Disaster Nursing SAS Session 13
Disaster Nursing SAS Session 13
Disaster Nursing SAS Session 13
The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) was established in 1992 in response to General Assembly
Resolution 46/182, which called for strengthened coordination of humanitarian assistance.
The resolution set up the IASC as the primary mechanism for facilitating inter-agency decision-making in
response to complex emergencies and natural disasters. The IASC is formed by the heads of a broad
range of UN and non-UN humanitarian organizations.
The focus of the guidelines is on implementing minimum responses, which are essential, high-priority responses that
should be implemented as soon as possible in an emergency.
Minimum responses: first things that ought to be done; the essential first steps that lay the foundation for
the more comprehensive efforts that may be needed (including during the stabilized phase and early
Participating Organizations
Action Contre la Faim (ACF)
InterAction (co-chair), through:
• American Red Cross (ARC)
• Christian Children’s Fund (CCF)
The term “psychosocial” denotes the inter-connection between psychological and social processes and the fact
that each continually interacts with and influences the other.
The composite term mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) is used to describe any type of local or
outside support that aims to protect or promote psychosocial well-being and/or prevent or treat mental disorder.
Problems in Emergencies
Predominantly Social Nature:
1. Pre-existing (pre-emergency) social problems (e.g. extreme poverty; belonging to a group that is discriminated against
or marginalized; political oppression);
2. Emergency-induced social problems (e.g. family separation; disruption of social networks; destruction of community
structures, resources and trust; increased gender-based violence); and
3. Humanitarian aid-induced social problems (e.g. undermining of community structures or traditional support
1. Human rights and equity
2. Participation
Involvement of local people from the earliest phase of an emergency, in the assessment, design,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of assistance.
3. Do no harm
Minimize duplication and gaps in response;
Design interventions on the basis of sufficient information
Commit to evaluation, openness to scrutiny and external review;
Develop cultural sensitivity and competence
Use evidence-based effective practices; and
Develop an understanding of, and consistently reflect on, universal human rights, power relations
between outsiders and emergency-affected people, and the value of participatory approaches.
4. Building on available resources and capacities
5. Integrated Support System
6. Multi-layered support
Matrix of Interventions
1. Emergency Preparedness
Enable rapid implementation of minimum responses.
2. Minimum Response
High-priority responses that should be implemented as soon as possible in an emergency.
3. Comprehensive Response
These interventions are most often implemented during the stabilized phase and early reconstruction
period following an emergency.
Multiple Choice:
2. The first intervention pyramid for mental health and psychosocial support in emergency is:
a. Specialized services
b. Basic services and security
c. Community and family support
d. Focused, non-specialized supports
ANSWER: ________
3. In the matrix of interventions, which of the following has the high- priority responses that should be
implemented as soon as possible in emergency?
a. emergency preparedness
b. specialized preparedness
c. minimum responses
d. comprehensive responses
ANSWER: ________
4. All of the following are examples of Pre-emergency social problems in Predominantly Social Nature Problems in
Emergencies, except:
a. extreme poverty
b. political oppression
c. belonging to a group that is discriminated against or marginalized
d. family separation
ANSWER: ________
5. What level of intervention pyramid for mental health and psychosocial support in emergencies includes the
psychosocial first aid and basic mental health care by primary health care workers?
a. Level1: Basic services and security
b. Level 2: Community and family Supports
c. Level 3: Focused: non- specialized Supports
d. Level 4: Specialized services
ANSWER: ________
The instructor will now rationalize the answers to the students. You can now ask questions and debate among yourselves.
Write the correct answer and correct/additional ratio in the space provided.
1. ANSWER: ________
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