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Team Jaguar (ME GROUP 1)

Despi, Marianne Nicole

Helen, Jhon Mark
Idul, Christian Paul
Jandugan, Michael Jason
Pilapel, Jozhua
Rosales, Mariel


Design & “A solar-powered, “A machine that soaks “An electric bicycle

Features ambient air cleaner up CO2.” powered by the solar.”
and reliability air -Carbon capture, -As individuals become
monitor.” utilization, and storage increasingly aware of the
-This machine is a heavy- can capture the power harmful impact climate
duty solar-powered outdoor plant and industrial CO2 change has on our planet, the
air purifier that may be used emissions. It can be used popularity of electric bikes
outside. This solar air in enhanced oil recovery, has increased. Compared to
purifier includes a powerful fuels, building materials, other electrically reliant
suction fan that pushes air and more, or stored in vehicles, the solar-powered
through HEPA and carbon underground geologic bicycle is inexpensive and
filters, eliminating formations. It can also highly efficient due to its
pollutants and gases. The air
achieve of the global reliance on solar energy.
purifier has two layers. First
is a HEPA filter, then a greenhouse gas emissions Solar energy is a particularly
reductions and is viewed dependable source of energy 40%/35%
carbon filter. When these
two filters are used together, as the only practical way because it is accessible
they provide "dual to deep decarbonize the everywhere in the world and
filtration," in which industrial sector. is highly dependent, unlike
centrifugal force cleans a other natural resources. Solar
significant amount of air. energy charges the bicycle's
This suction fan pulls air out motor, allowing you to travel
using centrifugal force and
to your intended place
blows it out the top. The
system contains an air without pedalling. However,
quality sensor and display. individuals always have the
The panel charges the option to ride the bike if the
battery, which operates the battery is depleted, making it
suction fan. Four wheels extremely reliable. The Solar
and a handle make the Powered Bike is an
machine mobile. The air alternative to various non-
purifier can be carried to green modes of
school playgrounds, parks, transportation, and its design
houses, and public locations
is inspired by the electrical
to manage pollution fast and
effectively. bike.

Cost Materials: ₱ 46,888.61 Materials: ₱ 29,525.43 Materials: ₱ 154,848.55 40%/30%

Labor: ₱ 20,000 Labor: ₱ 10,000 Labor: ₱ 30,000

Timeline 8 months - 1 year 4 – 6 months 1.5 to 2 years 20%/20%

Total 100%

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