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Metal Seg

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Microcontroller Based Separation of Metal from Garbage Waste

Article · April 2019


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1 author:

Bhushan Band
Professor Ram Meghe Institute of Engineering and Management


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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 7, Issue 02, 2019 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Microcontroller Based Separation of Metal from Garbage Waste

Prof B H Band1 A Bhandurge2 S Wath3 S Duryodhan4 V Ughade5
Assistant Professor 2,3,4,5UG Students
Department of Electrical Engineering
PRMCEAM, Badnera, Maharashtra, India
Abstract— The advantages of garbage separation system are However, recently municipal workers collect the
to improve the results in better minimize raw materials waste from street to street in order to dispose the waste by
wastage and reduce manufacturing costs. These benefits also proper means. Hence devise a method so as to segregate the
categorized as to improved garbage management system. The collected waste as per its proper categories. The collected
purpose of this paper is to segregate the metal and nonmetal waste is sorted into dry, wet and metal waste by employing
waste from the garbage which is major problem observed in various sensors and relays with the help of embedded C. The
the industrial and in domestic use. It is very crucial to have purpose of this project is to segregate the metal and nonmetal
some system to manage waste automatically which is waste for the industrial and domestic use. As per as the
currently not available. The Prime Minister Modi’s mission environment concern the waste garbage management is
of Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan can also be successfully today’s necessary condition. The advantages separation
implemented by the using this proposed system. To separate garbage waste to improve in energy savings, better
out metal and nonmetal waste into respective bins by sensing environmental performance, minimize raw materials wastage
of different sensors incorporated along with the conveyor and reduce manufacturing costs. The separated waste can
belt. The system has motors interfaced with the micro be sent to the recycling and processing plant instead of
controller. sending it to the segregation plant then to the recycling plant.
Key words: Metal Segregation, Waste Product, AC-DC
Motor, Microcontroller II. LITERATURE REVIEW
Following are the literature work done on garbage separation
Increase in population has led to improper waste management Chatterjee and Kumar [1] represented an model
in cities and also in urban areas which has resulted in where equal participation of the formal and non-formal sector
spreading different types of diseases. This paper proposes a is ensured to make the e-waste management The main
simple technique for separation of metal from waste garbage motivation for non-formal operators is to extract precious
which is a simple, easy to use solution for a segregation metals from printed circuit board (PCB) using unscientific
system at households, so that the wastes can be sent directly and unhygienic methods, which are harmful to the workers
for processing. The waste categorise into three main and the environment. Non- formal operators will concentrate
categories namely; metallic, organic and plastic, thereby on collection, disassembly, segregation of e-waste, whereas,
making the waste management more effective. Sensors are formal sector will concentrate on processing the PCBs to
added for monitoring waste collection process. The sensors extract precious metals.
would be placed in all the garbage bins. Ramahali and Mahlangu [2] studied the removal of
In India the population is one of the threat in the heavy metals from platinum industry by the process of bio-
development so as to develop the garbage system which is sorption and the advantage of this method. This method has
produced by millions of people is increases in ever year. not only provided the removal techniques for removal of
Around five million tonnes of garbage is generated in effective metals but also high post metal recovery during
metropolitan cities. The available land in the cities to dump elution. The paper gels, prepared by chemical modification of
the garbage is not sufficient most of these cities are overflow waste paper, exhibited remarkable capacity and efficiency for
with waste. It was found that about 50% people in India face the pre concentration and separation of gold, platinum and
the problem of improper waste collection and management. palladium from other co-existing metal ions at low to high
According to centre of science and environment, innovative concentration levels. Their major advantages are that they are
disposal and recycling methods must be introduced instead of usually of very low cost, decrease metal concentrations
landfill sites. Thus, we develop a simple way to manage considerably and are especially useful in waste waters
garbage system based on microcontroller for proper containing low concentrations of metal ions.
management of waste. The monitoring system overall Yoheeswaran [3] recommended the scenario,
monitor the garbage waste process. The common method of legislation and regulation in national level, e-waste recycling
waste disposal is by unplanned and uncontrolled dumping formal and informal sector in national level. In India e-waste
at landfill areas. This method is hazardous to human health, generation rate is 20% increase and to cross 805,000 tons.
plant and animal life. When garbage gets separated into the Major amount of e-waste is recycle and recovery by informal
categories then the more chances available to recycled and sector using basic methods such as open burning and acid
reuse. Compost can use for chemical fertilizers, and biogas as stripping method. The both methods are harmful to the human
source of energy. The metal waste could be reused or and environmental. It has been seen in order to maintain E-
recycled. Even if there are large scale industrial waste waste awareness should be informal sector and public for
segregators present, it is always feasible to separate the disposal of waste. The discarded material collect, separate
waste at the source itself . The benefit of doing so is that and transport by the informal sector and recycling, recovery
the occupational hazard for waste workers is reduced.

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Microcontroller Based Separation of Metal from Garbage Waste
(IJSRD/Vol. 7/Issue 02/2019/288)

and disposal by the formal sector is the way of reduction of III. PROPOSED SYSTEM
pollution. We developed a system for separating out metal and non-
Patil et al. 2014[4] proposed an innovative strategic metal particles using embedded C for the domestic and
model for the recovery of valuable metal for the management industrial use. In this system the scrap materials (i.e. metal
of e-waste by employing combined technological strategies and non-metal waste) will be fed onto the conveyor belt,
viz. chemical and biological. Chemical technology involves object sensors will detect the particles on the conveyor belt
the leaching of silver from electronic scrap using toxic and start the rotation of the conveyor belt. Then, metal
chemical like cyanide. The complex silver cyanide form is sensors which are clamped to the conveyor belt will sense the
then subjected to biological technology using passive low- metal waste and stop the conveyor belt. A segregator attached
cost material. This facts helps to know the strategy to to the system will push the metal waste into its respective bin,
strengthen supply chain elements for efficient management which will be carried for further operations and the non-metal
of e-waste. waste are automatically fed into the waste dust bin.
Okwu and Onyeje [5] focuses on the good site A system depends on the metal partial present in the
extraction of valuable substances by means of recycling. The object which is moving across Sensor which is a proximity
processes involved in e-waste recycling are: collection, metal sensor. When sensor gets triggered it gives high input
dismantling, pre- processing, end processing and final metal to micro controller and micro controller starts motor for
recovery collection mechanism of e-waste is very important actuators.
because it is the determinant of the quantity of waste that is
available for recovery through recycling and the amount that
is lost in the process of storage. Dismantling is the removal
of some functioning or valuable components such as copper
cables, memories, drives, batteries, capacitors and so on
for re-use. It has been noticed that E-waste process contains
collection, dismantling, pre-processing, end processing and
final metal recovery. Fig. 1: Working Principle
Willner et al. [6] gives the bacterial leaching of An embedded system is a computer system with a
metals from various poly metallic wastes and the removal of dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electrical
metals by the process of bio hydrometallurgical method. system, often with real-time computing constraints. It is
These wastes are the carriers of valuable metals: base metals, embedded as part of a complete device often including
precious and platinum group metals. It has been seen that hardware and mechanical parts. Embedded systems control
biological leaching has been conducted in the presence of many devices in common use today.
variety microorganisms and in a wide range of waste- The proposed system uses metal sensor and
carrying base, special and precious metals. In many cases ultrasonic sensor to separate the metal waste from the waste
promising results of metals extraction were obtained. in the dust bin. The proposed system consists of two doors
Problems associated with metal toxicity towards and opens depending on the wastes. It uses a metal sensor to
microorganisms have been solved by their adaptation to high detect the metal parts in the garbage. The metal sensor
concentration of heavy metals. Although many problems contains metal detector which works on the basis principles
associated with the selection of the optimum process of electromagnetic induction. A metal detector is having one
parameters still remain to be resolved, increased efficiencies or more inductor that is generally used to interact with
of bacterial leaching operations, make these processes more metallic elements on the ground. A pulsing current is applied
competitive in relation to conventional methods. to the coil, which then induces an electromagnetic field.
Sivakumar et al. [7] studied the E- When the metal passes across the magnetic field of the coil,
waste composition, categorization, Global and Indian E- like coin, the field induces eddy currents in the coin. When it
waste scenarios, prospects of recoverable, recyclable, and detects the metal, the system will open the corresponding
hazardous materials found in the E-waste, Best Available door else for the other waste it will open other door. The
Practices, recycling, and recovery processes followed, and ultrasonic sensor will detect the presence of the object. LCD
their environmental and occupational hazards. It is display unit displays the status of the segregation process. DC
recommended that an effective take-back program providing motor is responsible for motion of the objects. Conveyor belt
incentives for producers to design products that are less is used for separation of waste particles. Arduino controls the
wasteful, contain fewer toxic components, and are easier to whole process.
disassemble, reuse, and recycle may help in reducing the The software implementation of Arduino is done
wastes. Hence creating awareness among the e- through embedded C. Embedded C is preferred over other
waste generating sectors is the important task now. Technical software languages for the following reasons:
audit and Life cycle analysis are also recommended before  It is easy to understand and learn
releasing the electronic consumer product.  C Compilers are available with all embedded devices
B H Band and A D Ingole [8] give detailed
 Unlike assembly, C has advantage of processor-
description of dc and ac machine working for operation of the
independence and is not specific to any
particular microprocessor/ microcontroller or any

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Microcontroller Based Separation of Metal from Garbage Waste
(IJSRD/Vol. 7/Issue 02/2019/288)

The given method gives the solution for waste

management problem which effectively separate metal, glass
and plastic. The Automated Material Segregation system
(AMS) effectively employs inductive proximity sensor to
identify metallic items, and capacitive proximity sensors to
differentiate between plastic and glass waste. This system can
be use in industries for material separation, and urban


For further convenience transmitters could be placed at
Fig. 2: Microcontroller Based Separation of Metal from garbage dumping places to convey a message whenever the
Garbage Waste accumulation of garbage crosses its threshold limit along with
its location.
The waste segregator as the name suggests segregates the REFERENCES
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1) The process is fast Preservation Centre, Vol 16, Page 341, 1996,Kyoto
2) Its efficient for separation of metal and non-metal University, Japan
3) It detect metal easily with more accuracy [6] Claudine Capel,“Innovations in Waste”, Waste
4) The separated metal can be recycled again. management-world, Volume 11, Issue 2, Mar 2010.
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Automated Waste Segregator has been successfully
implemented for the segregation of waste into metallic waste
at a domestic level. However, it cannot segregate ceramic into
dry waste because of its higher relative dielectric constant
when compared to other dry wastes. Noise can be eliminated
in the sensing module to increase accuracy and overall
efficiency. The system can segregate only one type of waste
at a time with an assigned priority for metal waste. Thus,
improvements can be made to segregate mixed type of waste
by the use of buffer spaces. Since, the time for sensing metal
objects is low the entire sensing module can be placed along
a single platform where the object is stable to ensure better

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