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Ecg Mac 2000 Manual

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GE Healthcare

MAC 2000 ECG®

Analysis System
Quick Reference Guide

Global Customer Education

2053535-065 Rev E
The materials contained in this document are intended for
educational purposes only. This document does not establish
specifications, operating procedures or maintenance methods for
any of the products referenced. Always refer to the official written
materials (labeling) provided with the product for specifications,
operating procedures and maintenance requirements.

Skin Preparation and Resting 12-lead Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Skin Preparation and Stress ECG Lead Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Patient Data (ADT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Patient Data (Simple Orders) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Patient Data (Advanced Order Manager) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Acquire an ECG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Print Continuous Rhythm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
RR Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Acquire an Arrhythmia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Acquire a Stress ECG Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
File Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Exporting to SD Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
The quality of your ECG tracing is a direct

Skin Preparation and Resting 12-lead Placement

Skin Preparation
result of skin prep and lead placement.
and Resting 12-lead
Placement 1. Ensure that skin is dry, clean and
remove excessive hair.
2. Mark each electrode site with a felt
10 7 tip pen.
3. Degrease each site with a skin
preparation cream.
1 2
3 4. Use a mild abrasion to remove the
4 5 6
mark left by the felt tip pen.
5. Apply the electrodes to the prepared

9 8
6. Look at the hook-up advisor and
on-screen messages for indication of
lead problems.

Lead AHA Label IEC Label Description

1 V1 red C1 red Fourth intercostal space at the right sternal border

2 V2 yellow C2 yellow Fourth intercostal space at the left sternal border
3 V3 green C3 green Midway between location 2 and 4
4 V4 blue C4 brown Mid-clavicular line in the fifth intercostal space
5 V5 orange C5 black Anterior axillary line on the same horizontal level as 4
6 V6 purple C6 purple Mid-axillary line on the same horizontal level as 4 and 5
7 LA black L yellow Left wrist
8 LL F green Above left ankle (Alternate placement, upper leg as close to torso as possible)
9 RL green N black Above right ankle (Alternate placement, upper leg as close to torso as possible)
10 RA white R red Right wrist 1
Skin Preparation and Stress ECG Lead Placement

10 7

1 2
4 5 6

9 8

Skin Preparation and Stress ECG Lead Placement

Preparing the patient correctly of 1. Ensure that skin is dry, clean 5. Apply the electrodes to the
their ECG is a critical part of and remove excessive hair. prepared sites.
making sure that the reading is
2. Mark each electrode site with 6. Look at the hook-up advisor
accurate and free of noise. Here
a felt tip pen. and on-screen messages for
is what is suggested for a proper
indication of lead problems.
patient prep. 3. Degrease each site with a
skin preparation cream.
4. Use a mild abrasion to
remove the mark left by the
2 felt tip pen.
Skin Preparation and Stress ECG Lead Placement
Lead Electrode Placement

1 Fourth intercostal space at the right sternal border

2 Fourth intercostal space at the left sternal border
3 Midway between 2 and 4
4 Mid-clavicular line in the fifth intercostal space

5 Anterior axillary line on the same horizontal level as 4

6 Mid-axillary line on the same horizontal level as 4 and 5

10 Recommend placing in the soft fleshy area just below the right clavicle

7 Recommend placing in the soft fleshy area just below the left clavicle

Recommend placing on the corresponding right side of the thorax at the lower edge of the rib
cage, or at the lower level of umbilicus at the right mid-clavicular line.
Recommend placing on the corresponding left side of the thorax at the lower edge of the rib
cage, or at the lower level of umbilicus at the left mid-clavicular line.

Patient Data (ADT)

Resting ECG Arrhythmia Stress ECG File Manager System More


Patient Data 25 mm/s 10 mm/mV 150 Hz Pace Enhance More


Patient Data (ADT)

The MAC 2000 allows you to Database Query Using Barcode Database Query Using Internal
download patient demographics Reader or External Keyboard
via an ADT interface. You can 1. Select Resting ECG.
1. Select Resting ECG.
download patient demographics
2. Select the Patient Data. A
using internal or external 2. Select the Patient Data.
dialog box opens instructing
keyboard, or barcode reader. 3. Scan the patient barcode you to enter the Patient ID.
Use the following procedures to using the barcode reader.
query the database and select A dialog box opens with the
patient demographic for each. scanned Patient ID.
4. Click OK to accept the 3. Enter the Patient ID using the
selection. internal keypad or external
5. The patient demographic keyboard. A dialog box opens
data is populated. Modify any with the Patient ID you entered.
fields as necessary. 4. Click OK to accept the selection.
6. Select Save. 5. The patient demographic data
populated. Modify any fields as

4 6. Select Save.
Patient Data (Simple Orders)
Resting ECG Arrhythmia Stress ECG File Manager System More

Patient Data 25 mm/s 10 mm/mV 150 Hz Pace Enhance More


Printer Leads ADS Orders Main Menu More

Rhythm 6 On

Cancel Page Up Page Down Load

Patient List Page Down Cancel Save

Simple Orders
Simple Orders provides an Note! If Auto Execute Single 4. Select an order from the list.
interface to quickly download Order setting is enabled in 5. Select Load.
and execute one order at a time. Resting ECG Setup and only
Use the following steps to one open order for that 6. The order will download and
execute a simple order. given location is present the populate the Patient Data
system will automatically screen. Modify as patient
1. Select Resting ECG data as necessary.
download that single order
2. Select More. and populate the Patient 7. Select Save.
3. Select Orders. Information screen. 5
Patient Data (Advanced Order Manager)

Resting ECG Arrhythmia Stress ECG File Manager System More


Order Manager RR Analysis More

Select Load Orders Delete Orders Sort Orders Print Main Menu

Advanced Order Manager

Advanced Order Manager 1. From the Main Menu, select Note! To query multiple
provides an interface to More. locations, add a comma
download and store multiple between each location
2. Select Order Manager.
orders on the system and number e.g. 1,2,5,7.
execute them later. Use the 3. Select Load Orders.
5. Select Ok.
following procedure to execute 4. Enter the location(s).
an advanced order.

Patient Data (Advanced Order Manager)
Cancel Page Up Page Down Load Orders

Select Load Orders Delete Orders Sort Orders Print Main Menu

Cancel OK


Patient List Page Down Cancel Save


6. Select the order(s) from the 10. Select Ok to confirm the order 11. Select Patient Data to open
list. selection. with the patient information
screen which will be populated
7. Select Load Orders.
from the selected order.
8. Select Select.
12. Modify the patient and test
9. Select an order. data as necessary.
13. Select Save.

Acquire an ECG


ECG Rhythm Stop


Acquire an! ECG @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) +

• Select- Transmit to
1. Prepare the patient.
2 3 4 5 6 7
5. Select Patient Data to enter
8 9 0 =
the patient information. transmit that single
2. Open the Resting ECG |
? the default
Q of two
Wways:E R TPage Down
Y record to
function in one 6. Select toUaccessI O P / \
transmit location.
other Test Information
• Power on the unit or “
L start: a; new patient or
windows. • Select Next Patient to
A select

• From Main Menu
7. Select Save to save and close
Resting ECG. Select the ECG key to
the Patient Data window.
3. Verify waveform <, take
> . anotherEnter
ECG on the
Shift Z X 8. CSelectVthe ECG
B key on
N the M same patient.
quality by:
keyboard to record and print
• Checking Hook-up 11. When finished, do one of
Esc an ECG. Space Alt
Advisor. Green indicates a two things:
9. If you have your system set • Proceed to File Manager
good quality waveform.
to Preview before Analysis, to transmit records. (See
• Cycle through the lead select Continue to proceed to Transmit Stored
groups to visually verify analyze and print an ECG or Records.)
lead quality by selecting Cancel to cancel the analysis.
the Leads key on the • Turn the unit off and plug
10. If finished, continue with step it into AC power.
11, or continue with these
4. Use the appropriate keys to options: Note! Steps 1, 5 and 8 are
make adjustments to • Select Print to print the minimal basic steps
(if necessary): another copy for acquiring an ECG. All
• Speed other steps are only used
• Gain • Select Save if the unit is
as required depending on
• Filter not set to save the ECG
automatically. options and features
8 turned on.
Print Continuous Rhythm
Power Leads Rhythm Stop

ECG Rhythm Stop


! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) +
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - =

? |
Q W E R T Y U I O P / \

A S D F G H J K L :; ‘

Shift Z X C V B N M <, >. Enter

Esc Space Alt

Print Continuous Rhythm

1. Prepare the Patient. • Cycle through the lead 6. Select Page Down to access
2. Open the Resting ECG groups to visually verify other Test Information
function in one of two ways: lead quality by selecting windows
the Leads key on the 7. Select Save to save
• If the select default Keyboard.
power on option is and close the Patient
Resting ECG, simply 4. Use the keys to make Data window.
power on the unit or adjustments to (if necessary): 8. Select the Rhythm key on the
• Speed
• From Main Menu select keyboard to print a continuous
• Gain
Resting ECG rhythm.
• Filter
3. Verify waveform quality by: 9. Select the Stop button to
5. Select Patient Data to enter
• Checking Hook-up stop printing.
patient information.
Advisor. Green indicates Note! Rhythm reports are
a good quality waveform. not stored to File Manager. 9
RR Analysis

Resting ECG Arrhythmia Stress ECG File Manager System More

Order Manager RR Analysis More

Start Test Patient Data RR Analysis Setup Main Menu

6 4 5
Print PDF Export Main Menu Return

Printing an RR Analysis Report (not sold in all countries)

Use the following steps to RR table) as necessary by • To discard the reading and
generate an RR Analysis report. selecting RR Analysis Setup. begin over, select Return.
and repeat from Step 5.
1. Prepare the patient. 6. Select Start Test to start the
test. • To discard the reading and
2. From the Main Menu select
return to the Main Menu,
More. When the target is achieved,
select Main Menu.
a preview of the summary
3. Select RR Analysis. You can
results, histogram, and • To accept the reading and
also access RR Analysis from
trendgram are shown on the print the report on the
the Resting ECG mode after
display. thermal printer, select Print
an ECG has been acquired.
Note! You may select • To accept the reading and
4. Select Patient Data and
Stop Test to stop the test export the results as a PDF
enter the patient data.
prior to the reaching the file, select PDF
5. Adjust the setup options target. Export.
(target, record lead, gain,
7. While reviewing the preview, Note! Steps 1, 4 and 6 are
speed, filter, pacemaker
do any of the following: the minimal basic steps
detection, rhythm record, and
10 for acquiring RR Analysis.
Acquire an Arrhythmia
Start recording button

Start Recording 12.5 mm/s 10 mm/mV 150 Hz More

5 mm/s

ECG Rhythm Stop


Leads button
! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) +
Acquire an 1Arrhythmia
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - =
1. Prepare the Patient. 5. Select Save to save and close 8. Select Start
Q W E R the Patient
Data window. I O P / \
2. Open the Arrhythmia function 9. Select Stop Recording.
in one of two ways: 6. Verify waveform quality by: “
10. Select Confirm Stop to
• If the select A
defaultSpowerD F• Checking
Hook-up JAdvisor.
K : ;recording or Continue
Lstop the

on option is Arrhythmia, Green indicates a good Recording to continue to
simply power on the unit quality waveform. < , collect
> . information.
or Shift Z X C V B N M Enter
• Cycle through the lead 11. After the recording is
• From Main Menu select groups to visually verify stopped, select the type of
ArrhythmiaEsc Space
lead quality by selecting Alt you wish
Arrhythmia report
the Leads key on the the printout to include:
3. The Patient Data window
Keyboard. Summary Report, Table
automatically opens. Enter Report, or Episode Report.
the desired information. 7. Make adjustments to
(if necessary): 12. Select Main Menu.
4. Select Page Down to access
• Speed Note! Steps 1, 3 and 8 are
other Test Information
• Gain the minimal basic steps
• Filter for acquiring an ECG. 11
Acquire a Stress ECG Test

1 3 5 7
Pretest Exercise Recovery Test End

Recall 12 ld Medians Comment

2 4 6 8

! @ # $ % ^ &
Stress ECG Testing Keyboard 1 2 3 4 5 6
The Stress ECG test keys are 3. Exercise: Advanced the test 7. Test End: Ends the current
located at the top of the stress to the Exercise Phase or while test. When a confirmation
test keyboard. These keys are
used to control the functions of Q W
in the Exercise Phase if
selected will advance to the
message appears on the
screen, select the desired Y
the stress test as well as the next stage in that phase. function key.
connected stress device. 8. Comment: Allows you to
4. 12 Ld: Prints a 12 lead report.
1. Pretest: Advanced the test to enter comments about the
the Pretest Phase or while in A S
5. Recovery: Advances to the
Recovery phase or while in D F G
test. Comments are printed
on the Tabular Summary
the Pretest Phase if selected the Recovery Phase if
will advance to the next stage Report. You can enter up to
selected will advance to the
in that phase. 100 characters.
next stage.
2. Recall: Prints a one-page
rhythm strip report using the
Shift Z a medianX
6. Medians: Prints C V B
report. Set the type of median
previous 10 secs of data from report you wish to print in the
the point from which you Stress Setup window under
select the Recall key
In-test Reports.

Rhythm Stop

Acquire a Stress ECG Test

9 11 13 15
Hold Stage Speed W+ Grade Tmil

Enter BP Speed W- Grade Tmil

10 12 14 16

& * ( )
_ +
7 8 9 0 -
12. Speed W- : Decreases
15. Tmil >: Starts the Treadmill
9. Hold Stage: Maintains the
current test stage and treadmill speed or ergometer 16. Tmil•: Stops the Treadmill
load. Selecting this button will
? |
doesn’t allow the protocol to
go to next stage. Select again
to remove the stage hold and following the selected
result in the system no longer
to go back to programmed protocol and places the “
protocol staging. system in manual mode.

10. Enter BP: Allows you to enter 13. Grade : Increase treadmill

a Blood Pressure reading incline. Selecting this button
manually or triggers a will result in the system no
reading for a supported longer following the selected

external device.
M <,
11. Speed W+: Increase treadmill
protocol and places the
system in manual mode. Enter
speed or ergometer load. 14 Grade : Decrease treadmill
Selecting this button will incline. Selecting this button
result in the system no longer will result in the system no
Space following the selected longer following the selectedAlt
protocol and places the protocol and places the
system in manual mode. system in manual mode.

Acquire a Stress ECG Test

Resting ECG Arrhythmia Stress ECG File Manager System More


Patient Data 25 mm’s 10 mm/mV FRF More

2 3

Pace Enhance Printer Leads Select Protocol Report Format Target HR More
Off 12

Accessing Stress ECG Mode

The Stress ECG mode is a 5. You can also turn Pace
purchasable option and allows Enhance On or Off, select the
you to conduct a Stress ECG test Printer Leads, select Report
with a direct connection to Formats or change the Target
treadmill or ergometer. HR.
Regardless of the devices the
Note! In setups you can
basic procedure for conducting a
automatically set the
Stress ECG test is the same. Now
Target HR % that you wish
let’s access the Stress ECG menu.
4. Select Protocol to choose to achieve. This number is
1. Select Stress ECG from the desired protocol. The default calculated against the
Main Menu. protocol will be chosen, patient’s age.
2. Select Patient Data and enter however you can select
the appropriate data. another protocol from the list.
If you do select a new
14 3. Select More. protocol, select Save.
Acquire a Stress ECG Test
ECG Rhythm Stop
1 4 5 Leads

Pretest Exercise Recovery Test End Hold Stage Speed W+ Grade Tmil

Recall 12 ld Medians Comment Enter BP Speed W- Grade Tmil

2 3 3
7 2 8
! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )
1 4 5 6 9 0 - =
? |
Pretest Phase W E R T Y U I O P / \
A Stress ECG protocol typically is 1. Select the Pretest button on 4. Select the Pretest button to

composed of 4 A phases.SThese D F the keyboard
G Hto enterJ the K Ladvance: ;through the ‘
include Pretest, Exercise Pretest Phase. Standing and Hypervent
Recovery and Test End.
Shift Z X C 2. Select
V theBBP button
N on the
M < , stages
> . a BP andEnter
12-lead as
Pretest allows the user to take keyboard and enter patient’s
ECG and bloodEsc pressure blood pressure. 5. Select the Pretest button to
Space Alt
measurements in a variety of advance to Warm-up.
patient positions. Depending on 6. Select the Tmil> button to
the protocol, it is also a phase start the treadmill.
that could be used to allow the
patient to warm-up before the 7. Have the patient start to walk
Exercise portion of the Stress at speed based on the
ECG test. 3. Select the 12 ld button on the selected protocol.
keyboard to take a 12-lead

Rhythm Stop
Acquire a Stress ECG Test

1 Leads 2

Pretest Exercise Recovery Test End Hold Stage Speed W+ Grade Tmil

Recall 12 ld Medians Comment Enter BP Speed W- Grade Tmil

_ +
51 @
44 %
5 6^ 6 &
7 3* 8 (
0 - =
? |
Q W E R T Y U I O P /
Exercise Phase manually control the 3. A blood pressure will\be
Once the patient is comfortable treadmill or ergometer’s

automatically prompted for
walking on the treadmillS or D F workload.
G H J K : ; the protocol or you
Lbased on

peddling on the ergometer, select 2. can select the Enter BP button
Select the Hold Stage button
the Exercise key onZthe keyboard
Shift X C V result B
will N being
in the stage M < on the
, > keyboard to enter a BP.
. Enter
to start the Exercise Phase. The held at that workload for as 4. A 12 lead will be automatically
phase will now indicate Exercise long as the stage is held. taken by the system based on
Esc Space Alt
and the stage time and workload Select Hold Stage a second the protocol or you can select
will be dictated by the protocol. time to release the stage to the 12 ld button on the
1. Select the Exercise button on follow the selected protocol. keyboard to take a 12 lead.
the keyboard. The system will You may also take a median
now enter the exercise phase report at any time by selecting
and follow the selected Medians.
protocol. Select the Exercise 5. Select the Recall button to
button a second time will capture the previous 10 sec of
advance the protocol to the ECG that just pasted on the
next stage. screen.
Note! Selecting the 6. Select Comment on the
Speed or Grade controls keyboard to enter a patient
for the treadmill or related comment.
ergometer will result in Note! The stage time will
the system dropping out turn red when the stage
16 of the protocol. At this is in hold.
point the user must
Rhythm Stop

Acquire a Stress ECG Test


Pretest Exercise Recovery Test End Hold Stage Speed W+ Grade Tmil

Recall 12 ld Medians Comment Enter BP Speed W- Grade Tmil

0 -
= 6

? |
Q W E R T Y U I O P / \
Recovery Phase

4. BP will :automatically be
Once it is determined that the
A S D 1.F SelectGthe Recovery
H key on
J K L ;

Exercise portion of the stress test the function keyboard when prompted based on the
has been completed, you will the patient has reached peak protocol.
now selectShift Z
the Recovery X
button C exercise,
V B when N
or you areM
<, >. Enter
5. Enter comments or take extra
and enter into the recovery ready to advance to the
12 leads or medians as
phase. The Recovery
Esc phase is Recovery Phase. Space Alt
opportunity to continue to
2. On supported treadmills the
monitor the patient to make sure 6. Select Tmil• on the keyboard
speed and grade of the
their blood pressure, heart rate, to stop the belt. If using an
treadmill will gradually
symptoms and ECG return to ergometer, have the patient
decrease according to the
their pre- test values. The length stop peddling.
of the Recovery Phase will
depend on your clinician 3. The system will automatically
protocol. print a peak 12-lead or
median report according to
the protocol.

Rhythm Stop
Acquire a Stress ECG Test

Leads 1

Pretest Exercise Recovery Test End Hold Stage Speed W+ Grade Tmil

Recall 12 ld Medians Comment Enter BP Speed W- Grade Tmil

_ +
2 2# 3 $
0 - =
Confirm Test End Continue Test

? |
Q W E R T Y U I O P / \

A S D F G H J K L :; ‘

Test End <, >.

Shift Z X C V B N M Enter
Once the Recovery phase is 2. Confirmation of ending the 3. Once you have selected
completed you can select Test
Esc Space Confirm
test appears. Select Confirm Test End
Alt the
End on the keyboard and Test End to end test or select following menu selections
disconnect the leads from the Continue Test to continue appear.
patient. collecting data for the current
1. Select the Test End key on patient.
the keyboard when ready to
end the test.

Acquire a Stress ECG Test
Next Patient Print Report Format Main Menu More

7 4 5

4. Select Print to print the 6. Select Save to save your Note! Stress ECG test are
default Summary Report changes and select Print to not saved to the File
Format. print that Summary report. Manager. Once you
5. If you desire to select select to do you next
7. Select Next Patient to
different Summary Report patient all test data will
conduct a Stress ECG test on
components then originally be lost.
the next patient. The system
chosen in the Stress Testing will verify that The previous
Setup, select Report Format test data will be lost. Do you
to override those default wish to continue with the
selections. The following Next Patient?
screen appears to allow you
Select Yes to continue
to select the different

To Select Records:
File Manager

1. From Main Menu select File 07/28/2008 14:58:04 90/200

2. From File Manager you can
select records to:
• Edit
• Preview
• Delete
• Print
• Transmit
• Import Edit Preview Delete Print Transmit More

• Export

To Select All:
1. Select Select All. All records Highlighted records are Selected records are
are selected. shaded in dark blue shaded in gray

2. Select the menu key of the 07/28/2008 15:01:41 90/200

desired function, such as Print.

To Select Individual Records:

1. Select Select.
2. Use the circles on the trimpad
to highlight the record.
Highlighted records are
shaded in dark blue.
3. Select the middle of the
trimpad to select the records.
Edit Preview Delete Print Transmit More
Selected records are then
shaded in gray.
5. If needed, continue to select
other records.
6. Select the menu key of the
20 desired function, such as Print.
File Manager
Tier 1 F Keys for File Manager

Select Select All Import Print Directory Search Main Menu

Select individual Select all

records records

Tier 2 F Keys for File Manager

Edit Preview Delete Print Transmit More

Edit a Delete a record Print the

record selected

Edit Stored ECG Records Delete Stored ECG Records

1. From Main Menu select File 6. Select Page Down to access 1. From Main Menu select File
Manager. other Test Information Manager.
2. Select Select to highlight the Windows
2. Select Select to select
individual record to edit. You 7. Edit the data as required. individual records to delete.
may only select one record Select All to select all records.
8. Select Save to save edited
to edit at a time.
fields and close the data 3. Select Delete.
3. Select Edit to edit the window.
4. A message will appear
selected record.
9. Highlight the record using the verifying whether you want
4. Use the keys on the Trimpad Trimpad and select Print to to delete the selected
to select the Patient print the edited record. record(s).
Information to be edited.
5. Select Yes to delete the
5. Edit the data as required. record(s). Select No to cancel
the delete function. 21
File Manager

Tier 3 F Keys for File Manager

Edit Preview Delete Print Transmit More

Preview Print record(s) Transmit

record(s) record(s)

Print Stored ECG Records Transmit Stored Records Preview Stored ECG Records
1. From Main Menu select the 1. From Main Menu select the 1. From the Main Menu select
key for File Manager. key for File Manager. the key for File Manager.
2. Select Select to highlight an 2. Select Print Directory to print 2. Select Select to highlight the
individual records to print. a list of stored files record to preview.
Select All to select all records.
3. Select Select All to select all 3. Select Preview.
3. Select Print to print the records to transmit or select
4. The 12 lead display of the
selected record(s) to the Select to select individual
ECG record will be displayed.
thermal printer. records.
5. Select Return to return to the
4. Select Transmit to transmit
File Manager main screen.
selected records.
5. One of two things will
• If only one location is
defined, the file(s) will be
transmitted to the default
• If multiple locations are
defined, select the
desired location and
select Ok.
Exporting to SD Card
Transmit Export Preview Return More

Export record(s)

Exporting to SD Card
1. Select Select to highlight 4. Select Export. The F keys 5. To export the data in XML,
individual records to export. change to allow you to select select Hilltop XML. One of
Select All to select all records. the format in which to export two things happens:
the data.
Select Select All Import Print Directory Search
• If a shared directory was
Main Menu
• To export the data in defined, a window opens
XML, skip to step 5. for you to select the
• To export the data in PDF,
proceed to step 8.
2. If you are exporting to an SD
card, insert the card into the
MAC 2000 SD Card Slot. Make
sure the card has sufficient
free space for the selected
records and that it is not
write protected. If there is not
sufficient space on the SD
card a message will appear
indicating that.
3. Select More.

4 GB 23
Skip to step 6. 7. Select OK. The selected 8. To export the data as a PDF,
Exporting to SD Card

records are exported to the select PDF.

• If a shared directory was
selected destination. A window
not defined, the selected 9. Follow steps 6 through 7.
opens to inform you of the
records are exported to
export’s progress. The window
the SD card.
closes when the export is
A window opens to complete.
inform you of the
Note! When exporting to
export’s progress. The
a shared directory, the
window closes when the
MAC 2000 device logs on
export is complete.
to the directory with the
6. Do one of the following: user name and password
• To export to the SD card, defined on the
select SD Card in the Communications Setup
window. window. If either of those
values are incorrect, you
• To export to the shared
will receive an error
directory, select Shared
message. Correct the user
Directory in the window.
name and password on
the Communication
Setup window and repeat
the export process.

GE Healthcare provides transformational medical technologies and services that are shaping a
new age of patient care.
Our broad expertise in medical imaging and information technologies, medical diagnostics,
patient monitoring systems, drug discovery, biopharmaceutical manufacturing technologies,
performance improvement and performance solutions services help our customers to deliver
better care to more people around the world at a lower cost.
In addition, we partner with healthcare leaders, striving to leverage the global policy change
necessary to implemental successful shift to sustainable healthcare systems.
imagination at work


GE Healthcare GE Medical Systems Information Technologies GmbH

8200 West Tower Avenue Munzingerstrasse 5
Milwaukee, WI 53223 79111 Freiburg, Germany
USA Tel: +49 761 45 43 -0
Fax: +49 761 45 43 -233

© 2015 General Electric Company – All rights reserved.

General Electric Company reserves the right to make changes in specifications and features shown herein, or discontinue the product described at
any time without notice or obligation.

GE, GE Monogram, Marquette, 12SL, MAC 2000 and MUSE are trademarks of General Electric Company. GE Medical Systems Information Technology,
a General Electric company, doing business as GE Healthcare.

Notice: The materials contained in this document are intended for educational purposes only. This document does not establish specifications,
operating procedures or maintenance methods for any of the products referenced. Always refer to the official written materials (labeling) provided with
the product for specifications, operating procedures and maintenance requirements. Specifications are subject to change.

All patient names or other protected health information or data contained in any image within this material is fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons
is coincidental.

2053535-065 Rev F

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