S7 - Reproductive Cycles of Marine Mammals
S7 - Reproductive Cycles of Marine Mammals
S7 - Reproductive Cycles of Marine Mammals
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Marine mammals conform to the general mammalian reproductive system centered on
Available online 24 September 2010 the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis. Most marine mammals are long-lived and of
large body size with lesser reproductive rates than many other animals, a consequence of
Keywords: their interaction with the marine environment where the demands of acquiring resources
Marine mammal from the ocean must be balanced with the need for bearing offspring in a suitable place
for survival. The degree of spatial and temporal separation of these life history phases in
many species is a key feature of their ecology. The reproductive physiology of pinnipeds,
Reproductive cycles cetaceans, sirenians, sea otters and polar bears has been more thoroughly characterized for
the more accessible species.
Crown Copyright © 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0378-4320/$ – see front matter. Crown Copyright © 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P. Pomeroy / Animal Reproduction Science 124 (2011) 184–193 185
Table 2
Reproductive Characteristics of three species of Pinnipeds.
Reproductive characteristics Harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus)
Pupping period Early May Late may, early June Mid-April to mid-June, peak May
Timing of ovulation End of lactation Approx. 28 days postpartum Mid-lactation
Conception June Late June, early July January–March (peak February)
Duration of lactation 21–42 days 6–12 months 24+ months
Delayed implantation period July–August July–September March–July
Delayed implantation 1.5–3 months 3 months 4–5 months
Postimplantation gestation September–May October–May August–May
Total gestation interval 11 months 11 Months 15 months
Table 3
Breeding characteristics for major cetacean species (adapted after tables 6-9, 6-10 in Boyd et al., 1999).
Species Location Peak month(s) of Gestation Peak months of birth and Lactation Length at Mean lengths (m) and ages at sexual maturity
conception period length of neonate (m) duration weaning (m)
(months) (months)
Species Location Peak month(s) of Gestation Peak months of birth and Lactation Length at Mean lengths (m) and ages at sexual maturity
conception period length of neonate (m) duration weaning (m)
(months) (months)
Bowhead Arctic May Ca. 12–13 April/May; 4.5 5–6 6.1 11.6 ? ?
Pygmy Right Southern ?Probably Ca. 12 Probably extended? ?5–6 Ca. 3.2–3.6 13.0–16.0 13.0–16.0 ?
Hemisphere extended
Ca. 1.6–2.2
Right Southern August/October 10 May/July; 5.5 ? ?
Hemisphere, south
Africa + South
188 P. Pomeroy / Animal Reproduction Science 124 (2011) 184–193
hundred grams, while that of the minke whale may aver- tive tissue on either side of the ventral midline. Offspring
age 66 mm in diameter and weigh 156 g (Lockyer, 1984b). are suckled at two mammary slits positioned ventrally on
Using the minke whale as an example, a short time after either side of the midline just forward of the vulva, each of
parturition the corpus luteum may have diminished to which contains a nipple. Cetacean milk is thick and creamy,
less than 40% of its original size during pregnancy. It will may appear yellowish and has a high fat content ranging
then continue to regress to about 25% of its original size from 14 to 53% (Lockyer, 1984a, 1987a, 1993). Lactation
within a few years of pregnancy (Lockyer, 1987b). Some and suckling together will suppress oestrus in cetaceans
whale species may be long-lived (>100 years) and although but not in pinnipeds (Robeck, 1996; Robeck et al., 2001).
the ovaries may remain active throughout the lifetime of
the female, there is evidence that in some species such 3.1. Hormonal evidence of pregnancy in cetaceans
as short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus)
reproductive senescence may occur in females older than In a study of belugas Delphinapterus leucas, circulat-
50 years (Marsh and Kasuya, 1984). Social factors have been ing concentrations of testosterone, progesterone, estrogen,
implicated in such phenomena. and prolactin were measured as well as in urine (Hoier
In baleen whales the left and right ovaries appear to be and Heide-Jorgensen, 1994). Mature males typically had
fully functional from the onset of maturity with little or over four times the concentrations of testosterone as
no evidence of biased activity of one side compared to the immature males (4.14 nmol/L compared to 0.96 nmol/L
other (Lockyer, 1987b). However many odontocetes have testosterone). Pregnant females had concentrations of
distinct bias in ovarian activity, with the left ovary show- progesterone that were 15 times greater than juveniles
ing most ovulatory activity at least in the early stages of or non-pregnant individuals (29.1 nmol/L compared to
reproductive life and activity in the right ovary becom- 1.76 nmol/L progesterone). Concentrations of oestrogen
ing apparent only after a number of ovulations have taken in pregnant females were similarly elevated (2.43 nmol/L
place (Slijper, 1949) or the left ovary becomes dysfunc- compared to 0.37 nmol/L in non-pregnant females and
tional through damage or disease (e.g., short-finned pilot juveniles). Concentrations of prolactin were also greater
whales, Marsh and Kasuya, 1984). in lactating females compared to in non-lactating females
Endometrial development occurs in parallel with ovar- (4.35 and 1.97 nmol/L respectively). Recent hormone mea-
ian development, and is greatest during ovulation and surements have been made on minke whales captured
pregnancy (Lockyer and Smellie, 1985). The endometrium in the Antarctic comparing information from direct ovar-
and myometrium decrease in thickness and glandular ian and gross inspection with blood hormone assays to
activity during lactation. Hormonal effects on the devel- determine the reproductive status of females (Iga et al.,
opment of the cetacean endometrium are well defined 1996). Concentrations of progesterone were 4.3–4.5 ng/mL
and cyclical (Mathews, 1948). The stratum spongiosum of in pregnant and ovulating females, and concentrations
the mature, ovulating, and subsequently pregnant female of oestradiol were 8.7 pg/mL in pregnant and 13.8 pg/mL
have an increase in glandular presence, size, and activ- in anestrous females. Juveniles had no detectable pro-
ity which is clearly different to immature and anestrous gesterone and their concentrations of oestradiol were
females (Lockyer and Smellie, 1985). The overlying stra- about 7.4 pg/mL. Measurements of progesterone concen-
tum compactum becomes increasingly vascularised and trations in blubber samples from by-caught dolphin species
the surface develops numerous frond-like projections as were able to distinguish pregnant (elevated concentra-
pregnancy proceeds. In lactating females, the endometrium tions; mean 261 ng/g) from non-pregnant animals (mean
becomes thin, less glandular, and has a smoother and less 15.2 ng/g) and thus biopsy samples were suggested as
perfused stratum compactum (Lockyer and Smellie, 1985). viable indicators of pregnancy state (Kellar et al., 2006).
During pregnancy the developing embryo attaches via In captivity, it is possible to perform longitudinal mea-
the placenta and umbilical cord both of which are com- surements of circulating hormones in a non-destructive
pletely lost during parturition. At parturition the uterus manner. Robeck et al. (1994) found that when serum
collapses, while myometrial constriction of blood vessels concentrations of progesterone in bottlenose dolphins
and clotting arrests bleeding. No further bleeding or uter- (Tursiops truncates) decreased from more than 3 to
ine shedding occurs. Placental scars have not been found in <1 ng/mL within 1 month, ovulation had occurred and
the cetacean uterus, consequently these are not available that subsequently if concentrations >3 ng/mL were sus-
to indicate or estimate frequency of previous pregnancies. tained, pregnancy had occurred. “Noncycling” female
Observations of cetacean births had been few in the wild bottlenose dolphins averaged circulating concentrations of
but are increasingly frequent from advanced observational 0.286 ng/mL progesterone and 25 pg/mL oestrogen. In the
and tracking studies as well as from captive groups. Partu- same study, Robeck et al. (1994) suggested that bottlenose
rition is signaled by a period of uterine contractions, which dolphins were spontaneous ovulators, whose oestrous
have been observed in captive dolphins, and enlargement cycle spanned 21–42 days. However, there is evidence
of the vulval opening. Most offspring are born tail first that ovulatory cycles may occur at irregular periods and
(Slijper, 1949) and the mother often flexes her body during a seasonal reproductive component may be present. Sea-
the birth process. sonal polyoestrus and 1–2 years of anoestrus followed by
Lactation in cetaceans may be an extended process. polyoestrus may also occur. Female bottlenose dolphins
Bottlenose dolphins and beluga may nurse offspring for also show evidence that some cycles are associated with
up to 36 months. Cetacean mammary glands are elongate a lack of fertility, this is consistent with a lesser than aver-
narrow flat organs extending in the subcutaneous connec- age pregnancy rate in the younger age classes of mature
190 P. Pomeroy / Animal Reproduction Science 124 (2011) 184–193
females. Studies that relate known reproductive histories Wild dugongs probably mature several years later than
to histology, eg in captive animals, indicate that while cor- Florida manatees. The youngest female dugong with cor-
pus albicantia may correspond with known pregnancies, pora lutea or corpora albicantia present was a 0.5-year-old
number of ovulations is much more difficult to discern nulliparous female from Townsville, Australia. All females
(Brook et al., 2002). A female’s first births can often result in aged 10 years or older were parous with at least one pla-
early offspring mortality. The calf may die as a result of the cental scar present (Marsh et al., 1984a,b). However, age
parent’s inexperience and/or difficulties during parturition at primiparity varied widely, three females from Morning-
(Bryden and Harrison, 1986). ton Island, Australia were still nulliparous at 15–17 years,
although two of these animals had corpora lutea or corpora
albicantia (Marsh et al., 1984b).
4. Sirenia The gestation period of Florida manatees is estimated
to be 12–14 months for captive animals (Odell et al.,
Sirenians have a gestation period of 12–14 months, with 1995) Field observations also suggested gestation periods
an extended lactation period that can last at least 1.5 years. of between 12 and 14 months. Marsh’s (1995) estimate
In dugongs, ovulation may not be suppressed by lactation. of the dugong gestation period (13.9 months) relied on
Similar to sea otters, after weaning offspring, females show a number of assumptions but remains the most reliable
evidence of a polyoestrous cycle. There is also evidence estimate available. Dugongs and manatees are large, long-
that fecundity rates may be poor. No evidence of pregnancy lived animals with maximum estimated life spans of 73
or lactation was found in 33 and 56% of ovaries examined years for dugongs (Marsh, 1995) and 59 years for mana-
from manatees and dugongs, respectively. The duration of tees (Marmontel et al., 1996). There is currently no strong
oestrus has been inferred from behavioural evidence, as evidence of reproductive senescence in either female and
being likely to be prolonged and possibly induced. male sirenians (Marsh and Kasuya, 1986).
Reproductive information for the four extant species Sirenians do not breed continuously. Interbirth intervals
of sirenians is minimal, but summarized in Table 4 (after have been estimated between 2.5 and 5 years for man-
Boyd et al., 1999). The Florida manatee (Trichechus mana- atees, with a larger upper limit of 6.8 years for dugongs
tus latirostris), is the best studied sirenian and data come and there is some evidence that reproductive cycles may
from captive studies, observations in the wild and post- be condition-dependent (Boyd et al., 1999). Mature folli-
mortem examinations. Information on dugongs has been cles and/or corpora lutea were absent from ovaries in 9 of
assembled mostly from postmortem studies supplemented 27 mature manatees and 13 of 25 mature female dugongs
by behavioural observations. whose ovaries were examined histologically and that were
Sirenian testes are permanently situated in the abdom- neither pregnant nor lactating. While female reproductive
inal body cavity. Reproductive gross morphology of activity in a population is not closely synchronised, some
male dugongs and manatees has more in common with evidence of seasonality has been recorded. The ovaries of
cetaceans than elephants and hyraxes (Marsh et al., 1984a). Australasian female dugongs were more likely to contain
However, the reproductive anatomies of female sireni- follicles or corpora lutea in winter/spring than in sum-
ans and African elephants (Loxodonta africana) have many mer/autumn (Marsh et al., 1984b; Marsh, 1995).
similarities, including typical corpora lutea and corpora Captive Florida manatees showed mating behaviour
albicantia counts, a zonary placenta that scars the uterus throughout pregnancy, suggesting that females mate even
conspicuously in dugongs but unreliably in manatees, the when they are not fertile (Odell et al., 1995). Although such
gross uterine morphology, and the nature of histological behaviour may be an artifact of captivity, similar observa-
changes in the endometrium. tions have been recorded of mating in herds in winter when
In Sirenians ovulation scars are generally small and at least some males are probably not spermatogenic. Obser-
difficult to detect. Luteinised (non-ovulated) follicles are vations of free-ranging and captive animals and necropsy
generally easier to distinguish from corpora lutea in studies indicate that very few calves are born to free-
cetaceans than in sirenians (Marsh, 1984). As a result, it ranging or captive Florida manatees in the winter months
is extremely difficult to assess sexual maturity in sirenians (Odell et al., 1995). Births have been recorded throughout
based on inspection of ovaries. Dugongs and manatees have the remainder of the year in Florida, but calving peaks in
been described as polyovular (Marsh et al., 1984a) such that spring and early summer, similar to that for the dugong in
associated with each pregnancy is a large and variable num- Australasia.
ber of presumed corpora lutea. These presumed corpora
lutea also vary in size (Marsh et al., 1984a). In dugongs, 5. Pregnancy and pseudopregnancy
only some of the “corpora lutea” show stigmata suggest-
ing follicular rupture. As bodies classed as corpora lutea or 5.1. Pinnipeds
corpora albicantia may include luteinised follicles and asso-
ciated scars, ovulation is difficult to confirm from ovarian Pinniped pregnancies comprise five important steps;
examination in non-pregnant, nulliparous female sireni- conception, delayed implantation, embryo reactivation and
ans. Nulliparous Florida manatees and dugongs may have implantation, foetal development and parturition. Otariids
several oestrous cycles before they first conceive. Although appear to have an obligate pseudopregnancy after ovula-
the normal litter size is one, many instances of twins have tion, irrespective of the presence of a normal blastocyst
been recorded in wild and captive manatees (Boyd et al., (Boyd, 1991a,b; Atkinson, 1997). Nevertheless, the changes
1999). associated with an actual pregnancy including placental
P. Pomeroy / Animal Reproduction Science 124 (2011) 184–193 191
Table 4
Characteristics of the ovaries, uteri, and mammary glands of female sirenians in different stages of reproduction.
Immature, prepubescent Smooth and flattened surface with Glands undeveloped, lumen small, Inactive
numerous small follicles blood supply underdeveloped
Immature, maturing Several LGF Early proliferation endometrium, Inactive
size inter-mediate between
juvenile and adult
Sexually mature, nulliparous CL and/or CA present may have Adult sized, no PS Inactive
several LGF
Parous CA present, may have LGF or CL At least one PS (dugong only) Active or
Ovulating Luteal: LGF and CL Secretory endometrium with or Inactive or
without PS. Not pregnant active
Pregnant CL present, may have CA Embryo or fetus present, secretor Usually
endometrium inactive but
may be active
Lactating Recent CA Secretory endometrium. Recent PS Active
Resting CA but no LGF or CL Involving endometrial glands, PS Inactive
present or absent
CA, corpora albicantia; CL, corpora lutea; LGF, large Graafian follicle; PS, placental scar.
formation which occur after the 4 month delayed implan- inter-specific variation in these mechanisms will provide
tation period are dependent on the presence of a viable interesting information in the future.
blastocyst. It is not known at what point maternal recogni-
tion of pregnancy occurs. 5.2. Cetacea
The fetal–placental unit’s role in hormonal control
of pregnancy has been questioned. Previously, it has Pseudopregnancy has been observed in several species
been thought that placental gonadotrophin functions of delphinids. Killer whales, in captivity, tend to exhibit this
through fetal gonads to stimulate placental production after have several oestrous cycles without conceiving and
of oestrogens and progesterone, maintaining pregnancy it is thought that this route to pseudopregnancy would be
and eventually initiating parturition. Fetal adrenals and unlikely to occur in the wild (Robeck et al., 2001). Pseu-
gonads are often of a similar size at birth to the adult dopregnancy generally occurs after early embryonic loss
organs because of hormonal hypertrophy. However, lon- when maternal recognition of pregnancy has occurred.
gitudinal monitoring of serum hormone concentrations in
captive northern fur seals over 2 years showed that pro- 6. Male reproductive cycles
gesterone concentrations for non-pregnant animals cycled
similarly to those of pregnant animals. Greater concentra- 6.1. Pinnipeds
tions of progesterone (20–30 ng/mL) in July are reflective
of ovulation, dropping to 5–10 ng/mL in August–October Pinniped breeding seasons are typified by being short,
during delayed implantation, before increasing again to synchronous and seasonal, but there is evidence that this
25–35 ng/mL in November (Kiyota et al., 1999). These pro- is a consequence of synchrony with female reproductive
files matched those seen in wild animals, but only two patterns. Gross measures of male reproductive capacity
of the seven profiles were accompanied by a pregnancy, such as testicular mass, plasma concentrations of testos-
suggesting that the obligatory pseudopregnancy extends terone and the presence of sperm in testes or epididymides
beyond the period of normal implantation. In effect this have indicated that potentially fertile male grey and south-
means that maintenance of the corpus luteum, in northern ern elephant seals may reside in the presence of females
fur seals at least, is not dependent on maternal recognition over a much longer period than the apparent breeding
of pregnancy or an embryonic-derived component. The season. However, there is also some indication that an
presence of circulating progesterone may also indicate that additional behavioural component is important for mat-
the corpus luteum is still active in late gestation. However, ing and successful fertilization in these species (in Boyd,
in a phocid seal (Phoca vitulina; Reijnders, 1990; Atkinson, 2009). Elevated circulating concentrations of testosterone
1997) hormonal data suggest that pseudopregnancy, as are associated with increases in diameter of seminiferous
indicated by circulating concentrations of progesterone, tubules and epididymis, although spermatogenesis tends
only occurs up to the end of delayed implantation in to occur 1–3 months after increases in concentrations of
non-pregnant seals. Non-pregnant walrus have also have testosterone. Reductions in gonad mass and activity are
increased concentrations of progesterone (>3 ng/mL) over thought to be produced by concurrent reductions in the
long periods in captivity. Hobson and Boyd (1984) sug- anterior pituitary cells responsible for gonadotrohpin pro-
gested that placental gonadotrophins were required for duction. Significant seasonal decreases in pituitary release
corpus luteum function in some seal species. It is likely that of LH in response to experimental GnRH administration
192 P. Pomeroy / Animal Reproduction Science 124 (2011) 184–193
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