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Empowerment Week2

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Paseo del Carmen St., AMLAC Ville Subdivision Payatas B Quezon City
Covered Dates: August 21-September 4, 2020
Online Safety, Security, Ethics and Etiquette As teenagers, you are all exposed to many things
powered by the Internet. Whether it is
Learning Competency: Apply online safety, security, ethics,
and etiquette standard and practice in the use of ICT’s as it socializing, playing games, reading sports news,
would relate to their specific professional tracks. shopping, etc., the Internet has given you one of
most powerful tools that your parents, during
OBJECTIVES their teenage years, did not have. Because of
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to: this, do you not think that it is also most
1. Identify online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette important to wield this powerful tool properly?
Without proper training, a swordsman can easily
2. Appreciate the use of ICT in profession track
3. Create own safety rules using ICTs’ injure himself when wielding a sword; the same
could be said for you whenever you use the
PRE-TEST Internet.
As part of your initial activity, you will be challenged to dig Online Safety and Security
deeper your knowledge and previous experiences on the The Internet, truly, is a powerful tool. It
topic. Try to assess what you already know about Online can be used to promote your business, gain new
Safety, Security, Ethics and Etiquette by answering the friends, and stay in touch with the old ones. It is
Task 1.
also a source of entertainment through games,
online communities, and everything in between.
Task 1:
Directions: Write YES if you agree with the statement and But like most things in this world, there is always
NO if you disagree on the blank before each number. the “other side of the coin”. The Internet is one
of the most dangerous places, especially if you
___1. My computer has an antivirus, so it is okay to open do not know what you are doing with it. But
most email attachments like e-card and video files there is no need to worry; it is never that late.
___2. Your friend told you that his college application was Hopefully, by the end of this lesson, you are able
rejected due to the fact that you posted a video of him to consider how you go about your use of the
doing crazy stuff at a party. You posted the video several Internet.
years ago but later took it down to protect your friend’s
The Internet is defined as the
reputation. Can your friend be right that the college found
video? information superhighway. This means that
___3. You and your best friend play a lot of video games. anyone has access to this highway, can place
One time, she asks you for your password so she can help Information, and can be grab that information.
You level up and get in-game money. She promises to Any information, even things that you have set
keep your password a secret. Is it okay to give away your privately, can be accessed one way or another.
password? This is why social networking sites like Facebook
__4. You received an email stating that your mother’s bank
continue to improve their security features. The
account is going to be forfeited if you do not respond to the
email. Is it safe to reply? threat of cybercrime is very real. While you may
__5. You forgot that your essay for English class is due not experience the threat now, whatever
tomorrow. While doing your research, you found a website information we share today could affect our
offering free essays. Is it okay to use the essays from this future.
free website?
__6. A virus is a malware that multiplies and infect other Tips to Stay Safe Online
computers through flash drives. The Internet is a public place and it is up
__7. Keyloggers are software that shows pop-up ads even to you to protect yourself. Here are some tips to
if you are not using your browser. help you stay safe when using the Internet.
__8. Search engines scan websites for search result even
1. Be mindful of what you share
if you have set your post to “private”
__9. There is a danger in posting information about a future online and what site you share it to.
vacation. 2. Do not just accept terms and
__10. Letting people know your birthday is probably a must conditions; read it.
if you want to get as many gifts as possible. But having it in 3. Check out the privacy policy page of
your profile makes you vulnerable to identify theft.
a website to learn how the website
INTRODUCTION handles the information you share.
4. Know the security features of the
How many hours do you spend on the internet social networking site you use. By
per day? keeping your profile private, search
engines will not be able to scan you
Can you live without the Internet for a week?
How many aspects of your life depend on the 5. Do not share your password with
Internet? anyone.

How many times have you complained about

your internet connection speed?
6. Avoid logging in to public networks/Wi- e. Ransomware is designed to infect a
Fi. Browsing in “incognito (or private) user's system and encrypt the data.
mode,” a feature of the browser, will not Cybercriminals then demand a ransom
protect you from hackers.
payment from the victim in exchange for
7. Do not talk to strangers whether online
or face-to-face.
decrypting the system's data.
8. Never post anything about a future f. A rootkit   is created  to obtain
vacation. It is like posting, “Rob my house administrator-level access to the victim's
at this date.” system. Once installed, the program gives
9. Add friends you know in real life. threat actors root or privileged access to
10. Avoid visiting untrusted websites. the system.
11. Install and update an antivirus software g. A backdoor virus or remote access
on your computer. Use only one antivirus Trojan (RAT) secretly creates
software to avoid conflicts. a backdoor into an infected system that
12. If you have a Wi-Fi at home, make it a
allows threat actors to remotely access it
private network by adding a password.
13. Avoid downloading anything from
without alerting the user or the system's
untrusted websites. You are most security programs.
vulnerable in peer-to-peer downloads h. Adware is used to track a user’s
(torrents) as the download is most likely browser and download history with the
not monitored by the site owner. intent to display pop-up or banner
14. Buy the software; do not use pirated advertisements that lure the user into
ones. making a purchase. For example, an
15. Do not reply or click links from suspicious advertiser might use cookies to track the
emails. web pages a user visits to better target
Most people would dispute that there is
no such things as private over the
Internet and they may be right. There are i. Keyloggers, also called system
hackers who can find a backdoor even if monitors, are used to see nearly everything
your profile is already set to private. You a user does on their computer. This
have no control of whoever is looking at includes emails, opened webpages,
your friend’s screen whenever they open programs and keystrokes.
your profile or chat with you. You have 2. Spam- Unwanted email mostly from
no control over people getting access to bots or advertiser. It can be used to send
your friends account and seeing your malware.
private stuff.
3. Phishing – Its goals is to acquire
Internet Threats
sensitive personal information like
1. Malware- stand for malicious software or
program passwords and credit card details. This
Different types of malware contain unique done by sending you an email that will
traits and characteristics. Types of direct the user to visit a website and be
malware include: asked to update his/her username,
a. A virus is the most common type of password, credit card, or personal
malware which can execute itself and information.
spread by infecting other programs or *Pharming – a more complicated way of
files. phishing where it exploits DNS (Domain
b. A worm can self-replicate without a host
Name Service) system
program and typically spreads without
any human interaction or directives from
the malware authors.
c. A Trojan horse   is designed to appear as
a legitimate program in order to gain
access to a system. Once activated
following installation, Trojans can
execute their malicious functions. 
*Rogue security software is a form
of malicious software and internet
fraud that misleads users into believing
there is a virus on their computer and
aims to convince them to pay for a
fake malware removal tool that actually
installs malware on their computer.
d. Spyware   is made to collect
information and data on the device
user and observe their activity
without their knowledge.
Post Test __________________________________________
I. Directions: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of
the correct answer. __________________________________________
__1. Virus a. Collect information without knowing __________________________________________
__2. Rogue b. Internet fraud misleads users __________________________________________
__3. Keylogger c. Pop-up or banner advertisements that lure 3. Which is more important among Tips 10, 11, 12,
__4. Adware d. Execute itself and spread
__5. Spam e. Appear as a legitimate program 13, 14, 15. Express your answer?
__6. Phishing f. User's system and encrypt the data __________________________________________
__7. Rootkit g. Called system monitors __________________________________________
__8. Spyware h. Complicated way of phishing
__9. Malware i. Can be used to send malware
__10. Trojan j. Acquire sensitive personal information __________________________________________
__11. Pharming k. Can self-replicate __________________________________________
__12 Ransomware l. Allows threat actors to remotely access __________________________________________
__13. Backdoor m. Obtain administrator-level access
II. Answer the following questions according to __________________________________________
what you have been read on the following topic: _______________
4. Can you list the most important Tips according to
a. Online Safety and Security you have been read? Why?
1. How do you explain information superhighway? __________________________________________
______________________________________________ __________________________________________
______________________________________________ __________________________________________
2. How would you describe the Internet as “other side of
the coin”? __________________________________________
______________________________________________ _____________________
______________________________________________ 5. What is an alternative if you did not follow the
______________________________________________ tips “1”? Express your answer
__________________________________ __________________________________________
3. Why do you think Internet is Important in our lives? __________________________________________
______________________________________________ __________________________________________
______________________________________________ __________________________________________
4. How would you feel if someone used your identity on
______________________________________________ c. How would you Create your own safety using
______________________________________________ online flatform give your think before you click
______________________________________________ version?
__________________________________ __________________________________________
5. How would you use internet as a flatform for your self __________________________________________
______________________________________________ __________________________________________
b. Tips to Stay Safe Online __________________________________________
1. How do you explain Tips 1, 5, 7, 8, 9? __________________________________________
______________________________________________ __________________________________________
______________________________________________ __________________________________________
______________________________________________ __________________________________________
______________________________________________ __________________________________________
______________________________________________ __________________________________________
___________________ __________________________________________
2. Why do you think Tips 2, 3, 4, 6 are needed? __________________________________________
__________________________________________ ________________________

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