DigitalDesignStudy Template
DigitalDesignStudy Template
DigitalDesignStudy Template
Student number:
Insert you nine-digital student registration number above (not your six-digit use ID login number)
Insert captures images etc. into the relevant parts of this document as described in each of the numbered
items below. Detailed instructions for submission are given in section 11 of the Design document “Design
Study Workbook: RGB LED Driver”, except item 1, which is related to the “Quartus Walkthrough 1”
document. Section numbers below refer to the sections in the document where specific exercises are detailed.
Do not delete sections from this file – if you have not done part of the assignment leave that section blank.
Do not insert additional material that is not requested in the sections below.
Insert below your code for the waveform generation (not the whole test bench)
Insert below your code for the D signal (not the whole test bench).
500660 2022
The table below defines input names for (possible) use on your state diagram. Use these names (if required)
(with their logic levels) to label transitions on your state diagram. Note that the inputs are defined here as
active for logic 1 and you should also use this in your state diagram.
Symbolic Input Name Description
Fin Fade mode input, Fin = 1 for fade mode
Din Dual mode input, Din = 1 for dual mode
Rst Asynchronous reset to state 1111, Rst = 1 for reset
The table below defines output names for use on the state diagram. In each state on the diagram identify
which outputs are 1 (it will be assumed the others are 0). Use exactly the same names on your diagram.
Symbolic Output Name Description
RDUP Red Up – increase red LED brightness when RUP = 1
RDDN Red Down – decrease red LED brightness when RDN = 1
GNUP Green Up – increase green LED brightness when GUP = 1
GNDN Green Down – decrease green LED brightness when GDN = 1
BLUP Blue Up – increase blue LED brightness when BUP = 1
BLDN Blue Down – decrease blue LED brightness when BDN = 1
Using information from the design description, logic equations, truth tables, and simulation results draw a
state diagram for the RGB controller state machine using the names defined above (draw/insert your
diagram below this paragraph). Exclude the state load functionality – just draw the state diagram
representing the next state logic described for the design. For simplicity on the diagram, it is suggested that
you do not draw transitions to the fade state, as all states transition to this state when Fin=1. Also do not
include transitions to the reset state but label the diagram to indicate the reset state of the machine. Draw
your state diagram in the style defined by the figure below.
500660 2022
State State
name 1 name 2 Condition for
staying in state 2
Outputs in Outputs in
state 1 state 2
This is a drawing style guide
Condition for transition is not meant to represent an
State 2 to state 1 actual state machine