Midterm Test 7 - 12
Midterm Test 7 - 12
Midterm Test 7 - 12
A Erica a n d Tim are talking a b o u t Tim’s schedule this sem ester. Listen a n d A 8 points
check ( / ) th e tru e inform ation. (2 points each)
1. W here did Lora go last w eekend? 3. W ho did E than d an ce with? 1 . ____ 3 . ____
E x a m p le : A W here w e y o u -Prow______________ ?
B I’m from M exico City.
1. A Wh a t______________________________________________ ? 1. _____
B My sisters? T hey’re very friendly a n d outgoing.
2. A W h e re ________________________________________________ ? 2 .___
B My p a re n ts are a t h o m e today.
4. A ? 4 . ___
B Yeah, th e stu d e n ts in this class are very sm art.
5. A W h e re ________________________________________________ ? 5 . ___
B My friends a n d I usually go for coffee after class.
4. This n e ig h b o rh o o d is very exciting. T here’s no place to go. T here’s n o m all o r m ovie______ 4.__
th e a te r - ju st a lot o f a p a rtm e n t buildings.
H C om plete th e q u estio n s a n d answ ers. C hoose th e correct expressions from th e box, H 6 points
a n d use ca n or ca n ’t. (Do n o t use all th e expressions.) point each)
Exam ple: A C<nv\ you see ot Ai-P-Perevd- vnovie every night in this
B No, you cgtyvh T here’s only one m ovie theater.
B Me too. / Let m e think. W ould you like to go out? T here are som e good lu n c h places 1.___
a ro u n d here.
A Well, I’m o n a diet, so I d o n ’t w a n t a big lu n ch o r so m ething / o r anything.
2 .__
B OK. Let’s see. / Really? How a b o u t th e coffee shop n e a r here? 3 .____
(3 )
A Oh, th a t’s great. It’s right next door to th e electronics store. I n e e d to go th ere after
lunch. I w a n t to get m y n eig h b o r’s son a GameCube® for his birthday.
B A GameCube®? W h at’s that?
A Oh, it’s a kind of / k ind of like video gam e. He really, rea lly w an ts one. A nd h e ’s a 4 . ____
really great kid.
B Oh, th a t’s nice. H appy birthday! / Good for you. 5.___
L 6 points
L Circle th e correct w ords. (1 point each)
1. A W hat do you like to / w ould you like to do tonight? 1 . A ___
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Dear Sarah,
Well, how is Tokyo? Are you studying hard? Do you have any free time? Can
you take any vacation?
I talked to my aunt, and she knows a woman there. Her name is Keiko Noguchi.
Keiko lived in New York for two years and studied art history. Now she’s back
in Japan and living in Tokyo. She’s studying at a university there, and she works
part time in a museum. Anyway, I bet Keiko’s English is pretty good.
My aunt sent an e-mail to Keiko, so Keiko knows you’re in Japan. You can
e-mail her at knoguchill32@ cup.org. Keiko wants you to go to Kyoto with her.
Kyoto is famous for its gardens and historic temples. And she says you can go
and see a traditional show together. She saw a show there last week. She can tell
you about it.
Anyway, everybody misses you! And I think about you all the time. Please send
me an e-mail soon!
Come to the
The money from each sale at the Worldwide Food Fair goes to
help buy new computers for our club. And prices are low! All
you can eat for $7. Or you can buy a snack for just $3.
Come join us for fun and food: 11:30 a.m .-l :00 p.m.
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