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CHAP 1 : way that they do not reflect the environmental resources.
This type of affluence has an
- Environment includes all living and nonliving things damage caused by their production. enormously harmful environmental impact. On with which an organism interacts. I (environmental impact) = the other hand, affluence can lead people to - Best describes the areas of study that are important in P (population size) x become more educated, environmentally aware, the discipline of environmental science: Biology, A (affluence/person) x and concerned. It also provides money for the chemistry, geology and economics. T (technology’s beneficial and harmful effects). development of improved technologies that can - A goal of environmental science? Learn how life on The IPAT model of environmental impact takes help to reduce pollution, resource waste, and earth has thrived and survived, understand how we into consideration population size, technology, environmental degradation. interact with the environment, and live more sustainably and affluence The IPAT model and the ecological footprint and find ways to deal with environmental problems. - Four basic causes of environmental problems model emphasize both renewable and - A(n ) ecosystem is a set of organisms within a defined 1. Population growth. nonrenewable resources, while the ecological area or volume that interact with one another and with 2. Unsustainable resource use. footprint model emphasizes the use of their environment of nonliving matter and energy. 3. Poverty. renewable resources. - Environmentalism is a social movement dedicated to 4. Excluding environmental costs from market Explain how poverty drives population growth. protecting life support systems for all species. prices To many poor people, having more children is a - Natural Capital = Natural resources+Natural services - Point sources (single, identifiable sources matter of survival. Children are effectively the FALSE : Natural resources are considered natural (e.g., smokestack) of pollution are cheaper and labor force for a poor family, helping with crop capital, but natural services are not.. easier to identify than nonpoint sources tending, gathering wood or fuel, hauling water - Three principles of sustainability - Nonpoint sources (dispersed, often difficult to and livestock tending. Additionally, the children 1. Life depends on solar energy. (a form of natural identify (e.g., lawn runoff, pesticides blown from become caretakers of their parents when the capital gained directly or indirectly as a result of solar agricultural lands into the air) of pollution are parents age. This is very important in poor energy? forests, flowing water, wind energy, coal and more difficult to control than point sources countries that do not have social security, health oil). Solar energy is called perpetual resource • Pollution cleanup more expensive, less care or retirement funds. 2. Biodiversity provides natural services. effective because they often transfer pollutants CHAP 3 TRUE : We can say that biodiversity is a factor in from part of the environment to another, once - The ecologist would study an animal or plant, maintaining life on this planet. they are dispersed it costs too much to reduce plus all the biotic and abiotic aspects of the 3. Chemical/nutrient cycling means that there is them to acceptable levels, and they can be ecosystem in which it lives. They study little waste in nature. overwhelmed by growth in population and interactions within and among five levels of - Some resources are not renewable. consumption. organization: organism, population, community, – Nonrenewable resources exist in fixed quantities. • Pollution prevention reduces or eliminates the ecosystem, and biosphere – Exhaustible energy (e.g. coal and oil). production of pollutants - Three factors sustain the earth’s life : One-way – Metallic minerals (e.g. copper and aluminum). - The total ecological footprint for humanity is flow of high-quality energy/ Cycling of nutrients/ – Nonmetallic minerals (e.g. salt and sand). expected to be twice the planet’s ecological Gravity. • Sustainable solutions: reduce, reuse, recycle. capacity by the year 2035 - Geosphere fossil fuels and minerals (rock and NATURAL RESOURCES : materials and energy - Root causes of unsustainability include: soil samples) found : crust, core, and mantle air, water, renewable energy (sun, wind, water wasteful use of resources, Poverty, rapid - Troposphere the innermost layer of the flows), nonrenewable minerals (iron, sand), soil, population growth, widespread recycling atmosphere nonrenewable energy (fossil fuels), land, programs - Stratosphere ozone, a gaseous O3 molecule life (biodiversity) - An environmental benefit of affluence and that filters out harmful UV radiation found NATURAL SERVICES : functions of nature wealth increased wealth provides resources to - Hydrosphere (solid, liquid, gas) earth’s water, Air purification, Climate control, UV protection apply toward the creation of environmentally found in liquid water, ice, and water vapor (ozone layer), Water purification, Waste treatment, beneficial technologies. (submarines explore) Soil renewal, Food production, Nutrient recycling, - Poverty causes harmful environmental and - MAJOR COMPONENTS OF AN Population control, Pest control health effects. ECOSYSTEM NUTRIENT CYCLING – Environmental degradation caused by need Biosphere, Ecosystem, Community, Organic matter in animals -> Dead organic matter -> for short-term survival. Population, Organism, Cell, Molecule, Atom Decomposition -> Inorganic matter in soil -> – Malnutrition. Ecosystem: A community of different species Organic matter in plants -> back to the start – Inadequate sanitation and lack of clean interacting with one another and with their - Nutrient recycling is a vital natural service carried out drinking water. nonliving environment of matter and energy by which natural resource? Topsoil – Severe respiratory disease. Community: Populations of different species RENEWABLE RESOURCE resource must have the – High rates of premature death for children living in a particular place, and potentially capacity to be replenished within days to several under the age of 5 years interacting with each other hundred years. (Groundwater, Trees in a forest, - Stewardship worldview holds that we can and Population: A group of individuals of the same Fertile soil, Fish populations) should manage the Earth for our own benefit but species living in a particular place - Developed countries are high-income and use about that we also have an ethical responsibility to be Organism: An individual living being 88% of the worlds resources / Developing countries are caring stewards Cell: The fundamental structural and functional classified as middle-income or low-income (About 80% - Environmental wisdom worldview holds that we unit of life of the world's human population lives in the developing are part of, and dependent on, nature and that Molecule: Chemical combination of two or more countries.) nature exists for all species, not just for us atoms of the same or different elements - Sustainable yield is the highest rate at which we can - In 2009, the world population is about 7b Atom: Smallest unit of a chemical element that use a(n) renewable resource without reducing its - Every day, approximately 83m new people are exhibits its chemical properties available supply. added to the global population - Nutrients cycle, energy flows - The tragedy of the commons refers to overuse of FALSE : Rapid population growth and - Energy flows in ecosystems can be said to flow shared common resources associated poverty are primarily occurring in from high-quality to low-quality energy in a one- FALSE : phenomenon that occurs only when the developing countries and have little impact on way fashion number of users is small environmental degradation. - Ecosystems important components - Evidence that we are living unsustainably includes • Often consumers do not know the damage • Every organism belongs to a particular Deserts are expanding, renewable forests are shrinking, caused by their consumption. trophic/feeding level depending on its source of topsoil is eroding and the lower atmosphere is warming. • Government subsidies may increase nutrients. - An ecological footprint is the amount of biologically- environmental degradation. • Producers, or autotrophs, use photosynthesis productive land and water needed to supply a person or • There are ways to include harmful costs of (1%) to make nutrients from components in the country with renewable resources and to recycle the goods and services. environment. waste and pollution produced by such resource use. – Shift from environmentally harmful to • Consumers/ heterotrophs, get their nutrients by - Per capita ecological footprint is the average beneficial government subsidies. feeding on other organisms or their remains. ecological footprint of an individual in a given country or – Tax pollution and waste heavily while reducing • Consumers can be herbivores-primary area. (higher pcef means higher consumption of natural taxes on income and wealth. consumer (feed on plants), carnivores (feed on resources) - Three Big Ideas animals) or omnivores (feed on both plants and - Footprints can also be expressed as number of Earths 1. Rely more on renewable energy from the sun. animals). it would take to support consumption. 2. Protect biodiversity by preventing the • Consumers can be primary (bear eating sth), - Ecological deficit: If a country’s ecological footprint is degradation of the earth’s species, ecosystems, secondary or tertiary consumers(hawk), larger than its biological capacity to replenish its and natural processes, and by restoring depending upon their trophic level. renewable resources and absorb the resulting waste degraded areas. • Decomposers (bacteria/fungi) break down and pollution 3. Help sustain earth’s natural chemical cycles organic detritus into simpler inorganic DEGRADATION OF NORMALLY RENEWABLE by: Reducing waste and pollution/ Not compounds, bodies of dead plants and animals NATURAL RESOURCES Air pollution, Climate overloading natural systems with chemicals/ into nutrients change, Soil erosion, Shrinking forests, Don’t remove natural chemicals faster than the • Detritivores (detritus feeders) feed on waste or Decreased wildlife habitats, Species cycles can replace them. dead bodies: eat the remains of dead plants and extinction, Aquifier depletion, Declining SHORT ANSWER animals. (Earthworms, some insects,vultures) ocean fisheries, Water pollution Describe how wealth and affluence can have • Producers, consumers and decomposers - A major factor contributing to the degradation of both harmful and beneficial environmental utilize chemical energy stored in organic natural capital associated with the pricing of effects? The typical lifestyles of the citizens of molecules. In most cells, this energy is released consumable goods : They are priced in such a developed nations are built on high levels of by aerobic respiration. consumption and unsustainable use of natural - Autotrophs (daisies, roses and grass) - The process of photosynthesis (solar energy ecosystems. (the wolf, leopard, lion, some shark - A population crash occurs when a population into chemical energy) species, and the American alligator,seastar) greatly overshoots carrying capacity, and Carbon dioxide + Water + Solar energy → - Biomes are large terrestrial regions of the earth resulting environmental pressures cause effects. Glucose + Oxygen (Aerobic respiration requires) with distinct climate and certain species adapted - Resilience describe the ability of a living - A food chain is a sequence of organisms, each to them (Deserts, tropical forests, prairie system to repair damage after an external of which serves as a source of nutrients and grasslands, and coniferous forests) disturbance energy for the next organisms. - Three Big Ideas Three Big Ideas - Food webs: complex arrangements of feeding • Populations evolve when genes mutate and - There are always limits to population growth in patterns in ecosystems give some individuals genetic traits that enhance nature. - With regards to productivity of an ecosystem, their abilities to survive and to produce offspring - Certain interactions among species affects GPP is greater than NPP because of the with these traits (natural selection). their use of resources and their population metabolic process of respiration. • Human activities are degrading the earth’s vital sizes. - The aquatic ecosystems with the highest biodiversity by causing the extinction of species - The balance of nature theory only. average net primary productivity are Estuaries and by disrupting habitats needed for the - Changes in environmental conditions cause - Ecosystems has the highest net primary development of new species. communities and ecosystems to gradually alter productivity swamps and marshes • Each species plays a specific ecological role in their species composition and population sizes. - The portion of the planet that is responsible for the ecosystem where it is found. CHAP 6 the vast majority of the Earth's annual biomass - Speciation is the process where one species Reasons why Human population has been production are open oceans splits into two or more different species. 2 growing exponentially - Net primary productivity is the rate at which phases: – Humans have expanded into almost all of the producers use photosynthesis to produce and – Geographic isolation occurs when different planet’s climate zones and habitats. store chemical energy minus the rate at which groups of the same population of a species – The emergence of early and modern they use this energy through aerobic respiration become physically isolated from one another for agriculture allowed us to grow more food for - Phosphorus (bone and teeth) not include the a long period of time.(may result from a volcanic each unit of land area farmed. atmosphere as a temporary reservoir? eruption, an earthquake, a mountain range) – Death rates dropped sharply because of - Three Big Ideas – Reproductive isolation occurs when mutation improved sanitation and health care. • Life is sustained by the flow of energy from the and change by natural selection operate in the - Cultural carrying capacity is the maximum sun through the biosphere, the cycling of gene pools of geographically isolated number of people who could live in reasonable nutrients within the biosphere, and gravity. populations. freedom and comfort indefinitely, without • Some organisms produce the nutrients they - Biological extinction is the process by which an decreasing the ability of the earth to sustain need, some survive by consuming other entire species ceases to exist. future generations. organisms, and others recycle nutrients back to The process of biological extinction : There has - The total fertility rate (TFR) is the average producers. always been a certain low-level amount of number of children born to women in a • Human activities are altering the flow of energy ongoing background extinction occurring/ population during their reproductive years. through food chains and webs, and the cycling Completely natural processes can cause - Between 1955 and 2011, the average global of nutrients within ecosystems and the population extinctions/ Human activities have lifetime number of births of live babies per biosphere. resulted in population extinctions. woman dropped from 5 to 2.5. CHAP 4 • Local extinction occurs when a population of a - 3 effective ways to slow population growth The biodiversity found in genes, species, species becomes extinct over a large region, but – Reduce poverty (economic development and ecosystems, and the ecosystem processes of not globally. universal primary education) energy flow and nutrient cycling that sustain all • Endemic species are found in only one area – Elevate the status of women life. and are thus especially vulnerable to extinction. – Encourage family planning and reproductive – Species diversity, is the number and variety of • Background extinction has occurred over most health care. the species present in any biological community. of Earth’s history (disappeared at a low rate) - 2 useful indicators of overall health in a country – Genetic diversity, which is the variety of genes - Niche (pattern of living: space, food, or region are life expectancy and infant mortality found in a population or in a species. temperature, etc.) is different from habitat (place rate – Ecosystem diversity refers to the earth’s where an organism lives). Niche is used to - The age structure of a population is the number variety of deserts, grasslands, forests, classify species into generalists or specialists or percentage of persons of each sex in young, mountains, oceans, lakes, rivers, and wetlands. - A niche includes an organism's range of middle, and older age groups – Functional diversity includes a variety of tolerance for physical and chemical conditions - Population age structure diagrams can be processes such as energy flow and matter - An organism's niche is analogous to its way of divided into Prereproductive, Reproductive, cycling occurring within ecosystems. life Postreproductive - For every shark that injures or kills a person - Mass extinction is a significant rise in extinction - Age structure diagrams are useful for every year people kill at least 1 million sharks rates above the background level. predicting population momentum Reasons sharks important to humans: never get - Current environmental conditions will dictate - Rapidly growing countries have an age cancer and are a keystone species. which traits are beneficial, and will ultimately structure that has a broad-based pyramid Using specific examples, explain why sharks can drive evolution through the process of natural - Demographic transition refers to the decline in actually be beneficial to the human population if selection death rates followed by decline in birth rates we change our view of their role? Most CHAP 5 when a country becomes industrialized. In this individuals view sharks as predators, and 5 basic types of interaction between species model, death rates fall while birth rates remain dangerous animals to be avoided. This viewpoint when they share limited resources: high during the transitional stage, birth and is encouraged by the popular press, which – Interspecific competition occurs when two or death rates are high during the preindustrial profits from casting sharks in a negative light. more species interact to gain access to the stage However, sharks possess some physiological same limited resources. - The urban growth occurring in the developing attributes that would benefit humans if we – Predation occurs when a member of one countries is caused by both immigration and choose to study the underlying processes. species (predator) feeds directly on all or part of natural increase Sharks almost never get cancer. In addition, a member of another species (prey), obvious - It can be said that poverty is becoming sharks have highly effective immune systems relationship demonstrated by a food chain increasingly urbanized, mostly in developing that allow their wounds to heal without infection. – Parasitism occurs when one organism (the countries. Cancer and infectious diseases are leading parasite) feeds on another organism (the host), - Three big ideas causes of death in the United States. Drug- usually by living on or in the host. (kí sinh) • The human population is increasing rapidly and resistant strains of bacteria are becoming an Parasites can live the inside of the host, (e.g. may soon bump up against environmental limits. increasing concern worldwide. tapeworms) or on the outside of the host (e.g. • We can slow human population growth by - Species can play four major roles within mistletoe, sea lampreys). reducing poverty, encouraging family planning, ecosystems – Mutualism is an interaction that benefits both and elevating the status of women. Native species: normally live and thrive in a species by providing each other with food, • Most urban areas are unsustainable, but they particular ecosystem. shelter, or some other resource. can be made more sustainable and livable within Nonnative species (also called invasive, alien, – Commensalism is an interaction that benefits your lifetime. and exotic): migrate into, or are deliberately or one species but has little, if any, effect on the - The world’s most populous cities, in order, from accidentally introduced into, an ecosystem, other. (hội sinh) largest to smallest are Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul, threaten native species - Environmental resistance is the combination of Mexico City, New York City Indicator species provide early warnings of all factors that act to limit the growth of a Briefly discuss the baby boomers and their effect damage to a community or an ecosystem. (Birds population. on our population profile. are excellent biological indicators because they - Exponential growth starts slowly but then The baby boomers are individuals born in the are found almost everywhere and are affected accelerates as the population increases. (J United States between 1946 and 1964, when quickly by environmental changes, such as loss curve) birth rates were extremely high. As this group or fragmentation of their habitats and - Logistic growth occurs when the growth rate moves through different age categories, a bulge introduction of chemical pesticides.) decreases as the population becomes larger and is expressed in our population profile. This group Keystone species: whose roles have a large nears the carrying capacity (carrying capacity is now in the 50- and 60-year-old category. effect on the types and abundance of other refers to the maximum size of population the Because of the large number of individuals species in an ecosystem, even though they may environment will support) of its environment within the group, they have been able to exist in relatively limited numbers in their because resources such as food, water, and influence market and political decisions, and are space begin to dwindle. (S curve) expected to continue to do so as they retire.
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