as directed by the resident
Executive and Application software.
The HB2X is a full-width (19-in.) unit. For typical PTC
applications, it is equipped with the same CPU as the The VitalNet Co-Processor Daughter PCB is attached
HB unit, but can incorporate up to 14 Vital Input PCBs to the VitalNet CPU PCB via stand-offs (not a separate
meet high input channel requirements at complex plug-in PCB.) This PCB enables integrated PTC WIU
interlocking locations. Refer to RSE-1D1 for additional functionality directly within the MicroLok II HB or HB2X
HB2X design and interface information. system; the integrity of the MicroLok II CPU is not
affected. The core MicroLok II CPU PCB uses a
subset of a Vital PEER protocol to communicate with

For additional information, contact www.ansaldo-sts.com

your ASTS USA Account Executive.
p. 1
MicroLok® II-Based Wayside Interface
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Unit (WIU) for PTC Applications
Rev. 4-11
Typical MicroLok II-Based WIU Application (Combined Transit and Freight)

Switch Machine
(Point Monitor)
Radio Transit


- MicroLok II HB
- MicroLok II HB2X

Radio Freight

Dedicated Signal
(Current Sensor)

Description (cont’d) Specifications

VitalNet CPU and Co-Processor Daughter PCBs Half Box
the Co-Processor and transmit messages. Internally, PCB Design/Mounting: Standard Eurocard
two diverse Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) Unit Mounting: Shelf or wall (via brackets)
are used by the Co-Processor to implement a 2-out-of-
2 (2oo2) voting scheme, which provides vital reception Unit Weight (Approx.): 7.5 lb. (3.4 kg)
of WIU input and output states, and vital generation Input Power: 9.8 to 16.2 Vdc (12.0 Vdc
and transmission of PTC messages. nom.)
Refer to RSE-1D2.1 for additional information on both Starting Voltage: 11.2 Vdc (min.)
the VitalNet CPU and Co-Processor Daughter PCBs. Fuse: 10A (front panel mounted)
Surge Protection: 5W, 16V Transzorb
Advantages (5KP16A)

Based on service-proven MicroLok II hardware and Power & VCOR Wiring: Four cage clamp terminals
software platforms. Total Field PCB Slots: 6
PTC-compliant software operates in parallel with Applicable I/O PCBs: All except 32/32 Non-Vital
standard MicroLok II software. I/O PCB N17061501 (see
RSE-1D2.2 and -1D2.3)
Ample I/O capacity for medium and large
interlockings. Applicable Cables: All except those with 96-pin
connectors (see RSE-
Units can be augmented with non-PTC functions 1D2.20)
and interfaces as required.
Serial Ports: Two 9-pin “D” connectors:
HB unit ideal for mounting in tight spaces within RS-485 (switch-selectable
existing equipment cases. ports)
Both units designed for shelf or wall mounting in One 25-pin “D” connector:
existing spaces; new equipment racks not always RS-232
One 9-pin “D” connector:
Front-facing connectors simplify field wiring; RS-232
complex connector/cable field assembly work not Ethernet Port (Option): RJ-45 jack
Operating Temperature: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
Humidity Limit: 95%, non-condensing

, p. 2
MicroLok® II-Based Wayside Interface
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Unit (WIU) for PTC Applications
Rev. 4-11
Specifications (cont’d) Ordering and Additional Information
Half Box 2X Refer to ordering tabulation for MicroLok II HB and
PCB Design/Mounting: Standard Eurocard HB2X part numbers.
Unit Mounting: Shelf or wall (via brackets)
Refer to RSE-1D1 for MicroLok II PCB part
Unit Weight: 22.25 lb. (10 kg) numbers.
Input Power: 9.8 to 16.2 Vdc (12.0 Vdc
nom.) For detailed information on the Half Box cardfile,
Fuse: 10A request ASTS USA service manual SM-1D2.0008.
Surge Protection: 5W/16V Tranzorb For detailed information on the Half Box 2X
Wiring Connections: Upper: 6-point WAGO: cardfile, request ASTS USA service manual SM-
Batt. input and VCOR wiring 1D2.0009.
Lower: 6-point WAGO:
Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for any
External power (in place of
required ASTS USA PTC/WIU product or
Power Supply PCB)
application information.
Serial Ports: Two 9-pin “D” connectors:
RS-485 (switch-selectable
One 25-pin “D” connector:
One 9-pin “D” connector:
Ethernet Port (Option): RJ-45 jack (cardfile top-
Weight*: 22.25 lbs. (10 kg), *typical
with all PCBs installed.
Operating Temperature: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
Humidity Limit: 95%, non-condensing

MicroLok II-Based PTC WIUs

Order No. Type Notes
N18003901 Half-Box (1)
N18005201 Half Box 2X (2)
N18005301 Half Box 2X (3)
Note (1): General-purpose "Half-Box" cardfile.
See RSE-1A14 for details.
Note (2): All PCB slots equipped with 48-pin conn.
Cardfile cannot use Non-Vital 32/32 I/O
PCB N17061501
Note (3): Slots 1 - 3 equipped with 96-pin connectors
for Non-Vital 32/32 I/O PCBN17061501

MicroLok ® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc

, p. 3
, p. 4
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
VitalNet™ Current Sensor (for PTC Signal Applications)
The VitalNet Current Sensor combines the latest in current-sensing
technology in one device, consisting of a small, lightweight package
providing diversity in detection and closed loop control capability.
Color, position and searchlight signals can be monitored with this
unit. The sensor provides an independent means of monitoring the
state of a wayside signal light, as an input to a WIU in a Positive
Train Control (PTC) system. This sensor allows the WIU to monitor
the voltages driven for a particular aspect and determine that the
signal light is actually lit by sensing the return current from the
signal. By monitoring the return current, the WIU can monitor the
signal without on-site disarrangement of the interconnections and
without separate feedback checks to verify operation.

The VitalNet Current Sensor consists of a pre-wired stainless steel and
ABS unit with upper and lower current sensing tabs that fit over an AAR
terminal post. Two current measuring elements are installed between
these tabs. Each element is designed to make individual measurements

that the WIU can compare for diversity. In

combination with voltage detection, the current sensor
allows for full vital signal detection.
Note: Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for Signal Lamp Compatibility: 18W, 25W, 36W (AC/DC)
VitalNet Current sensor applications with MicroLok II- Frequency: DC to 70 Hz max
based WIUs.
WIU-Sensor Cable Length: 30 ft. (9.8 m) max.
Temperature Range: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
Advantages +158°F)
Provides independent means of reporting signal Humidity: 95%, non-condensing
lamp status for PTC systems.
Overall Dimensions: 3.5”L x 1.6”W x 0.95”
Twin current-sensing elements provide diversity- (8.9 cm x 4.1 cm x 2.4
based assurance of signal status. cm): See page 2 of this
Compatible with color, position and searchlight RSE catalog cut.
Ordering and Additional Information
Compatible with all standard signal wattages.
Compact, sealed unit requires no adjustments or Refer to ordering tabulation below for VitalNet
routine maintenance. Current Sensor part number.
Installation requires no re-wiring of existing signal Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for any
circuits. required current sensor-related PTC product or
application information.

Order No. Description

N18500201 VitalNet Remote Current Sensor

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
VitalNet™ Current Sensor (for PTC
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Signal Applications)
Rev. 4-11
Typical Remote Current Sensor Wiring

Sensor Design and Dimensions

MicroLok ® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

VitalNet is a trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

, p. 2
Wayside Signaling Ansaldo STS USA
Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
VitalNet™ Point Monitor (for PTC Switch Machine
ASTS USA’s VitalNet Point Monitor detects
the position of switch machine points and
returns indications (normal or reverse) to
the controlling PTC Wayside Interface Unit
(WIU). The design of the Point Monitor
eliminates the need to replace ties, tamp
ballast or drill into the rail. Installation of
the VitalNet Point Monitor is straightforward
and unit’s reversible design allows set up
for near or far point closed. Point Monitor
maintenance is minimal because there are
no moving cams or contacts requiring

The VitalNet Point Monitor unit consists of a frame Advantages
with two attached enclosures for the internal point
Provides independent means of confirming switch
detection components, wiring and lightning protection,
point position in PTC systems.
a clamping mechanism for attaching the unit directly to
the stock rail and a point detector bar. This unit can Electro-mechanical or proximity sensor point
be separated into three major pieces for ease of detection options.
shipping and storage, and is compatible with both the Easily and quickly installed on any standard rail
VitalNet Standalone and MicroLok II-based WIU vital size; miminal service disruptions.
input channels.
Based on rugged ASTS USA M-23 switch machine
Internal point detection options include electro- mechanical parts.
mechanical contacts or solid-state proximity sensors.
The monitor’s point-sensing component is mounted Built-in return-to-neutral feature if point detector
using standard holes pre-drilled in the point rail. As a damaged or disconnected.
result, installation time and costs are minimized, and Compatible with VitalNet Standalone or MicroLok II-
there is no need to run trains under temporary speed based WIUs.
restrictions because of major track work. (Note: The
point detector bar is based on the equivalent bar used
in ASTS USA’s M-23 series electric switch machines, Specifications
which have an extensive railroad and rail mass transit
External Input Power: 10 – 30 Vdc
service history.)
Sensors are positioned with targets on the point Sensor Options: Electro-mechanical contact
detector bar. The sensor mount is notched in 1/16-in. or solid-state proxmity
increments, enabling quick adjustment for 1/4” point
opening. A unique point connecting lug reduces lost Unit Dimensions: See diagram on page 2 of
motion, while allowing for maximum movement of the this catalog cut.
rails due to point run and the vertical motion from train
movements. Two springs on the point detector bar Sensor Mount Notches: 1/16” increments
return the monitor to neutral position if the point (adjustment for 1/4” point
detector bar is damaged or disconnected from the opening)
Weight: 129 lbs (58.5 kg)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
VitalNet™ Point Monitor (for PTC
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Switch Machine Applications)
Rev. 4-11

Ordering and Additional Information

Refer to tabulation for VitalNet Point Switch Point

Monitor part numbers.

Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for any

required switch point monitor-related PTC product
or application information.

Switch Point Monitors

Order No. Versions
N49900101 With Dual Proximity Sensor
N49900104 With Single Proximity Sensor
N49900103 With Dual Mechanical Contact
N49900102 With Primary Mechanical Contact

MicroLok ® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

VitalNet is a trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

, p. 2
Carborne and Integrated Ansaldo STS USA
Carborne-Wayside Systems (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
MicroCab Cab Signaling System
General Information
ASTS USA’s MicroCab Cab Signal System is the
industry standard for dependability and flexibility
configuration to customer requirements for well
over a decade. Systems are now in revenue
service on numerous US Class I railroads,
international railroads and mass-transit
properties. MicroCab can be structured for basic
Automatic Train Stop (ATS) with cab display of
wayside signals only or Automatic Train
Protection (ATP) with a complex mix of functions
such as overspeed protection and brake
assurance, as well as Automatic Train Operation
(ATO) functions such as speed regulation, station
stopping, door control and berthing.
MicroCab is also a key element of the latest
driverless Automatic Train Control (ATC) systems
such as the Copenhagen Metro, and works in
concert with the ASTS USA AF-900 Series Digital
Advantages (cont’d)
FSK Track Circuit to manage a diverse range of
vehicle functions for achieving the most Built-in self test, departure test and diagnostics;
demanding headways. Low cost, space-saving solid-state controlling
Aspect Display Units incorporate latest operator
Adaptable to all modes of rail transportation and display/control technologies;
vehicle configurations;
Modular design expedites upgrades and
Readily interfaced to various carborne subsystems maintenance.
and equipment;
System Applications
Basic cab signal control to complex ATP/ATO/ATS The MicroCab system may be used for any carborne
applications; application using continuous cab signaling, including
Suited for driverless vehicle systems and profile- heavy freight or commuter rail locomotives, heavy or
based speed control; light-rail mass-transit cars (single or married-car
trainsets) and automated people-movers.
Readily integrated with intermittent speed control

State-of-the-art processor and interface electronics;

Highly flexible application software;

Certified to latest industry safety and reliability


Internal or external event recording capabilities;

For additional information, contact www.ansaldo-sts.com

your ASTS USA Account Executive.
p. 1
MicroCab® Cab Signaling System
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
General Information
Rev. 4-11

Basic Locomotive Automatic Train Protection

® REC.


System Applications (cont’d)

ATP-related control and monitoring functions available For ATP and ATO/ATS operations, MicroCab is fully
with MicroCab can include: compatible with a variety of external subsystems and
equipment such as:
Cab signal display only;
External event recorders and Alerters
Cab signal with:
- Automatic Train Stop (ATS); Master controllers (monitoring and decoding);
- Overspeed Automatic Train Control (ATC);
Brake valve controllers;
- Brake assurance;
- Driverless operation ATC/ATO; Brake pipe pressure transducers;
- On-board departure test;
Trainlines (monitoring and control outputs);
Single-unit or redundant (failover-based) controlled
systems. Vehicle health monitoring system (e.g. TCMS);

LON Works communications channels.

ATO/ATS-related control and monitoring functions
available with MicroCab can include: The MicroCab hardware is adaptable to the full range of
standard or customized cab signal code rates and
Speed regulation; carriers, carrier-filtering devices, axle speed sensors,
brake, throttle and trainline equipment, Aspect Display
Station stopping and departure; Units (ADUs), alerters and external event recorders.
Precision berthing; The system can be configured for operation with single
or multiple-cab carrier frequencies ranging from
Skip stop;
standard 60/100 Hz rates to audio frequencies used on
Turn-back; light or rail mass-transit properties. MicroCab can also
Door control; be configured for full or partial cut-out of system control
by the operator or maintainer. Built-in controls allow
Passenger annunciation; precise calibration of variables such as wheel size,
Automatic station identification; carrier current pick-up levels and operator response
times to overspeed and restrictive change in signals.
Train to Wayside Communications interface;
Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI);

RSE-2A1, p. 2
MicroCab® Cab Signaling System
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
General Information
Rev. 4-11
Typical Mass Transit Vehicle or Train Configuration


® ® TWC


Safety and Reliability Certification Test Equipment (cont’d)

MicroCab vital software has been developed and data port on the MicroCab system under test, and
controlled according to CMM Level II principles; ASTS customized PTU diagnostic software. This
USA has successfully achieved this software software is installed on any commercially available
development requirement. In addition, the MicroCab laptop PC.
system has already been independently approved on
several major railroads and transit authorities with Portable Test Equipment (PTE) – ASTS USA’s
respect to: PTE is designed to check out MicroCab as a
complete on-board system. The PTE is typically
Operational Safety Design employed when the MicroCab system has been
Approved Hazard and Safety Analysis removed from the vehicle for shop maintenance,
but can also be utilized in an on-board mode
Environmental Testing & Documentation provided AC and battery power can be supplied to
operate the unit, and equipment rack connectors
Test Equipment are accessible for PTE test cables.
MicroCab is supported with field and shop test
equipment to check and adjust all hardware and Additional Information
software. The test equipment includes:
For additional information on MicroCab system
Bench Test Equipment (BTE) – ASTS USA’s BTE applications, contact your ASTS USA Account
is a semi-automated, test platform designed for Executive.
testing ASTS USA’s MicroCab circuit boards and
other devices such as Aspect Display Units (ADU).
The BTE also includes an integrated computer
system, which contains all the necessary test
software for each circuit board test procedure.
Portable Test Unit (PTU) – ASTS USA’s PTU is
used to view diagnostic information on an installed
MicroCab system. The PTU consists of a laptop
computer which is connected directly to a serial

MicroCab® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-2A1, p. 3
RSE-2A1, p. 4
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-07
SML-24 Switch Lock and SMC Controller
Vital relays have been a mainstay for switch
machine control in the field. While they have
established an enviable history of reliable
performance, vital relays require periodic
maintenance for this degree of reliability to be
achieved. ASTS USA has developed a cost-
effective yet equally reliable alternative for low-
voltage switch machine control applications: The
SML-24 Switch Lock and its companion module,
the SMC controller.

General Description and Application

Each SML-24 allows for control of up to two switch
machines simultaneously. The maximum current
capacity of the SML, which functions as a DC/DC
converter, is capable of driving one stalled and one
operating switch machine at the same time. Each
SMC can control one switch machine. The SMC is
designed to interface with 2, 3, or 5-wire control switch
machines and solid-state vital wayside controllers,
such as the ASTS USA MicroLok® II and MicroLok
Object Controller systems, as well as equivalent non-
ASTS USA systems. The SML and SMC units allow • Designed to operate 2-, 3 or 5-wire controlled
replacement of vital switch control relays, such as lock switch machines
and overload. • Interfaces to MicroLok II or related non-ASTS USA
The SML-24 uses both 24 Vdc and 12 Vdc power interlocking controllers
sources and a 12 volt “Lock” gating signal. The NW
(normal) and RW (reverse) request signals are • SML incorporates internal overload thermal
applied to the SMC unit. When the controlling system protection, “power-on” LED
outputs the lock signal, it enables the SML to output • “Noise-free” units do not interfere with adjacent
24 Vdc at a maximum current of approximately 35 signaling circuits
amps to drive low-voltage switch machines.
A thermal switch protects the SML unit from
overheating by shutting it down until the temperature Product Design
is reduced to an acceptable level, at which time the SML-24
switch resets itself. A Power LED on the front of the The SML-24 is contained in an assembled sheet
unit indicates when the output voltage is present. Any metal housing designed for mounting on standard
short circuit on the SML output will cause the LED to equipment rack relay mounting bars. Typically, the
go dark. unit is mounted with a combination rack mounting
plate/AAR terminal board that provides AAR terminals
Advantages for external wiring. The SML unit may be mounted
adjacent to the controlling vital system without
• Eliminates various switch machine electro-mech. creating “noise” problems in logic or I/O wiring.
• Can simultaneously operate two low-voltage switch

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3A1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA SML-24 Switch Lock and
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
SMC Controller
Rev. 4-07

Basic SML-24 Circuit Application

Basic SML-24/SMC Circuit Application

Product Designs (cont’d) The SMC unit may be mounted adjacent to the
A 12-pin male connector on the rear of the unit controlling vital system without creating “noise”
permits plug connection of the SML unit to the rack problems in logic or I/O wiring.
mounting plate. Major subassemblies inside the
SML-24 are mounted on a chassis shelf or are Specifications
attached to the underside of the aluminum heat
sink. Components are readily accessed by SML-24
removing a one-piece, wrap-around shell on the Input Voltage: 24 Vdc to 36 Vdc
housing. A single LED on the front panel of the unit Output Volt./Current: 24 Vdc @ 35A (max.)
indicates the presence of output power to drive the
switch machine. Dielectric Voltage: 2000 Vrms
Short Ckt. Protection: Built-in; set to 41A
SMC Max. Wiring Distance: SML to switch machine: 500 ft.
(152.4 m) using 1000 ft. (304.8
The SMC is designed for mounting on standard m) of #6 wire at 0.42W/1000 ft.
equipment rack relay mounting bars. The SMC (304.8m) producing a 9.7V drop
incorporates two back-to-back mounted, heavy duty, @ 23A
12V DPDT power relays for transferring power to the
switch machine. Both relays are protected with a 24V Wiring: #6 TC blue or equivalent
single high-durability Lexan® cover. Two LEDs Operating Temp.: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
indicate which relay is energized (normal or +158°F)

RSE-3A1, p. 2
SML-24 Switch Lock and Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
SMC Controller
Rev. 4-07
Specifications (cont’d)
Input Control Voltage: 9.8 Vdc to 16.2 Vdc
Output Voltage/Current: 24 Vdc @ 35A (max.)
Operating Temp.: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to +158°F)

SML-24 Unit Design

SMC Unit Design

Ordering Information
• Refer to tabulation at right for SML-24 and Order No. SML-24 and SMC Units
SMC ordering information. N47300701 SML-24 Switch Lock with Rack Munting Base
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-
N49800901 SMC - Low Voltage
6810A for SML-24 and SMC components.

MicroLok® II is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-3A1, p. 3
RSE-3A1, p. 4
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09

SML-110 Switch Lock and PN-150SSR Solid-State Relay

Vital relays have been a mainstay for switch
machine control in the field. While they have
established an enviable history of reliable
performance, vital relays require periodic
maintenance for this degree of reliability to be
achieved. ASTS USA has developed a cost-
effective yet equally reliable alternative: The SML-
110 High Voltage Solid State Switch Machine Lock
and associated PN-150SSR relay. The SML unit
can operate two high voltage switch machines at
the same time. The PN-150SSR replaces old-style
magnetic blow-relays. This new solid-state device
is housed in the familiar PN-style case for easy
installation in existing relay racks.
plate/AAR terminal board that provides AAR terminals
General Description for external wiring. A 12-pin male connector on the
The SML-110 Switch Machine Lock is a vital rear of the unit permits plug connection of the SML
conditional power supply that provides power to a unit to the rack mounting plate. Major subassemblies
switch machine. It delivers a nominal 120 Vdc output inside the SML-110 are mounted on a chassis shelf or
with a limited current of 23 amps from an ac or dc are attached to the underside of the aluminum heat
source when activated by a nominal 12 Vdc input. sink. Components are readily accessed by removing
This output is sufficient to simultaneously drive two a 1-piece, wrap-around shell on the housing. A single
switch machines. To deliver an output voltage, the LED on the front panel of the unit indicates the
SML-110 requires the presence of two out of three presence of output power to drive the switch machine.
inputs: Switch machine lock and either the normal or
the reverse position request. These inputs can be PN-150SSR Relay
relay contact closures or outputs from an interlocking In the typical SML-110/PN-150SSR installation, the
processor such as the ASTS USA MicroLok® II SML-110 Switch Machine Lock unit serves as a vital
system or MicroLok Object Controller. The output conditional power supply that provides power to a high
voltage of the SML -110 is fed as an input to the PN- voltage switch machine. The output voltage SML-110
150SSR Solid State Relay. is fed as an input to the PN-150SSR Solid State Relay
The PN-150SSR Relay routes the correct polarity Package.
voltage that is required to operate the switch machine This new relay consists of two triacs (dual solid-state
to either the normal or the reverse position. In relays) housed in a ASTS USA PN-150 relay case.
addition to the voltage from the SML-110, PN-150SSR These triacs route the correct polarity voltage required
accepts a second input, which is either the normal or to operate the switch machine to either the normal or
the reverse switch request. The input can originate the reverse position. Each of the solid-state relays
from relay contacts or a vital interlocking processor provide the equivalent of two Form A (normally open)
such as MicroLok II or MicroLok Object Controller. contacts. Functionally, the solid state relay modules
consist of two independent SCRs that are optically
Product Description isolated from the control. One of the solid state relay
SML-110 Module modules is used to make motor connections to drive
The SML-110 is contained in an assembled sheet the machine to the normal position and the other relay
metal housing designed for mounting on standard module is used to make motor connections to drive
equipment rack relay mounting bars. Typically, the the machine to the reverse position. Two LEDs
unit is mounted with a combination rack mounting indicate which relay is energized, normal or reverse.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3A2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA SML-110 Switch Lock and
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
PN-150SSR Solid-State Relay
Rev. 3-09

SML-110/PN-150SSR Circuit Application

Advantages If preferred, traditional overload protection methods

can also be used. A processor based interlocking
• Reduced cost when compared to equivalent vital controller can be programmed to shut off the SML-110
relay control. after a predetermined time. For a relay-based
• Compatible with existing relay rack mounting. interlocking applications, an overload relay can be
• Eliminates various switch machine electro-mech.
relays A single switch requires one SML-110 unit and one
PN-150SSR Solid State Relay. In the case of a
• Can simultaneously operate two high voltage double crossover, the same SML-110 unit can be
switch machines used for all machines at the location. One PN-
• Interfaces to ASTS USA MicroLok II, MicroLok 150SSR relay is required for each switch.
Object Controller or non-ASTS USA interlocking Designed and manufactured for mounting in a
controllers standard relay rack, the SML-110 Switch Lock
• Built-in overload and short circuit protection in SML occupies three ASTS USA PN-150B relay spaces and
unit. nests with other relays.
• PN-150 style relay for fast installation The PN-150SSR is only used with the SML-110 unit.
This relay requires two basic inputs, including the
• Relay’s LEDs indicate energy state voltage from the SML-110 and a second input, which
is either the normal or the reverse switch request.
Application The input can originate from relay contacts or a vital
The SML-110 Switch Machine Lock and the PN- interlocking processor such as MicroLok II or the
150SSR Solid State Relay replace the vital relays MicroLok Object Controller.
normally used to control switch machines. They can
be installed at microprocessor-based or conventional
vital relay interlockings. The SML -110 unit can
sustain a short circuit on its output terminals without SML-110
suffering any damage. Overload protection is Input Voltage: 90 to 130 Vac; 90 to 140
provided with a built-in timer. The timer will shut off Vdc.
the SML-110 output after 18 seconds if switch Output Voltage: 125 Vdc (current limit to
correspondence is not achieved. Correspondence 23A).
normally occurs well before 18 seconds, and, that
Input-to-Output Isol.: 2000 Vrms
time, the switch machine contacts interrupt the motor

RSE-3A2, p. 2
SML-110 Switch Lock and Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
PN-150SSR Solid-State Relay
Rev. 3-09

SML-110 Unit Design

Specifications (cont’d) Ordering Information

Short Circuit Protection: Built-in; set to 23A • Refer to tabulation for SML-110 ordering
Wiring - SML to Switch: 500 ft. (max.), 1000 ft. #6 wire @ information.
1.0 ohms /1000 ft., producing 24V
drop @ 15A • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-
6810B for SML-110 and PN-150SSR
110V Wiring: #12 TC blue or equiv.
Internal Shut-Off Timer: 14 to 20 sec.
Operating Temp.: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to +158°F)

Input Control Voltage: 9.8 Vdc to 16.2 Vdc
Output Voltage/Current: 24A @120 Vdc
SCR Rating: 480V, 40A
Operating Temperature: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to +158°F)

Order No. SML-110 and PN-150SSR Units

N47302301 SML-110 Switch Lock with Rack Mounting Base
N47302302 SML-110 Switch Lock Module Only
N47302303 SML-110 Switch Lock Mounting Base Only
N40103601 PN-150SSR Solid-State Relay

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-3A2, p. 3
RSE-3A2, p. 4
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03

Switch Machine Controller – Biased Neutral

As railroads strive to eliminate costly electro-
mechanical vital relays, they are increasingly
turning to solid-state control of wayside
locations. To replace the various switch
control relays needed to drive Alstom switch
machines, ASTS USA has developed the SMC-
BN solid-state control package.

General Description and Application

The SMC-BN is a biased neutral stand-alone
switch machine controller designed to control two
Alstom switch machines fitted with biased neutral
controllers, in tandem. The controller is capable of
driving two 36W switch machines in parallel, and is
designed to replace traditional lock and overload Advantages
relays and delivers 1 amp at 12 Vdc of either
polarity. A DC/DC converter within the unit • Replaces costly electro-mechanical relays
produces an output when two of the inputs • Can drive two Alstom switch machines simultaneously
(LR/LSR and RWZ or LR/LSR and NWZ) are
energized at a nominal 12 Vdc. The output is • Transformer-protected output
transformer-coupled and is isolated from the • Built-in short circuit protection
battery and all inputs. Also, the output is short
circuit-protected without the use of fuses. Specifications
The SMC-BN is available in a rack-mounted and a Input Control Voltage: 9.8 Vdc to 16.2 Vdc
shelf-mounted version. AAR terminals on the rear
Output Voltage/Current: 1A at 12 Vdc (@nom. battery
of the mounting plate facilitate wiring to the device.
of 12V)
Operating Temperature: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to

SMC-BN Circuit Design

and Application

(See reverse side for unit


To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3A3, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Switch Machine Controller
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Biased Neutral
Rev. 7-03

Ordering Information

• Refer to tabulation below for SMC BN ordering

• Request US&S Service Manual SM-6810A for
SMC-BN components.

SMC-BN Unit Design

Order No. SMC-BN Unit

N49800101 Switch Machine Controller
Biased Neutral (complete)

RSE-3A3, p. 2
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-07

Switch Machine Electronic Circuit Controller (ECC)

Chaining Modules
The ASTS USA Bi-Polar Output Isolation Module Input Isolation Module Bi-Polar Output
and Input Isolation Module provide a convenient, Isolation Module
low-cost means of series-chaining three or more
M-3E or M-23E switch machines with Electronic
Circuit Controllers (ECCs). Unlike machines with
conventional electro-mechanical circuit
controllers, certain characteristics of ECCs limit
them to series connections of two machines.
Using these two modules, three or more M-3E or
M-23E machine indication circuits can be
connected in series. Note: The Input Isolation
Module can also be used independently as an
input circuit-protective device for MicroLok® II,
MicroLok® Object Controller and other systems;
refer to RSE-1D7.
The Input Isolation Module is wired as bipolar or
System Configuration unipolar inputs with the outputs wired to the inputs of
the Bipolar Output Isolation Module. The Input
The Bipolar Output Isolation Module and Input module provides increased surge protection on the
Isolation Module are used for isolating external battery front end using multiple stages of MOV’s, inductors
and chaining of the electronic circuit controllers (ECC) and Tranzorbs.
of the M-3 and M-23 style switch machine indication
circuits (Normal and Reverse indications). The These two modules are considered vital when used in
Bipolar Output Isolation Module is used in an application where the input is a vital signal. The
combination with the Input Isolation Module as an modules cannot deliver an output without this vital
isolating amplifier stage to drive multiple ECC signal.
conditional power supply circuits. Currently, ECC-
equipped machines are not well suited to connect the
indication circuits of more than two machines in Design of Units
series, contrary to their mechanical counterparts. The Bipolar Output Isolation Module and Input
This is primarily because indication output circuits are Isolation Module use a common design. Each
linear amplifiers with an efficiency of about 30%. With consists of a plastic, DIN rail-mountable module with
mechanical controllers, circuits are completed through two internal circuit boards. Built-in protection guards
electrical contacts with virtually no limit as to how against a continuous short circuit condition.
many machines can be connected in series. Connections to the module are made with four plug-in
The two modules solve this problem. When more screw connectors. There are 16 screw connections
than two ECC indication circuits are cascaded, the which will accommodate wire size from AWG 24 to
first ECC sees a load that appears to be a series AWG 12 with two screw terminals for each
string of four machines. To overcome this problem, connection. The plug-in connectors are individually
an isolation amplifier is connected between the keyed for easy replacement.
second and third ECC in a 4-machine configuration. Two yellow LEDs on the front of the units indicate the
This amplifier is used to connect two isolation states of the circuit outputs.
amplifiers between the second and third ECC and
between the 4th and 5th ECC in a 6-machine Neither module requires any field maintenance. In the
configuration. unlikely event of a failure, a faulty module is easily
replaced as a complete unit.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3A4, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Switch Machine Electronic Circuit
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Controller Chaining Modules
Rev. 4-07

Typical ECC Switch Machine Chaining Using Input Isolation Module and Bi-Polar Output Isolation Module

Advantages Specifications (cont’d)

• Permit series-chaining of three or more M-3E and Load Drive (Each Ckt): 200 ohms impedance or
M-23E switch machines (with ECCs) higher.
• Easily installed and wired Output Voltages: See tabulation on page 3.
• Built-in protection against continuous short circuit
Output Source: Connected to external M-3E
or M-23E ECC
• No field tests or repairs required (field-replaceable Required protection: Line-to-
units) line and line-to-ground (ASTS
• Enhanced surge protection provided in Input USA USGA; see RSE-3H2)
Isolation Module Short Circuit Protect.: Continuous short circuit
• Input Isolation Module available for other circuit- condition without damage
protective applications (refer to RSE-1D7) Isolation: Between signal inputs/bi-
polar output and battery
Specifications input/bi-polar output: 2000
Bi-Polar Output Isolation Module Vrms
Connections: 2 non-isolated inputs in the Battery input common with
module both module inputs
1 isolated bipolar output drive Temperature Range: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
Input Voltage Range: 9.8 Vdc to 16.2 Vdc +158°F)
Battery Input Range: 9.8 Vdc to 16.2 Vdc. Humidity: 95% , non-condensing
Battery line surge protection Unit Dimensions: See diagram on page 3.
required (ASTS USA USGA;
see RSE-3H2)

RSE-3A4, p. 2
Switch Machine Electronic Circuit Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Controller Chaining Modules
Rev. 4-07

Bi-Polar Output
Isolation Module
Basic Wiring and
Unit Dimensions
(see RSE-1D7 for
Input Isolation

Specifications (cont’d) Ordering and Additional

Bi-Polar Output Isolation Module (cont’d) Information
Bi-Polar Output Isolation Module – Approximate Output Voltages • Refer to ordering
tabulation below for
module part numbers.
• Refer to RSE-3H2 for
additional information on
USG-A Lightning
• Request ASTS USA
Service Manual SM-9488
for additional information
on module installation and

Input Isolation Module

• Refer to RSE-1D7 for Input Isolation Module specifications.

Order No. ECC Chaining Modules

N34801201 Bi-Polar Output Isolation Module
N34800901 Input Isolation Module (1)
Note (1): See RSE-1D7 for
additional information.

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-3A4, p. 3
RSE-3A4, p. 4
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-10
EBNC Bi-Polar Driver Module
The Electronic Biased Neutral Controller (EBNC)
Bi-Polar Driver Module enables one or two ENBC-
equipped switch machines to be controlled from
any vital wayside controller such as one of ASTS
USA’s MicroLok® II-based systems. When driving
two ENBC machines, these machines can be drive
simultaneously via this module. The module also
provides transient signal isolation from the
external battery. The EBNC module is designed
as a vital device. Output polarity on its screw
terminals will always be the same (positive/
negative depending upon which input is
energized). As such, it is designed not to produce
an opposite output polarity.

• Vital design prevents output of incorrect output
The EBNC Bi-Polar Driver Module is DIN rail polarity.
mountable and contains two internal circuit boards.
All connections to the module are made using screw • Front LEDs show states of outputs.
terminals. Two separate screw terminals are provided
for each positive and negative battery input terminal • Compact unit designed for DIN rail mounting.
and each bipolar output terminal. The screw terminals • Terminal arrangement permits easy wiring.
are mounted on plug-in connectors and are
individually keyed for easy replacement. Two yellow
LEDs (OUT #1 and OUT #2) on the front of the Specifications
module light when the indicated output is present. Interfacing and Connection
Inputs are made for redundant logic control. Input I/O: 2 non-isolated inputs
#1A is diode “OR’ed” with input #1B so that either 1 isolated bipolar output drive
Input #1A or Input #1B can energize the output. The
same feature applies to inputs #2A and #2B. The Connections: 4 plug-in screw connectors
module delivers a DC output; the polarity of the output 16 screw connections #24 AWG
is determined by which of the two inputs is enabled. to #12 AWG wire
When voltage is applied to the Input #1 screw Wire Applications: Inputs: #22 AWG or heavier.
terminals, the OUT #1 LED will light and output power Battery: #18 AWG or heavier up
(+) will be available on the BIPOLAR OUTPUT screw to 100 feet.
terminals. Terminals 5 and 6 will be negative and Bipolar Output: #16 AWG up to
terminals 7 and 8 will be positive. When voltage is 1000 loop-feet and #14 AWG up
applied to the INPUT #2 screw terminals, OUT #2 to 2000 loop-feet.
LED will light and output power (+) will be available on
the BIPOLAR OUTPUT screw terminals. Terminals 5
and 6 will be positive, while terminals 7 and 8 will be Electrical
negative. Input Voltage: 9.8 Vdc to 16.2 Vdc
Input Current: 17 to 23 mA over batt. voltage
Advantages range

• Permits direct operation of ENBC-equipped switch

Batt. Input Volt.: 9.8 Vdc to 16.2 Vdc @ less than
1 V (p-p) ripple.
machines from MicroLok II or other vital controller.
Protections: Reverse battery polarity
• Device can operate two EBNC machines Continuous short circuit condition

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3A5, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA EBNC Bi-Polar Driver Module
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 4-10
Typical Application: ENBC Bi-Polar Driver Module Wired to Redundant Logic Controllers

Specifications (cont’d) Bi-Polar Protection: Recommended: Low voltage

Internal Power: 70% efficiency from battery arresters line-to-line
input current. High voltage arresters line-to-
Battery input current = 1.4 x ground
output current. (Refer to RSE-3H2 for USG-A
Bi-Polar Load: 50 ohms impedance or higher Lightning Arresters)
Output Voltage: 18.5 volts when driving two Electrical Isolation: 2,000 V rms between inputs
EBNC machines @ 0.25A and the bipolar output
Output Volt. Range: For given load resistance above 2,000 V rms between bipolar
50 ohms, voltage remains output and battery input
constant over input and battery Output Power: 5W
range of 9.8 to 16.2V.
Temperature Range: –40oC to +70oC

RSE-3A5, p. 2
EBNC Bi-Polar Driver Module Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 4-10
ENBC Bi-Polar Driver Module Unit Wiring and Dimensions

Ordering and Additional Information

• Refer to ordering tabulation for EBNC Bi-Polar

Driver Module part number.

• Refer to RSE-3H2 to order required lightning


• For additional information on the EBNC Bi-Polar

Driver Module, request ASTS USA Service Manual

Order No. Description

N34801701 EBNC Bi-Polar Driver Module

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc

RSE-3A5, p. 3
RSE-3A5, p. 4
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
AFO-IIC Track Circuit for DC-Electrified and Dark
ASTS USA’s AFO-IIC track circuit system is
designed to provide train detection in territories
without insulated joints. It is ideally suited for
dark territory and selected dc electrified LRT
territories for highway crossings and signal
systems requiring continuous train detection. The
AFO-IIC Transmitter is amplitude-modulated to
provide noise immunity in the rails, and both the
transmitter and receiver are fully transistorized

General Description Advantages (cont’d)

The AFO-IIC track circuit is composed of a • Requires no insulated rail joints
transmitter, receiver and receiver relay. The
transmitter and receiver use a dc power source for • Versatile - multiple frequencies between 800 -
operation. The transmitter introduces an audio signal 5000 Hz
of a specific assigned frequency into the track through • Compatible with motion detectors, dc circuits, other
two wires connected directly to the rails. The point AFO.
where wires are connected defines one end of the
AFO-IIC track circuit. Application
The AFO-IIC receiver only responds to a specific The AFO-IIC track circuit detects the presence of a
assigned frequency. The receiver is also connected train through loss of the audio frequency signal which
to the rails with two wires and this point defines the is shunted by the train. A series of AFO-IIC track
other end of the AFO-IIC track circuit. Upon receiving circuits can be superimposed on a track section.
the proper frequency, the receiver detects, amplifies Each track circuit operates independently without
and rectifies the signal to provide an output to operate interference from the operation of other AFO-IIC or dc
an external relay such as the ASTS USA PN-150BH. track circuits. This is particularly important where
The contacts of the relay are then employed in the adjacent highway crossings have overlapping
same fashion as conventional track relay contacts. approach limits. It also allows an overlap at the
The AFO-IIC series includes a transmitter and a crossing for an island circuit.
receiver. Each consists of a sheet steel enclosure, AFO-IIC transmitters and receivers are directly
with printed circuit board(s) attached to the top cover interchangeable and compatible with earlier AFO-II
for ease of maintenance. Standard AAR terminals are and AFO-IIB equipment. The AFO-IIC, however,
provided on both units for external connections. The provides two major advantages:
receiver includes a screwdriver-adjustable sensitivity
control. Both units are designed for shelf, wall or rack • Frequency Selection - AFO-IIC equipment offers
mounting using standard hardware. an unlimited range of frequencies between 800
and 5000 Hz. This allows greater flexibility in
applying new or replacement AFO in territories
Advantages: where frequency compatibility with other overlay
equipment is required.
• Provides train detection in dark and selected dc
LRT territories • Improved Modulation - AFO-IIC uses sine wave
modulation of the carrier frequency, rather than the
• Serves highway crossing or continuous train square wave of previous systems. This reduces
detection signaling applications harmonic noise applied to the track, and minimizes
interference to other equipment.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3B1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA AFO-IIC Track Circuit for
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
DC Electrified and Dark Territories
Rev. 3-09

General System
(Highway Crossing)

Application (cont’d) Specifications (cont’d)

NOTE: If planning a new installation using the AFO- Receiver (cont’d)
IIC system, consult your ASTS USA Account Signal Sensitivity: 5 mV rms, minimum
Executive or request Service Manual SM-6134 before
ordering equipment. AFO-IIC installations require Input Impedance: 1.25 ohm
careful analysis of track circuit configuration, Bandwidth: 3db @ +4.0% of assigned
frequencies, possible audio frequency interference frequency
sources etc. This analysis is essential to development
of a safe and reliable AFO-IIC system. Operating Freq.: See ordering tabulation
Temperature Range: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
Transmitter Ordering Information
Input Voltage: 9.9 to 16.2 Vdc
• Refer to ordering tabulations on page 3 for
Input Current: 0.40A standard output AFO-IIC order numbers
Output Voltage: 5.0 V P-P
• If an AFO-IIC unit with a different operating
Output Impedance: 1 ohm frequency (than those listed) is required, contact
ASTS USA to request frequency in place of unit
Operating Frequencies: See ordering tabulation
order numbers.
Temperature Range: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
+158°F) • To order related track circuit equipment:
‐ Refer to RSE-4G2 for PN-150BH relay (other
types may be required depending upon
Receiver application).
Input Voltage: 9.9 to 16.2 Vdc ‐ See RSE-3H1 for Surge Ripple Filter (standard
Input Current: 0.07A output applications)

Output Voltage: To 400 ohm relay: 5.5 Vdc ‐ See RSE-3H3 for USGA lightning arresters.

• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6134 for

AFO-IIC components.

RSE-3B1, p. 2
AFO-IIC Track Circuit for Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
DC Electrified and Dark Territories
Rev. 3-09


6” 6”
(15.24 CM) (15.24 CM) FUSE

7-1/2” (19.05 CM) 7-1/2” (19.05 CM)


(22.86 CM)
(22.86 CM)

AFO-IIC Transmitters AFO-IIC Receivers

Order No. Carrier Freq. (Hz) Carrier Mod. (Hz) Order No. Carrier Freq. (Hz) Carrier Mod. (Hz)
N451052-2965 870 18 N451052-3165 870 18
N451052-2966 885 18 N451052-3166 885 18
N451052-2967 930 18 N451052-3167 930 18
N451052-2969 980 22 N451052-3168 945 18
N451052-2970 1050 22 N451052-3169 980 22
N451052-2971 1120 22 N451052-3170 1050 22
N451052-2972 1180 22 N451052-3171 1120 22
N451052-2973 1215 22 N451052-3172 1180 22
N451052-2974 1285 27 N451052-3174 1285 27
N451052-2976 1420 27 N451052-3176 1420 27
N451052-2978 1660 27 N451052-3178 1660 27
N451052-2979 1860 39 N451052-3179 1860 39
N451052-2981 2140 39 N451052-3181 2140 39
N451052-2983 2540 39 N451052-3183 2540 39
N451052-2985 3360 68 N451052-3185 3360 68

Track Coupling Units

Order No. Applicable Carrier Frequencies
N451052-1903 870, 980, 1180, 1285, 1660, 1945
N451052-1904 945, 1215, 1520, 2365

RSE-3B1, p. 3
RSE-3B1, p. 4
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
ATT-20 Audio Track Transceiver
The ATT-20 Audio Track Transceiver is a highly
reliable AF track circuit device that operates in the
audio frequency range of 12 to 20 KHz. This high
AF range helps provides sharp block definition in
applications such as highway crossings, island
circuits, switch lock release and general train

General Description
The ATT-20 is provided in two specific units, the
Series Mode unit and the Shunt Mode unit. In the
Shunt Mode application, the transmitter output and
receiver input are connected by cable directly to the
rails. The connection is made through surge
protectors by twisted line pair wires. The point at
which the transmitter wires are connected defines one
end of the track circuit, while the other end of the track Advantages
circuit is defined by the receiver connections to the
track. The receiver detects the presence of a train by • Ideal for short range applications
the loss of the audio frequency signal that is shunted • Electrified or non-electrified territories
away by the train axle.
• Low susceptibility to EMI and ballast effects
In the Series Mode application, the transmitter and
receiver are wired in sequence via a jumper on the Application Notes
ATT-20 unit. This jumper connects a transmitter
ATT-20 may be ordered as a direct replacement for
output to a receiver input terminal. The remaining
the ATT-10. However, make certain to order either
transmitter output lead and the remaining receiver
the Shunt Mode or Series Mode version of the ATT-20
lead are twisted as a pair and each is connected to its
to-replace the corresponding application of the ATT-
respective rail. The presence of a train axle across
10. The Series and Shunt Mode versions of the ATT-
the rails completes the series signal path, thus
20 are not interchangeable in their application.
detecting the approach of a train.
Unlike previous ATT series units, the ATT-20 can be Specifications
used in both non-electrified and dc-electrified Power Supply
territories. It is also less susceptible to sources of EMI
such as hand-held radios. In most applications P.S. Voltage: 9.8 - 15.2 Vdc
insulated joints are not required and track circuits up Ripple: 1 V P-P (max.)
to 300 ft. (91.4 m) long can be realized. The series Load Current: 600 mA
mode version of the ATT-20 has reduced sensitivity to Fuse: 0.75A fast-blow
changes in ballast conditions compared to previous
ATT models. The ATT-20 is provided in two specific Req’d P.S. Filter: ASTS USA Surge Ripple
units, the Series Mode unit and the Shunt Mode unit. Filter N451590-0301
Neither unit can be used for the alternate application. Transmitter
On the shunt mode unit, the front cover contains an Shunt Mode Output V: 1.0 V RMS (modulated) into 5
access hole for adjusting the relay operating voltage ohm load
level (transmitter output).
Series Mode Output V: 0.25 V RMS (modulated) into
1 ohm load
Available Op. Freq.: 12.28 KHz, 15.0 KHz, 20 KHz
Carrier Freq.: Tolerance: +5%

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3B3, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA ATT-20 Audio Track Transceiver
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

Specifications (cont’d) Miscellaneous

Mod. Freq. (All Units):390 Hz: +0.5% Reverse Batt. Protection: Built in
Harmonic Output: -30 db @ 2nd harmonic w/12 Operating Temp. Range: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
ohm load in shunt mode +158°F)
Output & Input Imped,: 7 ohms - shunt mode, 1 ohm Maximum Block Length: 300 ft. (91.4 m) shunt
- series mode mode @3 ohms/1000 ft.
Output Voltage: 7.65 Vdc into 400 ohms (304.9 m) ballast
150 ft. (45.7 m) series
mode @ 3 ohms/1000 ft.
(304.9 m) ballast
Unit Weight: 4.87 lbs. (2.2 kg)

ATT-20 Unit Dimensions

ATT-20 Shunt Mode


RSE-3B3, p. 2
ATT-20 Audio Track Transceiver Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

ATT-20 Series Mode


Ordering Information • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6299 for

• Refer to ordering tabulation below for standard ATT-20 replacement parts.
ATT-20 part numbers.
• Refer to RSE-3H1 to order Surge Ripple Filter.

ATT-20 Units
Order No. Frequency (kHz) Application
N451052-3901 12.8 Shunt
N451052-3902 15.0 Shunt
N451052-3903 20.0 Shunt
N451052-3904 12.28 Series
N451052-3905 15.0 Series
N451052-3906 20.0 Series

ATT-20 (Series Mode) Kits

Cable Comp.
Order No. ATT-20 Model PCB (1)
X451052-3907 -3907 X
X451052-3908 -3908 X
X451052-3909 -3909 X
Note (1): Cable Compensating PCB;
see ordering tab. below.

Order No. Misc. Application Units

N13100201 Cable Compensating PCB
N451522-0525 USSP-21 Secondary Surge Protector (see RSE-3H3)
N451552-0101 UGSA Lightning Arrester (see RSE-3H2)
N451890-0301 Surge Ripple Filter (see RSE-3H1)

RSE-3B3, p. 3
RSE-3B3, p. 4
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03
Phase-Selective Unit (PSU)
ASTS USA’s 91.67-100 Hz Phase Selective Unit
(PSU) is a highly reliable device for driving
code-following relays in power frequency track
circuits. It eliminates the need for line wires
and/or signal cables, and directly replaces the
larger, more expensive centrifugal vane relays
used in this application. The PSU is also more
immune to traction current than centrifugal

General Description
The Phase-Selective Unit may be employed in 25
or 60 Hz propulsion territories and set to 91.67 or
100 Hz carrier frequency by simply changing
connections on the unit’s wiring terminals. The Ordering Information
most recent PSU incorporates several
improvements over older models. These include • Refer to ordering tabulation for Phase Selective Unit
better internal stabilization of the local input part numbers
voltage and an improved means of adjusting to
phase angle changes that maintains tuning • Refer to these RSE catalog sections for Phase-
frequency accuracy. Adjustment is done by adding Selective related units:
capacitance in series with the primary of the local ‐ RSE-3E1: W-400 Transformer
transformer. Four capacitance values are
available by choosing taps and changing the ‐ RSE-4N2: PC-250P plug-in relays N32559-014,
position of one jumper (each capacitor separately, N322559-018
the series combination and the parallel • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6147 for
combination). This allows adjustment for the replacement parts.
standard range of track circuit lengths (100 ft. to
6000 ft./30.5 m to 1830 m). Order No. PSU
N451590-0101 91.67/100 Hz Phase-Selective Unit

• Code-following relay drive in power frequency

track circuits
• Eliminates centrifugal vane relays, line wires,
signal cables
• Cab signal compatible, works with wide range
of code rates

Local Voltage: 20 Vac RMS +5%
Operating Frequency: 91.67 Hz or 100 Hz
Dielectric Breakdown: 3000V, 60 Hz for 1 min.
Temperature Range: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
Mounting: Rack, shelf or wall.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3C2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Phase-Selective Unit
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 7-03
Typical 100 Hz Track Circuit Application

Typical 91-2/3 Hz Track Circuit Application

RSE-3C2, p. 2
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
EM-1 Automatic Train Stop
The EM-1 Automatic Train Stop, which interacts with
carborne vehicle control equipment, provides an
effective means of activating the train braking
mechanism in the event restrictive signals are
ignored. It functions by means of a mechanical
contact between a wayside trip arm and a brake
emergency trip switch or trip cock which is mounted
on the car. The wayside trip arm is lowered when
the signal is clear and raised when the signal is at
stop. If a train tries to pass a signal at stop, the
wayside arm will engage the cars brake emergency
trip switch or trip cock, thereby initiating an
emergency brake application.

General Description
The EM-1 Trip Stop is housed in a cast-iron case and
consists of a combination motor and gear case, circuit
breaker with driving arm, compression return spring and
sector. The trip arm assembly consists of a trip arm, Advantages
rocker shaft, bearing strap with self-aligning bearing, and
a hold-down hook. This arm is driven under power to the • Assured Emergency Braking For Trains
clear position (1/2” (1.3 cm) below the top of the running • Right or Left-Hand Layout
rail). It is returned to the stop position above the running
rail by a compression return spring. The EM-1’s Train • With or without switch heaters
Stop Circuit Controller is mounted next to the trip arm. • Long record of reliability
Its function is to indicate the position of the trip arm.
Mounting options for the EM-1 include elevated Ordering Information
structures and ballasted ties. The EM-1 is typically
installed on mounting plates midway between the rails. • Refer to ordering tabulations for EM-1 part numbers
It’s rocker shaft may be fastened for either right or left and key maintenance materials.
operation, as required. Spline or universal coupling is • Please take careful note equipment characteristics
available at the rocker shaft connection to the unit. when placing order.
Selected units are equipped with a heater for operation in
cold weather areas. Refer to the ordering tabulation for • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-5730 for
additional design characteristics and specifications. replacement parts.

EM-1 Automatic Train Stop

Combination Coupling Switch
Order No. (µF) Arrangement Heater Notes
N387658 20 - 25 Universal - R.H. -- (1)
N387658-002 20 - 20 Universal - L.H. -- (1)
N387658-004 15 - 20 Spline -- --
N387658-003 15 - 20 Spline X --
N387658-007 20 - 5 Spline -- --
N387658-009 20 - 25 Spline X --
N436240 35 - 50 Spline -- --
N451801-0101 20 - 20 Spline X --
Note (1): Were 14µF to 18µF on earlier models.
Note (2): 25 Hz EM-1 unit equipped with 2-post terminal board

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3D1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA EM-1 Automatic Train Stop
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09
Specifications EM-1 Unit Design
Operating Voltage:
100 Vac @ 60 Hz

Tripper Arm Capacitor Set:

See ordering tab.

Trip Arm Height Over Rail:

2-1/2” to 3” (6.35 cm
to 7.62 cm)

Current At Normal Volt.:

In-rush: 1.42A
Holding: 0.73A

EM-1 Unit Typical Layout

RSE-3D1, p. 2
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
Style “S” Electro-Mechanical Train Stop
ASTS USA’s Style “S” Electro-Pneumatic (EP)
Train Stop helps insure that a passing train
does not continue moving (if a restrictive cab
signal aspect is ignored) by tripping an air
release valve on the train. The EP stop is
designed for pneumatically operated wayside

General Description
It employs a helical coil spring for forcing the
tripper arm to the stop position. The mechanism
drives the tripper arm to the clear position with a
minimum of 60 PSI applied air pressure. An air
pressure reduction to approximately 30 PSI is
sufficient to raise the arm to the full stop position,
which helps assure a safe margin for operation.
The unit’s outboard bearing is self-aligning to
allow for mounting variations and to pre-vent
binding. A coupling in the drive shaft is available • Provides reliable trip stop action
with spherical bearing surfaces for centering the • Light weight, durable unit
drive shaft with the mechanism, and to
compensate for any misalignment. • Left-hand or dual-side tripper arm options
The circuit controller in the EP train stop is driven
by a pair of rocker arms actuated by a cam on
the drive shaft. Independent contacts in the Operating Air Pressure: 60 PSI (min.)
controller include 3-closed/5-open in the stop Clear: 55 PSI or greater
position and 5 closed/3 open in the clear position. Stop: 30 PSI or less
Also, one independent normal and reverse Tripper Arm Travel: 56° to 60°
contact is provided in each position (stop and
clear). Ordering Information
Models of the EP Train Stop are available for left- • Refer to ordering tabulation for Style “S” stop part nos.
hand installation only (typical), and with a shaft
that allows the tripper arm to be mounted on • Contact ASTS USA to order units N330549 and
either side of the unit. N330549-0001 (NYCT-specific), or request SM-5434A.
• Models with chain and shaft cover allow tripper arm
mounting on either side.
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-5434 for
component parts.

Style "S" Train Stops

Conduit Port Cover Chain &
Order No. Layout Pipe Plug Heater(s) Shaft Cover Notes
N329366 L.H. X -- -- --
N329366-001 L.H. X X -- --
N329366-002 L.H. X X (1)
N293126 R.H. -- -- X (1)
Note (1): These models require special ordering. Call 1-800-652-7276 or your ASTS USA
Account Executive for additional information.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3D2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Style “S” Electro-Mechanical Train Stop
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

Typical Track Layout with Long Shaft (see Service Manual SM-5434 for other layout options)

RSE-3D2, p. 2
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
W-400 Transformer
ASTS USA W-400 air cooled transformers are
produced in a wide variety of input/output
configurations to satisfy most requirements.
These transformers, with improved output
efficiency over earlier models, are designed for
long life and can be used for track circuit feed,
signal lighting and other general applications.
Special application W-400 transformers are also
available for decoding and indication use.

General Description
W-400 transformers are air cooled devices, consisting
of a wound coil and laminations mounted in a sheet
metal housing. This housing may be wall, shelf or
rack-mounted. Coil leads are brought out to AREMA-
standard terminal posts on a molded terminal board.
This board contains all transformer application
information. Both primary and secondary connections
are made at the top of the transformer. The
“Indication” transformer is designed for use in coded
CTC systems and has one primary (two sections) and
one secondary with a 0.010 inch air gap. All W-400
units incorporate insulation to withstand 3000 volts
RMS, have adjustable (additive) secondary windings
and meet AREMA performance standards.

General Specifications • T.C. feed, signal lighting and many other

Unit Dimensions: See page 3.
Electrical (General): See ordering tabulation. • Dependable, consistent operation

Input Voltage Limits: Must be full line voltage (120, • All input and output connections, circuit chart on
240, etc.) at rated frequency for common terminal board
maximum output rating.
Dielectric Strength: 3000 Vac isolation between
primary and secondary Ordering Information and Per-Unit Specifications
• Refer to ordering tabulation on page 4 for W-400
3000 Vac isolation between part numbers and specifications.
windings and core*
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-5994 for
W-400 Transformer replacement parts.
Insulation: Class A
Unit Weight: 18.5 lb. (8.4 kg)
Temp. Range: -40°C to +71°C (-40°F to

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3E1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA W-400 Transformers
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

RSE-3E1, p. 2
W-400 Transformers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

RSE-3E1, p. 3
Ansaldo STS USA W-400 Transformers
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

Ordering Information and Per-Unit Specifications (cont’d)

W-400 Transformers
Prim. Volt. Primary Sec. Sec. Output Sec. Output Sec. Output Sec. Output Pwr. Rating
Order No. Type (Vac) Freq. (Hz) Output No. 1 (Vac/Amp) 2 (Vac/Amp) 3 (Vac/Amp) 4 (Vac/Amp) (V.A. Max.)
N451428-0101 Universal 120/114 60/100 1 18V-20A -- -- -- 360
N451428-0102 Universal 120/114 60/100 2 18V-10A 18V-20A -- -- 360
N451428-0103 Universal 120/114 60/100 4 6V-3A 6V-3A 25V-5A 16V-12A 353
N451428-0104 Universal 120/114 60/100 3 12V-12A 12V-10A 12V-10A -- 384
N451428-0105 Universal 120/114 50/100 2 16V-10A 16V-10A -- -- 320
N451428-0106 Universal 240/228 60/100 2 18V-10A 18V-10A -- -- 360
N451428-0107 Universal 120/114 50/100 2 32V-5A 32V-5A -- -- 320
N451428-0108 Universal 120 60/100 2 18V-3.5A 18V-3.5A -- -- 126
N451428-0109 Universal 240/228 60/100 1 18V-20A -- -- -- 360
N451428-0110 Decoding 10 Vdc 1.25/3 -- -- -- -- -- --
N451428-0111 Indication -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
N451428-0112 Universal 120/114 60/100 2 18V-10A 36V-5A -- -- 360
N451428-0113 Universal 120/114 60/100 1 18V-20A -- -- -- 360
N451428-0114 Universal 120 60/100 1 11.3V-18A -- -- -- 200

RSE-3E1, p. 4
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03
W-800 Transformers
ASTS USA W-800 air cooled transformers are
produced in a wide variety of input/output
configurations to satisfy most requirements.
These transformers, with improved output
efficiency over earlier models, are designed
for long life and can be used for track circuit
feed, signal lighting and other general

General Description
W-800 air cooled transformers supplement the
W-400 transformers (see RSE-3E1) in
applications requiring a higher capacity. W-800
transformers are air cooled devices, consisting of
a wound coil and laminations mounted in a sheet
metal housing. This housing may be wall, shelf
or rack-mounted. Coil leads are brought out to
AREMA-standard terminal posts on a molded
terminal board. This board contains all
transformer application information. Both primary
and secondary connections are made at the top
of the transformer. All W-800 units incorporate
insulation to withstand 3000 volts RMS, have
adjustable (additive) secondary windings and
meet AREMA performance standards.


• T.C. feed, signal lighting and many other


• Dependable, consistent operation

• All input and output connections, circuit chart

on common terminal board

Ordering Information and Specifications

• Refer to ordering tabulation for W-800 part

numbers and specifications.

• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6007

for W-800 Transformer replacement parts.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3E2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA W-800 Transformers
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 7-03

Ordering Information and Specifications (cont’d)

Primary Volt. Primary Freq. Secondary Secondary Power Rating

Order No. (Vac) (Hz) Secondaries 1st Type 2nd Type (V.A. Max.)
N451469-0101 120/114 60/100 2 (20V-18A) (20V-18A) 720
N451469-0102 240/228 60/100 2 (18V-20A) (18V-20A) 720
N451469-0104 120/114 60/100 4 (18.5V-10A) 3 (18.5V-10A) 740
N451469-0105 240/228 60/100 3 (125V-5A) 2 (34V-1.74A) 740
N451469-0106 115/100 25/100 1 (11.5V-40A) -- 460

RSE-3E2, p. 2
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03
CCR Constant Current Rectifiers
ASTS USA’s CCR Constant Current Rectifiers
are used for battery charging applications
where a load is connected to the battery, or
for floating the battery at a lower rate when
the load is disconnected. These rectifiers are
self-contained, full-wave devices, each
containing a reactive input transformer and a
full-wave diode rectifier bridge.

General Description
In the CCR design, a sliding core is employed to
obtain optimum transformer operation and set the
desired current levels. The diode-rectifier bridge
is bracket-mounted and easily accessible for
testing and replacement. These units use a Ordering Information and Specifications
silicon avalanche integrated bridge rectifier with • Refer to ordering tab for CCR part numbers and
built-in surge protection. The versatility of the specifications.
CCR series is in the selection of transformers.
Each rectifier has a specifically rated transformer • Please indicate required operating specifications and
to obtain a given output. All CCR rectifiers model number along with order number.
provide full rated outputs with +10% variation in • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-5951 for
input voltage. Refer to the ordering tabulation for replacement parts.
complete input/output voltage and current


• Two-rate charge capability

• Modular design

• Wide selection of transformers

• Outputs with small variations in ratings

CCR Rectifiers
Input Input Output Output LA-Cells NI-Cells Dimen.
Order No. Model (Vac) (Hz) (Vdc) (Amps) (1) (1) "A"
N451372-0101 CCR-4 120/140 50/60 13.5 4.4 4-6 6-9 6"
(15.24 CM)
N451372-0104 CCR-5 120/140 50/60 3.0 5.0 1 1-2 5-1/2"
(14.0 CM)
N451372-0107 CCR-6 120/140 50/60 20.0 5.0 7-9 10-13 6-1/2"
(14.0 CM)
N451372-0112 CCR-7 120 60/100 13.5 6.0 4-6 6-9 6-1/2"
(14.0 CM)
Note (1): Applicable battery: LA = Lead-Acid, NI = Nickel-Iron

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3F1, p. 1
RSE-3F1, p. 2
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-07
CPR Constant Potential Rectifiers
ASTS USA CPR Constant Potential Rectifiers are
widely used for track and line applications. They
provide a wide range of operating voltages to
satisfy most signal and communications
requirements, and are in-tended for use with dc
equipment, such as relays or other devices
requiring a constant voltage source.

General Description
All CPR units are self-contained, full bridge rectifiers
consisting of an input transformer and a silicon
avalanche-integrated bridge rectifier. These rectifiers
are designed for shelf or wall mounting using standard
hardware. External wiring connections are made on
AREMA terminal posts to enable easy removal and
installation of the unit. The operating temperature
range for all units is -40° +70°C (-40° +158°F). All voltage is adjustable over a wide range of settings by
units incorporate 3000 Vac isolation between input to top changing of transformer windings. The terminal
output chassis. block is mounted above the diode rectifier bridge,
Series CPR-1 Rectifiers are suitable for low power while the transformer is mounted on sleeve spacers
applications up to 7 watts load. Series CPR-2, -3, -4, perpendicular to the terminal board.
and -6 Rectifiers are designed for loads up to 120 The versatility of this series of rectifiers is in its
watts, while CPR-10 Rectifier is designed for loads up selection of transformers to obtain the desired
to 247 watts. CPR units are not designed for battery operating characteristics. Each rectifier has a
charging applications. Refer to the ordering transformer with a specific rating, corresponding to
tabulations for additional specifications. the output. The diode rectifier bridge is standard in all
CPR-10 Rectifier
• Ideal for track and line applications
On this rectifier, the input transformer and rectifier
• Adjustable output voltage on selected units assembly are mounted on a wrap-around frame,
• High efficiency operation which can also serve as a wall-mount bracket. A
separate bracket for shelf mounting is attached to the
CPR-1 Rectifiers front of the unit. All circuit wiring is brought out to
terminals on the top of the assembly. Different output
This rectifier is enclosed in a sheet metal housing,
voltages are created by making circuit changes on
which is fastened with two bolts to a main rectifier
these terminals. Circuit changes to accommodate two
chassis. This housing is designed to keep dirt and
input voltages are also made on these terminals.
debris away from the chassis. The diode rectifier
bridge is mounted at the bottom center of the chassis,
Ordering Information and Specifications
with the transformer directly above it.
• Refer to ordering tab on reverse side for CPR part
CPR-2, CPR-3, CPR-4, CPR-6 Rectifiers numbers and specifications
These rectifiers have modular construction. The • Please indicate required operating specifications
diode rectifier bridge is bracket-mounted and easily and model number along with order number.
accessible for testing and replacement. Output
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-5952 for
replacement parts.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3F2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA CPR Constant Potential Rectifiers
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 4-07
Specifications and Ordering Information
CPR Rectifiers
Input Input Output Output Dimen.
Order No. Model (Vac) (Hz) (Vdc) (Amps) "A" Notes
N451372-0304 CPR-1 110.0 25/100 12.0 0.10 4-31/32" --
(12.62 CM)
N451372-0305 CPR-1 110.0 60/100 16.0 0.10 4-31/32" --
(12.62 CM)
N451372-0306 CPR-1 1.44 60 4.0 0.20 4-29/32" --
(12.46 CM)
N451372-0307 CPR-1 9.2 25/100 13.0 0.50 5-11/32" --
(13.56 CM)
N451372-0310 CPR-1 115.0 60/100 16.0 0.20 5-11/32" --
(13.56 CM)
N451372-0501 CPR-4 115/120 60/100 10.0-18.0 4.0 6-27/32" (1)
(17.37 CM)
N451372-0502 CPR-3 110/115 25/100 10.0-17.5 3.0 7-11/32" (1)
(18.65 CM)
N451372-0503 CPR-2 110/115 50/100 27.0-60.0 2.0 7-11/32" (2)
(18.65 CM)
N451372-0504 CPR-6 115/120 50/100 12.5-20.0 6.5 7-11/32" (3)
(18.65 CM)
N451372-0505 CPR-10 120/114 60/100 10.0-16.5 15.0 -- (1)
Note (1): Adjustable in 0.5 volt steps.
Note (2): Adjustable in 2.0 volt steps.
Note (3): Adjustable in 0.8 volt steps.

Unit Dimensions

RSE-3F2, p. 2
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03
F-81 DC/AC Inverter
The F-81 Inverter is a fully solid state unit
designed to convert direct current into
alternating current at high efficiency for
applications such as cab signals and standby
ac power sources. This unit eliminates the
mechanical vibrators of earlier inverters,
yielding a unit of exceptional reliability and
stability over a wide temperature range.

General Description
The F-81 is housed in a compact steel enclosure
with easy-access terminal posts located along a
“shelf” at the front of the unit. Conversion from
direct to alternating current is accomplished by a Ordering Information
solid state inverter-oscillator circuit and a tapped • Refer to ordering tabulation below for F-81 part
output transformer. The tapped transformer numbers.
enables quick and easy adjustment of output • Note replacement cross reference for older F-30 and
voltage to system requirements. Short circuit F-80 inverters.
protection is built-in and standard for all models.
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6128 for
replacement parts.
Unit Dimensions
• Ideal as standby ac power source

• Stable output frequency, high efficiency

• No mechanical vibrator

Input Voltage: 12 Vdc
Input Current: 30 A
Output Voltage: 120 Vac (15-15-15-15-50-5-5)
Output Volt/Amps: 300 VA (average power)
Output Freq: N451033-4001: 100.0 Hz,
N451033-4002: 60.0 Hz
Operating Temp: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to

F-81 Units
Order No. Output Freq. Replaces F-30 Replaces F-80
N451033-4001 100.0 Hz. N382592 N451033-3403
N451033-4002 60.0 HZ N390490 N451033-3404

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3G1, p. 1
RSE-3G1, p. 2
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03
F-82 DC/AC Inverter
The all-solid state F-82 Inverter can be used as the
low-voltage ac power source for up to four Type
“C” track circuits. This unit has been in
dependable service for many decades on many
rail properties.

General Description
The F-82 DC/AC Inverter normally operates from 120
Vac commercial power, but automatically transfers to
standby batteries in the event ac power is lost. Input
power transfer is accomplished within the F-82 unit;
external transfer circuitry is not required. In the
standby operating mode, the unit converts dc to ac at
high efficiency to minimize battery drain. All
components are housed in a rugged sheet steel
enclosure designed for shelf or wall mounting. Ordering Information
Terminals are located on a convenient “shell” at the
unit’s front. Contact your ASTS USA Account • Refer to ordering tabulation below for standard F-
Executive for additional application data on the F-82 82 part number.
inverter. • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6137 for
replacement parts.

• Designed for type “C” track circuit applications

Unit Dimensions
• Stable under extreme temperature variations

Input Volt: Normal: 120 Vac
Standby: 12 Vdc
Input Amps: Normal: 1 A (max.)
Standby: 10 A (max.)
Output Volt. (track): Normal: 5.5 Vac
Standby: 6.5 Vac
Output Amps (track): Normal: 3.5 A/secondary (sine
Standby: 3.5 A/secondary (sq.
Temp. Range: -40°C to + 70°C (-40°F to +

Order No. F-82 Unit

N451033-4101 F-82 DC-to-AC Inverter (complete)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3G2, p. 1
RSE-3G2, p. 2
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03
F-85 Inverter-Driver
The F-85 Inverter-Driver is a highly reliable signal
generator designed for use in phase selective
track circuits or any other application requiring a
precise and predictable signal output. This unit
has shown dependable service for many years on
a variety of rail properties.

General Description
The F-85 Inverter-Driver is typically used with the
US&S F50-1 Inverter-Follower to produce a standard
signal 100 Hz over a 9 to 18 V supply voltage range.
Depending upon the application, F-85 units can also
be developed with customer-specified frequencies.
The F-85 is provided as a direct replacement for the
F-70 Inverter-Driver (N451034-680_).
Components of the F-85 are housed in a 2-piece
sheet metal case with two mounting brackets. Power
input and signal output connections are made on four
AREMA-standard terminals on top of the case. The
unit’s input power fuse is also accessible on the front
cover. Specifications
The case contains two printed circuit boards, the Power Input: 9.0 to 18.0 Vdc, 12.0 Vdc nom.
Logic and Output PCB’s, which are hard-wired to the Output Freq: 100.0 Hz : +1.0 Hz
external terminals and fuse. A quartz crystal-
controlled oscillator on the Logic PCB provides the Load Impedance: 390 ohms, nominal.
base frequency for the unit’s output. Dual countdown Output Power: 8.0 volts minimum (16 V P-P)
stages on this board provide precisely phased signals across 390 ohms-160 mW
to the Output PCB. This board contains summing Temp. Limits: -30° to +160°F (-34°C to
circuits and amplifiers that receive and process the +71°C)
phased outputs from the Logic PCB. An output
transformer on the Output PCB yields the desired Breakdown Volt: 3000 volts @ 60 Hz
square wave signal. An on-board fuse (separate from
the front-panel power fuse) is used to cut off the Ordering Information
output signal in the event of an out-of-tolerance
deviation in the signal.
• Refer to ordering tabulation below for F-85 part
• Please supply specified frequency along with order
Advantages number.
• Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive to
• High precision output order F-85 units with special frequencies.
• Phase-selective track circuit and other applications • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6306 for
replacement parts.
• Models for all standard output signals
Order No. F-85 Unit
N451052-4303 F-85 Inverter-Driver (complete)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3G3, p. 1
RSE-3G3, p. 2
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
Surge-Ripple Filter
Surge Ripple Filters provide dependable and long-
lasting protection for many classes of electronic
equipment such as audio frequency overlay
devices. They guard against lightning and other
types of power surges, and also aid in reducing
voltage ripple caused by battery chargers. These
units improve upon previous filters with their
solid-state transient voltage suppressor, and new
redundant capacitive filter circuit. As a result, the
Surge Ripple Filters work with unprecedented

General Description
In the Surge Ripple Filter, ripple reduction is
accomplished with a simple LC circuit consisting of an
inductor and two capacitors. The capacitors are
placed in a redundant configuration to insure filtering
should one of them fail. Transient voltage
suppression is achieved with an inductor, the
Transzorb and an externally mounted lightning
arrester (not included with the unit). This model of the
Surge Ripple Filter is a direct replacement for older
units N451036-0701 and N451036-0702.


• Ideal for AFO track circuits, other installations. Ordering Information

• Design improvements yield very high reliability. • Refer to ordering tabulation for Surge-Ripple Filter
part numbers.
• Easy mounting and wiring.
• Make certain the intended application does not
exceed the indicated current limit for the unit (see
Specifications Specifications).
Max. Supplied Volt.: 20V (dc + peak ripple
component) • To order replacement parts, request Service
Manual SM-6265.
Max. Load Current: 3.15A
Insertion Loss: Drops nearly 1V with 2.5A load
1.5V at full load
Term. Connect: AREMA (AAR)
Mounting: Wall, rack or shelf
Unit Dimensions: See page 2.
Unit Weight: 9 lbs. (4.0 kg) approx.
Order No. Surge-Ripple Filter
Operating Temp.: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
N451590-0301 Surge-Ripple Filter (complete)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3H1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Surge-Ripple Filter
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

RSE-3H1, p. 2
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 1-04
USGA Lightning Arresters
USG-A Lightning Arresters reduce the chances of
damage to electrical and electronic equipment
from lightning strokes. As a result, they help
minimize service disruptions and equipment
down-time. These units incorporate the latest in
lightning arrester technology, and are available in
several models to satisfy most applications,
including high voltage, low voltage and ac line.

General Description
USG-A Lightning arresters are designed to limit surge
voltage transients on electrical equipment below
breakdown voltage, and minimize surge current
through the equipment. They are provided as
separate units, or are mounted on a terminal block. • State-of-the-art lightning protection
Typical applications are shown in the diagram. • Models for high and low voltage dc, ac line
The standard low-voltage arrester is a varistor-filled • Easy to inspect
gap arrester. The varistor material is mounted in
parallel with a high durability air gap formed by the • “Green” arrester for special applications
separation of two brass disks. Static charges are bled
off by the varistor, and fast-rising transients are Specifications
immediately clipped with a minimum of overshoot. Operating Voltages: Low Voltage (blue and
green): 32 Vdc, 25 Vac
ASTS USA’s low-voltage green arrester is provided
for those stringent applications where the minimum High Voltage (red): 250
possible clamping voltage must be assured. Each Vdc, 175 Vac
green arrester is meticulously tested for this purpose. AC Line (yellow): 140 Vac
As shown in the Specifications, the green arrester
Breakdown Voltage: Low Voltage (blue and
clamps a 1000 volt dynamic surge to 250 - 450 volts
green): 75-200 Vdc, 50-
peak. This is typically 100 volts lower than a blue
100 Vac (60 Hz)
arrester subjected to the same dynamic test.
High Voltage (red): 500-
The high-voltage arrester is a true air-gap arrester. 3000 Vdc, 350-950 Vac
The gap is physically held by a Teflon spacer and is in
series with a varistor, making it a current-limiting gap. Resistance: Low Voltage (blue and
This arrangement is in parallel with the gap formed by green): >103 ohms @ 32
the separation of the brass disks. Vdc
High Voltage (red): >109
USG-A Lightning Arresters are equipped with a high-
ohms @ 100 Vdc
strength, clear Lexan® cover that permits visual
inspection of internal components, and contains the AC Line (yellow): >5 x 103 ohms @ 120 Vac
explosive effects of heavy surges. Part numbers are Dynam. Test Green Arr: Dynamic wavefront: 1000
stenciled and color-coded for quick identification of VPEAK 10 kV /microsec.
different units. rise rate
Peak V: 250 to 450 VPEAK

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3H2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA USGA Lightning Arresters
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 1-04
Ordering and Additional Information • Order terminal block and mounting hardware
• Refer to ordering tabulation for standard USG-A
separately for low voltage green arrester.
arrester units, terminal block kits and block unit
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6108 for
additional information on USG-A Arresters.

USG-A Arrester Units, Kits and Terminal Block

Order No. Arrester Unit Type Arrester Color w/Term. Block w/Mtg. Hardw.
N451552-0101 X Low Volt. Blue -- --
N451552-0103 X Low Volt. Green -- --
N451552-0201 X High Volt. Red -- --
N451552-0401 X AC Line Yellow -- --
X451552-0301 X Low Volt. Blue X X
X451552-0302 X High Volt. Red X X
X451552-0306 X AC Line Yellow X X
X451552-0308 X High Volt. Red X X
N451552-0303 Terminal Board for Lightning Arresters (except green arrester)

Typical Circuit Applications

Terminal Block Assembly

RSE-3H2, p. 2
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03
USSP Secondary Surge Suppressors
ASTS USA Secondary Surge Suppressors (USSP)
help protect many types of solid-state equipment
by limiting electrical surges to this equipment.
This is accomplished with solid state suppression
and inductance coil circuits and various
configura-tions of primary arresters. Different
USSP units cover track circuit, power line and
battery line applications, and all are very easy to

General Description
The basic USSP unit (not including external primary
arresters) is designed to limit low energy transients
and surges that are of insufficient amplitude to break- Advantages
over the primary arresters, but can still damage
sensitive electronic equipment. A series inductor in • Helps protect sensitive electronic equipment from
each leg of a USSP unit is common to all of these power surges
units. The inductors provide isolation impedance
between the primary and secondary suppressors.
• Wide range of battery, track and ac line options
Various clamping devices are used in conjunction with • Versions available for non-electrified, dc-electrified
the inductors to limit the different line-to-line voltages. track circuits
These include Zener diodes, varistors and unipolar to
bipolar Transzorbs.
Specifications and Ordering Information
Each USSP unit is housed in a high-dielectric plastic
case with mounting tabs at each end. Circuit-protective • Refer to ordering tabulation on reverse side for
components, internal wiring and standard AREMA USSP part numbers and specifications.
terminals are fastened to the unit’s cover; this allows
fast disassembly for inspection purposes. The top of • Please indicate required operating specifications
cover is clearly marked with vital unit operating along with order number.
specifications and terminal nomenclature. Selected • Refer to RSE-3H2 to order additional USG-A
models of the USSP are equipped with the ASTS USA lightning arresters for USSP units.
USG-A Lightning Arrester (see RSE-3H2), which
provide primary voltage surge protection. USSP unit • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6145 for
N451552-0534 is designed for use in non-electrified USSP replacement parts and additional application
track circuits and track circuits on dc-electrified data.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3H3, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA USSP Secondary Surge Suppressors
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 7-03
Specifications and Ordering Information (cont’d)
USSP Units
Max. Max. Max. Coil
Circuit Circuit Circuit Induct Capac. Capac. Secondary
Order No. Model/Type Vdc Vac Amps (mH) mFd Volts Suppress. Notes
N451552-0501 11/Batt. 18 -- 3 150 100 25 18.8 Vdc (1)
N451552-0502 11/Batt. 18 -- 7 22 100 25 18.8 Vdc (1)
N451552-0503 11/Batt. 18 -- 15 16 100 25 18.8 Vdc (1)
N451552-0504 11/Batt. 18 -- 25 5 100 25 18.8 Vdc (1)
N451552-0506 10/Batt. 18 -- 7 22 100 25 18.8 Vdc (2)
N451552-0507 10/Batt. 18 -- 15 16 100 25 18.8 Vdc (2)
N451552-0508 10/Batt. 18 -- 25 5 100 25 18.8 Vdc (2)
N451552-0511 10/Batt. 18 -- 15 16 100 25 18.8 Vdc (3)
N451552-0513 11/Batt. 32 -- 3 150 100 55 33.3 Vdc (1)
N451552-0514 11/Batt. 32 -- 7 22 100 25 33.3 Vdc (1)
N451552-0515 11/Batt. 32 -- 15 16 100 55 33.3 Vdc (1)
N451552-0516 11/Batt. 32 -- 25 5 100 55 33.3 Vdc (1)
N451552-0519 10/Batt. 32 -- 3 150 100 25 33.3 Vdc (2)
N451552-0523 10/Batt. 32 -- 15 16 100 55 33.3 Vdc (3)
N451552-0526 20/Track 7 17 50 5 100 55 31.6 Vdc (2)
N451552-0527 20/Track 7 17 50 5 100 55 31.6 Vdc (3)
N451552-0528 30/AC -- 120 20 8 100 55 140 Vac (4)
N451552-0529 31/AC -- 240 20 8 100 55 275 Vac (4)
Note (1): With one L.V. arrester mounted line-to-line and two H.V. arresters line-to-ground.
Note (2): With one L.V. arrester mounted line-to-line.
Note (3): Without mounted arrester.
Note (4): With one AC Line arrester mounted line-to-line.

USSP-10 Schematic USSP-20 Schematic USSP-31 Schematic

USSP-11 Schematic USSP-30 Schematic

RSE-3H3, p. 2
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03
CMF-101 Common Mode Filter
The ASTS USA CMF-101 Common Mode Filter is
a new class of line filter designed to mitigate
noise of equal phase and amplitude appearing
on a line pair and referenced to a “ground”.
Common-mode noise is becoming more
prevalent in the railroad environment with the
increased use of switch mode power supplies
and battery chargers, as well as radios, power-
line effects, and other “noisy” peripheral
equipment. This type of noise has always been
present, but has become more evident with the
increased use of microprocessor-based
Ordering Information
General Description
• Refer to ordering tabulation below for CMF-101 part
The CMF-101 is designed primarily for noise number.
mitigation in the 10 KHz to 500 KHz region. The
filter consists of a special ferrite toroid that is wound
• Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive when
ordering for new wayside control systems.
in such a way as to block only common-mode noise
components, without affecting normal signals. Each • CMF-101 units can be ordered with different
line is by-passed to ground via a capacitor-fuse capacitance values per the application. Contact
combination. The CMF-1 01 is mounted as close as your ASTS USA Account Executive for information.
possible to the equipment under its protection, with
care taken to separate the “clean” and “dirty” sides Unit Dimensions
of the filter wiring. If secondary transient protection
is used, the CMF-101 is physically and electrically
located closest to the equipment.


• Eliminates common mode line noise

• Battery or track applications
• Superb service record

Input: Line
Current: 15 A (max.)
Line-to-Line Volt.: 1000 Vdc (max.)
Line-to-Gnd Volt.: 1000 Vdc (max.)
Coil Inductance: Common-mode: 1.6 mH
Differential-mode: <10 μH
Capacitance: Line-to-gnd: 0.022μF See reverse side for application diagram.
Fuse-to-gnd: 1A Fast-Blo, 3AG

Order No. CMF-101

N451552-1001 CMF-101 Common-Mode Filter (complete)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3H4, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA CMF-101 Common Mode Filter
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 7-03

CMF-101 Application Diagram

RSE-3H4, p. 2
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-05
Track Circuit Simulator
The ASTS USA Track Circuit Simulator allows
easy field testing MicroTrax®, E-CodeTM and
ElectroCode track circuits, and contains
significant improvement over other simulators.
This is a 2-channel portable signal simulator that
enables track channels to be set up
independently, allowing one track to be
configured for E-Code or ElectroCode
communications and the other for MicroTrax
communications. For MicroTrax circuits, each
track channel can be configured as either Master
or Slave. If desired, both channels can be
configured as Master track circuits or Slave track
circuits, which can be useful at interlocking
locations. The Track Circuit Simulator also
features a broad operating power range of 9 to 32
Vdc. Advantages

• Tests MicroTrax, E-Code, and ElectroCode Track

General Description Circuits
The Track Circuit Simulator is a suitcase style • MicroTrax: Master/Slave, Master/Master,
portable test unit designed to transmit and receive Slave/Slave
MicroTrax, E-Code and Electrocode track circuit
signals. Control panel-mounted test cables connect • E-Code and ElectroCode: Freight/Transit »
the unit to the track circuit under test via the Standard/ Alternating/Long
associated Track Interface Panel.
• Independent assign Master/Slave
The Simulator’s user interface consists of a 4 x 20
character LCD, an integrated optical rotary • Each track channel directly connected to wayside
encoder/push-button switch, three function keys, and track unit
RX/TX and polarity indicator LEDs for each track
channel. • Track channels protected by resettable fuses
The menu-driven LCD provides most of the user • Independent setup of each track channel
information and has several task selection screens.
Each screen can be accessed by using the function • Easy menu-driven setup and operation
keys below the LCD display. Navigation within each
screen is accomplished using the easy-to-use rotary • Easy-to-read LCD back-lit display
encoder/push-button switch. • Four status LEDs for each track channel
Each track channel has an RX (green) and TX (red) (transmit/receive, polarity)
LED, which indicates if the channel is transmitting or
receiving data. Two red LEDs indicate polarity. • Audible alert for specific codes (Code 6 for
Complete operating instructions are placed on the ElectroCode)
inside of the unit cover. • Light weight and portable

• Two 9 ft. (2.74 m) leads connect to any 9-32 Vdc


To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3J1. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Track Circuit Simulator
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 7-05


LEDS (8)


9-32 VDC



Specifications Ordering Information

Unit Dimensions: 12L” x 8W” x 4.25”D (30.48
cm x 20.3 cm x 10.8 cm)
• Refer to Ordering Tabulation for Track Circuit
Simulator part number.
Power Input: 9 to 32 Vdc.
Power Connect: Alligator clips
Channel Protection: Resettable fuses, 10 sec.
after removal of over-current

Order No. Track Circuit Simulator

N16406301 Track Circuit Simulator (complete)

MicroTrax® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-3J1, p. 2
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 5-06
Colorlight Signal Simulator
The Colorlight Signal Simulator provides a simple
but flexible means of testing wayside colorlight
signal lamp output channels from ASTS USA’s
MicroLok® II wayside controller, earlier
MicroTrax® track circuit systems or any industry-
standard wayside controller with dc lamp driver
outputs. This simple PCB-design unit
incorporates color LEDs to respond to selected
lamp outputs, as well as toggle switches to check
the control system’s response to a simulated
lamp-out condition.

General Description
ASTS USA’s Colorlight Signal Simulator consists of a
single 6” by 10-1/2” printed circuit board designed for
mounting on standard AREMA (AAR) terminals on a
standard equipment rack, or simply suspended by two
holes at the top corners of the board. The only
installation constraint is adequate air space behind Advantages
the board to dissipate heat. The board is equipped
with two groups of red, yellow and green LEDs; each • Eliminates need to modify existing simulators or
lights when a specific lamp driver output is energized. inventory a simulator for each type of wayside
This arrangement mimics two colorlight signal heads device.
with three aspects each. • Tests equivalent of two signal heads, three aspects
Toggle switches are provided to open or close any each
one of the six aspects for lamp out testing. When a
given LED is lit by the system under test, the
• Red, yellow and green LEDs monitor individual
lamp driver channels
maintainer can use the switch to disconnect the
associated lamp driver output and check the control • Toggle switches simulate “lamp-out” condition
system’s ability to respond to a lamp-out condition • Jumpers simulate 5A, 10A and 20A lamp loads
(e.g. log/report fault). Jumpers on the Colorlight
Signal Simulator provide simulated 5, 10 and 20 amp • Simple mounting, no separate power source
lamp loads, and the unit is compatible with both required.
positive and negative common lamp circuits. Also, the
unit does not require its own power source or Ordering Information
protective enclosure.
• Refer to ordering tabulation for ASTS USA Color
Advantages Light Signal Simulator part number.
• Provides simple checking of colorlight signal lamp
driver outputs
• Helps troubleshoot ASTS USA MicroLok MicroLok® and MicroTrax® are registered trademarks of
II/MicroTrax controllers Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

• Also suitable for testing industry-standard non-

ASTS USA wayside controllers
Order No. Colorlight Signal Simulator
N39905001 Colorlight Signal Simulator (complete)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3J3, p. 1
RSE-3J3, p. 2
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
Shop Test Set for Wayside Electronic Equipment
ASTS USA’s Shop Test Set (STS) provides
comprehensive testing of ASTS printed circuit
boards (PCBs), as well as other types of electronic
equipment. This user-friendly workstation is
outfitted with a complete computer system
(including monitor, keyboard and mouse) roll-out
work surface, PCB cardfile and numerous test
accessories. On-line or hard copy test procedures
enable a shop technician to run PCBs and other
equipment through a rigorous functional block
level testing program. Using the STS, a railroad or
transit authority can quickly identify faulty PCBs
and modules for bench repair, replacement or
manufacturer return. As a result, component and
system downtime is minimized.

General Description
The STS is a versatile, semi-automated test platform
designed for testing ASTS USA circuit boards and
other electronic assemblies. It consists of a
combination of rack-mounted computer equipment,
test instruments, and proprietary test fixtures
combined into a single testing workstation. The STS Test Fixture Chassis with “Personality Modules”:
includes a fully integrated computer system which This equipment consists of a 10-slot PCB cardfile,
contains all software necessary for performing two connectors for “Personality Modules”, six power
troubleshooting procedures. The type of test is supply output connectors, a static dissipate-ground
selected from an on-screen menu on the STS monitor. connector, a chassis ground connector and a
Tests are used to verify circuit board functionality and programmable load connector. By using various
aid the technician in isolating faulty circuit Personality Modules and test software, the STS
components. Set-up and diagnostic procedures are can be configured to test many different types of
described in detail for each test sequence via the on- electronic equipment. A Personality Module is a
screen displays. ZIF (zero insertion force) connector inserted into
The STS workstation consists of two standard 19-inch one or several front-panel connectors as required
(48.25 cm) equipment racks bolted together and by each test procedure. This module typically
mounted on casters for ease of movement on the contains various wiring and test fixture hardware
shop floor. Various pieces of equipment are mounted such as load resistors, switches and test jacks. In
to the racks including commercial test equipment; a effect, a Personality Module serves as a miniature
computer, a “Test Fixture Chassis”, drawers, a pull out patch-panel used to configure the STS to test a
table and keyboard. This equipment is divided into particular circuit board.
three basic sets:
Commercial Test Instruments: High-quality
Integrated Computer System: The STS’ computer commercial test instruments form the basic tools
system is governed by a Single Board Computer for troubleshooting, calibration, and repair of circuit
(SBC) controlling a backplane located in the boards and other electronic assemblies.
Computer Chassis. Included with this subsystem is Connections from six power supplies are brought
a 19-inch LCD monitor to view test instructions and out to terminals on the test fixture chassis for
results. convenience. ASTS USA is continually updating
makes and models of this equipment as new
technologies become available.

For additional information, contact www.ansaldo-sts.com

your ASTS USA Account Executive.
p. 1
Shop Test Set for Wayside
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Electronic Equipment
Rev. 4-11

General Description (cont’d) Advantages

The STS is adaptable to operation on both North Provides complete accommodations for automated
American and international properties, in particular PCB shop diagnostics.
where 110 or 220 Vac operation is required.
Also useful for testing of generic electronic
The STS provides testing of PCB electronic circuitry equipment.
through the “Boundary Testing Method”. This method
consists of using steps to verify that the device under Includes LCD computer monitor, keyboard, mouse,
test is powered properly, then exercising an area of desk top space and other accessories for shop
circuitry and reading expected results within a technicians.
tolerance. Test points include all connection points for On-line instructions simplify operation and reduce
any connector on the PCB and any test point pin the need for operator training.
installed for test lead access. Test applications
Personality Modules automate the process of
dynamically test circuit “zones” and provide help files
connecting STS to PCBs, provide fail-safe
to list components in that zone that could generate a
configuration board safety.
failure. Troubleshooting tools in the software enable
the technician to simulate an input manually and/or Broad range of commercial generic test equipment
repeatedly to trace the signal to the failed component. and power supplies (latest models).
Note: ASTS USA vital PCBs, such as those used in Electrically adaptable for North American or
MicroLok II, may be tested using the STS to identify international properties.
faulty boards. These boards should be returned to STS itself incorporates reliable self-test capabilities.
ASTS USA for component-level repair or complete
replacement. User repairs on these boards will
invalidate their warranty.

, p. 2
Shop Test Set for Wayside
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Electronic Equipment
Rev. 4-11

Cabinet Structure: Two 19-inch (48.25 cm) steel Test Instruments: Typical:
racks with casters, two drawers, Quad-Channel Oscilloscope
one anti-static pull-out shelf, two
rear doors, one front door, one 20MHz Function/Arb Generator
ventilation fan. Single-Channel Universal
Dimensions: 69.8” H x 45.5” W x 30.75” D Counter
(177.3 cm x 115.6 cm x 78.1 6-1/2 digit Digital Multimeter
cm) Remote Control Resistor Decade
Weight: 600 lbs. (272.15 kg) - approx. Box
Temp. Range: 15 C to 35 C (+59 F to +95 F)
Power Input: 120 Vac, 60 Hz, 20A, dedicated Ordering and Additional Information
circuit (optional 220 Vac 50Hz
available) Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive to
order the STS or obtain additional information.
Current Protection: One 2-pole, 20A circuit breaker
Test Pwr. Supplies: Typical:
Programmable Power Supply; 0-
150 Vdc at 5 amps
Programmable Power Supply; 0-
60 Vdc at 12.5 amps
Programmable Quad Output
Power Supply; one output 0 – 8
Vdc at 12.5 amps, two outputs 0
– 20 Vdc at 2.5 amps, one 0 – 8
Vdc at 6.25 amps.

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc

, p. 3
, p. 4
Wayside Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 5-06
Dragging Equipment Detector Retrofit Kit
Rail customers that utilize Dragging Equipment
Detector units have historically had problems
adjusting the output contact circuit of the
mechanical switch, and have reported reliability
and wear concerns as well. The ASTS USA
solution utilizes proximity sensor technology that
replaces the contact assembly with an easy-to-
install solid state retrofit kit. The upgraded
system employs a non-contact inductive sensor,
eliminating the adjustment and wear concerns
and greatly improving overall system reliability
and availability. These kits are available in
normally open or normally closed configurations.

field retrofit procedure is used to extract the existing
Railroads employ a large number of Dragging
DED mechanical switch assembly, substitute the new
Equipment Detectors (DED) throughout their wayside
circuit board and test the upgraded DED. LEDs on
infrastructure. Traditionally, these detectors are
the detector sensor board verify proper DED
electro-mechanical devices with mechanical contacts
operation after the retrofit is complete. The detector
that activate the DED monitoring equipment. These
sensor board is designed to withstand the rugged
contacts can prove costly for maintenance and
railroad temperature, moisture and vibration
upkeep due to wear and tear through normal
environment. Integrated 2-stage lightning protection
operations. Working in collaboration with our
eliminates the need for any external surge device.
customers, ASTS USA has developed a cost
effective, innovative solution to improve the reliability Three models of the DED are available with Normally
of the detector in a simple, easy to install kit. Open and Normally Closed states and low or high
side switches.
Historically, mechanical contacts have been used in
DEDs. The impact of dragging equipment often leads
to the premature failure of the mechanical contacts.
They also require additional maintenance due to false Application
activation from spring breakage and vibration. The wiring in Figure 1 shows the typical 2-wire circuit
Ultimately, this all leads to higher maintenance costs, used for the DED monitoring equipment. In most
and can also negatively impact train operations. instances, a spare conductor is available to provide
this power. When the mechanical contact is opened
the circuit from P1-9 to P1-1 is opened. This removes
Description the input to the monitoring equipment via P1-1,
alerting the passing train. As shown in Figure 2, the
ASTS USA’s Dragging Equipment Detector (DED)
ASTS USA DED Retrofit Kit requires B12 and N12
Retrofit kit is used to upgrade G.E. Transportation
from the wayside house. This energy powers the
Systems (Harmon) DED models ED-4005S-JB, ED-
proximity sensor which in turn generates the SEN-
4005C-JB, ED-4005E-JB, and ED-4013-JB. The kit
OUT to the P1-1 connector. As long as the P1-1
contains the electronic detector sensor circuit board
connector feeds the input to the monitoring
(proximity sensor) plus installation hardware for
equipment, the DED will not be activated. When the
mounting the board in the DED. This new sensor is
proximity sensor detects that the paddles have
used to detect the position of the paddles. A simple
moved, the SEN-OUT signal is removed which
activates the dragging detector signal to the passing

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-3K1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Dragging Equipment Detector
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Retrofit Kit
Rev. 5-06

Figure 1. Wiring of Existing DED Figure 2. Wiring of DED With Retrofit

All versions and configurations work without Ordering and Additional Technical Information
modifications or additions to existing wayside
monitoring equipment. By implementing a proximity • Refer to ordering tabulation for ASTS USA
sensor in place of the mechanical contact, the Dragging Equipment Detector Retrofit Kit part
wayside control house is able to monitor the paddle numbers.
positions while eliminating the mechanical contacts.
• For additional information on the DED Retrofit Kit,
Advantages request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9237.

• Improves DED reliability and availability

• Features proximity sensor technology
• Inductive (non-contact) sensing action
• Normally-open, normally-closed models
• Easy to install kit
• Built-in LEDs confirm unit operation
• Saves maintenance time
• Durable construction for railroad use

Order No. DED Retrofit Kits

X48300101 DED Kit: Normally Closed - Low Side Switch
X48300102 DED Kit: Normally Open - Low Side Switch
X48300103 DED Kit: Normally Closed - High Side Switch

RSE-3K1, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
Ordering Guide: Solid-State Replacements for
Electro-Mechanical Relays and Timers
ASTS USA is leading the signaling industry in
the development of solid-state replacements
for traditional electro-mechanical relays and
timers. The new all-electronic units provide
the same high level of reliability as ASTS
USA’s renowned PN-150 and -250 series
electro-mechanical relays and timers, as well
as earlier shelf equivalents, but require much
less maintenance and far simpler calibration.
In addition, ASTS USA solid-state relays
provide additional monitoring and diagnostic
features not possible with the earlier devices.
Best of all, solid-state relays are designed as
direct physical and mechanical replacements
for their earlier counterparts, allowing almost
instant replacement of one unit for the other
in the relay rack or shelf.
The table below is provided to help you locate
and identify all the latest ASTS USA solid-
state replacements. For any additional
availability and application information not
covered in this catalog, call toll-free 1-800-
652-7276 or contact your ASTS USA Account
Make sure to revisit the ASTS USA web site
(www.ansaldo-sts.com) for updates to this
catalog section as US&S develops more
solid-state versions of earlier relays.

Type of Relay Electro-Mechanical ASTS USA Solid- RSE Catalog

Model State Replacement Section Ref.
Timer (Plug-In) ASTS USA PN-150T PN-150EVT RSE-4B2
Timer (Plug-In) ASTS USA PT-55 PN-150EVT RSE-4B2
Code Transmitter (Plug-In) ASTS USA PC-250TR PN-250CG SS RSE-4C1
Code Transmitter (Plug-In) Alstom B-2 SSCT-B2 RSE-4C2
Code Transmitter (Shelf) ASTS USA DM DMSSCT RSE-4C3
Code Transmitter (Shelf) ASTS USA “Motor Coder” SSCT-Shelf RSE-4C4
Code Follower (Plug-In) ASTS USA PC-250B (Biased) PC-250B/EL RSE-4C5

(Continued on page 2)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4A1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Ordering Guide: Solid-State
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Replacements for Electro-Mechanical
RSE-4A1 Relays and Timers
Rev. 3-09

Type of Relay Electro-Mechanical ASTS USA Solid- RSE Catalog

Model State Replacement Section Reference
Code Follower (Plug-In) Alstom B-1 (Biased and Polar SSCF-B1 RSE-4C6
Code Follower (Plug-In) ASTS USA PC-250B (Track) PC-250B SS RSE-4C7
Code Follower (Plug-In) ASTS USA PC-250P (Polar PC-250P SS RSE-4C8
Code Follower (Shelf) ASTS USA CD (Biased) CD SS RSE-4C9
Code Follower (Shelf) ASTS USA CD (Track) CD SS RSE-4C10
Code Follower (Shelf) ASTS USA CDP (Polar Stick) CDP SS RSE-4C11

RSE-4A1, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09

PN-150SST Series Solid-State Timers

ASTS USA originally developed the PN-150EVT
electronic vital timer relay to serve as a solid-state
replacement for thermal and mechanical timer
relays. The PN-150EVT’s electronic module and
contacts, which are in a three-front/one-back
arrangement, are fitted into a standard ASTS USA
PN-150-style relay frame. In order to offer a solid-
state timer that can drive an external relay with
more contacts, so that it can be suitable for a
wider variety of applications, ASTS USA has
developed the PN-150SST Solid-State Timer.

General Description
The ASTS USA PN-150SST Solid-State Timer
consists of an electronic module mounted in a
standard US&S PN-150 relay frame. The timer’s
electronic module is the same as the one used in the
PN-150EVT unit and includes a digital display. Application
Because it’s designed to drive an external vital relay, The PN-150SST Solid-State Timer is available in
the PN-150SST contains no relay contacts. As such, three versions:
it’s a direct replacement for the ASTS USA Flexikron®
line of electronic timers. • The PN-150SST/SP offers programmable slow-
pick capability.

Advantages • The PN-150SST/DPSD is a timer with a five-

second Delayed Pick-up and a programmable
• Field programmable from 0.3 secs. to 52 min. Slow-Drop time capability. This unit is intended to
serve as a loss-of shunt timer in conjunction with a
• Uses PN-150EVT electronic module. delayed code change or a delayed initiation of
grade-crossing signals.
• Digital read-out on module displays relay status.
• The PN-150SST/SD features a programmable
• Accepts a wide range of input voltages. slow-drop capability. The pick-up also is nominally
delayed by approximately 0.3 seconds to guard
• Available in three versions. against unwanted pick-up from a momentary input.
An ASTS USA PN-150 relay (240 to 400 ohms) is
typically driven by the PN-150SST timer.

Flexikron® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4B1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-150SST Series Solid-State Timers
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

Specifications Ordering and Additional Information

Operating Voltage*: 9.0 to 30V filtered d.c. • Refer to ordering tabulation below for PN-150SST
9.0 to 24V unfiltered d.c. with part numbers.
power from full-wave rectifier, 25-
60 Hz. • For additional information on the PN-150SST,
request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9082.
72-240 cpm @ 35% duty cycle
(may also be used for local
*Local or control
Current Draw: 100 mA.
Timing Range: 0.3 to 59.9 secs. in 0.1 sec.
1 min. to 52 min 1 sec.
Accuracy: +0.2 sec. with VIN >10 Vdc.

PN-150SST Relays
Order No. Model
N40107201 PN-150SST/SP Programmable slow-pick
N40107202 PN-150SST/DPSD Delayed pick, prog. slow-drop
N40107203 PN-150SST/SD Programmable slow-drop

RSE-4B1, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
PN-150EVT Series Electronic Vital Timer Relays
For decades, timing functions have been provided
through the use of either thermal of mechanical
timers. Thermal timers provided only marginal
accuracy and mechanical timers were high
maintenance items. Now ASTS USA has
combined the reliability of solid state electronics
with quartz accuracy to produce a highly flexible
general purpose solid-state timer: The PN-
150EVT. ASTS USA has expanded the PN-150EVT
line to include a slow drop solid state
programmable timer and a delayed pick-up, slow-
drop version.

General Description
The PN-150EVT Electronic Timer is a programmable
timer relay that applies quartz accuracy to timing
functions. This timer provides a slow pick function Advantages
that is field adjustable from 0.3 seconds to 52
minutes. Between 0.3 seconds and 52 minutes, the • Field-programmable from 0.3 sec to 52 mins.
time is adjustable in 0.1 second increments. Between
1 minute and 52 minutes, the time is adjustable in 1
• Direct replacements for:
second increments. ‐ PT-55 timer, including mounting in PT-55 base.
The PT-150EVT timer mounts in the same manner as ‐ PN-150T
a conventional PN-150 relay, and when mated with an
‐ Flexikron Timer
optional adapter base, it is a direct replacement for
the PT-55 mechanical time element relay. • Fewer moving parts for greater reliability, less
PN-150EVT-SD • Digital display provides easy reading of relay state.
The PN-150EVT-SD slow-drop electronic timer and
the PN-150EVT-DPSD delayed pick-up slow-drop • Accepts wide range of input voltages.
electronic timer are based on the original PN-150EVT
design, upgraded with new software to provide an Application
adjustable drop-away time. This timer features a
programmable slow-drop function that is field General
adjustable from 0.0 seconds to 52 minutes. The drop- PN-150 EVT relays are designed to replace ASTS
away time is adjustable in 0.1 second increments USA PN-150T and older PT-55 mechanical timers in
between an interval of 0.0 seconds and 59.9 seconds. the field, or to be used in any new applications where
The time is adjustable in 1-second increments a modern and reliable vital slow pick-up relay is
between the interval of 1 minute and 52 minutes. needed. Typical timing functions of the PN-150EVT
include; time locking, loss-of-shunt protection and
delayed clearing of signals. The PN-150EVT is
PN-150EVT-DPSD capable of replacing many older timers being used in
The PN-150EVT-DPSD timer features a five-second the field. Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive
delayed pick-up and a programmable slow-drop for further information on replacing a timer that is not
function, which can be field adjusted for the same described in this catalog section.
periods specified for the PN-150EVT-SD timer above.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4B2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-150EVT Series Electronic
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Vital Timer Relays
Rev. 3-09

Application (cont’d) PN-150EVT Specifications

PN-150EVT Operating Voltage: Control Voltage: 9.2-30 Vdc
Like the PT-55, the PN-150EVT has two inputs. The filtered or 9.2-24 Vdc unfiltered
PN-150EVT uses a coded battery or steady source as full wave rectified AC, 25-60 Hz.
power for the micro and other circuits. The clutch Local Voltage (Relay Power):
input is used to start the countdown and provide 9.2-30 Vdc (source may be
power to energize the relay after time has expired. steady or coded at min. 75 ppm
When time is fully run, the contacts are pulled to the with at least a 35% on-time).
picked position until power is removed. If clutch Both inputs protected against
power is removed prior to completion of the preset reverse polarity.
time, the time is reset to zero and must run full-time Current Draw: Control Voltage: 11-78 mA (zero
again when power is reapplied. Since timing is while idle)
provided by a processor rather than a mechanical
means, no “back check” contact is required, but in Local Voltage (Relay Power):
order to provide compatibility with existing systems, a 43-60 mA.
single back check contact is provided in the 6CH/6CB Operating Limits: See Note 1 on next page:
position. Pick-Up: 9.2 Vdc (max.)
Drop-away: 7.7 Vdc (min.)
PN-150EVT-SD, PN-150EVT-DPSD Relay Op. Times: Pick-up delay: 250-300 ms.
The PN-150EVT-SD and PN-150EVT-DPSD timers Drop-away delay: 200-300 ms
mount in the same manner as a conventional PN-150
relay. Each timer has two inputs: a steady power Crossover Delay: 40-80 ms.
source (B+, B-) to power the timers’ displays, Resistance/Power: See Note 2 on next page:
microprocessors and other circuits and the clutch Local input resistance: 160
input (+VIN, -VIN), which is used to energize the timers ohms (min.)
so that the timing functions can be initiated. The two
sources of input may share a common point, or they Control input resistance: 272
may be isolated from each other. ohms @ 9.2 Vdc (500 and 385
ohms respectively @ 30 Vdc).
When VIN is applied, the timer energizes and the
display alternates between “SLOV” and the Combined control and local
programmed time delay. The “SLOV” display voltages with relay energized
indicates a slow-drop relay. (worst-case/approx.): 100 ohms
@ 9.2 Vdc and 217 ohms @ 30
When VIN is removed, delayed drop-away is initiated. Vdc.
The timer will de-energize when the programmed time
is reached. If VIN is re-applied, it will not interrupt Combined control and local
countdown unless it is applied for greater than 0.2 (relay power) consumption
seconds for the SD timer or for greater than 5 (approx.): 810 mW @ 9.2 Vdc
seconds for the DPSD version. Accuracy of time and 4.1W @ 30 Vdc.
delay is influenced by the supply voltage, temperature Relay Contacts: 3F-1B, all silver-impregnated
and relay calibration. Over the range of 9 to 30 volts carbon
and from -40°C to +70°C, drop-away time is accurate
4 amps @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac.
to +300 milliseconds or +0.2 %, whichever is greater.
Timing Range: Low: 0 to 59.9 sec., 0.1 sec.
Programming the drop-away time is performed with
two toggle switches that are accessible through the
front of the Plexiglas cover of the relay. The Plexiglas High: 0 to 52 min., 00 sec.
cover is secured with screws that are wired through (3120 sec.), 1 sec. increments.
the head and lead-sealed. Accuracy: Better than 0.1% under all
conditions at any time setting
(relay mechanism pick-up delays
approximately 250-300ms).

RSE-4B2, p. 2
PN-150EVT Series Electronic Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Vital Timer Relays
Rev. 3-09
Specifications (cont’d) Relay Contacts: 3F-1B, all silver-impregnated
Accuracy (cont’d): carbon
Add 2.0 sec. to timing interval for 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac
initialization delay if local is Timing Range: Low: 0 to 59.9 sec., 0.1 sec.
energized simultaneous with increments
commencement of timing cycle. High: 0 to 52 min., 00 sec.
Dielectric Strength: 3KV between contacts and (3120 sec.), 1 sec. increments.
electronic circuitry. Accuracy: Drop-Away: ± 0.3 sec. with VIN
2KV between control and local > 9.2 Vdc or ± 0.2% of
input circuitry. programmed time delay
2KV between input circuitry and (whichever is greater). Below
frame. 0.6 seconds, accuracy is not
Operating Temp.: -40oC to +70oC (-40oF to
+158oF) PN-150EVT SD pick-up: <0.4
sec. max. (see Note 3)
Note 1: Pick-up and dropaway (control input only)
PN-150EVT DPSD pick-up: <
Note 2: DC resistance and net power consumption 5.5 sec. max. (VIN <12 Vdc)
------------------------------------------ (see Note 3)
PN-150EVT SD, PN-150EVT DPSD, PN-150EVT PN-150EVT DPSD-15 pick-up:
DPSD-15 Specifications <15.5 sec. max. (VIN <12 Vdc)
(see Note 5)
Operating Voltage: Control Voltage: 9.2-30 Vdc
filtered or 9.2-24 Vdc unfiltered Note 3: Pick-up and dropaway (control input only)
full wave rectified AC, 25-60 Hz. Note 4: DC resistance and net power consumption
Local Voltage (Relay Power): Note 5: Add 2 sec. if battery and control power are
9.2-30 Vdc (source may be applied simultaneously.
steady or coded at min. 75 ppm ------------------------------------------
with at least a 35% on-time).
Both inputs protected against
reverse polarity.
Current Draw: 100 mA, 400 Ma (max.)
Operating Limits: See Note 3 at right:
Pick-Up: 9.2 Vdc (max.) Ordering Information
Drop-away: 7.7 Vdc (min.) • Refer to ordering tabulation on page 4 for PN-
Resistance/Power: See Note 4 at right: 150EVT series part numbers, including installation
Local input resistance: 160
ohms (min.) • Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for
Control input resistance: 272 further information on replacing a timer that is not
ohms @ 9.2 Vdc (500 and 385 described in this catalog section.
ohms respectively @ 30 Vdc).
• Request the following ASTS USA Service Manuals
Combined control and local for replacement parts:
voltages with relay energized
(worst-case/approx.): 100 ohms ‐ SM-6498 for PN-150EVT without test jack
@ 9.2 Vdc and 217 ohms @ 30 ‐ SM-6498A for PN-150EVT with test jack
‐ SM-6498B for PN-150EVT-SD, PN-150EVT-
Combined control and local DPSD
(relay power) consumption
(approx.): 810 mW @ 9.2 Vdc
and 4.1W @ 30 Vdc.

RSE-4B2, p. 3
Ansaldo STS USA PN-150EVT Series Electronic
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Vital Timer Relays
Rev. 3-09

Ordering Information (cont’d)

PN-150EVT Relays and Installation Hardware

B1/ST-1 (1) W/PT-55
Relay Std,. Base Base Adapt. Base
Order No. Description Delay Relay W/Jack X40102001 N40102901 N40101801 Notes
N40101701 PN-150EVT -- X -- -- -- -- --
N40103301 PN-150EVT -- -- X -- -- -- --
N40102501 PN-150EVT -- X -- X -- -- (2)
N40103401 PN-150EVT -- -- X -- -- X --
N40103501 PN-150EVT -- -- X X -- -- --
N40101001 PN-150EVT -- X -- -- -- -- (3)
X40100002 PN-150EVT -- X -- -- X -- --
X40100006 PN-150EVT -- -- X X -- --
N40101702 PN-150EVT DPSD 5 sec. X -- -- -- -- --
N40103302 PN-150EVT DPSD 5 sec. -- X -- -- -- --
N40102502 PN-150EVT DPSD 5 sec. X -- X -- -- --
X40102505 PN-150EVT DPSD 5 sec. -- X X -- -- --
X40100003 PN-150EVT DPSD 5 sec. X -- -- X -- --
X40100007 PN-150EVT DPSD 5 sec. -- X -- X -- --
N40101703 PN-150EVT SD -- X -- -- -- -- --
N40103303 PN-150EVT SD -- -- X -- -- -- --
N40102503 PN-150EVT SD -- X -- X -- -- --
X40102506 PN-150EVT SD -- -- X X -- -- --
X40100004 PN-150EVT SD -- X -- -- X -- --
X40100008 PN-150EVT SD -- -- X -- X -- --
N40101704 PN-150EVT DPSD 15 sec. X -- -- -- -- --
N40102507 PN-150EVT DPSD 15 sec. X -- X -- -- --
X40100009 PN-150EVT DPSD 15 sec. X -- -- X -- --
N40103304 PN-150EVT DPSD 15 sec. -- X -- -- -- --
X40102504 PN-150EVT DPSD 15 sec. -- X X -- -- --
X40100005 PN-150EVT DPSD 15 sec. -- X -- X -- --
X40102001 Base complete w/hardware for all EVTs (#14-16 cont.) --
N40102901 Base complete w/hardware for all Safetran/Alstom mounting (#14-16 cont.) --
R40106001 Shelf mounting bracket (4)
N40101801 PT-55/PN-150EVT adapter only (5)
Note (1): For Alstom type B-1 and Safetran type ST-1 relay compatibility with #14 - #16 wire contacts.
Note (2): Includes relay and mounting kit. Replaces PN-150T relay or Flexikron Timer.
Note (3): Plug-in replacement for PT-55.
Note (4): Without base or hardware.
Note (5): Mounts PV-150EVT to current PT-55 base.

RSE-4B2, p. 4
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03
Five Second Fixed Electronic Vital Timer
ASTS USA’s Five Second Fixed Electronic Vital
Timer is a microprocessor-based product that
provides an accurate and dependable slow pick-
up repeater of a relay. In most applications, this
solid-state timer is used as a front contact
repeater of a track relay for loss of shunt

General Description/Application
The Five Second Fixed Timer is physically
interchangeable with US&S’ older Five Second Timers
(N451774-0101, -0102, and -0103), making it an ideal
replacement for these units. It is also electrically
interchangeable with this timer in most applications.
An LED on the front of the timer indicates the unit’s Specifications
operating status: dark with no input, it flashes at the Dimensions: 6-1/16”H x 2-1/4”W x 8 3/8”D
instant power is applied up until voltage is delivered to (15.4 cm x 5.7 cm x 21.25 cm)
the output, and then lights steadily after the time delay Operating Volt.: 9 to 30 Vdc from battery source,
is expired. The unit is wired via a 5-point terminal or 8 to 24 Vdc unfiltered rectified
strip on the rear of the unit. source.
Advantages Weight: 2.0 lbs. (0.9 kg) approx.
• No need for programming Mounting: Bracket compatible with ASTS
USA or Alstom relays on standard
• Solid-state components racks. Bracket also for wall
• Provides accurate timing mounting.
• Simple installation Ordering Information
• Physically interchangeable with ASTS USA’s older
Five-Second Timer models. • Refer to ordering tabulation for Five Second Timer
part numbers.
• Low maintenance
• Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for
information on fixed timers with intervals other than
five seconds.
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6499 for
Typical Circuit Application additional information.

Order No. 5-Second Timers and Mounting Hardware

N34300101 5-Second Timer w/o mtg. bracket
N34300102 5-Second Timer w/Ansaldo STS USA mtg. bracket
N34300103 5-Second Timer w/Alstom mtg. bracket

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4B3, p. 1
RSE-4B3, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-07

PN-250CG SS Plug-In Solid-State Code Transmitter Relay

For decades, electromechanical code transmitters
have been used to generate the pulses of coded
track circuits. While these transmitters are
reliable performers, their precise, somewhat
complex mechanisms require periodic inspection
and maintenance. ASTS USA has developed a
more cost-effective, yet equally reliable
alternative. The PN-250CG SS is a solid-state
code transmitter option for equivalent ASTS USA
electro-mechanical encoders.

General Description
In electromagnetic code transmitters, an electro-
magnetic circuit sustains the motion of a pendulum to
generate a pulsed signal, or code, which is
transmitted through the rails. The pendulum Advantages
alternately opens and closes a set of contacts at rates
of 50, 75, 120, 180, 276, and 420 times per minute • No periodic inspection needed
(codes per minute or CPM). The code rates depend
on the pendulum’s natural period of oscillation. The
• Maintenance-free solid-state units replace high
maintenance relays
PN-250CG SS coder electronically duplicates this
operation. • Direct plug-in connection to existing racks
The ASTS USA PN-250CG SS is a solid-state code
transmitter that provides a solid-state option for ASTS • No rewiring of existing circuits
USA electromechanical coders. The PN-250CG SS
replaces the PN-250TR relay. This new code • Kit available for CE compliance (conducted and
transmitter is available in versions for either driving radiated immunity)
traditional code following relays (using low voltage
contacts) or for directly switching 110 Vac (using high
voltage contacts) at any selected code rate applied Application
directly to the rail. Different types of contacts are provided for varying
applications with broad classifications of low and high
voltage ratings. The contacts identified as “DC” are
CE Compliance Kit and Relays used to drive a code-following relay and are suitable
PN-250CG relays N40105623 through N40105633 to switch either AC or DC. The contacts identified as
are equipped with electronic components to meet “AC” are suitable to directly code 110 Vac and apply it
conducted and radiated immunity requirements in to the rail. In order to ensure that units of different
accordance with EMC Directive 89/336/EEC. Other code rates or contact ratings are not inter-changed,
relays in this series (see Ordering Tabulation) can be an indexing plate is used to match a set of holes to a
retrofitted with a “CE Compliance Kit” to likewise meet set of pins on the plug-in base.
this specification. Components include a Tranzorb
and a Ferrite connected across the 12 Vdc power The PN-250CG SS has been designed to fit in the
input to the relay, and a CE compliance label. If same rack space as an existing mechanical coder.
planning to retrofit an existing PC-250CG relay with Additionally all of the contact positions are identical
these components, request ASTS USA Service and the same indexing configuration has been
Manual SM-8567 and contact your ASTS USA retained. This means absolutely no rewiring. Simply
Account Executive. remove the old relay and plug in the solid-state

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4C1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-250CG Plug-In Solid-State Code
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Transmitter Relay
Rev. 4-07

Specifications CE Compliance Kit: Ferrite Installation

Operating Range: 8 to 24 Vdc, rev. volt. protected
Indications: Alternating LEDs
Temp. Range: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to +158°F)
Switch Rating: Low Voltage: AC or DC 2.5A, 32
Vdc (max.*) or 22V RMS AC
max., 0.05 ohm on resistance
(short circuit protected)
High Voltage: 4A 150V RMS
(max.*) AC only. Voltage drop = Ordering Information
1.25 across an ON switch,
independent of load current
• Refer to ordering tabulations for PN-250CG SS
relay and CE Compliant Kit part numbers.
(external 10 amp fuse required for
short circuit protection). • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4568B for
No. of Switches: 4 arranged in opposing pairs. additional technical data.
Dielectric Strength: 2000V RMS between all external
isolated connections and case
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-8567 for
CE Compliance Kit installation instructions.
except across open switches
limited by Tranzorb or MOV
(*Max. voltage determined by Tranzorb to protect DC
switches from excessive voltage spikes when
operating code following relays. For AC version,
150V RMS MOV is similarly used anticipating 120V
RMS as source voltage.)

PN-250CG SS Code Transmitters and Base without CE Compliance Parts

Code Contact Indexing PC-250TR CE-Compliant
Order No. Rate Load Contacts A-B-C-D Replaced Version
N40105601 180 AC/DC 1F, 3F L.V. 5-6-0-1 N322556-001 N40105628
2B, 4B L.V.
N40105602 75 AC/DC 1F, 3F L.V. 5-6-0-2 N322556-002 N40105626
2B, 4B L.V.
N40105603 120 AC/DC 1F, 3F L.V. 5-6-0-3 N322556-003 N40105629
2B, 4B L.V.
N40105604 180 AC 1F, 2B H.V. 5-6-0-4 N322556-004 --
AC/DC 3F, 4B L.V.
N40105605 75 AC 1F, 2B H.V. 5-6-0-5 N322556-005 --
AC/DC 3F, 4B L.V.
N40105606 120 AC 1F, 2B H.V. 5-6-0-6 N322556-006 --
AC/DC 3F, 4B L.V.
N40105607 180 AC 1F,2B,3F,4B H.V. 5-6-0-7 N322556-007 --
N40105608 75 AC 1F,2B,3F,4B H.V. 5-6-0-8 N322556-008 --
N40105609 276 AC/DC 1F,3F,2B,4B L.V. 5-6-0-9 N322556-009 N40105630
N40105610 276 AC 1F,2B,3F,4B H.V. 5-6-1-0 N322556-010 --
N40105611 120 AC 1F,2B,3F,4B H.V. 5-6-1-1 N322556-011 --
N40105612 75 AC 1F,2B,3F,4B H.V. 5-6-1-2 N322556-012 N40105632
N40105613 120 AC 1F,2B,3F,4B H.V. 5-6-1-3 N322556-013 N40105624
N40105614 180 AC 1F,2B,3F,4B H.V. 5-6-1-4 N322556-014 N40105625

Ordering tabulation continued on following page.

RSE-4C1, p. 2
PN-250CG Plug-In Solid-State Code Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Transmitter Relay
Rev. 4-07

PN-250CG SS Code Transmitters and Base without CE Compliance Parts (cont'd)

Code Contact Indexing PC-250TR CE-Compliant
Order No. Rate Load Contacts A-B-C-D Replaced Version
N40105616 420 AC 1F,2B,3F,4B H.V. 5-6-1-6 N322556-016 N40105633
N40105617 50 AC 1F,2B,3F,4B H.V. 5-6-1-7 N322556-017 N40105623
N40105618 75 AC/DC 1F,3F,2B,4B L.V. 5-6-1-8 N322556-018 --
75 AC/DC 1F,3F,2B,4B L.V. 5-6-1-8 N322556-818
N40105619 276 AC/DC 3F, 4B L.V. 5-6-1-9 N322556-019 --
AC 1F, 2B H.V.
N40105620 420 AC/DC 3F, 4B L.V. 5-6-2-0 N322556-020 --
AC 1F, 2B H.V.
N40105621 50 AC/DC 1F,3F,2B,4B L.V. 5-6-2-1 N322556-021 N40105627
N40105622 420 AC/DC 1F,3F,2B,4B L.V. 5-6-2-2 N322556-022 N40105631
N438689-003 Plug-In base for PN-250CG (ref. RSE 4R1)

PN-250CG SS Code Transmitters and Base with CE Compliance Parts

Code Contact Indexing PC-250TR
Order No. Rate Load Contacts A-B-C-D Replaced
N40105623 50 AC 1F,2B,3F,4B H.V. 5-6-1-7 N322556-017
N40105624 120 AC 1F,2B,3F,4B H.V. 5-6-1-3 N322556-013
N40105625 180 AC 1F,2B,3F,4B H.V. 5-6-1-4 N322556-014
N40105626 75 AC/DC 1F, 3F L.V. 5-6-0-2 N322556-002
N40105627 50 AC/DC 1F,3F,2B,4B L.V. 5-6-2-1 N322556-021
N40105628 180 AC/DC 1F, 3F L.V. 5-6-0-1 N322556-001
2B, 4B L.V.
N40105629 120 AC/DC 1F, 3F L.V. 5-6-0-3 N322556-003
2B, 4B L.V.
N40105630 276 AC/DC 1F,3F,2B,4B L.V. 5-6-0-9 N322556-009
N40105631 420 AC/DC 1F,3F,2B,4B L.V. 5-6-2-2 N322556-022
N40105632 75 AC 1F,2B,3F,4B H.V. 5-6-1-2 N322556-012
N40105616 420 AC 1F,2B,3F,4B H.V. 5-6-1-6 N322556-016

Order No. CE Compliance Retrofit Parts

J792736-0077 Tranzorb
J703485-0051 Ferrite
J075955-0051 CE Label

RSE-4C1, p. 3
RSE-4C1, p. 4
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 5-06
SSCT-B2 Plug-In Solid-State Code Transmitter
(Replacment for Alstom Type B-2 Transmitter)

For decades, electromechanical code transmitters

have been used to generate the pulses of coded
track circuits. While these transmitters are
reliable performers, their precise, somewhat
complex mechanisms require periodic inspection
and maintenance. ASTS USA has developed a
more cost-effective, yet equally reliable
alternative. The SSCT-B2 is a solid-state code
transmitter option for equivalent Alstom B2 plug-
in electro-mechanical encoders. ASTS USA
provides two basic versions of this relay including
a fully repackaged unit, and a solid-state rebuild
of the existing B2 with transparent cover.

In electromagnetic code transmitters, an electro-
magnetic circuit sustains the motion of a pendulum to
generate a pulsed signal, or code, which is Thus, the fundamental specification of the
transmitted through the rails. The pendulum replacement SSCT is determined by the preset pin
alternately opens and closes a set of contacts at rates holes. Unlike the mechanical counterpart, however,
of 50, 75, 120, 180, 276, and 420 times per minute the high voltage version of the SSCT is relegated to
(codes per minute or CPM). The code rates depend AC switching only. The low voltage version is suitable
on the pendulum’s natural period of oscillation. The for either AC or DC switching.
SSCT-B2 solid-state coder electronically duplicates
this operation.
SSCT B2 Solid-State Rebuild
The B2 rebuild incorporates the same internal solid-
ASTS USA-Repackaged SSCT B2 state circuitry as the ASTS USA-repackaged model,
The repackaged SSCT B2 is contained in a sheet however the original Alstom housing with transparent
metal housing with the same through-bolt mounting as plastic cover is retained. All other basic functional
the original mechanical unit, plus a front panel characteristics are the as the sheet metal housed
opening to show operating LEDs. Since this SSCT is version. Refer to the ordering tabulations for
a functionally equivalent plug-in replacement for the differences in certain operating specifications between
Alstom Type B Size 2 mechanical code transmitter, the two versions.
the physical size and positioning of the contact fingers
are identical to the Alstom Type B Size 2 transmitter.
Available nominal code rates are 50, 75, 120, 180,
270, and 420 codes per minute (CPM). The contacts • No periodic inspection is needed
are arranged as “break-before-make.”
Different types of contacts are provided for various • Maintenance-free solid-state units replace high
applications with broad classifications of low voltage maintenance electro-mechanical relays
and high voltage ratings. To ensure that units of
different code rates or contact ratings are not
• Direct plug-in connection to existing racks
interchanged, an indexing plate is used that matches • No rewiring of existing circuits
a set of holes to a set of pins on the plug-in base.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4C2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA SSCT-B2 Plug-In Solid-State
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Code Transmitter
RSE-4C2 (Replacment for Alstom Type B-2 Transmitter)
Rev. 5-06

Specifications (Repackaged and Solid-State Rebuild) Specifications

Oper. V. Range: 9 to 16 Vdc, reverse voltage protected No. of Switches: 4 arranged in opposing pairs.
Indications: Alternating LEDs Dielec. Strength: 2000V RMS between all
Temp. Range: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to +158°F) external isolated connections
and case except across open
Switch Rating: Low Voltage: AC or DC 2.5A, 32 Vdc switches limited by Tranzorb or
(max.*) or 22V RMS AC max., 0.05 ohm MOV protection.
on resistance (short circuit protected).
Tranzorb transient protected at 34 volts Current Draw Repackaged Vers.: 25 mA
peak. @10 volts; 32 mA @ 12 volts;
and 54 mA @ 16 volts.
Switch Rating: High Voltage: 4A 150V RMS (max.*) AC
only. Voltage drop = 1.25 across an ON
switch, independent of load current Ordering Information
(external 10 amp fuse required for short • Refer to ordering tabulations for SSCT-B2 part
circuit protection). MOV transient numbers.
protected to 230 VRMS.
(*Max. voltage determined by Tranzorb to protect DC switches
• For additional technical information, request
from excessive voltage spikes when operating code following the following ASTS USA Service Manuals:
relays. For AC version, 150V RMS MOV is similarly used ‐ Rebuilt existing SSCT B2: SM-4568
anticipating 120V RMS as source voltage.)
‐ Repackaged SSCT B2: SM-4568A

SSCT-B2 Code Transmitters: ASTS USA Repackaged

Contact Nominal
Code Voltage Code On-Time B2
Order No. Rate Rating Rate Tolerance Percentage Ref. Notes
N32000101 50 High (2) 48 45 - 50.4 46 to 48 A62-643 (2)
N32000105 50 Low (3) 48 45 - 50.4 46 to 48 A62-642 (3)
N32000109 50 High/Low 48 45 - 50.4 46 to 48 -- (1)
N32000102 75 High 72 68 - 76 45 to 47 A62-175 --
N32000106 75 Low 72 68 - 76 45 to 47 A62-170 --
N32000110 75 High/Low 72 68 - 76 45 to 47 -- (1)
N32000103 120 High 123 117 - 129 44 to 46 A62-176 --
N32000107 120 High 123 117 - 129 44 to 46 A62-171 --
N32000111 120 High/Low 123 117 - 129 44 to 46 -- (1)
N32000104 180 High 184 175 - 193 42 to 44 A62-177 --
N32000108 180 Low 184 175 - 193 42 to 44 A62-172 --
N32000112 180 High/Low 184 175 - 193 42 to 44 -- (1)
N32000113 270 High 276 268 - 284 40 to 42 A62-178 --
N32000115 270 Low 276 268 - 284 40 to 42 A62-173 --
N32000117 270 High/Low 276 268 - 284 40 to 42 -- (1)
N32000114 420 High 420 413 - 426 38 to 40 -- (1)
N32000116 420 Low 420 413 - 426 38 to 40 -- (1)
N32000118 420 High/Low 420 413 - 426 38 to 40 -- (1)
Note (1): Original Alstom Type 2 Size B mechanical code transmitter did not offer mixed
contact rating or 420 CPM code rate. These available on ASTS USA units.
Note (2): High voltage contacts AC only, 2.5A, 150 Vac
Note (3): Low voltage contacts AC or DC, 2.5A, 32 Vdc, 22 VRMS

RSE-4C2, p. 2
SSCT-B2 Plug-In Solid-State Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Code Transmitter
(Replacment for Alstom Type B-2 Transmitter) RSE-4C2
Rev. 5-06

SSCT-B2 Code Transmitters: Rebuilt

Contact Nominal
US&S Code Voltage Code Power On-Time B2
Order No. Model Rate Rating Rate Tolerance Supply Percentage Ref.
N32000101 50 AC 50 High 48 45 - 50 AC 49 A62-643
N32000105 50 AC 50 Low 48 45 - 50 DC 49 A62-642
N32000109 50 AC/DC 50 High/Low 48 45 - 50 AC/DC 49 --
N32000102 75 AC 75 High 72 68 - 76 AC 49 A62-175
N32000106 75 AC 75 Low 72 68 - 76 DC 48 A62-170
N32000110 75 AC/DC 75 High/Low 72 68 - 76 AC/DC 48 --
N32000103 120 AC 120 High 123 117 - 129 AC 49 A62-176
N32000107 120 DC 120 Low 123 117 - 129 DC 47 A62-171
N32000111 120 AC/DC 120 High/Low 123 117 - 129 AC/DC 47 --
N32000104 180 AC 180 High 184 175 - 193 AC 49 A62-177
N32000108 180 DC 180 Low 184 175 - 193 AC/DC 45 A62-172
N32000112 180 AC/DC 180 High/Low 184 175 - 193 AC/DC 45 --
N32000113 270 AC 270 High 276 268 - 284 AC 41 A62-178
N32000115 270 DC 270 Low 276 268 - 284 DC 41 A62-173
N32000117 270 AC/DC 270 High/Low 276 268 - 284 AC/DC 39 --
N32000114 420 AC 420 High 420 413 - 426 AC 39 --
N32000116 420 DC 420 Low 420 413 - 426 DC 39 --
N32000118 420 AC/DC 420 High/Low 420 413 - 426 AC/DC 39 --

RSE-4C2, p. 3
RSE-4C2, p. 4
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-05

DMSSCT Shelf-Mount Solid-State Code Transmitter

For decades, electromechanical code transmitters
have been used to generate the pulses of coded
track circuits. While these transmitters are
reliable performers, their precise, somewhat
complex mechanisms require periodic inspection
and maintenance. ASTS USA has developed a
more cost-effective, yet equally reliable
alternative. The DMSSCT is a solid-state option
for the ASTS USA shelf type DM mechanical code
transmitter. This relay also provides a cost-
effective alternative to previous shelf-mount solid-
state code transmitters.

General Description
The new shelf-mounted DMSSCT solid state code
transmitter is designed to be a functional electronic
replacement for the ASTS USA DM electromechanical
and previous DM solid-state code transmitters
(“cookie jar” style). This relay generates standard position where neither set of contacts is closed,
code rates of 75, 120 and 180 codes per minute consequently, the “on” time for each (front and back)
(CPM) and is housed in an ASTS USA W-400 circuit is less than 50% of one full on-off cycle.
transformer style enclosure with top-mounted AREMA
(AAR) wiring terminals. Internal electronics are Dielectric strength of the unit is 2000 Vac rms
divided between two printed circuit boards (PCBs) - a between all external isolated connections and case,
Timing PCB and an Output PCB. The Timing PCB except across open switches which are limited by
generates timing signals used to actuate the switching Transzorb or metal oxide varistors (MOV) protection.
circuits at the designated rate, while the Output PCB Maximum voltage is determined by a Transzorb to
contains the switching circuitry. protect the DC switches from excessive voltage
spikes when operating code-following relays. For the
The DMSSCT contains four pairs of output switches. AC version, a 150 Vac rms MOV is similarly used
Each switch pair has three connections - front (F), anticipating 120 Vac rms as the source voltage.
back (B), and heel (H). The number associated with
each connection denotes the switch pair. For
example, “1F” is the front connection and “1B” is the Advantages
back connection of the switch pair “1.” Functionally,
the relay is designed to switch the heel (H) connection • Direct option for previous ASTS USA DM series
between the front (F) and back (B) connections at a shelf relays.
specific rate. Four back switches are actuated
simultaneously by the front output controller. Four • Provides all required code rates.
back switches are actuated simultaneously by the • No periodic inspection required.
back output controller.
Since the DMSSCT is a solid state replacement for an • Easy reconnection from “cookie jar” unit top wiring
electromechanical unit, its circuits are designed to to W-400 style wiring
emulate the toggling, or pendulum action, of relays.
With a code transmitter relay, an electromagnet
• No rewiring of external circuits required.
attracts and then releases an armature - the resulting • Protected against reversed voltage.
motion alternately closes and opens an opposing pair
of contacts. As with a pendulum, there is a neutral

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4C3, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA DMSSCT Shelf-Mount Solid-State
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Code Transmitter
Rev. 7-05

Specifications Outputs: 4 pairs of front-heel-back

Power Input Voltage: 8 to 16 Vdc (reverse voltage (Form C)
protected operating range) Temperature: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
Current Consumption: 100mA maximum +158°F)
Output Switch Rating: Low Voltage: AC/DC 2.5A, Humidity: Non-condensing at 0 to 95%
32 Vdc maximum or 22 Vac humidity
rms maximum, “on”
resistance = 0.5 Ohms (short
circuit protected).
High Voltage: AC only, 4.0 A, Ordering and Additional Technical Information
150 Vac rms maximum, AC
only. External 6A fuse • Refer to ordering tabulation for DMSSCT part
required for short circuit numbers.
protection. Voltage drop
across switch = 1.25 Vac
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-8524-A
for additional information.
rms, independent of current.

DMSSCT Code Transmitters

DM Electro- DM Solid-
Code Contact Contact Mech. Relay State Relay
Order No. Rate (CPM) Config. Voltages Replaced Replaced
N40701601 72 4F/4B L.V. N242040 N32001507
N40701602 72 4F/4B H.V. N242042 N32001504
N40701603 72 2F/2B L.V.: #1, #2 N242045 --
2F/2B H.V.: #3, #4
N40701604 123 4F/4B L.V. N221553 N32001506
N40701605 123 4F/4B H.V. N221554 N32001503
N40701606 123 2F/2B L.V.: #1, #2 N221560 --
2F/2B H.V.: #3, #4
N40701607 184 4F/4B L.V. N221552 N32001505
N40701608 184 4F/4B H.V. N221555 N32001502
N40701609 184 2F/2B L.V.: #1, #2 N221561 N32001501
2F/2B H.V.: #3, #4

RSE-4C3, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
Shelf-Mounted Solid-State Code Transmitter
The shelf-mounted Solid State Code Generator
(SSCG) is a highly reliable electronic replacement
for the ASTS USA’s original electro-mechanical
motor coder code transmitters. The original
transmitter required periodic inspection and
servicing, however the shelf-mounted SSCG
contains only electronic components and requires
no periodic maintenance.

General Description
The SSCG is contained in a sheet steel enclosure
designed for shelf mounting, however mounting my be
accomplished on any suitable flat surface. Code and
power wiring is terminated on a terminal board with 14
AAR (AREMA) posts. The terminal arrangement is
designed to simplify replacement of an existing motor Specifications
code server with the new SSCG unit. A detailed label
Available Codes: 75, 120 and 180 cpm
is provided on one side of the unit to show proper
wiring of the terminals. Internal electronics are Contacts: Two fronts for each code rate
divided among three printed circuit boards (PCBs) Power Supply Volt.: 9.8 to 16.2 Vdc
with each board generating a different code rate. The
Reverse voltage protected.
timing circuit generates impulses used to actuate the
switching circuits at the designated rate. Current: 200 mA (max.)
The SSCG contains three pairs of output switches. Output Switch: High Voltage: AC Only: 2.5A,
Each switch pair has two connections; a front (F) 150 Vac* rms max, AC only.
connection and a heel (H) connection. The number External 6A fuse required for
associated with each connection denotes the switch short circuit protection.
pair. For example, “1F” is the front connection and
Voltage drop across switch:
“1H” is the heel connection of switch pair “1.”
1.25 Vac rms independent of
The function of the SSCG is to switch the connections current.
on and off at a specific rate. Each pair of switches,
Outputs: 3 pairs of front-heel contacts
corresponds to a given code rate and are actuated
(Form A).
simultaneously by the front output controller. Available
SSCG code rates include 75, 120 and 180 cpm. (Other Operating Temp.: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
rates produced by the original motor code generator +158°F)
are no longer in use, or in very limited use.) Non-condensing at 0 to 95%
Dielectric Strength: 2000 Vac rms between all
• Incorporates highly reliable, maintenance-free external isolated connections
solid-state circuitry. and case.
• Replaces earlier high-maintenance electro- Exception: Across open
mechanical motor code generators. switches limited by TranZorb or
MOV protection.
• No adjustments or calibrations required during
installation. * Maximum voltage determined by TranZorb to
protect DC switches from excessive voltage spikes
• Produces commonly-used 75/120/180 code rates. when operating code-following relays. For AC
• Easy to install and connect with existing motor- version a 150 Vac rms MOV is similarly used
coded wiring. anticipating 120 Vac rms as the coded voltage.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4C4, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Shelf-Mounted Solid-State
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Code Transmitter
Rev. 3-09

Ordering and Additional Information

• Refer to ordering tabulation for SSCG part number.

• Part numbers of directly-replaced earlier motor

coders also shown.

• For additional information on the SSCG unit,

request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9495.

Order No. Shelf-Mounted SS Code Transmitter

N40702201 Shelf-Mounted Solid-State Code Transmitter complete)

RSE-4C4, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-07

PC-250B/EL SS Plug-In Solid-State Code Follower - Biased

(Replacement for PC-250B Relay)
Electro-mechanical code-following relays have
been used for years to receive the pulses of coded
energy. While these code followers have proven
to be reliable performers, their mechanisms
require periodic inspection and maintenance.
ASTS USA has developed a more cost-effective
yet equally dependable alternative: the PC-
250B/EL SS biased solid-state code follower. By
using solid-state electronics to replace the
mechanisms of the equivalent ASTS USA PC-250B
electro-mechanical code follower, this new relay
eliminates the need for field adjustment and
calibration - while delivering the proven
performance and historical reliability of the
traditional units.

General Description
The ASTS USA PC-250B/EL SS relay is a biased Application
code follower that serves as a solid-state option for
the PC-250B. The new code-following relay consists Each of the two circuit boards in the PC-250B/EL SS
primarily of two solid-state circuit boards housed in an biased code follower can operate as a single two-
ASTS USA PN-250-style aluminum frame with a clear front, two-back relay. When used together, the circuit
cover. Four solid-state switches are mounted on each boards function as a 4-front, 4-back relay. When
of the circuit boards. Two of the switches on each used individually, the boards can be operated at
circuit board are used as front contacts, and two are different code frequencies. The circuit boards can be
used as back contacts. Each of the switches is a configured for low-voltage or high-voltage
normally open device. To emulate a back-contact applications. Low-voltage application can support
function, it is necessary to apply steady energy to one load currents to 2.5A @ 30 Vdc or 21 Vac (RMS). In
set of terminals to enable the back-contact switches. the high-voltage mode, the PC-250B SS can support
Applying coded energy to another set of terminals loads up to 2.5A @ 120 Vac (RMS).
activates the front-contact switches. If back contacts The PC-250B/EL SS code follower has been developed
are not required, it is not necessary to enable them, as a solid-state option for the ASTS USA electro-
as the front-contact switches will operate mechanical PC-250B code-following relay. It is
independently. designed to fit in the same rack space (mounting base)
The pin-out of the contact section of the PC-250B/EL as the PC-250B. All of the contact positions are
SS solid-state code follower is the same as that used identical, and the same indexing configuration has been
in the ASTS USA PC-250B code-following relay. retained. With the exception of the two additional wires
needed for back-contact power, the pin-out is identical
Advantages to the PC-250B. Once this wiring has been added to
• No periodic inspection needed.
the mounting base, either relay (PC-250B/EL SS or PC-
250B) can be plugged into the base.
• Eliminates need for field adjustment, calibration.
• Solid-state option for electro-mechanical
• Direct plug-in connection to existing racks.
• No rewiring of existing circuits required.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4C5, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PC-250B/EL SS Plug-In Solid-State Code
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Follower- Biased
RSE-4C5 (Replacement for PC-250B Relay)
Rev. 4-07

Specifications Specifications (cont’d)

Operating Range: 8.5 to 16 Vdc reverse voltage No. of Switches: 8 arranged as 4 independent
protected, filtered or full-wave single-pole, double-throw
rectified unfiltered. switches.
Operating Current: @12 Vdc:
For steady input: 44 mA. Ordering Information
For coded input: 140 mA. • Refer to ordering tabulation below for PC-250B/EL
Indications: Alternating yellow and green SS biased relay part numbers.
Operating Temp.: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to +158°F)
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9028 for
additional information.
Switch Rating: Low voltage: AC or DC 2.5A, 32
Vdc (max.*) or 22V RMS AC Max.
(short-circuit protected).
High voltage: 0.06 to 2.5A, 150 V
RMS (max.*) AC only. Voltage
drop 1.25V across an ON switch,
independent of load current
(external 10A fuse required for
short-circuit protection).
*Maximum voltage determined by
Tranzorb to protect DC switches
from excessive voltage spikes.

PC-250B/EL SS Code Followers - Biased

Contact Indexing PC-250B
Order No. Voltage Ohms Loads Contacts A-B-C-D Replaced
N40115901 14 to 16 360 AC 2F, 2B H.V. 5-9-0-1 N322559-001
AC/DC 2F, 2B L.V.
N40115902 14 to 16 360 AC/DC 4F, 4B L.V. 5-9-0-2 N322559-002
N40115903 8 to 12 135 AC/DC 4F, 4B L.V. 5-9-0-3 N322559-003
N40115904 8 to 12 135 AC/DC 4F, 4B L.V. 5-9-0-4 N322559-004
N40115905 8 to 12 135 AC 2F, 2B H.V. 5-9-0-5 N322559-005
AC/DC 2F, 2B L.V.
N40115915 8 to 12 225 AC/DC 4F, 4B L.V. 5-9-1-5 N322559-015

RSE-4C5, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-07
SSCF-B1 Plug-In Solid-State Code Follower - Biased
Electro-mechanical code-following relays have
been used for years to receive the pulses of coded
energy. While these code followers have proven
to be reliable performers, their mechanisms
require periodic inspection and maintenance.
ASTS USA has developed a more cost-effective
yet equally dependable alternative: the SSCF-B1
solid-state code follower. By using solid-state
electronics to replace the mechanisms of the
equivalent Alstom Type B-1 electro-mechanical
code follower, this new relay eliminates the need
for field adjustment and calibration - while
delivering the required performance and reliability
of the traditional units.

General Description
The SSCF B1 biased relay provides a solid state Advantages
option for customers with existing installations utilizing
the Alstom mechanical code responsive relays. • No periodic inspection needed.
Various combinations of low voltage and high voltage • Eliminates the need for field adjustment and
switches are employed in the design of these Alstom- calibration.
style relays. Model numbers are determined by the
operating voltage and contact arrangement as • Solid-state options for electro-mechanical
presented in the biased relay ordering tabulation. counterparts.
This solid state Alstom-style code-responsive relay is
comprised of a circuit board that contains eight solid-
• Direct plug-in connection to existing racks.
state switches configured as four transfer front-back • No rewiring of existing circuits required.
contacts. Because all of the switches are normally
open, steady energy is required on one set of
terminals to enable the back contacts. Applying Specifications
voltage to another set of terminals activates the front Operating Range: 8.5 to 16 Vdc
contact switches and, in turn, causes the back set to Ripple limit: Instantaneous
open. If back contacts are not required, it is not voltage drop not less than 8V
necessary to enable them because the front contact
switches will operate independently. Recommended source:
Battery/charger set
To ensure that the relay is inserted in its proper
mounting base, all relays have indexing pins. Relays Indications: Alternating yellow and green
lock securely in their plug-in position. LEDs.
Wiring for the SSCF B1 solid state relay differs from Operating Temp.: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to +158°F)
its electromagnetic counterpart. Coil connections to Switch Rating: Low voltage: AC or DC 2.5A @
the electromechanical relay are made on the lower 30 Vdc or 22V RMS @ up to
portion of the mounting base. Corresponding +70oC
connections for the electronic version are made on High voltage: AC-only device.
the upper portion with two additional termination
points for steady energy. Request ASTS USA Service Contact load rating: 0.06A (min.
Manual SM-9025 for additional application details for hold current) to 2.5A from 12 to
this relay. 120V RMS.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4C6, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA SSCF-B1 Plug-In Solid-State Code
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Follower – Biased and Polar Stick
Rev. 4-07

Specifications (cont’d) Retrofit Service

Switch Rating: Contact protection: Up to 230V ASTS USA can provide a retrofitting service for
RMS, no integral short-circuit existing Alstom code follower relays. ASTS USA will
protection. take an existing electro-mechanical code follower,
External fuse required for short- completely refurbish the case, and install the
circuit protection. electronics required to make the code follower a solid
state device. All of the mechanical parts, of course,
Isolation*: Steady power source and code are eliminated. (Refer to the “Service & Repair”
input: Isolated from each other section of this catalog for additional information on
and frame ASTS USA remanufacturing services.)
Withstand voltage: 1500V RMS
Breakdown voltage across front- Ordering Information
back set: Limited by surge
protection of 34 V for L.V. contacts • Refer to ordering tabulation for SSCF-B1 part
and 130 Vrms for H.V. contacts. numbers.
*For biased SS relays.
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9025 for
additional information.

SSCF-B1 Code Followers

Contact Alstom
Order No. Type Loads Contacts Indexing Unit Replaced
N32003001 Biased AC, AC/DC 2FB LV, 2FB HV 1-3-9 A62-598
N32003002 Biased AC/DC 4FB L.V. 1-3-4 A62-157
N32003003 Biased AC/DC 2FB L.V. 1-2-13 A62-156
N32003004 Biased AC, AC/DC 2FL.V., 2F H.V. 1-2-18 A62-595
N32003008 Biased AC 4FB H.V. 1-2-9 A62-622

RSE-4C6, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-05

PC-250B SS Plug-In Code Follower Relay - Track

Electro-mechanical code-following relays have
been used for years to receive the pulses of coded
energy. While these code followers have proven
to be reliable performers, their mechanisms
require periodic inspection and maintenance.
ASTS USA has developed a more cost-effective
yet equally dependable alternative: the PC-250B
SS plug-in solid-state code follower track relay.
By using solid-state electronics to replace the
mechanisms of the equivalent ASTS USA PC-250B
electro-mechanical track code follower, this new
relay eliminates the need for field adjustment and
calibration - while delivering the proven
performance and historical reliability of the
traditional units.

• No periodic inspection needed.

General Description
The solid state PC-250B SS operates as a 4-front, 4-
• Eliminates the need for field adjustment and
back relay. It has a low input impedance and is
intended for code following track circuit applications. • Solid-state option for electro-mechanical
This relay is comprised of two circuit boards: a control counterparts.
board, and an output or “contact” board which contain
solid state switches. These two boards are housed in • Direct plug-in connection to existing racks.
a standard PN-250 aluminum frame. Contact pinouts
match the electromechanical versions. • No rewiring of existing circuits required.

On the output board, one solid state switch is used as

the front contact, and one is used as a back contact Specifications
for each of the four sets of contacts. All switches are Operating Voltage: 8 to 16 Vdc
normally open devices. To emulate a back contact,
steady energy is applied to one set of terminals on the Ripple: Limited to
upper terminal block to enable the back contact instantaneous voltage drop to
switches. Applying energy to another set of terminals not less than 8V
activates the front contact switches and opens the AC/DC Switch: Low voltage applications
back contact switches. In the event that back Load: 2.5A per contact (up to
contacts are not required, steady energy is still 30 Vdc, 22Vrms)
applied to the solid-state version of the relays.
Protection: Up to 34V, short-
Low voltage or high voltage versions of the PC-250B circuit
SS are provided. The low voltage unit can support
AC Switch: High voltage applications
load currents up to 2.5 amperes at voltages up to 30
Vdc or 22 Vrms AC; the high voltage unit can support Load: 0.06A (min.) to 2.5A
load currents up to 2.5 amperes AC only at voltages (max.), 12 to 230Vrms
from 12 to 230 Vrms. Protection: Up to 230 VRMS,
install external fusing for short

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4C7, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PC-250B SS Plug-In Code
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Follower Relay - Track
Rev. 7-05

Specificationsm (cont’d) Ordering Information

Isolation: Steady power source and code
input: 1000Vrms
• Refer to ordering tabulation for PC-250B SSCF
track relay part numbers.
Contacts and inputs:
1500Vrms • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9268 for
additional information.
Breakdown volt.: Across front/back set: Limited
by 34V (low V contacts) and
230Vrms (high V contacts)
surge protections
Temp. Range: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to

PC-250B SS Code Follower (Track)

Operating Old PC-250B
Order No. Current (Amps) Ohms Contacts Contact Applications Replaced
N40115908 0.82 0.3 4FB L.V. 4FB LV AC/DC #1, 2, 3, 4 N322559-008
N40115909 0.82 0.3 1FB, H.V. #1 1FB H.V. AC only #1 N322559-009
3FB L.V. #2,3,4 3FB L.V. AC/DC #2, 3, 4
N40115910 1.13 0.15 4FB L.V. 4FB L.V. AC/DC #1, 2, 3, 4 N322550-010
N40115911 1.13 0.15 1FB, H.V. #1 1FB H.V. AC only #1 N322559-011
3FB L.V. #2,3,4 3FB L.V. AC/DC #2, 3, 4

RSE-4C7, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-07

PC-250P SS Plug-In Solid-State Code Follower Relay –

Polar Stick
The PC-250P SS (solid-state code follower) relay
performs the identical functions of ASTS USA’s
existing PC-250P relay, and provides the same
high level of reliability, but in a more easily
serviced unit. This all-electronic option for the
earlier relay incorporates rugged solid-state
circuits that duplicate the PC-250P’s operation,
and includes LEDs that assist with operational
and diagnostic monitoring. Because of its solid-
state design, the PC-250P SS requires no periodic
field adjustment or calibration. The new relay
meets all applicable AREMA (AAR) standards.

General Description
The PC-250P SS is housed in a standard PN-250 Special Application Note: In an ASTS USA Phase-
(double-width) relay enclosure with clear Lexan® Selective track circuit application where an existing
cover, and locked in its relay base with a standard electro-mechanical PC-250P is to be replaced with
latching mechanism. It is designed to fit in the same the PC-250PSS, the track relay repeater (TPR)
rack space (mounting base) as the original PC-250P. cannot be used. An ASTS USA Relay Interface Panel
All relay base contact positions are identical, and the must be installed. For additional information, request
same indexing configuration has been retained, thus ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9029 or contact your
the new relay can be installed on an existing PC-250P ASTS USA Account Executive.
base with no rearrangement of contact wiring. Two
horizontal PCBs within the contact contain all code- Advantages
following electronics. The upper board contains two
LEDs to indicate relay state (yellow: normal, green:
• No periodic inspection needed.
reverse). • Eliminates the need for field adjustment and
• Solid-state option for electro-mechanical
Application counterparts.
The PC-250P SS is applied as a “polar stick” code- • Direct plug-in connection to existing racks.
following relay by transmitting “corrected code”. It is
operated from a PC-250TR code-generating relay and
• No rewiring of existing circuits required.
is controlled through its own electronic “contact”. This • No requirement for extra rack spacing (no
corrected code does not change, therefore contact magnetic effects)
wear on the code generator is compensated or
“corrected”. Unlike the original PC-250P, the new Specifications
relay does not require space between itself and Operating Voltage: 8 to 16 Vdc
adjacent PC-250 SS relays to avoid magnetic
Ripple: Limited to instantaneous
interference effects. However, where original PC-
voltage drop to not less than 8V
250P relays are still present, PN-250-width spacing
must still be maintained around the PC-250Ps. Rec’d Power: Nominal 12V battery/battery

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4C8, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PC-250P SS Plug-In Solid-State Code
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Follower Relay – Polar Stick
Rev. 4-07

Specifications (cont’d) Ordering Information

AC/DC Switch: Low voltage applications • Refer to ordering tabulation for PC-250P SS part
Load: 2.5A per contact (up to 30 numbers.
Vdc, 22Vrms)
Protection: Up to 34V, short-
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9029 for
additional information.
AC Switch: High voltage applications
Load: 0.06A (min.) to 2.5A
(max.), 12 to 230Vrms
Protection: Up to 230 VRMS,
install external fusing for short
Isolation: Steady power source and control
coil input: 1500Vrms
Breakdown volt.: Across front/back set: Limited by
34V (low V contacts) and
230Vrms (high V contacts) surge
Temp. Range: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to +158°F)

PC-250B SS Code Followers - Magnetic Stick

Old PC-250B
Order No. Voltage Ohms Contacts Replaced
N40115912 8-12 180/180 4N-4R L.V. N322559-012
N40115913 8-12 180/180 4N-4R L.V. N322559-013
N40115914 8-12 20/20 2N H.V. N322559-014
2R L.V. #1, 2
2N 2R L.V. #3, 4
N40115916 8-12 20/20 4N-4R L.V. N322559-016
N40115918 8-12 20/20 1N HV 3N L.V. N322559-018
4R L.V.
N40115919 8-12 20/20 1NR HV#1 N322559-019
3N LV #2, #3, #4

RSE-4C8, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-05

CD SS Shelf Mount Code Follower Relay - Biased

Biased electro-mechanical code-following shelf
relays have been used for years to receive pulses
of coded energy. While these code followers have
proven to be reliable performers, their
mechanisms require periodic inspection and
maintenance. ASTS USA has developed a more
cost-effective yet equally dependable alternative:
the CD SS plug-in solid-state code follower biased
relay. By using solid-state electronics to replace
the mechanisms of the equivalent ASTS USA CD
style electro-mechanical biased code follower,
this new relay eliminates the need for field
adjustment and calibration - while delivering the
proven performance and historical reliability of the
traditional shelf-mount units.

General Description
The CD SS Biased Code Follower relay is comprised • No periodic inspection needed.
of two circuit boards, each containing four solid-state
switches. The two boards are housed in the same
• Eliminates the need for field adjustment and
type of sheet steel housing as the ASTS USA W-400
transformer, and operate together to form a 4FB relay.
• Solid-state option for electro-mechanical
On each board, two switches are used as front counterparts.
contacts, and two as back contacts. All switches are
normally open devices, therefore, to emulate a back • No rewiring of existing circuits required.
contact function steady energy is applied to one set of
terminals on the upper terminal block to enable the • No requirement for extra rack spacing (no
back contact switches. Applying energy to another magnetic effects)
set of terminals activates the front contact switches
and opens the back contact switches. In the event
that back contacts are not required, it is not necessary Specifications
to enable them because the front contact switches will Operating Voltage: 8 to 16 Vdc (8 Vdc minimum)
operate independently.
Ripple: Limited to
The CD SS circuit boards are designed for low- instantaneous voltage drop to
voltage applications. The unit can support load not less than 8V
currents from 2.5 amperes up to 30 Vdc, 22 volts
Vrms ac. Breakdown voltage across a normal- Contact Load Rating: Hold current: 0.06 to 2.5 A
reverse contact set is limited by the surge protection Voltage: 12 to 230 Vrms
ratings of 34 Vdc for low-voltage contacts.
Contact Protection: Up to 230V
The main difference between the CD SS biased relay
and its electromechanical equivalent is that a steady Short circuit protection: Not
energy source must be connected to the CD SS to provided internally (external
activate its back contacts. Request ASTS USA fusing required)
Service Manual SM-9277 for additional application

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4C9, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA CD SS Shelf Mount Code Follower
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Relay - Biased
Rev. 7-05

Specifications (cont’d) Ordering Information

Isolation: Steady power source and
code input: 1500Vrms
• Refer to ordering tabulation below for CD SS
biased relay part number.
Breakdown Volt.: Across front/back set:
Limited by 34V surge • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9277 for
protection additional information.
Operating Temp.: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
Unit Dimensions: 9.25”H x 4.56”W x 6.0”L
(23.5 cm H x 11.6 cm W x
15.2 cm L)

CD SS Shelf Mount Code Follower Relay - Biased

Contact Old CD Relay
Order No. Voltage Ohms Contacts Application Replaced
N40700403 8-12 135 4FB, L.V. 4FB, AC/DC, N223414
#1, 2, 3, 4

RSE-4C9, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-05

CD SS Shelf Mount Code Follower Relay - Track

Shelf-mounted electro-mechanical code-following
track relays have been used for years to receive
pulses of coded energy. While these code
followers have proven to be reliable performers,
their mechanisms require periodic inspection and
maintenance. ASTS USA has developed a more
cost-effective yet equally dependable alternative:
the CD SS plug-in solid-state code follower track
relay. By using solid-state electronics to replace
the mechanisms of the equivalent ASTS USA CD
style electro-mechanical track code follower, this
new relay eliminates the need for field adjustment
and calibration - while delivering the proven
performance and historical reliability of the
traditional shelf-mount units.
energy source must be connected. Request ASTS
USA Service Manual SM-9278 for additional
General Description
application details.
The CD SS track relay is a code following relay
comprised of two circuit boards, including one control Advantages
board and one output or “contact” board containing
the solid state switches. The two boards are housed • No periodic inspection needed.
in a steel housing similar to the ASTS USA W-400
transformer. Connections to a unit are made via
• Eliminates the need for field adjustment and
standard AREMA (AAR) terminals available on top of
the unit. The CD SS track relay operates as a 4-front, • Solid-state option for electro-mechanical
4-back relay only. counterparts.
On the output board, one solid state switch is used as
the front contact, and one is used as a back contact
• No rewiring of existing circuits required.
for each of the four sets of contacts. All switches are • No requirement for extra rack spacing (no
normally open devices, therefore to emulate a back magnetic effects)
contact, apply steady energy is applied to one set of
terminals on the upper terminal block to enable the
back contact switches. Applying energy to another Specifications
set of terminals activates the front contact switches Operating Voltage: 8 to 16 Vdc (8 Vdc minimum)
and opens the back contact switches. In the event
that back contacts are not required, it is still necessary Ripple: Limited to
to apply steady energy to this type of track relay. instananeous voltage drop to
not less than 8V
The internal circuit boards are designed for low
Contact Load Ratings: Hold Current: 0.06 to 2.5 A
voltage applications. The unit can support load
currents to 2.5 amperes to 30 Vdc, 22 volts Vrms AC. Voltage: 12 to 230 Vrms
Breakdown voltage across a normal-reverse contact Contact Protection: Up to 230V
set is limited by the surge protection ratings of 34 Vdc
Short circuit protection: Not
for low-voltage contacts.
provided internally (external
The main difference between the CD SS track relay fusing required)
and its electromechanical counterpart is that a steady

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4C10, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA CD SS Shelf Mount Code Follower
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Relay - Track
Rev. 7-05

Specifications (cont’d) Ordering Information

Isolation: Steady power source and
coded inputs: 1000V rms.
• Refer to ordering tabulation below for CD SS
biased track relay part numbers.
Contacts and inputs: 1500
Vrms • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9278 for
additional information.
Breakdown Voltage: Across front/back set: Limited
by 34V surge protection
Operating Temp.: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
Unit Dimensions: 9.25”H x 4.56”W x 6.0”L
(23.5 cm H x 11.6 cm W x
15.2 cm L)

CD SS Shelf Mount Code Follower Relay - Track

Recommended Old CD Relay
Order No. Op. Current Ohms Contacts Contact Application Replaced
N40700408 0.82A 0.3 4FB L.V. 4FB L.V. AC/DC #1, 2, 3, 4 (1)

N40700409 0.82A 0.3 1FB H.V. #1 1 FB H.V. AC Only (2)

3FB L.V. #2, #3 3FB L.V. AC/DC, #2, #3 and #4
and #4
Note (1): Replaces N216371, N232752, N232753, N275968
Note (2): Replaces N232763

RSE-4C10, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-05

CDP SS Shelf Mount Code Follower Relay – Polar Stick

The CDP SS (solid-state code follower) relay
performs the identical functions of US&S’ existing
CDP shelf-mounted relay, and provides the same
high level of reliability, but in a more easily
serviced unit. This all-electronic option for the
earlier relay incorporates rugged solid-state
circuits that duplicate the CDP’s operation, and
includes LEDs that assist with operational and
diagnostic monitoring. Because of its solid-state
design, the CDP SS requires no periodic field
adjustment or calibration. The new relay meets all
applicable AREMA (AAR) standards.

General Description
The shelf-mounted CDP SS polar stick relay is a solid and open the other. Once energized, contacts will
state code following relay comprised of two circuit retain their last state after power is removed from both
boards, each containing four solid-state switches. coils. (For additional application information on the
The two boards are housed in a sheet steel housing CDP SS, request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-
similar to ASTS USA’s W-400 transformer. Essential 9276.)
connections of the relay are made via AREMA (AAR)
terminals on top of the unit. On each of the circuit Advantages
boards, two switches are used as Normal contacts,
and two as Reverse contacts. All switches are • No periodic inspection needed.
normally open devices; therefore to emulate a Normal
or Reverse contact, apply steady energy is applied to • Eliminates the need for field adjustment and
one set of terminals. LEDs are used to indicate relay calibration.
status: green for normal and yellow for reverse. • Solid-state option for electro-mechanical
These LED’s can be viewed through the holes in the counterparts.
side of the relay.
The CDP SS unit’s main circuit board is designed with
• No rewiring of existing circuits required.
two normal and two reverse low-voltage switches and • No requirement for extra rack spacing (no
contains the current sensing element. The auxiliary magnetic effects)
board is populated with a variety of low-voltage
switches. Specifications
The principal difference between the CDP SS and its Operating Voltage: 8 to 16 Vdc (8 Vdc minimum)
electromechanical counterpart is that a steady energy Ripple: Limited to
source must be connected to the CDP SS for it to instantaneous voltage drop to
operate. Without this steady energy source, all of the not less than 8V
switches would go to their open states and the relay
would not function. The relay requires externally Power Source: Recommended: Nominal 12-
switched energy applied to the “+” coded and “–“ volt battery/battery charger
coded terminals to drive one set of contacts closed combination
Contact Load Rating: Hold Current: 0.06 to 2.5A
Voltage: 12 to 230 Vrms

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4C11, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA CDP SS Shelf Mount Code Follower
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Relay – Polar Stick
Rev. 7-05

Specifications (cont’d) Ordering Information

Contact Protection: Up to 230V • Refer to ordering tabulation below for CD SS
Short circuit protection: Not biased relay part number.
provided internally (external
fusing required) • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9276 for
additional information.
Isolation: Steady power source and
control (coil) inputs: 1500
Breakdown Voltage: Across normal/reverse
contact: Limited by 34V
surge protection for low-
voltage contacts
Operating Temp.: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to
Unit Dimensions: 9.25”H x 4.56”W x 6.0”L
(23.5 cm H x 11.6 cm W x
15.2 cm L)

CDP SS Shelf Mount Code Follower Relay - Polar Stick

Contact Old CDP Relays
Order No. Voltage Ohms Contacts Application Replaced
N40700413 8-12 180 4N-4R L.V. 4N-4R L.V. N265760

RSE-4C11, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
PV-250E Electronic Vane Relay
ASTS USA introduces the PV-250E Electronic Vane
Relay, a solid state vane relay that eliminates the
need for periodic calibrations and costly rebuilds
associated with traditional electromechanical
relays. The solid state design also increases
dependability and durability while eliminating the
issues that may arise from the handling and
transporting of the older mechanical relays. The
PV-250E functionally replaces an existing PV-250
electro-mechanical relay and can be mounted in
the same base.

General Description
The PV-250E Electronic Vane Relay is used in Power
Frequency (PF) track circuits to provide the essential
train detection output to external circuits and to
indicate a broken rail condition. It is designed as an
alternate or replacement for several commonly used In place of the PV-250’s multiple front contacts, the
versions of ASTS USA’s existing PV-250 Vital Plug-In PV-250E electronics produce a DC output suitable for
Relay. The new unit is housed in the familiar double- controlling multiple repeater relays or serving as a
® ®
width PN-250 style plug-in relay housing with Lexan direct input to a ASTS USA MicroLok vital controller
covers and a front latch release knob. or MicroLok Object Controller. This DC output is the
safety equivalent of a double-break circuit using two
Electronics are contained on two standoff-mounted
front contacts. The PV-250E requires no battery feed.
PCBs which replace the armature/contacts of the
The DC output is supplied by power extracted from the
earlier relay. An LED on the front PCB shows the ON
local input power, and is responsive to the control
state of the relay’s DC output (functional equivalent of
current and its phase relationship to the local input
the pickup point for the earlier PV-250). The PV-250E
incorporates the same relay mounting base contacts
as its predecessor, and requires only minor wiring
changes on the existing base to suit the particular General Application
When used to drive repeater relays, the relay’s DC
Control coil impedance and pick-up current on the PV- output is proportional to local voltage and influenced by
250E are identical to those of the PV-250, and the the connected load, i.e., the number and coil resistance
drop-away exceeds 90% of pickup (93% typical). of repeaters. For example, if five 1300-ohm PN-150
Local input power required by the PV-250E is slightly relays are connected to the 250E as parallel repeaters,
less than the PV-250, but the VA is significantly less the equivalent load is 260 ohms. The resulting coil
because of a more favorable power factor than the old voltages are as follows:
relay. Because the PV-250E’s pick-up, dropaway and Coil Voltage Local Voltage
impedance values are identical to the PV-250, the new
relay can replace the old with no track circuit 13.7 Vdc 110 Vdc
readjustment. Like the PV-250, the PV-250E is also 14.3 Vdc 115 Vdc
14.7 Vdc 120 Vdc
phase sensitive to local and control current. Thus,
with opposite polarity in adjacent track circuits, train The maximum pick-up for a 1300-ohm PN-150 relay is
detection is not compromised in the event of an 10.7 Vdc, therefore five repeaters will operate reliably
insulated joint failure. over a temperature range of –40oC to +70oC. The PV-
250E will operate with no change in pick-up or drop-out
over a local voltage range of 90 to 135 volts, but the DC
output will change proportionally.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
PV-250E Electronic Vane Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
General Application (cont’d) Advantages (cont’d)
The configuration is available, with added jumper wiring,
Requires no track circuit adjustments after installation
that permits the interchange of PV-250 relay N342555-
809 with PV-250E relay N40117201 with either double- Eliminates handling and transporting issues
break or single-break control of a track repeater relay.
More cost effective
By using dual relay base terminations (matrix or
functional), wiring diagrams can be altered according to
the specific relay base, whether of the older type with
functional marking, or the new type based on matrix Weight: 4.9 lbs.
terminal designations. No wiring modifications are Operating Temp: -40oC to +70oC
required for local and control terminations.
Vibration: Class A (4.2 Gs peak)
Note: The PV-250E relays listed in this catalog section
are intended for single-rail PF track circuits. For Isolation Voltage: 2000 Vrms (all points)
additional PV-250E application considerations, request Control Input Imped: (See Ordering Tabulation)
ASTS USA service manual SM-9412 or contact ASTS Local Power & VA: Power = 4.85W; 6.33VA
Local Input Imped: 2090 ohms@40o
Maintenance Operating Frequency: 60 Hz
Unlike the earlier PV-250 relay, the PV-250E requires no Pick-Up Current: Nominal +10% over temp. range
calibration or operational testing. However, if there is a
Phase Angle Range: -20o to +20o (local to control)
need to satisfy Incoming Inspection requirements, the
relay can be given simple DC output pick-up and drop- DC Output Voltage: Nominal 14.5 Vdc into 500 ohms
away voltage checks using a voltmeter and several other @ local = 115 Vrms (see below)
standard test devices. P.U./D.A. Times: Pick-up: 40 mS, drop-away:
150 mS
Opt. Relay Contact*: ON Resistance: <1.0 ohm
Functional replacement for commonly used PV-250
electro-mechanical relays Switching range: Up to 2.5A
@30V AC or DC
Capable of driving parallel repeaters
Short circuit protected
Compatible as a direct output to a MicroLok II or (*Non-vital simulated relay contact)
MicroLok Object Controller system
Requires no battery feed Ordering and Additional Technical Information
Durable design for railway environment Refer to ordering tabulation below for available PV-
Not affected by EMI fields 250E part numbers.
Simple wiring modifications for repeater applications For other PV-250 to PV-250E retrofit possibilities,
contact your ASTS USA Account Executive.
LED indicates DC output ON state
Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9412 for
Plug-in to existing relay base additional technical information.
Requires no periodic calibrations or adjustments

PV-250E Electronic Vane Relay

Simulated Control Coil
Contact Nominal Pick-Up Impedance Equivalent
Order No. Applications (Amps) (Ohms) PV-250 Relay Notes
N40117201 2F 0.05 62.0 N342555-809 --
N40117401 2F 0.30 2.5 N342555-803 --
N40117501 2F 0.30 2.5 N342555-803 (1)
Note: Denotes inclusion of functional equivalent of a non-vital front
contact. Intended as an input to an event recorder or any other
function that is not safety-related.
MicroLok is a registered trademark of Union Switch & Signal Inc.

, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
TRU-III Track Resonant Unit
The TRU-III Track Resonant Unit represents the
latest advancement in steady energy track circuit
applications, replacing ASTS USA’s previous TRU-
II product and earlier centrifugal relays. TRU-III is
designed to operate at three different track circuit
frequencies (only two for TRU-II), in AC or DC
propulsion territories, and with or without cab
signaling. Because the unit’s output switches
directly from “on” to “off”, there is no need to
employ a track relay with a high drop-away to
pick-up ratio. TRU-III delivers a DC output
sufficient to drive an ordinary-acting relay (e.g.
ASTS USA PN-150B), or supply a direct input to a
vital interlocking controller such as ASTS USA’s
MicroLok II system.

Operation and Application signal is carried over a pilot line parallel to the track.
TRU-III is used as a train detection device primarily The 250 Hz signal is fed from a common point.
intended for use with either AC or DC propulsion Feeding from a common point minimizes induced
territories. One input is connected to the track through interference from propulsion power.
a 10:1 step-up transformer. A second input (Local) is TRU-III offers several important improvements over
connected to 115 volts AC. Two versions of TRU-III, TRU-II and electromechanical vane relays. With these
for 91.67 Hz and 100 Hz track circuits, are designed earlier devices, the output is based on the product of
as direct replacements for TRU-III. An additional unit the local and track voltage inputs and their phase
is calibrated for operation with 250 Hz track circuits. relationship. The operating point or pickup varies with
All versions function in much the same way as the magnitude of the local voltage and phase angle with
original TRU-II by requiring a track and local input and the track voltage. There is a naturally occurring phase
having equivalent operating points. The 91.67 and shift in a track circuit that occurs with ballast variation.
100 Hz models have a nominal pick-up voltage of 8.0 Thus, the pick-up also varies. With the TRU-III unit,
Vdc (+ 10%), while the 250 Hz model picks at 4.6 Vdc there is no variation of pickup either from local voltage
(+ 10%). or phase difference. Correspondingly, no phase
Operation of TRU-III is based on independent correction is necessary.
measurements of the phase between the local and the Note: An ASTS USA’s Reset Module is available to
track inputs and absolute measurement of track signal augment TRU-III in cab signal applications. This
strength. The two independent measurements are module provides an input to a Microlok II unit in order
used to satisfy a vital “AND” gate decision and are to initiate logic after a cab signal track circuit has been
combined to create a DC output. If the two inputs are shunted without a train progressing from one track
out of phase, the TRU-III will not produce an output. circuit to another. Refer to RSE-4D3 for additional
Series-tuned LC filters for both local and track inputs information on the Reset Module.
offer disruption immunity to propulsion harmonics for
the 91.67 Hz and 100 Hz units. Unit Design (cont’d)
The Local input of the 250 Hz TRU-III unit is not tuned. The TRU-III unit is repackaged in an ASTS USA PN-
A series inductor located inside the unit provides 250 style plug-in relay housing, but contains all solid-
phase compensation to ensure operation with the state components. Thus, it requires no periodic
longer track circuits with poor ballast. The 250 Hz unit maintenance, testing or calibration. If the unit is faulty,
is not recommended in applications where the 250 Hz it is replaced as a complete plug-in assembly. Front-

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
TRU-III Track Resonant Unit
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
Typical TRU-III Application

Unit Design (cont’d) Advantages (cont’d)

facing LEDs monitor track circuit status. A green LED Can supply direct output to MicroLok II or similar
illuminates when the track circuit is unoccupied and vital controller.
functioning properly. A yellow LED indicates a
marginally operating track circuit. Rear pin No variation of pickup either from local voltage or
assignments are marked by row and column for phase difference (phase correction unnecessary).
“Local”, “Track” and “Output”. Polarity symbols for
local and track represent the phase relationship for the Reset Module available for cab signal applications
unit to respond. The index pins align with holes in the with MicroLok II (refer to RSE-4D3).
mounting base to prevent a unit from being incorrectly Uses PN-250-style plug-in relay housing for ease of
inserted into a base. installation/removal.

LEDs indicate track circuit status.

No calibration, maintenance or testing required.
Replaces TRU-II and centrifugal relays with
enhanced capabilities.
Additional model available for 250 Hz track circuit Specifications
applications. Weight: 6.0 lbs. (2.7 kg)
o o
Does not require output rekay with high drop-to- Operating Temp. Range: -40 C to +70 C
pick ratio; ordinary-acting (e.g. PN-150) is suitable. Vibration Limit: Class A (1.5 gs peak)

, p. 2
TRU-III Track Resonant Unit
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
Specifications (cont’d) Specifications (cont’d)
Isolation V. (All Points): 2000 Vrms Drop-Away Time: @ Vtrack = 10V: 172
Control Input Impedance: 100 ohms milliseconds
Local Power and VA: Power = 4.85W; 6.33 VA Pick-Up Time: @ Vtrack = 15V: 40
Local Input Impedance: 100 ohms
Drop-Away Time: @ Vtrack = 15V: 280
Operating Frequency: N14000202: 91.67 Hz milliseconds
N14000201: 100 Hz **If TRU-III is driving a 400 ohm PN-150B relay, add
N14000203: 250 Hz 180 milliseconds to pick-up time to close front
Pick-Up Voltage*: 91.67 and 100 Hz units: contacts and 150 milliseconds to drop-away time to
8.0 Vdc, +10% open front contacts.
250 Hz Unit: 4.6 Vdc,
+10% Ordering and Additional Information
*Interface Relay pick-up Refer to ordering tabulation for TRU-III part
voltage must be above 1 numbers.
Drop-Away Voltage: 90% of pick-up minimum Refer to RSE-4E3 for Reset Module ordering
Phase Angle Range: Local to control: -30 to 60
deg. track lagging local For additional TRU-III technical data, request ASTS
DC Output Voltage: 13.5 Vdc (nom.) USA Service Manual SM-3C2.0001.
Pick-Up Time**: 40 milliseconds
Contact your ASTS Account Exective or any
Pick-Up Time: @ Vtrack = 10V: 64 required product application information.

TRU-III Track Resonant Unit

Order No. Description (Freq.)
N14000201 100 Hz
N14000202 91.67 Hz
N14000203 250 Hz

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

, p. 3
, p. 4
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
Electronic Relay Reset Module
ASTS USA’s Electronic Relay Reset Module supports the PV-
250E and TRU-III units in MicroLok II cab signal track circuit
applications that do not incorporate a Track Relay. Using an
output of this module, the PV-250E or TRU-III can provide a
direct input to MicroLok II for train detection, or use an ASTS
USA PN-150B vital relay for this purpose. LEDs on the Reset
Module show the on/off state of its output.

In MicroLok II-controlled cab signal applications, steady energy is
restored to track circuit from logic involving sequential track circuit
occupancy. On/off coding is generally in the range of 50 to 420
CPM, which is too fast for MicroLok II to recognize and assert its
application logic. When a cab signal track circuit has been
shunted without a train progressing from one track circuit to
another, the Reset Module (responding to a PV-250E or
TRU-III output) is used to provide an input to MicroLok Advantages (cont’d)
II to initiate logic and restore steady energy. The
Reset Module’s output is designed to drive two Capable of driving inputs to two redundant
MicroLok II logic controller input circuits in parallel for MicroLok II units.
redundant systems.
Unit easily mounted and wired.
The module’s output voltage turn-on time is 2 to 4
seconds after the input starts coding. Turn-off time is LEDs indicate status of outputs.
9 to 13 seconds after the input stops coding. The
Module is tested to insure an operating range from 36 No calibrations or maintenance required.
to 450 CPM. It will not deliver an output much beyond
this range. Built-in short circuit and reversed battery protection.

The Reset Module is housed in a compact plastic case Specifications

designed for rack mounting via a standard DIN rail. All
power and data wiring is terminated on the front of the Connections: 3 connector plugs with 4-
unit with scew-clasped terminals. Red and green screw terminals each: 1 for
status LEDs are provided on the front of the unit. The input, 1 for battery, 1 for
normal state of the Reset Module output is off with the output
green LED lit. The red LED lights when the input Input Voltage Range: Terminals 1-4: 10V to
signal is coded and the output is turned on. This state 16.2V steady DC or a
only persists for about 20 seconds until the MicroLok II square wave at cab signal
unit turns off the cab code rate. code rate.
The Reset Module is designed to withstand a Minimum of +10V (0 to
continuous short circuit condition or accidental peak) at proper code
reversal of battery connections. frequency required to
produce output.
Advantages Input Current Range: 3.3 to 10 mA over input
voltage range
Provides input to initiate MicroLok II logic and
restore steady energy condition. Input Frequency Range: 36 to 450 CPM or 0.60 to
7.50 Hz
Supports PV-250E relay and TRU-III track resonant
units in MicroLok II applications.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
Electronic Relay Reset Module
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11
Typical Reset Module Application with Redundant MicroLok II Units

Specifications (cont’d)
Input Voltage Isolation: 2000 Vrms between input Output Voltage: @1500 ohms: Output
terminals and battery/output voltage approx. 1V less
terminals Batt. Input than input battery voltage.
Voltage Range: 12 @min. 12V battery: 11V
Vdc to 16.2 Vdc, less than 1 output voltage
V(p-p) ripple
@max.2V battery: 15.0V
Ext. Batt. Input Protection: Battery line surge protection output voltage
Rec. Wire Sizes: Input: #22 AWG or heavier
Int. Batt. Input Protection: Built-in
Battery: #22 AWG or
Battery Input Current: 20 Ma (approx.) with 1500 heavier
ohm load connected to
output Output: #22 AWG or
Output Load: 1500 ohms impedance or o o
higher Operating Temp. Range: -40 to +70 C

Ordering and Additional Information

Refer to ordering Tabulation on catalog page 3 for Electronic Relay Reset Module part number.

For additional technical details, request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-8A1.0001

Contact your ASTS Account Executive or any required product application information.

, p. 2
Electronic Relay Reset Module
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-11

Reset Module Design and Dimensions

Ordering Information

Order No. Description

N34801901 Electronic Relay Reset Module

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

, p. 3
, p. 4
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
PN-150B Biased Relay
General Description
The PN-150B relay is designed for use in line and
logic circuits requiring contact capacities up to 4
amperes. If greater capacity is required, the PN-
150HD relay is recommended (see RSE-4E2). If an
equivalent relay with more contacts is required, the
PN-250B relay is recommended (see RSE-4E4).
Because the PN-150B relay is naturally biased, it
becomes a battery-checking relay to ensure that the
logic energy has the proper polarity. This is especially
important where some of the circuits are polarity-
responsive, such as in switch repeating and polar line
circuits. For a relay that operates on lower
energization values, the PN-150BE relay is Ordering Information
recommended (see RSE-4N3). Contacts of the PN- • Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers
150B relay are standard low voltage silver to silver- listed in tabulation and RSE-4R1.
impregnated carbon front and silver-to-silver back. All
PN-150B relays incorporate Lexan® covers.
• When writing your order, specify the required
contacts and coil resistance.
• Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the
Specifications type of relay to be used with that base.
• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating • For detailed specifications and complete parts lists,
specifications. request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4596.
• Refer to RSE-4S1 for shop maintenance tools and
PN-150B Relays and Base
Front Coil Energ. Energ. System
Order No. Test Contacts Res. Amps (1) Volts (1) Volt. Notes
N322500-701 X 6FB Std. 400 0.0132 5.30 10 --
N322500-702 X 6FB Std. 800 0.0105 8.40 12 to 14 --
N322500-703 X 6FB Std. 1300 0.0082 10.70 16 to 24 (2)
N322500-704 X 6FB Std. 100 0.0264 2.64 -- (2)
N322500-705 X 6FB Std. 240 0.0177 4.24 -- (2)
N322500-801 -- 6FB Std. 400 0.0132 5.30 10 --
N322500-802 -- 6FB Std. 800 0.0105 8.40 12 to 14 --
N322500-803 -- 6FB Std. 1300 0.0082 10.70 16 to 24 --
N322500-807 -- 4FB, 2F, 1 Std. 1300 0.0082 10.70 16 to 24 --
N322500-808 -- 4FB, 2F, 1 Std. 800 0.0105 8.40 12 to 14 --
N322500-809 -- 4FB, 2F, 1 Std. 400 0.0132 5.30 10 --
N451376-0302 Plug-In base for PN-150B (ref. RSE 4R1)
Note (1): Value at which relay will become energized. Response will generally occur at lower value.
Note (2): Normally used in series with another relay.

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4E1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-150B Biased Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4E1, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
PN-150HD Biased Relay
(With Heavy Duty Contacts)
The PN-150HD relay has six transfer contacts. Four are
heavy duty contacts that can carry 15 amperes up to 30
volts dc and ac. The other two contacts are standard
contacts with a 4-ampere capacity. This relay can be
used in place of a PN-150B relay when greater contact
capacity is required. The PN-150HD requires the
indicated polarity for its operation. Note: Refer to the
ordering tabulation below for information on PN-150HD
back contact pressure considerations.
Contacts of the PN-150HD relay are Heavy duty silver to
silver-impregnated carbon front and silver-to-silver back,
standard low voltage silver to silver-impregnated carbon
front and silver-to-silver back. All PN-150HD relays Specifications
incorporate Lexan® covers.
• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating
Application Considerations (Contacts)
The heavy duty back contacts of this relay are adjusted Ordering Information
to maintain a higher pressure against the heels in order
to provide a lower contact resistance when the relay is • Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers listed
de-energized. As a result, this relay may show a in tabulation and RSE-4R1.
tendency to pick up under reverse polarity voltage (has to • When writing your order, specify the required contacts
be higher than two to three times the nominal system and coil resistance.
voltage, and severe mechanical vibration or shock
conditions must exist). Hence, this relay may not be • Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the
used in polarized circuits such as HD line or NWP/RWP type of relay to be used with that base.
switch repeater circuits. • For detailed specifications and complete parts lists,
request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4596E.
• Refer to RSE-4S1 for shop maintenance tools and
PN-150HD Relays and Bases
Front Coil Energ. Energ. System
Order No. Test Contacts (1) Res. Amps (2) Volts (2) Volt.
N322505-701 X 4FB HD,2FB Std. 400 0.0132 5.30 10
N322505-702 X 4FB HD,2FB Std. 800 0.0105 8.40 12-14
N322505-703 X 4FB HD,2FB Std. 1300 0.0082 10.70 16 to 24
N322505-704 X 4FB HD,2FB Std. 100 0.0264 2.64 --
N322505-705 X 4FB HD,2FB Std. 240 0.0177 4.24 --
N322505-803 X 4FB HD,2FB Std. 1300 0.0082 10.70 16 to 24
N322505-806 -- 4FB HD,2FB Std. 400/400 0.0169 6.76 10
N451376-0305 Plug-in base for PN-150HD; for #10 wire (ref. RSE 4R1)
N451376-0302 Plug-in base for PN-150HD; for #16 wire (ref. RSE 4R1)
Note (1) See text ("Application Considerations for Contacts")
Note (2): Value at which relay will become energized. Response will generally occur at lower value.

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4E2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-150HD Biased Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal) (With Heavy Duty Contacts)
Rev. 3-09

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4E2, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
PN-150BD 3-Position Biased Relay
General Description
The PN-150BD relay is a 3-position relay that is a
combination of two biased relays to sense that a
circuit is (a) deenergized, (b) energized with normal
polarity, or (c) energized with reverse polarity. Each
applied polarity energizes one of the biased
armatures which, in turn, actuates three transfer
contacts. Since a polarity change causes one set of
front contacts to open before the other set closes,
there is a short period when neither set is closed.
Generally, a PN-150BSR relay (see RSE-4F1) is used
as a repeater to bridge the changeover when a
continuous “circuit energized” output is required.
Contacts of the PN-150BD relay are standard low Ordering Information
voltage silver to silver-impregnated carbon front and
silver-to-silver back.
• Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers
listed in tabulation and RSE-4R1.
• When writing your order, specify the required
Specifications contacts and coil resistance.
• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating • Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the
specifications. type of relay to be used with that base.
• For detailed specifications and complete parts lists,
request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4596D.
• Refer to RSE-4S1 for shop maintenance tools and

PN-150BD Relays and Base

Front Contacts Contacts Coil Energ. Energ. Working System
Order No. Test Normal Reverse Res. Amps (1) Volts (1) Volt.(2) Volt. Notes
N322504-701 X 3FB Std. 3FB Std. 400 0.0283 2.83 3.05 -- (3), (4)
N322504-702 X 3FB Std. 3FB Std. 100 0.0141 5.65 6.08 10 (4)
N322504-703 X 3FB Std. 3FB Std. 800 0.0112 8.95 9.67 12 to 14 (4)
N322504-704 X 3FB Std. 3FB Std. 25 0.0540 1.35 1.46 -- (3)
N322504-803 -- 3FB Std. 3FB Std. 800 0.0112 8.95 9.67 12 to 14 (4)
N451376-0302 Plug-In base for PN-150BD (ref. RSE 4R1)
Note (1): Value at which relay will become energized. Response will generally occur at lower value.
Note (2): Recommended working voltage for 0.9 sec. Reversal time.
Note (3): Normally used in series with another relay.
Note (4): Contacts - 1,4,5 FB normal; 2,3,6 FB reverse.

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4E3, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-150BD 3-Position Biased Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09
General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays
ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4E3, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
PN-250B Biased Relay
General Description
The PN-250B relay is a biased relay designed for use
in line and logic circuits. It is used in place of the PN-
150B relay when additional contacts are required.
Coils of this relay may be externally connected in
series or in multiple. For a relay that operates on
lower energization values, the PN-250BE relay is
recommended (see RSE-4N4). Contacts of the PN-
250B relay are standard low voltage silver to silver-
impregnated carbon front and silver-to-silver back. All
PN-250B relays incorporate Lexan® covers.


• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating

specifications. Ordering Information

• Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers

listed in tabulation and RSE-4R1.

• When writing your order, specify the required

contacts and coil resistance.

• Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the

type of relay to be used with that base.

• For detailed specifications and complete parts lists,

request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4597.

• Refer to RSE-4S1 for shop maintenance tools and


PN-250B Relays and Base

Coil Coil Series Series
Front Res: Res: Enrg: Enrg:
Order No. Test Contacts Series Multi Amps Volt.
N322554-701 X 6FB, 6F, 3B Std. 1000 250 0.0104 10.42
N322554-702 X 8FB, 4F, 2B Std. 1000 250 0.0104 10.42
N322544-801 -- 6FB, 6F, 3B Std. 1000 250 0.0104 10.42
N322554-802 -- 8FB, 4F, 2B Std. 1000 250 0.0104 10.42
N322544-901 -- 6FB, 6F, 3B Std. 1000 250 0.0104 10.42
N322554-902 -- 8FB, 4F, 2B Std. 1000 250 0.0104 10.42
N438689-003 Plug-In base for PN-250B (ref. RSE 4R1)
General note: Energization - value at which relay will become energized.
Response will generally occur at some lower value.

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4E4, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-250B Biased Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4E4, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03
PN-150BSR Slow Release Biased Relay
General Description
The PN-150BSR relay is a slow release biased relay
that remains in the energized position approximately 1
second after control energy is removed. This feature
is used to bridge the transfer time of the controlling
relay contacts to prevent loss of information. A typical
example is the bridging of the changeover time of a
PN-150BD relay from normal to reverse (or vice-
versa). For longer delay time, refer to the PN-
259BSR relay in RSE-4F4 and PN-259SRA relay in
RSE-4F5. Contacts are low-voltage silver to silver-
impregnated front and silver to silver back.
Ordering Information
Specifications • Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers
listed in tabulation and RSE-4R1.
• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating
specifications. • When writing your order, specify the required
contacts and coil resistance.

• Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the

type of relay to be used with that base.

• For detailed specifications and complete parts lists,

request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4596B.

• Refer to RSE-4S1 for shop maintenance tools and


PN-150BSR Relays and Base

Min. Min.
Front Coil Energ. Energ. D.A. D.A. System
Order No. Test Contacts Res. Amps (1) Volts (1) Time (2) Time (3) Volt. Notes
N322503-701 X 6FB Std. 100 0.0345 3.45 4.7 5.6 10 (4)
N322503-702 X 6FB Std. 250 0.0223 5.58 7.5 9.0 12 to 16 (4)
N322503-802 -- 6FB Std. 250 0.0223 5.58 7.5 9.8 12 to 16 (4)
N322503-804 -- 4FB, 2F, 1B Std. 250 0.0223 5.58 7.5 9.0 12 to 16 (5)
N451376-0302 Plug-In base for PN-150BSR (ref. RSE4R1)
Note (1): Value at which relay will become energized.
Response will generally occur at some lower value.
Note (2): 0.8 sec. @V
Note (3): 1.0 sec. @V
Note (4): Contacts - 6FB, 1 through 6: FB
Note (5): Contacts - 4FB, 2F, 1B; 1,3,4,6: FB; 2,7: F; 5: B

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4F1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-150BSR Slow Release Biased Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 7-03

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4F1, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
PN-258B Slow Pick-Up Biased Relay
General Description
The PN-258B relay is a slow pick-up biased relay that
has a delayed response to energization of
approximately 1 second, depending on the voltage
applied. The release is the same as a standard relay.
Contacts are low-voltage silver to silver-impregnated
carbon front and silver to silver back.


• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating


Ordering Information

• Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers

listed in tabulation and RSE-4R1.

• When writing your order, specify the required

contacts and coil resistance.

• Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the

type of relay to be used with that base.

• For detailed specifications and complete parts lists,

request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4597.

• Refer to RSE-4S1 for shop maintenance tools and


PN-258B Relays and Base

Front Coil Energ. Energ.
Order No. Test Contacts Res. Amps (1) Volts (1)
N322551-701 X 6FB Std. 1400 0.0053 7.5
N322551-703 X 6FB Std. 2000 0.0045 9.0
N322551-704 X 6FB Std. 3000 0.0037 11.3
N322551-803 -- 6FB Std. 2000 0.0045 9.0
N322551-901 -- 6FB Std. 1400 0.0053 7.5
N322551-903 -- 6FB Std. 2000 0.0045 9.0
N322551-904 -- 6FB Std. 3000 0.0037 11.3
N438689-001 Plug-In base for PN-258B (ref. RSE 4R1)
Note (1): Value at which relay may not become energized. Response will
generally occur at some lower value.

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4F2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-258B Slow Pick-Up Biased Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4F2, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09

PN-258BSR Slow Pick-Up/Slow Release Biased Relay

General Description
The PN-258BSR is a slow pick-up and a slow release
biased relay. The delayed response to energization is
approximately 2 seconds, and 1 second to
deenergization. Note in the PN-258BSR tabulation
that these times vary with the applied voltage.
Contacts are low-voltage silver to silver-impregnated
carbon front and silver-to-silver back.


• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating


Ordering Information

• Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers

listed in tabulation and RSE-4R1.

• When writing your order, specify the required

contacts and coil resistance.

• Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the

type of relay to be used with that base.

• For detailed specifications and complete parts lists,

request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4597.

• Refer to RSE-4S1 for shop maintenance tools and


PN-258BSR Relays and Base

Min. Min. Min. Min.
Coil Energ. Energ. Service P.U. P.U. D.A. D.A.
Order No. Contacts Res. Amps (1) Volts (1) Enrg. Time (2) Time (3) Time (2) Time (4)
N322551-702 6FB Std. 350 0.0214 7.50 10.00 2.2 1.8 1.1 0.7
N322551-705 6FB Std. 500 0.0180 9.01 12.00 2.2 1.8 1.1 0.7
N438689-001 Plug-In base for PN-258BSR (ref. RSE-4R1)
Note (1): Values below which relay may not become energized.
Note (2): @100% service
Note (3): @110% service
Note (4): @75% service

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4F3, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-258BSR Slow Pick-Up/Slow Release
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Biased Relay
Rev. 3-09

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4F3, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
PN-259BSR Slow Release Biased Relay
(With Delayed Deenergization Response)
General Description
The PN-259BSR relay is a slow release biased relay
that has a delayed response to deenergization of 2.75
to 3.5 seconds. This relay is equipped with six
standard transfer (FB) contacts capable of carrying up
to 4 amperes. When used for a crossing gate delay,
its control is arranged to snub its coil upon
deenergization. Heavy duty (HD) contacts are silver
to silver impregnated carbon front and silver-to-silver
back. Standard contacts are low-voltage silver to
silver-impregnated front and silver to silver back.

Ordering Information
• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating
specifications. • Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers
listed in tabulation and RSE-4R1.

• When writing your order, specify the required

contacts and coil resistance.

• Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the

type of relay to be used with that base.

• For detailed specifications and complete parts lists,

request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4597.

• Refer to RSE-4S1 for shop maintenance tools and


PN-259BSR Relays and Base

Front Coil Energ. Energ.
Order No. Test Contacts Res. Amps Volts
N322552-701 X 6FB Std. 350 0.0185 6.5
N322552-702 X 6FB Std. 225 0.0222 5.0
N322552-901 -- 6FB Std. 350 0.0185 6.5
N322552-902 -- 6FB Std. 225 0.0222 5.0
N438689-001 Plug-In base for PN-259BSR (ref. RSE 4R1)

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4F4, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-259BSR Slow Release Biased Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal) (With Delayed Deenergization Response)
Rev. 3-09

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4F4, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03
PN-259SRA Slow Release Biased Relay
(With Delayed Deenergization Response)
General Description
The PN-259SRA relay is a slow release biased relay
that has a delayed response to deenergization of 2.75
to 3.5 seconds. It is equipped with four heavy duty
transfer contacts capable of carrying up to 15
amperes. This relay is typically used to delay the
release of highway crossing gates, although it is not
restricted to that purpose. When used for a crossing
gate delay, its control is arranged to snub its coil upon
deenergization. Heavy duty (HD) contacts are silver
to silver-impregnated carbon front and silver-to-silver
back. Standard contacts are low-voltage silver-to-
silver-impregnated front and silver to silver back.


• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating

Ordering Information
• Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers
listed in tabulation and RSE-4R1.

• When writing your order, specify the required

contacts and coil resistance.

• Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the

type of relay to be used with that base.

• For detailed specifications and complete parts lists,

request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4563H.

PN-259SRA Relay and Base

Sys. Sys.
Coil Energ. Energ. Enrg. Enrg. System
Order No. Contacts Res. Amps Volts Amp (1) V (1) Volt.
N322562-001 4 FB H.D. 225 0.0222 5.0 0.0355 8.0 12
N438689-001 Plug-In base for PN-259SRA (ref. RSE4R1)
Note (1): System energization for 2.75 to 3.5 sec. drop-away time.

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4F5, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-259SRA Slow Release Biased Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal) (With Delayed Deenergization Response)
Rev. 7-03

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4F5, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
PN-150BTR Biased Track Relay
General Description
The PN-150BTR is a biased relay with special
characteristics for use as a track relay. External
resistors may be required to adjust each track circuit
to obtain proper train-shunting characteristics (refer to
PN-150BH relays; RSE-4G2). The PN-150BTR relay
is equipped with standard low voltage silver to silver-
impregnated carbon front and silver-to-silver back


• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating


Ordering Information

• Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers

listed in tabulation and RSE-4R1.

• When writing your order, specify the required

contacts and coil resistance.

• Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the

type of relay to be used with that base.

• For detailed specifications and complete parts lists,

request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4596A.

• Refer to RSE-4S1 for shop maintenance tools and


PN-150BTR Relay and Base

Coil Min. D.A. Min. D.A. Energ. Energ.
US&S Order No. Contacts Res. Amps Volts Amps (1) Volts (1)
N322501701 6FB Std. 1.0 0.132 0.132 0.250 0.25
N322501702 6FB Std. 4.0 0.069 0.276 0.131 0.52
N322501704 6FB Std. 2.0 0.091 1.182 0.173 0.35
N322501705 6FB Std. 13.0 0.037 0.390 0.071 0.92
N4513760302 Plug-In base for PN-150BTR (ref. RSE4R1)
Note (1): Value at which relay will become energized.
Response will generally occur at some lower value.

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4G1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-150BTR Biased Track Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4G1, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
PN-150BH Biased Track Circuit Relay
General Description
The PN-150BH is a biased high drop-away relay
designed for use in track circuits. It has the special
characteristic of minimum release at about 75% of the
energization value. This results in better shunting
characteristics than can be obtained with the PN-
150BTR relay. In order to achieve close tolerances
(see tabulation), a special contact arrangement of one
transfer, one front and one back contact is used. If
more contacts are required, a PN-150B relay (see
RSE-4E1) can be used as a repeater. The PN-150BH
relay is equipped with standard low voltage silver to
Ordering Information
silver-impregnated carbon front and silver-to-silver
back contacts. All PN-150BH relays incorporate front • Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers
testing. listed in tabulation and RSE-4R1.
• When writing your order, specify the required
Specifications and Applications contacts and coil resistance.
• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating • Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the
specifications and additional application notes. type of relay to be used with that base.
• For detailed specifications and complete parts lists,
request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4551R.
• Refer to RSE-4S1 for shop maintenance tools and
PH-150BH Relay and Base
Coil Coil Min. Min.
Res. Res. D.A. D.A. Energ. Energ.
Order No. Contacts Series Multi. Amps Volts Amps (1) Volts (1) Notes
N322511-001 1FB, 1F, 1B, Std. 2.0 -- 0.1200 0.240 0.1600 0.320 --
-- 0.5 0.2400 0.120 0.3200 0.160 --
N322511-002 1FB, 1F, 1B, Std. 4.0 -- 0.0860 0.344 0.1150 0.460 --
-- 1 0.1720 0.172 0.2300 0.230 --
N322511-003 1FB, 1F, 1B, Std. 2000.0 -- 0.0045 9.050 0.0060 12.100 (4)
-- 500.0 0.0090 4.520 0.0121 6.050 --
N322511-005 1FB, 1F, 1B, Std. 2.6 -- 0.1370 0.356 0.1900 0.494 (5)
-- 0.65 0.2740 0.178 0.3800 0.247 --
N322511-006 1FB, 1F, 1B, Std. 400.0 -- 0.0094 3.760 0.0126 5.030 (3)
N322511-011 1FB, 1F, 1B, Std. 4.0 -- 0.0090 0.362 0.1210 0.484 --
-- 1.0 0.1810 0.1810 0.2420 0.2420 --
N451376-0302 Plug-In base for PN-150BH (ref. RSE 4R1)
Note (1): Value at which relay will become energized.
Response will generally occur at some lower value.
Note (2): (Not used.)
Note (3): Special relay for use with AFO-II equipment.
Note (4): Special relay for use with AFO equipment.
Note (5): Relay designed to be immune to AC;
for use in electrified territory (with AC propulsion)

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 For additional information, contact www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us your ASTS USA Account Executive.
RSE-4G2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-150BH Biased Track Circuit Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4G2, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
PN-150F Flasher Relay
General Description
The PN-150F flasher relay is an electronically-driven
biased dc relay intended for highway crossing flasher
signal service. Its electronic flasher package uses a
mounting base for installation and quick-disconnect
wiring for rapid field replacement of the unit. It is not
necessary to remove the relay from service to replace
the flasher package. The flash rate is externally
adjustable between 45 or 60 flasher per minute (+5).
A failure of the electronic package results in steady
energy to one signal or intermittent flashing.
Contacts of the relay are silver alloy. The relay is
intended for use with the contacts wired in groups of
three: 1F, 2F, 3F joined, and 1B, 2B, 3B joined. In
this configuration, the relay alternately flashes the left-
hand and then the right-hand signal. When wired in
shunting service, each bank of three contacts is rated Ordering Information
to flash 25 amperes ac lamp load maximum. Thus,
each flasher can flash 50 amperes ac lamp load at 10 • Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers
volts. DC power for the relay may be obtained from a listed in tabulation and RSE-4R1.
battery or rectifier.
• When writing your order, specify the required
contacts and coil resistance.
Contacts: 6FB • Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the
Silver alloy-to-silver alloy front type of relay to be used with that base.
and back rated at 25A AC load
with three front and three back
• For detailed specifications and complete parts lists,
request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6348.
wired in parallel (shunting
service) • Refer to RSE-4S1 for shop maintenance tools and
50A AC lamp load @10W supplies.
Coil: 60 Ohms
Sys. Power: 8 Vdc to 12 Vdc @0.2A
Flash Rate: 45 or 60 (+5) flashes/min.

Order No. PN-150F Relay, Kits, Module and Base

N322530-701 Basic PN-150F Flasher Relay
X451018-3001 PN-150F Flasher kit: Includes PN-150F Relay, flasher relay module,
mtg. bracket, jumpers, varistor, hardware.
X451018-3002 PN-150F Flasher Module Only
X451018-3003 PN-150F Flasher kit: Includes PN-150F Relay, flasher relay module,
mtg. bracket, jumpers, varistor, hardware, relay mounting base.
N451376-0305 Plug-In base for PN-150F (ref. RSE 4R1)

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4H1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-150F Flasher Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4H1, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09

PN-250F Solid-State Flasher Relay

(Replacement for ASTS USA PF-256 Relay)

The new PN-250F Solid-State Flasher relay

replaces ASTS USA’s PF-256 unit, providing the
same high level of reliability in railroad flashing
light applications, but with a variety of design and
service improvements. Among these are all-
electronic control of the flash rate, two flash rate
settings in one relay, and greatly improved
contact and armature assembly designs.

General Description
The PN-250F is as biased relay that features an
internally-mounted electronic flasher module to
operate the relay; this is the same highly reliable
module as used in the PN-150F. Since the flash rate Advantages
is electronically controlled, the rate is no longer
dependent on mechanical adjustments. Unlike the • Highly dependable flash rate from solid-state
PF-256F, the PN-250F provides both 45 flashes per module
minute (FPM) and 60 FPM options in the same relay.
The rate is easily changed via a 7” (17.78 cm) jumper
• Mechanical rate adjustments eliminated
on the rear of the existing relay base (45 FPM with • Greatly improved contacts and armature assembly
jumper installed, 60 FPM without jumper). • One relay for all standard flash rate applications
The PN-250F incorporates four normal and four • Simple jumper selection of flash rate
reverse contacts using silver alloy-to-silver alloy.
These contacts are far superior to the contacts used
• Direct replacement for PF-256; no circuit rewiring
in the older PF-256. In addition, the armature
assembly is hinged, eliminating the pivot screws and Application
the wear associated with pivots of previous flasher
relays. The DC-attractive armature is energized by The PN-250F is designed for 8 to 15 volt systems and
one 87.5 ohm coil. For highway crossing light serves all railway flashing light circuit applications
operation, contact open and close times are equal previously served by the PF-256 electro-mechanical
and slightly less than 50% of the total cycle; this relay. Highway crossing flashing light systems
ensures there are periods where both lights are dark. typically use the 45 FPM rate, while flashing wayside
signals typically use the 60 FPM rate.
The PN-250F relay provides ordinary pick-up and
dropaway values as a standard biased relay. The new relay is a direct plug-in replacement for the
Checking of the electrical calibration values is PF-256F (part number series N322561-XXX). No
accomplished with a wire terminated to bypass the wiring changes are required to the existing PF-256F
internal flasher module. DC calibration tests are circuits when retrofitting with the PN-250F. Relay
accomplished by connecting +battery to 1B, and – base wiring is exactly the same as the PF-256. Wiring
battery to 1F. This allows calibration to be measured terminations for the old style Bakelite base terminal
without opening the relay. are +A(+) and –A(-), while the new style base
terminations are 1A(+) and 1F(-). Indexing is
arranged so that the PN-250F can fit into either the
PF-256-001(45-55) or the –002 (55-65) base.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4H2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-250F Solid-State Flasher Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal) (Replacement for ASTS USA PF-256 Relay)
Rev. 3-09

Specifications Ordering Information

Coil Resistance: 87.5 Ohms
• Refer to ordering tabulation below for PN-250F
Energization: 0.26A part number.
Drop-Away: 0.024A
Full Drop-Away: 0.006A
• Refer to RSE-4S1 for shop maintenance tools
and supplies.
Pick-Up and Working: 0.065A
System Voltage: 10 to 15 Vdc • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9080 for
additional information.
Opt. On-Time Rate: Calibrated at 12 Vdc.
Contacts: 4N, 4R silver alloy-to-silver
5A (30 Vdc) or 175 Vac.
Flash Rates: 45 or 60 FPM
Temp. Range: -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to

Order No. PN-250F SS Flasher Relay

N40116101 PN-250F Solid-State Flasher Relay (complete)

RSE-4H2, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09

PV-250 Two-Element AC Vane Relay

The PV-250 relay is factory-calibrated to operate
across a wide environmental range. This relay is
used in numerous applications such as Power
Frequency Track Circuits and ground detector
systems. All moving parts are enclosed in a
sturdy, transparent, dust and moisture resistant
cover. To ensure the relay is inserted in its proper
mounting base, all relays have indexing pins.
Relays lock securely in the plug-in position.

General Description
PV-250 Track Circuit Relays: N322555-001, -002, -
003, -004, -010, -801, -803, -804, -809, -909
These models of the PV-250V AC-vane relay used for The relays are factory equipped with indexing pins to
track circuit applications. Selected relays use a prevent insertion of an incorrect relay into a mounting
double-wound coil that may be used in series or base. Each relay is accompanied by an indexing
parallel for the control element, and a local element plate which is applied to the mounting base at the time
that presents the specified impedance. Other models of initial installation.
use a single-wound coil and locals element that
presents the specified impedance. Refer to the
ordering tabulations for complete specifications. Specifications and Applications
Contacts of the PV-250 relay are standard low voltage
silver-to-silver impregnated carbon front and silver-to-
• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating
specifications and additional application notes.
silver back.
The relays are factory equipped with indexing pins to • Note on tabulations: Where two sets of data are
prevent insertion of an incorrect relay into a mounting given for a relay, the top set covers control
base. Each relay is accompanied by an indexing windings in series and the bottom set control
plate which is applied to the mounting base at the time windings in parallel. For relays having only one set
of initial installation. of data, the data are for control windings in series

PV-250 Ground Detector Relays: N322555-005, -805

Ordering Information
These models of the PV-250 is used for ground
detector applications. They are intended for use in a • Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers
special circuit in which the control winding is listed in tabulation and RSE-4R1.
connected between CX and ground with a series
resistor, and a capacitor is connected between BX • When writing your order, specify the required
and ground. The local winding is energized through a contacts and coil resistance.
1.8 microfarad capacitor in series with a transformer
secondary, providing approximately 25 volts. Refer to • Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the
the ordering tabulations for complete specifications. type of relay to be used with that base.
These relays use single wound coils for the control • For detailed specifications and service manual
and local elements that present the specified parts lists, refer to the NOTES section of the
impedance. Contacts are standard low voltage silver- ordering tabulation. For detailed specifications and
to-silver impregnated carbon front and silver-to-silver service manual parts lists, refer to the NOTES
back. section of the ordering tabulation.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4J1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PV-250 Two-Element AC Vane Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

Ordering Information (cont’d)

• Refer to RSE-4S1 for shop maintenance tools and • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4574 for
supplies. general adjustment procedures.

PV-250 Relays and Base

Front P.U. +5% P.U. +5% F.S. F.S. Local Local
Order No. Test Contacts Min. D.A. Amp (a) Volt (a) Amps (b) Volts (b) Volts Hz Notes
N322555-001 X 6F, 4B 80% P.U. 0.283 0.418 0.487 0.720 115 60.0 (1)(7)(9)
80% P.U. 0.566 0.209 0.974 0.360 115 60.0 (2)
80% P.U. 0.278 0.360 0.478 0.620 110 50.0 (1)
80% P.U. 0.566 0.180 0.956 0.310 110 50.0 (2)
N322555-002 X 6F, 4B 80% P.U. 0.422 0.309 0.750 0.525 115 25.0 (7)(10)
80% P.U. 0.844 0.155 1.500 0.269 115 25.0 (7)
N322555-004 X 6F, 4B 91% P.U. 0.158 97.00 0.181 111.000 115 60.0 (7)
N322555-005 X 6F, 4B 90% P.U. 0.115 3.670 0.160 5.100 115 60.0 (1)(4)(7)
N322555-010 X 6F, 4B 80% P.U. 0.510 0.300 0.770 0.430 115 100.0 (2)(7)(13)
N322555-801 -- 6F, 4B 80% P.U. 0.283 0.418 0.487 0.720 115 60.0 (1)(7)(9)
80% P.U. 0.566 0.209 0.974 0.360 115 60.0 (2)
80% P.U. 0.278 0.360 0.478 0.620 110 50.0 (1)
80% P.U. 0.566 0.180 0.956 0.310 110 50.0 (2)
N322555-804 -- 6F, 4B 91% P.U. 0.158 97.00 0.181 111.00 115 60.0 (7)
91% P.U. 0.153 94.00 0.179 108.00 110 50.0 (7)
N322555-805 -- 6F, 4B 90% P.U. 0.115 3.670 0.160 5.100 115 60.0 (1)(8)
N342555-003 X 2F, 2B 90% P.U. 0.280 0.700 0.327 0.820 115 60.0 (1)(6)(11)
N342555-803 -- 2F, 2B 90% P.U. 0.280 0.700 0.327 0.820 115 60.0 (6)(11)
N342555-809 -- 2F, 2B 90% P.U. 0.044 2.740 0.0495 3.050 115 60.0 (1)(8)(12)
N322555-909 -- 2F, 2B (14) 0.165 115.0 (14) (14) 115 60.0 --
N438689-003 Plug-In base for PV-250 (ref. RSE 4R1)
Note (a): Operating values at ideal phase relationships - pick-up +5%
Note (b): Operating values at ideal phase relationships - full stroke.
Note (1): Contacts: Control coil in series.
Note (2): Contacts: Control coil in multiples.
Note (3): (Not used)
Note (4): Ground detector relay.
Note (5): (Not used)
Note (6): Contacts: 2,3: F 7,8: B
Note (7): Contacts - 1,2,3,6,7,8: F; 4,5,9,10: B
Note (8): Contacts - 7, 8: F; 9,10: B
Note (9): Track circuit relay.
Note (10): Track relay.
Note (11): Slow drop-away relay.
Note (12): Track relay.
Note (13): Track relay.
Note (14): Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4574F for these values.

PV-250 Service Manual Cross-References

Order No. SM. No. Order No. SM. No.
N322555-001 -4754A N322555-804 -4574D
N322555-002 -4574B N322555-805 -4574E
N322555-004 -4574D N342555-003 -4574C
N322555-005 -4574E N342555-803 -4574C
N322555-010 -4574G N342555-809 -4574F
N322555-801 -4754A N342555-909 -4574F

RSE-4J1, p. 2
PV-250 Two-Element AC Vane Relay Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4J1, p. 3
RSE-4J1, p. 4
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
PP-151 Magnetic Stick Relay
General Description
The PP-151 relay is a dc magnetic stick relay that
stays in the last operated position after control energy
is removed. Full contact pressure is maintained
during deenergization to ensure circuit continuity.
There are two types of PP-151 relays, wayside and
car-carried. The PP-151 is intended for polar circuits
where the last position must be retained on loss of
power. The wayside type is designed for polar
control, indication circuits and switch control. In the
switch control application, it is used in conjunction with
or to control type PN-150BM relays (see RSE-4K2).
Contacts of the PP-151 relay are as follows: SIC-
silver to silver-impregnated carbon, normal and Ordering Information
reverse. Silver to silver, normal and reverse.
• Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers
listed in tabulation and RSE-4R1.
Specifications and Applications
• When writing your order, specify the required
• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating contacts and coil resistance.
specifications. • Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the
type of relay to be used with that base.
• For detailed specifications and complete parts lists,
request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4596G.
• Refer to RSE-4S1 for shop maintenance tools and

PP-151 Relay and Base

Front Coil Max. Min.
Order No. Test Contacts Res. P.U. (1) P.U. (2) Notes
N322507-701 X 6NR SIC 240 5.52 5.42 --
N322507-703 X 6NR SIC 25 1.54 1.2 (3)
N322516-701 X 4 NR SIC 240 5.52 4.52 (4)
2NR Sil.
N438007-802 X 6NR SIC 400 6.85 5.3 --
N438007-804 -- 6NR SIC 400 6.85 5.3 --
N451376-0302 Plug-In base for PN-151 (ref. RSE-4R1)
General note: Energization value - point where relay will become energized.
Reponse will generall occur at some lower value.
Note (1): Maximum polar pick-up and working volts.
Note (2): Minimum polar pick-up and working volts.
Note (3): Normally used in series with other relays for polar control and
indication circuits.
Note (4): Used in conjunction with PN-150BM relay for switch control.

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4K1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PP-151 Magnetic Stick Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4K1, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
PN-150BM Magnetic Blow Out Relay
General Description
The PN-150BM is a biased relay that has contacts
equipped with magnetic blowouts. These consist of
silver to silver-impregnated carbon front and silver-to-
silver back. The contacts can carry 15 amperes up to
120 Vdc or 300 Vac. The PN-150BM is typically used
in conjunction with the PP-151 (see RSE-4K1) and
the PN-150SO (see RSE-4L1) relays to control
electric switch machines. All PN-150BM relays
provide front testing.

Specifications and Applications Ordering Information

• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating • Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers
specifications. listed in tabulation and RSE-4R1.
• Apply polarity to contacts as specified in Service • When writing your order, specify the required
Manual SM-4551M for proper operation of arc contacts and coil resistance.
• Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the
type of relay to be used with that base.

• For detailed specifications and complete parts lists,

request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4551M.

• Refer to RSE-4S1 for shop maintenance tools and

PN-150BM Relay and Base
Coil Energ. Energ. System
Order No. Contacts Res. Amps (1) Volts (1) Volt. Notes
N322517-001 2F, Mag. H.D. 240 0.0209 5.02 10 to 16 (2)
N322517-002 2F, Mag. H.D. 11/25.5 0.216 2.38 -- (4)
N322517-003 2F, Mag. H.D. 400 0.01475 5.8 -- (2)
N322517-004 2F, Mag. H.D. 1300 0.010 13.0 -- (2)
N322524-001 2F, 2B, Mag. H.D. 240 0.025 6.0 10 to 16 (3)
N322524-002 2F, 2B, Mag. H.D. 400 0.0174 7.0 -- (3)
N322524-003 2F, 2B, Mag. H.D. 2730 0.0066 18.0 24 (3)
N322525-001 3F, Mag. H.D. 240 0.025 6.0 10 to 16 (2)
N322525-002 3F, Mag. H.D. 400 0.0174 7.0 -- (2)
N322525-004 3F, Mag. H.D. 1300 0.010 13.0 -- (2)
N322525-006 3F, Mag. H.D. 220/220 0.037 8.2 10 to 16 (2)
N451376-0302 Plug-In base for PN-150BM (ref. RSE-4R1)
Note (1): Value at which relay will become energized.
Response will generally occur at some lower value.
Note (2): Polarity: Fronts toward + battery.
Note (3): Polarity: Heels toward +battery.
Note (4): For use with FR -Hi-Shunt Track Unit

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4K2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-150BM Magnetic Blow Out Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4K2, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 1-04
PN-150SO DC Switch Control Relay
General Description
The PN-150SO relay is used in conjunction with the
PN-150BM relay (see RSE-4K2) to cut off power to a
dc switch machine that has stalled. The motor current
flows through the coil; when the operating time is
exceeded, the relay becomes energized. This opens
the control circuit of the PN-150BM relay which, in
turn, cuts off power to the switch machine. The circuit
is arranged so that, once the PN-150SO relay is
energized, it will remain energized until the switch
control is reversed. Models of this relay are designed
for switch machines with clutches adjusted to slip at
12 or 20 amperes. The PN-150SO relay has both
sets of coil leads available for external circuit Ordering Information
arrangements, and is not equipped for front testing.
Contacts are internally wired to accommodate • Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers
circuitry; contact US&S for details. listed in tabulation and RSE-4R1.

• When writing your order, specify the required

Specifications and Applications contacts and coil resistance.

• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating • Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the
specifications. type of relay to be used with that base.

• For detailed specifications and complete parts lists,

request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4571.

PN-150SO Relays and Base

Coil Res. Coil Res. Operating
Operating Stick Time (+ 10%)
Order No. (Ohms) (Ohms) (Sec.) Notes
N322512-001 5 65 8 sec. @12A (1)
N322512-002 5 65 6 sec. @20A (2)
N451376-0302 Plug-In base for PN-150SO (ref. RSE-4R1)
Note (1): For switch machine having clutch adjusted to 12 Amps.
Note (2): For switch machine having clutch adjusted to 20 Amps.

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4L1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-150SO DC Switch Control Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 1-04

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4L1, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 1-04

PN-152SO DC Switch Control Relay

General Description
The PN-152SO relay is used in conjunction with the
PN-150BM relay (see RSE-4K2) to cut off power to a
dc switch machine that has stalled. The motor current
flows through the coil; when the operating time is
exceeded, the relay becomes energized. This opens
the control circuit of the PN-150BM relay which, in
turn, cuts off power to the switch machine. The circuit
is arranged so that, once the PN-152SO relay is
energized, it will remain energized until the switch
control is reversed. Models of this relay are designed
for switch machines with clutches adjusted to slip at
13 amperes. The PN-152SO relay has both sets of
coil leads available for external circuit arrangements,
and is not equipped for front testing. Contacts are Ordering Information
internally wired to accommodate circuitry; contact
ASTS USA for details. • Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers
listed in tabulation and RSE-4R1.

Specifications and Applications • When writing your order, specify the required
contacts and coil resistance.
• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating
specifications. • Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the
type of relay to be used with that base.

• For detailed specifications and complete parts lists,

request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-5929.

PN-152SO Relays and Base

Coil Res. Coil Res. Operating
Operating Stick Time (+ 10%)
Order No. (Ohms) (Ohms) (Sec.) Notes
N322522-001 5 750 10 sec. (1)
N322522-802 5 750 5 sec. (1)
N451376-0302 Plug-In base for PN-150SO (ref. RSE-4R1)
Note (1): For switch machine having clutch adjusted to 13 Amps.

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4L2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-152SO DC Switch Control Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 1-04

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4L2, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
PN-258BC Decoding Relay
General Description
The PN-258BC relay is a biased decoding relay that
normally operates from a decoding transformer. It has
both slow pick-up and slow drop-away characteristics.
Contacts are standard low voltage silver to silver-
impregnated carbon front and silver-to-silver back.

Specifications and Applications

• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating


Ordering Information

• Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers

listed in tabulation and RSE-4R1.

• When writing your order, specify the required

contacts and coil resistance.

• Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the

type of relay to be used with that base.

• For detailed specifications and complete parts lists,

request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4597.

• Refer to RSE-4S1 for shop maintenance tools and


PN-258BC Relay and Base

Min. Max.
Coil Snub D.A. D.A. Energ.
Order No. Contacts Res. Res. Volts Volts Volts
N322558-701 6FB Std. 66 240 0.77 0.88 1.71
N438689-001 Plug-In base for PN-258BC (ref. RSE 4R1)

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4L3, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-258BC Decoding Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4L3, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09

PC-250TR Code Generating Relay

General Description
The PC-250TR is a high quality code generating relay.
It is used to generate code frequencies for coded
track circuits and cab signaling equipment. This relay
is tuned to a specific frequency. Its contacts are then
used to open and close a circuit at the set rate
providing equal off and on times. Two types of
contacts are available in the PC-250TR: L.V. (low
voltage) and H.V. (high voltage). The L.V. is silver
platinum-to-silver platinum for use in circuits below 50
volts, while the H. V. is tungsten-to-tungsten for use in
circuits above 50 volts, to afford longer contact life.
The tungsten contacts cannot be employed in low
voltage circuits due to the high contact resistance they
develop. The PC-250TR relay must be horizontally
separated by at least five inches from the code
following relays. However, PC-250TR relays may be Ordering Information
mounted adjacent to each other. These relays are not • Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers
equipped for front testing. listed in tabulation and RSE-4R1.

Solid-State Replacement
• When writing your order, specify the required
contacts and coil resistance.
• Refer to RSE-4C1 for ASTS USA’s new PN-250CG
• Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the
solid-state code generator relay, which is a direct
type of relay to be used with that base.
replacement for the PC-250TR.
• For detailed specifications and complete parts lists,
request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4569.

• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating

• Refer to RSE-4S1 for shop maintenance tools and

(See page 3 for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4M1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PC-250TR Code Generating Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

Ordering Information (Cont’d)

PC-250TR Relays and Base

Cyles/ Contacts Contacts Contacts Contacts System Coil Supr.
Order No. Minute 1(F) 2(B) 3(F) 4(B) Volt. Res. Res. (1)
N322556-001 180 L.V. L.V. L.V. L.V. 10 to 12 60 510
N322556-002 75 L.V. L.V. L.V. L.V. 10 to 12 60 510
N322556-003 120 L.V. L.V. L.V. L.V. 10 to 12 40 300
N322556-004 180 H.V. H.V. L.V. L.V. 10 to 12 60 510
N322556-005 75 H.V. H.V. L.V. L.V. 10 to 12 60 510
N322556-006 120 H.V. H.V. L.V. L.V. 10 to 12 40 300
N322556-007 180 H.V. H.V. H.V. H.V. 10 to 12 60 510
N322556-008 75 H.V. H.V. H.V. H.V. 10 to 12 60 510
N322556-009 270 L.V. L.V. L.V. L.V. 10 to 12 40 300
N322556-010 270 H.V. H.V. H.V. H.V. 10 to 12 40 300
N322556-011 120 H.V. H.V. H.V. H.V. 10 to 12 40 300
N322556-012 75 H.V. H.V. H.V. H.V. 16 90 680
N322556-013 120 H.V. H.V. H.V. H.V. 16 60 510
N322556-016 420 H.V. H.V. H.V. H.V. 16 60 510
N322556-018 75 L.V. L.V. L.V. L.V. 16 90 680
N322556-019 270 H.V. H.V. L.V. L.V. 10 to 12 40 300
N322556-021 50 L.V. L.V. L.V. L.V. 10 to 12 60 510
N322556-022 420 L.V. L.V. L.V. L.V. 10 to 12 40 300
N322556-818 75 L.V. L.V. L.V. L.V. 16 90 680
N438689-003 Plug-In base for PC-250TR (ref. RSE 4R1)
General note: Energization value - point where relay will become energized.
Reponse will generall occur at some lower value.
Note (1): Internal arc suppression resistor in series with coil.

RSE-4M1, p. 2
PC-250TR Code Generating Relay Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4M1, p. 3
RSE-4M1, p. 4
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
PC-250B Biased Code Following Relay
General Description
The PC-250B relay is a biased relay designed for use
as a code-following track or line relay. Two types of
contacts are available: low voltage (L.V.) and high
voltage (H.V.). The low voltage is silver platinum to
silver platinum for use in circuits below 50 volts, while
the high voltage is tungsten to tungsten for use in
circuits above 50 volts to assure maximum operational
life. However, the tungsten contacts cannot be
employed in low voltage circuits due to the high
contact resistance that they may develop. None of
the PC-250B relays is equipped with front testing.
PC-250B relays are horizontally separated at least 5
inches, or the width of two PN-150 relays or one PN-
250 relay. This spacing is designed to prevent
magnetic interference between adjacent relays. The 5 Ordering Information
inch space may be filled with any other type of PN-
150 or 250 relay, except for the PC-250TR code • Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers
generating relay. listed in tabulation and RSE-4R1.

Solid-State Replacement • When writing your order, specify the required

• Refer to RSE-4C5 and RSE-4C7 for ASTS USA’s
contacts and coil resistance.
new PC-250SS solid-state code following relays, • Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the
which are solid-state options for the PC-250B. type of relay to be used with that base.
Specifications • For detailed specifications and complete parts lists,
• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating request ASTS USA’s Service Manual SM-4570.

PC-250B Relays and Base

Min. Max. Min.
Contacts Contacts Contacts Contacts Coil P.U. F.S. D.A. System
Order No. 1(F) 2(B) 3(F) 4(B) Res. Amps Amp (1) Amps Volt.
N322559-003 L.V. L.V. L.V. L.V. 135.0 0.015 0.025 0.008 10 to 12
N322559-004 H.V. H.V. H.V. H.V. 135.0 0.015 0.025 0.008 10 to 12
N322559-005 H.V. H.V. L.V. L.V. 135.0 0.015 0.025 0.008 10 to 12
N322559-008 L.V. L.V. L.V. L.V. 0.3 0.060 0.780 0.41 --
400/400 0.6
N322559-017 L.V. L.V. L.V. L.V. 135.0 0.015 0.025 0.008 8 to 12
N438689-003 Plug-In base for PC-250B (ref. RSE-4R1)
General note: Refer to RSE-4C4 for available solid-state replacements.
Note (1): Maximum full stroke (Amps)

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4N1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PC-250B Biased Code Following Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4N1, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
PC-250P Magnetic Stick Code Following Relay
General Description
The PC-250P relay is a magnetic stick code-following
relay designed for transmitting “corrected code”. It is
operated from a PC-250TR code-generating relay and
is controlled through its own contact. This “corrected
code” does not change, therefore contact wear on the
code generator is compensated or “corrected”. Two
types of contacts are available in PC-250P relays:
low voltage (L.V.) and high voltage (H.V.). The low
voltage is silver platinum-to-silver platinum for use in
circuits below 50 volts, while the high voltage is
tungsten-to-tungsten for use in circuits above 50 volts
to assure maximum operational life. However, the
tungsten contacts cannot be employed in low voltage
circuits due to the high contact resistance that they
may develop. None of the PC-250B relays is
equipped with front testing.
PC-250P relays are horizontally separated at least 5 Ordering Information
inches, or the width of two PN-150 relays or one PN-
250 relay. This spacing is designed to prevent • Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers
magnetic interference between adjacent relays. The 5 listed in tabulation and RSE-4R1.
inch space may be filled with any other type of PN-
150 or 250 relay, except for the PC-250TR code • When writing your order, specify the required
generating relay. contacts and coil resistance.

Solid-State Option
• Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the
type of relay to be used with that base.
• Refer to RSE-4C8 for solid-state options for the
PC-250P electro-mechanical relay. • For detailed specifications and complete parts lists,
request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4570A.
• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating

PC-250P Relays and Base

Min. Max.
Contacts Contacts Contacts Contacts Coil P.U. P.U. System
Order No. 1(F) 2(B) 3(F) 4(B) Res. Amps Amps Voltage
N322559-013 L.V. L.V. L.V. L.V. 180.0 0.011 0.013 8 to 12V
180.0 0.011 0.013
N322559-014 N-H. V. N-H. V. L.V. L.V. 20.0 0.031 0.035 --
R-L. V. R-L. V. 20.0 0.031 0.035
N322559-016 L.V. L.V. L.V. L.V. 20.0 0.031 0.035 --
20.0 0.031 0.035
N322559-018 N-H. V. L.V. L.V. L.V. 20/20 0.031 0.035 8 to 12V
R-L. V.
N438689-003 Plug-In base for PC-250P (ref. RSE-4R1)

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4N2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PC-250P Magnetic Code Following Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4N2, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03

PN-150BE High Efficiency Biased Code Following Relay

General Description
The PN-150BE relay is a high efficiency biased relay
used for a front contact repeater to decode a coded
track relay. The circuit in which it is used can be
designed to provide single-stroke immunity, yet
remain energized during a code change. The PN-
150BE relay can also be operated from a decoding
unit. This relay is recommended for applications
where more contacts are required. Contacts of the
PN-150BE relay are standard low voltage silver to
silver-impregnated front and silver-to-silver back.
Front testing is not available.
PN-150BE relays are horizontally separated at least 5
inches, or the width of two PN-150 relays or one PN- Ordering Information
250 relay. This spacing is designed to prevent
magnetic interference between adjacent relays. The 5
• Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers
listed in tabulation and RSE-4R1.
inch space may be filled with any other type of PN-
150 or 250 relay, except for the PC-250TR code • When writing your order, specify the required
generating relay. contacts and coil resistance.

• Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the

Specifications type of relay to be used with that base.
• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating • For detailed specifications and complete parts lists,
specifications. request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4551L.

PN-150BE Relay and Base

Coil Energ. Energ. System
Order No. Contacts Res. Amps (1) Volts (1) Volt. Notes
N322513-001 1FB, 1F, 1B Std. 60 0.0148 0.888 10 (2)
N322521-002 1FB, 1F, 1B Std. 2000 0.0033 6.6 -- (2)
N451376-0302 Plug-In base for PC-150BE (ref. RSE-4R1)
Note (1): Value at which relay will become energized.
Response will generally occur at some lower value.
Note (2): Contacts - 1: FB 2: B 3: F

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4N3, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-150BE High Efficiency Biased
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Code Following Relay
Rev. 7-03

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4N3, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
PN-250BE Code Following Relay
General Description
The PN-250BE relay is used as a front contact
repeater to decode a coded track relay. The circuit in
which it is used can be designed to provide single-
stroke immunity, yet remain energized during a code
change. The PN-150BE relay can also be operated
from a decoding unit. This relay is recommended for
applications where more contacts are required.
Contacts of the PN-150BE relay are standard low
voltage silver to silver-impregnated front and silver-to-
silver back. Front testing is not available.
PN-250BE relays are horizontally separated at least 5
inches, or the width of two PN-150 relays or one PN-
250 relay. This spacing is designed to prevent
magnetic interference between adjacent relays. The 5 Ordering Information
inch space may be filled with any other type of PN-
150 or 250 relay, except for the PC-250TR code • Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers
generating relay. listed in tabulation and RSE-4R1.
• When writing your order, specify the required
contacts and coil resistance.
• Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the
• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating type of relay to be used with that base.
specifications. • For detailed specifications and complete parts lists,
request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4597.
• Refer to RSE-4S1 for shop maintenance tools and
PN-250BE Relay and Base
Front Coil Resistance (Ohms) Full-Stroke Series Coils
Order No. Testing Contacts Series Multiple Amps Volts
N322550-701 X 6FB Std. 2 0.5 0.103 0.206
N322550-702 X 6FB Std. 4 1.0 0.070 0.28
N322550-703 X 6FB Std. 55 13.8 0.0197 1.08
N322550-704 X 6FB Std. 175 43.8 0.0112 1.96
N322550-705 X 6FB Std. 1000 250 0.0047 4.7
N322550-706 X 6FB Std. 2000 500 0.0034 6.8
N322550-901 -- 6FB Std. 2 0.5 0.103 0.206
N322550-902 -- 6FB Std. 4 1.0 0.070 0.28
N322550-903 -- 6FB Std. 55 13.8 0.0197 1.08
N322550-904 -- 6FB Std. 175 43.8 0.0112 1.96
N322550-905 -- 6FB Std. 1000 250 0.0047 4.7
N322550-906 -- 6FB Std. 2000 500 0.0034 6.8
N438689-001 Plug-In base for PC-250BE (ref. RSE 4R1)
Note (1): Minimum drop-away (front open) volts.
Note (2): Value at which relay will become energized.
Response will generally occur at some lower value.

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4N4, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-250BE Code Following Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4N4, p. 2
Cab Signal Products Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

(Old RSE-8A6)
Rev. 7-03

PN-159B Vital Carborne Relay

General Description
The PN-159B plays a key role in many ASTS USA
MicroCab systems by providing vital switching of
power to the vehicle’s brake system, under the
overspeed control of the MicroCab CPU logic. It is
designed for vibrations and other motions associated
with the typical railway vehicle environment. This relay
can also be used for a variety of other carborne
applications such as interfacing to the vehicle’s
propulsion or door control systems. The PN-159B is a
double coiled, 24 volt relay with coil resistances of
400/400 ohms. Contacts are 6 front-back, low voltage
with silver-to-silver impregnated fronts and silver-to-
silver backs. Mounting in the vehicle equipment rack
base is accomplished with two bolts. Operating
options are selected by the configuration of the
vehicle’s external wiring.
Ordering Information
Standard PN-159B model, mounting base and
Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating hold-down bolt order numbers listed below.
For detailed specifications and complete parts list,
request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4551W.

PN-159B Relay and Key Components

Min. Max. Contact Min. Max.
"A" Res. "B" Res. Charge D.A. D.A. Pressure P.U./W. P.U./W.
Order No. (1) (1) Volts. (2) (2) (3) (4) (4)
N436788 400 400 66 9.0 11.0 5.5 15.5 17
N436797 PN style plug-in mounting base
R451299-0102 Mounting Bolt/Nut: 1/4-20 N.C. stainless steel
Note (1): Coil windings "A" and "B" resistance.
Note (2): Minimum and maximum drop-away voltages.
Note (3): Full back contact pressure drop-away voltages.
Note (4): Minimum and maximum pick-up and working voltages.

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA’s electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
PN-159B Vital Carborne Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
contact wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

Wide selection available for every application Testing

Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or
Indexed to assure proper mounting wiring. Testing may also be accomplished through the rear
of the relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil
Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model circuit. Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in
Operates over wide temperature range maintaining ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly Latch

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
according to rigid quality control standards and are its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated button on the front of the relay.
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the Indexing
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position. relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
the base at the initial installation.
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a watts power dissipation.
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty”
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

MicroCab® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-4O1, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 1-04
PN-150BL Light Out Relay
General Description
The PN-150BL is a biased, power control relay used for
checking lamp filaments. The 3-contact versions of this
relay have an internal rectifier that permits main coil
operation on both ac and dc lighting energy. The 5-
contact PN-150BL relays require an external diode unit.
This can be mounted on the rear of the mounting base.
Some PN-150BL relays have a single coil that permits
checking of a lighted lamp. Other PN-150BL relays have
two coils. One coil is used to check the lamp when not
lighted. This is accomplished by applying a dc voltage
across the lamp and the 175 ohm coil in series. If the
lamp is good, the resulting current will energize the relay,
but will not light the lamp. Ordering Information
Front testing is not available with the PN-150BL relays. • Standard relay, diode, bridge rectifier and plug-in
Contacts are standard (Std.) low voltage silver to silver- base order numbers listed below.
impregnated carbon front and silver-to-silver backs.
• When writing your order, specify the required contacts
Specifications and coil resistance.

• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating specs.

• Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the type
of relay to be used with that base.
• For detailed specifications and complete parts list,
request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6144.

PN-150BL Relay, Diode, Rectifier and Base

Min. Full
No. of Coil D.A. Energization Lamps
Order No. Coils Contacts Res. (AC Amps) (AC Amps) Req.(1) Notes
N322510-801 1 3FB Std. 0.18 0.18 0.70 0.85 - 3.0 --
N322510-802 1 3FB Std. 0.70 0.80 0.35 0.40 - 3.0 --
N322510-803 2 3FB Std. 0.30 0.18 0.70 0.85 - 3.0 --
175.0 0.01 0.042 (2)
(1.89V) (7.35V) (2)
N322526-801 2 5FB Std. 0.30 0.18 0.95 1.0 - 3.0 (3)
175.0 0.01 0.042 (2)
(1.89V) (7.35V) (2)
N434909 Externally mounted diode for relay N322526-801.
N451143-2501 Externally mounted bridge rectifier for relay N322526-801.
N451376-0302 Plug-In base for PN-150BL (ref. RSE-4R1)
General note: Energization value - point where relay will become energized.
Reponse will generall occur at some lower value.
Note (1): Use with lamps requiring AC Amps.
Note (2): Minimum full drop-away (AC amps) & engerization (AC amps) values:
DC calibration. Values shown in parentheses () are volts.
Note (3): Relay requires external diode unit N434909.

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4P1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-150BL Light Out Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 1-04

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4P1, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 1-04

PN-150P Power-Off Relay

General Description
The PN-150P is an ac operated relay used to detect
the presence of ac power and serve as a power-
transfer device in the absence of ac power. In a
typical application, this relay switches equipment over
to standby power when primary ac is off. The PN-
150P is a biased relay incorporating a built-in rectifier
for ac use. One of its contacts is adjusted to open
slightly in advance of the others. This enables the
relay can operate with special stick circuits used in
power transfer systems (i.e. highway crossing
Certain operating conditions, such as high resistance
in the ac system, in fuse or wire connections, or poor
regulation of the transformer supplying the ac load,
might cause a sharp rise in ac voltage and thus
intermittent opening and closing of the relay front
Ordering Information
contacts. With the advance-opening contact, the relay
circuit is opened so that it drops regardless of any • Standard relay and plug-in base order numbers
changes that may occur in the ac voltage thereafter. listed below.
Refer to SM-4596F for additional information on this
feature. Contacts of the PN-150P relay are heavy • When writing your order, specify the required
duty low voltage silver to silver impregnated carbon contacts and coil resistance.
front and back. Front testing is available with this
relay. • Relay bases are ordered separately. Indicate the
type of relay to be used with that base.

• For detailed specifications and complete parts list,
request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4596F.
• Refer to the ordering tabulation for operating

PN-150P Relay and Base

Coil Energ. Nom.
Order No. Contacts Res. Volt. (1) AC Volts
N322508-702 4FB H.D. 1F/H.D. 240 9.0 10
N322508-703 4FB H.D. 1F/H.D. 400 10.8 12
N451376-0302 Plug-In base for PC-150P (ref. RSE-4R1)
Note (1): Value at which relay will become energized.
Response will generally occur at some lower value.

(See reverse side for general features of ASTS USA electro-mechanical vital relays.)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4Q1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-150P Power-Off Relay
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 1-04

General Features of ASTS USA PN-Series Electro-Mechanical Vital Relays

ASTS USA vital and non-vital plug-in relays serve a Other types of contact material for special application are
multitude of functions in both railroad and transit described with the particular relay. Standard contacts are
control circuit applications. These time-proven relays factory-adjusted to standard minimum opening and conform
are space-saving, easily installed or removed and can to AREMA (AAR) requirements.
be handled in the field without disturbing coil or contact
All vital plug-in relays incorporate a transparent molded
wiring. cover over the relay contacts and armature structure. The
In addition to production of PN-series electro- cover is sealed to the frame with a gasket that assures a
mechanical relays at the same high standards, ASTS tight, dust-proof and moisture-proof seal.
USA also provides high-quality remanufacturing
services for these relays so that they can be returned to
service in like-new condition. Refer to the Contact Designations
“Remanufacturing Services” section of this catalog or Front and back contacts of plug-in relays are designated “F”
call 1-800-652-7276 for additional information. and “B”, respectively. The dependent contacts are denoted
FB, while the independent contacts are denoted “F” or “B”

• Wide selection available for every application Testing

• Meets or exceeds applicable AREMA (AAR) Many ASTS USA vital relays are provided a front testing
requirements capability. The front testing facility is in series with the coil
• Plug-in design permits quick installation or removal control circuit to permit deenergization of the relay while it is
in its service mounting, without disturbing the relay or wiring.
• Indexed to assure proper mounting Testing may also be accomplished through the rear of the
• Sturdy plug-in base for every relay model relay mounting base without opening a contact or coil circuit.
Refer to RSE-4S1 for special tools utilized in maintaining
• Operates over wide temperature range ASTS USA plug-in relays.

High Quality Design and Assembly

All components of ASTS USA plug-in relays are constructed
according to rigid quality control standards and are A spring-operated latch holds each plug-in relay securely to
thoroughly tested before shipment. Coils are encapsulated its mounting base. The latch is released by pressing a
for protection against mechanical damage and moisture. button on the front of the relay.
Magnetic circuits are constructed of non-aging materials.
The air gap is not disturbed when the coil is removed or the
contact springs adjusted. Those relays with an adjustable Indexing
magnetic shunt may be adjusted for degree of magnetic
All plug-in relays are equipped with indexing pins to prevent
hold-down force without changing the contact adjustment or
insertion of an incorrect relay into the mounting base. Each
the hold-down pole-piece position.
relay is accompanied by an indexing plate that is applied to
Contact fingers and springs utilize a simple, reliable design the base at the initial installation.
and are heat treated to assure uniformity of material and
contact stability. The heavy contact fingers extend through
the base to serve as plug connectors. Heel contacts are System Voltage
actuated by operating arms pivoted to the armature. Contact
surfaces have sufficient wiping action to be self-cleaning. This voltage, which is listed in the relay ordering tabulation
“Standard” contact materials include fine silver heels and specifications, is prescribed for relays in locally energized
backs, and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a circuits. Higher voltage may be used, if required, up to 10
typical capacity of 4A @ 30 Vdc or 175 Vac. “Heavy Duty” watts power dissipation.
(H.D.)” contact materials also include fine silver heels and
backs and silver-impregnated carbon (S.I.C.) fronts with a
typical capacity of 15A @30 Vdc or 30 Vac.

RSE-4Q1, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 1-04

PN-150 and PN-250 Style Plug-In Relay Bases

ASTS USA offers a complete line of mounting
bases for PN-150 and PN-250 series plug-in relays.
Molded in one piece, these bases have a lower
profile than previous bases, yet provide a larger
interior cavity for easier wire handling. Ordering
references have been reduced to four part
numbers each for the PN-150 and PN-250 style

General Description
The PN-150 and PN-250 mounting bases are made
from long-lasting, non-flammable polycarbonate
thermoplastic material. They are constructed in one
piece and are only 1-25/32” (4.52 cm) deep. Although
this dimension is less than previous bases, the numbered one less than its corresponding back. The
terminal cavity design provides greater volume. This matrix also allows quick identification of circuit
permits easier wire engagement and extraction, for locations where a circuit board is required on the
example, when using a #10-12 contact spring and two backs of the base. Bases can be ordered with or
#10 wires. New receptacle springs have topside without contact springs (see ordering tabulation).
wiring to avoid improper alignments. Maintenance
tools used on previous bases can also be used on the Advantages
new bases.
• Made from tough, non-flammable plastic
The PN-150 and PN-250 bases incorporate an
improved alpha-numeric nomenclature index that • Lower profile, larger cavity volume expedites wiring
identifies cavity rows and relay contact locations. In • Improved, easy-to-use nomenclature index
this index, a given front is always numbered one less
than its corresponding heel, and the heel is always

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4R1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PN-150 and PN-250 Style
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Plug-In Relay Bases
Rev. 1-04

Ordering Information • When ordering a replacement for an old style base

• Refer to plug-in relay ordering tabulations to or contact spring, refer to the cross-reference
determine correct base for your relay(s). indexes below. Order service tools from RSE-4S1.
• Bases and receptacle contact springs listed in
separate ordering tabulation below.
PN Relay Bases
Order No. PN Type Base Hardware Latch Direction Cont. Spring
N451376-0301 PN-150 X -- N/A (No Contacts)
N451376-0302 PN-150 X X N/A #14-#16
N451376-0305 PN-150 X X N/A #18-#20 (Note 1)
N438689 PN-250 X -- Facing Right --
N438689-001 PN-250 X X Facing Right --
N438689-002 PN-250 X -- Facing Left --
N438689-003 PN-250 X X Facing Left --
Note (1): Special base for PN-150F flasher relay only. Contains 18
springs for #10-12 wires, 4 springs for #14-16 wire.

Contact Receptacle Springs Contact Spring

Order No. Wire Sizes Replaces (1)
M451142-2701 #18-#20 J680179
M451142-2702 #14-#16 J680165
M451142-2703 #10-#12 J680181
Note (1): Replaces contact springs for old style bases.

Cross-Reference Indexes (Old Style Bases to New Style Bases)

RSE-4R1, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03
PN-150 Style Relay Bases:
General Description
ASTS USA offers a Alstom/Safetran-compatible plug-
in relay base that allows US&S PN-150 series relays
to be mounted within Alstom/Safetran relay racks.
This base allows front testing while the relay is
installed. The base is made from a long-lasting, flame
resistant, dimensionally stable thermoplastic material.
The new base has permanent molded-in numeric
nomenclature to identify columns and rows for relay
contact locations and a large receptacle cavity to
allow for easy insertion and extraction of relays and
contact springs. Its topside contact spring wiring
helps maintain proper alignment. The new design
also provides for current or voltage testing from the
front, without having to remove the relay.

Ordering Information
• Allows mounting of PN-150 relays in non-ASTS
USA racks • Relay bases and receptacle contact springs listed
in ordering tabulation.
• Enables front testing of relay
• Bases shipped with contact receptacle springs for
• Same user advantages as standard PN bases #14 to #16 wire.

• Springs for other wire sizes must be ordered


• When ordering a replacement for an old style

contact spring, refer to RSE-4R1.

• See RSE-4R1 also for cross-reference index.

• See RSE-4S1 for contact service tools.

Order No. Alstom/Safetran Bases and Contacts

N451376-0601 PN-150 series relay base kit: One base, mounted hardware, tags,
instructions, bag of contact springs for #14 - #16 wire.
M451142-2701 Receptacle contact spring for #18 to #20 wire.
M451142-2702 Receptacle contact spring for #14 to #16 wire.
M451142-2702 Receptacle contact spring for #10 to #12 wire.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4R2, p. 1
RSE-4R2, p. 2
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
Field and Shop Maintenance Tools/Supplies for
PN-Series Vital Relays
Thousands of ASTS USA PN series electro-
mechanical plug-in relays are in service on rail
properties around the world. These relays will
operate for long periods without needing
maintenance. However, when repairs or
recalibrations are required (for example, to meet
signaling industry or government-mandated
periodic inspections) technicians can utilize a
variety of high quality PN relay servicing
tools/supplies from ASTS USA. These items have
been carefully developed and selected by ASTS
USA’s senior relay design engineers to ensure
that all mechanical and electrical tolerances are
met during maintenance procedures.
Note: For detailed information or any help this kit are several types of burnishing tools (for
required in servicing ASTS USA PN series vital damaged contacts) and special paper which is used
relays, call ASTS USA’s “RAIL” team toll-free at 1- to wipe opposing contacts during cleaning. Also
800-652-7276. included is a graphite stick for conditioning the
armature stop pin where the pin makes contact with
the pole face. These supplies and tools are used in
conjunction with industry-standard materials, such as
ethyl alcohol and emery paper, not supplied through
ASTS USA, but described in the service manuals for
the respective relays.

Molded Contact Driver Removal Tool (For PN

Series Relays with Molded Drivers)
Relay Receptacle Contact Tools and Test Plugs This tool is used during adjustment of contacts on
ASTS USA provides high-quality hand tools for field relays with molded (rather than individual) contact
maintenance of PN type vital relays. Wire-to-contact drivers. It enables the driver to be safely removed so
crimping tools are available for each of the three that the heel springs can be bend-adjusted. Then the
standard sizes of receptacle contact springs. These driver is reinstalled in the relay. Refer to the related
tools provide precisely-directed pressure on the ASTS USA service manual for the complete
contact to insure a mechanically and electrically procedure.
sound connection with the wire conductor. For basic Contact Spring Bending Tools
electrical testing of a mounted PN series relay, ASTS
USA provides front and back test plugs. These plugs These tools help ensure proper front and back contact
allow contact-by-contact testing, without disturbing the shape and relative alignment. ASTS USA furnishes a
relay or its wiring. The front testing plug also serves series of these tools for various PN relays. A special
as a contact extraction tool. All of these tools can be 3-way bending tool is also available for servicing PV-
used to service new or old style ASTS USA contact 250 AC-Vane relays. This tool enables the technician
receptacle springs. to apply the correct compression of the front and back
contacts when the vane touches the upper and lower
Relay Contact Cleaning Kit roller stops, as well as the relative opening of the front
and back contacts (see illustration). Request ASTS
The PN series Relay Contact Cleaning kit contains USA Service Manual SM-4574 for complete
several tools and materials for servicing relay contacts instructions on the use of this tool.
and stop pins during shop maintenance. Included in

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4S1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Field and Shop Maintenance
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Tools/Supplies for
RSE-4S1 PN-Series Vital Relays
Rev. 3-09

Crimping Tool Front Tester Back Tester

(J397138, J307139, J397188) (J772383) (N322965)

Stop Pin Conditioning Stick Contact Driver Removal Tool Contact Adjusting Tool
(N451151-3203) (N451151-2801) (J397164-0021, -0022, -0023)

3-Way Bending Tool Bending Alignment Tool Adjustable Torque Arm

(N451151-2401) (J397164-0020) (N17156)

Ordering Information

• Refer to ordering tabulation for part numbers of • Also contact ASTS USA to order the correct
relay maintenance tools and supplies. Contact Driver Removal Tool.
• When ordering a receptacle contact tool for an old • Make sure to consult the respective ASTS USA
style contact receptacle spring, check cross- service manual for each PN-series relay when
reference index in RSE-4R1. using these special ASTS USA tools, as well as
• Contact ASTS USA when ordering the J397164-
general-purpose tools. Manuals are referenced in
catalog sections RSE-1E1 through RSE-1Q1.
002X series of contact bending tools. Different
versions of this tool are designed for specific PN-
series relays.

RSE-4S1, p. 2
Field and Shop Maintenance Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Tools/Supplies for
PN-Series Vital Relays RSE-4S1
Rev. 3-09
Ordering Information (cont’d)

PN Series Relays: Receptacle Contact Springs:

Order No. Crimping Tools, Extraction Tool and Test Plugs
J397139 Crimping tool for M451142-2702 receptacle contact springs.
J397138 Crimping tool for M451142-2703 receptacle contact springs.
J397188 Crimping tool for M451142-2701 receptacle contact springs.
J772383 Front Test Plug/Contact Extraction Tool
N322965 Back Test Plug

PN Series Relays: Shop Maintenance Tools and Supplies (1)

Order No. Description Notes
X451646-0901 Relay Contact Cleaning Kit --
J397187 Burnishing Tool – Standard Duty (pkg. of 5) (2)
J397187-00l Burnishing Tool - Heavy Duty (pkg. of 5) (2)
J793094 Paper Strips - 67 lb. white (pkg. of 50) (2)
N451151-3203 Stop Pin Conditioning Stick (Graphite) --
N451151-2801 Contact Driver Removal Tool --
J397164-0021 Contact Adjusting Tool, 7/64" Gap (3)
J397164-0022 Contact Adjusting Tool, 3/32" Gap (3)
J397164-0023 Contact Adjusting Tool, 9/64" Gap (3)
Note (1): Suitable for repairing and adjusting most ASTS USA PN series
vital plug-in relays. Consult respective service manuals or
contact ASTS USA for usage.
Note (2): Included in kit X451646-0901.
Note (3): Contact ASTS USA to confirm specific tool for your
PN series relay.

PV-250 Relays: Shop Maintenance Tools and Supplies (1)

Order No. Description Notes
N451151-2401 3-Way Bending Tool for Contacts --
M263832 Pliers (ASTS USA special design) --
J397164-0020 Bending/Alignment Tool --
N171156 Adjustable Torque Arm --
X451646-0901 Relay Contact Cleaning Kit (2)
Note (1): Refer to RSE-4J1 for PV-250 relays' service manuals
cross references.
Note (2): Refer to above ordering tab for kit items.

RSE-4S1, p. 3
RSE-4S1, p. 4
Vital Relays and Timers Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 1-04

PN Relay Shelf Mounting Brackets

General Description
ASTS USA provides individual shelf mounting (6.60 CM)
brackets for all PN-150 and PN-250 series vital plug-
in relays. These brackets are useful when modifying
an existing signal control system (i.e. with shelf relays)
to save shelf space. Two sizes of brackets are
available. Single-size brackets mount the standard-
width relays such as the PN-150B, while double size
brackets mount the wider relays such as the PN-
250B. Brackets can be ordered with or without
terminal blocks. A nylon cable clamp holds wiring in 7.3” 9.7”
position, without stressing the receptacle contact (18.54 (24.64
springs. Each bracket is a fully welded assembly and CM) CM)
uses weld nuts where the mounting base screws
enter the bracket. A black wrinkle paint finish is
8” (20.32 CM)

Single-Width Shelf Mounting Bracket

Ordering Information

• Refer to ordering tabulation for shelf mounting

bracket part numbers.

• Make sure to select correct bracket for single-width 5”

or double-width relays. (12.70

Shelf Mounting Brackets

Order No. Width PN Style
R40106001 Single PN-150
R40106401 Double PN-250
(24.64 7.3”
CM) (18.54

8” (20.32 CM)

Double-Width Shelf Mounting Bracket

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-4T1, p. 1
RSE-4T1, p. 2
Highway Crossing Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
Model 95 Highway Crossing Gate Mechanism
ASTS USA’s Model 95 Highway Gate Crossing
Mechanism is the industry standard for simplicity,
reliability, durability, ease of maintenance and
value. It is completely reengineered from earlier
models, meets or exceeds AREMA and other
industry standards, and responds to customer
requests for a state-of-the-art mechanism built
with both safety and value in mind. The
mechanism represents a leap into the use of
modern techniques and materials. Its modular
design features an uncluttered mechanism with
fewer moveable parts. Each unit part can be
easily accessed and replaced in the field if
necessary, making the Model 95 simpler to
service. Models are available for standard
highway vehicle crossing locations, sites with
pedestrian sidewalks, and ASTS USA’s Four-
Quadrant Gate System (see RSE-5A3).

General Description
Completely redesigned to meet or exceed AREMA
and American Association of Highway Officials’
specifications, the Model 95 Gate Mechanism is a The Model 95 Gate mechanism has been adapted for
compact, easily maintained device. It features a cast a variety of applications including:
aluminum housing and cover and is driven by a highly
efficient and durable gear motor. The result is a • Standard highway crossing entrance gate
smaller, lighter unit that is extremely serviceable and • Highway crossing entrance combined with
stronger than other models. In fact, the Model 95 is pedestrian (sidewalk) gate
100 pounds (43 kg) lighter than previous
mechanisms, yet has a stall torque of 2,000 foot- • Pedestrian sidewalk-only
pounds (8896 Newtons). Other features of the Model • Highway crossing “Four-Quadrant Gate” system
95 include heavy duty coil springs for vertical and with entrance and “Exit” gate mechanisms (see
horizontal dampeners; availability with vital or non- RSE-5A3)
vital relay; capability of indefinite motor stall; and
higher-strength gears. The Model 95 is designed for Advantages
ease of installation and ease of maintenance, with
convenient access to the gear train. • Lightweight, compact design
During development testing of the Model 95, the gear • Completely re-engineered for increased durability
motor prototypes performed to expectations through and serviceability
more than 200,000 operations. At an average of 10
trains a day, that translates to more than 55 years of • Easily removed and installed
• Fits 4-inch or 5-inch (10.2 cm or 12.7 cm) masts

• Capable of indefinite motor stall

• Self-restoring internal circuit breakers

• Cast aluminum housing Cast aluminum housing

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-5A1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Model 95 Highway Crossing
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Gate Mechanism
Rev. 3-09

Highway Crossing
Typical Application
Highway with Pedestrian
Crossing Gate Arm



Gate Arm
Application MODEL 95 SIDEWALK

Advantages (cont’d) Design Features

• Available with vital or non-vital relays Housing and Gate Arm

• Highly efficient drive motor and gears

The Model 95 features a 1-piece cast aluminum
housing and light weight removable cover (vertically
• Heavy duty horizontal and vertical buffers hinged). A heavy-duty spring steel hasp on the
• Built-in thermal and surge protection housing latches the cover to the housing and accepts
any standard padlock. Mounting may be done on 4”,
• “Break-away” gate arm adapter 5” and 10” (10.2 cm, 12.7 cm and 25.4 cm) masts.
• Mechanisms with pedestrian and sidewalk crossing Overall, the Model 95 is smaller and about one-third
arms available lighter than similar mechanisms. Standard gate arm
• Entrance and exit versions for ASTS USA Quad
assemblies are easily fastened and wired to the Model
95 drive shaft. A universal breakaway adapter on the
Gate System
arm joint includes shear pins and a right angle, fall-
away hinge to control separation of the arm if it is hit
by a motor vehicle.
Within the housing, the electrical assembly is plate-
mounted so that all of the electrical components can
be easily removed and replaced.

RSE-5A1, p. 2
Model 95 Highway Crossing Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Gate Mechanism
Rev. 3-09
Design Features (cont’d) Additional Model 95 Applications
Gearing and Drive Motor The Model 95 Pedestrian Gate Mechanism utilizes the
same basic design as the standard highway crossing
The Model 95 includes a 2-stage, high-strength
version, but is equipped with an additional 8 foot (2.4 m)
gear reduction mechanism. Heavy duty damper
arm for deployment over a pedestrian sidewalk adjacent
springs on the main drive shaft prevent any gate
to the highway. Both the main highway arm and the
arm backlash into the gear train. The Model 95 is
pedestrian arm deploy at the same time and same speed
driven by a compact but powerful permanent
from the internal mechanism. Versions of this
magnet gear motor that generates more torque
mechanism are available with vital or non-vital relay.
than larger and heavier motors in use. Stall torque
Gate arm support hubs permit right-hand or left-hand
is 2000 ft./lbs. (8896 Newtons), a major
placement of the pedestrian arm.
improvement over the typical 1300 ft./lbs. (5783
Newton) rating of other gate mechanisms. Also, In addition to the complete Highway/Pedestrian
this motor is capable of moving the gate assembly, ASTS USA provides several retrofit kits for
mechanism off balance with the gate arm missing. converting an existing Model 95 crossing mechanism to
If needed, the motor shaft can also be hand include the pedestrian arm feature.
cranked via a square shaft extension.
The Model 95 Sidewalk Gate mechanism is also based
Motor Control Relay (MCR) contacts are used to on the standard gate mechanism, but is only equipped
control the drive motor. The unique snap-action with the 8 foot (2.4 m) pedestrian arm for locations where
contact design extends contact life, while helping only a pedestrian sidewalk crosses the tracks. Left and
to operate the mechanism more smoothly. The right-hand arm versions are available with this assembly.
MCR is de-energized when the gate is clear;
The Model 95 Exit Gate Mechanism is an integral part of
therefore none of the circuit controller contacts
ASTS USA’s “Four-Quadrant Gate” system. This gate
carry motor current.
mechanism is mounted on the signals installed on the
The Model 95 incorporates a simplified hold-clear exit-side of the crossing (the side through which a motor
circuit using an electric brake. This device permits vehicle must pass when leaving the crossing).
the gate to be locked in the upright position. The
brake disengages and allows the arm to lower
when a train approaches the gate mechanism.
The Model 95 also has built-in self-restoring
internal circuit breakers for thermal and voltage
protection, which guard the device from damage
due to harsh weather conditions, electrical storms
and surges. It is also resistant to overload damage
from gate arm obstructions.

Electrical Controls
The Model 95 uses a dependable circuit controller
that is easily accessed and designed to minimize
contact burning. This allows for on-site operation
with the gate arm missing. One adjustable resistor
allows convenient setting of the arm descent

Foundation Mounting
Standard pre-cast or poured concrete may be
used as a foundation for the Model 95 Gate
Mechanism (per AREMA guidelines). Bolt spacing
is a standard 4-bolt pattern spaced 11-11/16” on
centers for 5” junction box.

RSE-5A1, p. 3
Ansaldo STS USA Model 95 Highway Crossing
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Gate Mechanism
Rev. 3-09

Additional Model 95 Applications (cont’d) Specifications (cont’d)

It is designed to raise should power to the highway- Ckt. Breaker Reset: Within 1 minute to several
crossing warning system fail, thus preventing a motor minutes
vehicle being trapped on the crossing by a down gate
Heater: 25W resistive element
blocking the crossing location’s exit-side lane. Refer
to RSE-5A3 for additional details. Voltages: 24V, 120V, 240V
Motor Relay: PN-150HD vital plug-in (see
RSE-4E2) or non-vital
Dimensions: 23” H x 21”W x 13-3/4”D
(58.4 cm H x 53.3 cm W x Ordering Information
34.9 cm D)
Weight: 185 lbs (83.9 kg). with cover,
• Refer to ordering tabulation below and on page 5
to order the following Model 95 items:
160 lbs. (72.6 kg) without
cover ‐ Standard highway crossing entrance
Mounting: 4”, 5” and 10” ” (10.2 cm, 12.7
cm and 25.4 cm) pipe masts ‐ Highway crossing mechanism with pedestrian
Handling: Eyebolt for lifting (sidewalk) gate arm

Motor Voltage: 12 Vdc or 24 Vdc ‐ Pedestrian (sidewalk) gate mechanism only

Motor Current: 15.0 A • If replacing a non-ASTS USA gate mechanism with

Motor Stall Torque: 2000 ft./lbs. (8896 Newtons) the Model 95, gate arm supports must be ordered.

Hold Clear: 12 Vdc unit: 150 to 160 mA • Model 95 Exit Gate Mechanism only available as
part of “Quad Gate” system; contact your ASTS
24 Vdc unit: 185 mA
USA Account Executive for details and any other
Ckt. Breaker: 12 Vdc unit: 20A special equipment configurations required.
24 Vdc unit: 10A
• Request Service Manual SM-6495 for highway,
Ckt. Brkr. Open Time: 100% of load rating for 1 hour pedestrian and sidewalk gate mechanism
replacement parts.
125% of load rating for up to
1 hour • Refer to RSE-5A2 for various Model 95 Gate
200% of load rating within 1 Mechanism installation, upgrade and retrofit
minute assemblies:

Model 95 Crossing Gate Mechanisms

Relay 3-Wire 120 Vac Maint.
Order No. Type Motor Control Heater Switch (1)
N46780101 Non-Vital 12 Vdc -- -- --
N46780102 Non-Vital 24 Vdc -- -- --
N46780105 Non-Vital 12 Vdc -- X --
N46780106 Non-Vital 12 Vdc -- X X
N46780108 Non-Vital 12 Vdc -- -- X
N46780201 Vital 12 Vdc -- -- --
N46780202 Vital 24 Vdc -- -- --
N46780204 Vital 12 Vdc X -- --
N46780206 Vital 12 Vdc -- -- X
Note (1): See RSE-5A2 for description.

RSE-5A1, p. 4
Model 95 Highway Crossing Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Gate Mechanism
Rev. 3-09

Ordering Information (cont’d)

Model 95 Sidewalk Gate Mechanisms

Relay Left or 3-Wire 120 Vac Maint.
Order No. Type Right Hand Control Heater Switch (1)
N46780103 Non-Vital R.H. -- -- --
N46780104 Non-Vital L.H. -- -- --
N46780109 Non-Vital R.H. -- X --
N46780110 Non-Vital L.H. -- X --
N46780111 Non-Vital R.H. -- X X
N46780112 Non-Vital L.H. -- X X
N46780107 Vital -- X -- --
N46780205 Vital R.H. X -- --
N46780207 Vital R.H. -- -- --
N46780208 Vital L.H. -- -- --
N46780209 Vital R.H. -- X X
N46780210 Vital L.H. -- X X
Note (1): See RSE-5A2 for description.

Model 95 Pedestrian Gate Mechanisms

(Highway and Sidewalk Crossings in same unit)
Relay 120 Vac Maint.
Order No. Type Heater Switch (1) Notes
N46780301 Non-Vital -- -- --
N46780302 Non-Vital X -- --
N46780304 Non-Vital -- -- (2)
N46780305 Non-Vital X X --
N46780401 Vital -- -- --
N46780402 Vital X -- --
N46780403 Vital -- -- (2)
N46780405 Vital X X --
Note (1): See RSE-5A2 for description.
Note (2): With upgrade option (see description).

Model 95 Exit Gate Mechanisms

Relay 120 Vac
Order No. Type Mode Heater Timer
N46710401 Non-Vital Fail Up -- --
N46710402 Vital Fail Up -- --
N46710406 Non-Vital Fail Up X X

RSE-5A1, p. 5
RSE-5A1, p. 6
Highway Crossing Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-10
Model 95 Gate Mechanism Installation, Upgrade and
Retrofit Components and Tools
For new installations, Model 95 Highway Crossing
Gate Mechanisms are typically ordered and
factory-configured for each specific application.
ASTS USA also offers several retrofit kits to
enable customers to readily modify existing Model
95 mechanisms to add additional features,
capabilities or, in the case of the Exit Gate
Conversion Kit, reconfigure a unit for a different
application. The retrofit kits employ ASTS USA
factory-quality hardware and are designed to Maintenance Switch
result in mechanisms that are equivalent to
factory-supplied models.

Assemblies and Tools

Pedestrian Gate Arm Retrofit Kit Power Down Module
This kit equips an existing Model 95 mechanism to
operate a pedestrian gate arm. Kits are available for
mechanisms equipped with either vital on non-vital
relays. The upgrade procedure can be quickly
performed in the shop or in the field. The kit includes
the pedestrian arm, driving shaft, driving gears, and all
attaching hardware. Gate arm and light are not
included and must be ordered separately.
Gate Arm Light Fuse Kit
Pedestrian Gate Shield
ASTS USA provides a shield that is designed to keep
pedestrians’ hands away from the pinch area between
the highway and pedestrian gate arms on Model 95
combined Highway/Pedestrian gate assemblies. Gate service and maintain. Each unit can be removed and
Mechanisms manufactured after April 1, 2003, are replaced with minimal effort. The exit gate
supplied with the pedestrian gate shield. For models mechanism consists of a conventional Model 95 mech
manufactured before this date, a shield kit (Part with the motor wiring reversed and cams readjusted to
Number X46712202) can be ordered from ASTS USA clear in the up position when there is a loss of power.
to add to existing pedestrian gate mechanisms. The kit
includes the shield and necessary mounting hardware.
Maintenance Switch and Power Down Module
Exit Gate Conversion Kit The Model 95 Maintenance Switch makes replacing a
This kit provides the means to convert a standard gate arm easier and safer by allowing the gate to be
Model 95 gate mechanism for use as an exit gate driven down without the weight of the gate arm to
mechanism in a quad gate application. The exit gate assist. This switch eliminates the need to connect
mechanism differs from the standard entrance model jumpers inside the mechanism to drive the gate down.
in that it clears in the up position when there is a loss Selected models of the Model 95 (see ordering tab)
of power, necessary to permit the safe exit of highway are equipped with the Maintenance Switch as a built-in
vehicles that could be in the crossing. This component. Retrofit Kit N46709202 permits switch
mechanism’s modular design yields an uncluttered installation in existing Model 95 Gate Mechanisms not
design with fewer parts to stock and a simpler unit to already so equipped.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
Model 95 Gate Mechanism
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Installation, Upgrade and Retrofit
Components and Tools
Rev. 4-10
Gear Shock Assembly Hold-Clear Device Pivot Clamp

Pedestrian Gate Arm Adapter Heater Assembly (24V, 120V or 240V)

Assemblies and Tools (cont’d) Gear Shock Assembly

The Power-Down Module provides the electrical power to The Gear Shock Assembly is a direct replacement for the
drive down the gate during gate servicing or standard gear shock assembly used to maintain the
replacement. A module retrofit kit is provided to upgrade Model 95 gate mechanism’s gate arm in the horizontal
Model 95 mechanisms built before September 1, 2003. position. This shock option offers a stiffer shock than
(Gate mechs built after this date are already equipped standard. Its greater resistance minimizes gate arm drop
with the upgraded module.) The new module is available below horizontal due to increased weight from ice and
as a separate component, or as part of a installation kit snow sometimes encountered in severe weather
(refer to ordering tabulation). conditions. After removal of the standard horizontal
spring buffer shock, the severe weather shock is
Gate Arm Light Fuse Retrofit Kit installed and adjusted in the same manner as the spring
This kit provides in-mechanism fusing for gate arm light buffer
circuits. The fuse holder, which mounts to the electrical
assembly inside the mechanism, includes two fuse Installation and Adjustment Tools
circuits and space for two spare fuses. Four 10 A, The Model 95 Gate Mechanism is designed to be
automotive-type fuses are supplied with the kit. installed with standard tools. All gate mechanisms are
shipped with a tool kit (N46707001). This kit includes
Hold-Clear Device (Electric Brake) Allen wrenches for buffer and cam adjustments, other
The hold clear device, located on the gear motor, uses various wrenches, and a hold down pin. A torque
150 to 160 milliamps on 12 Vdc systems and 185 wrench, or a spring scale, or both is used to set the
milliamps on 24 Vdc systems. The brake disengages counterweights. ASTS USA offers an optional torque
and allows the arm to lower when a train approaches the wrench kit (X46700003) that includes a torque wrench
gate mechanism. and a socket.

Heater Kits Electronic Gate Controller Retrofit Kit

Heater kits are provided to prevent frost formation on The Electronic Gate Controller Upgrade Kit improves the
gate mechanism’s internal electrical and mechanical reliability of the Model 95 Gate Mechanism by removing
components. Each kit uses a 25-watt resistive element the standard non-vital motor control relay (MCR) and
to generate heat. The resistor unit is mounted on left or replacing it and other discrete components with a
right inside panel of the gate mech’s electrical module completely electronic circuit. The new circuit contains all
bracket, just under the terminal board. Three versions of the functions of the existing design and adds a test
this kit are available to operate on 24V, 120V or 240V feature to aid in troubleshooting. Four versions of the kit
power. are available for entrance or exit gates, and 12V or 24V
circuits (see ordering tabulation). Note: This equipment
is designed only to be installed on the non-vital versions
of the Model 95 gate mechanisms (see RSE-5A1).

, p. 2
Model 95 Gate Mechanism
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Installation, Upgrade and Retrofit
Components and Tools
Rev. 4-10
Ordering and Additional Information

Refer to ordering tabulations for installation, retrofit Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for any
and upgrade assemblies and key components. other Model 95 Gate Mechanism retrofit or upgrade
needs not covered in this RSE catalog section.
Request the following ASTS USA Service Manuals
for detailed instructions and replacement parts:
- Pedestrian Gate Mechanism Upgrade Kit: SM-
- Exit Gate Conversion Kit: SM-6495B
- Maintenance Switch: SM-6495C
- Power Down Module: SM-6495D
- Gate Arm Light Fuse Retrofit Kit: SM-6495E
- Electronic Gate Controller Retrofit Kit: SM-

Assemblies and Kits

Order No. Description Application Notes
X46780501 Gate Arm Retrofit Kit Pedestrian (1)
X46712202 Shield Kit Pedestrian (2)
X46700013 Gate Conversion Kit Exit (3)
N46709202 Maintenance Switch -- --
X46700031 Power-Down Module Kit -- (4)
N46712401 Power-Down Module Only -- --
X46700039 Gate Arm Light Fuse Retrofit Kit -- --
J070205-0438 Hold Clear Device (Electric Brake) -- --
N46704801 Heater - 120V -- --
N46704802 Heater - 24V -- --
N46704803 Heater - 240V -- --
N46701402 Gear Shock Assembly -- --
N46722801 Electronic Gate Controller Retrofit Kit Entrance - 12V --
N46722802 Electronic Gate Controller Retrofit Kit Entrance - 24V --
N46722803 Electronic Gate Controller Retrofit Kit Exit - 12V --
N46722804 Electronic Gate Controller Retrofit Kit Exit - 24V --
Note (1): Use with gate mechanism N46780403 (vital and N46780304
Note (2): Refer to ordering tabulation below for kit components
Note (3): Refer to RSE-5C5 to order counterweights.
Note (4): For Mechanisms manufactured prior to Septemper 1, 2003

, p. 3
Model 95 Gate Mechanism
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Installation, Upgrade and Retrofit
Components and Tools
Rev. 4-10

Ordering and Additional Information

Mast Mounting Pedes. Gate

Hardware (1) Shield Kit
Order No. Description Order No. Description
X46705402 Pivot Clamp X46712202 Kit (complete)
X46705401 T-Bolts (2) J507349-0148 3/8” x 3” Screws
X46700002 Conduit Kit J475121-0113 Lock Washers
J705191-5806 Conversion brkt. J475120-0114 Flat Washers
X4670000 Stud Plate J480218 Nuts
Note (1): Refer to RSE-5C5 to order counterweights
Note (2): Included with mechanism.

Mast Mounting Hardware for Sidewalk Mechs

Order No. Description
X46705401 T-Bolts (included with mechanism)
X46700002 Conduit Kit
M46705801 Pedestrian Gate Arm Adapter

Misc. Tools and Parts

Order No. Description Notes
N46707001 Tool Kit (1)
X46700003 Torque Wrench Kit (2)
X46700016 Spare Parts Kit – Non Vital Mechs. (3)
J070205-0635 Spare Motor Brushes --
Note (1): Includes hold-down pin, hex keys,
Velcro hook/loop and warning label
Note (2): Includes wrench and 7/16" 12-Point,
1/4" Sq. Drive
Note (3): Refer to ordering tab below for components.

Spare Parts Kit for Non-Vital Gate Mechanisms

Order No. Description
X46700016 Kit (complete)
N46703602 Gearmotor - 1/6 HP
N46716401 MCR Non-Vital Relay with Ties and Label
N46704205 No. 1 Contactor Assembly
N46704302 Heel Contact Assembly
N46704403 Front Contact Assembly
J725694-0169 Circuit Breaker, 12V, 20A, Reset
X46700038 Snub Diode Assembly
X46700031 Power Down Module
N156682-001 Limit Resistor
N156682 Snub Resistor
J070205-0438 Electric Brake Assembly (Hold Clear Device)

, p. 4
Highway Crossing Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 5-06

Model 95-Based Four Quadrant

Gate Mechanism System
Safety at highway grade crossings long has been a
concern of railroads, rail-transit properties and
government at local, state and federal levels. At issue
are impatient motorists who circumvent down
crossing gates in an attempt to drive over the crossing
before the arrival of a train. This frequently meets with
fatal results to motorists and train crews. These
concerns are especially acute in high-speed rail
territory, where grade separation of highways and
railways is not possible - and where the speed of the
train makes it nearly impossible for the train operator
to stop the train once the crossing comes into view
and a motor vehicle stalled on the crossing becomes
visible. To address these concerns and to attempt to
improve grade-crossing safety for both motor vehicles
and trains, particularly at high-speed locations, ASTS
USA has developed the Four-Quadrant Gate Highway-
Crossing Warning System.

General Description
With the ASTS USA Four-Quadrant Gate Highway-Crossing
Warning System, the grade crossing is treated as an
interlocked junction between two rights-of-way, the street
and the railroad track. The system primarily consists of four
highway-crossing signal/gate assemblies, an inductive
motor-vehicle detection loop, a vital/non-vital processor, a
cab signal system interface in rail territory equipped with cab
signaling, and approach and island track circuits. Gate
operation is controlled so that motor vehicles will not be
trapped on the crossing during the approach of a train.

Signal/Gate Assemblies
Two Model 95 signal/gate assemblies are installed on each
side of the track so the highway is completely blocked on
both sides of the rail right-of-way when the gates are down Loop Detectors
and a train is approaching the crossing. These gate Loop detectors are buried beneath the crossing
mechanisms are mounted on the signals installed on the surface for detecting motor vehicles. Since the
exit-side of the crossing (the side through which a motor loop detectors’ inductance varies whenever a
vehicle must pass when leaving the crossing) and are motor vehicle passes over the crossing, the
designed to raise should power to the highway-crossing presence of a motor vehicle on the crossing will
warning system fail. The entrance gates during such a be detected. The loop output is sent to the
circumstance will fall to the down position. This mitigates warning system’s vital/non-vital processor. If a
the possibility of a motor vehicle being trapped on the vehicle is on the crossing when a train
crossing by a down gate blocking the crossing location’s approaches and activates the highway-crossing
exit-side lane.

For additional information, contact www.ansaldo-sts.com

your ASTS Account Executive
RSE-5A3, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Model 95-Based Four Quadrant
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Gate Mechanism System
Rev. 5-06

1N 2X


1C 2A

General Description (cont’d) Advantages

warning system, the exit gates will remain raised to
allow the vehicle to exit the crossing. Once again, this
• Four-quadrant gate highway-crossing
feature provides an exit for the vehicle so it’s not
trapped on the crossing by all four gates being down. • Motor-vehicle detection.

• Issues locomotive-cab warning: Alerts train

MicroLok® II Vital/Non-Vital Processor engineer of motor vehicle or other obstruction at
The ASTS USA MicroLok II Wayside Control System the crossing so a train can stop before reaching
functions as a vital/non-vital processor, and serves as the crossing.
the heart of the control system. It executes the vital
logic required for gate operation, motor-vehicle • Gate-down indication.
detection, and the locomotive cab indications (VMI in
cab signal territory) that alert the train engineer of a
• Broken-gate detection and indication.
motor vehicle (or other obstruction) on the crossing. • Counterbalanced exit gates rise if power fails so
This processor also tests for loop-detector faults, motor vehicles are not trapped in the crossing.
crossing-system intrusion and broken gates, and, if
any of these conditions are detected, it generates a • Defective loop-detector test and indication.
maintenance call. Refer to RSE-1A1 for additional
details on the MicroLok II system. • Abnormal-condition detection and indication.

Track Circuits Operation

Track circuits detect the presence of a train within the With no train approaching the crossing, the gates are
crossing approaches and on the island (where track vertical, the flashing warning lights on the signal gate
and road meet) and initiate operation of the highway- assemblies are dark, the warning bell is silent and
crossing warning system. track-circuit relays are energized. The vital portion of
the MicroLok II system constantly monitors the status
of the loop detectors that indicate whether a motor
vehicle is traveling over or is stopped on the crossing.

RSE-5A3, p. 2
Model 95-Based Four Quadrant Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Gate Mechanism System
Rev. 5-06

Operation (cont’d) Application

Loop status information also is passed to the non-vital While the ASTS USA Four-Quadrant Gate Highway-
portion of the MicroLok II processor, which directs the Crossing Warning System can be applied at any
information to a data logger for recording.When a train highway grade-crossing location, it’s most effective in
enters one of the highway-crossing warning system’s areas (railroad or rail transit) equipped with cab
approach track circuits, the approach track-circuit signaling/on-board vehicle control, where it can alert
relay is deenergized, the warning lights begin to flash, train operators to a motor vehicle or other obstruction
the bell begins to ring, and the vital processor checks on the crossing.
if the crossing is occupied by a motor vehicle or other
obstruction. If the crossing is clear (as determined via
input from the motor-vehicle detection loops), the Specifications and Ordering Information
MicroLok II processor will allow the gates to begin
their descent seven seconds after the activation of the
• Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for
detailed specifications, applications possibilities
lights and the bell.
and ordering information.
If, however, the crossing is blocked by a motor
vehicle, for example, the MicroLok II processor will • Refer to RSE-5A2 for kit to convert existing Model
allow the gates guarding the entrance lanes of the 95 to Exit Gate Mechanism.
crossing to descend, but it will keep the exit gates
raised to allow the vehicle to exit the crossing. At the
same time, the locomotive cab signal (in cab signal
territory) will be reduced from a clear indication to an
approach-medium indication. If the crossing still is not
clear 10 seconds later, the cab signal is reduced to an
approach indication, and then to a restrictive
indication 10 seconds later if the crossing still is
obstructed. These cab-signal reduction points are
located so the train can stop before reaching the
crossing and, in the case of passenger trains or rail-
transit vehicles, without causing alarm or discomfort
among the passengers.

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-5A3, p. 3
RSE-5A3, p. 4
Highway Crossing Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-07

HC-120B Flashing Light Units and Assemblies

ASTS USA’s HC-120B Flashing Lights meet or exceed
industry standards for motorist visibility at highway
crossings in all types of environments and installations,
and are designed for maximum ease of maintenance. At
the heart of the HC-120B assembly is an LED-based
light unit that is simpler in design, longer lasting and
consumes much less power than comparable
incandescent lamp units. The HC-120B is available in a
variety of multi-light assembly configurations, as well
as individual light unit designs. Included is a retrofit
version that allows replacement of existing
incandescent light units with the new LED technology.

General Description
Flashing Light Assemblies
HC-120B Flashing Light assemblies utilize all-aluminum crossing location when these batteries are needed. The
brackets and junction box crossarms, and are provided with LED matrix has an estimated operating life of 100,000
two light units for 1-way configurations, or four light units for hours; in the event a single LED fails, overall beam intensity
2-way configurations. Selected models of the 2-way version is reduced by less than 2 percent. Optically, this unit
are available with extension arms for additional clearance on replaces earlier lights with 30o/15o, 20o/32o, 70o/0o spread
the highway crossing mast. Clear access for wiring is and deflection patterns.
provided through a threaded crossarm mounting fitting.
The HC-120B LED light module incorporates a 12” (30.5 cm)
Threaded elbows permit independent horizontal (azimuth)
hard-coated polycarbonate red lens that is both vandal and
and vertical (range) adjustment of each signal. Standard
water-resistant, and red-tinted to optimize the LED light
AREMA terminals serve as quick connect/disconnect points.
wavelength. Bright LED side lights (white) are included to
Light unit options include the new LED or traditional
enable the locomotive engineer to confirm the flashing light
incandescent models; these can be outfitted with a variety of
is operational. The module housing is also equipped with air
hoods and backgrounds made of high durability plastic or
vents and a perimeter rubber gasket for water and dust
aluminum. HC-120B assemblies can be mounted on 4” or
protection. Selected light modules also incorporate a built-in
5” (10.2 cm or 12.7 cm) masts, and selected models are
voltage regulator to ensure against overvoltage damage
designed for use with ASTS USA’s Model 95 Gate Crossing
from the external power supply. Lightning and surge
protection circuitry is also provided. The complete light
module is mounted in the external housing with four
Flashing Light Units
mounting clips, and is connected to the housing terminal
HC-120B Flashing Light units combine the best features of strip with two #18 AWG wires.
existing housing design with LED light source technology,
As shown in the ordering tabulation, a retrofit kit version of
and are compliant with both AREMA and AASHO standards.
the HC-120B LED light module is available for direct
The external cast-aluminum shell is fully sealed against
replacement of 12” (30.5 cm) incandescent lamp units. No
water and dust, and incorporates a sighting device that
special modifications are required on the flashing light
permits field alignment on the arm assembly by just one
assembly or housing when upgrading to the LED lamp.
person. The rear of the unit is equipped internally with an
AREMA-approved terminal strip that allows quick connect
and disconnect of light module and external wiring. Hood
and background options include 20” or 24” (50.8 cm or 60.9 • 1 or 2-way mast-mounted arm assemblies available
cm) diameter and high impact plastic or aluminum
construction. • AREMA and AASHO-compliant design

The LED-based HC-120B light module generates light via a • LED module brighter than incandescent lamps
matrix of 360 or 141 high-efficiency LEDs that form a • LED module uses high efficiency red LEDs
coherent beam when viewed externally. The combined
LEDs are brighter than similar incandescent units and • Consumes 30% less power than incandescent lamps
consume 40% less power than a comparable incandescent
lamp with the same brilliance. As a result, the HC-120 light
• Increased available battery back-up time for highway
crossing warning systems
module helps extend the life of back-up batteries at the

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-5B1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA HC-120B Flashing Light Units
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
and Assemblies
Rev. 4-07

LED Light Unit Specifications (LED Light Module)

LED Types: Red and white, non-regulated.
LED Loss: <2% of total output with loss of 1
LED Life: 100,000 hours @ 10 volts
Total Luminosity: 705 Candelas (calculated)
Light Source Matrix 14 parallel strings of 10 LEDs in
Light Wavelength: 630 nm (dominant)
Viewing Angle: 30 degrees
Overall Dimensions: 12” (30.5 cm) diameter, 5” (12.7
cm) depth (approx.)
Side Lights: 6-LED light units (white), 180 deg.
spacing, 34.8 Candelas per side
Current Draw: 10 volts = 1 Amp
Operating Power: 10 Vac or 10 Vdc (nom.), +1.5V
Regulated Range: 6 to 18 Vdc, 5 to 13 Vac
Power Consumption: 10W @10 Vdc
Advantages (Cont’d)
LED Current Limit: 10 volts (max.)
• Sufficient light output is maintained if discrete LED failure VA Limit: 12 VA @10 volts
should occur
Wiring: Two #18 AWG wires with crimped
• Cast aluminum water-tight housing with side-view lights 1/4” RWG terminals
(white) Wire Run Length: When exceeding 250 ft: Use #10
• Polycarbonate lens (0.125” (0.3175 cm) thick) tinted to AWG
match LED wavelength Operating Temp.: -30oC to +85oC (-22oF to +185oF)
• Replaces lights with 30o/15o, 20o/32o, and 70o/0o spread
and deflection patterns

Flashing Light Assemblies with Junction Box Cross Arms

Figure “A”. 2-Way Back-to-Back Figure “B”. 1-Way Flashing Figure “C”. 2-Way Flashing
Flashing Light Assembly Light Assembly Light Assembly for use with
Gate Arm assemblies
(For use without gate mechanisms)

RSE-5B1, p. 2
HC-120B Flashing Light Units Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
and Assemblies
Rev. 4-07

Ordering Information
• Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for HC-120B
• Refer to ordering tabulations below for HC-120B configurations not shown in ordering tabulation, and for
assemblies, flashing light units and associated replacement parts.
replacement/retrofit components.
• Refer to figures on page 2 and 4 for various assembly

HC-120B Flashing Light Unit Assemblies

Light Unit Type Side Extens. Ref.
Order No. (No. of LEDs) Light Mast Config. Spread Arms Fig. Notes
N46711301 LED X 5" 1-way 30º-70º -- "B" (1)
N46711306 LED X 5" 2-way 30º-70º X "C" (1)
X451506-0103 Incandescent -- 4" 1-way 30º-15º -- "B" --
X451506-0104 Incandescent -- 4" 2-way 30º-15º -- "A" --
X451506-0303 Incandescent -- 5" 1-way 30º-15º -- "B" --
X451506-0306 Incandescent -- 5" 2-way 30º-15º -- "A" --
X451506-0308 Incandescent -- 5" 2-way 30º-15º, 30º-15º X "C" (1)
X451506-0312 Incandescent -- 5" 2-way 30º-15º, 70º-0º X "C" (1)
Note (1): Used with Model 95 Gate Mechanism (see RSE-5A1);
hoods and 20" backgrounds included.

XA-120 Junction Box Crossarms HC-120B Hoods & Backgrounds

One Two For Use with Ref. Order No.
Order No. Way Way Gate Mechs. Fig. M451498-2501 Hood, Metal (Aluminum)
X46709307 X -- -- "D" M46100701 Hood, Plastic
X46709314 -- X X "E" M46100802 Background, 20" Plastic
N46712501 X X -- "F" M46100801 Background, 24" Plastic
N46712502 -- -- X "G" M451498-3701 Background, 20" Metal (Aluminum)
General note: All above 5" mast. M451498-3702 Background, 24" Metal (Aluminum)

HC-120B Light Units

Light Unit
Order No. Type Spread Sidelights Regulator Notes
N46711101 LED 30º-70º X X --
N46711102 LED 30º-70º X X (1)
N46711103 LED 30º-70º X X (2)
N46711104 LED 30º-70º X X (3)
N46100604 LED 30º-70º X X (4)
N451497-0602 Incandescent 30º-15º -- -- --
J705191-6181 Basic LED light unit incorporated in above LED style assemblies
(includes white side lights, voltage regulator)
Note (1): With 24" hoods and backgrounds
Note (2): With 20" aluminum hoods and backgrounds
Note (3): With 24" plastic hoods and backgrounds
Note (4): Kit for replacement of HC-120B incandescent light unit.

RSE-5B1, p. 3
Ansaldo STS USA HC-120B Flashing Light Units
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
and Assemblies
Rev. 4-07

Figure “D”. XA-120 Junction Box Cross Arm Figure “E”. XA-120 Junction Box Cross Arm
Order No. X46709307 Order No. X46709314
(for 1-Way Flashing Light Assemblies) (for 2-Way Flashing Light Assemblies)

7 2


7 2


Figure “F”. XA-120 Junction Box Cross Arm Figure “G”. XA-120 Junction Box Cross Arm
Order No. N46712501 Order No. N46712502
(for 1-Way Flashing Light Assemblies) (for 2-Way Flashing Light Assemblies)

1 3

13-3/8” 5
3 1 6

5 6

15" 15"

15” 15”

Junction Box Cross Arm Major Parts

Order No. Item No. Description Order No. Item No. Description
M397808 1 "U"-Bolt M46713401 5 Long Bracket
J026105-2001 2 Short Bracket J026105-2101 6 Elbow
M46713301 3 Short Bracket M451416-0301 7 Junction Box
M026105-2005 4 Long Bracket

RSE-5B1, p. 4
Highway Crossing Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 5-06
Highway Crossing Masts
General Description
ASTS USA provides highway crossing masts in 4” or
5” (10.2 cm or 12.7 cm) diameters and heights
ranging from 6’ 9” (2.05 m) up to 15’ 3” (4.65 m).
These aluminum units are pre-drilled for quick
mounting of Model 95 Gate Mechanisms, HC-120B
Flashing Light assemblies, junction box bases and
other major attachments. Both standard and
converging flashing light applications are
accommodated. One version of the mast (see
ordering tab.) incorporates a welded stud to simplify
electrical grounding of the complete highway crossing
mast electrical system; this feature is especially useful
for highway crossing installations in electrified rail

Ordering Information

• Refer to ordering tabulation for highway crossing

mast part numbers.

• For mast part number M451394-5103, holes are

custom-drilled. When ordering, please specify:
‐ Mast order number M451394-5103
‐ Required mast length and diameter • Per diagram on reverse side, hole “A” 90 deg. and
junction box base must be parallel to tracks, not
‐ Angle and direction (CW or CCW from the 0
parallel to road as is normally done with ASTS
reference point) of the second cross arm hole
USA assemblies.
(refer to diagram).
• Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for
mast designs not shown in ordering tabulation.

Highway Crossing Masts

Hole Hole Hole Ground
Order No. Application Diameter Height "A" (1) "B" (2) "C" (3) Stud Notes
M451394-3902 Standard 5" 13'-6" 0 deg. 0 deg. -- -- --
M451394-4001 Standard 5" 15'-3" 0 deg. 0 deg. -- -- (4)
M451394-4002 Converging 5" 15'-3" 0 deg. 0 deg. 30 deg. -- --
M451394-4201 Standard 5" 6'-9" 0 deg. -- -- -- --
M451394-5101 Standard 4" 13'-6" 0 deg. 0 deg. -- -- --
M451394-5103 Standard 4" 15'-3" 0 deg. 0 deg. -- -- --
R46712802 Standard 5" 15'-3" 0 deg. 0 deg. -- X (5)
Note (1): Hole "A": Junction box base
Note (2): Hole "B": Junction box crossarm
Note (3): Convergence
Note (4): 2nd hole field-drilled
Note (5): See ordering notes for additional information.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-5C1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Highway Crossing Masts
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 5-06


4” MAST 90o 270o



5” MAST 90o 270o

24” 24”






7 8
7/16” 5/8”



4” = 10.16 CM 9’, 3-7/8” = 111.875” = 284.16 CM

5” = 12.70 CM 13’-6” = 162” = 411.48 CM
7-71/6” = 7.43” = 18.87 CM 15’-3” = 183” = 464.82 CM
8-5/8” = 8.62” = 21.91 CM 24” = 60.96 CM

Per above, hole “A” 90 deg. and junction box base must be parallel to tracks, not
parallel to road as is normally done with ASTS USA assemblies.

RSE-5C1, p. 2
Highway Crossing Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 5-06

Highway Crossing Mast Mechanical Attachments

(Junction Box Bases, Pinnacles, Rodent Covers, Wind Guards)
General Description
ASTS USA provides a full selection of industry-
standard attachments to expedite the
construction of the entire highway crossing mast
assembly. Heavy duty split-based junction box
bases are provided for 4” or 5” (10.2 cm or 12.7
cm) masts. These 2-piece units incorporate a
bolt-on side plate to access an internal AREMA
wiring terminal strip (12 terminals).
For the top of the mast, ASTS USA provides 4”
or 5” (10.16 cm or 12.7 cm) pinnacle when a bell
is not installed.
A rodent cover is provided to protect wiring
entering the mast inside the junction box base. Ordering Information
This part is secured with mounting tabs inside the
• Refer to ordering tabulations for junction box bases,
pinnacles, rodent covers and wind guards.
ASTS USA wind guard brackets keep the
crossing gate arms from swaying excessively in • For junction box bases, foundation nuts, bolts and
high winds when in the up position. Two washers required if the signal foundation poured on-
versions can be ordered, including a rigid model site. Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for
with tubular aluminum arms, and a flexible model ordering information.
with an adjustable arm holding depth.
• Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for any
special designs or configurations required.

Junction Box Bases

Order No. Mast Diameter Bolt Spacing
79685041 4" 9-1/2" x 9-1/2"
J705049-0801 5" 11-11/16" x 11-11/16"

Order No. Wind Guards

J705191-5822 Flexible Wind Bracket for Gate Arms
J705191-5820 Rigid Wind Bracket for Gate Arm

Pinnacles and Rodent Covers

Order No. Description Mast Diameter
J026104 Pinnacle 4" 4” = 10.16 CM
J026111 Pinnacle 5" 5” = 12.70 CM
M451195-3601 Rodent Cover 4" 9-1/2” = 9.5” = 24.13 CM
11-11/16” = 11.69” = 29.69 CM
M451195-3602 Rodent Cover 5"

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-5C2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Highway Crossing Mast Mechanical Attachments
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal) (Junction Box Bases, Pinnacles,
RSE-5C2 Rodent Covers, Wind Guards)
Rev. 5-06

4” Junction Box Base 5” Junction Box Base

Gate Arm Wind Brackets Pinnacle Rodent Cover

Flexible Design

Rigid Design

RSE-5C2, p. 2
Highway Crossing Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
Highway Crossing Bells
General Description
ASTS USA’s Highway Crossing Bell gives added
warning for pedestrians at highway crossings. In
addition to traditional electro-mechanical bells, ASTS
USA provides the latest in solid-state electronic bells
which have no moving parts requiring maintenance.
Two versions of the electronic bell are available,
including the omni-directional “OB-1” which provides a
360 degree audible broadcast, and the uni-directional
“UB-1” which provides a 180 degree broadcast. The
UB-1 is ideal for directing the bell broadcast away
from residential areas.
The stroke rate and audible level of the OB-1 and UB-1
comply with all applicable FCC and AREMA standards.
All internal electronics are contained on a single circuit Electronic Bell Design
board that is coated for full weather protection, and the
electronics include built-in transient surge protection.
Mounting of the electronic bell models is accomplished 6-3/4”
on a 4” or 5” (10.2 cm or 12.7 cm) mast with a single (17.14 CM)
1/4-20 stainless steel screw.
The electro-mechanical version of the BA-10 Highway
Crossing Bell consists of a steel gong mounted on a
round cast aluminum housing. The housing is
equipped with a rain hood and hinged aluminum cover
which can be secured with a padlock. Mounting on a EMITTER
4” or 5” (10.2 cm or 12.7 cm) mast is also
accomplished with a 1/4-20 set screw. 14-3/8”
(36.51 CM)
Broadcast Options: 360o or 180o
Audible Range: 75 dBa (min.), 105 dBa (max.)
@ 10’
Operating Power: 12 Vdc +25%
Mast Mounting: 4” or 5” (10.2 cm or 12.7 cm) MTG. POWER
Environmental: Per AREMA C&S manual SCREW TERMS.
11.5.1 Class B
Vibration and Shock: Per ASTS USA spec EU-7997
Electro-Mechanical (4” OR 5”)
Gong: 12” steel (14.60 CM)
Operating Power: 12 Vdc +25%
Current Draw: 0.3A
Mast Mounting: Mast Mounting: 4” or 5” (10.2
cm or 12.7 cm)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-5C3, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Highway Crossing Bell
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

Electro-Mechanical Bell Design

Ordering Information
• Refer to ordering tabulation below for Highway
Crossing Bell part numbers.
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-5C3.0001
for installation and maintenance information.

Order No. Highway Crossing Bells

N46730701 OB-1 Electronic Bell (360 deg. broadcast)
N46730702 UB-1 Electronic Bell (180 deg. broadcast)
J705173 Electro-Mechanical

RSE-5C3, p. 2
Highway Crossing Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03
Highway Crossing Gate Arms
Complementing ASTS USA’s Model 95 Gate
Mechanism is a cost-effective line of highway
crossing gate arms. Arms are available in
adjustable lengths from 12’-18’ to 33’-40’ with a
choice of aluminum/fiberglass or all-fiberglass

General Description
Each gate arm has one fixed aluminum section and
two aluminum or fiberglass telescoping sections. The
gate arms are linked to the support assembly by a
shear pin that allows breakaway to prevent damage to
the mechanism in case the arm is struck.
Red/white diagonal striping draws attention to the arm
when it is deployed, even in poor weather or at night.
Striping is available in Engineering and High Intensity
grades which meet all industry standards.
Arm visibility may be enhanced with weather-proof 4”
or 7” (10.2 cm or 17.8 cm) dual-direction lights. Light
unit wiring (coiled-cord or standard) can be fully plug-
connected for easy replacement.
For arm attachment to the Model 95 Gate Mechanism,
a Gate arm bracket is provided. This unit is designed Construction: Aluminum/fiberglass or all-
with shear pins to prevent major damage if the arm is fiberglass
struck by a motor vehicle. Lengths: 12’ to 40’ (3.65 m to 12.2 m)
Sheeting: Engineering Grade or High
Advantages Intensity
Lights: 4” or 7” (10.2 cm or 17.8 cm),
• Mounts on existing equipment. dual-direction
• Reduces inventory and installation problems. Cord Sets: Coil cord or standard
• Tough aluminum or fiberglass arms stand straight, Wiring: Plug-connected or hard-wired
no warping – proven design.
• Telescoping arms, from 17 to 40 feet (5.1 m to 12.2 Ordering Information
• Standard or high-intensity red and white reflective • Refer to ordering tabulation on reverse side for
striping gate arm and conversion bracket part numbers.
• No painting required. • Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive to
• 4” and 7” (10.2 cm and 17.8 cm) 2-way lights with order special gate arm configurations and lengths
plug in wiring exceeding 40 feet (12.2 m).
• Three gate arm lights with adjustable deflection
angles to meet varying field conditions
• Attaches to a break-away adapter to minimize
vehicular damage

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-5C4, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Highway Crossing Gate Arms
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 7-03

Gate Arm with Light Units

Gate Arm Assemblies and Conversion Bracket

Reflective Reflective
Material Material
Order No. Type Length Eng. Grade Hi-Intensity Lights
J705191-8001 Alum./Fiberglas 12' - 18' X -- 4"
J705191-8002 Alum./Fiberglas 12' - 18' -- X 4"
J705191-8003 Alum./Fiberglas 12' - 18' X -- 7"
J705191-8004 Alum./Fiberglas 12' - 18' -- X 7"
J705191-8005 Alum./Fiberglas 19' - 32' X -- 4"
J705191-8006 Alum./Fiberglas 19' - 32' -- X 4"
J705191-8007 Alum./Fiberglas 19' - 32' X -- 7"
J705191-8008 Alum./Fiberglas 19' - 32' -- X 7"
J705191-8009 Alum./Fiberglas 33' - 40' X -- 4"
J705191-8010 Alum./Fiberglas 33' - 40' -- X 4"
J705191-8011 Alum./Fiberglas 33' - 40' X -- 7"
J705191-8012 Alum./Fiberglas 33' - 40' -- X 7"
J705191-8013 Fiberglas 12' - 18' X -- 4"
J705191-8014 Fiberglas 12' - 18' -- X 4"
J705191-8015 Fiberglas 12' - 18' X -- 7"
J705191-8016 Fiberglas 12' - 18' -- X 7"
J705191-8017 Fiberglas 19' - 28' X -- 4"
J705191-8018 Fiberglas 19' - 28' -- X 4"
J705191-8019 Fiberglas 19' - 28' X -- 7"
J705191-8020 Fiberglas 19' - 28' -- X 7"
J705191-5806 Gate Arm Conversion Bracket

4” = 10.16 cm 28’ = 8.53 m

5” = 12.70 cm 32’ = 9.75 m
12’ = 3.65 m 33’ = 10.06 m
18’ = 5.49 m 40’ = 12.19 m
19’ = 5.79 m

RSE-5C4, p. 2
Highway Crossing Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09

Highway Crossing Gate Arm Counterweights

General Description
ASTS USA provides a wide variety of counterweights
for most gate arms to ensure proper balance in all arm
positions, and to minimize loads on the gate
mechanism. Weight kits are available for crossing
gates and exit gates. Standard 36 lb. (16.3 kg)
square-weight kits are available for the full range of
arm lengths, from 12’ to 40’ (3.65 m to 12.2 m) arms
for crossing gate applications (up to 32’ (9.75 m) for
exit gates). New 47 lb. (21.3 kg) rectangular or
“oblong” weight kits shift the weight further out on the
arm, thus allowing the installation of a lower total
weight package at the end of the arm. Either of these
kits consists of a sufficient number of weights to
balance the respective arm.
Also available from ASTS USA are extension arms for
the weights to help the balance adjustment, and a
stud plate kit for attaching the weights to the gate arm. Standard Counterweight*

Ordering Information

• Refer to ordering tabulation on next page for

standard and “oblong” weight kit part numbers. 16-1/8”
(40.96 CM)
• Make sure to order correct weight kits per the
application: Crossing or exit gates.

• Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive to

order special weight configurations not shown in
the tabulation. 14-1/8”
(1.59 CM)
(38.88 CM)

Oblong Counterweight*
30-1/8” 5/8”
(76.51 CM) (1.59 CM)

(38.42 CM)

*All dimensions are approximate.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-5C5, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Highway Crossing Gate
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Arm Counterweights
Rev. 3-09
Standard (Square) Weight Kits for Model 95
Crossing Gates
Order No. Application Qty. of Weights Notes
X46740151 12’-15’ Gate Arm 4 --
X46740152 16’-18’ Gate Arm 6 --
X46740153 19’-21’ Gate Arm 10 --
X46740154 22’-23’ Gate Arm 11 --
X46740155 24’-26’ Gate Arm 13 --
X46740156 27’-29’ Gate Arm 14 --
X46740157 30’-32’ Gate Arm 16 --
X46740158 33’-36’ Gate Arm 11 (1)
X46740159 37’-40’ Gate Arm 12 (1)
Note (1): Includes extensions arms (part number

Oblong Weight Kits for Model 95 12’ = 3.66 m

Crossing Gates 15’ = 4.57 m
Order No. Application Qty. of Weights 16’ = 4.88 m
X46740163 12'-18' Gate Arm 3 18’ = 5.49 m
X46740165 19'-23' Gate Arm 5 19’ = 5.79 m
X46740166 24'-29' Gate Arm 6 21’ = 6.40 m
X46740167 30'-32' Gate Arm 7 22’ = 6.70 m
X46740169 33'-40' Gate Arm 10 23’ = 7.01 m
24’ = 7.31 m
Standard (Square) Weight Kits for Model 95 26’ = 7.92 m
Exit Gates 27’ = 8.23 m
Order No. Application Qty. of Weights Notes 29’ = 8.84 m
X46740801 12’-15’ Gate Arm 3 (1) 30’ = 9.14 m
X46740802 16’-18’ Gate Arm 5 (1) 32’ = 9.75 m
X46740803 19’-21’ Gate Arm 10 (1) 33’ = 10.05 m
X46740804 22’-23’ Gate Arm 11 (1) 36’ = 10.97 m
X46740805 24’-26’ Gate Arm 12 (1) 37’ = 11.27 m
X46740806 27’-29’ Gate Arm 14 (1) 40’ = 12.19 m
X46740807 30’-32’ Gate Arm 16 (1) (2) 44’ = 13.41 m
Note (1): Includes extensions arms (part number
N451484-2403) 36 lbs. = 16.33 kg.
Note (2): Weights not available for 33 to 44 ft. arms. 47 lbs. = 21.32 kg.

Oblong Weight Kits for Model 95

Exit Gates
Order No. Application Qty. of Weights Notes
X46740808 12’-18’ Gate Arm 5 (1)
X46740809 19'-23' Gate Arm 8 (1)
X46740810 24’-26’ Gate Arm 9 (1)
X46740811 27’-29’ Gate Arm 10 (1)
X46740812 30’-32’ Gate Arm 11 (1)
X46740813 33'-40' Gate Arm 13 (1)
Note (1): Includes extensions arms (part number

Order No. Misc. Components

M451484-3116 Counterweight, Square (36 lb.)
M46712301 Counterweight, Oblong (47 lb)
N451484-2403 Counterweight Extension Arm
X46700001 Stud Plate for counterweight mtg.

RSE-5C5, p. 2
Highway Crossing Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03

Highway Crossing Signs

General Description
ASTS USA highway crossing signs
supplement safety at crossing locations by
giving motorists specific information about the
that location. “STOP ON RED”, “RR
signs meet all applicable industry standards
and are available with Engineering Grade or
High Intensity material for assured visibility in
all ambient or illuminated lighting conditions.
All types of signs are available for mounting
on 4” or 5” (10.2 cm or 12.7 cm) masts. One Ordering Information
version of the “STOP ON RED” sign
incorporates a stand-off bracket.
• Refer to ordering tabulation for signs and mounting
hardware part numbers.
• Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive to order
special signs and hardware not shown in the tabulation.

Highway Crossing Signs

Reflective Reflective
Material Material
Order No. Message Eng. Grade Hi-Intensity Mast Notes
X39293-0001 "STOP ON RED" X -- 4" --
X39293-0002 "STOP ON RED" X -- 5" --
X39293-0005 "STOP ON RED" -- X 4" --
X438077 "STOP ON RED" X -- 4/5" (1)
X438007-001 "STOP ON RED" -- X 4/5" (1)
X39293-1001 "RR CROSSING" X -- 4" --
X39293-1002 "RR CROSSING" X -- 5" --
X39293-1007 "RR CROSSING" -- X 4" --
X39293-1008 "RR CROSSING" -- X 5" --
X438002-002 "RR CROSSING" X 4/5" (1)
X438002-003 "RR CROSSING" X 4/5" (1)
J791615 "2 TRACKS" X -- -- (2)
J791615-0001 "3 TRACKS" X -- -- (2)
J791615-0007 "2 TRACKS" -- X -- (2)
J791615-0008 "3 TRACKS" -- X -- (2)
Note (1): Includes stand-off mast mount.
Note (2): Mounting hardware must be ordered separately. See ordering tab. below.

Order No. Mounting Hardware for "TRACKS" Signs

J070205-1327 Mounting Bracket (w/extension) for 5" masts
J070205-1428 Mounting Bracket for 5" masts
J070205-1429 Mounting Bracket for 4" masts

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-5C6, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Highway Crossing Signs
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 7-03

RSE-5C6, p. 2
Highway Crossing Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-07

HX-1 and HX-1A Highway Crossing Power Packs

The HX-1 or HX-1A power pack provides power
for up to four AC-DC (Style “C”) track circuits,
which are typically used in non-signaled and
industrial railroads. The unit is particularly
useful at installations with poor rail shunting.
Two models are provided for different input
voltage ranges.

General Description
The HX-1 ands HX-1A Highway Crossing Power
Packs have four secondaries each having an
output of 6.3 Vac, 3.5 amps at 60 Hz with a total
power rating of 100 VA. Each power pack includes
a power transfer relay and a solid state inverter.
Components are supplied in a single package with
AREMA (AAR) terminals for output connections for
up to four AC track feeds and inputs for 110 Vac
and 12 Vdc power supply for the Model HX-1, and
240 Vac and 24 Vdc for the Model HX-1A.
Under normal conditions, the unit is fed by 110
Ordering Information
Vac, 50/60Hz (HX-1) or 240 Vac, 50/60Hz (HX-1A)
power. Voltage is stepped down by the output • Refer to ordering tabulation for HX-1 and HX-1A part
transformer to 6.3 Vac, 60 Hz at each of its four numbers.
secondaries. If AC power fails, the incorporated
solid state inverter is activated via a back contact Order No. HX-1 and HX-1A Units
of the power transfer relay, and converts the DC 98605009 HX-1 Hwy Crossing Power Pack
input energy to AC, which operates the power N46720001 HX-1A Hwy Crossing Power Pack
pack. No adjustments are necessary.
The unit design and typical application circuits are
shown in page 2.

Input Voltage: HX-1: 110 Vac and 10-12
Vdc, 110 VA rating
HX-1A: 240 Vac and 24
Vdc, 110 VA rating
Secondaries: HX-1 and HX-1A: 6.3 V, 3.5
A, 100 VA rating
Inverter Output: HX-1: 110 Vac
HX-1A: 240 Vac
Unit Weight: HX-1 and HX-1A: 19 lbs.
(8.6 kg)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-5E1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA HX-1 and HX-A Highway Crossing
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Power Pack
Rev. 4-07

Basic Circuit Application

RSE-5E1, p. 2
Highway Crossing Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-06
Ordering Guide
● Complete Highway Crossing Assembly with Gate Mechanism and Arm
● Complete Highway Crossing Assembly without Gate
This Ordering Guide helps you quickly and easily
select a complete ASTS USA Highway Crossing
assembly to meet your specifications. The Guide
is presented in simple, easy-to-follow flow charts
that build your crossing assembly from the
ground up. Included are options and part
numbers for masts and mast attachments,
warning bells, gate mechanism, gate arms,
flashing lights and signage.

US&S’ High Quality Highway Crossing Equipment

ASTS USA Highway Crossing equipment ranks at the
top of the signaling industry for new technologies,
durability, reliability, ease of installation and simple
maintenance. For example, our Model 95 Gate
Mechanism offers highly dependable gate arm
movement from a lightweight but powerful motor and
gear assembly. ASTS USA’s HC-120B incorporates
the latest in LED cluster light generation technology,
providing very long operating life over earlier lamp-
Catalog Cross-References
based designs. These assemblies are supported with
a full range of mechanical and electrical attachments For more information on the individual components
such as junction box bases, electronic or mechanical presented in this Ordering Guide, refer to the following
bells (or mast pinnacles), gate arm counterweight and RSE Catalog sections:
lights, and signs.
• RSE-5A1 – Model 95 Gate Mechanism

How to Use This Ordering Guide

• RSE-5B1 – HC-120B Flashing Light Assembles
This Highway Crossing Ordering Guide contains two • RSE-5C1 – Masts
ordering charts: • RSE-5C2 – Mast Mechanical Attachments
• Use Figure 1 on page 3 to order a complete ASTS • RSE-5C3 – Bells
USA Highway Crossing assembly with Model 95
Gate Mechanism, gate arms and counterweights.
• RSE-5C4 – Gate Arms
This heavier assembly is mounted on a 5-inch • RSE-5C5 - Counterweights
(12.7 cm) mast and special HC-120 Flashing Light • RSE-5C6 – Signs
assemblies that allow for proper clearance of the
gate arm when it is in the vertical position. An Additional Information from ASTS USA
optional high wind bracket is included to prevent
wind-swaying of the arm in this position. If you have any questions about ordering a complete
ASTS USA Highway Crossing Assembly, or need
• Use Figure 2 on page 5 to order a complete ASTS other options not listed here, contact us as follows:
USA Highway Crossing assembly without a gate
mechanism or arm. This lighter assembly is
• Your ASTS USA Account Executive
mounted on a 4-inch mast. • Customer Service at 1-800-652-7276
• Customer Service at orders@ansaldo-sts.us

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-5F1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Ordering Guide: Complete Highway
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Crossing Assemblies
Rev. 3-06

Highway Crossing
Assembly Without Gate

RSE-5F1, p. 2
Ordering Guide: Complete Highway Crossing Assemblies Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-06


ORDER: Diameter: 5” For 5” Mast CONTINUE TO PAGE 4
Height: 15’3” Bolt Spacing: TO ORDER:
11-11/16” x 11-11/16” Light Diameter: 4”
Order No.
Order No. for 12’ to 18’
M451394-4011 Order No.
Order No. for 19’ to 32’ - FLASHING LIGHTS
J705191-8005 - SIGNS
OR Order No. for 33’ to 40’
- Maintenance Switch OR
Order No. - Heater
Figure 1. Highway Crossing APPLIC.
J705191-5820 - Pivot Clamp ALUMINUM/FIBERGLASS
Assembly with Model 95 Gate ONLY - Conversion Bracket ARMS WITH HI-
Mechanism, Gate Arms and - Stud Plate INTENSITY STRIPING
Diameter: 5” AND - Conduit Kit
Counterweight Height: 15’3” - L.H. & R.H. Gate Arm Support
1st Hole: @270 Deg. PINNACLE Light Diameter: 4”
2nd Hole: Field-Drilled Order No.
X46700023 Order No. for 12’ to 18’
Order No. Mast Mtg: 5”
M451394-4011 Order No. Order No. for 19’ to 32’
J026111 J705191-8006
AND Order No. for 33’ to 40’
OR J705191-8010
Diameter: 5” BELL
M451195-3602 Order No.


Broadcast: 360 Deg. 4” = 10.16 CM

Order No. 5” = 12.70 CM
11-11/16” = 29.69 CM
15’-3” = 4.65 M

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-5F1, p. 3
Ordering Guide: Complete Highway Ansaldo STS USA
Crossing Assemblies (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-06




PAGE 3 For any other ordering needs or
Order No. for 12’-18’ G-Arm - Contact your ASTS USA Account
X46740163 Order No. for Eng. Grade Executive
Order No. for 19’-23’G-Arm X438002-002 - Call 1-800-652-7276
X46740165 Order No. for Hi-Intensity - E-Mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
Order No. for 24’-29’ G-Arm (Includes 4” Reflective Backstripe)
X46740166 X438002-003
Order No. for 30’-32’ G-Arm
Light Source: LEDs
Lens Diameter: 12” AND
Order No. for 33’-40’ G-Arm
Background: 24” Aluminum
Figure 1 (Cont’d). Highway X46740169
Hood: Aluminum
Crossing Assembly with “TRACKS”
Order No.
Model 95 Gate Mechanism, ** Contact ASTS USA for other N46712711
Gate Arms and counterweight part numbers
Counterweight OR

HC-120B LED FLASHING Order No. for

LIGHTS: 1-WAY Engineering Grade, 2-Track
Order No.
Engineering Grade, 3-Track
Order No. for
High-Intensity, 2-Track
Order No. for 4” = 10.16 CM
High-Intensity, 3-Track 12” = 30.48 CM
Light Source: LEDs 24” = 60.96 CM
Lens Diameter: 12” X439064-003
12’ = 3.66 M
Background: 24” Aluminum 18’ = 5.49 M
Hood: Aluminum ** Includes mtg. hardware 19’ = 5.79 M
Order No. 23’ = 7.01 M
N46712713 24’ = 7.31 M
29’ = 8.84 M
* Also available: Flashing lights 30’ = 9.14 M
assemblies with plastic hoods 32’ = 9.75 M
and backgrounds, and light 33’ = 10.05 M
40’ = 12.19 M
units with incandescent lamps.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-5F1, p. 4
Ordering Guide: Complete Highway Crossing Assemblies Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-06
ORDER: Diameter: 4” For 4” Mast ORDER COMPLETE
Height: 13’6” Bolt Spacing:
Order No. 9-1/2” x 9-1/2”” For any other ordering needs or
M451394-5101 Order No. questions:
79685041 - Contact your ASTS USA Account
Order No. for Eng. Grade
- Call 1-800-652-7276
AND Order No. for Hi-Intensity - E-Mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
OR X392931-002

PINNACLE Light Unit Design: 2-Way

MAST FOR Light Source: LEDs AND
CONVERGING Mast Mtg: 4” Lens Diameter: 12”
Figure 2. Highway Crossing Order No.
ONLY J026111 N46711305
Assembly Without Gate
Mechanism/Arms Diameter: 4”
Height: 15’3”
1st Hole: @0 Deg.
2nd Hole: Field-Drilled HC-120B LED FLASHING Order No. for
MECHANICAL LIGHTS: 1- WAY** Engineering Grade, 2-Track
Order No. BELL
M451394-5103 X392929-001
Order No. for
Order No. High-Intensity, 2-Track
AND X392929-005

RODENT OR *** Includes mounting hardware

COVER PLATE Light Unit Design: 1-Way
Diameter: 4” Light Source: LEDs
ELECTRONIC Lens Diameter: 12”
Order No.
M451195-3601 BELL Order No.
Flashing Lights: N46711301
U-Bolt (1): M392791
Broadcast: 360 Deg.
Washers (2): J475120-0118
Order No. Nuts (2): J480212-0114

* Also available: Flashing

light units with 4” = 10.16 CM
incandescent lamps. 9-1/2” = 24.13 CM
Contact ASTS USA. 12” = 30.48 CM
** Includes mounting hardware 13’-6” = 41.48 M
for installation on 4” mast. 15’-3” = 46.48 M

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-5F1, p. 5
Switch Machines and Ansaldo STS USA
Associated Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09

Style “M” Electric Switch Machines

Configuration Guide
This Configuration Guide for Style “M”
switch summarizes the major features
of each machine or assembly, and also
gives the RSE catalog cross references
for more detailed information. As
shown by this guide, ASTS USA Style
“M” machine and equipment meet a
wide variety of application needs for
both railroad and rail mass transit
installations. If you are interested in a
new or special application of Style “M”
machines, contact your ASTS USA
Account Executive.

M-23E “A” Style Switch Machine – With ECC

• Electronic Circuit Controller (ECC)
• 4 vital proximity sensors
• “Full locking” in hand-throw mode
• 24/36 or 110 Vdc permanent magnet motor CIRCUIT GEAR MOTOR
• Motor cut-out proximity sensor
• Worm gear-based drive train and main-crank
• Gear ratios: 189:1, 360:1, 528:1
• Catalog reference: RSE-6A2, p. 1

M-23E “B” Style Switch Machine – With ECC

• Electronic Circuit Controller (ECC)
• 4 vital proximity sensors
• “Restrictive locking” in hand-throw mode

Motor cut-out proximity sensor CIRCUIT GEAR MOTOR
• 24/36 or 110 Vdc permanent magnet motor
• Worm gear-based drive train and main-crank
• Gear ratios: 189:1, 360:1, 528:1
• Catalog reference: RSE-6A2, p. 1

For additional information, contact www.ansaldo-sts.com

your ASTS USA Account Executive.
RSE-6A1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Style “M” Electric Switch Machines
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Configuration Guide
Rev. 3-09

M-3E Switch Machine – With ECC

• Electronic Circuit Controller (ECC)
• 4 vital proximity sensors
• “Full locking” in hand-throw mode

Motor cut-out proximity sensor CIRCUIT GEAR MOTOR
• 110 Vdc permanent magnet motor
• Worm gear-based drive train and main-crank
• Gear ratios: 189:1, 360:1, 528:1
• Catalog reference: RSE-6A2, p. 1

M-23A Switch Machine – With MCC

• Mechanical Circuit Controller (MCC)
• 3-wire or 5-wire control
• Powered or hand-crank operation
• “Full locking” in hand-throw mode
• Standard point detection MECHANICAL
• 20 or 110 Vdc permanent magnet motor CONTROLLER

• Worm gear-based drive train and main-crank

• Gear ratios: 189:1, 360:1, 528:1
• Throw-times: 4.5, 15.0 or 26.0 sec.
• Catalog reference: RSE-6A3, page 3.

M-23B Electric Switch Machine - With MCC

• Mechanical Circuit Controller (MCC)
• 2-wire and 3-wire control
• Powered or hand-crank operation
• No lock rod protection in hand-throw mode MECHANICAL

Standard point detection CONTROLLER BOX COMPARTMENT

20 or 110 Vdc permanent magnet motor
• Worm gear-based drive train and main-crank
• Gear ratios: 189:1, 360:1, 528:1
• Throw-times: 4.5, 15.0 or 26.0 sec.
• Catalog reference: RSE-6A3, page 3.

RSE-6A1, p. 2
Style “M” Electric Switch Machines Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Configuration Guide
Rev. 3-09
M-3 Switch Machine - With MCC
• Mechanical Circuit Controller (MCC)
• 3-wire and 5-wire control
• No built-in hand-crank option
• Emergency hand operation using removable crank MECHANICAL
• Standard point detection CIRCUIT
• 20 or 110 Vdc permanent magnet motor (MCC)

• Worm gear-based drive train and main-crank

• Gear ratios: 189:1, 360:1, 528:1
• Throw-times: 4.5, 8.0 or 26.0 sec.
• Catalog reference: RSE-6A3, page 10.

M-23A Electric Switch Machine – With ECC & MCU

• Electronic Circuit Controller (ECC)
• Motor Control Unit (MCU)
• 2-wire control
• Powered or hand-crank operation
• “Full locking” in hand-throw mode ECC

Standard point detection
• 20 or 110 Vdc permanent magnet motor
• Worm gear-based drive train and main-crank
• Gear ratios: 189:1, 360:1, 528:1

• Throw times: 4.5, 8.0, 15.0 or 26/34 sec.

• Catalog reference: RSE-6A3, page 7.

M-23B Electric Switch Machine – With ECC & MCU

• Electronic Circuit Controller (ECC)
• Motor Control Unit (MCU)
• 2-wire control
• Powered or hand-crank operation
• No lock rod protection in hand-throw mode ECC

Standard point detection
• 20 or 110 Vdc permanent magnet motor
• Worm gear-based drive train and main-crank

Throw times: 4.5, 8.0, 15.0 or 26/34 sec. MOTOR CONTROL UNIT

• Gear ratios: 189:1, 528:1

• Catalog reference: RSE-6A3, page 7.

RSE-6A1, p. 3
Ansaldo STS USA Style “M” Electric Switch Machines
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Configuration Guide
Rev. 3-09
M-3 Switch Machine – With ECC & EBNC
• Electronic Circuit Controller (ECC)
• Electronic Biased Neutral Controller (EBNC)
• 2-wire control
• No built-in hand-crank option
• Emergency hand operation using removable crank AND
• Standard point detection
• 20 or 110 Vdc permanent magnet motor
• Worm gear-based drive train and main-crank
• Gear ratios: 189:1, 360:1, 528:1 AND
• Throw times: 4.5 or 8.0 sec.
• Catalog reference: RSE-6A3, page 13.

M-23A Switch Machine – With Independent

Point Detection
• Mechanical Circuit Controller
• 3-wire control
• Powered or hand-crank operation
• “Full locking” in hand-throw mode MCC

Independent point detection POINT BOX COMPARTMENT

20 or 110 Vdc permanent magnet motor
• Worm gear-based drive train and main-crank
• Gear ratios: 189:1, 360:1, 528:1
• Throw-time: 5.0 sec.
• Catalog reference: RSE-6A3, page 9.

M-23B Switch Machine - With Independent

Point Detection
• Mechanical Circuit Controller
• 23-wire control
• Powered or hand-crank operation
• No lock rod protection in hand-throw mode MCC

Independent point detection POINT BOX COMPARTMENT

20 or 110 Vdc permanent magnet motor
• Worm gear-based drive train and main-crank
• Gear ratios: 189:1, 360:1, 528:1
• Throw-time: 5.0 sec.
• Catalog reference: RSE-6A3, page 9.

RSE-6A1, p. 4
Style “M” Electric Switch Machines Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Configuration Guide
Rev. 3-09
M-3 Switch Machine - With Independent Point
• Mechanical Circuit Controller
• 3-wire control
• No built-in hand-crank option
• Emergency hand operation using removable crank
• Independent point detection (INDEPENDENT GEAR
• 20 or 110 Vdc permanent magnet motor
• Worm gear-based drive train and main-crank
• Throw-time: 3.0 sec.
• Gear ratios: 189:1, 360:1, 528:1
• Catalog reference: RSE-6A3, page 14.

Low-Profile M-3 Switch Machine - With MCC

• Mechanical Circuit Controller (MCC)
• 3-wire control
• No built-in hand-crank option
• Emergency hand operation using removable crank MECHANICAL
• Standard point detection
• 110 Vdc permanent magnet motor (MCC)

• Worm gear-based drive train and main-crank

• Gear ratio: 189:1
• Throw-time: 5.0 sec.
• Catalog reference: RSE-6A3, page 15.

RSE-6A1, p. 5
RSE-6A1, p. 6
Switch Machines and Ansaldo STS USA
Associated Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09

M-3E and M-23E Electric Switch Machines

(With Integral Electronic Circuit Controller)
ASTS USA’s new M-3E and M-23E™ Electric
Switch Machines achieve a new level of efficiency
in switch-machine operation. Featuring the
revolutionary ECC™ Electronic Circuit Controller,
the patented M-3E and M-23E are designed with
input from ASTS USA customers to dramatically
reduce the installation, maintenance and
adjustment time and activities traditionally
associated with switch machines. An optional
predictive-maintenance feature also helps
eliminate the operational headaches that result
from switch-machine failures.

General Description: M-23E

The M-23E is the next generation “M-style” switch The ECC utilizes inductive proximity sensors to
machines from ASTS USA. It utilizes the basic ASTS continuously monitor switch-machine conditions. It
USA M-style machine drive-train designs, which have vitally monitors the position of the switch points and
been proven to provide years of reliable service. The the internal locking mechanism, delivering switch-
M-23E is equipped with a solid-state Electronic Circuit machine indications to the wayside.
Controller and incorporates simple, modular
construction that requires a low degree of The ECC’s advanced diagnostics system analyzes
maintenance. All serviceable parts of the M-23E can both local machine status and adjacent switch-
be maintained with one tool (a ratchet with a 3/4” machine indication circuitry. The unit also can be
socket and 10” extension). The M-23E features many equipped with an optional auxiliary switch-point
other design improvements over its predecessors, detection system that monitors switch-point position to
including a significantly lower vertical profile, a tighter tolerance, reporting marginal switch-machine
integrated latch-stand assemblies, local/remote performance to the wayside and predicting failures
control capability, self-lubricating bearings, and inter- before they occur.
changeability with other switch machines. They are
available in both “full lock” and “restrictive lock” ECC Unit
manual-operation modes, and both versions are
equipped with a hand-crank feature (M-3E available
with hand crank only, no hand throw). The M-23E is
available with either a 24/36 Vdc or 110 Vdc
permanent magnet motor, with increased horsepower
capability for optimum performance.
A key component of the M-23E is its new Electronic
Circuit Controller, a microprocessor-based unit that
can be used as a “drop-in” replacement for the
mechanical circuit controller in all ASTS USA M-style
switch machines. A true linear detection device with
no moving mechanical parts to maintain, the ECC
circuit-controller eliminates sensitivity degradation due
to component wear.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-6A2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA M-3E and M-23E Electric Switch Machines
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal) (With Integral Electronic Circuit Controller)
Rev. 3-09




Advantages: M-23E • Simple set-up and adjustment of point-detection

• Meets or exceeds all applicable AREMA system reduces adjustment time by more than 60
standards. percent.
• Modular, low-profile mechanical design based on • Advanced LED diagnostics provide information on
original, history-proven M-3/M-23 drive train. state of local and adjacent switch machines.
• Reduced size and low profile facilitate flexible • LED diagnostics lead maintenance personnel
installation options, without requiring tie-cutting. directly to problem without use of a multimeter or
• Dual control that provides both a hand-throw lever similar device.
and hand crank for manual operation. • Available with optional auxiliary point-detection
• Available in both “A” (full lock) and “B” (restrictive system that reports marginal switch-machine
operation in advance of failure.
lock) manual-operation modes.
• Integrated latch stands. • Predictive-maintenance feature can reduce
operational costs associated with train delays
• Ergonomically designed hand-throw lever. resulting from switch machine malfunctions.
• Lower profile than equivalent all-mechanical “M” • Local/remote switch control. capability.
series machines.
• Electronic latch-out feature that can be restored
• Field conversion from right-hand to left-hand layout manually or automatically and cannot be restored
(and vice versa) in less than 30 minutes. in “manual” operation mode by moving hand-throw
• Only one tool required for all maintenance and lever.
repair. • 24/3 Vdc and 110 Vdc motor-control options
• No mechanical moving circuit-controller parts to capable of producing up to 50 percent more output
deteriorate or maintain. thrust.
• No mechanical contacts or sealed switches.
• ECC can detect all possible states of proximity
sensors: on, off, shorted or open.

RSE-6A2, p. 2
M-3E and M-23E Electric Switch Machines Ansaldo STS USA
(With Integral Electronic Circuit Controller) (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

Application: M-23E Specifications: M-23E

The M-23E can be configured for installation in Dimensions: M-23E: 9-5/8”H x 33”W* x
existing ASTS USA M-style switch-machine 65”D (24.45 cm x 83.82 cm x
locations, as well as applications where other 165.10 cm)
manufacturers’ machines have been used. Their
low profile minimizes the need to dap (cut) switch *With snow covers
ties. The M-23E easily can be configured to Weight: 920 lbs. (417.3 kg)
operate on 2-, 3- and 5-wire control systems.
Mounting-lug insert plates make the machine Mounting Footprint: Configurable to mount in most
adaptable to ASTS USA and Alstom switch- mainline switch-machine
machine footprints. applications.
The ECC operates on continuous battery power Application: Field-configurable for right-hand
ranging from 10 to 16 Vdc. Up to three machines and left-hand applications.
can be series-connected for indication-circuit Motor Options: 24/36 Vdc and 110 Vdc
operation. Switch indication circuits can be operation, 2-wire control.
configured for either 2-wire bi-polar or 4-wire
applications. Advanced LED diagnostics provide Gear-Ratio Options: 189:1, 360:1 and 528:1
information on the state of each vital sensor and
Latch-Out Options: Manual restoration, automatic
indicate the presence of switch-indication power
restoration and disable.
from an adjacent machine. LED diagnostics also
are provided for indication output from the Op. Temp. Range: -40oC to +70oC (-40oF to
machine, motor-power availability and the latch-out +158oF)
ECC Input Voltage: 10 to 16 Vdc.
The optional auxiliary point-detection system
generates an output that can provide advance Indica. Output Voltage: 12 Vdc nominal.
notice to warn maintenance personnel of marginal Bi-Polar Aux. Output: 12 Vdc nominal.
switch-machine operation. The sensing threshold
of each auxiliary sensor is offset from the vital I/O Connections: Wago terminals mounted on DIN
point detector sensors by 1/8” (3.175 mm) to rail; AREMA binding posts for
detect switch-point displacement before the vital motor-power terminations.
sensors indicate point-detector bar movement.
With the auxiliary system, switch-point
displacement caused by debris build-up or
expansion and contraction of the rail can be
detected before a switch failure occurs.
Ordering Information: M-23E Configuration Guide: M-23E
• Refer to ordering tabulation for M-23E Electric Switch A (Ref. not used in this catalog edition)
Machine part numbers. B Includes 15W/115V motor heater
• Check the “Configuration Guide” below for machine C (Ref. not used in this catalog edition)
design options. D (Ref. not used in this catalog edition)
• Refer to RSE-6A5 for M-23E ECC Portable Test Unit E Includes local/remote control feature
ordering information. F Includes auxiliary point detector feature
• Refer to RSE-6J1 for tools to service the mechanical G (Ref. not used in this catalog edition)
portion of the M-23E machines. H Mounting lug insert plates for 7/8” fasteners
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9428 for I (Ref. not used in this catalog edition)
M-23E replacement parts. J Includes 15W-115/230V motor heaters
K Aluminum paint
L Black paint

RSE-6A2, p. 3
Ansaldo STS USA M-3E and M-23E Electric Switch Machines
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal) (With Integral Electronic Circuit Controller)
Rev. 3-09

M-23E "A" Style Machines (1)

110V 110V 36-20V 36-20V Aux. Point
189:1 360:1 360:1 528:1 Point Det. Pox. Options
Order No. Layout (2) (2) (2) (2) Det. Bar Sensors (3)
N42255101 Left-Hand X -- -- -- Threaded X B, H
N42255102 Right-Hand X -- -- -- Threaded X B, H
N42255107 Left-Hand -- -- -- X Threaded -- H, J, K
N42255108 Right-Hand -- -- -- X Threaded -- H, J, K
N42255113 Left-Hand -- -- X -- Clevis X E, H, L
N42255114 Right-Hand -- -- X -- Clevis X E, H, L
N42255115 Left-Hand -- -- -- X Threaded X E, F, H, L
N42255116 Right-Hand -- -- -- X Threaded X E, F, H, L
N42255117 Left-Hand -- -- -- X Threaded -- H, L
N42255118 Right-Hand -- -- -- X Threaded -- H, L
N42255119 Left-Hand X -- -- -- Threaded X B, E, F, H, K
N42255120 Right-Hand X -- -- -- Threaded X B, E, F, H, K
N42255121 Left-Hand -- -- -- X Threaded X E, F, H, J, K
N42255122 Right-Hand -- -- -- X Threaded X E, F, H, J, K
Note (1): Hand-throw lever gives same mech. stroke and full lock-rod protection
as power-operated mode (see Note (1) of "B" Style tab. below.
Note (2): Motor/gear ratio combination.
Note (3): Refer to configuration guide for options.

M-23E "B" Style Machines (1)

110V 110V 36-20V 36-20V Aux. Point
189:1 360:1 360:1 528:1 Point Det. Pox. Options
Order No. Layout (2) (2) (2) (2) Det. Bar Sensors (3)
N42255207 Left-Hand -- -- -- X Threaded -- H, J, K
N42255208 Right-Hand -- -- -- X Threaded -- H, J, K
N42255209 Left-Hand X -- -- -- Clevis X B, E, F, H
N42255210 Right-Hand X -- -- -- Clevis X B, E, F, H
N42255217 Left-Hand -- -- -- X Threaded X E, F, H, J, K
N42255218 Right-Hand -- -- -- X Threaded X E, F, H, J, K
Note (1): Hand-throw lever does not provide lock rod protection;
slide bar and lock box do not move full stroke.
Note (2): Motor/gear ratio combination.
Note (3): Refer to configuration guide for options.

RSE-6A2, p. 4
M-3E and M-23E Electric Switch Machines Ansaldo STS USA
(With Integral Electronic Circuit Controller) (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09
General CRANK
Switch Machine



Basic Machine predict switch failure. These auxiliary sensors are

The M-3E is a next generation “M” style switch preset to detect the linear position of the switch points
machine developed by ASTS USA. It’s incorporates a 1/8” (3.175 mm) offset from the normal switch
state-of-the-art Electronic Circuit Controller (ECC); obstruction gauge dimension, typically 1/4” or 3/8”
simple, mechanical, modular construction; and a (0.63 cm or 0.95 cm).
lower level of required maintenance. In addition, all The M-3E ECC proximity sensor system is a true
serviceable parts of the M-3E can be maintained with linear detection device with no moving parts to wear
a single tool (a 3/8” or 1/2” drive ratchet with a 1” long, out. This system requires no adjustment of the point
3/4” socket, and a 10” extension). detector bar but, using linear slides, provides internal
The M-3E provides “full locking” in the hand-crank adjustment capability of the vital point detection
mode. It utilizes the same basic drive train design as proximity sensors with respect to the point detector
all other “M” style machines. (This design has barassembly. The Captive Point Detection System
provided many years of reliable service.) The (CPDS) provides a captive point detector bar and
machine is presently equipped with a 110 Vdc target combination that accurately reports the true
permanent magnet motor, and incorporates many displacement of the switch points. Linear slide
design improvements over the previous “M-3” style assemblies provide simple and dependable proximity
machine. These include a significantly lower vertical sensor adjustment with respect to the ferrous metal
profile (9-3/4” (24.7 cm) overall height), an optional target.
local/remote control capability, self-lubricating The ECC provides advanced diagnostics for
bearings, and direct interchangeability with non-ASTS identifying the current state of the machine and the
USA mechanisms. indication state of an adjacent (daisy-chained)
machine. Diagnostics verify the delivery of indication
power and auxiliary indication power to the wayside,
ECC as well as provide information on motor power
The M-23E’s ECC is a microprocessor-based availability and the state of the latch-out function.
controller that monitors the state of four vital point There are no mechanical contacts within the M-3E.
detection proximity sensors and can identify each All indication and motor circuits are controlled with
possible sensor state (on, off, shorted, or open). The solid-state equipment. Motor cutout during manual
ECC uses two of the four vital point detection operation is achieved with one proximity sensor to
proximity sensors to detect the position of the switch indicate the position of the hand crank cover access
points (normal or reverse) and two to detect that the door (actuated when the hand-crank cover door is
machine is fully locked (normal or reverse). In opened).
addition to the vital point detection proximity sensors,
the ECC provides two auxiliary sensors which are
used to

RSE-6A2, p. 5
Ansaldo STS USA M-3E and M-23E Electric Switch Machines
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal) (With Integral Electronic Circuit Controller)
Rev. 3-09

Advantages: M3E Ordering Information – M-3E

• Incorporates latest in ECC technology • Refer to ordering tabulation for presently available
M-3E switch machines.
• Retains rugged, modular mechanical design of
predecessors • Check the “Configuration Guide” below for
machine design options.
• Serviceable parts maintained with a single tool
• Refer to RSE-6A5 for M-23E ECC Portable Test
• Low vertical profile Unit ordering information.
• Local or remote control option • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9194 for
• Self-lubricating bearings
replacement parts and additional technical
• Direct interchangeability with non-ASTS USA
• For special M-3E configurations/applications not
shown in this catalog section, contact your ASTS
USA Account Executive.
Specifications: M-3E
Motor Voltage/Control: 110 Vdc, 2-wire control
Configuration Guide – M-3E
Gear Ratio: 189:1
A (Ref. not used in this catalog edition)
Hand Crank: 33 rotations to produce one
B 15W, 115V motor heater
complete point move
C Lock rod openings closed
Mounting Footprint: Configurable to mount in
most mainline switch- D (Ref. not used in this catalog edition)
machine applications. E Equipped with local/remote control feature
Application: Field-configurable for right- F Equipped with auxiliary point detector feature
hand and left-hand
G Mounting lug insert plates for 1” fasteners
H-K (Ref. not used in this catalog edition)
Operating Temp. Range: --40oC to +70oC (-40oF to
+158oF) L Black paint scheme
ECC Input Voltage: 10 to 16 Vdc. M Equipped with surge suppressor
Indication Output Volt.: 12 Vdc nominal.
Bi-Polar Auxiliary Output: 12 Vdc nominal.
I/O Connections: Wago terminals mounted
on DIN rail; AREMA binding
posts for motor-power

M-3E Style Machines

Aux. Point Junction Box
Point Det. Pox. LHPC / RHPC
Order No. Layout Det. Bar Sensors Jumper Pos. Options Notes
N42255001 Left-Hand Clevis X LHPC B, C, E, F, G, L, M (1), (2)
N42255002 Right-Hand Clevis X RHPC B, C, E, F, G, L, M (1), (2)
Note (1): Configured for near point indication
Note (2): Junction box latch out jumper position: Automatic

RSE-6A2, p. 6
Switch Machines and Ansaldo STS USA
Associated Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
M-23A, M-23B, M-3 and Low-Profile M-3
Electric Switch Machines
ASTS USA’s style “M” Electric Switch Machines are
rugged, reliable, units designed for any installation
where electric power is available. The M-23A and M-23B
units have dual control features, including a hand-throw
lever to permit operation by on-site trainmen or
maintainers, as well as by remote controlled power.
The standard and Low-Profile M-3 Switch Machines are
recommended for applications where there is seldom a
need to manually operate the switch. These three
machines are available with a variety of operating
speeds, gear ratios and motor voltages. Numerous
circuit controller configurations are also available, both
mechanical and electronic.

Table of Contents General Description (cont’d)

General Description ........................................................... 1
M-23A and M-23B Machines with MCC* ............................ 3
• M-3 with:
‐ Mechanical circuit controller for general installations.
M-23A and M-23B Machines with ECC* and MCU* ........... 7
‐ ECC and Electronic Biased Neutral Controller
M-23A and M-23B Machines with IPD* .............................. 9
M-3 Switch Machine with MCC* ....................................... 10
‐ With independent point detection
M-3 Machines with ECC and EBNC*................................ 13
‐ Without independent point detection
M-3 Machines with IPD* ................................................... 14
Low-Profile M-3 Machines................................................ 15 • Low-Profile M-3 with:
* MCC = Mechanical Circuit Controller ‐ Mechanical circuit controller.
ECC = Electronic Circuit Controller ‐ Without independent point detection
MCU = Motor Control Unit Refer to the ordering tabulations to determine which of the
IPD = Inpendent Point Detection above options are available in which combinations, or are
EBNC = Electronic Biased Neutral Controller stand-alone options.

General Description Basic Design

Key Options Style “M” Electric Switch Machines consist of a motor, a
gear train, a cam arrangement (for operating the switch and
Style “M” Electric Switch Machines are available with a locking) and a circuit controller. All of these machines use
numerous features and options to suit customer needs. the same basic casting, and are interchangeable with
These include various operating voltages, gear ratios, throw respect to mounting and connections in a switch layout.
times and control wiring schemes as shown in the ordering However, the M-23A and M-23B machines require a
tabulations. Basic differences include the following: somewhat higher clearance than the standard M-3 or Low
• M-23A and M-23B with:
Profile M-3. Both models of the M-3 Switch Machine can be
operated by hand by inserting a temporary crank.
‐ Mechanical circuit controller. For installations where extra vertical clearance is needed,
‐ Electronic Circuit Controller (ECC) and Motor Control the Low Profile M-3 Electric Switch Machine is
Unit (MCU) recommended. This machine is similar to the standard M-3
‐ With independent point detection in design and operation, but is 5/8-inch (1.58 cm) lower in
vertical dimension. This small but important height reduction
‐ Without independent point detection makes the Low Profile M-3 ideal for third-rail transit
applications where additional clearance is needed for the
vehicle pick-up shoe. The point detector bar can be

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-6A3, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA M-23A, M-23B, M-3 and Low-Profile
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
M-3 Electric Switch Machines
Rev. 3-09

General Description (cont’d) ECC+EBNC or ECC+MCU

vertically lifted from the machine, allowing easy handling in ASTS USA offers models of its standard M-3, M-23A and M-
tight confines. Left and right-hand versions of this machines 23B switch machines outfitted with an Electronic Circuit
are available, each with a single operating voltage, gear Controller (ECC), in conjunction with an Electronic Biased
ratio and wire control scheme. Neutral Controller (EBNC) or Motor Control Unit (MCU). A
The M-23A uses a different hand-throw pinion than the M- true linear detection device with no moving mechanical parts
23B, which affects hand-throw locking. Power operation is to maintain, the ECC eliminates circuit-controller sensitivity
the same with both machines. In the M-23A, the hand throw degradation due to component wear. The ECC utilizes
lever gives the same mechanism stroke and full lock rod inductive proximity sensors to continuously monitor switch-
protection as the power operated mode. In the M-23B, machine conditions. It vitally monitors the position of the
however, the lever does not provide lock-rod protection switch points and the internal locking mechanism, delivering
(slide bar and lock box do not move full stroke). switch-machine indications to the wayside. For more
information on this device, refer to RSE-6F3.
All “M” style machines are wired at the factory, with internal
wiring connected to a main terminal board in the motor ASTS USA can also add the ECC unit into existing
compartment. A typical wiring diagram or working drawing is machines returned to the factory for refurbishment; refer to
enclosed with each shipped machine to show how external the RSE catalog introduction for more information on this
connections should be made to the main terminal board for service, or contact your ASTS USA Account Executive.
a particular application. The EBNC is used in the M-3 machines with ECC to enable
direct control of the switch machine using a bipolar output of
a vital logic controller such as the MicroLok® II or the
Motor and Gear Train MicroLok® Object Controller. In an EBNC-equipped
ASTS USA “M” Electric Switch Machines use a fully machine, the motor power is fed from a fixed polarity source
enclosed, permanent magnet motor. This type of motor (direction determined by the EBNC). In the M-23A and M-
provides lower inductance, better EMI immunity and higher 23B machines with an MCU, motor power is fed from a
efficiency than previous field wound motors, and bipolar source (direction determined by the wayside control
incorporates simpler 3-wire control. (Permanent magnet equipment). The M-3’s EBNC includes a motor overload
motors are also available for retrofitting older models of protection function. Overload protection for the M-23A/B’s
these switch machines; see RSE-6A4.) MCU is provided by the wayside control equipment. Existing
The gear train in the “M” style Switch Machines is comprised installations using 3- or 5-wire control are converted to 2-
of a pinion on the end of the motor shaft, one or two wire control when installing an M-3 ECC/EBNC or M-23A/B
reduction gears, clutch gear, friction clutch, worm shaft and ECC/MCU machine.
worm gear. Three different gear ratios are used to provide
three operating speeds: 189:1, 360:1 and 528:1. The Low Independent Point Detection (IDP)
Profile M-3 incorporates the same basic gear train concept
as the other style “M” machines, and is provided with a Selected models of the M-3, M-23A and M-23B switch
single gear ratio of 189:1. In all style “M” machines, a machines (with mechanical circuit controller) are equipped to
friction clutch protects the mechanism from the shock provide independent point detection. With this feature, the
incurred at the end of a stroke, or when an obstruction is point detection mechanism senses the position of the near
present. For complete motor and gear train specifications, and far switch machine points independently to ensure that
refer to the ordering tabulations. both are in the proper relative positions to each other and
the rails. Thus, any mounting problems or unwanted slack
in the connecting rod between the points are detected. (In
Mechanical Circuit Controller other switch machines, only the nearest switch point
The mechanical Circuit Controller used in the style “M” movement is monitored).
switch machines has four pairs of contacts. Two motor
control contacts are wired internally. The remaining are M-3 Machines for Replacement of Alstom Machines with 2-
indication contacts for external switch position Wire Control
determination. To allow standardized wiring, provision is
made to always have certain contacts set as normal, Four versions of the M-3 Switch Machine with mechanical
regardless of which end of the operating stroke is circuit controller can be used to replace selected Alstom with
designated as normal. 2-wire control. Refer to ordering tabulation on page 12 for
specific part numbers. Contact your ASTS USA Account
Machines equipped with an mechanical circuit controller Executive or request Service Manual SM-6263 for additional
include a point detector with latch device. A latchout kit is information.
available for the point detector mechanism (see RSE-6A4).
Components in this kit enable the circuit controller indication
contacts to be held open (until reset) when the point detector
bar is displaced while the machine is in locked-up condition
(i.e. switch points obstruction).

RSE-6A3, p. 2
M-23A, M-23B, M-3 and Low-Profile Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
M-3 Electric Switch Machines
Rev. 3-09
M-23A and M-23B Machines with Mechanical Circuit Controller: Specifications and Ordering Information
Ordering Information (cont’d)

• Refer to RSE-6A4 for the following support equipment:

‐ Permanent magnet retrofit motor kits for old style M-
23A and M-23B machines.
‐ Latchout kit.
‐ Latch stand.
‐ Point detector bars
‐ Lock rods and lock connecting rods
• Refer to RSE-6F3 to order retrofit Electronic Circuit
Controller (ECC) for style “M” machines with mechanical
circuit controllers.
• Refer to RSE-6F4 to order retrofit Electronic Biased
Neutral Controller (EBNC) for M-23A and M-23B switch
• Refer to RSE-6J1 for tools (switch layout and shop
maintenance) used to maintain style “M” machines.
• If ordering M-23A or M-23B machines for a new switch
layout, please supply all required specifications, and
mounting dimensions according to approved track plans
Specifications (contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for any
Weight: 860 lbs. (390 kg) assistance needed).
Dimen. (Overall): 63.5” L x 33” W x 14” H (161.3 cm
L x 83.8 cm W x 35.6 cm H)
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6263 for M-23A
and M-23B switch machine replacement parts.
Motor Type: Fully enclosed perm. magnet type
Motor Voltages: 20 Vdc or 110 Vdc (see tabs.) Configuration Guide for M-23A and M-23B Switch Machines
Motor RPM: 500 RPM for 528:1 geared mach. with Mechanical Circuit Controller
650 RPM for 360:1 geared mach. A 15W, 230V Heater in Circuit Controller
1450 RPM for 189:1 geared mach.
B 15W, 230V Heater for Motor
Operating Times*: 4.5, 15.0, or 26.0 sec. (see tabs.)
C 15W, 115V Heater in Circuit Controller
(*Per AREMA standards. Times will
vary depending upon actual operating
conditions.) D 15W, 115V Heater for Motor
Clutch Settings: 14A for 189:1 geared machines E 15W, 115/230V Heater in Circuit Controller
23A for 360:1 geared machines
F 15W, 115/230V Heater for Motor
12A for 528:1 geared machines
G 15W, 24V Heater in Circuit Controller
Control Ckt. Wiring: 3-wire or 5-wire (see ordering tabs.)
Ordering Information H 15W, 24V Heater for Motor
J Lock Rod Openings Closed
• To order M-23A or M-23B switch machines with K Provided without Main Terminal Board
mechanical circuit controllers:
L Uses Harness N320067 (Flag Type Terminals)
‐ Refer to “Configuration Guide” on page 4. Guide
M Uses Harness N320069 (Flag Type Terminals)
gives all available design and operating options,
each denotes with a letter. N Uses Circuit Controller without Point. Detector
‐ Go to ordering tabs. and select desired options.
O Clutch Set at 14 Amperes
‐ Also select machine according to desired motor
P Clutch Set at 10 Amperes
voltage, operating speed and gear ratio.
Q Assembled without Latch for Retaining
Machine in the Off-Power Position when Hand
Crank Cover is Open
(continued on next page.)

RSE-6A3, p. 3
Ansaldo STS USA M-23A, M-23B, M-3 and Low-Profile
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
M-3 Electric Switch Machines
Rev. 3-09

M-23A and M-23B Machines with Mechanical Circuit Controller: Specifications and Ordering Information
Configuration Guide for M-23A and M-23B Switch Machines U (M23A) Includes 1 Can of Lubricant
with Mechanical Circuit Controller V (Not applicable to M-23A and M-23B
R (Not applicable to M-23A and M-23B machines.)
machines.) V (M23A) Heater On/Off Switch in Motor Compartment
R (M23A) Ventilators Furnished in the Circuit Controller W (Not applicable to M-23A and M-23B
Compartment machines.)
R (M23B) With (1) Can Of Lubricant. W (M23A) Short Circuiting Strip (Shunt Bar) Installed
S (Not applicable to M-23A and M-23B X (Not applicable to M-23A and M-23B
machines.) machines.)
S (M23A) Telephone Jack in Circuit Controller X (M23A) Wiring Harness Is Suitable for 3 or 5 Wire
Compartment Control
T 15w, 115v Heater for Motor. Y (M23A) Circuit Controller without Self-Restoring
U (Not applicable to M-23A and M-23B Latchout Block

M-23A Switch Machines with Mechanical Circuit Controller

Motor Gear Speed Control
Order No. Layout Options (Vdc) Ratio (Sec.) Circuit Wiring
N451160-0501 Left-Hand -- 20 360:1 15.0 5-Wire
N451160-0502 Right-Hand -- 20 360:1 15.0 5-Wire
N451160-0503 Right-Hand -- 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0504 Right-Hand K, O, U 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N451160-0505 Left-Hand K, O, U 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N451160-0506 Left-Hand -- 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0507 Right-Hand -- 20 360:1 15.0 5-Wire
N451160-0508 Left-Hand -- 20 360:1 15.0 5-Wire
N451160-0509 Left-Hand C, D 20 360:1 15.0 5-Wire
N451160-0510 Right-Hand C, D 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0511 Left-Hand C, D 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0512 Right-Hand N 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0513 Left-Hand N 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0514 Right-Hand U 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0515 Right-Hand A, B 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0516 Left-Hand A, B 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0517 Left-Hand -- 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0518 Right-Hand -- 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0519 Left-Hand R 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0520 Right-Hand R 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0521 Right-Hand C, D, R 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0522 Left-Hand C, D, R 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0523 Right-Hand C, D, S, T 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0524 Left-Hand C, D, S, T 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0525 Right-Hand G, H, S 20 360:1 15.0 5-Wire
N451160-0526 Left-Hand G, H, S 20 360:1 15.0 5-Wire
N451160-0527 Right-Hand C, D, V 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0528 Left-Hand C, D, V 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0529 Right-Hand C, D, S, T 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0530 Left-Hand C, D, S, T 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0531 Right-Hand G, H, S 20 360:1 15.0 3-Wire
N451160-0532 Left-Hand G, H, S 20 360:1 15.0 3-Wire
N451160-0533 Right-Hand N 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0534 Left-Hand N 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0535 Right-Hand O, R 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0536 Left-Hand O, R 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire

(Tabulation continued on following page.)

RSE-6A3, p. 4
M-23A, M-23B, M-3 and Low-Profile Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
M-3 Electric Switch Machines
Rev. 3-09
M-23A and M-23B Machines with Mechanical Circuit Controller: Specifications and Ordering Information

(Tabulation continued from previous page.)

M-23A Switch Machines with Mechanical Circuit Controller

Motor Gear Speed Control
Order No. Layout Options (Vdc) Ratio (Sec.) Circuit Wiring
N451160-0537 Right-Hand N, W 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N451160-0538 Left-Hand N, W 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N451160-0539 Left-Hand G, H 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0540 Right-Hand G, H 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0541 Right-Hand G, H 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0542 Left-Hand G, H 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0543 Left-Hand U 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0544 Left-Hand N, W 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0545 Right-Hand N, W 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-1201 Right-Hand C, D, J 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-1202 Left-Hand C, D, J 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-1203 Left-Hand -- 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-1204 Right-Hand C, D 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-1205 Left-Hand C, D 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-1206 Right-Hand C, D 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N451160-1207 Left-Hand C, D 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N451160-1208 Left-Hand -- 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-1209 Left-Hand N, W 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-1210 Right-Hand N, W 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-1211 Left-Hand C, D, V 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-1212 Right-Hand C, D, V 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-1213 Right-Hand E, Q, W 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N451160-1214 Left-Hand E, Q, W 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N451160-1215 Right-Hand C, D 110 360:1 8.0 3-Wire
N451160-1216 Left-Hand C, D 110 360:1 8.0 3-Wire
N451160-1217 Right-Hand W, X, Y 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N451160-1218 Left-Hand W, X, Y 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N451160-1219 Right-Hand C, D, X 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-1220 Left-Hand C, D, X 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-1221 Left-Hand C, D 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-1222 Right-Hand C, D 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-1223 Left-Hand -- 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N451160-1224 Right-Hand -- 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N41600101 Right-Hand S, T, W, X 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N41600102 Left-Hand S, T, W, X 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N41600103 Left-Hand K, N 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N41600104 Right-Hand K, N 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire

RSE-6A3, p. 5
Ansaldo STS USA M-23A, M-23B, M-3 and Low-Profile
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
M-3 Electric Switch Machines
Rev. 3-09
M-23A and M-23B Machines with Mechanical Circuit Controller: Specifications and Ordering Information

M-23B Switch Machines with Mechanical Circuit Controller

Motor Gear Speed Control
Order No. Layout Options (Vdc) Ratio (Sec.) Circuit Wiring
N451160-0601 Right-Hand E, F 20 360:1 15.0 5-Wire
N451160-0602 Left-Hand E, F 20 360:1 15.0 5-Wire
N451160-0603 Left-Hand -- 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0604 Right-Hand -- 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0605 Right-Hand -- 20 360:1 15.0 5-Wire
N451160-0606 Left-Hand -- 20 360:1 15.0 5-Wire
N451160-0607 Left-Hand C, D 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0608 Right-Hand C, D 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0609 Left-Hand -- 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0610 Right-Hand -- 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0611 Right-Hand C, D 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0612 Left-Hand C, D 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0613 Right-Hand C, M 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0614 Left-Hand G, H 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0615 Right-Hand G, H 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0616 Left-Hand C, M 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0617 Left-Hand C, D 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0618 Left-Hand C, D 20 360:1 15.0 5-Wire
N451160-0619 Left-Hand G, H 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0620 Right-Hand G, H 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0621 Right-Hand G, H 20 360:1 15.0 5-Wire
N451160-0622 Left-Hand G, H 20 360:1 15.0 5-Wire
N451160-0623 Right-Hand N 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0624 Left-Hand N 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0625 Left-Hand -- 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0626 Right-Hand -- 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0627 Right-Hand C, D 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0628 Left-Hand C, D 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0629 Left-Hand G, H 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0630 Right-Hand G, H 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0631 Left-Hand G, H 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0632 Right-Hand G, H 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0633 Right-Hand C, D 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N451160-0634 Left-Hand C, D 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N451160-0635 Left-Hand C, D 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0636 Right-Hand C, D 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0637 Left-Hand E, F 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0638 Right-Hand E, F 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0639 Right-Hand C, D 20 360:1 15.0 3-Wire
N451160-0640 Left-Hand C, D 20 360:1 15.0 3-Wire
N451160-0641 Left-Hand E, F 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N451160-0642 Right-Hand E, F 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N451160-0643 Left-Hand E, F 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0644 Right-Hand E, F 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0645 Left-Hand E, F 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N451160-0646 Right-Hand E, F 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N451160-0647 Left-Hand K, O, R 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N451160-0648 Right-Hand K, O, R 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N451160-0649 Left-Hand C, D, K, N, O, R 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0650 Right-Hand C, D, K, N, O, R 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0651 Left-Hand G, H 20 360:1 15.0 3-Wire
N451160-0652 Right-Hand G, H 20 360:1 15.0 3-Wire
N451160-0653 Left-Hand C, D 110 360:1 8.0 3-Wire
N451160-0654 Right-Hand C, D 110 360:1 8.0 3-Wire
N41600201 Right-Hand R, S, T, W 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N41600202 Left-Hand R, S, T, W 20 528:1 26.0 3-Wire
N41600203 Right-Hand R, S, T, W 20 360:1 15.0 3-Wire
N41600204 Left-Hand R, S, T, W 20 360:1 15.0 3-Wire

RSE-6A3, p. 6
M-23A, M-23B, M-3 and Low-Profile Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
M-3 Electric Switch Machines
Rev. 3-09
M-23A and M-23B Machines with ECC and MCU: Specifications and Ordering Information

Specifications Ordering Information (cont’d)

Weight: 860 lbs. (390 kg) ‐ Also select machine according to desired motor
Dimen. (Overall): 63.5” L x 33” W x 14” H (161.3 cm voltage, operating speed and gear ratio.

Motor Type:
L x 83.8 cm W x 35.6 cm H)
Fully enclosed perm. magnet type
• Refer to RSE-6J1 for tools (switch layout and shop
maintenance) used to maintain style “M” machines.
Motor Voltages: 20 Vdc or 110 Vdc (see tabs.)
Motor RPM: 500 RPM for 528:1 geared mach. • If ordering M-23A or M-23B machines for a new switch
layout, please supply all required specifications, and
650 RPM for 360:1 geared mach. mounting dimensions according to approved track plans
1450 RPM for 189:1 geared mach. (contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for any
Operating Times*: 4.5, 8.0, 15.0, or 26/34 sec. (see assistance needed).
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9662 for switch
(*Per AREMA standards. Times will machine replacement parts.
vary depending upon actual operating
Clutch Settings: 14A for 189:1 geared machines Configuration Guide
10A or 23A for 360:1 geared A 15-Watt, 115V Motor Heater
machines B Lock Rod Openings Closed
12A for 528:1 geared machines C (Reference not used in this catalog edition.)
Control Ckt. Wiring: 2-wire D Equipped with Local/Remote Feature
E 30-Watt, 115/230V Motor Heater Wired for 115V
Ordering Information F Painted per PP-7905 Aluminum

G (Reference not used in this catalog edition.)
To order M-23A or M-23B switch machines with ECC
and MCU: H Surge Suppressor PCB
I (Reference not used in this catalog edition.)
‐ Refer to “Configuration Guide” at right. Guide gives
all available design and operating options, each J (Reference not used in this catalog edition.)
denotes with a letter. K Motor Compartment Heater ON/OFF switch
‐ Go to ordering tabulations and select machine with L (Not applicable to M-23A and M-23B machines.)
desired options.

RSE-6A3, p. 7
Ansaldo STS USA M-23A, M-23B, M-3 and Low-Profile
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
M-3 Electric Switch Machines
Rev. 3-09

M-23A and M-23B Machines with ECC and MCU: Specifications and Ordering Information

M-23A Switch Machines with ECC and MCU

Motor Gear Control
Order No. Layout Options (Vdc) Ratio Circuit Wiring (3) Notes
N42650101 Left-Hand E, H, F 110 189:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650102 Right-Hand E, H, F 110 189:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650103 Left-Hand E, H, F 110 360:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650104 Right-Hand E, H, F 110 360:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650105 Left-Hand B, H 110 189:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650106 Right-Hand B, H 110 189:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650107 Left-Hand E, F 20 528:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650108 Right-Hand E, F 20 528:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650109 Left-Hand A, D, H 110 189:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650111 Left-Hand A, D, H, K 110 189:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650112 Right-Hand A, D, H, K 110 189:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650113 Left-Hand D 20 528:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650114 Right-Hand D 20 528:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650117 Left-Hand A, D, H 110 189:1 2-Wire MCU (2)
N42650118 Right-Hand A, D, H 110 189:1 2-Wire MCU (2)
N42650119 Left-Hand A, D, H 110 189:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650120 Right-Hand A, D, H 110 189:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650121 Left-Hand A, D, F 20 528:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650122 Right-Hand A, D, F 20 528:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650127 Left-Hand B, D, F 20 528:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650128 Right-Hand B, D, F 20 528:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650129 Left-Hand A, D, H 110 189:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650130 Right-Hand A, D, H 110 189:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650131 Left-Hand E, F 20 360:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650132 Right-Hand E, F 20 360:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
Note (1): Configured for near point detection.
Note (2): Configured for far point detection.
Note (3): Wayside provides bipolar 2-wire motor feed to select Normal or Reverse motion.
When one wire is "+", other wire is "-". ECC/MCU passes wayside polarity to motor
terminals to obtain Normal or Reverse motion.

M-23B Switch Machines with ECC and MCU

Motor Gear Control
Order No. Layout Options (Vdc) Ratio Circuit Wiring (4) Notes
N42650201 Left-Hand A, D, H 110 189:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650202 Right-Hand A, D, H 110 189:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650207 Left-Hand E, F 20 528:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650208 Right-Hand E, F 20 528:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650209 Left-Hand A, D, H 110 189:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650210 Right-Hand A, D, H 110 189:1 2-Wire MCU (1)
N42650219 Left-Hand A, D, H 110 189:1 2-Wire MCU (1) (2)
N42650220 Right-Hand A, D, H 110 189:1 2-Wire MCU (1) (2)
N42650221 Left-Hand A, D, H 110 189:1 2-Wire MCU (2) (3)
N42650222 Right-Hand A, D, H 110 189:1 2-Wire MCU (2) (3)
Note (1): Configured for near point detection.
Note (2): Without auxiliary point detection proximity sensors (in all other machines).
Note (3): Configured for far point detection.
Note (4): Wayside provides bipolar 2-wire motor feed to select Normal or Reverse motion.
When one wire is "+", other wire is "-". ECC/MCU passes wayside polarity to motor
terminals to obtain Normal or Reverse motion.

RSE-6A3, p. 8
M-23A, M-23B, M-3 and Low-Profile Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
M-3 Electric Switch Machines
Rev. 3-09

M-23A and M-23B Machines with Independent Point Detection: Specifications and Ordering Information
Ordering Information

• To order M-23A or M-23B switch machines with

independent point detection:
‐ Refer to “Configuration Guide” below. Guide
gives all available design and operating
options, each denotes with a letter.
‐ Go to ordering tabulations and select machine
with desired options.
‐ Also select machine according to desired
motor voltage, operating speed and gear ratio.

• Refer to RSE-6F3 to order retrofit Electronic

Circuit Controller (ECC) for style “M” machines
with mechanical circuit controllers.

• Refer to RSE-6F4 to order retrofit Electronic

Biased Neutral Controller (EBNC) for M-23A and
M-23B switch machines.

• Refer to RSE-6J1 for tools (switch layout and
shop maintenance) used to maintain style “M”
Weight: 860 lbs. (390 kg) machines.

Dimen. (Overall): 63.5” L x 33” W x 14” H (161.3 cm L x
83.8 cm W x 35.6 cm H) If ordering M-23A or M-23B machines for a new
switch layout, please supply all required
Motor Type: Fully enclosed perm. magnet type specifications, and mounting dimensions
Motor Voltages: 20 Vdc or 110 Vdc (see tabs.) according to approved track plans (contact your
Motor RPM: 500 RPM for 528:1 geared mach. ASTS USA Account Executive for any assistance
650 RPM for 360:1 geared mach.
1450 RPM for 189:1 geared mach. • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9671 for
Operating Times*: 5.0 sec. switch machine replacement parts.
(*Per AREMA standards. Times will vary
depending upon actual operating conditions.) Configuration Guide
Clutch Settings: 14A for 189:1 geared machines A-H (References not used in this catalog
23A for 360:1 geared machines edition.)
12A for 528:1 geared machines I Aluminum paint
Control Ckt. Wiring: 3-wire J, L (References not used in this catalog

M-23A Switch Machines with Independent Point Detection

Motor Gear Speed Control
Order No. Layout Options (Vdc) Ratio (Sec.) Circuit Wiring
N43925101 Left-Hand I, M 110 189:1 5 3-wire
N43925102 Right-Hand I, M 110 189:1 5 3-wire

M-23B Switch Machines with Independent Point Detection

Motor Gear Speed Control
Order No. Layout Options (Vdc) Ratio (Sec.) Circuit Wiring
N43925201 Left-Hand I, M 110 189:1 5 3-wire
N43925502 Right-Hand I, M 110 189:1 5 3-wire

RSE-6A3, p. 9
Ansaldo STS USA M-23A, M-23B, M-3 and Low-Profile
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
M-3 Electric Switch Machines
Rev. 3-09

M-3 Switch Machine with Mechanical Circuit Controller: Specifications and Ordering Information
Ordering Information (cont’d)

• Refer to RSE-6A4 for the following support equipment:

‐ Permanent magnet retrofit motor kits for old style M-
3, M-23A and M-23B machines.
‐ Latchout kit.
‐ Latch stand.
‐ Point detector bars
‐ Lock rods and lock connecting rods

• Refer to RSE-6F3 to order retrofit Electronic Circuit

Controller (ECC) for style “M” machines with mechanical
circuit controllers.

• Refer to RSE-6J1 for tools (switch layout and shop

maintenance) used to maintain style “M” machines.

• If ordering style M-3 machines for a new switch layout,

please supply all required specifications, and mounting
dimensions according to approved track plans (contact
your ASTS USA Account Executive for any assistance
Specifications • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6263 for switch
Weight: 810 lbs. (367 kg) machine replacement parts.
Dimen. (Overall): 63.5” L x 33” W x 10.25” H (161.3
cm L x 83.8 cm W x 26.0 cm H) Configuration Guide
Motor Type: Fully enclosed perm. magnet type A 15W, 230V Heater in Circuit Controller
Motor Voltages: 20 Vdc or 110 Vdc (see tabs.) Compartment
Motor RPM: 500 RPM for 528:1 geared mach. B 15W, 230V Heater for Motor
650 RPM for 360:1 geared mach. C 15W, 115V Heater in Circuit Controller
1450 RPM for 189:1 geared mach. Compartment
Operating Times*: 4.5, 8.0 and 26.0 sec. (see tabs.) D 15W, 115V Heater for Motor
(*Per AREMA standards. Times will E 15W, 115/230V Heater in Circuit Controller
vary depending upon actual operating Compartment
conditions.) F 15W, 115/230V Heater for Motor
Clutch Settings: 14A for 189:1 gearing G 15W, 24V Heater in Circuit Controller Compartment
Control Ckt. Wiring: 3-wire or 5-wire (see ordering tabs) H 15W, 24V Heater for Motor
J Lock Rod Openings Closed
Ordering Information K Provided without Main Terminal Board

• To order a standard M-3 switch machines with

L Uses Harness N320067 (Flag Type Terminals)
mechanical circuit controller: M Uses Harness N320069 (Flag Type Terminals)
‐ Refer to “Configuration Guide” at right. Guide gives N Uses Circuit Controller without Point. Detector
all available design and operating options, each Latch
denotes with a letter. O Clutch Set at 14 Amperes
‐ Go to ordering tabulations and select machine with P Clutch Set at 10 Amperes
desired options. Q Assembled without Latch for Retaining Machine in
‐ Also select machine according to desired motor the Off-Power Position when Hand Crank Cover is
voltage, operating speed and gear ratio. Open
R Aluminum Paint

RSE-6A3, p. 10
M-23A, M-23B, M-3 and Low-Profile Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
M-3 Electric Switch Machines
Rev. 3-09

M-3 Switch Machine with Mechanical Circuit Controller: Specifications and Ordering Information
Configuration Guide (cont’d)
S LH Switch Machine Set Up for RH Indication or RH W 1-1/4” Threaded Conduit Outlet
Switch Machine Set Up for LH Indication X Uses Crank Case Cover (N146290-002) Pipe Plug
T 15w, 115v Heater for Motor. (J032902) Not Required
U Equipped With Telephone Jack in the Circuit Y (Reference not used in this catalog edition.)
Controller Compartment
V For LH Switch Machine Set Up for RH Indication
Machine is Stenciled “LH Far Pt Cl.”
For RH Switch Machine Set Up for LH Indication
Machine is Stenciled “RH Far Pt. Cl.”

Standard M-3 Switch Machines with Mechanical Circuit Controller

Motor Gear Speed Control
Order No. Layout Options (Vdc) Ratio (Sec.) Circuit Wiring
N451160-0301 Right Hand C, L 20 528:1 26.0 5-Wire
N451160-0302 Left Hand C, L 110 528:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0303 Right Hand C, M 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0304 Left Hand C, M 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0305 Right Hand C, D 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0306 Left Hand C, D 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0307 Right Hand C, D 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0308 Left Hand C, D 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0309 Left Hand E, F 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0310 Right Hand E, F 110 189:1 4.5 5-Wire
N451160-0311 Left Hand C, D, J 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0312 Right Hand C, D, J 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0313 Right Hand X 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0314 Left Hand X 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0315 Right Hand C, D, Q 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0316 Left Hand C, D, Q 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0317 Right Hand -- 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0318 Left Hand -- 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0319 Right Hand C, D 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0320 Left Hand C, D 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0322 Left Hand D, S, W 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0323 Right Hand D, S, W 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0324 Left Hand C, D, J 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0325 Right Hand C, D, J 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0326 Left Hand C, D, P, S 110 360:1 8.0 3-Wire

(Tabulation continued on following page.)

RSE-6A3, p. 11
Ansaldo STS USA M-23A, M-23B, M-3 and Low-Profile
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
M-3 Electric Switch Machines
Rev. 3-09

M-3 Switch Machine with Mechanical Circuit Controller: Specifications and Ordering Information

(Tabulation continued from previous page.)

Standard M-3 Switch Machines with Mechanical Circuit Controller

Motor Gear Speed Control
Order No. Layout Options (Vdc) Ratio (Sec.) Circuit Wiring
N451160-0327 Right Hand C, D, P, S 110 360:1 8.0 3-Wire
N451160-0328 Left Hand C, D, J, R 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0329 Right Hand C, D, J, R 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0330 (1) Left Hand C, T, U 110 189:1 4.5 2-Wire
N451160-0331 (1) Right Hand C, T, U 110 189:1 4.5 2-Wire
N451160-0332 Left Hand C, D, J, P 110 360:1 8.0 3-Wire
N451160-0333 Right Hand C, D, J, P 110 360:1 8.0 3-Wire
N451160-0334 Left Hand C, D, J, P 110 360:1 8.0 3-Wire
N451160-0335 Right Hand C, D, J, P 110 360:1 8.0 3-Wire
N451160-0336 Left Hand C, D, J, P, S 110 360:1 8.0 3-Wire
N451160-0337 Right Hand C, D, J, P, S 110 360:1 8.0 3-Wire
N451160-0338 (1) Left Hand C, T, U, S 110 189:1 4.5 2-Wire
N451160-0339 (1) Right Hand C, T, U, S 110 189:1 4.5 2-Wire
N451160-0340 Left Hand C, D, S, V 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0341 Right Hand C, D, S, V 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0342 Left Hand C, D, U 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0343 Right Hand C, D, U 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0344 Left Hand C, D, S, U, V 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-0345 Right Hand C, D, S, U, V 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-4001 Left Hand C, D, J 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-4002 Right Hand C, D, J 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-4003 Left Hand C, D, P, S, V 110 360:1 8.0 3-Wire
N451160-4004 Right Hand C, D, P, S, V 110 360:1 8.0 3-Wire
N451160-4005 Left Hand C, D, J 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
N451160-4006 Right Hand C, D, J 110 189:1 4.5 3-Wire
Note (1): Machines available for replacement of Alstom/GRS machines with 2-wire control.
Request Service Manual SM-6263 or contact ASTS USA for conversion kit.
These machines include two 15W/115V heaters (for motor and circuit controller),
and telephone jack in circuit controller compartment. -0338 and -0338 machines
are L.H. for R.H. indication, or R.H. for L.H. indication.

RSE-6A3, p. 12
M-23A, M-23B, M-3 and Low-Profile Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
M-3 Electric Switch Machines
Rev. 3-09

M-3 Machines with ECC and EBNC: Specifications and Ordering Information

Specifications Ordering Information (cont’d)

Weight: 810 lbs. (367 kg) ‐ Go to ordering tabulations and select machine with
Dimen. (Overall): 63.5” L x 33” W x 10.25” H (161.3 desired options.
cm L x 83.8 cm W x 26.0 cm H) ‐ Also select machine according to desired motor
Motor Type: Fully enclosed perm.magnet type voltage, operating speed and gear ratio.
Motor Voltages: 20 Vdc or 110 Vdc (see tabs.)
• Refer to RSE-6J1 for tools (switch layout and shop
Motor RPM: 500 RPM for 528:1 geared mach. maintenance) used to maintain style “M” machines.

650 RPM for 360:1 geared mach.
If ordering M-3 machines for a new switch layout, please
1450 RPM for 189:1 geared supply all required specifications, and mounting
machines dimensions according to approved track plans (contact
Operating Times*: 4.5 or 8.0 sec. (see tabs) your ASTS USA Account Executive for any assistance
(*Per AREMA standards. Times will needed).

vary depending upon actual operating
conditions.) Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9662 for switch
machine replacement parts.
Clutch Settings: 14A for 189:1 gearing
Control Ckt. Wiring: 2-wire
Configuration Guide
A 15-Watt, 115V Motor Heater
Ordering Information
B, C (References not used in this catalog edition.)
• To order M-3 switch machines with ECC and EBNC: D Equipped with Local/Remote Feature
‐ Refer to “Configuration Guide” below. Guide gives all E-K (References not used in this catalog edition.)
available design and operating options, each denotes L Surge Suppressor PCB
with a letter.

Standard M-3 Machines with ECC and EBNC

Motor Gear Control
Order No. Layout Options (Vdc) Ratio Circuit Wiring Notes
N42950013 Left Hand A, D, L 110 189:1 2-wire EBNC (1)
N42950014 Right Hand A, D, L 110 189:1 2-wire EBNC (1)
Note (1): Wayside provides fixed-polarity 2-wire motor power feed. One wire always
"+" and other wire always "-". ECC/EBNC controls polarity applied to motor
terminals to select Normal or Reverse operation.

RSE-6A3, p. 13
Ansaldo STS USA M-23A, M-23B, M-3 and Low-Profile
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
M-3 Electric Switch Machines
Rev. 3-09
M-3 Machines with Independent Point Detection: Specifications and Ordering Information

Specifications Ordering Information (cont’d)

Weight: 810 lbs. (367 kg) ‐ Go to ordering tabulations and select machine with
Dimen. (Overall): 63.5” L x 33” W x 10.25” H (161.3 desired options.
cm L x 83.8 cm W x 26.0 cm H) ‐ Also select machine according to desired motor
Motor Type: Fully enclosed perm. magnet type voltage, operating speed and gear ratio.
Motor Voltages: 20 Vdc or 110 Vdc (see tabs.)
• Refer to RSE-6J1 for tools (switch layout and shop
Motor RPM: 500 RPM for 528:1 geared mach. maintenance) used to maintain style “M” machines.

650 RPM for 360:1 geared mach.
If ordering M-3 machines for a new switch layout, please
1450 RPM for 189:1 geared mach. supply all required specifications, and mounting
Operating Times*: 3.0 sec. dimensions according to approved track plans (contact
(*Per AREMA standards. Times will your ASTS USA Account Executive for any assistance
vary depending upon actual operating needed).

Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9671 for switch
Clutch Settings: All machines: 14A for 189:1 geared machine replacement parts.
Control Ckt. Wiring: 3-wire
Configuration Guide
Ordering Information A 15W, 115V Heater in Circuit Controller
• To order M-3 or switch machines with independent point B 15W, 115V Heater in Motor Compartment
C-L (References not used in this catalog edition.)
‐ Refer to “Configuration Guide” below. Guide gives all
available design and operating options, each denotes M Circuit Controller without Latch Cam Block
with a letter.

M-3 Switch Machines with Independent Point Detection

Motor Gear Speed Control
Order No. Layout Options (Vdc) Ratio (Sec.) Circuit Wiring
N43925001 Left-Hand A, B, M 110 189:1 3 3-wire
N43925002 Right-Hand A, B, M 110 189:1 3 3-wire

RSE-6A3, p. 14
M-23A, M-23B, M-3 and Low-Profile Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
M-3 Electric Switch Machines
Rev. 3-09

Low-Profile M-3 Machines: Specifications and Ordering Information

Specifications Ordering Information

Weight: 810 lbs. (367 kg)
• To order a Low Profile M-3 switch machine, refer to
Dimen. (Overall): Length: 63.5” (161.3 cm) tabulation below.
Width: 19” W (48.25 cm) - not
including bars and covers. • If ordering style M-3 machines for a new switch layout,
please supply all required specifications, and mounting
Height: With mounting plate = 9-7/8”
dimensions according to approved track plans (contact
(25.1 cm)
your ASTS USA Account Executive for any assistance
Height: Without mounting plate = 9- needed).
5/8” (24.4 cm)
Motor Type: Fully enclosed permanent magnet • Refer to RSE-6J1 for tools (switch layout and shop
type maintenance) used to maintain style “M” machines.
Motor Voltage: 110 Vdc • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6444 for switch
Motor RPM: 1430 RPM machine replacement parts.
Gear Ratio: 189:1
Op. Bar Stroke: 6” (15.2 cm)
Operating Time*: 5.0 seconds
(*Per AREMA standards. Times will
vary depending upon actual operating
Clutch Setting: 13A
Control Ckt. Wiring: 3-wire

Low-Profile M-3 Switch Machine with Mechanical Circuit Controller

Motor Speed Gear Clutch Det. Heaters
Order No. Layout (Vdc) (Sec.) Ratio Control Setting Latch (1)
N451160-1401 Left-Hand 110 4.5 189:1 3-Wire 13A X X
N451160-1501 Right-Hand 110 4.5 189:1 3-Wire 13A X X
Note (1): Machines equipped with circuit controller and motor compartment heaters.

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-6A3, p. 15
RSE-6A3, p. 16
Switch Machines and Ansaldo STS USA
Associated Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09

Support and Upgrade Equipment for

Style “M” Switch Machines
General Description
ASTS USA provides a complete selection of support and
upgrade equipment for M-3, M-23A and M-23B Electric
Switch Machines to help better adapt these machines to
their installation locations, as well as improve reliability and
A fully enclosed permanent magnet motor is available as a
retrofit item for existing “M” series machines with older style
wound field motors. This type of motor provides lower Latch Stand
inductance, better EMI immunity and higher efficiency than
previous wound field motors, and incorporates simpler 3-
wire control.
A latchout retrofit kit is available for the “M” style machine
point detector mechanism. Parts in this kit enable the
controller indication contacts to be held open (until reset)
when the point detector bar is displaced while the machine is
in locked-up condition (i.e. switch points obstruction).
A foot-operated latch stand can be used to capture and lock
the “M” series switch machine hand throw lever. This device Lock rods are available in several configurations to
is separately mounted near the arm and is designed to accommodate different M-3, M-23A and M-23B switch
accept a pad lock. machine installations. The rods are constructed of high
strength steel and feature adjustable notch spacing for
ASTS USA provides two types of point detector bars for M- optimum compatibility with various instal-lations. Lock rod
3. M-23A and M-23B electric switch machines with connecting rod lengths are for a nominal dimension of 45”
mechanical circuit controllers. These bars are constructed (114.3 cm) from gage to center of machine.
of high strength steel and designed for a specific companion
point detector connecting rod. Each rod is designed for Ordering Information
mating with a ball end type point detector lug or stud. A
lubrication-free bushing kit is available for the point detector • Refer to ordering tabulation on reverse side for motor,
bar (see ordering tabulation). latchout kit, latch stand, point detector bars, lock rods
Note: This bars are not compatible with the M-3E, M-23E-A and lock connecting rods.
and M-23E-B (see RSE-6A2), or older M series switch • Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for point
machines retrofitted with ASTS USA’s Electronic Circuit detector bars used in M series switch machines
Controller (see RSE-6A3). Contact your ASTS USA equipped with the Electronic Circuit Controller (ECC).
Account Executive for ordering information on these
particular point detector bars. • Order retrofit motor kits according to motor voltage and
gear ratio of existing machine.

Point Detector Bars

Latchout Kit


To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-6A4, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Support and Upgrade Equipment for
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Style “M” Switch Machines
Rev. 3-09
Ordering Ref. “A” – Lock Rod Ordering Ref. “C” – Lock Rod for
Lock Rod Connecting Rod

Ordering Ref. “B” – Lock Rod Lug Ordering Ref. “E” – Lock Rod Connecting Rod
with Lug End

Ordering Ref. “D” – Lock Rod Connecting Rod

with Spherical End

Retrofit Kit for Field-Wound Motor

Order No. Voltage Gear Ratio Old Motor (1)
X451160-1101 110 Vdc 189:2 N306349
X451160-1102 20 Vdc 360:1 N150293
Note (1): For reference only.

Order No. Retrofit Latchout Kit

N451161-4901 Retrofit Latchout Kit for all style "M" machines (includes instructions)

Order No. Latch Stand

N286609 Latch Stand (3/4" lag screw mount) for M-23A, M-23B machines.

Point Detector Bars and Bushing Kit (for all style "M" machines)
Order No. End Type Min. Point Throw Max. Point Throw
N284475 Screw Jaw 4-1/4" 6"
N304195 Screw Jaw 2-3/8" 4-3/8"
N285907 Threaded -- --
X41600016 Lubrication-free point detector bar bushing kit

Lock Rods and Lock Connecting Rods (for all style "M" machines)
Order No. Type Application Design Dwg. Ref.
N149866 Lock Rod Lug N123471 -- A
N123471 Lock Rod Lug C-Rod N332195 -- B
N258643 Lock Rod C-Rod N285686 -- C
N332195 L.R. Conn-Rod L.R.L. N123471 Spherical End D
N258686 L.R. Conn-Rod L.R. N258643 Lug End E

2-3/8” = 6.03 CM 4-3/8” = 11.11 CM

4-1/4” = 10.79 CM 6” = 15.24 CM

RSE-6A4, p. 2
Switch Machines and Ansaldo STS USA
Associated Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03

Electronic Circuit Controller (ECC) Field Test Unit

The portable ECC Field Test Unit provides
comprehensive testing of installed Electronic
Circuit Controllers (ECC) in style “M” switch
machines, as well as individual proximity sensors
associated with these machines. With this test
unit, maintainers can perform numerous detailed
tests on the ECC without having to remove it from
the machine or cycle the machine’s mechanical

General Description
Functions and Installation
The portable ECC Field Test Unit is a diagnostic tool
for testing an ECC while installed in an “M” series
switch machine; it can also test individual proximity
sensors associated with a given switch machine. It simulated on the unit’s terminal block by a resistor
simulate the equipment connected to the ECC and such that the ECC still reads a return current as if they
manipulate the states of that equipment to determine were installed. So regardless of the machine’s
how the ECC responds. This provides fast indication configuration, the ECC can still be tested using the
as to the status of the ECC and assists in the Field Test Unit.
diagnosis of any problem that may arise. No actual Two rotary switches on the ECC Field Test Unit
cycling of the switch machine is necessary to perform simulate the jumper configurations that are contained
testing. in the switch machine junction box. A “Direction”
The ECC Field Test Unit connects directly to the three rotary switch tells the ECC if the switch is configured
front connectors of the ECC and does not require that as Left Hand Points Closed (LHPC) or Right Hand
the ECC be removed from a switch machine. When Points Closed (RHPC). A “Latchout” rotary switch
power is applied to the Field Test Unit, the ECC will tells the ECC how to respond to a latchout situation
also be powered on. that can be simulated by the Field Test Unit.
Two momentary push buttons at the top of the Field
User Indicators and Controls Test Unit are used to switch a vital or non-vital sensor
The ECC Field Test Unit incorporates LEDs that into the circuit for testing.
indicate the current state of the switch machine. Dual-
colored LEDs show the state of each vital point and
lock sensor. Green LEDs report the indication input, Advantages
indication output, and auxiliary sensor state definition.
Red LEDs are provided to determine when the motor
• Performs comprehensive ECC and peripheral
sensors tests
is disabled and when the ECC is in a latched-out
state. • Fully portable
ECC Field Test Unit controls include eight push button • Easy to connect and operate
switches that light green when pushed in (ON state) • Provides test power source to ECC
and light RED when released (OFF state). These
buttons represent the eight possible sensors that can • No removal of ECC unit required
be installed in an M-3E, M-23E, M-3 retrofit or M-23 • No cycling of switch machine required
retrofit switch machine and simulate the LEDs on the
ECC. Hand crank and hand throw sensors are

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-6A5, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Electronic Circuit Controller (ECC)
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Field Test Unit
Rev. 7-03






Specifications Ordering Information

Dimensions: 10” x 4-3/4” x 2” (25.4 cm x
12.0 cm x 5 cm)
• Refer to ordering tabulation for ECC Field Test Unit
part number.
Weight: 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg)
• Unit replaced as a complete assembly,
Power Input: 9.8 Vdc to 16.2 Vdc @ 1.5A replacement parts not available

Order No. Tester for ECC-Equipped Machines

N42252601 Electronic Circuit Controller Field Test Unit (complete)

RSE-6A5, p. 2
Switch Machines and Ansaldo STS USA
Associated Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
EBNC Retrofit Kit for Style “M” Switch Machines
with Electronic Circuit Controllers (ECC)
When an ASTS USA style “M” switch machine
with Electronic Circuit Controller (ECC) is
equipped with an Electronic Biased Neutral
Controller, the machine gains new capabilities and
reduces operational costs. With the EBNC, style
M-ECC machines can be operated directly from a
MicroLok® II or MicroLok® Object Controller
(MOC) output, without the need of external vital
electro-mechanical relays. Direct overload
protection based on time and current makes these
style “M” machines interchangeable with the
Alstom Model 5 switch machine, without the need
to change wiring or control logic.

General Description
The EBNC consists of a electronics module that fits
easily into a style “M” machine already retrofitted with
an Electronic Circuit Controller (ECC, as described in
RSE-6F3). The EBNC’s rugged electronics are
sealed in a potted, durable plastic housing to protect
circuits from vibration, shock, moisture and dust. Advantages (cont’d)
Power for the EBNC can be drawn from a split battery
or from a separate power source. Two versions of the
• No heater unit required for cold weather
EBNC are available, including units for low voltage (24
Vdc) or high voltage (110 Vdc) switch machines. The • Vital circuit control motor polarity.
EBNC responds to the polarity change of a 9.8 Vdc to
33.0 Vdc control input to drive the machine’s • Provides motor overload protection.
permanent-magnet motor. No jumper settings are
required to select the control voltage operating range. • Available for low and high-voltage style “M”
Note: External lightning protection is required in the machines.
interface between the EBNC and the controlling
MicroLok II or MOC system. However, a heater unity
is not required for this unit.
Advantages Control Voltage: 12.0 Vdc to 33.0 Vdc
• Permits direct operation from MicroLok II or MOC. Operating Current: @12.0 Vdc: 0.21A steady
state, 0.23A max.
• Lowers costs by eliminating electro-mechanical @33.0 Vdc: 0.16A steady
interfacing relays. state, 0.25A max.
• Permits replacement of Alstom machines without Low Voltage: Unit motor voltage (max.):
changes to control wiring or system logic. 36.0 Vdc
• Simple and easy to install. High Voltage: Unit motor voltage (max.):
140.0 Vdc
• Designed for the harsh wayside environment. Temperature Range: -40oC to +70oC (-40oF to

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-6A6, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA EBNC Retrofit Kit for Style “M” Switch
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Machines with Electronic Circuit
RSE-6A6 Controllers (ECC)
Rev. 3-09

Specifications (cont’d)
Overload Protection

Operating and Application Information

• Refer to tabulation for EBNC part numbers.

• Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for any

additional EBNC application information required.

Order No. EBNC Retrofit Kits

N47304901 EBNC Kit for Low Voltage Machine Applications
N47304902 EBNC Kit for High Voltage Machine Applications

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-6A6, p. 2
Switch Machines and Ansaldo STS USA
Associated Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09

A-10 Electro-Pneumatic Switch Machine

General Description
The A-10 Electro-Pneumatic switch machine is a rack
and pinion type machine. It employs two identical
single-acting air cylinders with identical piston
assemblies, a vertical crank shaft, a circuit controller
and a point detector mechanism. The switch
assembly is encased in a rugged case iron housing
with mounting flanges for direct mounting to the track
The A-10 incorporates a radial arm point detector
mechanism. Movement of the detector arm causes a
shift in the circuit controller contacts. This prevents
making indication contacts unless both the machine
and the switch point are in their full respective normal
or reverse position. The detector mechanism is
designed to escape wear from frequent operation of
the switch and from external vibrations. Effects of Ordering Information
switch stroke variation are compensated by
adjustment of external mechanical parts. • Refer to ordering tabulation on page 2 for A-10 part
All A-10 machines are provided with a hand crank for numbers.
manual operation. For safety, the crank cannot be
meshed with the crank’s gear until the valve yoke has
• To order heaters for motor and circuit controller
compartments (recommended for extreme cold
been removed, which cuts off the machine’s air
weather areas), contact your ASTS USA Account
supply. Conversely, to return to power operation, the
hand crank must be removed.
• If ordering A-10 machines for new switch layouts,
please supply all required specifications and
Advantages mounting dimensions according to approved track
• Designed for single switch installations
plans; contact your Account Executive for any
assistance needed.
• Ideal for installation in mass transit tunnels and
• Refer to RSE-6J1 to order recommended
other tight spaces
maintenance tools for the A-10 machine.
• Right or left-hand layout available
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-5041 for
• Built-in circuit controller and point detector
replacement parts.

• Interchangeable parts

See reverse side for unit dimensions and typical layout.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-6B1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA A-10 Electro-Pneumatic Switch Machine
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

A-10 Switch Machine Dimensions

Ordering Information (cont’d)

A-10 Switch Machines (1)

Lock & Op.
Order No. Layout Throw Rod Covers Note
N159020 Right-Hand 4-5/8" -- (2)
N163419 Left-Hand 4-5/8" -- (2)
N297974 Right-Hand 4-5/8" -- (3)
N297975 Left-Hand 4-5/8" -- (3)
N372504-004 Right-Hand 5-5/8" X (3)
N372505-004 Left-Hand 5-5/8" X (3)
N297974-001 Right-Hand 4-5/8" -- (3)
N297975-001 Left-Hand 4-5/8" -- (3)
Note (1): Request Service Manual SM-5041 for complete
list of options per each machine.
Note (2): Includes air valve lock complete with cover, box, srping
and lock.
Note (3): Lock only.

4-5/8” = 11.75 CM
5-5/8” = 14.29 CM

RSE-6B1, p. 2
Switch Machines and Ansaldo STS USA
Associated Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
A-5 Electro-Pneumatic Switch Machine
The A-5 Electro-Pneumatic Switch Machine is
designed for use with single switches, single-slip
switches and/or movable-point frogs. It can be
readily adapted to right-hand or left-hand layouts
without the need of additional parts. The A-5 is a
time-proven, reliable switch machine that
incorporates point detection in the circuit

General Description
Primary components of the A-5 include an air cylinder
slide bar and single escapement crank for single
switch, single-slip switch and double-slip switch
applications. The escapement crank is equipped with
an adjustable operating rod arm that may be adjusted Ordering Information
to satisfy any switch stroke in common use.
Additionally, it has ample motion in the switch basket
• Refer to ordering tabulation for A-5 switch machine
part numbers.
for meeting any increased switch stroke that may
develop due to wear or shifting of the stock rail.
• If ordering an A-5 machine for a new switch layout,
Air cylinder sizes are proportioned so that any please provide all required specifications and
machine, when applied to the proper layout, will mounting dimensions according to approved track
operate properly (under ordinary conditions) on a layout plan. Contact your ASTS USA Account
minimum air pressure of 50 psi. A feature of the Executive for any assistance needed.
machine’s slide bar is a friction lock that provides
resistance against creepage. All A-5 versions contain • Refer to RSE-6J1 for recommended maintenance
a circuit controller and a base plate for direct mounting tools.
to the ties.
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-5044 for
Advantages replacement parts.

• Operates down to 50 psi pressure.

• Adjustable operating rod arm.
• Remote on on-site operation.
• Right or left-hand layouts.
A-5 Switch Machines
Cylinder Point
Order No. Layout Diameter Detector Notes
N294251 Right-Hand 5 in. X (1)
N294252 Right-Hand 5 in. X (1)
N294253 Right-Hand 6 in. X (2)
N294254 Left-Hand 6 in. X (2)
N294266 Left-Hand 6 in. X (3)
N294267 Right-Hand 6 in. X (3)
Note (1): With heater.
Note (2): With heater for double-slip switch.
Note (3): With heater for movable-point frog.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-6B2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA A-5 Electro-Pneumatic
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Switch Machine
Rev. 3-09

RSE-6B2, p. 2
Switch Machines and Ansaldo STS USA
Associated Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
YM-2000 Yard Electric Switch Machine
ASTS USA’s YM-2000 Electric Switch Machine is a
simple, low cost machine with an excellent
service record in railroad yard applications.
Unlike many switch machines in its class, the YM-
2000 can handle trailing moves at maximum yard
speeds (up to 20 mph (32.2.kph)). This feature,
combined with multiple control options, fast
transition speeds and right or left hand layout
options, makes the YM-2000 the obvious choice
among electric machines for classification yards,
receiving and departure areas, industrial sidings,
and flat switching or storage yards.

General Description
The YM-2000 Switch Machine is arranged in a
compact, low-profile steel case that allows between-
the-ties mounting close to the track. Separate right
and left-hand layout models of the machine are
move, thereby preventing any resulting movement of
available. Exterior surfaces are protected with
the internal gear motor. This feature greatly reduces
Polane® epoxy paint, a new coating which provides
machine wear and potential damage. When the
exceptional resistance to corrosion and scratching.
clutch slips, cams on the clutch housing actuate
Stainless steel is used for all key hardware for long
control/indication switches which energize the gear
term corrosion protection. Overall, the machine meets
motor to move the switch points to either the full
the NEMA-3R standard for environmental protection
normal or full reverse position.
of internal components. Inside, a 15W heater is
provided to prevent condensation and frost The YM-2000 can be manually operated by inserting a
formulation on electrical contacts. To allow use in hand crank at the end of the drive motor. Electric
tropical climates, all electrical contacts are coated with control options include wayside push-button or remote
a special varnish. office. Electric operation is automatically interrupted
when the hand crank is inserted.
The movement of the YM-2000 Switch Machine is
developed by an instantly reversible, right-angle gear An ASTS USA U-5 Circuit Controller (refer to RSE-
motor (worm type). At nominal voltage and ambient 6F1) can be added to the YM-2000 switch layout to
temperature the motor throws the switch points in just provide point detection. Switch points can be
two seconds. Output shaft fasteners on the motor displayed using a searchlight dwarf signal or ASTS
incorporate locking tabs to eliminate loosening from USA’s ES-20 color light signal (see RSE-7C1).
vibrations. Similarly, locking roll pins are used on the
gear housing to maintain tightness. Advantages
An electric brake mechanism is provided on the motor • Trailable, fast-acting electric machine
to maintain switch point closure against the stock rail
at the end of the stroke. The brake is electrically • Low-cost, reliable operation
released by a solenoid when the motor is energized,
and actuated by springs at the end of the stroke travel • Hand crank, local or remote electric control
when motor energy is removed.
Several design features make the YM-2000 well
• NEMA-qualified environmental protection
suited for trailing moves. The machine contains a • Simple design, easy maintenance
specially designed clutch that is set to slip during a
trailing • Right and left-hand machines available

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-6C1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA YM-2000TM Yard Electric Switch Machine
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

Specifications Ordering Information

Stroke Completion: 2 sec. @ nom. voltage, 70oF (21
• Refer to ordering tabulation below for YM-2000
part numbers.
Throw Distance: 6 in. (15.24 cm) max.
Rated Output: 1000 lbs. (454 kg) • If ordering YM-2000 machines for new switch
layouts, please supply all required specifications
Manual Full Throw: 64 turns (crank handle)
and mounting dimensions according to approved
Trailing Speed: 20 mph (32 kph), max. track plans; contact ASTS USA for any assistance
Motor Power Input: 110 Vac (+20%), 60 Hz needed.
Inrush Current: 42A for throw @115 Vac, 60 Hz
• Refer to RSE-6J1 for recommended YM-2000
Motor Current: Max: 15A +10% maintenance tools.
Normal: 7-8A @115Vac, 60 Hz
5-7A @230 Vac
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6455 for
additional information and replacement parts.
Contactors: 24 Vdc, 120 Vdc, 120 Vac, 240
Operating Temp.: -40oC to + 70oC
Weight: 250 lbs (113.4 kg).
Machine Dimensions* Typical Layout*

* Right-hand machine lauout shown. Same relative

placement of equipment for left-hand machine.
Refer to service manual SM-6455 for additional

* Right-hand machine dimensions shown. Same

relative dimensions for left-hand machine. Refer to
service manual SM-6455 for additional diagrams.

YM-2000 Machines
Order No. Layout Motor Contactor
N451063-0301 Right-Hand 115 Vac 115 Vac
N451063-0302 Right-Hand 230 Vac 115 Vac
N451063-0303 Right-Hand 115 Vac 24 Vdc
N451063-0501 Left-Hand 230 Vac 115 Vac

RSE-6C1, p. 2
Switch Machines and Ansaldo STS USA
Associated Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 1-04

DA-10 Yard Electro-Pneumatic Switch Machine

and Retrofit Valve Head
The DA-10 Electro-Pneumatic Switch Machine is
an extremely fast, direct acting switch machine
suitable for a wide variety of yard applications. It
combines fast piston action with a stable pressure
level. This is accomplished by eliminating all
intervening mechanisms between the piston and
switch, which maintains cylinder air pressure at
all times. The DA-10 may be used in right or left-
hand layouts. Any given machine can be readily
converted to the alternate arrangement because of
fully interchangeable parts.
A key component of the DA-10 Switch Machine
has been an operating valve equipped with
ironclad electromagnets in the machine’s cylinder DA-10 Switch Machine
valve head. To provide a more economical and
readily available alternative to the ironclad
electromagnets, ASTS USA has developed a DA-
10 Valve Head Retrofit Kit.

General Description
The basic DA-10 Switch Machine consists of a double
acting, 5” (12.7 cm) diameter/6” (15.2 cm) stroke
cylinder with a Pilotair valve. In turn, the Pilotair valve
controls the flow of air that drives a piston. This valve
also provides the exhaust ports for venting the Retrofit Valve Head Kit
cylinder. Fittings are provided for periodic lubrication
to insure a minimal amount of friction during piston rod
travel. Valve Head Retrofit Kit
With 100 lbs. of air pressure and a 22 Vdc supply, the The DA-10 Valve Head Retrofit Kit consists of a newly
DA-10 Switch Machine completes one operation designed valve head and an operating valve with
(switch normal to reverse or reverse to normal) in integral electro-magnetic coils, which supersede the
approximately 0.4 seconds. Since air under pressure old ironclad electromagnets. The new coils are
is always connected to one end position, the switch readily available, off-the-shelf items. All new ASTS
piston will always be either extended or retracted, USA DA-10 Switch Machines are built with this
holding the switch in position. updated Valve Head Assembly. The Valve Head
Assembly Retrofit Kit includes a cylinder head, an
Switch point slamming is prevented by two “choked”
operating valve with electromagnetic coils, a gasket,
exhaust ports that vent air near the end of the piston
bolts and lock washers. The DA-10 Valve Head
Retrofit Kit replaces the cylinder head assembly of
With the new Valve Head retrofit, the DA-10 can be any DA-10 Switch Machine manufactured prior to
easily operated in the manual mode (in addition to December, 1998. The changeover procedure
automatic control). Two manual operator buttons (“N” requires very little time, due to complete replacement
and “R”) on the head actuate normal or reverse of the machine’s head assembly.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-6D1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA DA-10 Yard Electro-Pneumatic Switch
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Machine and Retrofit Valve Head
Rev. 1-04

6-1/2” 29”


9-3/8” 22”
6-1/2” = 16.51 CM
9-3/8” = 23.81 CM
VALVE 22” = 55.88 CM
HEAD KIT 29” = 73.66 CM
37” = 93.98 CM

Advantages Specifications

• Well suited for classification yards Note: These specifications apply to DA-10 switch
Machines equipped with the new DA-10 Valve Head
• Fast-acting switch movement Retrofit Kit and to all newly manufactured DA-10 units.

• Trailable operation Piston: Double-acting, 5” (12.7 cm)

diameter, 6” (15.2 cm) stroke.
• Choked exhaust ports prevent point jamming
Air Pressure: 55-130 psi (original DA-10
• Head kit: range: 55-150 psi).
‐ Reduces maintenance, costs Electrical: 9.6 Vdc - 13.2 Vdc (12 Vdc
nom.) @ 0.78A (Note 1)
‐ Permits rapid head change-out
Pick-up Volt: 9.6 Vdc (Note 3)
‐ Direct functional replacement for prior valve head
19.2 Vdc - 26.4 Vdc (24 Vdc
‐ Readily available replacement parts
nominal) @ 0.38A (Note 2)
Pick-up Volt: 19.2 Vdc (Note 3)
Valve Head Manual Operation Button (1 of 2)
Cycle Time: Normal-to-reverse position or
reverse-to-normal position
within 0.4 sec. @ 100 psi with
22 Vdc power supply
Mag. Valve Options: 130 or 400 ohms
Note 1: Original DA-10 range: 5.0 Vdc – 14 Vdc (12
Vdc nominal) @ 0.092A
Note 2: Original DA-10 range: 8.3 Vdc – 26 Vdc (24
Vdc nominal) @ 0.058A
Note 3: Rated at 90 psi and 70oF (21oC) ambient;
meets AREMA (AAR) 12.2.10-1993 (section

RSE-6D1, p. 2
DA-10 Yard Electro-Pneumatic Switch Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Machine and Retrofit Valve Head
Rev. 1-04

Typical DA-10 Layout Special Maintenance Tools


Piston Rod Clamp N372298

(Clamps extended piston rod to allow rod eye



Scraper Installation Tool M372292

(Installs cylinder rubber compression (scraper)

Ordering Information • If ordering DA-10 machines for new switch layouts,

• Refer to ordering tabulation for DA-10 top please supply all required specifications and
assembly, key component and service tool part mounting dimensions according to approved track
numbers. plans; contact ASTS USA for any assistance
• Note units equipped with Valve Head Retrofit needed.
components. • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-5711 for
• Machine, cover and base plate can be ordered replacement parts.
under a single “X” part number, or as individual

DA-10 Machines
DA-10 Base
Order No. Machine Voltage Cover Plate
X42500004 X 12 Vdc X X
X42500005 X 24 Vdc X X
N42500101 X 12 Vdc -- --
N42500102 X 24 Vdc -- --

Order No. Valve Head Retrofit Kits Order No. Key Components and Tools
N42500201 Kit for 12 Vdc Machines N371995 Magnet
N42500202 Kit for 24 Vdc Machines N372039 Cover
M372070 Base Plate
N372298 Piston Rod Clamp
M372292 Scraper Installation Tool

RSE-6D1, p. 3
RSE-6D1, p. 4
Switch Machines and Ansaldo STS USA
Associated Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
T-20 and T-21 Hand-Operated Switch Machines
ASTS USA’s T-20 and T-21 Switch Machines
are typically used where facing lock protection
is required to help safeguard the movement of
high speed mainline traffic over a switch.
These machines use a rack and escapement
type mechanism and each comes with a circuit
controller. (LATCH
General Description INCLUDED)
The complete T-20/T-21 operating mechanism is
enclosed in a rugged cast iron case with a lockable
cover. “T-20” is the basic hand operated switch Ordering Information
machine, while “T-21” is a T-20 equipped with a
target staff. These switch machines contain a lock • Refer to ordering tabulation on reverse side for T-20
bar which, with the switch in the normal position, and T-21 part numbers.
enters a notch in the lock rod. This arrangement • To order a T-21 machine, add target staff to T-20.
locks the switch points in their normal position to Target staff includes rod only, not indicator target.
provide facing point lock protection. In addition,
the escapement crank mechanism is configured so
• Contact ASTS USA to order high target staff and latch
that the driving system itself locks the switch in
either extreme position. • If ordering T-20 or T-21 machines for new switch
layouts, please supply all required specifications and
Three basic types of circuit controllers are
mounting dimensions according to approved track
available with the T-20 or T-21 Switch Machines,
plans; contact ASTS USA for any assistance needed.
including standard, standard with reverse point
detection, and heavy duty. These contain up to • Refer to RSE-6J1 to order point detector gauge.
four normally open or closed contacts which are • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-5417 for
operated jointly by the lock rod and the point replacement parts.
detector bar. The contacts indicate whether the
switch is in the proper position for facing point Machine Dimensions
moves. In the standard controller equipped for
reverse point detection, the reverse detector
device contains four additional pairs of contacts
that indicate switch points in the reverse direction.
The T-20 and T-21 Switch Machines may be used
in right or left-hand layouts. Although the
machines are externally configured for left or right
layouts, all parts are interchangeable to allow
conversion to the opposite layout.

• Useful where facing point lock protection is
• Positive switching action
• Rugged construction

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-6E1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA T-20 and T-21 Hand-Operated
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Switch Machines
Rev. 3-09
Typical Layout Low Target Staff N383605

High Target Staff

(Contact ASTS USA to Order)

Switch Machines
Reverse Switch
Order No. Contacts (1) Pt. Detect Pt. Layout Closed Notes
N212788 4 Open -- Left-Hand Left-Hand (2)
N385635-0002 2 Open, 2 Closed -- Left-Hand Left-Hand --
N385635-0003 2 Open, 2 Closed -- Left-Hand Right-Hand --
N385636 4 Open -- Right-Hand Right-Hand --
N385636-0002 4 Open -- Left-Hand Left-Hand --
N385637 2 Open, 2 Closed -- Right-Hand Right-Hand --
N385637-0002 2 Open, 2 Closed X Left-Hand Left-Hand --
Note (1): Controller contacts are heavy duty (H.D.).
Note (2): Machine with heavy-duty external terminals.

Conversions (see Note 1)

Order No. Target Staff Height
N383605 Low 15-5/8" (39.69 CM)
Note (1): Contact ASTS USA to order High Target Staff

RSE-6E1, p. 2
Switch Machines and Ansaldo STS USA
Associated Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09
U-5 Circuit Controller
The U-5 Switch Circuit Controller monitors the
position of rail switch points and provides
electrical signals to control various pieces of
equipment based on the position of the points.
The terminals, contacts, operating cams, and
other components are installed in a weather tight
steel housing. A hinged cover provides easy
internal access for inspection, adjustment, and
maintenance. Two elbow type ventilators provide
for air circulation to minimize condensation within
the steel housing.

Starting in 2008, the U-5 incorporated

new, more durable “space-age”
materials to extend service life and
reduce maintenance time/costs.
Overall Dimensions: 7.75” W x 7.5” H x 17” D
General Description
(19.7 cm W x 19.0 cm H x
The machine has a 1-1 /2 inch (3.81 cm) diameter 43.2 cm D)
cam shaft which provides a large bearing surface to
Weight: 68 lbs. (30.8 kg) - including
reduce bushing wear. This cam shaft also provides a
large surface area to engage a micrometer adjusting
screw to prevent wear and a loss of sensitivity. All of Position: 2-way (all units)
the shaft bearings are self-lubricating.
Contacts: 4F and 4B (all units)
Although this catalog section only covers the 4-way U-
5 Switch Circuit Controller, the controller is available Ordering Information
in several other standard and yard type configurations
by contacting your ASTS USA Account Executive. • Refer to ordering tabulation on next page for U-5
Standard type machine designs include 2-way, 4-way, part numbers.
or 6-way sizes for 2-position, 3-position, and polarized
applications. Three-way, 3-position and 1-way, 2- • Note: Listed units do not include crank.
position designs are available for yard type machines. • When placing an order, please indicate:
The operating crank of the U-5 Switch Circuit ‐ Standard or yard type machine
Controller is solidly connected to the end points of a
switch layout and as the switch points move, the ‐ Cam arrangement
operating crank rotates a cam shaft inside the Circuit ‐ Contact arrangement
Controller. As the cam shaft rotates, it moves cams
along operating arms causing them to open and close ‐ Crank offset: Use tie location to determine
contact springs in a contact board. proper offset, refer to “Z” dimension in diagram.

• Contact ASTS USA for 6-way models of the U-5.

• Refer to RSE-6H1 for controller operating rods.
• Provides reliable detection of switch point position
• Numerous applications • Refer to RSE-6J1 for recommended U-5
maintenance tools.
• Easily adjusted
• Improved materials over earlier designs.
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4516 for
replacement parts.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-6F1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA U-5 Circuit Controller
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 3-09

Ordering Information (cont’d)

U-5 Circuit Controllers

Return Wire
Order No. Position Heater Spring Ventilators Outlet Notes
N181359-001 2 X -- -- -- (1)
N181359-002 2 X -- -- -- (1)
N181359-003 2 -- X X X (1)
N181359-004 2 X -- X X (1)
N181359 2 -- -- X X (1)
N184030 2&3 -- -- X X (2)
N184034 2 -- -- X X (1)
Note (1): Contacts in spaces: 1-F&B, 2-F&B, 3-F&B, 4&B
Note (2): Contacts in spaces: 1-F&B (3-pos.), 2-F&B (3-pos.), 3-F&B (2-pos.), 4&B (2-pos.)

RSE-6F1, p. 2
Switch Machines and Ansaldo STS USA
Associated Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-05

Electronic Biased Neutral Circuit Controller Retrofit for

Alstom Switch Machines
The Electronic Biased Neutral Controller (EBNC)
is a drop-in replacement for the electro-
mechanical circuit controller in Alstom Model 5H
switch machines, and uses electronic
components and controlled paths to achieve vital
operation. This device is designed for rapid
replacement of the existing electro-mechanical
controller, utilizing the same mounting space,
connection layout and operating power as the
existing unit. The EBNC improves Model 5H
machine operation by improving motor stop time,
and is vitally designed to prevent inadvertent
machine operation relative to signal clearing.

General Description
The EBNC provides the same functions as its Model Two low voltage and two high voltage models of the
5H electro-mechanical counterpart, i.e., motor control, EBNC are available. The distinction between models
dynamic braking, and overload protection. It consists is based on whether or not motor input power is
of a printed circuit board with a clear plastic protective permanently connected, or whether power is removed
cover and mounting holes positioned to fit on the before signals are cleared. If motor power is removed
existing mounting studs in the Model 5H machine. A before signals are cleared, an EBNC circuit failure
9-way AREMA (AAR) terminal strip on the board cannot inadvertently open the points. The alternate
enables direct transfer and connection of wiring. PC design includes additional circuitry to prevent any
board panel nomenclature matches the existing wire EBNC failure that could inadvertently power the
tags to facilitate connection. switch. (Refer to Ordering Information for further
Four monitoring LED’s are located in the center of the descriptions of these models.)
board and are visible through the plastic cover. LEDs
1 and 3 reflect polarity of WR – NWR and are Advantages
identified LEFT and RIGHT, respectively. With WR at • Fail-safe design: Motor power cannot be activated
“+” voltage and NWR at “-“ voltage, LED 3 (RIGHT) unless commanded
lights; LED 1 (LEFT) lights with the opposite polarity.
Indications also relate to direction of throw. A third • Mounts in same space as existing mechanical
LED lights when power is connected to the motor and biased neutral controller
a fourth LED lights when indicating the stroke is
terminated because of motor overload.
• Uses identical connection layout as existing
The EBNC will function from a split battery or separate
power sources and bi-polar control. The unit • AREMA (AAR) terminals provided for external
responds to a polarity change of a control input connections.
ranging from 9.8 to 33.0 Vdc, driving a field-wound • Terminal markings corresponding to existing
motor of either nominal 24 Vdc or 110 Vdc. No machine’s wire tags
jumper settings are required to select the operating
voltage. The motor is thermally protected by limiting • Unit protected by plastic cover.
the product of time and current. Dynamic braking is
incorporated to improve the stop time of the motor.
• Incorporates dynamic braking

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-6F2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Electronic Biased Neutral Circuit
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Controller Retrofit for Alstom (GRS)
RSE-6F2 Switch Machines
Rev. 7-05

Specifications Specifications (cont’d)

Control Voltage: 9.8* to 33 Vdc High Voltage Unit: Max. motor voltage: 140 Vdc
9.8 Vdc: Min. operating Overload Protection: 10A =
voltage anticipating battery 17 sec*., 13A = 13 sec*., 16A
discharge from higher voltage < 3 sec*.
10 Vdc: Required for initial *At less than 13A, time = 169
activation divided by current
Operating current: @10 Vdc: 0.23A Temperature range: -40oC to +70oC (-40oF to
@ 33 Vdc = 0.16A
Heater not required)
Lightning Protection: Built In (No external devices
Low Voltage Unit: Max. motor voltage: 36 Vdc Ordering Information
Overload Protection: 15A =
34 sec*., 20A = 26 sec*., 22A
• Refer to ordering tabulation for Biased Neutral
Circuit Controller part numbers.
< 3 sec*.
*At less than 20A, time = 520 • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-9270 for
divided by current additional information.

Electronic Circuit Controller for Alstom Switch Machines

Order No. Application Power Application
N40904101 Low (1) Power removed before signals are cleared
N40904102 High (2) Power removed before signals are cleared
N40904103 Low (1) Power remains permanently connected
N40904104 High (2) Power remains permanently connected
Note (1): Low voltage - up to 36 Vdc
Note (2): High voltage - up to 140 Vdc

RSE-6F2, p. 2
Switch Machines and Ansaldo STS USA
Associated Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 5-06

ECC Retrofit Kit for M-3 and M-23 Switch Machines

The M-style Switch Machine Electronic Circuit
Controller (ECC) is provided as a “drop-in”
replacement for the mechanical circuit controller
in existing ASTS USA M-style switch machines. A
true linear detection device with no moving parts,
the retrofit ECC eliminates circuit controller
sensitivity degradation due to component wear.
The ECC also provides advanced LED diagnostics
as well as an optional auxiliary point-detection
system that predicts switch machine failures.

General Description
The ECC is a microprocessor-based circuit controller
that utilizes inductive proximity sensors to
continuously monitor switch machine conditions. The
device vitally monitors the position of the switch points
and the internal locking mechanism, delivering switch Application
machine indications to the wayside. The ECC is available for retrofit installation in all
This unit’s advanced diagnostic system analyzes both ASTS USA M-style switch machine configurations (M-
local machine status and adjacent switch machine 3, M-23A and M-23B) equipped with permanent
indication circuitry. The ECC can also be equipped magnet motors. It can be set-up to operate on 2-, 3-
with an auxiliary point-detection system that monitors and 5-wire control systems. The ECC operates on
switchpoint position to a tighter tolerance, reporting continuous battery power ranging from 10 to 16 Vdc,
marginal switch machine performance to the wayside and up to three machines can be series-connected for
and predicting failures before they occur. indication-circuit operation. Switch indication circuits
can be configured for either 2-wire bi-polar or 4-wire
The ECC consists of a main controller unit, four vital applications.
and two non-vital proximity sensors, a junction box, a
motor control unit (MCU), and a terminal board Advanced LED diagnostics provide information on the
assembly. The controller unit vitally monitors the point state of each vital sensor and indicate the presence of
and lock proximity sensors, making logical machine- switch-indication power from an adjacent machine.
state decisions and delivering the switch indication LED diagnostics also are provided for indication
output. The junction box is the termination point for all output from the machine, motor power availability and
proximity sensors. It’s equipped with configuration the latch-out feature.
jumpers to determine the normally-closed point and to The optional auxiliary point-detection system
select latch-out options. generates an output that can provide advance notice
The MCU removes power from the motor control to maintenance personnel of marginal switch machine
circuit only after the machine is fully locked, and operation. The sensing threshold of each auxiliary
applies a dynamic brake at the end of each stroke to sensor is offset from the vital point-detector sensors
minimize shock to the drive train. The terminal board by 1/8” (0.317 mm) to detect switch-point
assembly is the termination point for all field wires. displacement before the vital sensors indicate point-
This component is equipped with 14 I/O gas tube detector bar movement. With this system, switchpoint
arrestors for lightning protection. displacement caused by debris build-up or rail
expansion and contraction can be detected before a
failure occurs.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-6F3, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA ECC Retrofit Kit for M-3 and M-23
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Switch Machines
Rev. 5-06

Advantages Specifications

• “Drop-in” replacement for the mechanical circuit Dimensions: Controller housing: 4” H x

10” W x 8” D (10.2 cm H x
controller in M-style switch machines
25.4 cm W x 20.3 cm)
• No wiring wayside control circuit changes required Weight: Controller housing: 11 Ibs.
(5.0 kg)
• No mechanical moving parts to deteriorate or
maintain Operating Temp. Range: -40oC to +70oC (-40oF to
• Utilizes vital and non-vital proximity sensors for Input Voltage: 10-16 Vdc
point detection
Indication Output Volt: 12 Vdc (nom.)
• Detects all possible states of the proximity sensors:
Bi-Polar Aux. Output: 12 Vdc (nom.)
on, off, shorted or open
I/O Connections: Wago terminals mounted
• Simple set-up and adjustment of point detection on DIN rail
system reduces adjustment time by more than
60% AREMA binding posts for
motor power terminations
• LED diagnostics provide state of local and adjacent
switch machines
Ordering and Additional Technical Information
• LED diagnostics point directly to any problem
without the use of a multi-meter or similar device • Refer to ordering tabulation for ECC Retrofit Kit
part numbers.
• Available with optional auxiliary point-detection
(reports marginal switch machine operation in • For additional technical information and
advance of failure) replacement parts, request ASTS USA Service
Manual SM-6263A
• Predictive-maintenance feature reduces
operational costs associated with train delays
resulting from switch machine malfunctions

• Local/remote switch control capability

ECC Retrofit Kits

Auxiliary Local/Remote
Order No. Sensors Switch
N42252901 -- X
N42252902 X X
N42252903 -- --
N42252904 X --

RSE-6F3, p. 2
Switch Machines and Ansaldo STS USA
Associated Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03

SL-21A Electric Switch Lock

General Description
The SL-21A Electric Switch Lock prevents
unauthorized operation of hand throw levers on switch
stands. An electric control in the SL-21A provides the
only means of disengaging the lock. Basic
components include a magnet coil, armature, cam
operated contacts, locking dog assembly (with two
counterweights), and foot latch assembly. The
complete mechanism is housed in a low profile cast
iron case and uses a foot latch with a padlock for
added security.
In the normal position, the foot latch is pressed and
the padlock is in place. When the padlock is
removed, a coil return spring raises the foot latch,
applying voltage to the lock circuit and energizing an
armature. This results in lifting of the lock dog from its Ordering Information
notch and releasing the mechanism. The switch can
be thrown at this point. The spring-loaded foot latch • Refer to ordering tabulation on reverse side for SL-
must be pressed to enable insertion of the padlock. 21A top assembly part numbers and lock rod
This action removes the voltage, causing the armature support components.
to fail away and the lock dog to drop back into place,
thus securing the mechanism. Counterweights assist • When ordering the SL-21A, please specify if wire
the motion of the lock dog. inlet plate assembly is to be installed on the hasp
or the hinge side.
Normal arrangement of the cam operated contacts
are for the padlocked position. The back contacts are • Also specify type of switch stand that will
closed and the front contact is open in this position. incorporate the lock.
Typically, there are one front and two back contacts,
while the armature normally has two back contacts • Lever lock rod does not have a standard order
that are closed when the circuit is de-energized. number. Order by dimensions shown in RSE-6H2.
The SL-21A is for right-hand assembly. Other • Contact ASTS USA to order:
optional items include lock rod and lock rod support.
ASTS USA can produce custom lock rods to customer ‐ Yale drawer lock
specifications. ‐ Lock suitable for tandem application (locking
hand-throw lever in both normal and reverse
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-3225 to
• Provides security for hand-throw switch levers order SL-21A replacement parts.

• Positive-locking design, low profile

• Easily installed and maintained

See reverse side for unit and application dimensions.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-6G1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA SL-21A Electric Switch Lock
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 7-03

Unit Dimensions Application Dimensions

SL-21A Locks
Order No. Mag. Coil Res. Features
N241331 670 Normal contact arrangement
N272885 280 With lubrication fittings

Lock Rod Support Components (all qty. = 1)

Order No.
M105987 Stud
J048090 Nut
J048622 Cotter
J047783 Washer
J039137 Fitting

RSE-6G1, p. 2
Switch Machines and Ansaldo STS USA
Associated Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03

SL-25 Electric Switch Lock

General Description
The SL-25 Switch Lock is a low style electric switch
lock for application to locking levers located between
the rails at the middle of hand-operated crossovers
(where clearance is limited to (17.8 cm)). This
devices employ a foot-operated latch with padlock, a
magnet assembly, armature contacts, cam-operated
controls, plunger rod and a mechanical status
indicator (“LOCKED”, “UNLOCKED”). Three cam-
operated contacts (two normally closed, one open)
are provided on the SL-25 for line control. Also, the
unit indicates the position of the magnet armature.
SL-25 switch locks may be ordered with an
emergency key release unit, either a Yale or
Switchman’s key types. A latchout feature is also Ordering Information
available; this feature places the contacts in their most
restrictive indication if an emergency key is used. • SL-25 with normal contact arrangement and no key
Locks suitable for tandem applications can also be release shown in ordering tabulation.
• When placing order, indicate the type of switch
Adjustable lever lock rods (see RSE-6H2) are stand used in the installation.
available for the SL-25 Switch Lock. These rods
simplify switch lock the application to the T-20/T-21 • Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive to
switch machines. order key accommodations.

• Refer to RSE-6H2 for adjustable lever lock rods.

• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-5466 for
• Low style locks for space-restricted installations replacement parts.

• Single and tandem applications

Order No. SL-25 Lock

N269804 SL-25 Electric Switch Lock (complete)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-6G3, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA SL-25 Electric Switch Lock
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 7-03

Unit Dimensions

Typical SL-25 Electric Switch Lock Layout

RSE-6G3, p. 2
Switch Machines and Ansaldo STS USA
Associated Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03
Operating Rods and Point Detector Lugs for Switch
Circuit Controllers
General Description CC Operating Rod Installation
Circuit controller operating rods connect the
controller directly to a switch point. Connections
can be made to the near or far switch points.
Two types of rods are available:

• With spring type ball socket for circuit

controller connection and ball clamp for switch
point connection

• With spring type ball socket for both

The ball sockets are self-adjusting. Lost motion
in the connections is automatically taken up by
the spring, which has ample strength to operate
the circuit controller. The ball connection is
captive and cannot escape from the socket even
if the spring should break. A grease fitting on the
spring ball socket connection enables forced
lubrication. All rods incorporate a thread with
rounded roots to withstand severe vibrations over Operating Rods
an extended period. Ball type point detector lugs
are recommended for these rods; these listed in

Ordering Information

• Refer to ordering tabulation on reverse side

for Circuit Controller Operating Rods and
Point Detector Lugs part numbers.
• When ordering rods, specify connection to
near or far switch point (see diagram below).
• Specify spring ball socket on one end of rod,
or both ends.
• Note unit dimensions in diagram for proper
• When ordering point detector lugs, refer to
dimension ‘Z” in diagram below. This is the
same as the “Z” dimension in the second
ordering tabulation.
• Note on above: Bolt holes are slotted, so
there is some allowance for play.
• Specify the required “Z” dimension and bolt
size for the point detector lug.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-6H1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Operating Rods and Point Detector
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Lugs for Switch Circuit Controllers
Rev. 7-03

Point Detector Lug

Circuit Controller Operating Rods

Order No. End Conn. (1) Dimension "V" Dwg. Ref.
N237118 Spring, Ball 2', 3-1/4" A
N221255 Spring, Ball 2', 9-1/2" A1
N224218 Spring, Ball 3', 10-1/2" A2
N225193 Spring, Ball 7', 11-1/2" B
N224456 Spring, Spring 3', 10-1/2" C
Note (1): Ends of rod: "Spring" - spring type ball
socket. "Ball" - ball clamp.

Circuit Controller Operating Rods - Pt. Det. Lugs

Order No. Bolt Applic. Dimension "Z"
M346588 3/4" 5"
M346589 3/4" 7"
M346590 3/4" 9"
M346591 1" 5"
M346592 1" 7"
M346593 1" 9"

RSE-6H1, p. 2
Switch Machines and Ansaldo STS USA
Associated Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03

Switch Lock Lever Lock Rods

General Description Lever Lock Rod Application Dimensions
ASTS USA’s Switch Lock Lever Lock Rods enable
SL-21A and SL-25 electric switch locks to be applied
to T-20/T-21 hand-operated switch machines, and
standard railroad switch stands. These 2-piece,
durable steel rods incorporate a threaded center joint
(with lock nut) that allows fine adjustment of rod length
in or out from various nominal lengths. Different offset
dimensions are also available. Refer to the ordering
tabulation for complete design and dimensional

Ordering Information

• Refer to ordering tabulation for part numbers of

Switch Lock Lever Lock Rods

Switch Lock Lever Lock Rods

Order No. Dimension "A" Max. Min. Dimension "B" Notes
N295293 24-1/2" 25-3/16" 23-7/8" 4-1/6" (1)
N295291 14-1/2" 15-3/16" 13-7/8" 4-1/6" (1)
N309211 24-1/2" 25-3/16" 23-7/8" 2-9/16" (1)
N313979002 10-15/16" 11-3/8" 10-1/2" 1-5/8" (2)
N313979005 12-15/16" 12-3/4" 11-7/8" 3/4" (2)
Note (1): For SL-21A Switch Locks on std. hand-throw switch stands.
Note (2): For SL-21A Switch Locks on T-20/T-21 Switch Machines.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-6H2, p. 1
RSE-6H2, p. 2
Switch Machines and Ansaldo STS USA
Associated Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03

Switch Point Roller Bearing Assemblies

General Description
ASTS USA’s switch roller bearing assembly is a
simple, inexpensive device that greatly reduces
friction between the switch points and the supporting
surfaces. Installed in sets, the bearings reduce the
load on the switch machine and allow the machine to
apply force in a smooth, uniform manner. This helps
to extend machine operating life. These roller
bearings can be used on mechanically operated
switches, switch springs with mechanical facing point
lock, and outlying power-operated switches. Models
are available to suit different rail sizes. The bearing
used is a high quality Timken unit (tapered type) that
is fully sealed against moisture and debris.

Ordering Information

• Refer to ordering tabulation for part numbers of

Switch Point Roller Bearing Assemblies.

• Select assembly per rail weight and reinforcing bar

thickness ranges, and specify the required

• Note: Order number X231923-002 includes two

roller bearing assemblies.

• Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive to

order customized assemblies.

Switch Point Roller Bearing Assemblies

Order No. Rail Applications Notes
X231923001 112# R.E. 139# T.R. 132# H.F. (1)
112# H.F. 130# R.E. 133# R.E. (1)
115# R.E. 130# H.F. 136# C.F.& I (1)
119# C.F.& I 131# R.E. 140# P.S. (1)
127# Dudley 132# R.E. (1)
X231923002 112# R.E. 129# T.R. 132# H.F. (2)
112# H.F. 130# R.E. 133# R.E. (2)
115# R.E. 130# H.F. 136# C.F.& I (2)
119# C.F.& I 131# R.E. 140# P.S. (2)
127# Dudley 132# R.E.
General Note: Order only when using Cal-Rod switch heaters.
Note (1): One assembly for 1/2" to 1-1/4" reinforcing bar on gage side.
Note (2): Two assemblies for 1/2" to 1-1/4" reinforcing bar on gage side.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-6H3, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Switch Point Roller Bearing
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 7-03

Typical switch point roller bearing installation.

RSE-6H3, p. 2
Switch Machines and Ansaldo STS USA
Associated Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03

Swivel Front Rods and Swivel Point Lugs

General Description
ASTS USA’s Swivel Front Rods are designed
as rugged, long-lasting alternatives to
conventional rigid front rods. While providing
a connection of great strength between the
switch points, the unique swivel design
permits the movement necessary to limit
strain or prevent breakage of the connection
resulting from stagger in switch point position.
The design allows a swivel action in the
horizontal plane at each end while, at the
same time, providing the desired rigidity in the
vertical plane for support of the switch point.
In these assemblies, the front bar is insulated
at the lock rod connection lug. Its length is
adjustable in 1/8” steps, providing a wide
range of lengths to accommodate the various
thick-nesses of reinforcing bars and the
various switch point openings typically Swivel Front Rod
encountered. The rods are made from high
strength steel and may be employed in switch
layouts having a distance between inside
faces of point reinforcing bars of 4’, 3-1/2”
(max.) to 3’, 11-1/8” (min.).
The swivel point lugs provide a secure link
between the swivel front rod and the switch Swivel Point Lug with Ball End
track, and are actuated by a connecting rod.
Two types are available. One is supplied with
a ball tip for mating with a point detector
connecting rod. The other is furnished with a
plain end. The lugs are symmetrical about
the switch point bolt holes, thus they can be
interchanged. Since the lock rod connection
may be run from either side to the bracket lug,
the same front rod parts are used at right- Swivel Point Lug without Ball End
hand and left-hand layouts.

Ordering Information

• Refer to ordering tabulation on reverse

side for part numbers of Swivel Front Rods
and Swivel Point Lugs.

• Make certain to order rods and lugs per

required dimensions. Pin Bolt

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-6H4, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Swivel Front Rods and
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Swivel Point Lugs
Rev. 7-03

Swivel Front Rods

Order No. Downset 1-3/4" Drop
N229002 1-3/4" --
N303520 4-3/8" Without
N451387-1501 4-3/8" With

Swivel Point Lugs

Order No. Dimension "X" Bolt Appli. End
M286016 4-1/2" 1" Ball
M297146 5-1/2" 1" Ball
M309848-001 4-3/4" 3/4" Ball
M293573 6-3/8" 1" Ball
M257124 5-1/2" 3/4" Ball
M257125 5-1/2" 3/4" Plain
M284293 6-3/4" 3/4" Plain
M284294 6-3/8" 1" Plain
M280484 4-3/4" 3/4" Plain
M283081 5-1/2" 1" Plain
M286840 4-1/2" 1" Plain
M373959 6-3/4" 3/4" Ball

Pin Bolts
Order No. Dimensions Order No. Dimensions
M304192 3/4" x 5-1/4" M312567 1" x 4-3/4"
M304193 3/4" x 4-1/4" M393550 1" x 5-1/2"

RSE-6H4, p. 2
Switch Machines and Ansaldo STS USA
Associated Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09

Tools for Switch Machines, Switch Layout Hardware

and Related Equipment
ASTS USA offers a complete line of generic and
special-purpose tools to expedite repairs and
adjustment of switch machines and associated
switch layout hardware. This includes tools to
cover every possible calibration need at the
switch machine installation, as well as tools for
field or shop repairs. Many these tools are
provided in several types of toolset kits and can
be used to service ASTS USA switch machines
such as the M-3, M-23 or YM-2000, non-ASTS USA
machines and related apparatus such as ASTS
USA’s U-5 Circuit Controller.

General Description
ASTS USA provides six different kits for general
a variety of general-purpose tools as recommended in
adjustment and maintenance of switch machines and
the service manuals for each piece of equipment.
switch layout apparatus, including:
Refer to or request these service manuals (as shown
1. Switch machine repair: Component in the ordering tabulations) when compiling the
repair/removal, motor service, gear box complete set of tools required for maintenance for a
maintenance, cover replacement, etc. particular piece of equipment. Be sure to contact your
2. Kit 1 above plus track wrench set for point ASTS USA Account Executive for any additional
detector and lock rod adjustment. information needed to order a tool set or individual
3. Kit 2 above plus mechanical circuit controller
adjustment tools.
4. Mechanical circuit controller adjustment tools only Specific Kits
(part of Kit 3 above). Basic Switch Machine Tool Kit (Order No.
5. Track wrench set only (part of Kit 2 above.) X49125301)
6. Close-Clearance Wrench for Swivel Front Rod This kit is provided for essential switch machine repair
Assemblies tasks such as component repair/removal, motor
service, gear box maintenance, cover replacement,
In addition to the above kits, ASTS USA provides a
etc. Tools contained in this kit include:
16-piece kit for shop repair and adjustment of most
style “M” switch machines (except M-3E, M-23E-A, M- • 2” Drive Chrome Ratchet - 10” long
23E-B). This kit contains a variety of general-purpose
tools (wrenches, pliers, sockets) as well as ASTS • 15-3/4” Breaker Bar
USA special-design tools such as a special pin • 10” long Ratchet Extension
wrench for clutch housing packing gland handling and
a clutch assembly gauge for the hand/motor clutch
• 3/8” x 3-1/4” Long Hex Bit
adjustment. • 1/2” Drive Socket Set
This RSE Catalog section also lists various ASTS • Screwdriver - WAGO Narrow Blade
USA-designed special tools developed for field and • 1/4” Slotted Screwdriver, 6” long
shop maintenance of other switch machines such as
YM-2000, A-10 and DA-10, as well as the U-5 circuit • 1/2” Slotted Screwdriver, 10” long
controller. These particular tools are augmented with • #2 Phillips Screwdriver, 10” long

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-6J1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Tools for Switch Machines, Switch
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Layout Hardware and Related
RSE-6J1 Equipment
Rev. 3-09

Specific Kits (cont’d)

• Crescent Wrench, 6” long - 15/16” max

• Crescent Wrench, 10” long – 1-5/16” max
• Combination Wrench - 5/16”
• Thin Head Wrench, 1-1/8”
• Hex Key Set, L-Shaped, 13 pc.
• Retriever - Flexible 13-1/2” long
• Feeler Gages – 25-pc set
• Ball Peen Hammer, 12 oz.
• Grease Gun, Mini 3-1/2” Cartridges
• Seater - Brush & Handle (Motor Commutator)
• Terminal Wrench
• Switch Obstruction Gage Mechanical Circuit Controller Adjustment Tool Kit
(Order No. X49125304)
• Point Detector Gage
Tools contained in this kit are used for switch machine
• Canvas Tool Bag mechanical circuit controller adjustments such as
• Strap for Canvas Tool Bag setting contact pressure and air gaps. Items in this kit
• Leather Accessory Bag

• 0 -to 12 lb. Spring Scale

Basic Switch Machine Tool Kit with Track Wrench Set
(Order No. X49125302)
• 0 to 6 lb. Spring Scale

This kit combines Basic Tool Kit X49125301 with two

• Spring Bender (“T” handle)
different types of “Track Wrenches”. These wrenches • Spring Benders
are used for point detector and lock rod adjustments. • Spring Tension Gage 0 to 5 lb.
Kit items include:

• All items in kit X49125301 above, plus: Track Wrench Set (Order No. X49125305)
• Switch Adjusting Wrench, 2-1/16” Track wrenches are used for point detector and lock
• Switch Adjusting Wrench, 1-5/16” to 1-11/16”
rod adjustments. Kit items include:

• Switch Adjusting Wrench, 2-1/16”

Basic Switch Machine Tool Kit, Track Wrench Set and
Mechanical Circuit Controller Adjusting Tools (Order • Switch Adjusting Wrench, 1-5/16” to 1-11/16”
No. X49125303)
Close-Clearance Wrench for Swivel Front Rod
This kit adds to the X49125302 above with set of Assemblies (Order No. J49124401)
circuit controller adjustment tools. Items in this kit
include: This ASTS USA custom-designed tool allows the
maintainer to turn swivel front rod and basket nuts that
• All items in kit X49125302 above, plus: are positioned close to the ties and cannot be turned
• 0 -to 12 lb. Spring Scale
with conventional open-end or box-end wrenches.

• 0 to 6 lb. Spring Scale

• Spring Bender (“T” handle)
• Spring Benders
• Spring Tension Gage 0 to 5 lb.

RSE-6J1, p. 2
Tools for Switch Machines, Switch Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Layout Hardware and Related
Equipment RSE-6J1
Rev. 3-09
Point Detector Gauge (Style “M”) Point Detector Gauge (T-20/21) Spring Bender Tool (Style “M”)
N295326 N250289 R439056

Flat Wrench (A-10) Flat Wrench (A-10) Switch Adjust. Wrench (A-10)
M178272 M178274 M092292

Specific Kits (cont’d) ASTS USA Service Manual Cross-References

Shop Maintenance and Adjustment Tools for M-23E A and B ........................................................... SM-7100
Style “M” Switch Machines (Except M-3E, M- M-3, M-23A and M23B with MCC* ............................. SM-6263
23E-A, M-23E-B) (Order No. X296406001)
M-3, M-23A and M-23B with ECC*/MCU*/EBNC* ..... SM-9662
• 6” Screw driver, slotted M-3, M-23A and M-23B Machines with IPD*.............. SM-9671
• 10” Screw driver, slotted Low-Profile M-3 .......................................................... SM-6444
• 6” Slip joint pliers A-10 E-P* Switch Machine ......................................... SM-5041
• 12 oz. machinist hammer, ball peen A-5 E-P* Switch Machine ........................................... SM-5044
• Insulated socket wrench, 1/2” YM-2000 Switch Machine........................................... SM-6455
• 6” Adjustable crescent wrench DA-10 Switch Machine ............................................... SM-5711
• 10” adjustable crescent wrench T-20/21 Switch Machine............................................. SM-5417
• Hex head socket set U-5 Circuit Controller.................................................. SM-4516
• Ratchet wrench, 1/2” drive SL-21A Switch Lock ................................................... SM-3225
• Extension bar, 1/2” drive, 10” long SL-25 Switch Lock...................................................... SM-5466
• Special pin wrench (for clutch housing * MCC – Mechanical Circuit Controller
packing gland) ECC – Electronic Circuit Controller
• Thin-head flat wrench (1-5/32” opening) MCU – Motor Control Unit
• 3/16” hex. Allen-head wrench EBNC – Electronic Biased Neutral Controller
• Clutch assembly gauge, (hand/motor IDP – Indepedent Point Detection
clutch) E-P – Electro-Pneumatic
• Basket Wrench, 2-1/16” open-end
• Box wrench

RSE-6J1, p. 3
Ansaldo STS USA Tools for Switch Machines, Switch
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Layout Hardware and Related
RSE-6J1 Equipment
Rev. 3-09

Ordering Information - “M” Series Switch Machine and Layout Tools

• Refer to ordering tabulation for tool kit and individual tool part
• Only ASTS USA-designed individual tools are listed. Refer to
indicated service manual for other general-purpose tools needed for
machine installation, repair or adjustment.
Order No. General-Purpose Switch Machine and Layout Tools/Tool Kits (1)
X49125301 Basic Switch Machine Tool Kit
X49125302 Basic Switch Machine Tool Kit with Track Wrench Set
X49125303 Basic Switch Machine Tool Kit, Track Wrench Set and Mechanical
Circuit Controller Adjusting Tools
X49125304 Mechanical Circuit Controller Adjustment Tool Kit
X49125305 Track Wrench Set
J49124401 Close Clearance Wrench for Swivel Front Rod Assemblies
Note (1): See description for list of tools contained in kits

Special Tools for Maintaining Style "M" Switch Machines with

Mechanical Circuit Controllers (1)
Order No. Description Notes
N295326 Point Detector Gauge --
R439056 T-Shaped Spring Bender Tool (2)
Note (1): Not applicable to machines with Electronic Circuit Controller.
Note (2): Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-5453 for detailed
instructions on point detector gauge usage.

Tools for Maintaining M-23E-A and M-23E-B Machines

Order No. Description Notes
X49125305 Track Wrench Set (1)
J039000-0134 Thin-Head Screwdriver (2)
Note 1: See first ordering tab above and text for description.
Note 2: Used to release Wago cage clamp terminals for wire insertion
and release

Special Field/Shop Maintenance Tools for A-10 Machines (1)

Order No. Description Head Size
M178272 Flat Wrench 1-3/32 in. to 1-1/8 in.
M178274 Flat Wrench 1-1/4 in. to 1-15/32 in.
M092292 Switch Adjustment Wrench 2-1/16 in.
Note (1): Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-5041 for complete list
of required general-purpose tools.

Special Field/Shop Tools for A-5 Machines (1)

Order No. Description
N298213 Combination Gauge
Note (1): Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-5044 for complete list
of required general-purpose tools.

RSE-6J1, p. 4
Tools for Switch Machines, Switch Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Layout Hardware and Related
Equipment RSE-6J1
Rev. 3-09
Ordering Information (cont’d)

Special Field/Shop Tools for YM-2000 Switch Machines (1)

Order No. Description
N451596-0201 Torque Wrench Adapter (Clutch and Motor Shaft Adjustment)
N451596-0101 Motor Shaft Adapter (Motor Shaft Adjustment)
Note (1): Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6455 for complete list
of required general-purpose tools.

Special Tools for DA-10 Switch Machines (1)

Order No. Description
N372298 Piston Rod Clamp
M372292 Scraper Installation Tool
Note (1): Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-5711 for complete list
of required general-purpose tools.

Special Tools for T-20 and T-21 Switch Machines (1)

Order No. Description Note
N250289 Point Detector Gauge (2)
Note (1): Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-5453 for complete list
of required general-purpose tools.
Note (2): Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-5453 for detailed
instructions on point detector gauge usage.

Special Tools U-5 Circuit Controllers (1)

Order No. Description
M230724 Spring Bender for Contact Spring Adjustment
Note (1): Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-4516 for complete list
of required general-purpose tools.

Torque Wrench Adapter (YM-2000) Motor Shaft Adapter (YM-2000) Combination Gauge (A-5)
N451596-0201 N451596-0101 N298213

Spring Bender M230724 (U-5) Piston Rod Clamp Scraper Installation Tool
N372298 (DA-10) M372292 (DA-10)

RSE-6J1, p. 5
RSE-6J1, p. 6
Switch Machines and Ansaldo STS USA
Associated Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03

Pedestal-Mounted Junction Boxes

General Description
Pedestal-mounted junction boxes are typically used at
switch machine locations as a central termination
point for under-ground cables. Terminal blocks,
variable resistors, fuse holders and related
components are mounted in these boxes. Each
pedestal contains a side entrance, located near the
bottom of the riser, for the parkway cable. Because
the pedestal is placed directly in the ground, no
concrete foundation is required. The pedestal
junction boxes can accommodate from four to 48
AREMA terminals (#14-24) molded in blocks of
Bakelite insulation. Terminal nuts are positioned for
easy access by a socket wrench. Knockouts for steel
or flexible hose conduits or multi-conductor fittings are
provided on opposite sides of the boxes. Other
design features include: Advantages
• Larger boxes (12 to 24 terminals) contain two • Ideal for underground cable termination
elbow ventilators with fine wire mesh screens for
air circulation and elimination of condensation. • Numerous optional attachments
These boxes also have well underneath terminal • Direct ground installation - no foundation needed
compartment for pot-heading and sealing of
incoming cables. Ordering Information
• Sealed cover joints and outside cover bolts provide • Refer to ordering tabulation on reverse side for
weather protection. commonly-used pedestal junction boxes and
• All exposed bolts, nuts and washers cad-plated to special fittings.
resist rust. • Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive to
• Side and bottom openings protect incoming order special boxes and standard fittings.
underground cables

Order Ref. A Order Ref. B Order Ref. C Order Ref. D

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-6K1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Pedestal-Mounted Junction Boxes
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 7-03

Pedestal-Mounted Junction Boxes

Order No. Dwg. Ref. Terminals Pipe Plug Connectors
N386513 A 4 -- Note (1)
N393981 A 4 X Note (2)
N376937 B 4 -- --
N376941 B 10 -- --
N374992 C 12 -- --
N374993 C 24 -- --
N349656 D 48 -- --
Note (1): Two connectors for 1/2" x 5/8" O.D. cable.
Note (2): One connector for 3/8" x 1/2" O.D. cable.

RSE-6K1, p. 2
Signals and Associated Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-07
LED Signals: General Information
ASTS USA’s new LED Colorlight Signal provides
superior performance compared to incandescent
signals and important advantages over other
brands of LED signals. Among its many features,
LED technology extends wayside signal life well
beyond that of the incandescent design and
requires much less operating power. Non-ASTS
USA LED signal models are designed to perform
like incandescent signals to enable operation from
conventional lamp driver circuits. In contrast,
ASTS USA’s signal operates from an external
constant-current source and allows for much
more accurate monitoring of LED unit operation.
Used in concert with the LED 12 board in
MicroLok® II systems or the MicroLok Object
Controller (OC), high precision “lamp”-out These MicroLok II/OC configurations provide for
detection as well as routine hot/cold “filament” highly reliable light-out detection and constant hot and
cold “filament” checking of the LED signal unit. Unlike
checking is provided. The LED signal can also be
other signals, ASTS USA LED units do not
applied in a failover-to-red configuration to ensure
incorporate vital circuitry; vitality is contained entirely
display of a red aspect in the event of a signaling
in the LED 12 PCB or OC internal LED driver PCB.
system shut down.
MicroLok II and OC outputs are also designed to
General Description prevent any transient signals from generating false
commands to the signal units.
ASTS USA LED signals can be provided as part of
new railroad or transit signal assemblies, or as retrofit Both the MicroLok II and OC also provide event
units for existing signal assemblies, and are available logging of routine signal controls and any associated
with 8-3/8” or 6-3/8” diameter lenses. Color options errors or anomalies. The MicroLok II Development
include red, green yellow and lunar white. (Refer to System has been modified to accommodate
RSE-7A2 for design details of the basic signal unit application software programming for LED signal
assembly.) ASTS USA LED signals are compliant operation.
with all applicable AREMA C&S Manual
specifications, and are designed to withstand the full Operating Power (Constant Current Regulator
range of railway environmental extremes. In addition Applications)
to standard 3-aspect colorlight assemblies, LED As with other MicroLok II vital output PCBs, an
signal units can be adapted for other uses such as external Vital Cut-Off Relay (VCOR) is used to control
switch machine position indicators or highway power to LED 12 PCB outputs and remove this power
crossing approach indicators (train crew warning). in the event of a critical fault. The OC uses an internal
Conditional Power Supply (CPS) output that mimics
Application Notes the VCOR function.
Operation from MicroLok II or MicroLok Object
Controller ASTS USA LED signals do not obtain power directly
from signal battery. Instead, a Constant Current
ASTS USA LED signals are designed to be controlled Regulator unit delivers a specially regulated output
from MicroLok II-based systems or the OC-4000 current for driving the LED signals. Battery power is
series of the MicroLok Object Controller (OC). applied to the Regulator under control of the MicroLok
MicroLok II systems incorporate a special “LED 12” II VCOR or OC CPS output. The output of the
vital plug in PCB for this purpose; this board is Regulator includes both open and short circuit
capable of driving up to 12 LED units. OC-4000 units protection. One regulator is required for each “ON”
contain an internal LED-compatible PCB that can ASTS USA LED Signal in the system, however a
operate up to 6 units. regulator can be shared

For additional information, contact www.ansaldo-sts.com

your ASTS USA Account Executive.
RSE-7A1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA LED Signals: General Information
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 4-07

Basic Configuration Using Basic Configuration Using

MicroLok II LED 12 PCB MicroLok Object Controller

Application Notes (cont’d) Installations with Non-ASTS USA Equipment

between signals that will never be on at the same Note: MicroLok II and OC systems are not designed
time. Various configurations of LED signal and to operate non-ASTS USA LED signals using their
Regulator units are possible to optimize equipment LED output channels. ASTS USA LED signals can be
usage, power load/common sharing, cable sizes, etc. operated using non-ASTS USA controllers, however a
These are described in the service literature included dedicated signal-lighting relay circuit is required. This
with the unit. Refer to RSE-7A2 for additional configuration would not retain the light-out and
information on the Constant Current Regulator. filament-check features of the MicroLok II/OC-based
signal systems (contact ASTS USA for additional
Failover to Red Option
The basic MicroLok II/OC system configuration for
Misc. Electrical
driving ASTS USA LED signals does not provide for
failover to a red aspect in the event of a system ASTS USA LED signal circuits require standard
shutdown. However, in MicroLok II applications this lightning and surge protection equipment to prevent
function can implemented using an additional signal unit damage and possible false commands
“standby” Regulator and selected VCOR contacts to (see catalog sections RSE-3H2 and RSE-3H3).
independently light the red aspect. In OC However, fuses are not needed/recommended on the
applications, a separate vital relay can be used for signal outputs; the Constant Current Regulator output
failover. Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive includes short-circuit protection. The ASTS USA
for additional details. Common-Mode Filter is recommended for battery line
protection (see RSE-3H4).
No damage will occur to the system if an output is
Driver Protection Board
inadvertently shorted to ground. Twisted-pair wiring
ASTS USA’s Driver Protection Board provides a high (two to three turns per foot) is typically used to
degree of surge protection, from surges induced on minimize possible noise on LED output wiring. Slide-
the LED signal’s field wiring connections, for the wire resistors and series-resistance dimming
MicroLok II LED 12 PCB or OC unit internal circuits. equipment are not required or advised.
This unit is typically mounted on an entrance panel
and designed for standard AREMA (AAR) terminal
spacing. Two versions allow for left or right-hand
termination of field wiring and house/case wiring.
Catalog RSE-7A2 provides additional information on
this board.

RSE-7A1, p. 2
LED Signals: General Information Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 4-07

Advantages System Installation Specifications (cont’d)

• Exceeds longevity and reliability of conventional Battery Line Filtering: ASTS USA Common-Mode
incandescent signals; Filter (see RSE-3H4)

• Low power consumption compared to

Fuses: Not required on LED signal
incandescent signals;
• Provides highly accurate signal unit monitoring
Permitted for VCOR to B12
features (e.g. “filament” check) not available in Slide-Wire Resistors: Not required or advised
non-ASTS USA LED signals; Wire Lengths: From house/case: See
• Can be operated by any MicroLok II-based vital Table 1
system or MicroLok Object Controller;
• Complies with signaling industry light projection Unit Specifications and Additional Information
• Constant Current Regulator unit assures proper
• Refer to catalog section RSE-7A2 for detailed
technical information on ASTS USA’s LED signal
and protected operating voltage; unit and supporting equipment.
• Driver Protection Board guards against surge
voltages in field wiring; • Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for
specific LED signal application possibilities.
• Failover-to-red option easily implemented
• No slide wires or fuses required. • Refer to RSE-7B1 and RSE-7B2 for ASTS USA
multi-purpose and transit colorlight signal
System Installation Specifications assemblies.
System-to-Signal Wiring: Twisted-pair (2 to 3 • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6800N for
turns/ft.) additional LED design and installation information.
Separate bundles for input
and output wiring (6”
separation, min.)
Surge Protection: Line-to-line and line-to-
Arresters (see RSE-3H2)

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-7A1, p. 3
RSE-7A1, p. 4
Signals and Associated Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09

LED Signal Unit, Constant Current Regulator and

Driver Protection Board
ASTS USA LED signal units combine the best
features of Light Emitting Diode electronics with
the rugged construction and environmental
tolerance of incandescent lamps. Most
importantly, these LED signals offer far greater
service life than filament-type lamps; ASTS USA’s
units have a 10 year minimum life expectancy.
Although ASTS USA LED signals use an entirely
new method of light beam generation, they match
or surpass incandescent lamp performance for
visibility, color clarity and prevention of false
aspects. Of course, LED design also results in
much lower power consumption than filament
ASTS USA’s LED signal units are supported with associated electronics. An additional AREMA (AAR)
two simple, low-cost units: A Constant Current type stud on the PCB is used to connect the signal
Regulator (CCR) and a Driver Protection Board. unit to earth ground.
The CCR supplies carefully regulated power to the Light is generated by a series string of 10 to 14 high-
LED electronics, rather than raw battery, and also power LEDs, while ultraviolet-stabilized lenses
affords short/open circuit protection. The Driver prevent long term degradation due to solar exposure.
board guards the controlling wayside electronics The outer lens is formed to an AREMA-defined
from any surges (e.g. from lightning) that may be curvature to reduce reflection from other light sources
induced in the field wiring to the signal unit. (i.e. phantom signals). In addition, this lens is
designed with no diffusion, thereby greatly minimizing
color washout from external light sources. GE
General Description
Polycarbonate 243(R) is used for the outer lens.
LED Signal Unit ASTS USA LED signal units comply with AREMA
Each LED signal unit is contained in NEMA-4 type (AAR) C&S Manual. (Note: For the AREMA
high-impact polycarbonate housing (Lexan® 3412(R)). standard, the red chromaticity does not comply where
Models are available with 8-3/8” or 6-3/8” diameter the signal is between 627 nm and 645 nm
lenses and aspect colors of red, amber, green and wavelength, per available LED technologies). Table 1
lunar white. The design affords ample dust and in “Specifications” shows the photometric luminous
moisture protection for internal circuits per NEMA intensity of the various LED Signal Unit aspects,
barrier standards. The unit contains no DC/DC measured in Candela output (minimum values).
converters or other active electronics, only the LEDs
and additional passive components for diagnostics
Constant Current Regulator Module
and surge protection. An integral heat management
system allows operation at temperatures up to +70ºC The Constant Current Regulator (CCR) module
(+158ºF). provides a steady 350mA regulated current output for
powering ASTS USA’s LED Signals. It eliminates the
External power and signal control wiring is connected
need for a direct battery feed to the signal unit, as well
to two AREMA terminals for ease of installation.
as problems caused by any irregularities in the battery
These terminals project through a circular LED
voltage. The CCR is housed in a plastic case that
Protection PCB at the rear of the housing; the PCB is
snaps on to a DIN rail for ease of mounting. Four
supported by these terminals. This PCB provides
extractable plug connectors are provided to facilitate
additional lightning/surge protection for the LEDs and
wiring and unit field replacement. The output of the

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-7A2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA LED Signal Unit, Constant Current
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Regulator and Driver Protection Board
Rev. 3-09

Constant Current Regulator Driver Protection Board

Advantages (cont’d)
General Description (cont’d) • Compliant with AREMA C&S Manual and
CCR includes both open and short circuit protection Transport Canada Specifications;
for the controlling wayside system (MicroLok II or • Ultraviolet stabilized lenses prevent long term
MicroLok Object Controller), as well as the LED signal degradation due to intense sunlight exposure;
unit’s electronics.
• Design minimizes phantom signal and color
Driver Protection Board washout;
ASTS USA’s Driver Protection Board, when used with • Integral heat management system allows operation
ASTS USA USGA lightning arresters, provides a high at high ambient temperatures;
degree of surge protection for the MicroLok II system • Furnished in 8-3/8” or 6-3/8” lens diameters;
or MicroLok Object Controller (OC) that is operating
the LED signal. Surges induced in the signal unit’s • CCR Module: Open/surge protected; delivers
field wiring could otherwise harm the MicroLok II LED carry-calibrated power to LED unit;
12 PCB or OC unit’s internal LED driver circuits. This • Driver Protection Board: Easily installed, shields
board is typically mounted on an entrance panel and MicroLok II or MicroLok Object controller from field
consists of a non-enclosed PCB with four holes for power surges.
mounting on standard AREMA (AAR) terminal
spacing. Two versions of the Driver Protection Board Specifications
are available. One allows house/case wiring to be LED Signal Unit
terminated on the left side of the entrance panel, while
Housing: High-impact polycarbonate
the field wiring is terminated on the right side. The
(Lexan® 3412(R))
other version is reversed and allows for house wiring
to be terminated on the board’s right side while field NEMA-4 compliant
wiring is terminated on the left. dust/moisture protection
Lenses: 8-3/8” or 6-3/8’ diameters
Red, Amber, Green or Lunar
• Provides extended service life (10 years minimum) White
compared to incandescents, thus reduced Ultraviolet-stabilized
repair/replacement costs; Outer lens: GE
• Uses minimal power; Polycarbonate 243(R),
• High-impact polycarbonate components well suited
for railway wayside environment; Luminosity Values: See Table 1 on page 3.
• Meets or exceeds industry light visibility/dispersion Compatible Systems: MicroLok II-based systems
using LED 12 PCB
requirements for sighting distances and angles;
MicroLok Object
Controller/OC-4000 units

RSE-7A2, p. 2
LED Signal Unit, Constant Current Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Regulator and Driver Protection Board
Rev. 3-09

Specifications (cont’d) LED Protection PCB

Table 1. LED Signal Luminous Intensities (Candelas) (Rear of 6-3/8” LED Unit)

LED Signal Unit (cont’d)

Power Source: 350 mA from CCR LEXAN
Direct battery feed not used COVER

Power Draw: Signal “ON”: 12W

Input Voltage Range: 22 Vdc to 45 Vdc (36 Vdc
Isolation: 2000 Vac @60 Hz for 1 min.
Temperature Range: -40°C to +70°C PROTECTION
Humidity: 95% relative humidity at
Shock and Vibration: Compliant with AREMA TERMINALS
Manual Part 11.5.1, Class B

Constant Current Regulator (CCR) Module

Output: Steady 350 mA to signal unit Driver Protection Board
Power Consumption: LED signal unit “ON”: 16.5W Mounting: Entrance panel (typical)
LED signal unit “OFF”: 1.6W 4 AREMA (AAR) terminal
Input Voltage: 12 Vdc (9.8 +16.2 Vdc) posts
Protection: Open and short circuit for Dimensions: 2.9” x 1.9”
outputs (built-in) Wiring Options: House/case left side or right
Dimensions: 4.5”L x 3.9”H x 0.9”W side
Mounting: DIN rail, 0.5” separation Lightning Arresters: Recommended: ASTS USA
between units (min.) USG-A (see RSE-3H2)

RSE-7A2, p. 3
Ansaldo STS USA LED Signal Unit, Constant Current
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Regulator and Driver Protection Board
Rev. 3-09

Ordering and Additional Information

• Order individual LED signal units, Constant Current • For LED-related MicroLok II Executive and
Regulator and Driver Protection Boards from Maintenance Tool upgrades, contact your ASTS
tabulation below. USA Account Executive.

• LED Protection Board shipped as part of each LED • Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6800N for
signal unit, but can be ordered separately (per additional LED design and installation information.
tabulation). Note: Ground stud is part of LED
signal unit, not the Protection board.

LED Signal Units

Order No. Lens Diameter Lens Color
N46212801 8-3/8" Red
N46212802 8-3/8" Cyan (Green)
N46212803 8-3/8" Amber (Yellow)
N46212804 8-3/8" Lunar (White)
N46204401 6-3/8" Red
N46204402 6-3/8" Cyan (Green)
N46204403 6-3/8" Amber (Yellow)
N46204404 6-3/8" Lunar (White)

Misc. Assemblies
Order No. Notes
N34801401 Constant Current Regulator Module --
N46205201 Driver Protection Board - Left (1)
N46205202 Driver Protection Board - Right (2)
N46204801 Red LED Signal, PCB only --
N46204802 Cyan (Green) LED Signal, PCB only --
N46204803 Amber (Yellow) LED Signal, PCB only --
N46204804 Lunar (White) LED Signal, PCB only --
N46205001 LED Protection Board (3)
N451552-1001 Common Mode Filter (4)
N451552-0101 USGA "Blue" Lightning Arrester (5)
N451552-0201 USGA "Red" Lightning Arrester ('5)
Note (1): For attachment of house wiring on left.
Note (2): For attachment of house wiring on right.
Note (3): Included with complete signal units listed
Note (4): Recommended battery line protection; see
also RSE-3H4.
Note (5): Recommended lightning protection; see
also RSE-3H2.

MicroLok® is a registered trademark of Ansaldo STS USA, Inc.

RSE-7A2, p. 4
Signals and Associated Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09

Multi-Purpose Color Light Signals: LED and Incandescent

ASTS USA’s service-proven Multi-Purpose Color
Light Signals are now available with LED light
units, as well as traditional incadescent lamp
units. LED units provide exceptional service life,
minimal maintenance, superior light projection
and low power consumption. Like incandescent-
based signals, LED-based signals are provided in
a variety of configurations and can be futher
customized to meet a railroad’s specific needs.

General Description
LED Style Signals
ASTS USA has designed and engineered a complete
LED signal solution specifically for the unique railroad
environment. This solution offers LED optics that
meet railroad light distribution requirements, with low lens. The longer life span of the LED signal module,
current draw, true light-out detection functionality and compared to an incandescent lamp, reduces signal
placement of all vital electronics in the wayside module replacement labor costs over the service life
equipment (instead of the signal module). These cycle.
features lead to enhanced service life, reduced
maintenance and installation costs, and improved This versatile product fits in the new ASTS USA
safety and visibility. Aluminum Mainline Signal Assembly (see below), but
can also be installed into existing 8-3/8” or 6-3/8”
In contrast to other LED signal modules, ASTS USA’s (21.3 cm or 16.2 cm) signal housings.
unique design moves the vital electronic circuitry from
the module to the wayside controller. This "naked"
LED, which is not wired like an incandescent bulb, is Mainline Signal Assemblies (LED or Incandescent)
more reliable and less vulnerable to lightning damage.
Either a MicroLok® II LED 12 PCB or MicroLok® ASTS USA’s Signal Assembly combines high quality
Object Controller 4000 can be used to perform both construction with a highly adaptable design. The
the hot filament check and the cold filament check. modular signals can be stacked with two, three, or
Constant monitoring of the current and voltage flowing four signal units as well as CR-2 configurations as
through the LED provides more accurate light-out required by the application. Individual signal units
detection. This feature provides for better feature a large compartment for ease of access to
management of the user’s maintenance forces. electrical and optical components.

ASTS USA’s LED color signal module, which uses 10 Assemblies with incandescent lamp optics are factory
pre-focused and utilize high-impact color lenses. Signal
to 14 high-powered LEDs in series, meets all light
indications can be easily seen over long distances, even
visibility and dispersion requirements. The module
in bright daylight. An anti-phantom screen is available for
draws 14 watts of power and uses only 350 milliamps each lens assembly to prevent unwanted secondary
of current when the signal is "On." This allows for the reflections; contact ASTS USA for this screen.
use of a smaller copper wire size, resulting in major
cost savings for new interlocking installations. The mainline signal assembly can be mounted on top of
the mast, or on the front side with a special side-of-mast
The unit’s optical design matches the light dispersion mounting bracket.
patterns of incandescent signal modules, allowing for
superior sighting distances and angles. The module Housings are designed and tested to meet AREMA
vibration recommendations and tested to wind gusts of
is fully sealed, preventing moisture from entering the
130 mph.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-7B1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Multi-Purpose Color Light Signals:
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
LED and Incandescent
Rev. 3-09


Advantages Specifications

• LED Signal Module contains no vital electronics,

LED Signal Units
features modular design. Constant Current: 350 mA
Input Voltage Range: 22.0 to 59.0 Vdc (36.0 Vdc
• LED module affords lower current draw, provides nom.)
true light out detection.
Regulator Input V.: 9.8 to 16.2 Vdc (12.0 Vdc
• Complete LED Signal Assembly is fully adjustable nom.)
for accurate field alignment. Isolation: 2000 Vac @60 Hz for 1.0
• Assembly is adaptable to incandescent as well as Temperature Range: -40°C to +70°C
LED signal units.
Humidity: 95% relative, @ +70oC
• Signal operation more reliable than prior designs, Shock and Vibration: Compliant to AREMA (AAR)
less vulnerable to lighting damage. Manual, Part 11.5.1, Class B
Enclosure: NEMA Type
• Needs minimum on-site visits for maintenance. 4 (full dust and moisture
• Other maintenance advantages: Checking via
remote diagnostics link, longer service life than Module Lens Sizes: 6-3/8” or 8-3/8”
incandescent lamps. Module Lens Colors: Red, amber (yellow), cyan
(green), lunar (white)
• Lower current draw permits use of smaller gauge
wire, thus reducing installation material costs. LED Photometric
Luminous Intensity See tabulation below.

Luminous Intensity Values

RSE-7B1, p. 2
Multi-Purpose Color Light Signals: Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
LED and Incandescent
Rev. 3-09
Specifications (cont’d)
LED Compliance*

Per AREMA C&S Manual, Part 7.1.5**

** Red chromaticity does not comply where red is between 627 nm and 645 nm (per
available LED technologies.)

Signal Assemblies • Refer to second on page 4 tabulation to order the

Signal Unit Options: 1 to 4 units following:
Lens Color Options: Red, yellow, green, lunar ‐ LED signal modules for installation in signal
white assembly.
Incand. Lens Sizes: High: 8-3/8” (21.3 cm) outer, ‐ Constant Current Regulator: Power source for
5-1/2” (14.0 cm) inner LED signal units.
Incand. Sockets: Standard single-contact, 2-pin ‐ Driver Board Protection PCBs: Protect LED
bayonet electronics from voltage surges.
Top-of-Mast Mtg: For 5” (12.7 cm) masts
‐ LED 12 PCB for installations where a MicroLok
Side-of-Mast Mtg: For 5” (12.7 cm) masts; see II unit is controlling the signal.
‐ Note: If driving the signal from a MicroLok
Object Controller (model OC-4000), contact
Ordering and Additional Information your ASTS USA Account Executive for ordering
• Refer to first tabulation on page 4 to order signal
head assemblies with or without signal units. • Refer to these RSE Catalog sections for additional
technical information:
• Note: Signal assemblies only for 8-3/8” (21.3 cm)
‐ LED Signal Modules: RSE-7A2
signal units. Contact ASTS USA to order
assemblies for 6-3/8” (16.2 cm) units. ‐ Constant Current Regulator: RSE-7A2
‐ Driver Board Protection PCB: RSE-7A2
‐ MicroLok II LED 12 PCB: RSE-1A12, RSE-1D2
‐ MicroLok Object Controller (ref. OC-4000):
RSE-1B1, RSE-1B2

• Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for

special signal configurations required.

RSE-7B1, p. 3
Ansaldo STS USA Multi-Purpose Color Light Signals:
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
LED and Incandescent
Rev. 3-09

Ordering and Additional Information (cont’d)

Multi-Purpose Colorlight Signal Assemblies for 8-3/8" Signal Units

With With
Signal Glass Type of Mounting With
Order No. Type Head Aspects (1) Lenses Hood Base Doors
N44328201 Incand. 3 G-Y-R X Std. X X
N44328301 Incand. 3 G-Y-R X Snow X X
N44328401 Incand. 4 G-Y-R-L X Std. X X
N44328501 Incand. 4 G-Y-R-L X Snow X X
N44327801 LED 3 G-Y-R -- Snow X --
N44327901 LED 3 G-Y-R -- Std. X --
N44328001 LED 4 G-Y-R-L -- Std. X --
N44328101 LED 4 G-Y-R-L -- Snow X --
N44326801 See Note (2) 1 Note (3) -- Std. X X
N44326701 See Note (2) 2 Note (3) -- Std. X X
N44325901 See Note (2) 3 Note (3) -- Std. X X
N44325902 See Note (2) 3 Note (3) -- Snow X X
N44326901 See Note (2) 4 Note (3) -- Std. X X
N44326902 See Note (2) 4 Note (3) -- Std. X X
Note (1): G=Green (Cyan), Y=Yellow (Amber), R=Red, L=Lunar (White)
Note (2): Can be equipped with incandescent or LED signal units.
Note (3): Signal unit aspects installed per customer requirements.

Multi-Purpose Colorlight Signal Assembly

Ordering No. Key Components (1)
N46212801 8-3/8" Red LED Signal Unit
N46212802 8-3/8" Cyan (Green) LED Signal Unit
N46212803 8-3/8" Amber (Yellow) LED Signal Unit
N46212804 8-3/8" Lunar (White) LED Signal Unit
N46204401 6-3/8" Red LED Signal Unit
N46204402 6-3/8" Cyan (Green) LED Signal Unit
N46204403 6-3/8" Amber (Yellow) LED Signal Unit
N46204404 6-3/8" Lunar (White) LED Signal Unit
N46205201 Driver Protection Board - Left
N46205202 Driver Protection Board - Right
N34801401 Constant Current Regulator Module
N44325101 Signal Head Mounting Base Assembly
Note (1): Refer to RSE-1B2 to order 4000-series
MicroLok Object Controller, or RSE-1D2 to
order MicroLok II LED 12 PCB.

RSE-7B1, p. 4
Signals and Associated Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-07
Transit Signals
General Description
ASTS USA offers several complete lines of color light
signals suitable for use on all types of rail mass transit
and Automated People Mover lines. These signals
are composed of 3-color and 1-color signal units that
may be assembled in many different configurations.
Some of the signal unit component options include:
• Choice of lens colors and arrangement
• Blanking plates (when required)
• Signals to display special characters or symbols
• Hoods
• Side and back indication lights
• Transformer or resistor lamp control
• Number plates Three-color and 1-color signal units are available in
ASTS USA Transit Signals are manufactured with several versions, each housed in fully weatherproof
incandescent lamps, but can also be provided with aluminum cases with lockable rear doors. The signal
new LED signal units. Refer to RSE-7A1 and RSE- units may be joined together in any desired
7A2 for additional details, and contact your ASTS configuration to display any desired aspect. The 3-
USA Account Executive for potential design color units are equipped with integral number plates
configurations and applications. that can be back-lit, if required. All signals may be
equipped with roundels to display special characters
or symbols such as arrows, bars or “T”. Transformers
Signal Assemblies (With Incandescent Lamps) or resistors of various types can be mounted directly
Signal heads are available with single 5” lenses or 6- in the 6-3/8” lens signal cases. Hood lengths include
3/8” doublet lenses. The 5” lens signals are typically 4”, 7-1/2” or 9”.
used in subway installations where space is limited, All US&S transit signals can be supplied with
while the 6-3/8” lens signals are for outdoor service. components for mounting to tunnel walls or ceiling.
However, 6-3/8” signals should be used in Or, they can be supplied with pipe posts, bases and
underground installations when space permits. (Note: ladders for stand-alone mounting. Bases for dwarf
Signals with 5” lenses are readily available from ASTS signal installations are also available.
USA; contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for
complete ordering information.) Advantages
The 5” transit signals incorporate glass lenses only, in
the standard signaling colors. Lamp receptacle • Designed for all types of transit installations
options for these signals include dual medium screw • Numerous signal head and wayside assembly
base or dual single-contact bayonet candelabra base configurations
receptacles. The 6-3/8” signals may be ordered with
glass or impact-resistant plastic lenses in all standard
• High quality incandescent or LED optics, easily
signaling colors. An inner 5-1/2” lens carries the
desired color, while the 6-3/8” outer lens is clear. • Full line of mountings to suit all locations
Lamp receptacle options for the 6-3/8” signal units
include single or dual single-contact bayonet Additional Information
candelabra base or dual medium screw base
receptacles. • Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for
additional information on transit signals.

For additional information, contact www.ansaldo-sts.com

your ASTS USA Account Executive.
RSE-7B2, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Transit Signals
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 4-07

Typical Wall-Mounted Signal Typical Dwarf Signal

Typical Mast-Mounted Signal

RSE-7B2, p. 2
Signals and Associated Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-07

N-2 and N-2S Color Light Dwarf Signals

General Description
The N-2 signal is intended primarily for
classification yards, but may be adapted for any
application where a dwarf signal is required. This
signal is a completely weather-proof, ruggedly built
cast iron unit that will provide many years of
efficient, trouble-free service. It is dc-powered,
available in 2 and 3-color configurations and is
designed for mounting on a concrete foundation.
The N-2S signal is a 1-color unit with an optical
assembly consisting of a single-lens light unit with
a 5’ diameter. This unit incorporates a glass lens.
All N-2 and N-2S units are housed in a weather- optional 10o or 30o (typical) spreadlight lens. A plastic
proof cast-iron case with hinged rear cover. The converging front lens is also available. All N-2 and N-2S
cover design allows complete access to the lamp signal units are equipped with prisms that deflect the light
equipment for servicing. A hasp on the cover beam upward. Phankill units (optional) may also be
permits the unit to be padlocked. Screened installed on these signals.
ventilators are built into the door to enhance air
circulation and prevent condensation. An optional, Advantages
1-1/2” x 1-1/4” reducing street ell can be installed
in the base of the unit as a cable entrance. • Ideal for classification yards; other applications
The basic N-2/N-2S optical assembly can be easily • Numerous configurations
removed as a unit from the front of the case. A • Fully weatherproofed
lamp unit, with attached terminals, is accurately
located so that the lamp filament is at the focal Ordering Information
center of the lens system. Both single contact or
special bayonet-base lamps may be used in the • Refer to ordering tabulation below for N-2 signal part
assembly. The doublet lens system (colored back numbers.
and clear front converging) represents a • Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive to order
combination of two special stepped lenses that N-2S signals.
give a wide angle of diversion to the light beam.
The converging front lens can be replaced with an • Select among the following options (if required):
‐ 10° or 30° spread light front lens.
‐ Plastic or glass converging lens.
‐ Phankill unit.
‐ Street ell for cabling
• Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive e to order
special signal configurations.
• Refer to RSE-7J1 for signal lamps.

N-2 Signals: 2-Color

Order No. Lens Order Lamp Base
N120721 Y, R Bayonet
N126110 Y, R Candelabra

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-7B3, p. 1
RSE-7B3, p. 2
Signals and Associated Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-07

ES-20 Color Light Electric Switch Signal

General Description
The ASTS USA ES-20 Color Light Electric Switch
Signal is typically used for indicating the position of
power-operated switches at classification and car
storage yards. However, its design permits use as a
light repeater of switch position wherever electric
energy is available for lighting purposes. The signal’s
weatherproof contains a lens doublet in each of four
openings; a lamp unit is placed at the focal point
between each set of doublets. Each of the doublets
consists of a clear lens and a colored spreader glass
for horizontal spread in each direction. A wire screen
is located between the clear lens and the spreader
glass to protect against phantom indications.
Wingnut locking devices are used to secure the unit’s
top cover. This allows easy removal for access to
internal components such as lamps and terminals. A
hinged hasp is available on some models to permit
pad locking of the cover. Some ES-20 units are Ordering Information
shipped with two or three blanking plates to replace
selected lens sets. An integral mounting base allows • Refer to ordering tabulation below for ES-20 signal
quick and easy mounting of the unit. All ES-20 assembly part numbers.
models are equipped with lens hoods.
• Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive to
order special ES-20 signal configurations.

• Power switch position indication or light repeater

• Refer to RSE-7J1 to order signal lamps.

• Front/back indication
• Request ASTS USA Service Manual SM-6334 for
replacement parts.

ES-20 Switch Signals

Order No. Lens A Lens B
N451351-0202 Green Red
N451351-0204 Red Yellow
N451351-0206 Green Yellow
N451351-0216 Blue Yellow

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-7B4, p. 1
RSE-7B4, p. 2
Signals and Associated Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03

CR-2 Triangular Color Light Signal

ASTS USA’s CR-2 signal satisfies railroad
industry demands for low cost, easy service 3-
aspect color light signals. The latest
improvements in optics, mechanical and electrical
assemblies are employed.

General Description
Three light units are contained in a square (rounded
corner) housing with factory aligned low wattage
lamps. Each light unit is externally shielded with a
clear, high-impact Lexan® lens (8 3/8”), while color is
generated through a 5” interior lens. The bulb type is
a standard single contact bayonet base. Anti-
phantom screens are available to prevent generation
of false aspects. The total lamp/lens configuration is
designed to produce a brilliant image at long range in
bright sunlight or poor visibility. Advantages
Adjustable transformers and resistors can be ordered • Vivid aspects in all ambient conditions
to calibrate lamp power and brilliance. A US&S K-10
5-way terminal strip (AREMA type) is available for 5- • Rear access lens/hood unit for simple handling and
wire installations, while a second K-10 strip is maintenance
provided to terminate spare wires.
Housing construction uses heavy duty cast aluminum
• Numerous color aspect options for all applications
for long term durability, corrosion protection and • Single maintenance access door
resistance to vandalism. All light units are accessed
through a single, lockable and ventilated rear door
with a weathertight seal. Ordering Information
Grease fittings are provided on the door hinges to • Refer to ordering tabulation on page 2 for CR-2
prevent jamming from rust. Hoods (10”) and large signal part numbers.
diameter (36”) backgrounds are attached to the
housing with standard hex head cap screws; this • Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive to
allows mounting and removal with standard wrenches order:
or sockets. (A standard cap screw is also used to
‐ Special color aspects or electrical provisions.
secure the housing access door). To help
maintainers take electrical measurements, a hook is ‐ Mast mounting brackets and hardware
provided in the lamp unit housing to hold a portable ‐ Replacement parts.
The CR-2 Triangular Color Light is easily handled at • Refer to RSE-7J1 for signal lamps.
the installation site, thanks to a heavy duty lifting eye
with a large, 2” hole. Signal head mounting is fully
interchangeable with a Safetran bracket. The
mounting permits accurate pointing in the horizontal
and vertical planes, with the aid of a built-in sight.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-7B5, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA CR-2 Triangular Color Light Signals
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 7-03

Ordering Information (cont’d)

CR-2 Signal Heads and Heads with 36" Backgrounds

Signal Background Bottom Top Left Top Right
Order No. Head (36") Lens Lens Lens
N451898-0101 X -- Red Yellow Green
N451898-0103 X -- Red (Blank) (Blank)
N451898-0105 X -- Red (Blank) Green
N451898-0107 X -- Red Yellow (Blank)
X451898-0102 X X Red Yellow Green
X451898-0104 X X Red (Blank) (Blank)
X451898-0106 X X Red (Blank) Green
X451898-0108 X X Red Yellow (Blank)

Order No. Replacement Backgrounds and Hoods

M451899-0801 36" Sheet Aluminum Background
M451899-0802 36" Composite Material Background
M451916-2001 Sheet Aluminum Lens Hood
M451916-2002 Composite Material Lens Hood

RSE-7B5, p. 2
Signals and Associated Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 4-07

PL-8 Color Position Light Signal

ASTS USA’s PL-8 Color Position Light Signal
offers the best features of color and position light
signals, allowing a railroad to select aspect
configurations perfectly suited to its particular
operating requirements and rules. Although the
PL-8 is designed to house up to eight signal
lamps in the familiar circular array, it can be
augmented with additional marker lamps above
and below the central array. As a result, the PL-8
can be configured to generate a highly refined
series of aspects between stop and clear. The PL-
8 is perfect for control of mainline trains on high
traffic, close headway urban routes with
numerous interlockings and passenger stations.

General Description
Constructed of light weight cast aluminum, the PL-8
Position Light Signal can be mounted on a standard Advantages
concrete or steel foundation. Lamps in the circular
array are easily accessible from the rear through a • Ideal for heavily traveled mainline routes
single detachable door. The door is secured by a • Precise signaling for heavy rail passenger and
lockable hasp on a central threaded stud. The freight traffic
signal’s base is designed to incorporate an additional
marker lamp when desired. The base also contains • Dwarf design for tight mounting spaces
ten pairs of AREMA binding posts on ASTS USA style
K-10 terminal strips for external wiring. Up to six • Numerous aspect options
additional pairs of terminals can be added as
required. Still more lamps can be installed on top of • Easily installed and serviced
the housing, using a mounting cap designed to hold
add-on marker lamp fixtures (see diagram below). All Ordering Information
doors and cover plates on the PL-8 signal use durable
neoprene seals for weatherproofing. • Refer to ordering tabulation on reverse side for
Each PL-8 signal lamp location contains a 3-1/2” typical PL-8 signals and key components.
glass lens, a colored flat 20° spreadlite roundel to • To order other configurations, please specify:
improve visibility away from the central lamp axis, and
an anti-phantom screen to prevent false lamp-on ‐ Locations of lamps and/or blanking plates in
images. Standard color options include AREMA circular array.
standard red, yellow, green, blue, and lunar white. ‐ Colors of lamps in circular array.
Blanking plates are also available where illuminated
aspects are not required. Individual hoods on all lamp ‐ Additional lamp color in base section, if required.
locations are standard with all PL-8 signals. ‐ Locations and colors of add-on lamp units on top
The PL-8 signal uses 18W, 10V AAR standard signal of main housing, if required.
lamps with SCBC bases. Lamps are precisely ‐ Additional K-10 wiring terminals strips.
positioned on the focal axis for maximum illumination.
If a lamp should burn out, the aspect can still be • Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for
distinguished by color, though not by position. replacement parts.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-7C1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA PL-8 Color Position Light Signal
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 4-07

Configurations Unit Dimensions

PL-8 Assemblies and Roundels

Dwg. Aspects
Order No. View 1-1A 2-2A 3-3A 4-4A 5 6 7 8
N451449-0601 "A" Red L. White Yellow Green -- -- -- Blank. Plate
N451449-0603 "A" Red Blank. Plate Yellow Green -- -- -- Blank. Plate
N451449-0605 "B" Red L. White Yellow Green -- Clear Yellow Blank. Plate
N451449-0606 "C" Red L. White Yellow Green -- Clear -- Blank. Plate
N224372 Roundel - Red
N224374 Roundel - Yellow
N224376 Roundel - Green

RSE-7C1, p. 2
Signals and Associated Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03

Inclined Cover Glass Assemblies, Phankill Units and Roundels

General Description
ASTS USA’s inclined cover glass assembly modifies
the beam pattern of signal lamps to obtain optimum
deflection and diffusion patterns. These patterns
help accommodate each signal installation to
variations in track curvature and local topography.
The inclined cover glass is designed for the 8-3/8”
diameter lens units used in ASTS USA searchlight
signals (high and dwarf) and color lights.
Components of the assembly include adapter ring,
clear roundel and lens ring. The roundel is held in
position in the adapter ring by the lens ring and
three screws. A gasket between these rings Inclined Cover Glass with Phankill
provides a water-tight seal, while a second gasket
cemented to the rear of the adapter ring provides
another water seal between the inclined cover glass Ordering Information
and the signal unit. • Order basic Inclined cover glass assemblies with clear
A wide assortment of roundels is used in these roundels and without Phankill units from the first
assemblies to provide the required deflection and ordering tabulation on reverse side.
spreadlight or diffusion characteristics. While the
basic inclined glass assembly minimizes phantom
• Commonly used inclined cover glass assembly with
Phankill unit and separate Phankill unit listed in
effects, optional Phankill units may be ordered to second tabulation. This assembly is intended for
further reduce these effects. The Phankill is ASTS USA color light signals and searchlight signals
attached with a lens ring and three mounting (except the “H”).
• Separate roundels listed in third tabulation.
Advantages • Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive to order
• Maximum performance from signal optics special assemblies or hardware not listed.
• Installs on many different types of signals
Inclined Cover Glass Complete with Clear Roundel

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-7H1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Inclined Cover Glass Assemblies,
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Phankill Units and Roundels
Rev. 7-03

Inclined Cover Glass Assemblies: With and Without Phankills

Dwg. Deflect. Deflect.
Order No. Phankill Ref. Type Angle Direction
N184403 Without "A" Flat, clear 10 deg. Left
N184404 Without "A1" Flat, clear 20 deg. Left
N220829 Without "A3" Flat, clear, plain -- --
N240656 Without "A4" Flat, clear 10 deg. Up
N391732 Without "A6" (w/o roundel) -- --
X388096 With -- Flat, clear, plain -- --
N143504 Phankill Unit only

Deflect. Deflect.
Order No. Type Angle Direction Spreadlight Notes
N199883 Flat, clear 20 deg. Left -- --
N216441 Flat, clear 30 deg. -- 15 deg. L & R --
N222600 Flat, clear 10 deg. Left -- --
N249111 Flat, clear, plain -- -- -- --
N256211 Flat, clear 10 deg. Up -- (1)
Note (1): With painted risers; assembly with prisms removed
for searchlight dwarf signals.

RSE-7H1, p. 2
Signals and Associated Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03

Incandescent Signal Lamps

ASTS USA stocks a complete line of incandescent
lamps, including quartz-iodine, for railroad and
transit signal lights. These lamps are built to
exacting specifications and help yield maximum
performance from signal unit optical systems. A
wide variety of filament, base and bulb
configurations are available to satisfy most signal

General Description
Bases Advantages
Lamp base options include bayonet, re-based and
screw types. Bayonet and re-based lamps contain • Lamps service color, search, marker and position
precisely formed filaments that are installed in the lights
lamp base so that the filament is always situated at
the exact focal point of the signal’s lens system.
• High quality, AREMA-specified
Screw base lamps are used where precision optical
alignment is not required, for example, in short range Specifications
signals and marker lights. Bayonet-base lamps
Bulb Symbols: S: Shape (see figure)
contain a bulb and a filament unit with a 2-pin base
accurately attached to the light center length and axial A: Shape (see figure)
alignment. The re-based lamp is similar to the S-X, A-XX: Diameter in 1/8”
bayonet base type, but with a re-basing sleeve in increments
place of the pins. Lamp base contact arrangements
include single contact (SC) and double contact (DC). Filament Symbols: S: Straight
On the single contact unit, connections are made to C: Coiled
the base and single contact. For the double contact CC: Coiled coil
unit, connections are made to each of the contacts,
each of which is independent of the base. R: Rounded
V: V-shaped
Filaments MF: Main filament
Signal lamps incorporate single or double filaments. SF: Secondary filament
Filament life of the single-filament lamps depends on
the applied voltage. These types of lamps are Base Symbols: 2-PS : 2-pin re-based sleeve
replaced when the expected maximum operating life SC: Single contact
(indicated in hours) is exceeded. If a filament burns SCBC: Bayonet
out in a double-filament lamp, the bulb will remain lit
on the remaining filament. These lamps are replaced LCL: Light center length
when visual inspection reveals the first burned out Bayonet and re-based lamps:
filament. Special double-filament lamps are available Distance from center of light
with an extended-duration secondary filament. This source to top of pins.
filament produces a somewhat fainter glow; when the Screw base lamps: Distance
primary filament burns out, the reduced glow of the from center of light source to
secondary filament is evident. This helps mark the bottom of base contact (excl.
bulb for replacement. solder)

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-7J1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Incandescent Signal Lamps
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 7-03

Ordering Information

• Order signal lamps according to specifications in

tabulation below.

• Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive to

order special purpose lamps not listed below.

Signal Lamps
AREMA Amp/Watt Bulb Life
Order No. Application Item No. Volts CP Style LCL Base Filament (Hrs.)
J071463 Color Light 88 10 18W S-11 1-1/4 SCBC C-2V 1000
J071574 Color Light 100 10 25W S-11 1-1/4 SCBC CC-6 1000
J071613 Color Light 72 11 11W S-11 1-1/4 SCBC C-2V 2500
J071656 Searchlight 67 10 13W+3.5W S-11 1-1/4 SCBC MF: C-2V 1000
CF: C-12
J714166 Color Light 96 10 18W+3.5W A-15 2-7/32 2-PS MF: CC-6 1500
CF: CC-6
J071685 Lever Light 49 120 10W S-11 1-1/4 SC C-7A 1500
J714283 Highway Cross. 104 10 16W Q1 1-1/4 SC C-6 2500
J714284 Highway Cross. -- 10 36W Q1 -- -- -- --

RSE-7J1, p. 2
Signals and Associated Ansaldo STS USA
Equipment (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 7-03

Mainline Signal Assemblies

General Description
ASTS USA Mainline Signal Assemblies are well suited
for most mainline applications. These assemblies are
available in various heights with up to three separate
signal units (searchlight, color lights or marker lights).
All components are factory drilled and fitted for
trouble-free erection in the field, and all assemblies
comply with AREMA and state regulations.
Some of the component options include:

• 5” or 6” inch diameter masts

• Mast pinnacle

• Ladders

• Platforms

• Hand rail ladder stays

• Foundation piers for ladders

• Regular or electrical junction box bases.

Mast and ladder assemblies are available in both
aluminum and steel combinations and sizes. Options
include aluminum masts with galvanized steel ladders
and steel mast with galvanized steel ladders. Advantages

Masts can be selected for mounting one, two or three • Designed for searchlight, color light and marker
signal units. Aluminum masts are fabricated from 6” light installations
aluminum pipe. Steel masts are fabricated from
standard 5” steel pipe posts. For the tallest masts, a • 2-signal or 3-signal assemblies
standard 5” pipe post in the upper section fitted into a
6” pipe post in the lower section. This arrangement
• Full complement of mast components
provides added strength for the height. • Factory-fitted components make erection easy
The steel masts are pre-drilled to accommodate the
maximum number of signal units for which the • Assemblies comply with AREMA and state
assembly is designed. When a lesser number of requirements.
signal units is used, the drilled holes can be capped
with cover plates. The aluminum or steel mast comes
• Many combinations available.
with a junction box base.
The galvanized steel ladder assemblies consist of Ordering Information
ladder sections, platforms, handrail, ladder stays, and
if specified, foundation piers. If less than three signal • Contact your ASTS USA Account Executive to
units are to be supplied, a ladder stay is furnished in order railroad mainline signal assemblies.
place of a platform.

See reverse side for typical assemblies.

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-7K1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Mainline Signal Assemblies
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 7-03

Typical 2-Aspect Signal on 22 ft. Mast Typical 3-Aspect Signal on 22 ft. Mast

RSE-7K1, p. 2
Miscellaneous Products Ansaldo STS USA
and Components (Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)

Rev. 3-09

Miscellaneous Service and Installation Parts

ASTS USA supplies the complete range of K-10 Terminal Block
general-purpose mechanical and electrical parts
used in the servicing and installation of wayside
signaling systems. These components range
from individual AREMA (AAR)-standard nuts and
washers to complete track circuit power resistor
assemblies. ASTS USA service and maintenance
parts meet or exceed all signaling industry
standards, and have been used on hundreds of
rail properties for many decades.
This catalog section lists the most commonly K-40 Terminal Block
ordered service and installation components. If
you do not find a particular component of interest,
call 1-800-652-7276, e-mail orders@ansaldo-sts.us
or contact your ASTS USA Account Executive for
availability/ordering information.

Binding Nut J480301

Clamping Nut J480300

Test Link with Nuts J071682

Insulated Molded Cap

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
RSE-9A1, p. 1
Ansaldo STS USA Miscellaneous Service and
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Installation Parts
Rev. 3-09

Figure A. 4” Terminal Block and Fuse Holder Figure B. 7” Terminal Block and Fuse Holder
for 250V Fuses for 600V Fuses

Figure C. – Adjustable Resistor Without Figure D. – Adjustable Resistor With

Terminal Block Terminal Block

Figure E. – SRA Track Circuit Power Resistor Figure F. – SRA Track Circuit Power Resistor
(Single Type) (Two In Parallel)

RSE-9A1, p. 2
Miscellaneous Service and Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Installation Parts
Rev. 3-09

"K" Style Multiple Terminal Blocks

Order No. Type Terminals
N178389 K-10 12-way, with test link
N223598 K-40 3-way
N107472 K-40 4-way
N223597 K-40 5-way
N226857 K-40 6-way
N106937 K-40 12-way (assembled)
N106937-001 K-40 12-way (unassembled)

AREMA (AAR) Nuts, Washers

and Test Links
Order No. Description
J047818 Washer
J480300 Flat Clamping Nut, Brass 14-24
J480301 Hex Binding Nut, 14-24
J071682 1" Test Link with Gold Nut and Clamp Nut

Insulated Molded Caps

Order No. Description
J078169 Cap, with Molded-In Brass Insert
J078147 Cap, without Molded-In Brass Insert

Order No. Description Order No. Description
J071008 Fuse: 5A, 250V J071127 Fuse: 30A, 250V
J071117 Fuse: 6A, 250V J710069 Fuse: 20A, 600V
J071013 Fuse: 10A, 250V J071198 Fuse: 30A, 600V
J071107 Fuse: 20A, 250V

Combination Terminal Block/Fuse Holder

Order No. Unit Length Fuse See Figure
N238637 4" 250V "A"
X227083-001 7" 600V "B"

RSE-9A1 p. 3
Ansaldo STS USA Miscellaneous Service and
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Installation Parts
Rev. 3-09

Adjustable Resistors (With and Without Terminal Block)

Max. Min. Adj. In
Terminal Amps Res. Res. Steps See
Order No. Block Cap. (Ohms) (Ohms) (Ohms) Figure
N144909 -- 1.7 2.0 0.04 0.08 "C"
N144910 -- 1.1 5.0 0.10 0.20 "C"
N438937 -- 2.5 2.4 0.50 0.01 "C"
N156681 X 3.3 1.2 0.50 0.555 "D"
N156682 X 2.3 2.5 0.30 0.10 "D"
N156683 X 1.7 4.5 0.30 0.09 "D"
N156684 X 1.0 12.0 0.70 0.25 "D"
N161444 X 0.86 16.0 1.00 0.32 "D"
N186438 X 2.0 3.5 0.24 0.07 "D"
N212815 X 4.5 0.6 0.041 0.027 "D"
N214995 X 1.1 9.0 0.6 0.18 "D"
N215747 X 0.77 20.0 1.2 0.4 "D"
N438421 X -- 0.066 0.054 -- "D"

Style SRA Track Circuit Power Resistors

Res. Current ASTS USA
(Ohms) (Amps) Power See
Order No. Type (1) (1) Rating (W) Figure
N451140-0101 Single 1.5 10.0 150.0 "E"
N451140-0102 Single 5.0 4.0 80.0 "E"
N451140-0104 Dual (2) 50.0 1.75 150.0 "F"
Note (1): Rating @ total resistance.
Note (2): Two resistors in parallel

RSE-9A1, p. 4
RSE Catalog Index Ansaldo STS USA
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev 4-11

A-5 Electro-Pneumatic Switch Machine ............................RSE-6B2 Cab Loops – AF-Gen II Track Circuits............................... RSE-1F2
A-10 Electro-Pneumatic Switch Machine ..........................RSE-6B1 Cab Signal Interface Panel – MicroLok II ......................... RSE-1D3
AAR/AREMA Nuts, Washer and Test Links ......................RSE-9A1 Cab Signaling Systems and Equipment
ABS Cement (Port Seal) – Digitrac .................................. RSE-2C1 PN-159B Vital Relay ................................................ RSE-4O1
Account Executives/Representatives ............................................ 5 Systems - MicroCab ..................................................RSE-2A1
AC Lamp Driver Module – MicroLok II .............................. RSE-1D5 Cable Compensating PCB – ATT-20.................................RSE-3B3
Adapter, Pedestrian Gate Arm – Model 95 Mech. .............RSE-5A2 Cables
Adjustable Resistor – Wayside .........................................RSE-9A1 Antenna Extension – Digitrac ................................... RSE-2C1
Adjustable Torque Arm, PV-250 Relay..............................RSE-4S1 Network Interface Adapter/Hub – MicroLok II ......... RSE-1D13
AF-Gen II Series Digital Track Circuits PCB Interface – MicroLok II .................................RSE-1D2.20
Bonds........................................................................ RSE-1F2 Reader Power – Digitrac .......................................... RSE-2C1
Cab Signal Loops ...................................................... RSE-1F2 Serial Port – Digitrac ................................................ RSE-2C1
Cardfiles .................................................................... RSE-1F2 Cable Bonds – AF-Gen II Track Circuits ........................... RSE-1F2
General Information .................................................. RSE-1F1 Card, Flash Memory (MicroLok II CPU PCB) ................ RSE-1D2.1
Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) ................................... RSE-1F2 Caps, Insulated Molded ....................................................RSE-9A1
Track Cable Bonds.................................................... RSE-1F2 Cardfiles – Printed Circuit Board
Track Coupling Units ................................................. RSE-1F2 AF-Gen II Track Circuits............................................ RSE-1F1
AFO-IIC Track Circuit ........................................................RSE-3B1 MicroLok II – General ............................................... RSE-1D1
Ansaldo STS USA......................................................................... 4 MicroLok II – PTC WIU ............................................ RSE-1G2
Antennas CCR Constant-Current Rectifiers ...................................... RSE-3F1
Transponder – Digitrac ............................................. RSE-2C1 CE Label, PN-250CG SS Coder Relay............................. RSE-4C1
Arms Central Processing Unit PCBs ...................................... RSE-1D2.1
Highway Crossing Gate ............................................ RSE-5C4 Conditional Power Supply (CPS) PCB – MicroLok II ....RSE-1D2.10
Highway Crossing Gate Counterweight .................... RSE-5C5 Conduit Kit, Model 95 Gate Mech. Installation ...................RSE-5A2
ATT-20 Audio Track Transceiver ......................................RSE-3B3 Communication PCB (MicroLok II) ................................ RSE-1D2.8
Arresters, Lightning – USGA ............................................ RSE-3H2 Conversion Bracket, Model 95 Gate Mech. .......................RSE-5A2
Audio Track Transceiver – ATT-20....................................RSE-3B3 Code System Interface PCB (Genisys II) ...................... RSE-1D2.1
Automatic Train Stop – EM-1 ........................................... RSE-3D1 Covers (Rodent), Highway Crossing Mast ........................ RSE-5C2
Auxiliary Coder Output PCB – MicroLok II ..................... RSE-1D2.7 CPR Constant-Potential Rectifiers .................................... RSE-3F2
CPU PCBs (MicroLok II) ............................................... RSE–1D2.1
CMF-101 Common-Mode Filter ........................................ RSE-3H4
B CPS PCB – MicroLok II ................................................RSE-1D2.10
Back Test Plug, PN Relay .................................................RSE-4S1 Cement (ABS; Port Seal) – Digitrac ................................. RSE-2C1
Backgrounds Chaining Modules – MicroLok II Application ..................... RSE-1D7
CR-2 Colorlight Signals .............................................RSE-7B5 Chaining Modules – Switch Machine .................................RSE-3A4
Highway Crossing Flashing Lights – HC-120B ..........RSE-5B1 Circuit Controllers, Switch Machine
Bars, Switch Machine Point Det. Kit – Style “M” ................RSE-6A4 ECC Retrofit Kit – Style “M’ Machines ....................... RSE-6F3
Bars, Rack Mounting (VCOR) – MicroLok II ................... RSE-1D10 EBNC Retrofit - Alstom Machines ............................. RSE-6F2
Base Plate, DA-10 Switch Machine .................................. RSE-6D1 U-5 .......................................................................... RSE-6F1
Bases (Junction Box) – Highway Crossing Mast .............. RSE-5C2 Clamps
Bases, Relay (see Relays – Bases) Pivot – Model 95 Crossing Gate Mech. .....................RSE-5A2
Batteries Relay Mounting Bar (VCOR) – MicroLok II ............. RSE-1D10
Pack – Digitrac ......................................................... RSE-2C1 Code Follower Relays (see Relays)
Bearings, Roller – Switch Point ........................................ RSE-6H3 Code Transmitter Relays (see Relays)
Bells, Highway Crossing .................................................. RSE-5C3 Code System Interface PCB – MicroLok II .................... RSE-1D2.1
Bending Tool (3-way), PV-250 Relay Contacts .................RSE-4S1 Coded Track Circuit PCB – MicroLok II ......................... RSE-1D2.5
Bending Tool (Spring), Switch Machine............................. RSE-6J1 Coder Output (Cab Signal) PCB –MicroLok II ............... RSE-1D2.7
Bi-Polar Driver Module – EBNC ........................................RSE-3A5 Colorlight Signals (see Signals)
Bi-Polar Non-Vital Output PCB – MicroLok II ................ RSE-1D2.3 Colorlight Signal Simulator ................................................ RSE-3J3
Board, Terminal – USGA Lightning Arresters ................... RSE-3H2 Combination Gauge Tool – Switch Machine ...................... RSE-6J1
Bolts (“T”), Model 95 Gate Mech. Mounting .......................RSE-5A2 Common-Mode Filter – CMF-101 ..................................... RSE-3H4
Bonds, Cable – AF-Gen II Track Circuits .......................... RSE-1F2 Connectors
Brackets Power – Serial-To-Ethernet Converter. ..................... RSE-1D9
Conversion, Model 95 Gate Mech. ............................RSE-5A2 Reader Antenna Mating – Digitrac............................ RSE-2C1
MicroLok II Cardfile Shelf Mounting .......................... RSE-1D1 Reader Power Mating – Digitrac ............................... RSE-2C1
PN Relay Shelf Mounting – General .......................... RSE-4T1 Reader Serial Comm. – Digitrac ............................... RSE-2C1
PN-150EVT Timer Relay Shelf Mounting ..................RSE-4B2 Compensating PCB, Cable – ATT-20................................RSE-3B3
Brake, Electric (Hold-Clear) – Model 95 Gate Mech. .........RSE-5A2 Conditioning Stick (Stop Pin), PN Relay ............................RSE-4S1
Brushes (Electric Motor) – Model 95 Gate Mech. ..............RSE-5A2 Contact Adjusting Tool, PN-Relay .....................................RSE-4S1
Burnishing Tool, PN Relay Contact ...................................RSE-4S1 Contact Cleaning Kit, PN Relay ........................................RSE-4S1
Contact Driver Removal Tool, PN Relay ...........................RSE-4S1
Contact Springs, Receptacle – PN Relays .............. RSE-4R1, -4R2
Contactor Assembly, Model 95 Crossing Gate Mech. .......RSE-5A2
Constant-Current Rectifier – CCR ..................................... RSE-3F1
Constant Current Regulator – LED Signals .......................RSE-7A2

To order, call 1-800-652-7276 www.ansaldo-sts.com

e-mail: orders@ansaldo-sts.us
p. 1
RSE Catalog Index
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev 4-11

Constant Potential Rectifiers – CPR ................................. RSE-3F2 Serial-To-Ethernet Converter ................................... RSE-1D9
Converter, Serial-To-Ethernet – MicroLok II ..................... RSE-1D9
Counterweights (Highway Crossing Gate Arm) ................ RSE-5C5
Coupling Unit (Track) – AF-Gen II ..................................... RSE-1F2 G
Coupling Unit (Track) – AFO-IIC .......................................RSE-3B1 Gate Arms – Highway Crossing ....................................... RSE-5C4
Cover, DA-10 Switch Machine.......................................... RSE-6D1 Gate Controller Retrofit Kit – Electronic.............................RSE-5A2
CPU Board – MicroLok II .............................................. RSE-1D2.1 Gates and Gate Mechanisms (see Highway Crossing)
CR-2 Triangular Colorlight Signal ......................................RSE-7B5 Gauge, Point Detector (Tool) – Switch Mach. ................... RSE-6J1
Crimping Tool, PN Relay Contact .....................................RSE-4S1 Gear Motor Brushes, Model 95 Gate Mech. ......................RSE-5A2
Crossing Equipment – see Highway Crossing Gear Shock Assembly – Model 95 Gate Mech. .................RSE-5A2
CSIB PCB (MicroLok II/Genisys II)................................ RSE-1D2.1 Grade Crossing Equipment (see Highway Crossing)
Current Sensor (Signal) – VitalNet PTC ........................... RSE-1G3 Genisys II Code System CPU PCB – MicroLok II.......... RSE-1D2.1
Customer Representatives (Account Executives) .......................... 5 Guards (Wind) – Highway Crossing Mast ......................... RSE-5C2

DA-10 Electro-Pneumatic Switch Machine ....................... RSE-6D1 Half-Box Unit Applications – MicroLok II ......................... RSE-1A14
DC/AC Inverter – F-81 ..................................................... RSE-3G1 Half-Box (HB) Cardfile – MicroLok II ................................ RSE-1D1
DC/AC Inverter – F-82 ..................................................... RSE-3G2 Half-Box 2X (HB2X) Cardfile – MicroLok II ....................... RSE-1D1
Detector, Dragging Equipment ..........................................RSE-3K1 Hand-Operated Switch Machines – T-20/21 ......................RSE-6E1
Detector (Point) Bar Kit, Style “M” Switch Mach. ...............RSE-6A4 Heater Assemblies, Model 95 Gate Mech. ........................RSE-5A2
Digitrac Train Location System ........................................ RSE-2C1 Highway Crossing Control – MicroLok II .......................... RSE-1A13
Diode (Snub) Assembly, Model 95 Gate Mech. .................RSE-5A2 Highway Crossing Equipment
Double-Rail Power Frequency Track Circuits .................... RSE-1F3 Backgrounds, Flashing Light – HC-120B ...................RSE-5B1
Dragging Equipment Detector – Retrofit Kit.......................RSE-3K1 Bells (Electronic and Electro-Mech.) ........................ RSE-5C3
Driver Module, Bi-Polar – EBNC .......................................RSE-3A5 Bracket (Conversion), Model 95 Mech. .....................RSE-5A2
Driver Protection Board – LED Signals .............................RSE-7A2 Brushes (Electric Motor) – Model 95 Mech. ...............RSE-5A2
Driver Removal Tool, Contact – PN Relays .......................RSE-4S1 Circuit Breaker, Model 95 Gate Mech. .......................RSE-5A2
Dwarf Signals, N-2 and N-2S Colorlight ............................RSE-7B3 Conduit Kit, Model 95 Mech. Installation ...................RSE-5A2
Contacts (Relay), Model 95 Gate Mech. ....................RSE-5A2
Contactor Assembly, Model 95 Gate Mech. ..............RSE-5A2
E Conversion Bracket, Model 95 Mech. ........................RSE-5A2
EBNC Bi-Polar Driver Module ...........................................RSE-3A5 Counterweights (Gate Arm) ...................................... RSE-5C5
EBNC Retrofit Kit – Style “M” Switch Machines .................RSE-6A6 Electric Brake (Hold-Clear) – Model 95 Mech. ...........RSE-5A2
ECC Field Test Unit (Style “M” Switch Mach.) ...................RSE-6A5 Electronic Gate Controller Retrofit Kit ........................RSE-5A2
E-Code Track Circuit - MicroLok II ....................................RSE-1A2 Exit Gate Conversion Kit, Model 95 Mech. ................RSE-5A2
E-Code Track Interface Panel .......................................... RSE-1D3 Extension Arm, Gate Arm Counterweight ................. RSE-5C5
Electric Brake (Hold-Clear) – Model 95 Gate Mech. ..........RSE-5A2 Four-Quadrant Gate Mech. System ..........................RSE-5A3
Electro-Mechanical Relays (see Relays) Gate Arms................................................................ RSE-5C4
Electronic Gate Controller Retrofit Kit................................RSE-5A2 Gate Arm Light Fuse Retrofit Kit ...............................RSE-5A2
EM-1 Automatic Train Stop .............................................. RSE-3D1 Gear Motor, Model 95 Gate Mech. ............................RSE-5A2
End-of-Train Systems (see Digitair) Gear Shock Assembly, Model 95 Mech.....................RSE-5A2
End-Point System – MicroLok II ........................................RSE-1A5 HC-120B Flashing Light Assemblies .........................RSE-5B1
Equipment Rack Items (See Racks) Heater Assemblies, Model 95 Mech. .........................RSE-5A2
Ethernet Converter (To Serial) – MicroLok II .................... RSE-1D9 Hold-Clear Device, Model 95 Mech. ..........................RSE-5A2
Exit Gate Conversion Kit (Crossing) – Model 95 ...............RSE-5A2 Hoods, Flashing Lights – HC-120B ...........................RSE-5B1
Extension Arm, Crossing Gate Counterweight ................. RSE-5C5 HX-1/HX-1A Power Packs .........................................RSE-5E1
Junction Box (Mast) Bases ....................................... RSE-5C2
Limit Resistor, Model 95 Gate Mech. ........................RSE-5A2
F Maintenance Switch, Model 95 Mech. .......................RSE-5A2
F-81 DC/AC Inverter ........................................................ RSE-3G1 Masts, 4” and 5” ....................................................... RSE-5C1
F-82 DC/AC Inverter ........................................................ RSE-3G2 Model 95 Crossing Gate Mech. .................................RSE-5A1
F-85 Inverter-Driver .......................................................... RSE-3G3 Model 95 Pedestrian Gate Mech. ..............................RSE-5A1
Ferrite, PN-250CG SS Coder Relay ................................. RSE-4C1 Model 95 Sidewalk Gate Mech. .................................RSE-5A1
Field Service Technicians ............................................................. 2 Ordering Guide, Complete Model 95 Assy. ............... RSE-5F1
Filters Pedestrian Gate Arm Adapter – Model 95 Mech. ......RSE-5A2
Common-Mode – CMF-101 ...................................... RSE-3H4 Pinnacles, Mast........................................................ RSE-5C2
Surge-Ripple ............................................................ RSE-3H1 Pivot Clamp, Model 95 Gate Mech. ...........................RSE-5A2
Flash Memory Card – MicroLok II CPU Board............... RSE-1D2.1 Power-Down Module, Model 95 Mech. ......................RSE-5A2
Flashing Light (Crossing) Assemblies – HC-120B .............RSE-5B1 Power Packs, HX-1/HX-1A ........................................RSE-5E1
Four-Quadrant Gate Mech. System – Model 95 ................RSE-5A3 Rodent Covers, Mast ............................................... RSE-5C2
Front Test Plug, PN Relay ................................................RSE-4S1 Signs ........................................................................ RSE-5C6
Fuse Holders (with Terminal Block) - Wayside ..................RSE-9A1 Snub Diode Assembly, Model 95 Gate Mech. ...........RSE-5A2
Fuses Snub Resistor Assembly, Model 95 Gate Mech. .......RSE-5A2
Gate Arm (Crossing) Light Retrofit ............................RSE-5A2 Stud Plate, Counterweight ........................................ RSE-5C5
General-Purpose (Wayside) ......................................RSE-9A1 Stud Plate, Model 95 Mech. Installation ....................RSE-5A2

, p. 2
RSE Catalog Index
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev 4-11

Shock (Gear) Assembly, Model 95 Mech. .................RSE-5A2

“T”-Bolts, Model 95 Gate Mech. Mounting .................RSE-5A2 M
Wind Guards, Mast-Mount ....................................... RSE-5C2 M-3 Electric Switch Machine (with ECC and EBNC) ..........RSE-6A3
Hold-Clear Device, Model 95 Crossing Gate Mech. ..........RSE-5A2 M-3 Electric Switch Machine (with IPD) .............................RSE-6A3
Hoods M-3 Electric Switch Machine (with MCC) ...........................RSE-6A3
CR-2 Colorlight..........................................................RSE-7B5 M-23A Electric Switch Machine (with ECC and MCU) .......RSE-6A3
HC-120B Crossing Flashing Light .............................RSE-5B1 M-23A Electric Switch Machine (with IPD) ........................RSE-6A3
Hot Standby Synchronization (Vital) PCB ...................... RSE-1D2.9 M-23A Electric Switch Machine (with MCC) ......................RSE-6A3
HX-1/HX-1A Highway Crossing Power Packs ...................RSE-5E1 M-23B Electric Switch Machine (with ECC and MCU) .......RSE-6A3
M-23B Electric Switch Machine (with IPD) ........................RSE-6A3
M-23B Electric Switch Machine (with MCC) ......................RSE-6A3
I M-3E Electric Switch Machine (with ECC) .........................RSE-6A2
“I” Bond, AF-Gen II Track Circuit ....................................... RSE-1F2 M-23E/A Electric Switch Machine (with ECC)....................RSE-6A2
Inclined Cover Glass – Signals ........................................ RSE-7H1 M-23E/B Electric Switch Machine (with ECC)....................RSE-6A2
Inductor (Track Interface Panel) – MicroLok II.................. RSE-1D3 Mainline Signal Assemblies ..............................................RSE-7K1
Input Isolation Module – MicroLok II ................................. RSE-1D7 Maintenance Switch, Model 95 Crossing Gate ..................RSE-5A2
Inspection Services ....................................................................... 2 Machines, Switch (see Switch Machines)
Insulated Molded Caps .....................................................RSE-9A1 Magnet, DA-10 Switch Machine ....................................... RSE-6D1
Interface Panels (Track) – MicroLok II.............................. RSE-1D3 Masts, Highway Crossing ................................................. RSE-5C1
Intermediate Track Circuit – Incandescent Signal .............RSE-1A3 Memory Card (Flash Type) – MicroLok II CPU .............. RSE-1D2.1
Intermediate Track Circuit – LED Signal ...........................RSE-1A3 MicroCab Cab Signaling System .......................................RSE-2A1
Interposer Relays (Non-Vital) – MicroLok II .................... RSE-1D11 MicroLok Object Controller
Inverters General Information and Applications .......................RSE-1B1
DC/AC – F-81 .......................................................... RSE-3G1 Object Controller Units (OC-Series) ..........................RSE-1B2
DC/AC – F-82 .......................................................... RSE-3G2 Proximity Sensor Applications ...................................RSE-1B3
Inverter-Driver – F-85 ....................................................... RSE-3G3 MicroLok II Wayside Control System
Isolation Modules AC Lamp Driver ....................................................... RSE-1D5
Input – MicroLok II ................................................... RSE-1D7 Cables (PCB Connection) ....................................RSE-1D2.20
Output – MicroLok II ................................................. RSE-1D6 Cardfiles
Serial Link – MicroLok II ........................................... RSE-1D8 General Application .......................................... RSE-1D1
Isolated Vital Output PCB – MicroLok II ........................ RSE-1D2.2 PTC WIU.......................................................... RSE-1G2
Isolated I/O PCB – MicroLok II ...................................... RSE-1D2.2 Configuration Guide ..................................................RSE-1A1
Dark Territory (Sleep Mode) Application ....................RSE-1A8
E-Code Track Circuits ...............................................RSE-1A2
J End Point System .....................................................RSE-1A5
Junction Box Bases, Highway Crossing Mast................... RSE-5C2 General Information ..................................................RSE-1A1
Junction Boxes (Pedestal-Mount) – Switch Mach. .............RSE-6K1 Half-Box (H.B.) Unit Applications
General Application ......................................... RSE-1A14
K PTC WIU.......................................................... RSE-1G2
Half Box 2X Unit – PTC WIU .................................... RSE-1G2
K-10 Terminal Blocks ........................................................RSE-9A1 Highway Crossing Control ....................................... RSE-1A13
K-40 Terminal Blocks ........................................................RSE-9A1 Hot-Filament Checker (AC Lamp Driver) .................. RSE-1D5
Hot-Standby Application ............................................RSE-1A6
L Intermediate System (Incand. Signals)......................RSE-1A3
Lamp Driver (Signal) PCBs – MicroLok II ...................... RSE-1D2.4 Intermediate System (LED Signals) ..........................RSE-1A4
Lamps, Incandescent - Signals ........................................ RSE-7H1 Interposer Relays (Non-Vital)
Latch-Out Kit (Retrofit) – Style “M” Switch Machines .........RSE-6A4 Input Isolation Module .............................................. RSE-1D7
Latch Stand – Style “M” Switch Machines .........................RSE-6A4 LED Signal Application ............................................ RSE-1A12
LED Protection PCB – LED Signals ..................................RSE-7A2 Local Control Panel – Built-In ...............................RSE-1D2.11
LED Signals (see Signals) Network Hub .......................................................... RSE-1D13
LED Signal Control – MicroLok II .................................... RSE-1A12 Network Interface Adapter ...................................... RSE-1D13
LED-12 Track Circuit System – MicroLok II .......................RSE-1A4 Non-Vital Interposer Relays ................................... RSE-1D11
Light (Highway Flashing) Assemblies, HC-120B ...............RSE-5B1 Output Isolation Modules.......................................... RSE-1D6
Lightning Arresters –USGA .............................................. RSE-3H2 PCBs (See Printed Circuit Boards)........................... RSE-1D2
Local Control Panel (Built-In) – MicroLok II ..................RSE-1D2.11 Quick-Shunt Module ................................................. RSE-1D4
Lock Connecting Rods – Style “M” Switch Mach. ..............RSE-6A4 Redundancy PCB (AC Lamp Driver) ........................ RSE-1D5
Lock Rods – Style “M” Switch Machines ...........................RSE-6A4 Seamless Redundant Interlocking .............................RSE-1A7
Locks, Switch Machine Serial Comm. Adapter Panel .................................... RSE-1D8
SML-110 and PN-150SSR ........................................RSE-3A2 Serial Isolator Module .............................................. RSE-1D8
SML-24 and SMC......................................................RSE-3A1 Sleep Mode (Dark Territory) Application ....................RSE-1A8
Loops, Cab Signal – AF-Gen II Track Circuits ................... RSE-1F2 Serial-To-Ethernet Converter ................................... RSE-1D9
Low-Profile M-3 Electric Switch Machine ...........................RSE-6A3 SMC, SML/PN-150SSR Applications .................... RSE-1D12
Lugs TCP/IP Network Applications .................................. RSE-1A11
Point Detector – Switch Mach. C-Controller ............. RSE-6H1 Track Interface Panels ............................................. RSE-1D3
Swivel Point – Switch Machine ................................. RSE-6H4 Track Integrity Application .........................................RSE-1A8
Vital Cut-Off Relay (VCOR) .................................... RSE-1D10

Index, p. 3
RSE Catalog Index
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev 4-11

Wayside Interface Units (PTC) ................................. RSE-1G2 AF-Gen II Track Circuits............................................ RSE-1F2
MicroTrax Track Circuit – MicroLok II ................................RSE-1A1 Auxiliary Coder Output – MicroLok II ..................... RSE-1D2.7
MicroTrax Track Interface Panel – MicroLok II ................. RSE-1D3 Bi-Polar Non-Vital Output – MicroLok II ................. RSE-1D2.3
Mixed-Vital I/O PCB – MicroLok II ................................. RSE-1D2.2 Cable Compensating – ATT-20 .................................RSE-3B3
Metal-Oxide Varistors ........................................................RSE-1B3 Central Processing Unit (CPU) – MicroLok II......... RSE-1D2.1
Model 95 Gate Mechanism (see Highway Crossing) Code System Interface (Genisys II) – MicroLok II . RSE-1D2.1
Motor Retrofit Kit – Style “M” Switch Machines..................RSE-6A4 Coded Track Circuit – MicroLok II ......................... RSE-1D2.5
Mounting Brackets Coder Output (Cab Signal) PCB – MicroLok II ...... RSE-1D2.7
MicroLok II Cardfiles ................................................ RSE-1D1 Conditional Power Supply PCB – MicroLok II .......RSE-1D2.10
Communication PCB – MicroLok II ....................... RSE-1D2.8
CPS PCB – MicroLok II ........................................RSE-1D2.10
N CPU (Standard) – MicroLok II ............................... RSE-1D2.1
N-2 and N-2S Colorlight Dwarf Signals .............................RSE-7B3 CSIB (Genisys II) .................................................. RSE-1D2.1
Network Hub – MicroLok II ............................................. RSE-1D13 Driver Protection – LED Signal ..................................RSE-7A2
Network Interface Adapter.............................................. RSE-1D13 E-Code - MicroLok II .................................... RSE-1A2, -1D2.5
Non-Isolated I/O PCB – MicroLok II .............................. RSE-1D2.2 Genisys II Code System CPU PCB – MicroLok II .. RSE-1D2.1
Non-Vital I/O PCBs – MicroLok II .................................. RSE-1D2.3 Isolated I/O - MicroLok II ....................................... RSE-1D2.3
Non-Vital Interposer Relays – MicroLok II ...................... RSE-1D11 Isolated Vital Output - MicroLok II ......................... RSE-1D2.3
Non-Vital Isolated Input PCB – MicroLok II ................... RSE-1D2.3 LED Protection – LED Signal Unit .............................RSE-7A2
Non-Vital Isolated Output PCB – MicroLok II................. RSE-1D2.3 LED Signal Driver PCB – MicroLok II .................... RSE-1D2.4
Mixed Vital I/O – MicroLok II ................................. RSE-1D2.3
Non-Isolated I/O – MicroLok II ............................... RSE-1D2.3
O Non-Vital I/O – MicroLok II .................................... RSE-1D2.4
“O” Bond, AF-Gen II Track Circuit ..................................... RSE-1F2 Non-Vital Isolated Input – MicroLok II .................... RSE-1D2.4
Object Controller (see MicroLok Object Controller) Non-Vital Isolated Output – MicroLok II ................. RSE-1D2.4
Operating Rods – Switch Machine Circuit Controller ........ RSE-6H1 OS Track Circuit – MicroLok II .............................. RSE-1D2.5
OS Track Circuit PCB – MicroLok II .............................. RSE-1D2.5 Power Supply – AF-Gen II Track Circuit .................... RSE-1F2
Output Isolation Modules – MicroLok II ............................ RSE-1D6 Power Supply – MicroLok II ..................................RSE-1D2.10
PTC-Upgradeable CPU – MicroLok II .................... RSE-1D2.1
P Serial Link Relay – MicroLok II .............................. RSE-1D2.8
Panels Sleep Mode (Dark Territory) – MicroLok II ............. RSE-1D2.6
MicroLok II Cardfile Front .....................................RSE-1D2.12 Signal Lamp Driver – MicroLok II .......................... RSE-1D2.4
Serial Communications Adapter ............................... RSE-1D8 Track Circuit Interface – MicroLok II ...................... RSE-1D2.5
Track Interface – MicroLok II .................................... RSE-1D3 Track Circuit System (TCS) – AF-Gen II ................... RSE-1F2
Paper Strips, Contact Cleaning – PN Relay ......................RSE-4S1 Vital Hot Standby Synchronization – MicroLok II ... RSE-1D2.9
Pedestal-Mounted J.-Boxes – Switch Mach. .....................RSE-6K1 Vital Input – MicroLok II......................................... RSE-1D2.3
Pedestrian Gate Arm Adapter – Model 95 Mech. ..............RSE-5A2 Vital Output - MicroLok II ....................................... RSE-1D2.3
Pedestrian Gate Mechanism – Highway Crossing .............RSE-5A1 VitalNet Co-Processor Daughter – MicroLok II ...... RSE-1D2.1
PCBs (See Printed Circuit Boards) VitalNet CPU – MicroLok II.................................... RSE-1D2.1
Phankill Units – Signal ..................................................... RSE-7H1 Proximity Sensors – MicroLok Object Controller ...............RSE-1B3
Phase-Selective Unit ........................................................ RSE-3C2 PSU (Phase-Selective Unit) ............................................. RSE-3C2
Pin Bolts, Switch Machine Rods and Lugs ....................... RSE-6H4
Pinnacles, Highway Crossing Mast .................................. RSE-5C2
Piston Rod Clamp – DA-10 Switch Machine ..................... RSE-6J1
Quadrant (Four) Gate Mech. System – Model 95 ..............RSE-5A3
Pivot Clamp. Mode 95 Crossing Gate Mech. .....................RSE-5A2 Quick-Shunt Module – MicroLok II ................................... RSE-1D4
PL-8 Color Position Light Signal ....................................... RSE-7C1
Plate, Stud – Model 95 Gate Mech....................................RSE-5A2
Plug-In Relays (see Relays) R
PN Series Relays (see Relays) Rack (Equipment)
Point Detectors – Switch Machines Cardfile Mounting Kits .............................................. RSE-1D1
Bar Kit – Style “M” Switch Machine ...........................RSE-6A4 Mounting Kits – MicroLok II ...................................... RSE-1D1
Gauge Tools ............................................................. RSE-6J1 Relay Mounting Bars and Clamps (VCOR)............. RSE-1D10
Lugs – Switch Mach. Circuit Controller ..................... RSE-6H1 RAIL Team.................................................................................... 2
Point Machines (see Switch Machines) Reader (Transponder) – Digitrac ...................................... RSE-2C1
Point Monitor – VitalNet PTC ........................................... RSE-1G4 Receptacle Contact Springs, PN-style Relays ......... RSE-4R1, -4R2
Position Light Signal (Color), PL-8 ................................... RSE-7C1 Receiver – AFO-IIC ...........................................................RSE-3B1
Positive Train Control (PTC) Equipment Rectifiers:
MicroLok II-Based WIU ............................................ RSE-1G2 CCR Constant Current .............................................. RSE-3F1
VitalNet Remote Current Sensor (for Signals) .......... RSE-1G3 CPR Constant Potential ............................................ RSE-3F2
VitalNet Switch Point Monitor ................................... RSE-1G4 Redundancy PCB (AC Lamp Driver) – MicroLok II ........... RSE-1D5
Power-Frequency Track Circuits ....................................... RSE-1F3 Relays – Bases
Power Packs (Highway Crossing) - HX-1/HX-1A ...............RSE-5E1 Alstom/Safetran-Compatible .................................... RSE-4R2
Power Supply PCBs – MicroLok II................................RSE-1D2.10 PN-150 and PN-250 Style ........................................ RSE-4R1
Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) PN-150EVT Timer .....................................................RSE-4B2
Adapter (Serial Interface Panel) – MicroLok II .......... RSE-1D8 VCOR – MicroLok II ............................................... RSE-1D10

, p. 4
RSE Catalog Index
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev 4-11

Relays – Electro-Mechanical Paper Strips, Contact Cleaning – PN Relay ..............RSE-4S1

Non-Vital, Model 95 Crossing Gate Mech..................RSE-5A2 Pliers, PV-250 Adjustment ........................................RSE-4S1
PC-250B Code Follower – Biased ............................ RSE-4N1 Rack Mount Bars (VCOR) ...................................... RSE-1D10
PC-250P Code Follower – Magnetic Stick ................ RSE-4N2 Springs, Receptacle Contact – PN-Style ......... RSE-4R1, -4R2
PC-250TR Code Generating .................................... RSE-4M1 Stop Pin Conditioning Stick, PN Relay ......................RSE-4S1
PN-150B – Biased.....................................................RSE-4E1 Tools/Supplies, Field and Shop – PN Relays ............RSE-4S1
PN-150BD 3-Position Relay – Biased .......................RSE-4E3 Remote Current Sensor (Signal) – VitalNet PTC .............. RSE-1G3
PN-150BE Code Follower – Biased.......................... RSE-4N3 Repair and Remanufacturing Services .......................................... 2
PN-150BH Track Circuit – Biased ............................ RSE-4G2 Reset Module, Electronic Relay ....................................... RSE-4D3
PN-150BL Light Out ..................................................RSE-4P1 Resistors
PN-150BM Magnetic Blow-Out ..................................RSE-4K2 Adjustable – Wayside ...............................................RSE-9A1
PN-150BSR Slow Release – Biased ......................... RSE-4F1 Limit, Model 95 Crossing Gate Mech. .......................RSE-5A2
PN-150BTR Track – Biased ..................................... RSE-4G1 Snub, Model 95 Crossing Gate Mech. .......................RSE-5A2
PN-150F Flasher ...................................................... RSE-4H1 SRA Track Circuit Power...........................................RSE-9A1
PN-150HD (Heavy-Duty Contacts) – Biased .............RSE-4E2 Returned Material Authorization (RMA) Procedure ........................ 3
PN-150P Power Off .................................................. RSE-4Q1 Rods
PN-150SO DC Switch Overload ................................ RSE-4L1 Lock – Style “M” Switch Machine ..............................RSE-6A4
PN-152SO DC Switch Control ................................... RSE-4L2 Lock Connecting – Style “M” Switch Mach. ...............RSE-6A4
PN-159B Carborne ................................................... RSE-4O1 Operating – Switch Mach. C-Controller .................... RSE-6H1
PN-250B – Biased.....................................................RSE-4E4 Switch Lock Lever Lock – Switch Mach. ................... RSE-6H2
PN-258B Slow Pick-Up – Biased............................... RSE-4F2 Swivel Point – Switch Mach. .................................... RSE-6H4
PN-258BC Decoding ................................................. RSE-4L3 Rodent Covers, Highway Crossing Mast .......................... RSE-5C2
PN-250BE Code Follower ........................................ RSE-4N4 Roller Bearings, Switch Point ........................................... RSE-6H3
PN-258BSR Slow P.U./Slow D.A. – Biased ............... RSE-4F3 Roundels (Signal), General Purpose ................................ RSE-7H1
PN-259BSR Slow Release – Biased ......................... RSE-4F4 Roundels, PL-8 Color Position Light Signal ...................... RSE-7C1
PN-259SRA Slow Release – Biased ......................... RSE-4F5
PP-151 Magnetic Stick ..............................................RSE-4K1
PV-250 2-Element AC Vane...................................... RSE-4J1 S
PV-250E Electronic Vane ......................................... RSE-4D1 “S” Bond – AF-Gen II Track Circuit ................................... RSE-1F2
Vital Cut-Off Relay (VCOR) – MicroLok II ............... RSE-1D10 “S” Style Train Stop .......................................................... RSE-3D2
Relays – Electronic (Solid-State) Secondary Surge Suppressors – USSP ........................... RSE-3H3
CD SS Code Follower – Biased (Shelf) .................... RSE-4C9 Sensors, Proximity – MicroLok Object Controller ..............RSE-1B3
CD SS Code Follower – Track (Shelf) .................... RSE-4C10 Serial Comm. Adapter Panel – MicroLok II ...................... RSE-1D8
CPS SS Code Follower – Polar Stick (Shelf) .......... RSE-4C11 Serial Link Relay PCB – MicroLok II.............................. RSE-1D2.8
DMSSCT Code Transmitter (Shelf) .......................... RSE-4C3 Service Centers (Ansaldo STS USA) ............................................ 5
Five-Second Fixed Timer ..........................................RSE-4B3 Scraper Installation Tool, DA-10 Switch Mach. ................. RSE-6J1
PC-250B/EL Code Follower – Biased ....................... RSE-4-07 Shelf Mounting Brackets, PN Relay .................................. RSE-4T1
PC-250B SS Code Follower – Track ........................ RSE-4C7 Shelf Mounting Kits – MicroLok II Cardfiles ...................... RSE-1D1
PC-250P SS Code Follower – Polar Stick ................ RSE-4C8 Shelf Relays (see Relays)
PN-150EVT Timer .....................................................RSE-4B2 Shock (Gear) Assembly – Model 95 Gate Mech................RSE-5A2
PN-150SSR (SML-110 Relay) ...................................RSE-3A2 Shop Test Set – Wayside ................................................. RSE-3J4
PN-150SST/DPST Timer ..........................................RSE-4B1 Sidewalk Gate Mechanism – Highway Crossing ...............RSE-5A1
PN-150SST/SD Timer ...............................................RSE-4B1 Signs, Highway Crossing ................................................. RSE-5C6
PN-150SST/SP Timer ...............................................RSE-4B1 Signal Lamp Driver PCBs – MicroLok II ........................ RSE-1D2.4
PN-250CG SS Code Transmitter ............................. RSE-4C1 Signals – Assemblies
PN-250F Flasher ...................................................... RSE-4H2 ES-20 Colorlight Switch.............................................RSE-7B4
Shelf-Mount Coder (“Motor Coder”) .......................... RSE-4C4 CR-2 Triangular Colorlight .........................................RSE-7B5
SSCF-B1 Code Follower – Biased ........................... RSE-4C6 LED Colorlight – General Information ........................RSE-7A1
SSCT-B2 Code Transmitter (Shelf) .......................... RSE-4C2 LED Colorlight Signal Assemblies .............................RSE-7A2
Relays – Misc. (Components, Tools, Etc.) Mainline Assemblies .................................................RSE-7K1
Adjustable Torque Arm – PN Relay...........................RSE-4S1 N-2 and N-2S Colorlight Dwarf ..................................RSE-7B3
Back Test Plug, PN Relay .........................................RSE-4S1 Multi-Purpose Colorlight – LED and Incand. .............RSE-7B1
Bending Alignment Tool – PN Relay .........................RSE-4S1 PL-8 Color Position Light.......................................... RSE-7C1
Bending Tool, 3-way – PV-250 Relay ........................RSE-4S1 Transit Colorlight .......................................................RSE-7B2
Burnishing Tool – PN Relay ......................................RSE-4S1 Signals – Key Components
Cleaning Kit, Contact – PN Relay..............................RSE-4S1 Backgrounds, CR-2 Colorlight ...................................RSE-7B5
Contact Adjusting Tool, PN Relay .............................RSE-4S1 Constant Current Regulator (LED) .................. RSE-7A2, -7B1
Contact Driver Removal Tool, PN Relay ...................RSE-4S1 Driver Protection Board (LED) ......................... RSE-7A2, -7B1
Contact Receptacle Springs, PN-Style ............. RSE-4R1, 4R2 Hoods, CR-2 Colorlight .............................................RSE-7B5
Crimping Tool, PN Relay Contact ..............................RSE-4S1 Inclined Cover Glass ................................................ RSE-7H1
Flasher Module Kit – PN-150F ................................. RSE-4H1 Lamps (Incandescent).............................................. RSE-7H1
Front Test Plug, PN Relay.........................................RSE-4S1 LED Protection Board ...................................... RSE-7A2, 7B1
Interposer Relays (Non-Vital) – MicroLok II ............ RSE-1D11 Phankill Units ........................................................... RSE-7H1
Mounting Brackets, Shelf – PN-150EVT....................RSE-4B2 Remote Current Sensor (PTC) ................................. RSE-1G3
Non-Vital Interposer Relays – MicroLok II .............. RSE-1D11 Roundels, General Purpose ..................................... RSE-7H1
Ordering Guide – SS Replacement for PN ................RSE-4A1 Roundels, PL-8 Color Position Light ......................... RSE-7C1

Index, p. 5
RSE Catalog Index
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev 4-11

Simulators Point Detector Lugs – Circuit Controller ................... RSE-6H1

Colorlight Signal ........................................................ RSE-3J3 Roller Bearing Assemblies ....................................... RSE-6H3
Track Circuit .............................................................. RSE-3J1 SL-21A Electric Switch Lock .................................... RSE-6G1
Single-Rail Power Frequency Track Circuits ..................... RSE-1F3 SL-25 Electric Switch Lock ....................................... RSE-6G3
Sleep Mode (Dark Territory) PCB – MicroLok II ............... RSE-1D2 Switch Lock Lever Lock Rods .................................. RSE-6H2
SL-21A Electric Switch Lock ............................................ RSE-6G1 Switch Point Monitor – VitalNet PTC ........................ RSE-1G4
SL-25 Electric Switch Lock ............................................... RSE-6G3 Swivel Front Rods .................................................... RSE-6H4
SMC (Switch Machine Controller) .....................................RSE-3A1 Swivel Point Lugs ..................................................... RSE-6H4
SML-110 Switch Lock and PN-150SSR ............................RSE-3A2 U-5 Circuit Controller ................................................. RSE-6F1
SML-24 Switch Lock .........................................................RSE-3A1 Valve Head (Retrofit) – DA-10 .................................. RSE-6D1
Snub Diode Assembly, Model 95 Gate Mech. ...................RSE-5A2 Switch Machine Chaining Modules ....................................RSE-3A4
Snub Resistor Assembly, Model 95 Gate Mech. ...............RSE-5A2 Switch Machine Electronic Driver Modules
Solid-State Relays (see Relays) EBNC Bi-Polar ..........................................................RSE-3A5
Spring Bender Tool – Switch Machines ............................. RSE-6J1 SMC, SML/PN-150SSR Applications .................... RSE-1D12
Springs, Receptacle Contact – PN Relays .............. RSE-4R1, -4R2 SMC (Switch Machine Controller)..............................RSE-3A1
Springs, Relay Contact (VCOR) – MicroLok II ................ RSE-1D10 SML-110 Switch Lock and PN-150SSR ....................RSE-3A2
SRA Track Circuit Power Resistors - Wayside ..................RSE-9A1 SML-24 Switch Lock .................................................RSE-3A1
Standard CPU PCB – MicroLok II ................................. RSE-1D2.1 Switch Machine Controller – Biased Neutral ..............RSE-3A3
Staff, Target – T-20/21 Switch Machines ..........................RSE-6E1 Switch Machine ECC Test Unit (Style “M’) ........................RSE-6A5
Stop Pin Conditioning Stick, PN Relay ..............................RSE-4S1 Switch Machine Tools (see Tools)
Stud Plate, Highway Gate Arm Counterweight ................. RSE-5C5 Switch (Maintenance) – Model 95 Gate Mech. ..................RSE-5A2
Stud Plate, Model 95 Gate Mech. Installation ....................RSE-5A2 Switch Point Monitor – VitalNet PTC ................................ RSE-1G4
Surge-Ripple Filter ........................................................... RSE-3H1 Switch Signal, ES-20 Colorlight .........................................RSE-7B4
Surge Suppressors, Secondary – USSP .......................... RSE-3H3 Swivel Front Rods, Switch Machine ................................. RSE-6H4
Switch Locks Swivel Point Lugs, Switch Machine .................................. RSE-6H4
SL-21A Electric ........................................................ RSE-6G1 Synchronization (Vital Hot Standby) PCB ...................... RSE-1D2.9
SL-25 Electric........................................................... RSE-6G3
SMC (Biased Neutral) – Electronic ............................RSE-3A3
SML-24 Electronic .....................................................RSE-3A1 T
SML-110 Electronic ...................................................RSE-3A2 T-20 and T-21 Hand-Operated Switch Machines ...............RSE-6E1
Switch Machines “T”-Bolts. Model 95 Gate Mech. Installation ......................RSE-5A2
A-5 Electro-Pneumatic ..............................................RSE-6B2 Target Staff, T-20/21 Switch Machines .............................RSE-6E1
A-10 Electro-Pneumatic ............................................RSE-6B1 Terminal Board – USGA Lightning Arresters .................... RSE-3H2
Configuration Guide – Style “M” Machines ................RSE-6A1 Terminal Blocks
DA-10 Electro-Pneumatic ......................................... RSE-6D1 Combination with Fuse Holder ..................................RSE-9A1
Low-Profile M-3 (with MCC).......................................RSE-6A3 K-10 ..........................................................................RSE-9A1
M-3 Electric (with IPD) ..............................................RSE-6A3 K-40 ..........................................................................RSE-9A1
M-3 Electric (with MCC) ............................................RSE-6A3 Termination Capacitor PCB – MicroLok II Track Panel .... RSE-1D3
M-3 Electric (with ECC and EBNC) ...........................RSE-6A3 Terms & Conditions of Sale .......................................................... 6
M-3 Electric – Low Profile (with MCC) .......................RSE-6A3 Test Links, AAR/AREMA ..................................................RSE-9A1
M-23A Electric (with ECC and MCU) .........................RSE-6A3 Test Sets, Field (Portable)
M-23A Electric (with IPD) ..........................................RSE-6A3 Track Circuit Simulator .............................................. RSE-3J1
M-23A Electric (with MCC) ........................................RSE-6A3 Test Set, Shop (Wayside) ................................................. RSE-3J4
M-23B Electric (with ECC and MCU) .........................RSE-6A3 Timers (Timer Relays - see Relays)
M-23B Electric (with IPD) ..........................................RSE-6A3 Tools
M-23B Electric (with MCC) ........................................RSE-6A3 Adjustable Torque Arm, PV-250 Relay ......................RSE-4S1
M-3E Electric (with ECC)...........................................RSE-6A2 Adjusting Tool, Contacts – PN Relay ........................RSE-4S1
M-23E/A Electric (with ECC) .....................................RSE-6A2 Back Test Plug, PN Relay .........................................RSE-4S1
M-23E/B Electric (with ECC) .....................................RSE-6A2 Bending/Alignment Tool – PV-250 Relay ..................RSE-4S1
T-20 and T-21 Hand-Operated ..................................RSE-6E1 Bending Tool, 3-Way – PV-250 Relay .......................RSE-4S1
YM-2000 Electric ...................................................... RSE-6C1 Burnishing Tool, PN-Relay ........................................RSE-4S1
Switch Machine and Layout Support Equip. Circuit Controller (Switch Machine) ........................... RSE-6J1
EBNC Retrofit Kit - Alstom Machines ........................ RSE-6F2 Combination Gauge – Switch Mach. ......................... RSE-6J1
EBNC Retrofit Kit – Style “M” with ECC.....................RSE-6A6 Conditioning Stick, Stop Pin – PN Relay ...................RSE-4S1
ECC Retrofit Kit – Style “M’ Machines ....................... RSE-6F3 Contact Adjusting Tool, PN Relay .............................RSE-4S1
Field-Wound Motor Retrofit Kit – Style “M” ................RSE-6A4 Crimping, Contact – PN Relay ..................................RSE-4S1
Latch-Out Kit (Retrofit) – Style “M” ............................RSE-6A4 Flat Wrench (Specialty) – Switch Mach. .................... RSE-6J1
Latch Stand – Style “M” .............................................RSE-6A4 Front Test Plug – PN Relay.......................................RSE-4S1
Lever Lock Rods Switch Lock .................................. RSE-6H2 Gate Mech. (Crossing) Maintenance .........................RSE-5A2
Lock Connecting Rods – Style “M” ............................RSE-6A4 Model 95 Gate Mech. Maintenance - Kit ...................RSE-5A2
Lock Rods – Style “M” ...............................................RSE-6A4 Piston Rod Clamp – DA-10 Sw. Mach. .............RSE-6D1, -6J1
Motor Retrofit Kit (Field-Wound) – Style “M” .............RSE-6A4 Pliers, PV-250 Relay Adjustment ..............................RSE-4S1
Operating Rods – Circuit Controller .......................... RSE-6H1 Point Detector Gauge – Switch Mach. ....................... RSE-6J1
Pedestal-Mounted Junction Boxes ............................RSE-6K1 Scraper Installation, DA-10 Switch Mach. ........RSE-6D1, -6J1
Pin Bolts, Swivel Rods and Lugs .............................. RSE-6H4 Spring Bender – Switch Mach. .................................. RSE-6J1
Point Detector Bar Kit – Style “M”..............................RSE-6A4 Stick, Stop Pin Conditioning – PN Relay ...................RSE-4S1

, p. 6
RSE Catalog Index
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev 4-11

Stop Pin Conditioning Stick – PN Relay ....................RSE-4S1 VitalNet Switch Point Monitor ........................................... RSE-1G4
Switch Machine General Maintenance ...................... RSE-6J1 Vital Relays (see Relays)
Test Plug, Front – PN Relay......................................RSE-4S1
Test Plug, Front – PN Relay......................................RSE-4S1
Track Wrench Set (Switch Mach.) ............................. RSE-6J1 W
Torque Arm, Adjustable – PV-250 Relay ...................RSE-4S1 W-400 Transformer ...........................................................RSE-3E1
Torque Wrench Adapter – Switch Mach. ................... RSE-6J1 W-800 Transformer ...........................................................RSE-3E2
Torque Wrench Kit – Model 95 Gate Mech. ..............RSE-5A2 Warranty ...................................................................................... 3
Torque Arm, Adjustable – PV-250 Relay ...........................RSE-4S1 Wayside Interface Units (PTC)
Torque Wrench Adapter – Switch Mach. ........................... RSE-6J1 MicroLok II-Based (HB, HB2X) ................................. RSE-1G2
Torque Wrench Kit – Model 95 Gate Mech. ......................RSE-5A2 Weights (Counter) – Crossing Gate Arm .......................... RSE-5C5
Track Cable Bond - AF-Gen II Track Circuit ...................... RSE-1F2 Wind Guards, Highway Crossing Mast ............................. RSE-5C2
Track Coupling Unit - AF-Gen II Track Circuit ................... RSE-1F2 WIU (PTC Wayside Interface Units)
Track Coupling Unit - AFO-IIC Track Circuit......................RSE-3B1 MicroLok II-Based .................................................... RSE-1G2
Track Interface Panels – MicroLok II ................................ RSE-1D3
Track Circuits
AF-Gen II Digital ............................................... RSE-1F1, 1F2
AFO-IIC.....................................................................RSE-3B1 YM-2000 Electric Switch Machine .................................... RSE-6C1
ATT-20 ......................................................................RSE-3B3
E-Code (MicroLok II) .................................................RSE-1A2
Intermediate – MicroLok II (Incand. Signals) .............RSE-1A3
Intermediate – MicroLok II (LED Signals) ..................RSE-1A4
MicroTrax – MicroLok II .............................................RSE-1A1
Phase-Selective ....................................................... RSE-3C2
Power-Frequency ...................................................... RSE-1F3
Track Circuit Simulator ...................................................... RSE-3J1
Track Circuit System PCB – AF-Gen II ............................. RSE-2F2
Track Resonant Unit, TRU-III ........................................... RSE-4D2
Track Transceiver, Audio – ATT-20...................................RSE-3B3
Track Wrench Set – Switch Machine ................................ RSE-6J1
Train Location System – Digitrac ..................................... RSE-2C1
Train Stops
EM-1 ........................................................................ RSE-3D1
Style “S” ................................................................... RSE-3D2
Training for Customers.................................................................. 3
W-400 .......................................................................RSE-3E1
W-800 .......................................................................RSE-3E2
Transceiver, Audio Track – ATT-20...................................RSE-3B3
Transit (Mass) Signals ......................................................RSE-7B2
Transmitter – AFO-IIC.......................................................RSE-3B1
Transponder (Train Location System) – Digitrac .............. RSE-2C1
Transzorb – PN-250CG SS Coder Relay ......................... RSE-4C1
Triangular Colorlight Signal - CR-2 ....................................RSE-7B5
TRU-III Track Resonant Unit ............................................ RSE-4D2

U-5 Switch Circuit Controller ............................................. RSE-6F1
USGA Lightning Arresters ................................................ RSE-3H2
USSP Secondary Surge Suppressors .............................. RSE-3H3
Using the RSE Catalog ................................................................. 1

Vane Relays
PV-250 ...................................................................... RSE-4J1
PV-250E .................................................................. RSE-4D1
Vital Hot Standby Synchronization PCB ........................ RSE-1D2.9
Valve Head (Retrofit) – DA-10 Switch Machines .............. RSE-6D1
Vital Cut-Off Relay (VCOR) – MicroLok II....................... RSE-1D10
Vital Input PCB – MicroLok II ........................................ RSE-1D2.3
Vital Output PCB – MicroLok II ..................................... RSE-1D2.3
VitalNet PCB – MicroLok II............................................ RSE-1D2.1
VitalNet Co-Processor PCB – MicroLok II ..................... RSE-1D2.1
VitalNet Remote Current Sensor ...................................... RSE-1G3

Index, p. 7
RSE Catalog Index
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev 4-11

, p. 8

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