Curriculum Map English 9
Curriculum Map English 9
Curriculum Map English 9
English 9
Unit 1 My Purpose
Content Standards Performan Formation Transfer Goal Learning Assessments Strategies Resource Core
ce Standard Competenci s Values
Standard es
The learner The learner The learner The students Pair work activity Think-pair- Interactive
demonstrates proficiently will learn that transfer learning Note the Recitation share English 7 Spendin
understanding of how plays an through by actively types of Oral recitation Question and (various g youth
Anglo-American active part his/her participating in a context board work Answer links for productiv
literature and other in a understandin Readers Theater clues seatwork Guided resource ely
text types serve as Chamber g of Anglo- through using used for a group work generalization materials) Believing
means of valuing Theatre American effective verbal given Vocabulary and
other people; also, presentatio literature and nonverbal word or game dedicatio
how to use processing n through including strategies based expressio Mind-mapping n to God
information strategies, employing Philippine on the following n Sharing Apprecia
different forms of effective literature and criteria: focus, Get the tion of
adverbs and verbal and other text voice, delivery, informatio nature
conditionals for non- verbal types is facial n from Love
him/her to play an strategies significant, expressions, style various Content
active part in a based on so that in the and body print ment
Chamber Theatre the long-run, the movements/gestu media Respect
presentation. following learners will res Write an for
criteria: be able to advertise elders
Content/Topic Focus, demonstrate ment The Cost
Voice, communicati of
Lesson 1: Art of God Delivery, ve Revenge
Facial competence
Expression for a deeper
Featured Selection: s, Style and appreciation
-I Wandered Lonely Body of Philippine
as a Cloud Movements culture and Analysis internalization
or those of Distinguis Differentiated poetry
Gestures. other h the Group work recitation
countries. features Graphic textual analysis
present in Organizer (chart) application
English poetry and Compositions (oral
Literature from prose (with rubric) communication
Oral sharing )
game Taboos
Types of
context clues
from various
print media
Lesson 3: Dealing
with Life’s Film-viewing
Challenges Reflection
Composition Readers
Individual oral Theater
communication Game
Featured Selections:
task (with rubric)
-The Scarlet Letter Paper-pencil
Lesson 4: The Gift of
Life Analysis
Group work
Featured Selections: Insight-sharing
-Let America be Group task
America Again Group game
adverbs in seatwork
narration Product
personal assessment
narrative (comic strips)
Seatwork (page
Lesson 5: Choices,
Chances, and
Changes Use of group
Group work games
Featured Selections: Pair work Contextual
-The Road Not Taken Individual work analysis
Recitation Internalization
Readers Individual activity Song analysis
Theater Composition Use of video
Story-chart In-depth
Recitation discussion
Seatwork Use of graphic
Oral recitation organizer
Group work Use of game
Use of video
Use of graphic