Power Engineering Book
Power Engineering Book
Power Engineering Book
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Subject Name: Power Engg. & Refrigeration Model Answer Subject Code: 22562
Important Instructions to examiners:
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer scheme.
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more Importance (Not applicable for
subject English and Communication Skills.
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure. The figures
drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values may vary and
there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer based on
candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent concept.
Q. Su Answer Marking
No. Q. Scheme
Q.1 a) Following are the diagnostic tools used in fault finding of MPFI engines Any 4
4. Mechanic’s Stethoscope
b) SEER: Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER), is most commonly used to measure the efficiency 1M
of a central air conditioner. The higher the SEER, the more efficient the system OR It is the ratio
of cooling Capacity to energy consumed in watts-hours. each
EER: Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) is a measure of how efficiently a cooling system will operate
when the outdoor temperature is at a specific level (95 degrees F). The higher the EER, the more
efficient the system. In technical terms,(Correction) OR It is the ratio of total capacity to the total
KW energy usage at specific humidity and temperature condition.
d) Compressor pressure ratio (CPR), is the ratio of the air total pressure exiting the compressor to 2M
5. liquid hydrogen
1. To compensate for loss of power due to high altitudes for air craft engines ½M
3. For a given weight and bulk of the engine, super charging increase power output. This is Any 2
important in air craft, marine and automotive engines where weight and space are Points
4. Super charging is done to induct more amount of air into cylinder per unit times and
hence to burn more amount of fuel to increase power output
Working Principle: As the fluid enters and leaves in the axial direction, the centrifugal
component in the energy equation does not come into play. Here the compression is fully based
on diffusing action of the passages. 2M
The diffusing action in stator converts absolute kinetic head of the fluid into rise in pressure.
The relative kinetic head in the energy equation is a term that exists only because of the rotation
of the rotor.
The rotor reduces the kinetic head of the fluid and adds it to the absolute kinetic head of the
fluid i.e. the impact of the rotor on the fluid particles increases its velocity (absolute) and
thereby reduces the relative velocity between the fluid and the rotor.
In short increases the absolute velocity of the fluid and the stator converts this into pressure
Heavy frame industrial gas turbines compared to aero derivative gas turbines are usually slower
in speed, narrower in operating speed range, heavier, larger, have higher air flow, slower in 2M
start-up and need more time and spare parts for maintenance. Heavy frame industrial gas
turbines use hydrodynamic bearing.
Aero derivative gas turbines use anti-friction bearing. Advanced aircraft engine and space
technologies have been used to provide maintainable, flexible, light weight and compact aero
derivative gas turbines. The key to maintainability is the modular concept which provides for
removal of components and replacement without removing the gas turbine from its support
The heavy frame industrial units, by contrast, require more amount of effort to remove and
replace components (especially combustor parts) and more effort to inspect or repair the
sections. The user should weigh needs and requirements against the variety of gas turbines
Traditionally, preference has been to place the aero derivative units in remotely located
applications (including offshore) and to place heavy frame industrial units in easily accessible
base-load applications. The heavy frame industrial gas turbines consume more fuel and more air
than the aero derivative units. They are exposed to a greater quantity of the contaminants in air
that cause corrosion.
Q.3 a) Following are Changes in automobile manufacturers in achieving BS6 norms of diesel engines Any
3. Reduction in PM emission by 80%
4. Use of Lean NOX traps
10. Fumigation
b) Combustion In S I Engine
According to Ricardo, There are three stages of combustion in SI Engine as shown in figure
above 1. Ignition lag stage 2. Flame propagation stage 3. After burning stage
There is a certain time interval between instant of spark and instant where there is a noticeable Stages
rise in pressure due to combustion. This time lag is called IGNITION LAG. 2M
2. Flame propagation stage:
Once the flame is formed at “b”, it should be self sustained and must be able to propagate through
the mixture. This is possible when the rate of heat generation by burning is greater than heat lost
by flame to surrounding. After the point “b”, the flame propagation is abnormally low at the
beginning as heat lost is more than heat generated.
3.After burning:
Combustion will not stop at point “c” but continue after attaining peak pressure and this
combustion is known as after burning. This generally happens when the rich mixture is supplied
to engine.
The storage type cooler has the evaporator coil soldered on to the walls of the storage tank
of the cooler, generally on to the outside surface of the walls. The tank could be of the galvanized
steel or stainless steel sheets. Water level is maintained in the tank by a float wall.
Push type water taps are generally provided for drawing cold water in both the types, to
minimize the wastage of refrigerated water. Thermostat controls the operation of the compressor
to maintain the water temperature at the desired level. The feeler bulb of the thermostat is
clamped on to the water coil just at its outlet end in the instantaneous cooler. In the storage type,
the bulb is kept immeresed in water in the tank or clamped to the wall of the storage tank on the
outside at a lower level, much below the lower most evaporator refrigerant tube soildered on to
the tank. 2M
No, the Otto cycle efficiency 56.47% will always be lower than Carnot cycle efficiency. 1M
Justification: Carnot theorem states that keeping operating conditions same, Carnot engine is
more efficient than any other engine. So, Otto cycle efficiency is lower than Carnot cycle
Q.4 a)
Variable Turbine Geometry technology is the next generation in turbocharger technology where the turbo
uses variable vanes to control exhaust flow against the turbine blades. The problem with the fixed 2M
geometry turbocharger that big turbochargers do not work well at slow engine speeds, while small
turbochargers are fast to spool but run out of steam pretty quick.
A turbocharger equipped with Variable Turbine Geometry has little movable vanes which can direct
exhaust flow onto the turbine blades. The vane angles are adjusted via an actuator. The angles of the
vanes vary throughout the engine RPM range to optimize turbine behaviour.
where, GWP - Refrigerant Global Warming Potential (equivalent to CO2) [kg CO2/kg refrigerant]
LCCP = TEWI + GWP (Indirect) [energy consumption expressed as CO2- eq emissions from chemical
production & transport, manufacturing components & vehicle assembly and end-of-life] + GWP (direct)
[chemical refrigerant emissions including atmospheric reaction products, manufacturing leakage, and
end-of- -life]
1. Compression of air takes place with help of 1. Compression of air takes place due to rotary Any
piston and cylinder arrangement with motion of blades.
reciprocating motion of piston.
2. Delivery of air intermittent. 2. Delivery of air is continuous.
3. Delivery pressure is high i.e. pressure ratio 3. Delivery pressure is low, i.e. pressure ratio is
is high. low. each
4. Flow rate of air is low. 4. Flow rate of air is high.
Skelton diagram -
for dig.