Metal Seg
Metal Seg
Metal Seg
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1 author:
Bhushan Band
Professor Ram Meghe Institute of Engineering and Management
All content following this page was uploaded by Bhushan Band on 25 April 2019.
and disposal by the formal sector is the way of reduction of III. PROPOSED SYSTEM
pollution. We developed a system for separating out metal and non-
Patil et al. 2014[4] proposed an innovative strategic metal particles using embedded C for the domestic and
model for the recovery of valuable metal for the management industrial use. In this system the scrap materials (i.e. metal
of e-waste by employing combined technological strategies and non-metal waste) will be fed onto the conveyor belt,
viz. chemical and biological. Chemical technology involves object sensors will detect the particles on the conveyor belt
the leaching of silver from electronic scrap using toxic and start the rotation of the conveyor belt. Then, metal
chemical like cyanide. The complex silver cyanide form is sensors which are clamped to the conveyor belt will sense the
then subjected to biological technology using passive low- metal waste and stop the conveyor belt. A segregator attached
cost material. This facts helps to know the strategy to to the system will push the metal waste into its respective bin,
strengthen supply chain elements for efficient management which will be carried for further operations and the non-metal
of e-waste. waste are automatically fed into the waste dust bin.
Okwu and Onyeje [5] focuses on the good site A system depends on the metal partial present in the
extraction of valuable substances by means of recycling. The object which is moving across Sensor which is a proximity
processes involved in e-waste recycling are: collection, metal sensor. When sensor gets triggered it gives high input
dismantling, pre- processing, end processing and final metal to micro controller and micro controller starts motor for
recovery collection mechanism of e-waste is very important actuators.
because it is the determinant of the quantity of waste that is
available for recovery through recycling and the amount that
is lost in the process of storage. Dismantling is the removal
of some functioning or valuable components such as copper
cables, memories, drives, batteries, capacitors and so on
for re-use. It has been noticed that E-waste process contains
collection, dismantling, pre-processing, end processing and
final metal recovery. Fig. 1: Working Principle
Willner et al. [6] gives the bacterial leaching of An embedded system is a computer system with a
metals from various poly metallic wastes and the removal of dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electrical
metals by the process of bio hydrometallurgical method. system, often with real-time computing constraints. It is
These wastes are the carriers of valuable metals: base metals, embedded as part of a complete device often including
precious and platinum group metals. It has been seen that hardware and mechanical parts. Embedded systems control
biological leaching has been conducted in the presence of many devices in common use today.
variety microorganisms and in a wide range of waste- The proposed system uses metal sensor and
carrying base, special and precious metals. In many cases ultrasonic sensor to separate the metal waste from the waste
promising results of metals extraction were obtained. in the dust bin. The proposed system consists of two doors
Problems associated with metal toxicity towards and opens depending on the wastes. It uses a metal sensor to
microorganisms have been solved by their adaptation to high detect the metal parts in the garbage. The metal sensor
concentration of heavy metals. Although many problems contains metal detector which works on the basis principles
associated with the selection of the optimum process of electromagnetic induction. A metal detector is having one
parameters still remain to be resolved, increased efficiencies or more inductor that is generally used to interact with
of bacterial leaching operations, make these processes more metallic elements on the ground. A pulsing current is applied
competitive in relation to conventional methods. to the coil, which then induces an electromagnetic field.
Sivakumar et al. [7] studied the E- When the metal passes across the magnetic field of the coil,
waste composition, categorization, Global and Indian E- like coin, the field induces eddy currents in the coin. When it
waste scenarios, prospects of recoverable, recyclable, and detects the metal, the system will open the corresponding
hazardous materials found in the E-waste, Best Available door else for the other waste it will open other door. The
Practices, recycling, and recovery processes followed, and ultrasonic sensor will detect the presence of the object. LCD
their environmental and occupational hazards. It is display unit displays the status of the segregation process. DC
recommended that an effective take-back program providing motor is responsible for motion of the objects. Conveyor belt
incentives for producers to design products that are less is used for separation of waste particles. Arduino controls the
wasteful, contain fewer toxic components, and are easier to whole process.
disassemble, reuse, and recycle may help in reducing the The software implementation of Arduino is done
wastes. Hence creating awareness among the e- through embedded C. Embedded C is preferred over other
waste generating sectors is the important task now. Technical software languages for the following reasons:
audit and Life cycle analysis are also recommended before It is easy to understand and learn
releasing the electronic consumer product. C Compilers are available with all embedded devices
B H Band and A D Ingole [8] give detailed
Unlike assembly, C has advantage of processor-
description of dc and ac machine working for operation of the
independence and is not specific to any
particular microprocessor/ microcontroller or any