Unit 2 Energy Audit
Unit 2 Energy Audit
Unit 2 Energy Audit
Energy Management & Audit:
Definition, Energy audil- need, Types of energy aldit,
cTgy management (audit) approach-understanding cnergy costs, Bcnch mark ing Energy
pertormance, Matching encrgy use to
Niaximizng yate
pming the input energy requiremenls, Fucl and e'1ergy sub',itlulea
ey management iS
Another comprehensive definition is
The objective of Energy Managèment is to achieve and maintain optimum energy procurement
and üilisation. throughout the organization and:
agement programme.
As per the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, Encrgy Audit is defined as "the verilieaion. imon-
TtOrng and
analysis of use of energy including
ommendations for improving energy submission
efficiencywith cost benefit and ancontaining
of technical action piani to
teduce energy consumption.
3.2.1 Need for Energy Audit
In any industry; the three'top operating expenses are often found to bC c lectrical,
thermal), labour and materials. If one were to relate to the manageabiy
Pochtiar cost savings in each of ihe above components, energy would invariably eicrec d
Op ranker, and thus energy
management function constitutes a strategic arva lot tot
nergy Audit will help to understand more about thc ways cnergy and ic.
naustry. and help in identifving the areas where waste can oceur and where seope or
ment exIsts.
Energy Audit would give a positivé orientation to the energy cost reduction, preventive
maintenance and quality control programmes which are vital for production and utility activi-
ies. Such an audit programme will help to keep focus on variations which occur in the cfherev
costs. availability and reliability of supply of energy. decide on appropriate ene
fy energy conservation technologies, retrofit for energy conservation ejunpne
In general. Encrgy Audit is t h e translation o f conservation idets iitu roalii g
technically feasible solutions with economic and other organizational consideratons w Ithin
specified time frame.
The primary objective of Energy Audit is to determine ways to recduce energy consumpiion
per unit of product output orto lower operating costs. Energy Audit prevides" he i
(Reference point) for managing erergy ih the orgarization and also próvales th his
ning a more effective use of energy throughout the organization.
Burcau of Energy Elicwncy
3. Energy Management and Audit
3.2.4 Detailed
Energy Audit Methodology
COmprehen_ive audit provides detailed energy
since it a
project implemcntation plan tor kCT
Burcau ol Energy Eiliciency
Ten Steps Methodology for Detailed Energy
Obtam site
back capital investnient needet. Ihe audil report should conelude with speeitic recom-
on any
studies anl leasibihty analyses, which uhust then be per-
mendations for detailed engineerng that
of thosC Conservaluon ie:asures require inestmenis
formed to justify the implementation
ndustries, etc.)
Energy cost and tariff data
Process and material tlow diagrams
Generation and distribution of site services (eg.compressed air, steam).
Sourees of energy supply (e.g, electricity from the grid or self-generation)
Potential for fuel substitution. process modifications. and the use of co-generation
systems (combined heat and power generatión)
Energy Management procedures and cnergy awareness training prorn
Existing baseline information and reports are useful toget consumption patlern. prodiciion os
and productivity levels in terms of product per raw material inputs. The audit team shuuld cp
lect the following baseline data:
Technology. processes used and equipment details
Capaciry utilisation
Amount & type of input materials used
Water consumption
Fuel Consumption
Electrical energy consumption
Steam consumption
Other inputs such as compressed air. cooling water ete
Quantity & type of wastes geñerated
Percentage rejection reproçessing
Efficiencies yield
It is important to plan additional data gathering carefully. Here are some basie tips to avoid wastin
and effort:
measurement systems should be easy to use and prOVIde the information te the acet:iy hatis
needed, not the accuracy that is technically pussible
measurement equipment can be inexpensive (flow rales using a bucket and stopwateh
the quality of the data must be such that the correct conclusions are drawn (what grade of prod
uct is on, is the production nornal etc)
define how frequent data collection should be lor process
to account
measurement exercises overabnomal workload periods (such as startup d shudw
design values canbe,taken wlhere measirements are dilliult (coolingg water thruugh hea nenun