Grade 3 Week-1
Grade 3 Week-1
Grade 3 Week-1
Demonstrates understanding
sequence in words to get
B.Performance Standards Uses information form text Composes three-to five Uses word recognition Proficiency uses English Makes personal journals,
viewed or listened to in sentence paragraph techniques to read and vocabulary in varied and diaries, portfolios and logs, etc.
preparing logs and journals understand words that contain creative oral and written as expression of enthusiasm in
Uses information derived from complex letter combinations, activities reading books both for
texts in presenting varied oral affixes and contractions pleasure and learning
and written activities through theme-based activities
Uses strategies independently
Fluently expresses ideas in in accomplishing literacy-
various speaking tasks related tasks
C.Learning Recall details from text Participate in generating ideas Read words with long a sound Recognize some words Identify favorite authors and
Competencies/Objectives viewed/listened to through prewriting activities. (long a ending in e) represented by common stories.
abbreviations (e.g. Mr. Ave.,
Identify possible solutions to Identify several effects based Read grade 3 level texts Oct.) Get information from index and
problems on a given cause consisting of words with long table of contents.
vowel sound with at least
95100% accuracy
Spell words that were
introduced during word
Write the LC Code for each EN3LC-IIIa-b-2.1 EN3WC-IIIa-1 EN3PWRIIIa-b-5 EN3V-IIIa-7 EN3A-IIIa7
EN3LC-IIIb2.19 EN3RC-IIIa-2.7.1 EN3F-IIIa1.6 EN3SS-IIIa1.3
II.CONTENT “To Go or Not To Go“. Effects based on a given cause long a sound (long a ending in abbreviations (e.g. Mr. Ave., index and table of contents.
e) Oct.)