List The Properties That Distinguish Science From Other Fields of Inquiry
List The Properties That Distinguish Science From Other Fields of Inquiry
List The Properties That Distinguish Science From Other Fields of Inquiry
Science has characteristics that set it apart from other fields of research. It is a systematized
knowledge derived from and tested by recognition and formulation of a problem, collection of
data through observation, and experimentation.
7. Sketch and label a water resource e system, including (a) source, (b) collection works,
(c) transmission works, (d) treatment works, and (e) distribution works.
8. State the proper general approach to treatment of a surface water and a groundwater (see
Figure 1–6).
9. Define the word demand as it applies to water.
Demand is an insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right. Water demand is defined as
the volume of water requested by users to satisfy their needs. In a simplified way it is often
considered equal to water abstraction, although conceptually the two terms do not have the
same meaning. Water is necessary for urban development, power production, growing and
processing high-value crops, oil and gas development and processing, and industrial
manufacturing. Satisfying all of these competing needs requires a better understanding of water
resources and new approaches to water management.
10. List the five most important factors contributing to water consumption and explain why
each has an effect.
11. State the rule-of-thumb water requirement for an average city on a per-person basis and
calculate the average daily water requirement for a city of a stated population.
12. Define the acronyms WWTP and POTW.
13. Explain why separate storm sewers and sanitary sewers are preferred over combined sewers.
14. Explain the purpose of a lift station.
15. Discuss the role of environmental ethics in environmental engineering and environmental