Lab 6
Lab 6
Lab 6
Lab 6
Projections and Vector Analysis:
Biotic and abiotic properties along the Clark Fork and Blackfoot
1. Gain familiarity with projections and recognize distortions
2. Review and conduct single layer vector analyses
3. Conduct dual layer vector analyses
4. Learn a bit about abiotic and biotic characteristics along the Clark Fork and Blackfoot rivers
DEFINITION: On the fly projection refers to the ability of GIS layers to align correctly,
even if different projections are defined for a datalayer. GIS databases place features in
space using coordinate systems. Any GIS layer may utilize any of hundreds coordinate
systems. Software such as ArcGIS can do a good job of temporarily transforming the
coordinate systems of GIS layers, aligning them on-the-fly, provided these data have
embedded metadata that accurately describes the coordinate system that is used to identify
locations within the dataset. When data layers don't line up, it is because one data layer or
another does not have the proper embedded coordinate system information.
NOTE: For both the permanent and temporary projection to work, the dataset must have
a valid projection definition file. This file can be accessed and modified in
ArcCatalog and ArcToolBox (ArcToolBox→Data Management
Tools→Projections and Transformations→Define Projection). Modifying the
projection definition file does not reproject the original data.
Additional Note: On-the-fly projections are less mathematically rigorous than permanent
projections. If you plan to use datasets in an exacting analysis, you should project
them permanently to the same coordinate system with the ArcToolBox Project
4. Defining a projection: Using the Define Projection Tool. Every dataset has a coordinate system,
but it may be missing the information that identifies it. It is important to keep track of where you
obtain data and the contact people who create data. Once you have the information, you can add it to a
data set using the Projection Tool in ArcToolbox.
NOTE: You will get a warning in ArcMap if you add a layer that is in a projected
coordinate system and the coordinate system information is missing. You can still
display and work with the data, provided that you do not need to project it on the fly.
How will you know if the projected coordinate system information is missing?
Additional note: ArcMap cannot determine on its own which projection a data set is
a. We have a data set of counties that we want to add to our map. The shapefile is projected data, but
the projection file (.prj) is missing.
i. In ArcMap, activate DF1 and return to the data view.
ii. Add in the county_aeac layer. What happens? Add it anyway. Hmmm. Looks funny. Remove it
and save your Map Document.
b. Use ArcCatalog to do some detective work. What projection is it in? (In real life, you probably
won’t be so lucky as to have the projection in the Metadata if the .prj file is missing! You would
have to chase down the source and ask them).
i. We will use the Define Projection tool in ArcToolbox to recreate the correct .prj file for the
county_aeac layer.
(1) In ArcToolbox, under the Search Tab, type in Define Projection, hit Search. Choose the
Define Projection in the Data Management Tools, and hit the Locate button to find where
it lives in ArcToolbox.
(2) Open the Define Projection tool(double click). Define the correct projection for the
county_aeac layer (hint: continental/NA).
c. In ArcMap try adding the county layer to DF1 again.
5. Projecting data: Using the Project tool: For analysis, it is always better to work in a single
NOTE: We need to be careful that we are not accidentally doing an analysis in the original projection
that was set in the dataframe by adding in the layers in the first place. Once you reproject all layers to the
projection you wish to be working in, make sure you set your dataframe to the same projection!
c. In ArcCatalog, look at your Metadata for the newly projected state and city layers. Check out the
spatial tab and note the Horizontal Datum name, Ellipsoid name, etc. that underlie the coordinate
Vector Analysis
6. Check out Montana Natural Resource Information System (NRIS) data
a. This is a wealth of data for Montana. You can bundle data clipped to a certain location. Go to: . Click on GIS Data Bundler, choose to search on Watershed (NRCS 5 th
code), Lower Clark Fork, 17010204 Middle Clark Fork, 1701020401 (near Missoula). This leads
you to where you can select what you want preclipped to that watershed, and bundled. I have done
this and it is downloaded, in Lat/Long NAD83, to lab6_data/NRIS/MiddleClarkFork. I have also
downloaded similar data for the two HUCs upstream from Missoula (Blackfoot and Flintrock). For
each HUC, I have downloaded the following data:
i. Towns
ii. USGS gauge stations
iii. Roads (TIGER files 2000)
iv. NHD reaches
NOTE: Naming conventions are critical in GIS. As you process data you should
adopt names that reflect the different processes and layers you have created. Opting for
the default names can lead to confusion after you have processed your data. You can
organize your database to reflect different stages of data processing.
8. Dual Layer Analysis. You are conducting a survey along the Clark Fork. You will use ArcGIS to
plan your survey.
a. Merge Annoyingly, the reach you plan to survey crosses two HUCs. We will make one polyline
that represents the entire Clark Fork through both HUCs.
i. Turn on the NHDReach layer from both Hucs (both MiddleClarkFork and Flintrock; note they
are named the same, hence it was important to unzip them into their own separate folders).
Rename one of the NHD1 (Right click/Properties/General)
ii. Select by attributes "NAME" ='Clark Fork'. Do this for both NHDReach layers (just copy it and
paste the query).
iii. ArcToolbox/Data Management Tools/General/ Merge
iv. Add both NhdReach1 and NhdReach (ensuring the appropriate selections still remain)
v. Output = ClarkFork.shp
b. Line in Polygon Selection – You need to know which publicly owned lands are crossed by the
Clark Fork so you can get appropriate permissions to conduct the survey on public lands. You will
only be doing surveys within 5 km of Missoula.
i. Turn on the Town layer from MiddleClarkFork. Select the town of Missoula.
ii. Make sure PubOwner data for both MiddleClarkFork and FlintRock are added to your TOC.
iii. Select by Location, select features from both PubOwners that intersect with ClarkFork.shp.
iv. Select by Location, select from the currently selected features in, both PubOwners that are
within a distance of 5 km of Town, ensuring that use selected features is enabled. How many
public entities do you need permission from?
v. Note that the Select by Location tool would allow you to find points in a poly, points near a
poly, lines in a poly, lines near a poly, etc. Read through your options. There is a lot you can do!
c. Proximity Analysis- Buffer and Clip. We have already seen what the Buffer tool does. Clip allows
you to create a new theme that preserves the features that fall within the spatial extent of a selected
polygon theme. We want to know what types of land use lie along the banks of our survey area
within 500m of the river.
i. Select the town of Missoula
ii. Select by Location, select features from, ClarkFork.shp that is within a distance of Town (use
selected features) within 5 km.
iii. ArcToolbox, analysis Tools, Buffer, Input features ClarkFork, output feature is
For this lab, you will be working in pairs.
Pairs are:
Esther and Angela
Colleen and James
Tim and Peter
Rya and Lewis
Cleo and Amy
Fred and Trapper
For this lab, you are creating a report about the abiotic and biotic conditions in your study area. Your
study area is in the Blackfoot river sub-watershed. Choose an area somewhere within the sub-watershed.
Select your study site based on some feature(s) of interest (geology, known weed occurrences [Absent,
You must choose a projection to work in, and reproject all data into this projection. Tell me why you
chose this projection.
Although this is not asking a research question, your formal study area report (not to exceed two pages of
written text, with unlimited tables and figures) should roughly follow an IMRAD format in that you
should Introduce your purpose(to describe the abiotic and biotic properties of the study site), discuss your
methods (describe your study site, and the datasets used, projections, etc.), provide the tables and figures
as results, and provide a very brief discussion of any interesting spatial relationships you found in your
study site.