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RISSER, Jr., Vilas Vernon, 1940-


Iowa State University, Ph.D., 1969

Engineering, electrical

University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan




Vilas Vernon Risser, Jr.

A Dissertation Submitted to the

Graduate Faculty in Partial Fulfillment c

Thé Requirement's for the Degree of


Major Subject: Electrical Engineering


Signature was redacted for privacy.

In Charge of Major Work

Signature was redacted for privacy.

Head of Major Department

Signature was redacted for privacy.

De^J of Graduée Collide

Iowa State University

Of Science and Technology
Ames, Iowa









Use of the Desired Circulator 34

Microstrip Parameters 36

Ferrite Parameters 47

Determination of the Proper Bias Field 55

Matching the Ports 60

Measurement of Circulator Characteristics 63





conductor loss in microstrip

dielectric loss in microstrip • •

lossless propagation constant in +(|) direction

lossless propagation constant in -(j) direction

input susceptance of ferrite disk " ""

capacity of microstrip line

linewidth of ferrite in oersteds

vector laplacian

fractional frequency splitting required for an

admittance phase angle of 30° at the resonator

bandwidth of device expressed in per cent

vector electric field

field component in i^^ coordinate direction

dielectric constant of free space (scalar)

relative dielectric constant (scalar)

effective dielectric constant of microstrip

input conductance of ferrite disk

vector magnetic field

value in oersteds of external magnetic bias field

internal magnetic field in the ferrite

bias field value required for ferromagnetic resonance

vertical distance between microstrip conductors

insertion loss of device measured in decibels

value of port isolation measured in decibels

n^^ order Bessel function of the first kind


k wave propagation number

K off-diagonal component of g

4TrMo value of magnetization measured in the laboratory

saturation magnetization of ferrite

n number of azimuthal variations around ferrite disk

N demagnetizing factor

$ potential associated with microstrip lines

2ijj angle subtended by width of microstrip line

q effective filling fraction used to evaluate

and for microstrip

Q charge per unit length of microstrip line

r radius of conducting disk over ferrite

R ferrite disk radius

Rg surface resistivity in ohms per square meter

p-^-z regular cylindrical coordinate symbols

tan 6 loss tangent of dielectric

0 angle associated with input admittance

g tensor permeability

Uo- permeability of free space (scalar)

y on-diagonal component of ^

effective permeability of ferrite

effective permeability modified for microstrip

VSWR voltage standing wave ratio

0) r.f. driving frequency measured in radians (w = 2ïïf)

Wo center frequency of circulator operation measured in


W width of microstrip line


x-y-z regular cartesian coordinate symbols

Y. input admittance of ferrite disk

in ^
admittance of ferrite disk at band edge frequencies

Z fall space characteristic impedance

ZÔ characteristic impedance of microstrip




Figure 1. Strip-line circulator model 6

Figure 2. Microstrip transmission line 14

Figure 3. Microstrip circulator model 21

Figure 4. Standing wave pattern in ferrite disk 27

for either strip-line or microstrip
circulator, = 0

Figure 5. Standing wave pattern rotated 30° 30

to isolate one port

Figure 6. Equivalent circuit of counter-rotating 31

mode admittance

Figure 7. In-line transition from coax to micro- 40


Figure 8. Microstrip conductor geometry near end 41

of lines

Figure 9. Input VSWR versus frequency 43

Figure 10 Different conductor geometries used on 44

ferrite disk

Figure 11 Resonance curve showing different regions 52

of operation for a fixed rf frequency

Figure 12 Insertion loss versus H, 58

Figure 13 Port admittance plot 59

Figure 14, Transformer-ferrite connection 62

Figure 15. Necessary laboratory equipment for 64

complete testing program

Figure 15. Picture of complete microstrip circulator 66

Figure 17. Characteristics of C-band microstrip 67


Figure 18. Variation of operating frequency with 79

conductor disk radius


A device which is finding extensive use in the microwave

industry is the ferrite circulator. Basically a circulator

is a ferrite loaded symmetrical junction of three or more

transmission lines. It has the property of transferring power

from the incident port to the next adjacent port and isolating

all other ports. The nonreciprocal characteristics of the

ferrite, under the influence of proper magnetic bias fields,

make this action possible. Theoretically, a circulator can

have any number of ports. However, the difficulties of real­

izing an n-port circulator increase as n increases. Practi­

cally 3 and 4-port circulators have been produced. Tne 3-port

or Y-junction circulator is the most common and is of major

interest here.

The possibility of such a device was proposed in 1954

(14). A scatter matrix analysis of a lossless reciprocal 3-

port junction was made and it was shown that not all ports of

the junction could be matched. However, if the requirement

for reciprocity were lifted, it would be possible theoreti­

cally to match all three ports. Further, it was shown that

if a lossless nonreciprocal 3-port junction could be matched

it would behave as a perfect circulator (14, 34). Since the

nonreciprocal properties of ferrites were being studied at

the time this material was used to load a 3-port junction.

After some experimentation circulator action was achieved.


As with most devices, the first models were crude, bulky

and inefficient. Improvements were made and, as the trend of

the microwave industry was toward miniaturization, the circu­

lator was soon being adapted from waveguide to strip-line.

With the ability to process ferrite materials to smaller di­

mensions, and to use more efficient means of providing d.c.

magnetic bias it was possible to reduce the size still fur­

ther, and adapt the element to the unsymmetrical microstrip

transmission line.

Building microstrip circulators is a new process using

state of the art techniques. There is a great deal of re­

search activity in this area today and much work needs to be

done. It is the purpose of this paper to describe one such

research effort. A broad study program was undertaken, in­

cluding ferrite parameters, microstrip characteristics, and

the circulation mechanism. From this base a systematic de­

sign plan was formulated and carried to successful comple­

tion. This design plan, used to obtain several working mod­

els of microstrip circulators, will be discussed. Emphasis

will be placed on the problems likely to be encountered in

the laboratory, but enough theoretical background will be

given to justify each assumption or clarify each step.



The microstrip circulator is the culmination of two

different disciplines — propagation of energy by microstrip

transmission lines, and ferrite circulator design and oper­

ation. An attempt will be made to trace the development of

both microstrip and the circulator. Not all papers pertain­

ing to the subject will be covered. Likewise, some of the

papers will be covered more thoroughly than others. The

chief objective of this review is to furnish sufficient back­

ground to enable the reader to grasp the problem.

In 1955, Carlin (14) was the first to show that any loss­

less nonreciprocal 3-port junction which can be matched acts

as a perfect circulator. This basic premise caused attention

to be focused on producing a practical circulator. This ef­

fort culminated in the development of the circulator although

no phenomenological theory of operation was available.

Much research effort was expended on the relatively new

device and several papers concerning circulators were written.

In 1956, Treuhaft (43) wrote a theoretical paper, in which he

pointed out the similarities between the scattering matrix

for circulators and the cyclic substitution of the group theory.

Auld (7) using the mathematics developed in Treuhaft's

paper, considered the problem of synthesizing symmetrical

waveguide circulators. Milano, Saunders and Davis (33) ana­

lyzed a strip-line Y-circulator using the scatter matrix


approach. This paper also gives some performance data for a

circulator using two Yig disks polarized above resonance^. At

a given frequency and for a given ferrite material the disk

diameter and the applied bias field were varied until all

ports were as nearly matched as possible. This assured cir­

culator action.

Another active worker in the ferrite circulator area was

Yoshida (49). This author gives some helpful hints on circu­

lator design in his brief reports. Chait and Curry (16) pub­

lished a report containing performance data for a geometri­

cally symmetric 3-port waveguide junction containing a tri-

angular ferrite wedge. An attempt to describe the circula­

tion phenomena was also made by proposing that the fields in

the magnetized ferrite were displaced in such a way that the

energy could be guided from one port to the adjacent one.

This field displacement theory and others were used to

explain circulator phenomena, but it was not until 1961 that

the boundary value problem for a strip-line Y-circulator was


Bosma (11) published in June of that year the first of

his two classic papers in which he gave extensive considera­

tion to the circulator problem. He noted that as long as

three fold symmetry was maintained the junction could be

^In this report above resonance operation implies that the

applied magnetic bias field is greater than the bias required
for ferromagnetic resonance.

loaded with any shape ferrite. However, for mathematical

convenience he analyzed the simplest geometry of two circu­

lar ferrite disks on either side of the center conductor of

the strip-line junction. Figure 1. Starting with Maxwell's

equations for plane wave propagation in an infinite sheet of

gyrotropic medium, Bosma solves for the electromagnetic

fields. Several assumptions are made to reduce the boundary

value problem to a tractable form. Although some of these

assumptions seem to be restrictive the results obtained did

corroborate them. The main assumptions made were 1) the

electric field is in the axial direction only, 2) there is

no variation of electric field in the axial direction, 3) the

edges of the ferrite disks can be considered as magnetic walls,

4) the only boundary condition necessary restricts the azi-

muthal magnetic field to be zero at the ferrite disk edge and

5) since there is symmetry in balanced strip-line one ferrite

disk acts as a mirror image of the other and only one disk

need be considered.

Bosma obtains from his analysis two equations necessary

for circulation. These equations depend both upon the ferrite

parameters and the fields in the junction region. Solutions of

these two complex equations give conditions which must be met

to assure circulation.

In this comprehensive paper Bosma also proposed a qual­

itative explanation of why circulation occurred. His expla­

nation is based on the electric field distribution in the



Figure 1. Strip-line circulator model


ferrite disks. Plots of constant amplitude and phase of the

electric field were made and it was shown that most of the

energy was concentrated in the region between the input and

output ports. Bosma explained the circulation mechanism by

considering that a plane wave incident upon a ferrite disk will

be split into two elliptically polarized waves, one traveling

in the +(f) direction and one in the direction. The + and -

signs correspond to the waves traveling in the same direction,

and to waves oppositely directed to the natural electron spin

in the ferrite. If there is no magnetic field across the fer­

rite the +(J) and traveling waves will be degenerate, i.e.

they will travel around the disk with the same propagation

velocity. When a d.c. magnetic field is applied the waves no

longer travel around the disk with the same velocity and the

two counter-rotating waves will provide destructive interfer­

ence at some point on the circumference of the disk. The d.c.

magnetic field can be varied until this null is produced at

the port to be isolated.

This paper went far toward explaining the phenomena of

circulator action. It was also the first solution to the

boundary value problem presented for the strip-line Y-circulator.

The theoretical'design equations obtained did not violate any

known experimental results obtained by the author or by earlier

experimenters. The paper also provided a firm foundation for

further work on circulators.

Following Bosma's first paper research on circulators


was accelerated. Many novel design methods were reported.

One notable attempt to miniaturize the circulator was report­

ed by Clark and Brown (18). These authors reported on a

coaxial Y-junction circulator using a gadolinium substituted

yittrium iron garnet post as the gyrotropic material. This

particular type garnet was found to provide stable operation

over a wide range of frequencies and temperatures. Clark and

Brown also discussed various methods of changing the operating

characteristics of ferrite circulators. The two parameters

most often varied are the external magnetic field and the fer­

rite disk diameter. These authors also mentioned the possi­

bility of changing the height of the ferrite cylinder, using

" an adjustable ground plane below the ferrite, and shielding

the ferrite post by an adjustable height dielectric sleeve.

Data was presented for a coaxial Y-circulator operating over

temperature ranges from -60°F to 300°F.

Skomal (39) emphasized the physical behavior of the fer­

rite circulator. It was proposed that the ferrite cylinder

could support propagation of a bound surface wave. The idea

of the incident wave splitting into two oppositely directed

components was applied — assuming that the energy was con­

tained in a tightly bound surface wave. As the axial magnetic

d.c. field was applied.the propagation speed of the oppositely

directed waves differed. The attenuation of each component

was assumed to be the same. Skomal then proposed that the

d.c. magnetic field, the saturation magnetization, and the


ferrite cylinder diameter could be chosen so as to give con­

structive and destructive interference of the oppositely di­

rected components of the surface wave. These parameters could

then be adjusted to provide circulator action. One condition

that must be met, according to this source, is that the cir­

cumferential distance between ports must equal the wave

length of the surface wave. Skomal draws several interesting

conclusions from his work with circulators. One is that for

any fixed diameter ferrite operating with a fixed d.c. mag­

netic field there are two frequencies which will show circula­

tion — one above and one below resonance. Furthermore, the

circulation will be in opposite directions at the two frequen­

cies. Another point is that below resonance operation allows

a ferrite with a broader line width to be used without degrad­

ing the insertion loss of the circulator. Also for below

resonance operation, the optimum applied d.c. magnetic field

decreases as 4ÏÏM^, the saturation magnetization, increases.

He also verified that wider circulator bandwidths occur for

below resonance operation.

Shortly before Bosma's second paper Davies and Cohen (20)

published a paper in which they gave some substance to the

validity of the circulation equations presented in Bosma's

first paper. They used a scatter matrix formulation and de­

rived the scatter matrix elements for the 3-port circulator.

Then they solved the corresponding eigenvalue problem and

showed that if the eigenvalues were spaced around the unit


circle 120° apart two equations arise which are equivalent to

the circulation equations of Bosma. However, they offer some

advantages, both in interpretation and computation, because

many difficulties caused by singularities in Bosma's equations

are removed. The authors concluded that several apparent

modes of operation were possible depending upon the pair of

degenerate resonant modes set up in the gyromagnetic disks.

The choice of mode of operation affects the physical parame­

ters and performance of the circulator.

In 196 3, Bosma (12) followed up his first work on circu­

lators by presenting another paper on circulation at U H F.

He drew on the conclusions of Davies and Cohen and realized

that the circulators he described in his first paper were

operating in an inefficient higher order mode. He also re­

formulated the basic boundary value problem and used a Green's

function method of solution. In this comprehensive report

Bosma also proposes a method for broadbanding circulators.

Then he concludes his second paper with a revised discussion

of the circulation mechanism in the ferrite loaded junction.

In his two papers Bosma laid much of the ground work for

understanding the circulator mechanism. A thorough knowledge

of his two definitive papers is a must for anyone planning to

work with ferrite circulators.

Following this work a flurry of activity was apparent in

circulator research. Many authors proposed different design

methods for accomplishing various ferrite circulators (10, 30).


The techniques reported varied according to the purpose of

the circulator. Although Bosma's circulators were above

resonance the area below resonance was reported in many works.

One major interest of people designing circulators was

obtaining wider bandwidths. A comprehensive study was re­

ported by Simon (38). He bases his study on the concept that

building a 3-port circulator is essentially a matching pro­

cess. He took impedance measurements on circulators with

different ferrite materials and different biasing levels.

When the impedance points began to coalesce about the real

axis on the Smith chart a matching structure from ferrite to

strip-line could be designed. Some of the points discussed

in this paper are the effect of the saturation magnetization

on the circulator impedance, the effect of ferrite geometry

on impedance characteristics, the fact that the dielectric

loss of the ferrimagnetic materials is quite noticeable for

circulators operating below resonance, and that strip-line

width has little effect on impedance characteristics. Simon

was able to achieve octave bandwidth circulators by effec­

tively matching the 3-port junction.

Anderson (1) addresses the problem of broadbanding the

circulator by using external matching circuits. He reaches

an interesting conclusion regarding the limiting number of

external matching structures which will improve performance

over ajiy specified bandwidth.

A helpful paper which extended Bosma's theory and gave


design techniques was written by Fay and Comstock (22). These

men used an engineering approach to the problem of construct­

ing ferrite circulators. Bringing the power of circuit theory

to bear on the problem they deduced a .design program which is

widely used in the industry today. The particulars of this

design plan will be discussed elsewhere in this report. Let

it simply be stated here that the authors designed several

strip-line circulators and achieved quite good correlation

between theoretical and experimental results.

Other papers on circulators were published. Weiss (45)

worked with a symmetrical 3-port ring circulator composed of

T-junctions and nonreciprocal phase shifters. This author

also discussed the question of how efficiently the volume of

ferrite is used in present devices.

Various other papers gave different ideas and methods of

optimizing the operation of ferrite circulators. Konishi (30)

worked with a lumped element circulator and, reported on a

synthesis theory of such. Bonfeld, Linn and Omori (10) re-

sported on a circulator utilizing only one magnetic pole piece.

Good circulation characteristics were obtained with this com­

pact unit over a small bandwidth.

Although progress has been made in the circulator theory

the design of waveguide and strip-line circulators is still

not perfected. Realizing a working circulator is an engineer­

ing problem. However, if the problems which will be encoun­

tered in the laboratory are to be solved a thorough knowledge


of circulator history is necessary. The listing of papers

reviewed here is not comprehensive but an investigation of

these papers will lead to other sources. Some general back­

ground material related to the problem can be found in many

textbooks (17, 19, 26, 29, 32, 34, 40, 41, 42, 44).

This report concerns microstrip circulators. Ordinarily

not much attention would be focused on the type of transmis­

sion system used, but since microstrip transmission of energy

is a problem in its own right a brief review of microstrip

history seems in order.

The trend in recent years has been to decrease the size

of electrical components. With the advent of integrated cir­

cuits and thin film techniques a type of transmission line

known as microstrip began to attract attention. This type of

unbalanced transmission line. Figure 2, was first described

by Assadourian and Rimai (6). In their paper they analyzed

the properties of microstrip assuming TEM mode propagation.

For the TEM mode to exist the top conductor, of finite width,

must be imbedded in an infinite homogeneous dielectric above

a ground plane. Practical microstrip does not meet these con­

ditions. However, Assadourian and Rimai suggested that if the

bottom conductor is more than three times the width of the top

conductor most of the energy is concentrated in the dielectric

between the conductors. Although their solution is not rigor­

ous it gives good results and most of the theories of micro-

strip include the assumption of TEM mode propagation.



Figure 2. Microstrip transmission line

i 15

The important parameters of microstrip are the character­

istic impedance Z o, the guide wavelength A , and the losses

due to the dielectric and conductors. The authors discussed

each of these parameters and evaluated them for several dif­

ferent configurations.

Despite the approximations made this work provided the

first attempt to analyze the microstrip line. The solution

is only good for wide strips, but gives good results in this

area. As will be seen shortly a rigorous solution of the

microstrip boundary value problem soon becomes too unwieldy

to provide useful information for the engineer interested in

microstrip design.

In the same year as Assadourian and Rimai's work two

other papers appeared concerning microstrip. Grieg and Engel-

mann (23) gave results that generally agree with those of (6).

Kostrize (31), on the other hand was concerned with the use­

fulness of microstrip for microwave components. This paper

describes transitions from microstrip to coax as well as

descriptions of various microwave components such as pads,

loads, directional couplers, and ring structures.

Following this- series of papers microstrip drew some

laboratory investigations, but the industry was not yet ready

for microstrip components. Although these papers laid the

ground work it was a decade before the advent of practical

microstrip components. However, some useful papers were pub­

lished in that decade. Arditi (2, 3, 4) published three


papers concerning his work with microstrip. These papers

describe the investigation undertaken to determine if micro-

strip could be used as a substitute for coax and waveguide

in a complete system. The work was performed at 3-5 Ghz.

The effects of transducers, bends and other obstacles in the

line were studied.

All the work up to this time had been based on assump­

tions similar to those made by Assadourian and Rimai. Black

and Higgins (9) solved the difficult problem of determining

the characteristics of a microstrip line with three variable

parameters, both conductor widths and the line spacing. They

used a complex variable technique whereby several transforma­

tions were used and a rigorous solution was obtained by eval­

uating complicated Schwartz-Christoffel integrals. The fact

that laborious and difficult evaluation of these integrals

is required does not detract from their solution. However,

the engineer interested in design of microstrip components

still awaited a handy method of evaluating the parameters of


Brodwin (13) studied transmission characteristics for a

microstrip line in which the substrate material was gyrotropic.

His analysis and experiments closely paralleled those for a

ferrite filled waveguide in a longitudinal magnetic field.

With the publications by Wheeler (46, 47) microstrip

attracted new interest. Wheeler emphasizes the synthesis,

versus analysis, of microstrip from the design engineer's


point of view. Such a design engineer is interested in the

relationship between the structural aspects of the line and

the electrical characteristics. The usual problem is what

shape ratio — conductor width over line spacing — should be

used to obtain a naicrostrip line with a certain characteris­

tic impedance. Wheeler uses a conformai mapping technique

but certain simplifying approximations are made and the re­

sults are given in terms of the trigonometric and exponential

functions instead of the less used and more complex elliptic

functions. Wheeler's work has been the basis for several

papers which give easy to use charts for obtaining the shape

ratio of microstrip for a desired characteristic impedance

(27, 35).

With the increased interest in integrated circuitry in

the last few years the interest in microstrip continued to

grow. Hyltin (28) reported results of various line widths

laid down on the usual SiOz dielectric used for integrated

circuitry. This high dielectric substrate more nearly binds

the r.f. energy to the substrate.

Caulton, Hughes and Sobol (15) have a readable paper

which provides some background theory, then uses Wheeler's

paper as a basis to provide easy to use design charts. Also

discussed is the non-trivial problem of transitions from mi­

crostrip to associated circuitry.

Much work is being done with microstrip today, both

theoretical and experimental. Although the exact boundary


value problem of the unbalanced transmission line remains

untenable, attempts to obtain better approximations to the

line characteristics continue (48). Since the trend of the

microwave industry is to minimize the size and weight of vari­

ous components this work is expected to continue.

Within the past year several preliminary reports of re­

search being conducted on microstrip circulators have been

published. Hershenov (24, 25) has reported on several dif­

ferent configurations. Also Dunn and Domenico have worked

on these devices (21). Most of these devices have been con­

structed by drilling a hole in a dielectric substrate and in­

serting a ferrite disk. Then conductors are deposited or

etched over the disk. There has been no theoretical analysis

published concerning the microstrip circulator but some people

believe it will behave phenomenologically very much like the

strip-line model. Most researchers believe the device holds

great promise, but that mass production is still several years


This was not intended to be an exhaustive review of the

literature concerning microstrip and circulator theory. It

was intended to acquaint the reader with some of the work

which has preceded this paper in both fields so that he might

appreciate some of the problems involved. Since much work is

being done in these areas today any literature review such as

this is necessarily outdated before it is published. However,

the reader who is starting to research in either the field of


microstrip or of circulators should find in these papers a

proper basis on which to proceed with his study.



The objective of the program was to design and construct

a C-band microstrip circulator which operated below resonance.

A ferrite disk of proper dimensions was to be imbedded in a

suitable dielectric substrate. Figure 3. Quarter-wave trans­

formers were to be used to match the ports. The design was

to be based on the strip-line circulator design outlined by

Fay and Comstock (22).

In order to determine what assumptions remain valid for

microstrip a brief discussion of the strip-line analysis will

be given here. Reference will be made to the two models shown

in Figures 1 and 3.

First consider the magnetic field. It is assumed that

the ferrite is placed in a uniform external field and that


the magnetic dipoles are precessing in the uniform preces-

sional mode. In strip-line where two magnets are used this

is very nearly so. In microstrip where only one pole piece

is feasible the uniformity of the field is questionable. Using

a magnetic probe edge effects were observed in the magnetic

field above the ferrite. Attempts to place a magnetic keeper

above the ferrite produced interference with the rf fields.

This is one reason why a low saturation material is' desired

for microstrip circulators. It was also found that the magnet

diameter should be greater than the ferrite disk diameter to

minimize the edge effects.





Figure 3. Microstrip circulator model


Another assumption which simplifies the strip-line solu­

tion is that there is no electric field variation in the z-

direction. This, coupled with the assumption that there is a

component of electric field in the axial direction only, allows

the solution of the fields in the ferrite. The appropriate

Maxwell's equations are:

(la) 2^ E"
(lb) V X H = -jwEo EE

(Ic) V • E = 0

(Id) V ' gH = 0


y -j< 0
(le) g = ^ y 0
0 0 1

Using cylindrical coordinates and the assumptions mentioned

above manipulation of Maxwell's equations result in the Helm-

holtz equation for E

(2a) (spz p 3p "*• p29cj)2 k'iEg 0


2 2
(2b) = w^EoMoSf^—^-^)=
This equation has solutions, depending on the number of

azimuthal variations n, given by

= Jn'kp)(a+ns:"* + .

The magnetic field components can be found in terms of

from the following equations;

«P =

(4c) = 0

These results are

«P = -/
Uo ( j] )

+ + i^„"^P) <!• + |)))

Mb') /^5^
= j
Uo ( ^ )

+ a.,e-j"*(j^_,(kp, - (1 - I»}

{4c') = 0

This solution for the fields is based on only one ferrite

disk. It is agreed that since there is field symmetry and

geometrical symmetry about the center conductor plane in the

strip-line, the ferrite disks act as mirror images of one an­

other. It seems reasonable then that the fields in the micro-

strip case would be described by similar expressions. Obvious

changes, such as in the effective dielectric constant, will

have to be made but the basic field configuration in the fer­

rite will remain the same.

Matching the boundary conditions in either the strip-line

or microstrip model is a formidable task. In the strip-line

problem Bosma (11, 12) has argued that forcing the.azimuthal

magnetic field to be zero at the ferrite disk edge is suf-

'ficient to describe the normal modes set up in the isolated

disk case. (^ = 0, Figure 1). When external transmission

lines are connected to the central conductor this condition

does not hold at the ports. The problem is still tractable

however if is assumed zero everywhere on the edge of the

ferrite except the ports.

With the external transmission lines attached let the

boundary conditions for p = R be given by;

(5a) Port #1 = Hi, = El


(5b) Port #2 H, = Hi = -Ei

(5c) Port #3 = 0 = 0

.(5d) Elsewhere = 0

Using these conditions, and considering only the n = 1 modes

the amplitudes a_^ and a_ can be evaluated as:

(Ga) 2Ji (kR)

(Gb) • 2Ji(kR)

Then the fields of interest are:

^ - 5='

(») = i ((1 +

(1 + ^))ei* + (1 - J-)(Jo(kR) - ^^-41^(1 -

In order for the magnetic field to satisfy the boundary con­


(9) (Jo(kR) - ^(1 + ^)) = 0 = (Jo (kR) - (1 - ^)]


must be satisfied. This is so only if

(10) (kR) 1,1 =1.84.

This equation proves useful in determining the required fer­

rite disk diameter.

Using the fields found as discussed above as a basis the

phenomenological description of what is occurring in the fer­

rite loaded junction can be outlined. Similar phenomena is

thought to take place in both strip-line and microstrip.

Let it be assumed that a linearly polarized sinusoidally

time varying wave is incident on the ferrite cylinder. The

electric field vector is perpendicular to the plane of the fer­

rite disk and the magnetic field vector is parallel to, and in

the plane of, the ferrite.

It is assumed that the ferrite broad faces are completely

covered with conductor leaving only the disk edges open to

radiation. When the d.c. magnetic field is zero this plane

wave will set up a standing wave pattern as shown in Figure 4.

It must be emphasized that this is but one mode which is

set up in the ferrite disk. This is the dominant mode, but

when circulator action is considered it is necessary to include

all possible modes in which the electric field vector is per­

pendicular to the plane of the ferrite disk. Although all of

these modes are not involved in the power handling process

they are necessary when matching the fields in the ferrite to


Figure 4. Standing wave pattern in ferrite disk for either

strip-line or microstrip circulator, = 0

the fields present in the surrounding dielectric. This is

true for the 3-port Y-junction circulator. It is thought

that an attempt to excite some of these higher order modes,

more than one variation in the cf) direction, might be benefi­

cial in the design of multiport circulators.

The pattern of Figure 4 can be thought of as a super­

position of two elliptically polarized counter-rotating field

patterns or modes with propagation constants 3 and 3 • The

propagation will be assumed lossless. In the absence of a

magnetic bias field 3^ and g will have the same value. Ports

II and III will see voltages which are 180° out of phase with

the input voltage and one half the value of the voltage at

port I.

When a magnetic bias field is placed across the ferrite

disk the tensor characteristics of the ferrite are observed.

The magnetic dipoles produced by the spinning electrons will

tend to precess around the magnetic bias field vector. This

affects the propagation of the counter-rotating waves such

+ —
that 3 and 3 are no.longer equal. Each of these modes will

have its own resonant frequency which will depend on the sat­

uration magnetization and the radius of the ferrite disk. The

plus mode, rotating in the same direction as the precessing

dipoles, will have a higher resonant frequency than the minus

rotating mode. The components of electric -and magnetic field

will arrive at ports II and III out of phase and will add to

give a composite value. The standing wave pattern will, in


effect, be rotated by an amount which depends on the applied

magnetic field. For the 3-port Y-junction circulator the

field pattern should be rotated 30° in the plus direction to

isolate port III. Figure 5. The system then acts like a

transmission device between ports I and II. Note that circu­

lation is in the direction of the minus rotating mode if the

applied bias field is less than the field required for reso­

nance of the ferrite. If H. > H the direction of circu-

dc res
lation is reversed. Since there is complete symmetry in the "

device any port can be chosen as the input port with similar

results. In this discussion it was tacitly assumed that all

ports were matched, which is a condition for circulation.

Otherwise the problem would be complicated by multiple reflec­


In effect, the rotation of the standing wave pattern by

30° can be thought of in the following manner. Suppose that

each counter-rotating mode has a mode admittance. The lumped

element equivalent circuit of such an admittance might be

given by Figure 6. Since the port admittance is desired to

be real at the operating frequency it would be beneficial if

the reactive components of the two counter-rotating mode im­

pedances would cancel. This can be adjusted by choosing the

proper bias field, ferrite radius, and saturation magnetiza­

tion. All of these ferrite parameters must be considered

individually, yet they are interrelated in their effect on

the operating characteristics.


Figure 5. Standing wave pattern rotated 30° to isolate

one port

Figure 6. Equivalent circuit of counter-rotating mode


If the circulator is to be operated below resonance a

ferrite material with low saturation magnetization 4TrM^ is

desired. This will then require a smaller external magnet to

produce the desired bias field. Although more will be said

concerning ferrite selection later, let it be assumed here

that a ferrite with a certain 477M has been selected. The

question of importance is finding the proper diameter of the

ferrite disk. Utilizing Equation 10 the ferrite disk radius is

(11) R = 1.84/w/ESoPoWeg2'

Fay and Comstock (22) give curves which are useful for obtain­

ing Knowing this quantity, the permittivity, and the

driving frequency allows the calculation of k and thus the

ferrite radius.

Fay and Comstock also give a method of obtaining the fer­

rite disk thickness. It is thought that for microstrip, where

the substrate is usually thin, it is not necessary to calcu­

late an exact value of disk thickness. Even though the obtain­

able bandwidth may decrease slightly as the thickness of the

ferrite decreases, it is thought that this is not a sizeable

effect. In choosing the ferrite disk a more practical consid­

eration is dielectric substrate thickness.

With these comments in mind a design plan patterned on

the outline just presented will be proposed. This plan was

used successfully to obtain useful microstrip circulators.



The purpose of this section is to outline the step by

step procedure which was used in the design and development

of several microstrip circulators. It is thought to be a

straight-forward and systematic approach to an engineering

problem of considerable interest. Whenever possible, theory

has been reproduced to qualify or substantiate experimental

procedure. Suggestions are sometimes made for improvement of

the procedures used. These, for the most part, are based on

experience gained in the laboratory. The sensitive areas are

often the ones over-which no design equations are available.

Unfortunately, small variations in these areas can often pro­

duce sizeable changes in the operating characteristics. How­

ever, adherence to the procedure outlined, coupled with care­

ful construction techniques should produce microstrip circu­

lators useful over the desired frequency range.

This outline consists of six individual procedures.

They can be listed as follows:

1. Determine for what use the unit is needed.

2. Determine microstrip parameters and construct the unit.

3. Determine the ferrite parameters AH, 4t t M^, R. Obtain

ferrite and check,parameters.

4. Determine the proper magnetic bias field.

5. Design matching structures.

6. Check isolation, insertion loss and VSWR at all ports.

Check the symmetry of the device. Make final adjustments.

Each step will be discussed fully.

Use of the Desired Circulator

Circulators can be produced in a variety of shapes and

sizes. They are versatile devices which can perform a num­

ber of tasks. For best results the purpose for which the

circulator is to be used should be ascertained before the

design of the unit is begun. This information, along with

the specifications for operating characteristics, will help

determine how the device should be constructed. Here it will

be assumed that these specifications warrant the decision of

microstrip construction. After this decision has been made

the operating characteristics and tolerances must be consid­

ered. Often these operating characteristics will be speci­

fied for the design engineer. If not, a thorough knowledge

of circulator phenomena may give an indication of reasonable

performance goals. The factors which limit the performance

of microstrip circulators should be kept in mind.

The isolation, defined by

(12) Isol = 10 llogiop^ldb.,

is a measure of how well a particular.port is isolated from

the input power. Specifically it can be shown that the iso­

lation between two ports is dependent on the VSWR at the pre­

ceding port (38). For instance if circulation is in the


1-2-3-1 direction the isolation between ports 3-1 is depen­

dent on the VSWR at port 2. Since the circulator is meant

to be a symmetric device it is necessary to match all ports.

One method of providing this match will be discussed in de­

tail later. Another factor related to the matching of the

ports is the bandwidth of the device. It is not difficult

to obtain a bandwidth of 20 per cent or less. Wider band-

widths will require special matching techniques. The band­

width of a 3-port circulator is usually taken as that operat­

ing range over which the isolation is greater than 20 db.

The insertion loss of the device is the total power

dissipated in the device, including microstrip and ferrite

losses. This is usually related to the total power available

at the input port of the device and is expressed in decibels.

For this program the following specifications were given:

f0 = 4000 MHz

6 = 20%

Isolation > 20 db over the bandwidth

Insertion Loss < .6 db over the bandwidth

The results verify the merits of the procedure here outlined.

All of the circulators were constructed by placing a ferrite

disk in a dielectric substrate. Other methods have been pro­

posed (21, 24) but were not tested. Construction capabilities

dictated the above choice.


Microstrip Parameters

Microstrip is an unbalanced transmission line. Figure 2.

It was first discussed in 1952 (6). At that time an approx­

imate analysis was made assuming that the microstrip could

support TEM mode propagation. Under this assumption an elec­

trostatic approach can be used to obtain the value of the

characteristic impedance ZQ.

For TEM mode propagation

(13) Zo = ^

where is the permeability of the substrate, e is the permit­

tivity of the substrate and C is the capacitance of the line

defined by

(14) C = ^
($2 - 0 1 )

where Q is the charge per unit length on either conductor and

($2 - $ 1) is the potential difference between the conductors.

Since microstrip will not support a pure TEM mode the char­

acteristic impedance zj of microstrip is related to the above

characteristic impedance Zq by

(15) Z, = Zo

where c is the effective relative dielectric constant,


This effective relative dielectric constant is a weight­

ing factor which takes into account the fact that the top con­

ductor lies in a plane dividing two different dielectrics —

air, with dielectric constant Eq/ and substrate with dielec­

tric constant e . Wheeler (46) gives the following formula

for the effective relative dielectric constant

(16) Egff = 1 + q(G_ - 1)

where e is the relative dielectric constant of the substrate

and q is the effective filling factor.

Presser (35), using Wheeler's work as a basis, gives a

simple method of finding the effective filling factor, the

effective relative dielectric constant and the shape ratio ^

to give a desired microstrip line characteristic impedance.

Also of importance are the losses inherent in the micro-

strip configuration. These losses are of three types, conduc­

tor loss, dielectric loss and radiation loss. The first two

have received the most attention and approximate expressions

for them exist. Again it is assumed that most of the rf en­

ergy is in the region between the conductors and that TEM mode

propagation is present. Then the conductor loss is (6)

(17) a = —^^
^ 2ZoW

where R and R are the surface resistivity in ohm per

Si Sg
square meter and w is the width of the top conductor.

The dielectric loss is given by

(18) ^ /yTtanS

where w is the driving frequency, y is the permeability of

the substrate, e is the permittivity of the substrate and

tang is the loss tangent of the substrate. It should be

noted that the dielectric loss is independent of the size

and shape of the microstrip.

The third contribution to microstrip loss may, in some

cases be the largest, yet it is the most difficult to ana­

lyze. Although much research is now being done on micro-

strip the problem of radiation has not received much atten­

tion. These radiation losses are present, particularly near

sharp corners or transitions. To reduce the effect of radi­

ation losses careful construction procedures should be used.

Also the conductor surface must be kept smooth and homoge­

neous, and any transitions which are unavoidable should be

made with extreme care. Since testing of microstrip compo­

nents usually entails, transitions from microstrip to coax a

method of making these transitions will be described. A

versatile easy-to-connect transition which could be used over

a wide frequency range and with a variety of substrate mate­

rials was desired. It seemed that an in-line transition.


Figure 7, best satisfied these characteristics.

Several sizes of connectors were experimented with and

it was found that the smallest was the least lossy. This was

attributed to a decrease in radiation from the coax connector.

In all cases the center conductor of the connector was

allowed to protrude 1/8". This was flattened and pressed

against the microstrip line. Spot soldering was sometimes

used if there was any doubt about the press contact.

If the microstrip line width was much wider than the

center conductor of the transition element the ends of the

conductors were trimmed to a symmetric arrowhead configura­

tion with an angle of approximately 30°. Figure 8. This was

necessary in order to remove the conductor from the outer

structure of the coaxial adaptor. The angle of 30° was se­

lected empirically because it gave the best frequency char­

acteristics over the bandwidth.

It was found that another critical area was the abutment

of the dielectric substrate and the dielectric insulation be­

tween the coax conductors. An air gap at this point caused

discontinuities which could not be tolerated at the working

frequencies. After the connections were made the dielectric

was placed on a piece of triangular aluminum which served as

the ground plane and the holder of the single pole ceramic

magnet. It was necessary t,o seat the dielectric firmly on

_ the aluminum ground plane to avoid any unrepeatable varia­


flattened tab
^ 1/8 " long
r^n \
\ .\

ground plane &

magnet holder

Figure 7. In-line transition from coax to microstrip



Figure 8. Microstrip conductor geometry near end of lines


Even though care was used in the fabrication of the in­

line transition it was impossible to rid the structure of

frequency dependent characteristics. It was, however, pos­

sible to obtain a VSWR of less than 1.16 over the frequency

range of interest. Figure 9.

Hopefully many of these transition problems will be

avoided in the ultimate circuit configuration of the ferrite

circulator. It is envisioned as an integral part of a planar

circuit with only input and output connections.

Some other comments pertaining to the choice of dielec­

tric substrate should be made here. First the final overall

size of the dielectric substrate should be selected before

the ferrite is imbedded. Although a larger model might be

easier to work with in the early experimental stages it is

not an easy matter to scale the circulator down in size while

preserving the same operating characteristics.

Another point that must be mentioned is the symmetry of

the device. This is not a particularly simple objective to

obtain in microstrip construction. The conductor geometry

atop the ferrite must maintain three fold symmetry. A number

of different conductor geometries was tested. Figure 10.

These different geometries effect the circulator operating

characteristics, especially the operating frequency, in a

manner which has not yet been explained fully. The first

conductor geometry used was the straight Y. This gave good

characteristics but it was mechanically difficult to maintain

^ sTô 3T5 4TÔ 4^
frequency (GH^)

Figure 9. Input VSWR versus frequency


Figure 10. Different conductor geometries used on ferrite


symmetry. Circular disks of various radii were then used on

the ferrite. It was observed that the operating frequency

could be varied by changing the conductor disk diameter. This

proved to be a factor in the final adjustment of the circula­


In order to gain some insight into the effect of conduc­

tor disk radius r on the operating.-frequency of the circulator,

a rough model of the problem was proposed and some calculations

were made. (Appendix) The simplified example was that of a

dielectric cylinder having field configurations such that

n X E = 0 on the top and bottom and n x H = 0 on the sides.

For TM modes and no z variation the fields can be written as:

(19) = -kpj|(kpPle"i*

Hp = - 1 J,(kpP)e-]4

where k' =

and y = jwoe^^^eo.

If we now assume that the conductor on the top of the

dielectric is shrunk in size (r < R) and that on the exposed

dielectric n x H = 0, with all other boundary conditions re­

maining the same we can write new field expressions


(2°) ®p =

where A is a constant which constrains the amplitudes of the

perturbed fields to be of the same order of magnitude as the

original fields. Note that these tangential fields have z


Considering the change in r as a perturbation of the

original system an expression for the change in operation

frequency can be written as

(21) w - Wo =

of cylinder

where the superscripts indicate original or perturbed fields.

These integrals can be evaluated for various values of r/R

and the graph of Figure 18 (Appendix) can be plotted.

Several points of interest should be noted about this

graph. First as r -> R, w •> wo as it must. Also as r decreases

the operating frequency decreases. This might not seem in­

tuitively correct at first glance. If one considers a de­

crease in conductor radius as a decrease in shunt capacitance

only, he might expect an increase in resonant frequency. That

this is not so indicates the changes are more complex than

just decreasing the capacitance of Figure 6.


Although this is a rough approximation it indicates the

trend to be expected when a change in the conductor radius r

is made. As seen from Figure 18 a sizable change in operat­

ing frequency can be observed. This change was verified in

the laboratory when working with both strip-line and micro-

strip circulators. The conductor configuration is certainly

a factor to be considered in any circulator construction pro­


A more thorough treatment using the field expressions

for a magnetized ferrite disk should increase the effective­

ness of the above technique.

For the C-band unit discussed here the conductor radius

was the same as the ferrite radius. The only circulator

theory available is for this configuration.

A triangular plate conductor was also experimented with

but proved to reduce the bandwidth over which the circulator

could be matched.

Ferrite Parameters

After determination of the specifications which must be

met and after the microstrip parameters have been chosen the

ferrite material must be selected. The specifications of the

ferrite which will be discussed are the saturation magnetiza­

tion 4nMg, the line width AH, and the disk geometry. These

quantities must be related to the desired operating


characteristics of the device. Another factor to be consid­

ered for construction purposes is the thickness of the die­

lectric substrate to be used. It is desirable to have this

substrate and the ferrite disk with approximately the same

thickness if the ferrite is to be inset in the substrate.

It was found that the thickness of the disk is not a

sensitive parameter. Therefore elaborate calculations need

not be made to determine an exact thickness. Any effect made

by a variation in disk thickness can easily be compensated

for by adjustments in the external circuitry. For instance,

conductor geometry proved to be a sensitive factor in this


The fact that disk thickness is not critical points out

that so many assumptions have been made in the theoretical

analysis of a complex phenomena that the model is not ade­

quate in all instances.

However, in any design plan a launching point must be

found. In the design used here many of the assumptions asso­

ciated with the strip-line model have been adopted, some with

qualifications. Also some assumptions were based upon expe­

rience gained by working with strip-line circulator models.

Experimentally it was found possible to obtain similar

operating characteristics by using the same ferrite in both

strip-line and microstrip models. This indicates that simi­

lar phenomena is occurring in the ferrite loaded junction

region. Therefore, it was not surprising that the design


procedure of Fay and Comstock (22) gave reasonable results

when adapted to microstrip. Before proceeding to the calcu­

lation of the ferrite disk diameter a discussion of two fer­

rite parameters of interest to the circulator designer should

be given. These parameters are the saturation magnetization

4TTM and the linewidth, AH.

The saturation magnetization is that value of the mag­

netization in which all of the magnetic dipoles are aligned

with and precessing about the applied magnetic field vector

at 0°K. For temperatures greater than 0°K the thermal energy

will not permit complete alignment of all magnetic dipoles.

Therefore, the magnetization measured at room temperature will

••"be less than and will be designated 4irMo.

The fact that 4ï ï Mo is temperature dependent proves to be

a problem for the ferrite device which is to operate over wide

temperature variations. Some improvement in temperature sta­

bility has recently been made in some mixed ferrites but if

the temperature variations are severe external temperature

control must be used.

The saturation magnetization is a determining factor in

the choice of the external magnetic field strength. For low

loss operation the ferrite should be near saturation. The

external field across the ferrite which will keep it saturated

is dependent on the saturation magnetization and on the shape

of the material. The demagnetizing or shape factors can be

introduced by the following example. Suppose a ferrimagnetic


sample is placed in an external field This external

field produces a magnetization Mo < in the sample. The

magnetic dipoles induced at the surface of the sample create

a magnetic field which opposes the applied field. This de­

magnetizing field strength is dependent on the value of 4nMo

for the material. The microscopic field internal to the samr

•pie will be given by


where N, the demagnetizing factor is dependent on the shape

of the sample. Graphs are available for evaluating the de­

magnetizing factors for common sample geometries (32).

For ferrite circulator operation it is desirable to have

the internal field equal zero. This then gives the first in­

dication of the external field which will be required.

(23) = N(4ïïMo), Mo = Mg

(In c.g.s. units there is no distinction between the units of

field strength, oersteds, and the units of flux density.


If the applied field is not strong enough to produce a

magnetization which is near the value needed for saturation

the ferrite losses will increase due to the non-alignment of

the magnetic d-ipoles. This is the so called low field loss


region which must be avoided for efficient circulator opera­

tion. Figure 11. In the class of microstrip circulators

where a single pole piece is to be used to provide the exter­

nal field it becomes important to choose a ferrite material

with a low saturation magnetization. Values of 4ÏÏMO from

300 to 600 gauss are common.

Another parameter of importance is the line width AH

(oersteds) of the ferrite material. The line width is a


measure of the time rate of energy exchange between the pre-

"cessing dipoles and the lattice vibrations of the ferrite

material. Values of line width may range from about one

oersted for Yig to several hundred oersteds for some fer­

rites. A narrow line width material indicates a slow rate

of energy exchange and a small damping of the magnetization

vector. This narrow line width material is desired for fer­

rite circulators. However, extremely narrow line width ma­

terial is very expensive and fortunately not required for

efficient circulator action. Values from 50 to 200 oersteds

are common.

The•saturation magnetization and the line width are two

parameters which are usually specified when a ferrite material

is delivered. If there is a need to measure these parameters

several measurement techniques using thin disks can be found

(5 ; 8, 36 , 37 ). With some changes this same method can be

used with ferrite samples of different shapes.

Having chosen a ferrite material with suitable values of





0 500 1000 500 2000

Low Loss Below Reso- Resonance Above Resonance
Regioni nance Opera Region Operating Region
I ting Region

Figure 11. Resonance curve showing different regions of

operation for a fixed rf frequency

and AH the final parameters of interest are the dimen­

sions. The proper choice of disk diameter will insure that

at the desired center frequency, fo the admittance of the

disk will be real, or nearly so. The disk thickness is a

minor controlling factor on the bandwidth of the device. In

microstrip it is not a critical dimension and for this pro­

gram it was chosen to be the same dimension as the substrate


To calculate the disk diameter the procedure proposed by

Fay and Comstock (22) was used. The notation is:

6 = 3$ bandwidth (in per cent)

VSWR = voltage standing wave ratio at input port at

band edge

= admittance of disk resonator at band edge (see

Figure 6)

0 = phase angle of

= loaded Q of disk resonator

6' = fractional frequency splitting required for an

admittance phase angle of 30o at the resonator.

Quarter-wave transformer matching techniques are to be used.

It will be desirable if the susceptance of the transformer

will cancel the susceptance of the resonator at the band

edges. If this is true then for small bandwidth (<30%) the

(24) VSWR = sec^G = 7^ .


Having found 6 the loaded Q of the resonator can be solved for


(25) 01 = .

This allows the fractional frequency splitting, 6' to be

evaluated from

(26) 6' = tan30

From this it is possible to find the ratio ^ from

(27) ^ - 2.466'

where the value of the constant is evaluated by considering

Equation 9 assuming that for small splitting the relation of

6' to ^ is linear. It can then be shown (22) that if the

internal field is zero in the ferrite

(28) Waff =. 1 -

Since this design is for microstrip, where a composite

dielectric is present, the effective relative permeability

must be altered similar to finding an effective relative

permittivity as discussed earlier. To do this. Wheeler's

work (4 7) was used as a basis. Given the as just


calculated it is possible to find an expression for in

terms of the same effective filling fraction q. This is

eff q + ygff(1 - q)

For the usual range of values of this will prove not to

be a large correction.

Using this value and the value of effective permittivity

the value of wave number can be evaluated from

(30) k = w v/Seffy'gffUoeo

and this value can be used in

(31) (kR) 1,1 = 1.84

to evaluate the ferrite disk diameter for the lowest order

modes '

Using the specifications given for this program and a

ferrite with 47rMo - 450 gauss the disk diameter was calcu­

lated to be 0.54 inches. '

Determination of the Proper Bias Field

It is assumed that the microstrip and ferrite parameters

have been chosen, the materials have been obtained, and a

symmetrical unit constructed. Consideration must now be


given to the third basic problem — that of providing the

proper magnetic bias field. In microstrip this is usually

done by placing a single magnetic pole under the ferrite.

These pole pieces can be obtained commercially in several

shapes and sizes. The obtainable magnetic field strength

varies' widely with magnet material and size.

It has already been shown that the field strength should

be approximately

(32) = N(4ttMo).

Some adjustment of the magnetic field strength applied to the

ferrite can be gained by using a set of metallic shims to vary

the distance between magnet and ferrite. All magnetic field

measurements were made by placing the probe of a hall effect

gaussmeter on top of the microstrip conductor, directly above

the center of the ferrite disk.

All theory assumes that the ferrite is completely satu­

rated by a uniform external magnetic field. Due to the fact

that no magnetic material can be placed above the conducting

lines without affecting the electric field the required mag­

net is often larger than would be necessary in other circula­

tor models. In fact, experimental evidence indicates the

magnet pole piece must have at least 20 per cent larger diam­

eter than the ferrite to decrease edge effects. The insertion

loss increased if smaller magnets were used. This was


attributed to nonparallel alignment of magnetic dipoles near

the ferrite disk edge.

For a given operating frequency fo, the variation of the

bias field changes the admittance of the ferrite and the in­

sertion loss of the circulator. The typical ferromagnetic

resonance curve (Figure 11) with frequency as a fixed param­

eter can be used as a visual aid when selecting the proper

bias field. Obviously, for below resonance operation, the

desirable region is between the low field loss region and the

ferromagnetic resonance loss region. This curve, available

with most commercially procured ferrites, proved to be de­

ceptive in that it indicated a wide range of values of mag­

netic bias.

Experimentally it was found that the range of bias field

values which gave minimum insertion loss was much more nar­

row. Figure 12. Choosing a value of magnetic bias which

minimizes the insertion loss may not be wise, however, until

the effect of the bias field on the admittance versus fre­

quency plots is investigated.

In order to make admittance measurements an effective

reference position was needed. This was provided by substi­

tuting a metal slug for the ferrite. This provided a short

circuit reference for the slotted-line impedance measuring


A typical admittance plot is shown in Figure 13 for

several different bias field values. It is seen that as the

. 58

f = 3700

= 4100

200 400 600 800


Figure 12. Insertion loss versus


= 450
K = 390



igure 13. Port admittance plot


applied field is increased the port admittance increases.

However the bandwidth over which the admittance is essen­

tially constant also increases. Note also that the band

edge frequencies are brought closer to the real axis of the

Smith chart. This allows matching with relatively simple

quarter wave transformers.

Considering the data obtained in the laboratory a deci­

sion on the optimum biasv field can be made. The particular

specifications to be met will effect the decision as to

emphasizing minimum insertion loss or a more matchable ad­

mittance plot.

Matching the Ports

It is known that the isolation obtained from the circu­

lator is dependent on the port match provided. Since a sym­

metrical device is desired, all ports should be matched to

the same degree. As mentioned above quarter-wave transformers

were used to lower the admittance of the resonator to that of

the microstrip line and to cancel the susceptance of the res­

onator at the band edges.

Having chosen a bias field and having an admittance

versus frequency plot to refer to, the transformer can be

designed using established techniques (34). In microstrip

the proper line width to obtain a desired transformer imped­

ance is most easily found using graphical techniques (35).

The length of the transformer is to be a quarter wavelength


at the center frequency. One problem encountered was where

to measure the length of the transformer. When taking data

for the admittance plots it was necessary to terminate the

microstrip in a short circuit. This was done by inserting

a metal slug in place of the ferrite. The impedance plot

was then based on this reference. Since the line subtends

an angle of 2ip on the ferrite it was decided to make the

transformer-ferrite connection such that an angle of Zip was

•subtended here also. Figure 14. The width of this connec­

tion does affect the match since it changes the effective

length of the transformer. This proved to be an extremely

sensitive area of the structure. Small variations in con­

ductor geometry near the ferrite altered the port admittance

and the matching structures were then not as efficient.

Experimentation with various conductor disk radii pro­

duced the following empirical pattern. As the conductor disk

radius was reduced the center operating frequency decreased.

In other words the conductor covering the ferrite changes the

admittance presented to the port in such a way that the

admittance versus frequency plot of Figure 13 is shifted

circularly to the left. An explanation of this effect is

given elsewhere in this report.

Indeed there are other variables available which effect

the port match. For instance the conductor geometry need not

be a circular disk. As long as three-fold symmetry is main­

tained other geometries can be used which will effect the


Ferrite Disk


Figure 14. Transformer-ferrite connection


admittance and the match. Figure 10. Unfortunately, these

effects are unpredictable theoretically due to the approxima­

tions used in describing the complex phenomena of circulation.

It is wise to refer to the admittance versus frequency

plot obtained previously and carefully construct all matching

networks. It will usually be possible to improve the match

obtained on the first try. This is not an exact art.

Measurement of Circulator Characteristics

Developing significant testing procedures is, of course,

necessary in any program of this type. The typical workbench

is shown in Figure 15 in block diagram form. With this set­

up the following information could be obtained: a) the iso­

lation (reverse power flow) between any two ports, b) the

total insertion loss of the system, c) VSWR at any port, and

d) the admittance versus frequency plot for the junction.

The first three measurements are made on the completed circu­

lator model. The admittance versus frequency plot was dis­

cussed previously. The isolation measurement is easily made

using a network analyzer and sweeping the frequency through

the operating range. The insertion loss measurement was made

using a substitution method. This method is valid and good

results are obtained if there are no large mismatches in the

system. In the final run when the ports are matched this

condition is satisfied. The VSWR's at each port should be

measured and compared. Any asymmetry will be discovered by






Figure 15. Necessary laboratory equipment for complete

testing program

making this comparison. This problem can be solved by chang­

ing slightly the width or length of the microstrip line to

that port.

One of the C-band microstrip ferrite circulators con­

structed and tested during this study is shown in Figure 16.

The substrate was triangular and measured Ih" on a side. The

complete unit including magnet weighed 13 ounces. The char­

acteristics of this particular unit are given in graphical

form in Figure 17.


Figure 16. Picture of complete microstrip circulator

I 67




Ins. Loss


3.75 4.25
Frequency GH

Figure 17. Characteristics of C-band microstrip circulator



Microstrip circulator design is not a simple clear-cut

process. A considerable amount of engineering man-hours lie

between the design and the realization of a device which will

meet those objectives. A reduction of these engineering man-

hours is the prime objective of this study.

The engineer is concerned with the optimum method of

meeting certain design specifications. A thorough under­

standing of all aspects of the problem is essential to the

engineer, if he is to choose wisely among the alternative

approaches to the final solution. The "best" solution usu­

ally involves compromises. For this reason a review of both

the theoretical and the experimental work which preceded this

undertaking is included in this report. Although most of this

work was done in waveguide or strip-line it is necessary to

understand the similarities and the differences between these

circulators and the ones constructed using a microstrip trans­

mission system.

Experimental work with both strip-line and microstrip

circulators indicated that similar phenomena were taking

place in both junction areas. Therefore, a design plan for

microstrip, based on an available analysis of the strip-line

circulator, was formulated. This design plan was then carried

through to the ultimate construction of a C-band microstrip

circulator using a ferrite disk imbedded in a dielectric


substrate. Although this is the most common construction

method, other proposed methods, such as using a ferrite sub­

strate, are thought to be adaptable to many of the techniques

outlined here.

The engineering aspects of the circulator problem were

not neglected. Some of these problems, which are discussed

in detail, are transitions from microstrip transmission line

to coaxial transmission line, port matching, proper magnetic

bias field selection and application, and device symmetry.

Also, since it was found experimentally that the operating

characteristics of the circulator could be varied by changing

the conductor configuration on top of the ferrite, an elemen­

tary theoretical explanation was offered.

In summary, this is the most comprehensive paper yet

written on the engineering considerations involved in the

designing of microstrip circulators. However the field is

far from closed! The area of microwave ferrite devices is

presently the subject of an extensive research effort. Much

work needs to be done on such topics as ferrite deposition,

the effect of conductor geometry on the operating character­

istics, a more- efficient manner of applying the necessary

magnetic bias, and the temperature stability of the ferrite

device. It is hoped that, in time, the microstrip circulator

will be a dependable component of a complete planar system.



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2. Arditi, Maurice. Characteristics and applications of

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3. Arditi, Maurice. Experimental determination of the prop­

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Engineers Convention Record, Part 10: 27-37. 1953.

4. Arditi, M. and Elefant, J. Microstrip applied to band­

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5. Artman, J. 0. and Tannenwaldf P. E. Measurement of the

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6. Assadourian, F. and Rimai, E. Simplified theory of

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7. Auld, B. A. The synthesis of symmetrical waveguide cir­

culators. Institute of Radio Engineers Transactions on
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8. Berk, A. D. and Lengyel, B. A. Magnetic fields in small

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9. Black, K. G. and Higgins, T. J. Rigorous determination

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10. Bonfeld, M. D., Linn, D. F. and Omori, M. A novel strip-

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11. Bosma, H. On the principle of stripline circulation.

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13. Brodwin, Morris E. Propagation in ferrite-filled micro-

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18. Clark, J. and Brown, J. Miniaturized, temperature stable

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19. Collin, Robert E. Field theory of guided waves. New

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20. Davies, J. B. and Cohen, P. Theoretical design of sym­

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22. Fay, C. E. and Comstock, R. L. Operation of the ferrite

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23. Grieg, D. D. and Engelmann, H. F. Microstrip — a new

transmission technique for the kilomegacycle range. In­
stitute of Radio Engineers Proceedings 40: 1644-1650.

24. Herslienov, B. Microstrip junction circulator for micro­

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25. . Hershenov, B. X-band microstrip circulator. Institute

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2022-2023. 1966.

26. Holland, L. Thin film microelectronics. New York, N.Y.,

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27. Hudock, E. and Trenkle, T. Characteristic impedance of

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28. Hyltin, Tom M. Microstrip transmission on semiconductor

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29. Khambata, Adi J. Introduction to integrated semiconduc­

tor circuits. New York, N.Y., John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

30. Konishi, Y. Lumped element y circulator. Institute of

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31. Kostrize, J. A. Microstrip components. Institute of

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32. Lax, Benjamin and Button, Kenneth J. Microwave ferrites

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33. Milano, U., Saunders, J. H. and Davis, L., Jr. A Y-

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35. Presser, Adolph. R. F. properties of microstrip line.

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37. Rowen, J. H. and von Aulock, W. Measurement of dielec­

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38. Simon, J. W. Broadband strip-transmission line Y-

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and Techniques MTT-13: 335-345. 1965.

39. Skomal, E. N. Theory of operation of a 3-port Y-junction

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tronic Engineers Transactions on Microwave Theory and
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40. Smit, J. and Wijn, H. p. J. Ferrites. New York, N.Y.,

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"'41. Soohoo, Ronald F. Magnetic thin films. New York, N.Y.,

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42. Soohoo, Ronald F. Theory ,and application of ferrites.

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43. Treuhaft, M. A. Network properties of circulators based

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Electronics Engineers Proceedings 44: 1394-1402. 1955.

44. von Aulock, William H. Handbook of microwave ferrite

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45. Weiss, Jerald A. Circulator synthesis. Institute of

Electrical and Electronic Engineers Transactions on Mi­
crowave Theory and Techniques MTT-13: 38-45. 1965.

46. Wheeler, Harold A. Transmission-line properties of par­

allel strips separated by a dielectric sheet. Institute
of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Transactions on
Microwave Theory and Techniques MTT-13: 172-185. 1965.

47. Wheeler, Harold A. Transmission-line properties of par­

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Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Trans­
actions on Microwave Theory and Techniques MTT-12: 280-
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48. Yamashita, E. and Mittra, R. Variational method for the

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The author would like to thank his major professor, Dr.

A. V. Pohm, and his entire graduate committee for the guidance

of his graduate study program. Special thanks goes to Dr.

Robert E. Post for his many helpful suggestions concerning

this research effort. Much of this experimental work was

done while the author was working for Collins Radio Company.

The author would like to thank his colleague, Mr. Ed Hudock,

for the many helpful discussions they held during this period.

Finally, the author would like to extend his thanks to the

faculty and graduate students of Iowa State University with

whom he has associated during the last three years.



The effect of conductor geometry on the circulator op­

erating characteristics is not fully understood. It has been

found experimentally that a sizeable change in operating fre­

quency can be caused by changing the radius of the conducting

disk on top of the ferrite. This also causes less noticeable

changes in port admittance and optimum magnetic bias field

value. >

To gain some insight into the problem of operating fre­

quency alteration a much simplified model was proposed (see

page 45) and some calculations were made.

This appendix will deal with the evaluation of Equation

21 which is rewritten here for convenience and numbered lA.

0 ^ 0

-3pertiîrbea"'î^p "
, _ top numerator
" ° 2 /// GE& • E°dT denominator
volume z z

Solving the numerator we have

k R 2ïï k R 2ïï
(2A) / / x{j'x(x))'d<j>dx + f / l[ji(x)]:d*dx}
k r 0 k r 0 ^
p P

kpR kpR
~ "Td^^ / x (j1(x))^dx + / i(ji(x))^dx}.
^ k r k r

Using the identities

(3A) j1(x) = J o (x) - I J i (x)


(4A) Ji(x) = |(Jo(x) + Jz(x))

these can be arranged as

k^R k„R
"j • P P
(2A') -235{j( / x(jo(x)}^dx + / x(J2(x)]^dx} ,
k r . k r

The integrals can be evaluated using

(5A) /x{J^(ax)}2dx = ~ {J^(ax)}2 + j [l - {J^(ax)

After some manipulation the numerator becomes

(2A") -235|kp(R-r)Jo{kp(R-r)}Ji{kp(P-R)} + {J1(k^(R-r)} }'

^ - 1]1.

The denominator can be evaluated as follows;

k R
(6a ) 2e / / / | e l ^ d ^ d z p d p = ^ / x[ J i (x))^dx.
0 0 0 Z Kp g

Using 7A to evaluate the integral gives

(6A') [4 x 10-®)
2 ~ i T R[Jo
^ - - (k^R)Ji
• p (kpR))

+ (Ji(kpR))2}

Evaluating this for a disk radius of 5.85 x 10"^ meters gives

for the denominator

(6A'•) Denominator = 1.63 x lO"®.

Now' evaluating the numerator for several values of ^ the

graph of Figure 18 can be drawn.

It is thought that, although the model proposed is ele­

mentary, the trend which emerged gives an indication of observ­

able laboratory behavior.



Figure 18. Variation of operating frequency with conductor

disk radius

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