Ifa Jada
Ifa Jada
Ifa Jada
Feb 2017
Oct, 2022
1 A
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.........................................................................................................................4
1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................5
2.1. Infrastructure....................................................................................................................................6
6. Market Analysis.................................................................................................................................11
7. SWOT Analysis.................................................................................................................................20
A. Strength.........................................................................................................................................20
B. Weakness.......................................................................................................................................20
C. Opportunities.................................................................................................................................20
D. Threat............................................................................................................................................20
B. Utilities..........................................................................................................................................21
3. Nationality Ethiopian
5. Project Garment factory specialized in the production of quality and affordable Men and
Composition Ladies suits, Trousers, T- shirt, Underwear etc.
8. Employment The total manpower required for the plant will be 510 employees
Permanent workers 448
Skilled 310
Unskilled 138
Temporary workers 62
Skilled 2
Unskilled 60
9. Market Share 30% for domestic market and 70% for export.
11. Benefits of the Produce and supply of quality Garment Products, source of Revenue, Employment
factory For The opportunity, Save Foreign currency, Benefit for the Local Community and
Region/ Country Stimulate the Local Economy
1. Introduction
Ethiopia has in placed policies, strategies and related legal frameworks aiming to transform its
economy from that dominated by agriculture towards an industry with the ultimate goal of
achieving a middle income nation by 2025. To realize this structural economic transformation,
the Ministry of Industry as a center of driving force working towards the effective
implementation of such policies and strategies.
Based on the country’s export led industrialization policy, a great effort has been made in
revising and updating the legal frame works, working procedures and guidelines, supporting
institutional setups, and building industrial supporting infrastructure in general so as to achieve
the vision 2025 and the growth and transformation plan of the country. In this regard Ethiopia is
working to attract and encourage domestic investment and FDI with major focuses on export
ones. In addition to facilitating the necessary legal frame works, and incentive mechanisms,
there is an effort in developing cluster zones by sector to serve the basic infrastructure and
control the environmental impacts of the specific sectors. The Ethiopian Government has learnt
from the experience of other countries that cluster zonation has played a vital role in enhancing
the inflow of FDI.
The Industrial Development Strategy of Ethiopia has ranked some sectors as core sectors so that
to facilitate and provide prioritized and strategic support from the government. Accordingly, the
textile and apparel sub sector has ranked as the first core subsector due to certain reasons in the
Ethiopian context. The surplus labor force available in the country and being labor intensive
nature of textile and apparel sector, the availability of worldwide market for textile are some
reasons for the subsector to being ranked as first even from the prioritized sector. Moreover, the
textile sector utilizes cotton as its main inputs so that it can create conducive opportunity for
agricultural developments; it has high back-ward linkages.
Targeting the textile sector as a key economic activity towards harnessing the growth of the
national economy, the government of Ethiopia in its five years growth and Transformation plan
has set out to generate 1 billion us dollars and increasing total price of the end of the sector’s
product to 2.5 billion us dollars by the end of the plan period. The performance so far including
the year 2012/2013 (2005 Et. physical year) is very far from the plan target and needs much
Effort to be done. The existing situations shows that to achieve the envisaged export target, in
addition to improving the productivity and product quality of the existing textile and apparel
industry through renovation and expansion, it seems to be an assignment to the government to
attract additional foreign and domestics textile and apparel investments.
On other hand worldwide market opportunities, and wide domestic market, the cheaper & easily
trainable work force, the conducive policy environment and government close support to the
sector, are no doubt that can be a good spring board to realize the inflow of FDI and domestic
investors. The government of Ethiopia is also trying to do the said assignment by allocating big
land area to the sector, segmenting the investment areas by sectorial cluster giving special
attention and building industrial infrastructure such as; industrial zones by its own, jointly with
private sector, and allowing the private sector to build and lease.
Encouraged by the incentives, the Promoter planned to commit his resources in the garment
industry establishment. Therefore, this project study is prepared to assess the feasibility of
investing on the garment factory.
The area is set by the regional government as an industrial area which industrial establishments
are being directed towards it and it is clustered by different sectors and economic activities.
Different domestic and foreign investors already took land and started investment in the area and
the area is developing very well.
2.1. Infrastructure
Infrastructure development is crucial for attracting investors who would like to commit their
resources and lifetime savings. To this end, it can be witnessed that the infrastructure
development in the area is well developed.
Road and Transport
The project area is located in the outskirts of Addis Ababa with the South western parts of Ethiopia
passes through the area. This main high way takes this road is mainly used as the main road for
transporting the forest coffee products of Unlike the Nefase Silek Lafeto K/k /Lebu/
Bus station
The Project area is not yet well developed as a town and it doesn’t have bus station. However, with the
establishment of big industries and the consequential urbanization, it is expected that the moment of
people to and from this area will increase which demands the establishment of bus station in the area.
3. Description of the Project
This project study is for the establishment of garment and textile assortment in the National
Regional Sate of Addis Ababa Region, Nefase Silek Lafeto K/k /Lebu/.
The garment assembly process will start with cutting to size as per different design and patterns
as the fashion and style of the pieces. The assembling (sewing) process involves among others
stitching, buttoning and label attaching while finishing operation includes trimming, ironing and
In cutting section, the knitted fabric will be spread on the spreading table and then cut as per the
specified design mark. The fabric that is cut in specific pattern will be handled in respective
stitching lines to produces items like T-shirts, polo shirts, trousers, over coats, gown etc. The
major production process flow chart involves the following.
The detailed production process of the major three lines is as shown below:
Cloth spreading
Pattern Making
B) Process Flow of the Sewing Section
Receiving from cutting section
Button making
To substitute the present imports and to export part of its
outputs to foreign markets thereby generating foreign earnings for our country,
Generate employment opportunity to the local peoples and
thereby contribute to poverty reduction effort of the country,
To provide useful technical and quality control skills to the
To create dependable market to local firms that have
capacity to supply raw materials,
A total of 500 sets of sewing machines will be procured for the above products production.
Cutting machines and spreading tables will also be manufacturing.
The plant will start its production with 70% in the first year, 80% in the second year and 90% in
the 3rd year and afterwards. The product items that will be produced by the project are detailed as
follow with their share.
1.8 Ladies materials 5% pcs 105,000
Most of the technologies used will both from abroad. It will be sourced from Yamato, Brother,
Kansai special, Juki, etc. brands.
6. Market Analysis
The global textile and apparel industry trade has faced major structural changes and complexities
due to regulations set by the importing countries. The world trade in textile and apparel was
governed by short term agreement (STA) during 1961, which was replaced by long term
agreement (LTA) in 1962. To protect domestic industry, the developed countries (United State of
America, Canada and Europe) came up with a more comprehensive trade restriction proposal
known as Multi Fiber Agreement (MFA) in 1973 which became effective in 1974. Under the
MFA regime, the trade in textile and apparel set quotas with bilateral negotiation for the amount
that other countries could export to these countries and the developing countries were allowed to
protect the domestic industry against the competitive imports.
More than 30 years, export of textile and apparel product between developed and developing
countries have been tightly regulated by quotas. In the history of textile and apparel industry
development, no country has ever tried to develop its textile and apparel sector without applying
some protection for its infant industries before opening up to competition. No industry was able
to survive in open competition for domestic or foreign markets before it had a chance to mature
within a protected environment. Customs duties and other protective measures were always
intended to equalize productivity differences among competitors. Quota has also permitted many
smaller, less competitive countries to participate in international trade providing them with
economic and social benefits such as FDI, construction of infrastructure, employment and
foreign exchange earnings. U.S. International Trade Commission estimated that one direct job in
textile and apparel industry can lead in to two supporting (or indirect) jobs in service and
supplier industry.
The global textile and apparel market attracts revenues of approximately $500 billion per year
and is expected to grow to around $800 billion by 2014, reports Textile Exchange. In terms of
the textile industry's structure, figures from the EU suggest the U.S. continues to be the biggest
consumer of textiles and apparel, with a 9.6 percent share. Other major consumers include
Turkey, Tunisia, Switzerland, Morocco, China, Russia, Hong Kong, Ukraine and Japan.
The global textile and clothing industry comprises a reasonably long chain. It starts with the
polymer, which is used to make the textile fiber. This textile fiber becomes a yarn; either by
being spun with other fibers of the same type or with one or more different fiber types to give it a
wider range of properties. The yarn can then be used alone or combined with other yarns to make
a fabric, which then becomes a garment, home furnishing or other textile item. Some textile
companies cover all of these phases, but the majority work with other industry partners within
the textile supply chain.
The future global textile and apparel trade would depend on the current investment on this sector.
There has been a clear shift in the investment patterns in the global textile and apparel industry
towards Asian countries over the last 10 years. The largest investments in textile machinery have
been made in China, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
In the last financial year 2012/2013, Ethiopia’s textile and clothing exports grew 28% to
US$84.6m. The government has set ambitious goals for the industry, aiming to increase earnings
to US$1bn by 2016. It also hopes to attract foreign direct investment worth US$1.6bn to build
nearly two hundred new textile and clothing plants in the same period. With a growing number
of manufacturers from overseas, particularly Turkey, India and China, investing as well as an
increasing number of local companies.
There are currently 110 Textile and Garment factories are available. These include Ginning,
Spinning, Weaving and knitting, Integrated and Traditional clothing making companies. 15
Ginning, 3 spinning mill, 18 weaving and knitting mill, 13 integrated mills, 54 Garment and 7
Traditional handloom companies are found in different parts of Ethiopia. The factories are
located in Tigray, Afar, Amhara, Addis Ababa, SNNP, Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa. 72 mills in
Addis Ababa, 19 mills in Addis Ababa, 9 mills in Amhara, 3 mills in Afar, 3 mills in SNNP, 2
mills in Tigray and 2 mills Dire Dawa are located in producing cotton fiber, yarn, fabrics and
The country textile and garment investment is growing from time to time. This increases the
installed capacity of the sector. The installed capacity of each section of the sector in the current
year is 72 million Kg yarn, 122 million meter woven fabric, 30 million kg of knitted fabric, 18
million kg of processed knitted fabric; 49 million meter finished woven fabric, 62 million pcs of
knitted garment and 18 million pcs of woven garment respectively. The attained capacity of each
section is depicted in the table below. The capacity utilization ranges from 45% to 70% and the
average utilization of the industry becomes 58%. The number of establishments known in 2005
budget year was 54 garment and 56 textile companies.
A total number of textile and Apparel sector employees were estimated to reach 37,000 including
both the public and private sector. From this figure the garment manufacturing sub sector
consists 15,000 employees which is 40% of the total textile and Apparel sector’s working force.
Ethiopian textile and garment sector must grow tremendously its current size to reach the
2014/15 GTP Targets of 1bn used export upgrading existing factories to 90% will be helpful, but
not sufficient, even at 90% capacity utilization, nine times greater export earnings will be
required to achieve the GTP Targets significantly new investment increasing FDI will be
required to establish new factories and expanding capacity. The current state of industry and
markets opportunity suggests that the initial wave of investment should be directed in to
production of Garment, where Ethiopia can compete globally with significant new investment.
The textile industry is the largest manufacturing industry in Ethiopia. The sector comprises a
large number of state owned enterprises and a growing number of private sector participants at
all levels .The textile sector can be categorized into broadly into mills, yarn, garments and
The garment activities that incur more than 20 % value addition at present have 54 garment
producers that categorized in the middle and large industries. The sector has given an
employment opportunity for about more than 15,000 Ethiopian citizens.
At present, Ethiopia has annual producing capacities 62 million pcs of knitted garment and 18
million pcs of woven garment, such as Bed-sheets, Shirts, Carpets, Bags, Hosieries, Wearing
apparels, sweater, etc of which export in volumes & value are also increasing. Many of state
owned garment enterprises and a good number of private enterprises are working integrated
product types.
According to 2011 trade report, by International Trade Center (ITC), the total apparel products
imported by the world was about 196,786,089,000 USD in value, from which about
83,324,000.00 USD was imported by Ethiopia. Taking these values as a base line and average
growth rate of 2% and 4% respectively, the present (2013’s) world import demand for apparel
products is estimated to be 204,736,247,000.00 USD, which is approximately about 50 billion
pieces/year, and the amount to be imported by Ethiopia is estimated to reach 89,123,238.00
USD, which is approximately about 22million pieces/year. There is a total production capacity of
about 73 million woven and knitted garments existing currently in the country, from which only
about 75% (56.25 million pieces) is utilized yet. In the previous year, about 27.5% (15.48 million
pieces) of total production was exported by the country. Based on the above assumptions, there
exists about 25% (18.25 million pieces) unutilized capacity, currently, which would cover about
13 million pieces of local demand proportionately. Hence, deducting 13 million from 22 million,
we get 9 million capacity gaps to meet only the local extra demands for various garment
products. The import demand is likely to reach at 60 billion pieces/year globally, and 31.5
million pieces/year for Ethiopia by the year 2022.
Ethiopia has been entertaining easy access to international market through, Starting august
2001 ,Ethiopia was entitled AGOA qualifications owns the title to export textile and garments to
the united states free of duty and without quota restrictions, everything but not arms Acts of
exporting goods to European union markets free of duty and without quota. The other market
opportunity is also the common market for eastern and southern Africa [COMESSA] embracing
20 countries trading among themselves with preferential tariff rates, bilateral trade agreements
with many countries such as Russia, Turkey, Yemen, etc. which provide legal frame work for
enjoying most favored nation treatment and removing tariff barriers and Generalized System of
Preference [ GSP] most of the products made in Ethiopia enjoy tariff treatment in Canada,
Switzerland, Norway Sweden etc.
The United States and EU were the two largest textile and clothing importers occupying EU [27
countries] is the largest importers of textiles and clothing with imports of about 121 billion USD
[27 Billion USD for textiles and 3.1 billion USD for clothing], followed by US with imports of
105.6 billion USD [23.1 billion USD for textiles and 82.5 USD for clothing].
Though Ethiopia has an ample opportunity for global market as shown above fierce competition
is awaiting in every export opportunity. Globally the Chinese, the Indians and other similar
African countries are the most competitors especially in the garment industry.
Despite the fierce export competition the export s are expanding its market destination. The
destination is mainly concentrated to the European countries and regional penetration is also
increasing .In the last five years destination countries reached more than 35.
In the same way the Ethiopian government planned to earn 1 billion USD from exports in both
textiles and garments at the end the GTP period, 500 million USD is planned to be earned in
2014/15 out of which the share of the garments is around 325 million USD.
Generally the textile and garment technology is moving from developed countries to developing
countries since the sector highly requires labor input which is expensive in developed countries.
However the garment sector couldn’t be successful as expected due to different problems. The
problems relating with marketing are failing to utilize quality raw materials to obtain quality
products that compete with the imported products, inability to compete through increased
capacity in trendy designs and fashions, lack of availability of quality accessories & trims
domestically and promoters’ lack of adequate knowledge in the field.
Ethiopia to meet the target set in growth and transformation plan working to boost the volume of
exports enhancing the efforts and curbing the problems encountered devising the appropriate
policy and operational measures.
A low-cost provider strategy- it is the best position to win the business of price sensitive
Support and encourage whole-sellers and retailers in order to increase market share.
Increase customer service by trained sales personnel /front line personnel/.
Strategic supplier partnership especially with chemical and fabric suppliers and
Increase working capital / financial strength/ to overcome raw materials price increment and
fluctuation in the international market.
Constantly follow-up the price of the main raw materials and adjust selling price
Diversify products to related businesses
Handling of key personnel.
Selection- Capability to produce superior quality.
Brand – this is a critical issue and one of the competition variables. So the company
products should be encoded with the factory name, logo, and product name.
Accessibility- the factory should establish maximum outlets in all direction of the
country with collaboration of wholesalers and retailers.
Service – The Company should provide transport service at reasonable price for whole
sellers. This strategy will depend on the market condition and customer requirement
Advertising by television , FM radio and newspapers
Participating on bazaar and exhibitions
Consignment and credit sales to wholesalers
Discount sales to customers who buy more products in cash at a time
Marketing Mix
The market mix strategy for the factory will depend on market condition. It may re-assess to
achieve the financial and marketing objectives. The factory marketing mix should comprise
product positioning and brand, pricing, distribution channels and promotion.
Promotion strategy
The promotion strategy will be based on making the right information available to the right
target customers. Its promotion strategy shall be pull strategy; i.e. in a pull strategy, the factory
encourages end users and business customers to ask intermediaries for the product building
demand to pull the product through the channel.
These activities will be done through active presence at bazaars, exhibitions, sport and societal
events and Advertising on television, radio in different languages, billboards and company
brochures, table and wall calendars.
Channels of Distribution
The fourth components of the marketing mix is distribution/place/ strategy, covering decisions
about how, when and where to make foam products available to customers.
Geographic distribution: - the factory outlet will cover almost all main towns of the country by
collaboration with wholesale and retail enterprise.
Value-Chain: - the factory products reach to the end users with a maximum of two level
channels. The channel members will be supported by factory, transport facility, consignment
sales, setting of factory outlet price with their price. In addition, order processing and fulfilment,
inventory reports, transportation, storage and returning of damaged and unsold products will be
agreed on written agreement.
The investor has marketing strategy and operational dimension for implementing the project
strategy. Free sample distribution, conducting key persons at the target region, town and a
promoter will also be used. The investor will make price reduction for until it enters into the
market well and attract many costumers. The project promoter will have different channel of
distributions at different region.
After the completion of the project, it will sell 70% of the produces to the local market and the
remaining 30% for the foreign markets.
3. Market research
This manual enables the company to employ, as much as possible uniform accounting
terminology, effective control procedures, efficient budgeting, recording and reporting system.
7. SWOT Analysis
A. Strength
The promoter has ample experience in running other businesses. The audited report of
other businesses of the company reveals that the firms are financially performing well.
This, success indicates that the promoter is capable and the proposed project will follow
similar footstep. Moreover, the project will employ production manager who has
extensive working experience in textile industry.
B. Weakness
Lack of industry experience – the promoter has been working in the trading activities of
textiles and other imported items for several years. But he doesn’t have manufacturing
experience though he is familiar with the trading of textile products for many years. His
trading experience is expected to be used in the marketing of the products. To solve his
manufacturing experience deficiencies, the project planned to employ well experienced
expertise in the textile manufacturing sector.
C. Opportunities
Favorable investment incentives given by the government,
Favorable opportunities are also cropping at international and regional level that
nourish market access to manufactured products from developing countries, which
include AGOA by USA, everything but Arms by EU, and other regional and bilateral
agreement that Ethiopia has signed.
Availability of cheap labor force
Various Incentives given by the government
D. Threat
The existence of Stiff international competition from major suppliers such as Chain and
India particularly due to the lifting of quota and trade restrictions is the main issue to be
keenly looked so as to be competitive in the garment industry.
The marketing strategy will be by sharing the existing consumer and searching for the substitute
consumer. The promoter will have a capacity to supply a quality product and compete at local
market. In addition to this, the investor will make price reduction and product differentiation,
increasing quality and quantity of the product in order to attract more customers.
Necessary inputs are buttons, sewing threads, and accessories like zipper, shoulder pad, labels
etc. Except sewing thread all the raw materials will be imported in the short run. However, in
the medium term most of the raw materials will be acquired from local sources as there are a
number of projects in the pipeline.
B. Utilities
A number of utilities would be put in place in order to ensure smooth functioning of the factory.
These utilities include:
Water Supply,
Telephone line
Drainage Facility
Hence the following section deals with the duties and responsibilities of some departments.
1. Manager
Duties and responsibilities
She/he will plan, organize, direct and control the overall activities of the factory
She/he will devise policies and strategies that will enable the factory to be profitable.
She/he will incorporate modern technological innovation that will facilitate the service
delivery of the project center and increase customer’s satisfaction.
He/he will plan, organize, direct and control the human and non-human resources of the
plant so as to achieve the short and long run objectives of the organization.
2. The Manufacturing Department
Duties and responsibilities:-
It is the core department of the project center and has three sections (Cutting, Sewing and
Finishing) the following responsibilities.
Design and prepared prototype garments based on the plant standard and customer
Use modern manufacture, processing technologies that will enhance the quality of
Produce quality garment mix that will enable the factory competent both in the domestic
and international market.
Control on the quality of raw materials, inputs, quality of the product and also the overall
production process.
Produce products in least cost so that the profitability of the center is guaranteed.
Moreover control over the quality of the final garment products
3. Administration and Finance Department
Duties and responsibilities:-
Will plan, organize direct and control the financial transaction of the factory by using the
entire necessary document.
Will develop sound financial control system by developing modern financial control
Will prepare the annual financial statements and prepare condensed reports for the
general manager, owner and other concerned government body.
Will control the human and non human resources of the plant, which include: effective
handling of the different inventories of the machineries, equipments, raw materials,
finished products, and devise strategies of controlling against fraud and damage.
Manage and execute the company national and international procurement procedure
Administer and control the company logistic resource
Provide and manage general supportive service to the factory.
Will handle the overall marketing activities of the organization which include planning,
organizing, directing, and controlling.
Provide cost estimates in preparation for securing ...
Gather information on new product design, fashion, profile
Approval of new products profile & brand plan analyzes market research.
Plan and execute sales.
Will develop effective customer handling strategies
Will develop the marketing strategies for future project center’s development.
Conduct both foreign and domestic market research for expanding the sales of the
5. Legal and Auditing Adviser
The legal and auditing advisor are accountable to the general manager and they advise on all
legal, Financial, Production and any other matters of the company to the General manger or
owner of the project.
9.2. Man Power Requirements With Qualifications
The plant requires both direct and indirect manpower. The direct manpower consists of
designers, cutters, sewers, embroidery machine operators, printer machine operators, ironing
machines operators, trimmers, packing workers and other laborers. The direct man powers are
engaged in manufacturing of the products executed by production & technical departments. The
administrative activities are executed by indirect workers that include plant manager, executive
secretary, heads of finance and administrations, and personnel officer, accountant and other
support giving personnel.
The manpower list and the corresponding monthly and annual salaries including fringe benefits
are given in Table below.
15 Accountant 3 BA in accounting 3,000.00 108,000.0
16 Electrician 2 10+2 in general electricity 2,000.00 48,000.0
17 Secretary 3 Diploma in secretariat science 1,800.00 64,800.0
18 Clerk 2 10 completed 1,100.00 26,400.0
19 Store keeper 4 10+2 in store and logistics 1,800.00 86,400.0
management 0
20 Driver 4 10 completed 1,300.00 62,400.0
21 Assistant driver 3 Public Driving License/3rd Grade 900.00 32,400.0
22 Cashier 4 10+2 in Bookkeeping 1,200.00 57,600.0
23 Office boy/girl 2 10 completed 1,000.00 24,000.0
24 General service 1 BA in management 5,000.00 60,000.0
25 Security 6 Basic 850.00 61,200.0
26 Gardner 2 Unskilled 750.00 18,000.0
27 Cleaner & Laundry 35 Unskilled 850.00 357,000.0
Sub total 448 100,550.00 9,370,200.0
II Temporary Worker
1 Daily Laborer 60 Unskilled 700.00 504,000.0
2 Auto mechanic 2 10+2 automotive 7,000.00 168,000.0
Sub total 62 7,700.00 672,000.0
Total 510 108,250.00 10,042,200.00
Benefit (20%) 2,008,440.0
Grand Total 510 12,050,640.00
9.3. Skilled and Unskilled Workers
The total manpower required for the plant will be 510 employees
The training program can be conducted in enterprises (either private or public) having wide
experience in production of similar products. Other possibility is to make special arrangements
with machinery suppliers.
Accordingly, the training of personnel can be part of the agreement such that all the employees
involved in production activities can be trained before they start working. Thus, a total of Birr
100,000 is allotted for this purpose.
10. Financial Analysis
Pre-operating expenses are those necessary expenses which are incurred before the business
starts operating. These include registration fees and licenses, training costs, cost of preparing
business plan, trips to raw material and equipment suppliers, etc.
Working capital is the amount of money permanently needed in cash or in kind to keep the
business operating while it is awaiting full payment for goods sold to customers.
1. The cost of maximum raw material stocks that will have to be stored to ensure continuous
production. In some cases this may be three to six months’ worth, if the raw material is
difficult to obtain or has to be imported, whereas in other cases (where raw materials are
readily available) only one or two weeks’ worth may be needed;
2. The cost of finished goods which will be kept in stock awaiting distribution to the
3. The cost of work-in-process which are on the project floor but has not yet been converted
into a final product or finished goods;
4. The cost of goods already distributed to customers but which have not yet been paid for
(accounts receivable);
To determine the cost of raw material stocks, simply multiply the quantity needed by
its purchase price;
To determine the cost of finished goods stock, multiply the number of units to be kept
by the unit production cost;
To determine the cost of work-in-process, first estimate the number of days it takes to
convert the raw material into finished goods, then multiply this by the daily production
level, then multiply the figure obtained by the unit production cost determined in.
Finally divide this figure by two.
To determine the cost of goods already distributed but not yet paid for, estimate the
quantity that will be given on credit and multiply this number by the unit production
To determine the amount of cash needed in the business, add the monthly labour cost
and overheads to the monthly marketing expenses and the administrative expenses.
Add these five cost elements together to arrive at the total capital requirement of this project.
To calculate the total capital requirement, add the following:
+ Fixed Assets
+ Pre-Operating Expenses
+ Working capital
= Total Capital Requirement
Table 10.1 Total Capital Requirements
No Total capital required Total cost
1 Land Building and Construction 2,370,000.00
2 Machinery and Equipment 2,800,783.93
3 Vehicles 1,840,000.00
4 Office Furniture 53,500.00
Sub Total 5,085,520.00
II Working Capital Requirements 5,935,716.07
Total Initial Investment 10,00,000.00
10.2. Fixed Investment Cost
This includes every cost of capital investment including civil works and basic assets for the
project to run its activities. It includes, cost of construction, machineries, furniture, computers
with their accessories, vehicles, and the like which are tangible asset of the project any time.
Majority of these assets will be are imported for which the promoter will enjoy advantage of duty
free import privilege.
The total cost of machineries and utilities estimated for these project is shown in the following
Qty/Set Cost (Birr)
S.N Description
Unit Cost
A. Industrial Swing
Power Operated Cutting 69,230.0 346,150.0
1 Machine
4 Industrial sewing machine Unit
5 Button hole machine Unit
85,200.0 119,280.0
9 Bar Tacking machine Unit
25,000.0 10,000.0
10 Cloth Drilling M/S Unit
165,000.0 66,000.0
11 Automatic fixing Machine 2
12 Tumbler dryer 25 kg Capacity 3
13 Potable steam press 15
B. Production Line I
C. Production Line II
4 thread over lock machine
45,200.0 452,000.
1 with full automatic back- 8 119,000.00 406,800.00
0 00
cylinder bed shape, over lock
55,000.0 550,000.
2 machine with variable top 5 110,000.00 495,000.00
0 00
feeder for attaching collar
5 thread top feed safety stitch 72,856.0 728,560.
3 machine
6 104,760.00 655,704.00
0 00
E. Others
Sub Total 1,317,600.00
7 7,00
Table 10
00.00 0.00
2 3,00
Chair 15
00.00 0.00
1,5 7,50
Shelf 5
00.00 0.00
13,0 26,00
Computer with printer 2
00.00 0.00
2,5 10,00
Filing cabinet 4
00.00 0.00
Sub total 53,500.00
10.3. Work Capital Requirements
Table 10.5. Working Capital Requirements
S.N Description Local Cost Foreign cost Total
1 Raw Materials and Inputs (3 month) 10,666,666.67 10,66 1,333,33
6,666.67 3.33
Table: 10.7. Source of Finance
SN Description % share Amount(in birr)
1 Owners Share 30 3,000,000.00
2 Bank Loan 70 7,000,000.00
Total 100
Total Annual
Year Principal Payment Interest (10%) Remaining Balance
0 - 70,000,000
- -
1 7,000,000 7,000,000 14,000,000 63,000,000
2 7,000,000 6,300,000 13,300,000 56,000,000
3 7,000,000 5,600,000 12,600,000 49,000,000
4 7,000,000 4,900,000 11,900,000 42,000,000
5 7,000,000 4,200,000 11,200,000 35,000,000
6 7,000,000 3,500,000 10,500,000 28,000,000
7 7,000,000 2,800,000 9,800,000 21,000,000
8 7,000,000 2,100,000 9,100,000 14,000,000
9 7,000,000 1,400,000 8,400,000 7,000,000
10 7,000,000 700,000 7,700,000 0
10.4. Projected Financial Statements
The proposed project shall enter in to its activity with reasonable return as planned to perform.
Accordingly, it shall start providing its service after 1 and half year of contraction work which is
used as the time for preparation period, capital good purchase and man power recruitment
(generally considered as after implementation period).
The business project shall start its activity with some few workers in the 1 st phase and extend its
activity as it plans to perform by increasing the number of its employees on two shifts starting
from its 2nd phase and 3rd years & afterwards with the remaining planned services. In line with
this, the amount of raw materials shall increase with the increase of the service that also
increases other expenses at which the project starts to provide its services in its full potential.
The target market of the project is both local and export markets. Of the total products, 30% of it
will be sold in the local market and while 70% will be for the international markets.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Revenue 209,275,000.00 232,527,777.78 261,593,750.00 298,964,285.71 332,182,539.68 369,091,710.76 410,101,900.84 455,668,778.71 506,298,643.02 562,554,047.80
Less operating
172,091,332.00 172,091,332.00 172,091,332.00 172,091,332.00 172,091,332.00 172,091,332.00 172,091,332.00 172,091,332.00 172,091,332.00 172,091,332.00
Gross Profit 37,183,668.00 60,436,445.78 89,502,418.00 126,872,953.71 160,091,207.68 197,000,378.76 238,010,568.84 283,577,446.71 334,207,311.02 390,462,715.80
4,790,052.00 4,790,052.00 4,790,052.00 4,790,052.00 4,790,052.00 4,790,052.00 4,790,052.00 4,790,052.00 4,790,052.00 4,790,052.00
Less interest
7,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 7,000,000.00
Profit Befor
25,393,616.00 48,646,393.78 77,712,366.00 115,082,901.71 148,301,155.68 185,210,326.76 226,220,516.84 271,787,394.71 322,417,259.02 378,672,663.80
Tax (35%)
8,887,765.60 17,026,237.82 27,199,328.10 40,279,015.60 51,905,404.49 64,823,614.37 79,177,180.89 95,125,588.15 112,846,040.66 132,535,432.33
Net Profit 16,505,850.40 31,620,155.96 50,513,037.90 74,803,886.11 96,395,751.19 120,386,712.39 147,043,335.95 176,661,806.56 209,571,218.36 246,137,231.47
10.2. Projected Cash flow Statements
Description Project Years
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Equity 30,000, - - - - - - - -
Bank loan 70,000, - - - - - - - -
Net profit - 16,505,850.4 31,620,155. 50,513,037. 74,803,886.1 96,395,751.1 120,386,71 147,043,335. 176,661,806.
0 96 90 1 9 2.39 95 56 2
Depreciation - 4,790,052.0 4,790,052. 4,790,052. 4,790,052.0 4,790,052.0 4,790,05 4,790,052. 4,790,052.
0 00 00 0 0 2.00 00 00 0
Total 100,000, 21,295,902.4 36,410,207. 55,303,089. 79,593,938.1 101,185,803.1 125,176,76 151,833,387. 181,451,858.
000.00 0 96 90 1 9 4.39 95 56 2
Fixed 70,085, - - - - - - - -
investment 000.00
Working 29,925, - - - - - - - -
capital 000.00
Pre-op. - - - - - - - -
Loan - - - - - - - -
Repayment -
Total 100,00, - - - - - - -
000.00 -
Net inflow 21,295,902.4 57,706,110. 78,965,203. 105,885,175.6 130,398,289.3 157,635,08 187,898,185. 221,523,856.
- 0 36 68 5 4 2.33 66 02 7
Cumulative 0 21,295,902.4 23,662,113. 26,291,237. 29,212,486.1 32,458,317.9 36,064,79 40,071,997. 44,524,441.
0 78 53 5 4 7.71 46 62 6
10.3. Projected Balance Sheet of the Project
Current Asset Value in Br.
Initial inventory of raw materials and 7,980,714.
inputs 82
Total Current Asset 3,935,716.07
Fixed Asset
Land, Building and Construction
Machineries and Equipment’s
Office Equipment
Total fixed Asset 7,085,520.00
Total Asset 10,00,000.00
Account payable
Owners’ Equity
Total Liability & Owners’ Equity 10,00,000.00
11. Environmental Aspects
The project will seriously involve itself in protecting, conserving and developing the natural and
flora of the project area in line with the Millennium development goal. To this end it will play a
vital role in participating in various organizations and the community around the project area to
form an environmental committee in charge of all environmental issues to be handled in
accordance to various environmental and water policies of 1997/1999. The owner of the project
believes to undertake several environmental issues for the conservation, development and
creation of sustainable environment around the project area like resource conservation.
The promoters of the project will participate in any forum that might be organized by concerned
authorities and the community to promote environmental issue and concept for sustainable
development in the area. In addition to this, it will introduce and use environmental friendly
technologies such as tree planting and conserving the existing tree species in the compound.
In line with this, the company is willing and more interested in protecting and even planting
natural forest of indigenous trees to make its compound attractive by creating conducive cool
climatic condition. The company as clearly described above is critically based on satisfying the
needs of the locality to be exemplary for others on nature conserving activities that contributes to
nature conservation activities for locality, national and/or Global environment in its contribution
far from the project area. It is also ready to perform EIA for the proposed project to make it
environmentally friendly and competitive industry in National wide.
12. Project Implementation Schedule and Land Use Plan
Acquisition of Land
Securing loan from Bank
Site Clearance
Undertaking building &
Machinery procurement
Machinery installation
Procurement of raw materials
Recruitment of workers and
Commencement of operation
B. Project Land Use Plan
Apart from other requirements and inputs, land is primarily used to realize the proposed project.
The total area of land required to realize the proposed project is 10,000 m2 of land in the area of
existing industries performing their activities. Land utilization plan of the project is proposed to
be 87% to be built for the objective of the company and the remaining 13% of land will be left
for green development in the compound for the purpose of its environmental benefits,
beautification as well as air condensation. In general, to implement the project an ample land is
required based on the activities incorporated in the project.
13. Risk Assessment
A. Threats
Local products are considered as inferior by the local customers. But through intensive
promotion and quality production and other options shall be applied to penetrate the local market
with less profit margin.
B. Competition
Development of competition strategy shall bring change. Thus, the change in design, technology,
quality service and others shall be addressed through local and international communication.