Electric Power Systems Module 1
Electric Power Systems Module 1
Electric Power Systems Module 1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Lecture Plan
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Lecture Plan
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, student should have the ability to:
(1) describe the structure and the main energy sources for
an electric power systems
(2) explain the basic components which are consist in an
electric power systems
(3) determine various types of generating system such as
thermal, hydro, nuclear, and renewable energy station
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Lecture Plan
Learning Outcomes
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Lecture Plan
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Lecture Plan
Teaching & Assessment Approaches
Teaching Approaches
• Lecture (14 weeks)
• Tutorial (Each module)
• Project & Assignment
– Prototype of Electrical Power System (Due: Week 5)
– Matlab Simulation on Power Flow/ Fault Analysis
Assessment Approaches
1. Quiz : 05%
2. Assignment : 05%
3 Test : 30%
4. Project : 15%
5. Others : 05%
6. Final Examination : 40%
Total : 100%
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Lecture Plan
1. Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems; Theodore Wildi, Prentice
Hall, 2006.
2. Electric Machinery and Power System Fundamentals; Chapman Stephen J.,
McGraw-Hill, 2002.
3. Power System Analysis (2nd Edition); Hadi Saadat, Prentice Hall, 2004.
4. Electric Power Systems (4th Edition); Weedy B. M. and Cory B. J., John
Wiley & Sons, 1998.
Other References :
1. Electrical Power and Controls (2nd Edition); Timothy L. S, William E. D.,
Prentice Hall, 2004.
2. Power System Analysis and Design (3rd Edition); J. Duncan Glover and
Mulukutla S. Sarma,a. Brooks/ Cole Thomson Learning, 2002.
3. Introduction to Power System Technology; Theodore R. Bosela, Prentice
Hall, 1997.
Introduction to Power
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
1.1 Introduction
1.2 History of Electric Power System
1.3 The Sources of Electric Energy
1.4 Modern Electric Power System
1.5 National Grid, Malaysia
1.6 Representation of Electric Power
1.7 Basic Computer Analysis of Electric
Power System
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
What is Electric Power System?
Electric power system is a composite system of
generation, transmission, and distribution systems.
Step-up Step-down
Transformers Transformers Consumers
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
The electricity produced by a generator travels along cables to
a transformer, which changes electricity from low voltage to
high voltage. Electricity can be moved long distances more
efficiently using high voltage.
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Oil (Diesel/ Petroleum)
Natural Gas
Nuclear power
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
• Transformers
Step-up transformers are used to increase the voltage
level for long distances power transmission.
The power transferred to the secondary is almost the
same as the primary.
In modern utility system, the power may undergo 4 or 5
transformations between generator and ultimate user.
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Transformer at Kenyir
Dam Hydroelectric
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
The primary distribution lines are ranging from 6.6 kV to 33
The secondary distribution lines are normally at 415 V and
240 V.
Distribution systems are both overhead and underground.
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Representation of EPS
One-line Diagram
Representation of EPS
Apparatus Symbols of One-line Diagram
Or Load
Representation of EPS
Apparatus Symbols of One-line Diagram
Three-phase, three-
wire delta connection
Three-phase wye,
neutral grounded
Or transformer V Voltmeter
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Representation of EPS
One-line Diagram
The information on a one-line diagram is vary according to the problem at
hand and the practice of the particular company preparing the diagram.
Example :
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Representation of EPS
Advantages of One-line Diagram
One phase represents all three phases of the balanced
The equivalent circuits of the components are replaced
by their standard symbols.
The completion of the circuit through the neutral is
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Representation of EPS
Impedance and Reactance Diagrams
Impedance (Z = R + jX) diagram is converted from one-
line diagram showing the equivalent circuit of each
component of the system. It is needed in order to
calculate the performance of a system under load
conditions (Load flow studies) or upon the occurrence of a
short circuit (fault analysis studies).
Reactance (jX) diagram is further simplified from
impedance diagram by omitting all static loads, all
resistances, the magnetizing current of each transformer,
and the capacitance of the transmission line. It is apply to
fault calculations only, and not to load flow studies.
Impedance and reactance diagrams sometimes called the
Positive-sequence diagram.
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Representation of EPS
Impedance and Reactance Diagrams
1 T1 T2 3
2 Load B
Load A
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Representation of EPS
Impedance and Reactance Diagrams
Impedance diagram corresponding to the one-line diagram of Example 1.2
E1 E2 E3
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Representation of EPS
Impedance and Reactance Diagrams
Reactance diagram corresponding to the one-line diagram of Example 1.2
E1 E2 E1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Representation of EPS
Per-unit Representation
Common quantities used in power system analysis are
voltage (kV), current (kA), voltamperes (kVA or MVA),
and impedance (Ω).
It is very cumbersome to convert currents to a different
voltage level in a power system having two or more
voltage levels.
Per-unit representation is introduced such that the
various physical quantities are expressed as a decimal
fraction or multiples of base quantities and is defined as:
actual quantity
Quantity in per - unit
base value of quantity
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Representation of EPS
Example :
For instance, if a base voltage of 275 kV is chosen, actual voltages of
247.5 kV, 275 kV, and 288.75 kV become 0.90, 1.00, and 1.05 per-unit.
Representation of EPS
For three-phase systems:
base kVA 3
Base current, A
3 X base voltage, kVLL
(base voltage, kVLL ) 2
Base impedance
base MVA 3
Base power, kW3 base kVA 3
Base power, MW3 base MVA 3
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Representation of EPS
Example :
A three-phase, wye-connected system is rated at 100 MVA and 132 kV.
Express 80 MVA of three-phase apparent power as a per-unit value
referred to
(a) the three-phase system MVA as base and
(b) the single-phase system MVA as base.
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Representation of EPS
Changing the Base of Per-unit Quantities
The impedance of individual generators and
transformers are generally in terms of % or pu quantities
based on their own ratings (By manufacturer).
For power system analysis, all impedances must be
expressed in pu on a common system base. Thus, it is
necessary to convert the pu impedances from one base
to another (common base, for example: 100 MVA).
Per-unit impedance of a circuit element
(actual impedance, ) X (base MVA)
(base voltage, kV) 2
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Representation of EPS
The equation shows that pu impedance is directly
proportional to base MVA and inversely proportional to
the square of the base voltage.
Therefore, to change from old base pu impedance to
new base pu impedance, the following equation applies:
base kVold base MVA new
Per - unit Z new per - unit Zold
base kVnew base MVA old
Example 1.5:
The reactance X” of a generator is given as 0.20 pu based on the
generator’s nameplate rating of 13.2 kV, 30 MVA. The base for
calculations is 13.8 kV, 50 MVA. Find X” on this new base.
13.2 50
x" 0.20 0.306 pu
13.8 30 54
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Representation of EPS
Example :
A 30 MVA 13.8 kV three-phase generator has a subtransient reactance
of 15%. The generator supplies two motors over a transmission line
having transformers at both ends, as shown in the one-line diagram
below. The motors have rated inputs of 20 MVA and 10 MVA, both 12.5
kV with x” = 20%. The three-phase transformer T1 is rated 35 MVA,
13.2Δ – 115Y kV with leakage reactance of 10%. Transformer T2 is
composed of three single-phase transformers each rated at 10 MVA,
12.5Δ – 67Y kV with leakage reactance of 10%. Series reactance of the
transmission line is 80 Ω. Draw the reactance diagram with all
reactances marked in per unit. Select the generator rating as base in
the generator circuit.
(12.9 kV)
(13.8 kV)
T1 (120 kV) T2 1
k l m n
2 Cont…
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Representation of EPS
The three-phase rating of transformer T2 is 3 X 10 MVA = 30 MVA.
and its line-to-line voltage ratio is 12.5 – √3 X 67 = 12.5 – 116 kV.
A base of 30 MVA, 13.8 kV in the generator circuit requires a 30 MVA
base in all parts of the system and the following voltage bases:
In transmission line: 13.8(115/13.2) = 120 kV.
In motor circuit: 120(12.5/116) = 12.9 kV.
The reactances of the transformers converted to the proper base are:
Transformer T1: X = 0.1 (13.2/13.8)2(30/35) = 0.0784 pu.
Transformer T2: X = 0.1(12.5/12.9)2 = 0.0940 pu.
The base impedance of the transmission line is
(120 kV)2/30 MVA = 480 Ω
and the reactance of the line is (80/480) = 0.167 pu.
Reactance of motor 1 = 0.2 (12.5/12.9)2(30/20) = 0.282 pu.
Reactance of motor 2 = 0.2 (12.5/12.9)2(30/10) = 0.563 pu.
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
Representation of EPS
Reactance diagram :
p r
Eg Em1 Em2
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1
BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems – Module 1