ELSEVIER Journal of ChromatographyB, 675 (1996) 287-294
A quantitative, highly sensitive HPLC-based method for the direct measurement of azathioprine is described,
introducing a newly synthesized 9-methyl derivative of this immunosuppressant as internal standard in combination with
isocratic HPLC and UV-absorbance measurement at 285 nm. Analysis was performed on a RP18 select B column with
acetonitrile-0.01 M potassium phosphate buffer (12:88, v/v) at pH 2.3 as mobile phase. Results of precision analysis from
serum samples spiked with 3.125, 12.5, and 25 ng azathioprine, respectively, were (mean+_S.D.): 3.148+_0.259 ng (8.22%),
12.594_+0.571 ng (4.53%), and 25.016+-0.658 ng (2.63%) with C.V. values in parentheses for n = 5 . The accuracy of the
assay ranged from - 7 . 6 to 0.7% (expressed as % bias) tested on five consecutive days. The limit of quantification was at
2.5+-0.256 ng (C.V. 10.25%), thus allowing drug monitoring in long-term patients. The method can also be used to evaluate
individual pharmacokinetic parameters of a single patient, as well as for drug monitoring of a cohort of patients who suffer
from azathioprine-induced symptoms of toxicity. An example of the pharmacokinetic behaviour in an individual is given in
this paper.
Keywords : Azathioprine
flow cell, all from Gynkotek (Munich, Germany). ( 4 × 4 . 6 mm, particle size 5 /xm). The mobile phase
Both Aza and 9-M-Aza were measured at a wave- consisted of 12% acetonitrile and 88% 0.01 M
length of 285 nm (Fig. 2). Data were sampled and potassium phosphate buffer (v/v), pH 2.3, and was
analyzed on a Gynkotek C-R5A integrator. For passed through a disposable filter (0.2-/~m pore
acquisition of spectral data and peak-purity trials the width) prior to use. After each run with a plasma
UVD 320 detector was used in combination with a sample the column was flushed for 2 min with
microcomputer-based analysis program (Gynkosoft acetonitrile-buffer (1:1) to wash out contaminating
V5.21). Chromatographic separation was performed substances with long retention times. The flow-rate
at 22°C on a Merck LiChrospher 60 RP-select B was 1000 /xl/min with t o = l . 9 min. The injection
column (250×4.6 mm, particle size 5/xm), protected volume was 0.2 ml. Under these conditions the
by a Merck LiChrospher 100 RP 18 precolumn number of theoretical plates was approximately
12 000 for calibration standards and approximately
8000 for serum samples. The precolumn was
a) b) changed every 100 serum sample runs and the
column was replaced when the plate number had
330 300 270 240 200 0.10 1,00 2. ~ 2
i e e i i 1 5
. 0
decreased below 6000.
,a n..i ¢
(CH3); 117.20; 130.44; 139.51 (CH); 146.82 (CH); eluent by vortex-mixing for 10 s, followed by 10 min
149.94; 150.22; 151.59 (CH); 155.14 ppm. sonification prior to injection.
MS (150°C) m/e=291 (0.03; M+), 275 (5), 261
(13), 246 (17), 245 (100), 230 (8), 204 (6), 177 2.6. Calibration and recovery of azathioprine from
(11), 160 (15), 150 (13), 133 (64), 106 (15), 79 serum samples
Anal. cal. for CIoH9NvO2.H20: C 38.84; H 3.59; An aliquot of 1 ml serum was spiked with
N 31.71; found: C 38.92; H 3.64; N 31.65. different concentrations of Aza (3.125 to 50 ng/ml,
All concentrations for 9-M-Aza given in this paper five samples per concentration) and 50 ng/ml of
are expressed as its monohydrate. 9-M-Aza. Peak areas for Aza and 9-M-Aza were
related to the amount/response ratios in chromato-
2.4. Preparations of standards for amount/ grams obtained from calibration standards. For
response calibration evaluation of accuracy and precision of the assay
three 5-ml serum aliquots were spiked with 3.125 ng,
Stock solution was 5% dimethylsulfoxide 12.5 ng, and 25 ng of azathioprine, respectively, and
(DMSO) in acetonitrile containing caffeine (1 mg/ analyzed on five consecutive days.
ml), azathioprine (1 mg/ml) and 9-methylazathiop-
rine (1 mg/ml). Caffeine was used as a hydrophilic 2. 7. Stability of azathioprine and 9-
component of the calibration standard mixture to methylazathioprine in blood
monitor elution of substances with short retention
times. Calibration standards were prepared by dilut- The thioether bond within the azathioprine mole-
ing the stock solution (625 ng/ml of each substance) cule is cleaved by non-enzymatic nucleophilic attack
with an appropriate amount of the eluent. Stored at (e.g. by glutathione) in the liver and during contact
room temperature, they were stable for four weeks with erythrocytes. No data exist for 9-
before they were prepared afresh. methylazathioprine, but its structural similarity to
azathioprine, especially in the region of the sulphur
2.5. Serum sample preparation bridge, suggests a similar breakdown for this deriva-
tive. To examine whether azathioprine and 9-
Serum was spiked by addition of appropriate methylazathioprine concentrations decrease during
amounts of stock solution to the desired serum prolonged contact with human blood, a 50-ml fresh
concentrations of azathioprine and 9-methylazathiop- blood sample was spiked with 25 ng/ml of each
rine, respectively, in screw-capped polyethylene substance and gently agitated at 37°C. Test samples
tubes. Prior to further processing, samples remained of 5 ml were drawn after 5, 15, 30, 60, 90, and 120
at room temperature for 30 min to allow equilibra- min and processed as described.
tion between free and serum-bound portions of the
compounds before further processing was initiated.
Blood samples were centrifuged immediately after 3. Results
collection. Following coagulation of the plasma
fraction the serum was removed and centrifuged 3.1. Chromatographic data for azathioprine and 9-
once to remove coagulated protein clots. methylazathioprine
Two 0.5-ml volumes of serum were transferred
into two polyethylene tubes and 4.5 ml of ethylace- Both substances were eluted from the column with
tate were added to each. After vigorous shaking sufficient resolution. Aza, which is more hydrophilic
(vortex) for 1 min, followed by centrifugation (! than 9-M-Aza had a shorter retention time than
min), the solvent phase were combined in a glass 9-M-Aza. The k' values were 6.20--_0.12 for Aza and
tube. This extraction was repeated once. The com- 11.53_+0.20 for 9-M-Aza as obtained from twelve
bined solvent phases were vacuum-dried at 35°C and consecutive runs of spiked serum samples. The
the residues were reconstituted with 0.25 ml of delayed elution of 9-methylazathioprine resulted in a
T. Binscheck et al. / J. Chromatogr. B 675 (1996) 287-294 291
substantial broadening of the peak, but this did not 3.4. Calibration and quantitative analysis o f spiked
interfere with its correct integration. The main serum samples
metabolite of Aza is 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP). This
substance was not detectable at the used wavelength, Drug-free serum aliquots were spiked with the
because it has an absorbance maximum at 330 nm. indicated concentrations of Aza and 50 ng/ml of
Due to its short retention time (4.5 min) 6-MP was 9-M-Aza. Representative chromatograms of pro-
concealed by high-absorbance background induced cessed serum samples are depicted in Fig. 3b. Peak
by serum components which could not sufficiently be areas (PA) for both substances were determined and
separated from the injection sample without decreas- peak ratios (Aza/M-Aza=Q) were derived and the
ing the recovery of Aza. resulting calibration curve was analyzed for linearity
3.2. Spectral data of azathioprine and 9- Aza ( n g / m l -
methylazathioprine (1.815"10 =_+1.785"10 4)
Table 1
Parameters of linear regression from amount/response chromatograms
Compound Slope (mean+_S.D.) (mAU s ng ~) Intercept(mean+S.D.) (mAU s) r:
Azathioprine 4.338+_0.06988 0.8839+0.4352 0.99968
9-Methyl-azathioprinc 4.053+_0.09799 1.252+0.6245 0.99989
292 T. Binscheck et al. / J. Chromatogr. B 675 (1996) 287-294
a) 6,25 ng 2$ng 3O
CAza CAza 25
-m 20
•-~ 15
~o ~, ~o m~ ~'o d0 do .,.
b) 0 / I I I I I
20 40 60 80 1O0 120
time [min]
Table 3
Parameters of exponential decrease of azathioprine and 9-methylazathioprine during prolonged contact with blood
Compound C(, (mean-+S.D.) (ng/ml) k (mean_+S.D.) ( m i n - ' ) t~/2 (min)
Azathioprine 29.03-+1.638 10.16-10 3-+0.83.10 3 68
9-Methylazathioprine 25.70-+2.787 15.18.10-3-+2.34.10 3 45
C ( t ) _ C o . e k,
n 3 individually processed samples.
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