Equilibrium Analysis
Equilibrium Analysis
Equilibrium Analysis
Partial-Equilibrium Market Model
Note that, contrary to the usual practice, quantity rather than price has been plotted
vertically in the figure.
One way of finding the equilibrium is by successive elimination of variables and equa-
tions through substitution.
From Qs = Qd , we have
a − bp = −c + dp
and thus
(b + d)p = a + c.
p̄ = .
ad − bc
Q̄ = .
Since the denominator (b+d) is positive, the positivity of Q̄ requires that the numerator
(ad − bc) > 0. Thus, to be economically meaningful, the model should contain the
additional restriction that ad > bc.
Qd = Qs
Qd = 4 − p2
Qs = 4p − 1
As previously stated, this system of three equations can be reduced to a single equation
by substitution.
4 − p2 = 4p − 1
p2 + 4p − 5 = 0
ax2 + bx + c = 0 (a ̸= 0),
where the “+” part of the “±” sign yields x̄1 and “−” part yields x̄2 . Thus, by applying
the quadratic formulas to p2 + 4p − 5 = 0, we have p̄1 = 1 and p̄2 = −5, but only the first
is economically admissible, as negative prices are ruled out.
3.4 General Market Equilibrium
In the above, we have discussed methods of an isolated market, wherein the Qd and Qs of
a commodity are functions of the price of that commodity alone. In the real world, there
would normally exist many substitutes and complementary goods. Thus a more realistic
model for the demand and supply function of a commodity should take into account
the effects not only of the price of the commodity itself but also of the prices of other
commodities. As a result, the price and quantity variables of multiple commodities must
enter endogenously into the model. Thus, when several interdependent commodities are
simultaneously considered, equilibrium would require the absence of excess demand, which
is the difference between demand and supply, for each and every commodity included in
the model. Consequently, the equilibrium condition of an n−commodity market model
will involve n equations, one for each commodity, in the form
Ei = Qdi − Qsi = 0 (i = 1, 2, · · · , n)
where Qdi = Qdi (P1 , P2 , · · · , Pn ) and Qsi = Qsi (P1 , P2 , · · · , Pn ) are the demand and
supply functions of commodity i, and (P1 , P2 , · · · , Pn ) are prices of commodities.
Thus solving n equations for P :
Ei (P1 , P2 , · · · , Pn ) = 0
we obtain the n equilibrium prices P̄i – if a solution does indeed exist. And then the Q̄i
may be derived from the demand or supply functions.
To illustrate the problem, let us consider a two-commodity market model with linear
demand and supply functions. In parametric terms, such a model can be written as
Qd1 − Qs1 = 0
Qd1 = a0 + a1 P1 + a2 P2
Qs1 = b0 + b1 P1 + b2 P2
Qd2 − Qs2 = 0
Qd2 = α0 + α1 P1 + α2 P2
Qs2 = β0 + β1 P1 + β2 P2
By substituting the second and third equations into the first and the fifth and sixth
equations into the fourth, the model is reduced to two equations in two variable:
If we let
ci = ai − bi (i = 0, 1, 2),
γi = αi − βi (i = 0, 1, 2),
c1 P1 + c2 P2 = −c0
γ1 P1 + γ2 P2 = −γ0
Numerical Example
Suppose that the demand and supply functions are numerically as follows:
Qd1 = 10 − 2P1 + P2
Qs1 = −2 + 3P1
Qd2 = 15 + P1 − P2
Qs2 = −1 + 2P2
By substitution, we have
5P1 − P2 = 12
−P1 + 3P2 = 16
which are two linear equations. The solutions for the equilibrium prices and quantities
are P̄1 = 52/14, P̄2 = 92/14, Q̄1 = 64/7, Q̄2 = 85/7.
Similarly, for the n−commodities market model, when demand and supply functions
are linear in prices, we can have n linear equations. In the above, we assume that an equal
number of equations and unknowns has a unique solution. However, some very simple
examples should convince us that an equal number of equations and unknowns does not
necessarily guarantee the existence of a unique solution.
For the two linear equations,
x+y =8
x+y =9
These two equations are functionally dependent, which means that one can be derived
from the other. Consequently, one equation is redundant and may be dropped from the
system. Any pair (x̄, ȳ) is the solution as long as (x̄, ȳ) satisfies y = 12 − x.
Now consider the case of more equations than unknowns. In general, there is no
solution. But, when the number of unknowns equals the number of functional independent
equations, the solution exists and is unique. The following example shows this fact.
2x + 3y = 58
y = 18
x + y = 20
3.5 Equilibrium in National-Income Analysis
The equilibrium analysis can be also applied to other areas of economics. As a simple
example, we may cite the familiar Keynesian national-income model,
Y = C + I0 + G0 (equilibrium condition)
C = a + bY (theconsumption function)
where Y and C stand for the endogenous variables national income and consumption
expenditure, respectively, and I0 and G0 represent the exogenously determined investment
and government expenditures, respectively.
Solving these two linear equations, we obtain the equilibrium national income and
consumption expenditure:
a + I0 + G0
Ȳ =
a + b(I0 + G0 )
C̄ =