Environmental Impact of Foundries and Health Related Issues
Environmental Impact of Foundries and Health Related Issues
Environmental Impact of Foundries and Health Related Issues
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Developer of Knowledge based Expert Systems for Foundry Applications, Kolhapur. (Maharashtra.)
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Sanjay Ghodavat Group of Institutions, Atigre,
Kolhapur. (Maharashtra.)
Industrialization and urbanization are the two sources of pollution which cause environmental
degradation. Industrialization has rapidly developed, which plays both a beneficial and harmful
role in the environment. Kolhapur, Sangli, Satara and Belgaum are the big foundry hubs in India.
In Iron & Steel and other manufacturing industries, foundries produce a lots of pollutants in the
environment – both working and ambient environment. Over the last decades improvements
have been achieved in industry regarding several major polluting substances, and that gradually
the environmental impact has shifted towards so-called diffuse sources of pollution.
Nevertheless, industrial production processes still account for a considerable share of the overall
pollution in India and it is very important to further reduce their contribution to
‘nonsustainability’. In these processes, metals are extracted and produced from ores by various
metallurgical processes and processes for moulding, melting and castings etc. are accompanied
by evolution of heat, noise, dust fines, fly-ash, oxides of Nitrogen, Sulphur and metals.
Particulate matters are generated in large quantities when preparing mould core sands and
moulds melting metals, pouring metal, knocking out poured moulds and loading and unloading
raw materials. There is urgent need for development of an eco-friendly coke less cupola, to
minimize pollution. Emission standards should be followed by different foundries. Industrial
safety officers/ environ managers should tackle environmental problems of the industries. The
environmental health and safety management must play a strategic role in organizational
governance, environmental risk, and compliance.
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RPCNeR- 2013
India is a big consumer of casting. This has lead to the tremendous growth of foundries in India.
The related research for the enhancement, development and betterment of foundry process in
order to increase their productivity and reduce the adverse effect on the environment research is
being carried out at IITs. Though the foundry industry dates back to the Harappa period, the most
independent era has witnessed a phenomenal growth of foundries. According to published data,
there are about 5000 foundries in India with an installed capacity of around 28.16 lakhs tons per
annum with the ferrous foundry accounting for 95% of the total units. These foundry units
cannot be totally neglected of causing pollution since the foundry process by its nature is more
pollution prone than many other activities and the development of modern foundries might have
accelerated effluent emissions. This has now engaged the attention of all for its effects on
population and environment.
The main production steps include: i) preparation of raw materials, ii) metal melting, iii)
preparation of molds, iv) casting and v) finishing (which includes fettling and tumbling).
Electric induction furnaces are used to melt iron and other metals. However, large car component
foundries and some small foundries melt iron in gas or coke-fired cupola furnaces and use
induction furnaces for aluminum components of engine blocks. Melting capacities of cupola
furnaces generally range from 3 to 25 metric tons per hour (t/hr). Induction furnaces are also
used in zinc, copper, and brass foundries. Electric arc furnaces are usually used in stainless steel
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RPCNeR- 2013
and sometimes in copper foundries. Flame ovens, which burn fossil fuels, are often used for
melting nonferrous metals.
The casting process usually employs non reusable molds of green sand, which consists of sand,
soot, and clay (or water glass). The sand in each half of the mold is packed around a model,
which is then removed. The two halves of the mold are joined, and the complete mold is filled
with molten metal, using ladles or other pouring devices. Large foundries often have pouring
furnaces with automatically controlled pouring. The mold contains channels for introducing and
distributing the metal. For hollow casting, the mold is fitted with a core. Cores must be
extremely durable, and so strong bonding agents are used for the core, as well as for the molds
themselves. These bonding agents are usually organic resins, but inorganic ones are also used.
Plastic binders are being used for the manufacture of high-quality products. Sand cores and
chemically bonded sand molds are often treated with water-based or spirit-based blacking to
improve surface characteristics
Finishing processes such as fettling involves the removal from the casting of the gating system,
fins (burrs), and sometimes feeders. This is accomplished by cutting, blasting, grinding, and
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RPCNeR- 2013
Emissions of particulate matter (PM) from the melting and treatment of molten metal, as well as
from mold manufacture, shakeout, cleaning and after-treatment, is generally of greatest concern.
Generally, foundries produce 10 kg of dust per ton of molten metal, with a range of 5–30 kg/t,
depending on factors such as scrap quality. However, induction furnaces (with emissions of 3
kg/t of molten metal) and flame ovens tend to have lower air emissions than cupolas and electric
arc furnaces (EAF). Major pollutants present in the air emissions include particulates of the order
of 1,000 mg/Nm3. Foundries can generate up to 20 m3 of wastewater per metric ton of molten
metal when cooling water, scrubber water, and process water are not regulated. Untreated
wastewaters may contain high levels of total suspended solids, copper (0.9 mg/l), lead (2.5 mg/l),
total chromium (2.5 mg/l), hexavalent chromium, nickel (0.25 mg/l), and oil and grease. The
characteristics of the wastewater will depend on the type of metal and the quality of scrap used
as feed to the process. Solid wastes (excluding dust) are generated at a rate of 300–500 kg/t of
molten metal. Sludges and scale may contain heavy metals such as chromium, lead, and nickel.
The major pollutants are emitted from various work areas in Foundry i.e. Pattern shop, Sand
preparation, moulding and core making, mould drying and ladle heating, cupola, electric arc
furnace, pouring and mould cooling, knockout, fettling, heat treatment etc. Pollutants are also
emitted in sintering, palletisation, rolling mills, coke-oven plants, refractories etc. in steel making
and by-products manufacturing. For example, the Cokefired cupolas in Agra, glass making units
at Firozabad and more than 200 foundries around Kolkata, Howarah urban metropolitan complex
have reported to produce huge amount of particulates and gaseous matter in the atmosphere.
These pollutants cause various health hazards in human beings.
Health hazards of pollution through foundries:
Some general health hazards are caused as a result of contact between the pollutants and the
body. These hazards are as follows:
• Eye irritation.
• Headache.
• Nose and throat irritation.
• Irritability of respiratory tract.
• Gases like hydrogen sulphide, ammonia and mercaptans cause odour nuisance even at low
• High temperature can cause fatigue and dehydration.
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• Chronic pulmonary diseases like Bronchitis and asthma, are aggravated by a high concentration
of SO2, NO2, particulate matter and photochemical smog.
• Carbon monoxide combines with the hemoglobin in the blood and consequently increases
stress on those suffering from cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases.
• Dust particles cause respiratory disease. Diseases like silicosis, asbestosis etc. result from
specific dust.
• Carcinogenic agents like PAH’s, Cr(VI), Cd etc. cause cancer.
• Hydrogen fluoride causes diseases of bone (fluorosis) and mottling of teeth.
• Certain heavy metals like lead, cadmium, mercury, chromium, nickel, manganese etc. enter into
body by inhalation, skin absorption and through food chain. They cause acute and chronic
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Dust emission control technologies include cyclones, scrubbers (with recirculating water),
baghouses, and electrostatic precipitators (ESPs). Scrubbers are also used to control mists, acidic
gases, and amines. Gas flame is used for incineration of gas from core manufacture. Target
values for emissions passing through a fabric filter are normally around 10 mg/Nm 3 (dry).
Emissions of PM from furnaces (including casting machines used for die casting) should not
exceed 0.1–0.3 kg/t of molten metal, depending on the nature of the PM and the melting capacity
of the plant. At small iron foundries, a somewhat higher emission factor may be acceptable,
while in large heavy-metal foundries, efforts should be made to achieve a target value lower than
0.1 kg PM per metric ton. Odors may be eliminated by using bioscrubbers.
Wastewater Treatment
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RPCNeR- 2013
Cokeless cupola:
cupola is a continuous melting shaft furnace which has by its inherent design considerable
advantages over batch type melters such as electric furnaces or rotary furnaces. A cupola can
accept a wide range of raw. materials including oily, wet and contaminated scrap. These
materials are unsuitable for electric furnaces for safety reasons and because of the contamination
their use is also often limited for metallurgical reasons. In cupola melting there is a degree of
refining as the metal forms droplets during melting before collecting in the well. Many
contaminants are lost or reduced in value in this process whereas when melting in electric
furnaces or rotary furnaces whatever is in the charge material finishes up in the liquid.
Additionally, the cupola is a counterflow vertical shaft furnace and offers the high possibility of
good melting efficiency compared with batch type melters. Low top gas temperatures mean a
large proportion of the available heat goes into the metal whereas in electric furnaces there are
losses not only from the surface of the metal but at least 25% of the energy input goes into the
water in the induction coil. In rotary furnaces high waste gas temperatures, even with
recuperators mean high losses. The cokeless cupola has further advantages over the
conventional coke cupola. The waste gas has a low CO content and there is only 1% before
dilution which means the maximum heat is being released to the metal compared with 12% to as
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RPCNeR- 2013
high as 20% CO in' some coke operations which is a considerable loss to the process.
Eliminating coke removes the major source of pollution and as there is no free oxygen in the
cokeless in the cokeless cupola no metallurgical fume is formed. Some coke cupolas particularly
with oxygen enrichment or oxygen injection produce considerable volumes of metallurgical
fume which then requires large filtration plants to remove it.
1) Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook WORLD BANK GROUP Effective from
July 1998.
2) C. B. Pandit, “Problems and prospects of ancillaries in engineering industry in Kolhapur
district”, Ph. D. Thesis, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, September, 1991.
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