SpeechDebateClub Constitution
SpeechDebateClub Constitution
SpeechDebateClub Constitution
Section 1: The name of this club shall be the Speech and Debate Club (of
Auburn University), also known as Forensics (of Auburn University).
Section 1: – Involvement within this club shall be allowed to all faculty, staff,
and students of Auburn University, regardless of major/profession. This does
not discriminate based on any other factor besides one’s affiliation with the
university, in terms of being a student or faculty/staff members.
Section 2: As of this constitution’s establishment, dues for this club shall be
Section 4: The President shall serve either until they graduate, resign their
position, or they are forcibly removed from office by the leadership committee.
Section 5: If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the leadership
committee shall immediately elect a new president either from amongst their
ranks or of the general membership of the club. If the president is selected
from amongst the membership of the leadership committee, a replacement
member of that committee shall immediately be selected by the newly
implemented president.
Section 2: Every member of the club shall receive the opportunity to vote,
whether they are in physical attendance of the hearing or not. If they cannot
be contacted within 48 hours of the hearing, their vote is forfeited and the
motion will pass (or not pass), by calculating the votes that were properly
collected, either at the hearing or electronically.