Module 10 Group 8
Module 10 Group 8
Module 10 Group 8
4. everything changes
On an average, a green
school reduces water usage by 32% that has direct
savings for the building.
life; (2) Most of the energy that drives the ecological cycles
flow from the sun; (3)diversity assures resilience; (4) One
species' waste is another species food and (5) Life does not
take over the planet by combat but by networking .
the dimensions of sustainability describe the environmental
impacts of our activities , the causes of which come from
the socio economic and political systems of the society.
sustainable development entails three different three
dimensions : environmental, economic and social.
2. Care for and relate with non-human beings while spending time
with nature future.
costs (e.g. the cost of child-
3.Cheap products often have hidden
labor, animal cruelty, or degradation of ecosystems). Find out any
child labor practices or natural resources that were
5. Recycle grey-water.
12. support local businesses and organizations that cares for our
integrating ecological literacy
into curriculum
1.5 Students help make plans that shape the future of their social, physical
and economic environments.
4. experiential learning
It promotes students' involvement in
the real world and defines the teacher's role as a facilitator of
5. interdisciplinary learning
it emphasizes the connection between
traditionally discrete disciplines such as math ,
science , history, and language arts , rather than
limiting learning one content area at a time .
the following are advantages of interdisciplinary
5.1 When teaching and learning are organized around themes, problems,
or issues, students seek knowledge and skills from a variety of
disciplines to provide an expanded and more complex understanding of
the topics.
5.2 When done well, interdisciplinary approach eliminates
of isolated skills.
fragmentation and learning
5.3 It allows students to access a particular theme from different
entry points as they work with a range of sources of
information and perspectives.
what they are studying and when they interact with their
classmates, teachers, and members of the community.