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Unit 3

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 CW radar detects objects and measures velocity from Doppler shift.
 CW radar sets transmit a high-frequency signal continuously.
 It can not measure range.
 It can be mono-static or bi-static.
 Employs continual RADAR transmission
 Separate transmit and receive antennas
 Relies on the “DOPPLER SHIFT”

 Pulse Transmission

Continuous Wave

 The radars radiate electromagnetic waves towards the targets for detection and also to
obtain details of the target.
 When the target is stationary, the frequency of the received echoes is constant.
 However, when the target is moving, the frequency of the received echoes is found to be
different from transmitted frequency.
 If the target approaches the radar, the frequency is increased and if the target moves away
from the radar, the frequency is decreased.
 That is, in the moving targets, there exists a frequency shift in the received echo signals.
 The presence of frequency shift in the received echo signals in the radar due to moving
targets is known as Doppler Effect.
 The frequency shift is known as Doppler frequency shift

Doppler Effect:
When there is a relative motion between Radar and target is based on recognizing the
change in the echo-signal frequency caused by the Doppler Effect.
If either obser or the source is in motion, then it results in a frequency shift, the resulatent
frequency shift is known as Doppler Effect.
When an observer moves relative to a source, there is an apparent shift in frequency is
known as Doppler frequency.
If distance between observer and the source is increasing, the frequency apparently
decreses, where as the frequency apprantly increases if the distance between the observer and the
source is decreasing is known as Doppler frequency.
If R is the distance from Radar to target, the total number of wavelengths λ contained in
the two-way path between the Radar and target is 2R/λ. i.e., the total number of wave lengths

= .

Since one wavelength corresponds to an angular excursion of 2π radians, the total angular
excursion of φ made by the electromagnetic wave during its transit to and from the target is

radians. Therefore, φ = 2π×total number of wavelengths = 2π× = radians.

If the targe is in motion, distance R and phase φ are continually changing. Achange in φ
with respect to time is equal to a frequency. This is the Doppler angular frequency ω d and it is

given by ωd = 2πfd = = = = = 4πvr/λ

2πfd = 4πvr/λ

fd = 2vr/λ fd = 2vr/λ
Where fd = Doppler frequency shift in hertz
vr = relative velocity or radial velocity of target with respet Radar in knots.
= dR/dt
λ = wavelength in meters = c/f0
The distance R and wavelength λ are measured in same units.
The Doppler frequency shift is fd = 2vr/λ = 2vr/( c/f0)

fd = 2vrf0/c = fd = 2vrf0/c
Where f0 = transmitted frequency
c = velocity of propagation = 3×108 m/sec.

If fd in Hz, vr in knots and λ in meters: fd = 1.03vr/λ fd = 1.03vr/λ

The relative velocity may be written vr = vcosθ
Where v is the target speed and θ is the angle made by the target trajectory and the line joining
Radar and target.
Therefore, fd = 2vcosθ/λ
When θ = 00, the Doppler frequency is maximum. The Doppler frequency is zero, when
the trajectory is perpendicular to the Radar line of sight (θ = 900).

A Simple CW Radar is shown in fig1 (a). The CW Radar consists of a transmitter,
detector, beat-frequency amplifier and indicator.

The transmitter transmits a continuous wave of frequency oscillation or oscillation of

frequency f0, which is radiated by the antenna. An amount of radiated energy is intercepted by

the target and some of this energy is scattered back in the direction of the Radar. This energy is
collected by the receving antenna.

f0 CW


f0±fd f0±fd f0
Detector fd Beat fd
Or Mixer Frequency Indicator

Fig 1(a): Simple CW Radar Block Diagram



Fib 1(b): Response characteristic of beat-frequency amplifier

If the target is in motion with a relative velocity vr to the Radar, then the received signal
will be shifted by an amount of ‘±fd’.

The plus sign associated with the Doppler frequency applies if the distance between
target and Radar is decreasing (closing target), i.e., when the received signal frequency is greater
than the transmitted signal frequency. The minus sign associated with the Doppler frequency
applies if the distance between target and Radar is increasing (receding target), i.e., when the
received signal frequency is less than the transmitted signal frequency.

The received echo signal at a frequency f0±fd enters the Radar via the antenna and is
heterodyne in the detector with a part of the transmitted signal f0 to produce a Doppler beat
frequency fd. The sign is lost in this process.

The purpose of Doppler amplifier is to eliminate the echos from stationary targets and to
amplify the Doppler echo signal to a level where it can be used to operate an indicating device. It
must have a frequency characteristic similar to that of fig1 (b).

The low frequency cut-off must be high enough to reject the dc component caused by
stationary targets. The upper cut-off frequency is selected to pass the higest Doppler frequency
expected. Finally, an indicator deviceis used, generally it consists of a pair of earphones or a
frequency meter.

Isolation between transmitter and receiver:

The main impotance of providing isolation between transmitter and receiver is to

eliminate the transmitter leakage signal.

Generally separate antennas are used for transmission and reception, so that there is no
chance of leakage entering the receiver. Even the isolation between transmitter and receiver is
possible using a single antenna as in CW Radar.

The noise that accompanies the transmitter leakage signal will determine the amount of
isolation needed in a long range CW Radar. For example, a 10 mwatt of leakage signal is
appeared at the receiver for a proper isolation between transmitter and receiver. The transmitter
noise must be atleast 110 dB beliw the transmitted carrier for a minimum detectable signal of 10-

The isolation between transmitter and receiver can be obtained with a single antenna (like
CW Radars) by using a hybrid junction, circulator, turnstile junction or with separate
polarizations. Even though the isolation achieved by hybrid junctions such as magic Tee, rat race
or directional coupler is 60 dB in extreme cases, the isolation in practical cases is limited 20 or
30 dB.

The limitation of 6dB on overall performance using junctions is going to waste half the
transmitted power and half the received power. Thus, hybrid junctions are applicable to short
range Radars. Similarly, ferrite isolaton devices and turnstile junctions are also limited to short
range Radar due to the difficulty in obtaining large isolations.

The large isolatons are obtained in CW tracker-illuminator using separate antennas for
transmission and reception. By the proper insertion of a controlled sample of the transmitted
signal directly into the receiver, additional isolation can be obtained. The part of transmitted
signal that leaks into the receiver can be cancelled by adjustin the phase and amplitude of the
“buck-off” signal. The arrangement introduces aditional 10dB isolation. But the phase and
amplitude of the leakage signal may vary as the antenna scans. Thus a dynamic canceller can be
used that senses the proper phase and amplitude of leakage signal for obtaining the additional
isolation. Thus, the above dynamic cancellation of leakage signal can exceed isolation to 30dB.

Intermediate-Frequency Receiver:

The receiver of the simple block diagram of CW Radar is in some respect analoguos to a
superheterodyne receiver. Receivers of this type are called homodyne receivers or
superheterodyne receivers with zero.

The function of the local oscillator is replaced by the leakage signal from the transmitter.
Such a receiver is simpler than one with a more conventional intermediate frequency since no IF
amplifier or local oscillaotor is requied. However, the simple receiver or zero IF receiver is not
as sensitive because of increased noise at lower intermediate frequency caused by flicker effect.

Flicker effect noise occurs in semiconductor devices such as diode detector and cathods
of vacuume tubes. The noise power produced by flicker effect varies as 1/fα, where α is
approximately unity.

The fig (2) shows a block diagram of CW Radar whose reciver operates with a non-zero
IF. In this case, separate antennas are shown for transmission and reception. Instead of the local
oscillator determined in the conventional superheterodyne receiver, the local oscillator or
reference signal is derived in this receiver from a part of transmitted signal mixed with a locally

generated signal of intermediate frequency fif to generate the two side bands f0+fif and f0-fif along
with f0 and higher harmonics.

f0 Transmitter
Transmitting Antenna

Mixer Oscillator
fif fif

f0, f0+fif and f0-fif


Receiving Antenna f0+fif

Receiver IF Second
fif±fd Amplifier Detector


Doppler fd

Fig (2): Block diagram of CW Doppler Radar with non-zero IF receiver, some times
called side-band superheterodyne.

From this signal one of the side band is selected by passing it through narrowband filter
as the reference signal.

The reference signal from the sideband filter is mixed with the signal from receiving
antenna to get the intermediate signal fif±fd which is amplified and then applied to the second
detector to get the Doppler echo signal fd.

The purpose of Doppler amplifier is to eliminate the echos from stationary targets and to
amplify the Doppler echo signal to a level where it can be used to operate an indicating device,
such as a pair of earphones or a frequency meter.

Comparision between zero and non-zero IF receivers:

1. Zero IF receiver is not as sensitive because of increased noise at lower intermediate

frequency caused by flicker effect.
2. The reduction in sensitivity has greater effect on the maximum efficiency with CW
3. The improvement in receiver sensitivity with an non-zero IF receiver might be around
30 dB over the zero IF receiver.

Receiver Bandwidth:

The factors which tend to spread to the CW signal energy over a finite band of
frequencies are discussed in the following.

If the received waveform were a sine infinite duration, its frequency spectrum would be
a delta function and the receiver bandwidth would be infinitesimal. But a sine wave of infinite
duration and an infinitesimal bandwidth does not exist in nature. So, considering an echo signal
which a sine wave of finite duration rather than infinite duration. Then the spectrum of finite
duration sine wave is given by sin[π(f-f0)δ]/π(f-f0)

Where f0 = frequency of sine wave

δ = duration of sine wave

f = frequency variable over which is spectrum is plotted as shown in fig (3b).

The above characteristic is approximated by the practical receivers. In practical aspects,

the echo may not be a pure sine wave, so we need to broaden the bandwidth still further.
Assuming that for a CW Radar, the duration of the received signal is given by δ = θB/θ.S

i.e., time taken on target = δ = θB/θ.S

Where θB = antenna beamwidth in degrees and θ.S = antenna scaning rate in degrees/sec

Thus, the signal is of finite duration and bandwidth of the receiver must be of the order of
the reciprocal of the time on target θ.S/θB. For example, if the antenna beamwidth and antenna
scaning rate are 20 and 360/sec (6 rpm) respectively. Then the spread in the spectrum of the
received signal due to the finite time on the target is 18 Hz, which is independent of the
transmitted frequency.

In addition to the spread of the received signal spectrum caused by the finite time on the
target, the spectrum may be further widened, if the target cross section fluctuates.

Energy/Hz of bandwidth Energy/Hz of bandwidth


f0 Frequency f0 Frequency

(a) Infinite duration (b) Finite duration

Fig(3): Frequency spectrum of CW oscillation

The echo signal from a propeller driven aircraft can also contain modulation component
at a frequency proportional to the propeller rotation.

The frequency range propeller modulation depends upon the shaft rotation speed and the
number of propeller blades. Propeller may cause an error in measurement of Doppler frequency.
This modulation may also be advantageous in the detection of propeller driven aircraft by
passing tangential trajectory even in the absence of Doppler frequency shift.

The modulation of echo signal is also resulted by rotating blades of a helicopter and the
compressor stages of a jet ebgine and which will degrade the performance of the CW Radar by
widening the soecrum.

A further widening of the received signal spectrum can occur, if the relative velocity of
the target is not constant. If ar is the acceleration of the target with respect to the Radar, the
signal will occupy a bandwidth: ∆fd = (2ar/λ) 1/2

If for example, ar is twicw the acceleration of gravity, the receiver bandwidth must be
approximately 20 Hz when Radars wavelength is 10cm.

Filter Bank in CW Radar receiver:

A relative wide band of frequencies called as bank of narrow band filters are used to
measure the frequency of echo signal. These are also used to improve the signal to noise ratio of
the receiver. The bandwidth of each individual filter is such that, it accepts the signal energy but
should be taken that it does not introduce more noise because of wide bandwidth.

The center frequencies of the filters are staggered to cover the entire range of Doppler
frequencies. If the filters are spaced with their halh power points overlapped, the maximum
reduction in signal to noise ratio of a signal which lies midway between adjacent channels
compared with the signal to noise ratio at midband is 3 dB. By using the large number of filters,
the maximum loss will be reduced but it increases the probability of false alaram. The fig 4(a)
shows the block diagram of IF Doppler filter bank.

A bank of narrow band filters may be used after the detector in the video of the simple
CW Radar, instead of in the IF. The improvement in signal to noise ratio with a video filter bank
is not as good as can be obtained with an IF filter bank, but the ability to measure the magnitude
of Doppler frequency is still preserved.

The sign of the Doppler shift is lost with a video filter bank and it can not be directly
determined whether the Doppler frequency corresponds to an approaching or to a receding target.

One advantages of the foldover in the vedio is that only half the numer of filters are required than
in the IF filter bank. The equivalent of a bank of continguous bandpass filters may also be
obtained by converting the analog IF or vedio signal to a set of sampled, quantized signals which
are processed with digital circuitry by means of the fast Fourier transform algorithm.

Filter No.1 Detector I

Filter No.2 Detector D

Filter No.3 Detector C

Mixer IF amplifier A

Filter No.4 Detector T

Filter No.n Detector

Fig 4(a): Block diagram of IF Doppler filter bank


IF Bandwidth

f1 f2 f3 f4 fn Frequency

Fig 4(b): Frequency-Response characteristic of Doppler filter bamk

The complexity of the receiver is increased by the bank of overlapping Doppler filters whether in
IF or vedio. The bank of Doppler filters may be replaced by a narrowband tunable filter, when
the system requirements permit a time sharing of the Doppler frequency range.

Measurement of Doppler direction with CW Radar OR Sign of Radial

In some applications of CW Radar it is of interest to know whether the target is approaching or
recedind. This might be determined with separate filters located on either side of the intermediate

If the echo signal frequency lies below the carrier, the target is receding. If the echo signal
frequency is greater than the carrier, the target is approaching, which is shown in fig (5).

Amplitude Amplitude Amplitude

fd fd

f0 Frequency f0 Frequency f0 Frequency

Fig(5): Spectra of received signal. (a) No Doppler shift, no relative target motion,
(b) Approching target and (c) Receding target

Although the Doppler frequency spectrum “folds over” in the vedio because of the action of the
detector, it is possible to determine its sign from a technique borrowed from single sideband

If the transmitter signal is given by Et = E0 cos (ω0t)

The echo signal from a moving target will be Er = k1E0 cos [(ω0±ωd)t+φ]

Where E0 = amplitude of transmitted signal

k1 = a constant determined from the Radar equation

ω0 = angular frequency of transmitter in rad/sec

ωd = Doppler angular frequency shift

φ = a constant phase shift, which depends upon range of intial detection

The sign of the Doppler frequency and the direction of target motion may be determined by
splitting the received signal into two channels as shown in fig (6).


900 phase

Mixer A
Receiving Synchronous
Antenna Motor
Mixer B

Fig (6): Measurement of Doppler direction using synchronous two-phase motor

In channel A, the signal is processed as in the simple CW Radar. A part of the transmitted signal
and the received signal are heterodyne in the detector (mixer) to produce a difference signal as

EA = k2E0 cos [±ωdt+φ]

In channel B, except for a 900 phase delay introduced in the reference signal, it will work similar
to that of channel A. Then the output of the channel B is given by

EB = k2E0 cos [±ωdt+φ+π/2]

If the target is approaching (positive Doppler), the outputs from the two channels are given by

EA(+) = k2E0 cos [ωdt+φ]

EB(+) = k2E0 cos [ωdt+φ+π/2]

If the target is receding (negative Doppler), the outputs from the two channels are given by

EA(-) = k2E0 cos [-ωdt+φ] OR EA(-) = k2E0 cos [ωdt-φ]

EB(-) = k2E0 cos [-ωdt+φ+π/2] OR EB(-) = k2E0 cos [ωdt-φ-π/2]

The sign of Doppler frequency and the direction of target’s motion may be determined according
to whether the output of channel B leads or lags the output of channel A.

The approximation of two channel output to a synchronous two phase motor is one the method of
determining relative phase relationship between them. In which, the direction of the target motin
is indicated by the direction of motor rotation.

The relarive phase of the two channels can be sensed by other electronic methods instead of a
synchronous motor. Using this technique we can determine the velocity of theaircraft with
respect to the ground take-off and landing. Thus, in this way we can identify the Doppler
direction with respect to CW Radar.

CW Tracking Illiminator:

Phase Servo
Compensato System

Scan Speed Gate Doppler

Detector Amplifier

Signal IF

Magnetron Klystron AFC

Reference IF

Pedestal Control

Fig (7): Block diagram of a CW tracking illuminator

The figure shows the basic block diagram oc CW tracking illuminator. It is a tracking Radar as
well as illuminator. Since it must be able to follow the target as it travels through space. The
operation in presence of clutter is possible, due to the Doppler discrimination of continuous wave
Radar. In this type of Radar, the receiver in the missile receives the energy from the target and
this energy has been transmitted to the missile by an illuminator. The illuminator may be at the
launch platform. This CW illuminator has been used in many successful systems. Speed gate is a
wide band Doppler amplifier shown in fig (7), which is also referred as narrowband tracking
filter. The main function of this gate is to acquire the target and track, by changing Doppler
frequency shift.

Advantages of CW Doppler Radar:

1. CW Doppler Radars are not pulsed and simple to manufacture.
2. These Radars have no minimum or maximum range and maximize power on a target
because they are always broad casting.
3. These are having the ability to measure velocity with extreme accuracy by means of the
Doppler shift in the frequency echo.
4. The detected, reflected wave is shifted in frequency by an amount which is a function of
the relative velocity between the target and the transmitter receiver.
5. Range data are extracted from the change in Doppler frequency.

Disadvantages of CW Doppler Radar:

1. When a single antenna is used for both transmission and reception, it is difficult to protect
the receiver against the transmitter because in constant to pulse Radar, both are ON all
the time.
2. These are able to detect only moving targets, as stationary targets will not cause a
Doppler shift and the reflected signals will be filtered out.
3. CW Radars are not able to measure range, where range is normally measured by timing
the delay between a pulse being sent and received but as CW Radars are always
broadcasting; there is no delay to measure.

Applications of CW Doppler Radar:
1. Simple unmodulated CW Radar can be used to find the relative velocity of a moving
target without any physical constant with the target. For example: in police speed
monitors, in rate of climb-meter for vertical-take-off aircraft, measurement of turbine-
blade vibration, the peripheral speed of grinding wheels and the monitoring of vibrations
in the cables of suspension bridges.
2. CW radars are also used for the control of traffic lights, regulation of toll booths, vechical
3. In railways CW Radars can use as a speed meter to replace the conventional axle-driven
4. In measurement of rail roadfrieght car velocity during humping operations in marshalling
5. It can also be used as detection device to give track maintenance personnel advance
warning of approaching trains.
6. It is also employed for monitoring the docking speed of large ships.

Pulse Vs. Continuous Wave:

Pulse Echo Continuous Wave
1. Single Antenna 1. Requires 2 Antennae
2. Gives Range, usually Alt. as well 2. Range or Alt. Info
3. Susceptible To Jamming 3. High SNR
4. Physical Range Determined By PW and 4. More Difficult to Jam But Easily
PRF. Deceived
5. Amp can be tuned to look for expected

Unambiguous Range in CW Radar:
Consider a CW Radar with the folling waveform S(t) = A sin(2πf0t)

The received signal from moving target at range is Sr(t) = Ar sin(2πf0t-φ)

Where the phase φ = 2πf0T

But, R=cT/2

T=2R/c and λ=c/f0

Therefore, φ = 2πf0(2R/c) = 4πf0R/c= 4πR/λ

R = λφ/4π ------- (1)

Where, c is the velocity of propagation = 3×108 m/sec.

From the above equation we observe that, the maximum unamgiguious range occurs when φ is
maximum i.e., φ=2π. Therefore, even for relatively large Radar wavelength R is limited to
impractical small values.

Now consider a Radar with two CW signals denited by S1(t) and S2(t) respectively.

S1(t) = A1 sin(2πf1t) and S2(t) = A2 sin(2πf2t)

The received signal from moving target at range is S1r(t) = Ar1 sin(2πf1t-φ1)

S2r(t) = Ar2 sin(2πf2t-φ2)

Where φ1 = 2πf1(2R/c) = 4πf1R/c and φ2 = 2πf2(2R/c) = 4πf2R/c

After mixing the carrier frequency, the phase difference between the two received signals is

∆φ = φ2-φ1

∆φ = (4πf2R/c)-(4πf1R/c) = (4πR/c)( f2-f1)

∆φ = (4πR/c)(∆f) = 4πR∆f/c

After R is maximum when ∆φ = 2π

Therefore ∆φ = 4πR∆f/c => 2π = 4πR∆f/c

R = c/2∆f -----------(2)

Since, ∆f<<c, the range computed by eq(2) is such greater than that computed by eq(1).

Prob (1): For an ambiguious range of 81 nautical miles (1nmi=1852 meters) in a two
frequency CW Radar. Determine f2 and ∆f when f1=4.2 kHz.

Sol: Given that, unambiguious range R = 81 nmi

Runamb = 81×1852=150.012 km

The unambiguious range R = c/2∆f = 999.92 Hz

∆f = f2-f1

f2=∆f+f1=5.199 kHz

Prob (2): Determine the acceleration of a target if the received signal bandwidth is 40 Hz and
the operating wavelength is 9 cm.

Sol: Given that for a moving target

Received signal bandwidth ∆fd=40Hz

Operating wavelength = 9cm = 9×10-2m

Acceleration of a target ar=?

We know that, ∆fd = (2ar/λ)1/2

ar=72 m/sec2

Prob (3): Determine the operating wavelength if the target is moving with acceleration as same
as acceleration of gravity and the received signal bandwidth is 50 Hz.

Sol: Given that, acceleration of a moving target ar=9.8 m/sec2 = acceleration of gravity

Received signal bandwidth ∆fd=50Hz

Operating frequency = ? and λ = c/f0

We know that, ∆fd = (2ar/λ)1/2

f0=38.27 Hz.

Prob (4): with atransmit (CW) frequency of 5GHz, calculate the Doppler frequency seen by
stationary Radar when the target radial velocity is 100km/hr.

Sol: f0=5GHz, vr=100km/hr = 100×5/18 m/sec = 27.778 m/sec.

The Doppler frequency, fd = 2vrf0/c = 925.93 Hz.


1. Stagger PRF is used to [ ]

a. shift the target velocities to which the MTI system is blind

b. improves the detection of a moving target against cluster background

c. increase the average power transmitted

d. increase the peak power transmitted.

2. COHO stands for [ ]

a. coherent output b. counter housed oscillator

c. coherent local oscillator d. carrier oscillater and harteley oscillater

3. If the peak transmitted power in a radar system in increased by a factor of 16, the maximum
range will be increased [ ]

a. 2 times b. 4 times c. 4 times d. 16 times

4. Which of the following statement is incorrect.The radar cross section of a target? [ ]

a. depends on the aspect of a target, if this is non spherical.

b. depends on the frequency used.

c. is equal to the actual cross sectional area for small targets

d. may be reduced by special coating of the target.

5. Which of the following statement is incorrect High PRF will [ ]

a. increase the maximum range

b. make target tracking easier to distinguish from noise

c. make the retured echoes easier to distinguish from noise

d. have no effect on the range resolution.

6. Side lobe of an antenna causes [ ]

a. reduction in gain of antenna b. reduction in beam width of antenna

c. ambiguity in direction finding d. increases directivity

7. A radar which is used for determining the velocity of the moving aircraft along with its
position and range is [ ]

a. moving target indicator b. radar speedometer

c. pulse radar d. radar range finder

8. Blind speed in MTI radar results in [ ]

a. restriction in speed of detectable targets b. blanking to PPI.

c. no change in phase detector output d. absorption of electromagnetic waves.

9. The quartz delay line in a MTI radar is used to [ ]

a. match the signal with echo b. substract a complete scan from previous scan

c. match the phase of COHO and STALO

d. Match the phase of COHO and output of oscillator

10. Which one of the following applications or advantages of radar beacons is false [ ]

a. navigation b. target identification

c. more accurate tracking of enemy target

d. very significant extension of the maximum range.

11. STALO stands for [ ]

a. standard local oscillator b. stable L-band output

c. stabilized local oscillator d. saturated and linear oscillator.

12. Large antenna is used in radar because it [ ]

a. gives higher gain b. gives lesser side lobes.

c. increases the bean width d. increases band width

13. The range of radar is [ ]

a. directly proportional to the gain of the radar antenna

b. directly proportional to the minimum detectable signal by the receiver

c. inversely proportional to the gain of the radar antenna

d. inver4sely proportional the transmitted power.

14. A biostatic radar has [ ]

a. one antenna for transmitting as well as for receiving

b. two antennas for receiving the signal. c. two antennas for transmitting signal

d. transmitting and receiving antennas

15. Blind speed causes target to appear [ ]

a. moving uniformly b. moving irregularly c. stationary d. intermittently

16. For precise target location and tracking retards operate in ` [ ]

a. s- band b. D- Band c. L- Band d. X - Band

17. The sensitivity of a radar receiver is ultimately set by [ ]

a. high S/N ratio b. lower limit of useful signal input

c. overall all noise temperature d. low S/N ratio

18. A radar system cannot be used [ ]

a. to detect moving objects b. to detect trajectory of moving objects

c. to detect aircraft d. to detect storms

19. Which of the following is essential for fast communication [ ]

a. Hgh S/N ratio b. High channel capacity

c. large bandwidth d. Higher directivity

20. The major advantage of pulsed radar CW radar is that [ ]

a. pulsed radar readily gives the range of target while CW radar cannot give range

b. pulsed radar can identify a target more easily than CW radar.

c. Pulses get reflected from the target more efficiently as compared to CW waves

d. Pulses have variation of magnitude and frequency both


1.a 2.c 3.a 4.c 5.a 6.a 7.c 8.a 9.b 10.c

11.c 12.a 13.b 14.d 15.c 16.a 17.c 18.d 19.a 20.a


1. With the help of a suitable block diagram, explain the operation of CW Doppler radar in a
sideband super heterodyne receiver.
2. Calculate the Doppler frequency of stationary CW radar transmitting at 6 MHz frequency
when a moving target approaches the radar with a radial velocity of 100 Km/Hour.
3. List the limitations of CW radar.
4. What is Doppler frequency shift? Establish a relation between Doppler frequency shift and
radial velocity of a moving target.
5. Explain how isolation between transmitter and receiver of a radar system can be achieved

if single antenna is used for transmission and reception.
6. What is Doppler frequency shift? Discuss the e ect of receiver bandwidth on the e ciency
of detection and performance of a CW Doppler radar.
7. With the help of a suitable block diagram, explain the operation of a CW tracking
illuminator application of a CW radar.
8. With the help of a suitable block diagram, explain the operation of a CW radar with non-
zero IF in the receiver.
9. Describe methods to achieve isolation between transmitter and receiver of a CW Doppler
radar if same antenna is to be used for transmission and reception
10. What is the beat frequency? How it is used in FMCW radar?
11. Explain how the multipath signals produce error in FM altimeter?
12. Explain how earphones are used as an indicator in CW Radar?
13. The transmitter power is 1 KW and safe value of power which might be applied to a
receiver is 10mW. Find the isolation between transmitter and receiver in dB. Suggest the
appropriate isolator.
14. Why the step error and quantization errors which occur in cycle counter are used for
frequency measurement in FMCW Radar?
15. What is the Doppler effect? What are some of the ways in which it manifests itself? What
are its radar applications?
16. Find the relation between bandwidth and the acceleration of the target with respect to
17. How to find the target speed from Doppler frequency?
18. Write the applications of CW Radar.
19. What are the factors that limit the amount of isolation between Transmitter and Receiver
of CW Radar?
20. Explain how earphones are used as an indicator in CW Radar?
21. The transmitter power is 1 KW and safe value of power which might be applied to a
receiver is 10mW. Find the isolation between transmitter and receiver in dB. Suggest the
appropiate isolator.


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