Đề Thi Và Đáp Án Kiến Trúc Máy Tính Giữa Kỳ 1 Năm Học 2021-2022 - UET
Đề Thi Và Đáp Án Kiến Trúc Máy Tính Giữa Kỳ 1 Năm Học 2021-2022 - UET
Đề Thi Và Đáp Án Kiến Trúc Máy Tính Giữa Kỳ 1 Năm Học 2021-2022 - UET
Suppose all registers are 64-bit wide. How many bits are needed to encode the shamt field of R-type
a. 4
b. 6
c. 8
d. 16
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Câu Hỏi 3 Đúng
Suppose the binary code representation of the MIPS instruction add $rd,$rs,$rt is
00000000111001010101000000100000. What is the destination register?
a. $7
b. $9
c. $10
d. $5
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Câu Hỏi 4 Sai
Suppose the binary code representation of the MIPS instruction lw $rt, imm($rs) is 0x8D090027. What is the
offset of the address?
a. 39
b. 27
c. 9
d. 8
The exponent field of the single precision floating point representation of 0.125 is
a. 0x01
b. 0x00
c. 0x80
d. 0x7C
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Câu Hỏi 6 Sai
Assume that $sp=0x10000004. What value is stored in the address 0x10000004 on a little-endian machine
after pushing the value 0x00112233 to the stack?
a. 0x33
b. 0x11
c. 0x00
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Câu Hỏi 7 Sai
Assume that $PC=0x10000004. What value is stored in register $ra if the instruction jal 0x10000000 is
b. 0x10000004
c. 0x10000000
d. 0x10000008
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Câu Hỏi 8 Đúng
Suppose a program runs in 120 seconds on a machine, with multiply responsible for 90 seconds of this
time. How much do we have to improve the speed of multiplication if we want the program to run 3 times
a. 9 times
b. 10 times
c. Impossible
d. 8 times
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Câu Hỏi 9 Đúng
Assume that registers $s0 and $s1 hold the values 0x000080AB and 0x00007CDE, respectively. What is
the value of $t0 for the assembly instruction "add $ t0, $ s0, $ s1"?
a. 64095
b. 60495
c. 64905
d. 69405
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Câu Hỏi 10 Đúng
Given the following MIPS code accessing a word array of elements in memory with the starting address in
$t0. How many times does the bne instruction actually branch to the label Loop?
a. 8
b. 10
c. 9
d. 11
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