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Icmiee18 33
Icmiee18 33
Life Cycle Analysis of Lead Acid Battery used in Electric Vehicles (3 Wheeler) in
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Life Cycle Analysis of Lead Acid Battery used in Electric Vehicles (3 Wheeler) in Bangladesh
Md. Raquibul Hasan1,*, Dr. Nirendra Nath Mustafi2
Department of Civil Engineering, Pabna University of Science & Technology, PUST-6600, BANGLADESH
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology, RUET-6204, BANGLADESH
Lead acid batteries have been rapidly used in electric vehicles (3 wheeler) in Bangladesh with typical environmental
problems such as consumption of resources and heavy metal pollution. Thus to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the
environmental impact of the battery to reduce environmental pollution is urgent. In this paper a life cycle analysis conducted
by SimaPro software is applied to analyze and compare the environmental impact of lead acid battery (LAB) within the
system boundary of "cradle-to gate". The results showed that the overall impact of LAB production on environment is the
smallest. The key substances that causes the environmental impact of LAB is production stage (12.56 %) & use stage of
(85.56 %) the batteries. This research work will provide a quantitative assessments of the environmental impact of battery
which will be very important to take necessary prevention measures during disposals. This can obviously create scopes of
further research in this area.
Keywords: Lead acid battery (LAB), Electric vehicle, Life cycle analysis (LCA), SimaPro 8.5, Environmental impact
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Acid filling Sulfuric 4.16 kg Field Table 3 Energy and material inputs for Lead-Acid
process acid survey Battery disposal
Injection Polypropy 1.73 kg Field Products Materials/Assemblies/Process Quantity Unit
molding lene survey
Lead Acid Battery Assembly 1 P
Energy Electricity 7.96 kW Field Transport, light commercial 0.2 tkm
consumption h survey truck, diesel
Steam 3.14 kg Field powered/tkm/RNA
survey Disposal Transport, combination truck, 0.2 tkm
of short-haul, diesel
4. 2 Use Stage Battery powered/tkm/RNA
Firstly, the use of battery & use of package was Municipal Waste 50%
determined. In the use phase a battery needed to charge Disassembly of Battery 49%
& change the electrolyte. Then, the data for type of Reuse of Container & Vent 1%
energy consumed, i.e., the electricity generation (power Plug
grid) mix and life cycle environmental impacts
associated with it was obtained from Ecoinvent 2.2 5 Life cycle analysis of a Lead-Acid Battery:
database. The type of electricity used to charge and Total life cycle of a battery means the total view of
discharge the batteries plays a significant role in the production, use, and disposal. In a LC of Battery, for its
overall inventory of battery LCA studies. As the focus charging it requires electricity. Also for its proper
of the study is the Bangladesh distribution grid, the functioning it requires to change its electrolyte. For
Bangladesh national electricity mix at distribution grid disposal state, it is considered that battery plates & other
level was assumed in the analysis. LAB use stage is plastic component are recycled. Battery plates are go
shown in Table 2. through the smelting process which facilitates the air
emission. For the context of Bangladesh, the entire
Table 2 Energy and material inputs for Lead-Acid lifecycle of battery has negative impact. Fig. 4 shows
Battery use phase the tree of Battery Life Cycle, Fig. 5 represents the
Materials/Assembli Classification/ Characterization of the LCA,
Products Quantity Unit
es/Process Normalization/ Weighing step on Fig. 7, Damage
Distilled Water assessment step on Fig. 8 and finally the total
1 P
Production contribution of each life stage to the total lifecycle
Electricity, aggregated in the main impact categories, Fig. 9 and
Use of A medium voltage Table 4.
Battery {BD}| market for 2.8 kWh
electricity, medium
voltage | APOS, U
Municipal Waste
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Fig. 4 LCA of a battery - Characterization Step
Fig. 7 LCA of a battery – Single Score
0.007 0.022 0.000 0.000
of Battery
Use of A
0.016 0.001 0.035 0.035
Fig. 5 LCA of a battery – Damage Assessment
Use of
0.005 0.001 0.010 0.010
6 Results
The previous figures and tables present the lifecycle
ecopoints of the battery which amount to 2.097 kPt,
a. The production accounts for 0.151 kPt, i.e.
70% of the total impact;
b. The Electricity is responsible for 0.833 Pt,
or 25% of the total environmental impact;
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