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Renewal Lease Document

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5/13/2022 9:42 AM


1. DWELLING UNIT DESCRIPTION. without our prior written consent. Permitting your dwelling
Unit No. 0216 , 157 to be used for any subletting or rental or occupancy by others
Stonebridge Blvd (including, without limitation, for a short term), regardless
(street address) in of the value of consideration received or if no consideration
Edmond is received, is a violation and breach of this Addendum and
(city), Oklahoma, 73013 (zip code). your Lease Contract.


Lease Contract Date: May 3, 2022 constitutes a material violation of the Lease Contract, and as
Owner’s name: Villas at Stonebridge I such we may exercise any default remedies permitted in the
Lease Contract, including termination of your tenancy, in
accordance with local law. This clause shall not be interpreted
to restrict our rights to terminate your tenancy for any lawful
reason, or by any lawful method.
Residents (list all residents):
7. RESIDENT LIABILITY. You are responsible for and shall
Idelfonso Pena Pena, Carlos Daboin CC
be held liable for any and all losses, damages, and/or fines
that we incur as a result of your violations of the terms of this
Addendum or the Lease Contract. Further, you agree you are
responsible for and shall be held liable for any and all actions
of any person(s) who occupy your dwelling in violation of the
terms of this Addendum or the Lease Contract, including, but
not limited to, property damage, disturbance of other residents,
and violence or attempted violence to another person. In
accordance with applicable law, without limiting your liability
you agree we shall have the right to collect against any renter’s
or liability insurance policy maintained by you for any losses
or damages that we incur as the result of any violation of the
This Addendum constitutes an Addendum to the above terms of this Addendum.
described Lease Contract for the above described premises,
and is hereby incorporated into and made a part of such Lease 8. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Addendum or the
Contract. Where the terms or conditions found in this Lease Contract is invalid or unenforceable under applicable
Addendum vary or contradict any terms or conditions found law, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of such
in the Lease Contract, this Addendum shall control. invalidity or unenforceability only without invalidating or
otherwise affecting the remainder of this Addendum or the
3. SHORT TERM SUBLEASE OR RENTING PROHIBITED. Lease Contract. The court shall interpret the lease and
Without limiting the prohibition in the Lease on subletting provisions herein in a manner such as to uphold the valid
and assignment and without limiting any of our rights or portions of this Addendum while preserving the intent of the
remedies, this Addendum to the Lease further supplements parties.
and defines the requirements and prohibitions contained in
the Lease Contract between you and us. You are hereby strictly 9. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions
prohibited from subletting or renting to any third party, or control over conflicting provisions of this printed form:
allowing occupancy by any third party, of all or any portion
of the dwelling, whether for an overnight use or duration of
any length, without our prior written consent in each instance.
This prohibition applies to overnight stays or any other stays
arranged on Airbnb.com or other similar internet sites.


You agree not to list or advertise the dwelling as being available
for short term subletting or rental or occupancy by others on
Airbnb.com or similar internet websites. You agree that listing
or advertising the dwelling on Airbnb.com or similar internet
websites shall be a violation of this Addendum and a breach
of your Lease Contract.


allows for use of your dwelling as a private residence only
and strictly prohibits conducting any kind of business in,
from, or involving your dwelling unless expressly permitted
by law. Separately, your Lease Contract prohibits subletting
or occupancy by others of the dwelling for any period of time

Resident or Residents Owner or Owner’s Representative

(All residents must sign) (Signs below)

Date of Signing Addendum

© 2019, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 2/2019, Oklahoma

Document digitally signed using RENTCafe eSignature services. Document ID: 2211378
5/13/2022 9:42 AM


Date of Lease Contract:  May 3, 2022

(when the Lease Contract is filled out) This is a binding document. Read carefully before signing.

Moving In — General Information

1. PARTIES.  This Lease Contract is between you, the resident(s)
5. KEYS AND FURNITURE.  You will be provided 2 apartment
(list all people signing the Lease Contract):
2 mailbox key(s), and other access devices for

Idelfonso Pena Pena, Carlos Daboin CC
 apartment will be [check one]:  furnished or X unfurnished.

 6. RENT AND CHARGES.  Unless modified by addenda, you will pay
959.00 per month for rent, payable in advance and without

 X at the on-site manager’s office, or
 X at our online payment site, or
  at 
and us, the owner: Villas at Stonebridge I 959.00 is due for the remainder of [check
Prorated rent of $
 one]: X 1st month or  2nd month, on  June 1 ,
 Otherwise, you must pay your rent on or before the 1st day of each
 month (due date) with no grace period. Cash is unacceptable without
(name of apartment community or title holder). You’ve agreed to rent our prior written permission. No checks will be accepted after the
Apartment No.
0216 at 157
3rd day of the month. You must not withhold or offset rent
Stonebridge Blvd unless authorized by statute. We may, at our option, require at any
 (street address) in time that you pay all rent and other sums in cash, certified or cashier’s
 Edmond check, money order, or one monthly check rather than multiple
(city), Oklahoma,
73013 (zip code) for use as a private checks. At our discretion, we may convert any and all checks via the
residence only. Automated Clearing House (ACH) system for the purposes of
Name and Address of a person authorized to act for and on behalf collecting payment. Resident agrees to pay the sum of
of the owner for the purpose of receipt of service of process and $
50.00 on the
3rd of the month if the rent remains
receiving and receipting for notices: unpaid on said date. Resident also agrees to pay a charge of
30.00 for each returned check or rejected electronic
Nina Tran payment, and including all late fees for any returned checks. If you
157 Stonebridge Boulevard, Edmond, OK don’t pay rent on time, you’ll be delinquent and all remedies under
73013 this Lease Contract will be authorized.
The terms “you” and “your” refer to all residents listed above. The
terms “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to the owner listed above (or any 7. UTILITIES.  We’ll pay for the following items, if checked:
of owner’s successors’ in interest or assigns). Written notice to or  water  gas   electricity   master antenna
from our managers constitutes notice to or from us. If anyone else  wastewater   trash   cable TV
has guaranteed performance of this Lease Contract, a separate Lease  other 
Contract Guaranty for each guarantor is attached. You’ll pay for all other utilities, related deposits, and any charges,
fees, or services on such utilities. You must not allow utilities to be
2. OCCUPANTS.  The apartment will be occupied only by you and disconnected for any reason—including disconnection for not paying
(list all other occupants not signing the Lease Contract): your bills—until the lease term or renewal period ends. Cable
 channels that are provided may be changed during the Lease Contract
 term if the change applies to all residents. Utilities may only be used
 for normal household purposes and must not be wasted. If your
 electricity is ever interrupted, you must use only battery-powered
 lighting. If your utility charges are determined by an individual
 utility meter or an alternative formula, we will attach an addendum
 to this Lease Contract in compliance with state agency rules or city

 8. INSURANCE.  We do not maintain insurance to cover your personal
 property or personal injury. To the extent permitted by law, we are
 not responsible to any resident, guest, or occupant for damage or
loss of personal property or personal injury from (including but not
No one else may occupy the apartment. Persons not listed above limited to) fire, smoke, rain, flood, water and pipe leaks, hail, ice,
must not stay in the apartment for more than 7 consecutive snow, lightning, wind, explosions, earthquake, interruption of
days without our prior written consent, and no more than twice utilities, theft, hurricane, negligence of other residents, occupants,
that many days in any one month. If the previous space isn’t filled or invited/uninvited guests or vandalism unless otherwise required
in, two days per month is the limit. by law.
3. LEASE TERM.  The initial term of the Lease Contract begins on the We urge you to get your own insurance for losses to your personal

1st day of
June , ,
2022 and ends at property or injuries due to theft, fire, water damage, pipe leaks and
midnight the day of ,
31st May 2023 . the like.
Renewal.  This Lease Contract will automatically renew month- Additionally, you are [check one]  required to purchase personal
to-month unless either party gives at least
30 days written liability insurance X not required to purchase personal liability
notice of termination or intent to move-out as required by paragraph insurance. If no box is checked, personal liability insurance is not
37 (Move-Out Notice). If the number of days isn’t filled in, at least required. If required, failure to maintain personal liability insurance
30 days notice is required. throughout your tenancy, including any renewal periods and/or
lease extensions, may be an incurable breach of this Lease Contract
4. SECURITY DEPOSIT.  Unless modified by addenda, the total security and may result in the termination of tenancy and eviction and/or
deposit at the time of execution of this Lease Contract for all residents any other remedies as provided by this Lease Contract or state law.
in the apartment is $
150.00 , due on or before the date this
Lease Contract is signed.

© 2022, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 3/2022, Oklahoma Page 1 of 7

Document digitally signed using RENTCafe eSignature services. Document ID: 2211378
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9. FLOOD DISCLOSURE.  In compliance with the Oklahoma Residential 10. LOCKS AND LATCHES.  Keyed lock(s) will be rekeyed after the
Landlord Tenant Act §113A, if the Owner is aware that the leased prior resident moves out. The rekeying will be done before you move
premises has flooded within the last five (5) years, Owner shall into your apartment.
disclose this fact to Tenant [indicate below]:
You may at any time ask us to change or rekey locks or latches during
 Yes, Owner is aware that the premises have flooded within the the Lease Term. We must comply with those requests, but you must
last five (5) years. pay for them, unless otherwise provided by law.
 Owner is not aware of the premises being flooded within the Payment for Rekeying, Repairs, Etc. You must pay for all repairs
last five (5) years. or replacements arising from misuse or damage to devices by you
NOTE: “Flooded and flooding” shall mean general and temporary or your occupants, or guests during your occupancy. You may be
conditions of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land required to pay in advance if we notify you within a reasonable time
areas and structures upon said areas from the overflow of lakes, after your request that you are more than 30 days delinquent in
ponds, streams, rivers, creeks and any other inland waters. reimbursing us for repairing or replacing a device which was misused
or damaged by you, your guest or an occupant; or if you have
requested that we repair or change or rekey the same device during
the 30 days preceding your request and we have complied with your
request. Otherwise, you must pay immediately after the work is

Special Provisions and “What If” Clauses

11. SPECIAL PROVISIONS.  The following special provisions and any 16. R ENT INCREASES AND LEASE CONTRACT CHANGES.  No rent
addenda or written rules furnished to you at or before signing will increases or Lease Contract changes are allowed before the initial
become a part of this Lease Contract. These “Special Provisions” Lease Contract term ends, except for changes allowed by any special
will override any sections of this lease in conflict with the Special provisions in paragraph 11 (Special Provisions), by a written
Provisions. addendum or amendment signed by you and us, or by reasonable
changes of apartment rules allowed under paragraph 19 (Community
See Additional Special Provisions
Policies or Rules). If, at least 5 days before the advance notice period

referred to in paragraph 3 (Lease Term), we give you written notice

of rent increases or Lease Contract changes effective when the Lease

Contract term or renewal period ends, this Lease Contract will

automatically continue month-to-month with the increased rent or

Lease Contract changes. The new modified Lease Contract will begin

on the date stated in the notice (without necessity of your signature)
See any additional special provisions.
unless you give us written move-out notice under paragraph 37
12. E ARLY MOVE-OUT.  Unless modified by an addendum, if you: (Move-Out Notice).

(1) m
 ove out without paying rent in full for the entire lease term 17. DELAY OF OCCUPANCY.  If occupancy is or will be delayed for
or renewal period; or construction, repairs, cleaning, or a previous resident’s holding
(2) move out at our demand because of your default; or over, we’re not responsible for the delay. The Lease Contract will
(3) are judicially evicted. remain in force subject to: (1) reduction of rent on a daily basis
You will be liable for all rent owed at the time and as it becomes due during delay; and (2) your right to terminate as set forth below.
under the terms of your lease agreement until the apartment is re- Termination notice must be in writing. After termination, you are
rented AND you agree to be liable for repayment of any rent entitled only to refund of deposit(s) and any rent paid. Rent abatement
concession that was given to you. or Lease Contract termination does not apply if delay is for cleaning
or repairs that don’t prevent you from occupying the apartment.
13. R EIMBURSEMENT.  Upon notice, you must promptly reimburse If there is a delay and we haven’t given notice of delay as set forth
us for loss, damage, government fines, or cost of repairs or service immediately below, you may terminate up to the date when the
in the apartment community due to a violation of the Lease Contract apartment is ready for occupancy, but not later.
or rules, improper use, or negligence by you or your guests or
occupants. Unless the damage or wastewater stoppage is due to our (1) I f we give written notice to any of you when or after the initial
negligence, we’re not liable for—and you must pay for—repairs, term as set forth in paragraph 3 (Lease Term)—and the notice
replacement costs, and damage to the following that result from states that occupancy has been delayed because of construction
you or your invitees, guests, or occupants’ negligence or intentional or a previous resident’s holding over, and that the apartment
acts: (1) damage to doors, windows, or screens; (2) damage from will be ready on a specific date—you may terminate the Lease
windows or doors left open; and (3) damage from wastewater Contract within 3 days of your receiving the notice, but not
stoppages caused by improper objects in lines exclusively serving later.
your apartment. All charges incurred under this paragraph are (2) I f we give written notice to any of you before the initial term
regarded as additional rent. as set forth in paragraph 3 (Lease Term) and the notice states
that construction delay is expected and that the apartment will
14. CONTRACTUAL LIEN AND PROPERTY LEFT IN APARTMENT. be ready for you to occupy on a specific date, you may terminate
All property in the apartment is (unless exempt under state statute) the Lease Contract within 7 days after any of you receives
subject to a lien to secure payment of delinquent rent. For this written notice, but not later. The readiness date is considered
purpose, “apartment” excludes common areas but includes interior the new initial term as set forth in paragraph 3 (Lease Term)
living areas and exterior patios, balconies, attached garages, and for all purposes. This new date may not be moved to an earlier
storerooms for your exclusive use. date unless we and you agree.
Removal After Surrender, Abandonment, or Eviction.  We or
law officers may remove and/or store all property remaining in the 18. DISCLOSURE RIGHTS.  If someone requests information on you
apartment or in common areas (including any vehicles you or any or your rental history for law-enforcement, governmental, or
occupant or guest owns or uses) if you are judicially evicted or if business purposes, we may provide it.
you surrender or abandon the apartment (see definitions in
paragraph 42 (Deposit Return, Surrender, And Abandonment)).
Redemption.  If notice of sale (set forth as follows) is given, you
may redeem only by paying the delinquent rent and reasonable
charges for packing, removing, and storing owing Landlord.

15. FAILING TO PAY FIRST MONTH’S RENT.  If you don’t pay the first
month’s rent before or when the Lease Contract begins we may seek
to end your right of occupancy and recover damages, future rent
(subject to our duty to mitigate), attorney’s fees, court costs, and
other lawful charges.

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While You’re Living in the Apartment
19. COMMUNITY POLICIES OR RULES.  You and all guests and (11) is parked on the grass, sidewalk, or patio; or
occupants must comply with any written apartment rules and (12) blocks garbage trucks from access to a dumpster; or
community policies, including instructions for care of our property. (13) belongs to a resident and is parked in a visitor or retail parking
Our rules are considered part of this Lease Contract. We may make space.
reasonable changes to written rules, effective immediately, if they
are distributed and applicable to all units in the apartment 23. R ELEASE OF RESIDENT.  Unless you’re entitled to terminate your
community and do not change dollar amounts on page 1 of this Lease tenancy under paragraphs 11 (Special Provisions), 17 (Delay of
Contract. Occupancy), 24 (Military Personnel Clause), 32 (Responsibilities of
Owner), or 37 (Move-Out Notice), or under Oklahoma law, you won’t
20. LIMITATIONS ON CONDUCT.  The apartment and other areas be released from this Lease Contract for any reason—including but
reserved for your private use must be kept clean. Trash must be not limited to voluntary or involuntary school withdrawal or transfer,
disposed of at least weekly in appropriate receptacles in accordance voluntary or involuntary job transfer, marriage, separation, divorce,
with local ordinances. Passageways may be used only for entry or reconciliation, loss of co-residents, loss of employment, bad health,
exit. Any swimming pools, saunas, spas, tanning beds, exercise or death.
rooms, storerooms, laundry rooms, and similar areas must be used
with care in accordance with apartment rules and posted signs. 24. MILITARY PERSONNEL CLAUSE.  All parties to this Lease Contract
Glass containers are prohibited in or near pools and all common agree to comply with any federal law, including, but not limited to
areas. You, your occupants, or guests may not anywhere in the the Service Member’s Civil Relief Act, or any applicable state law(s),
apartment community: use candles or use kerosene lamps without if you are seeking to terminate this Lease Contract and/or subsequent
our prior written approval; cook on balconies or outside; or solicit renewals and/or Lease Contract extensions under the rights granted
business or contributions. Conducting any kind of business (including by such laws.
child care services) in your apartment or in the apartment community
is prohibited—except that any lawful business conducted “at home” 25. R ESIDENT SAFETY AND PROPERTY LOSS.  You and all occupants
by computer, mail, or telephone is permissible if customers, clients, and guests must exercise due care for your own and others’ safety
patients, or other business associates do not come to your apartment and security, especially in the use of smoke detectors, keyed deadbolt
for business purposes. We may regulate: (1) the use of patios, locks, keyless bolting devices, window latches, and other access
balconies, and porches; (2) the conduct of furniture movers and control devices.
delivery persons; and (3) recreational activities in common areas. Smoke Detectors.  We’ll furnish smoke detectors as required by
We may exclude from the apartment community, to the extent statute, and we’ll test them and provide working batteries when
permitted by statutes, guests or others who, in our judgment, have you first take possession. After that, you must pay for and replace
been violating the law, violating this Lease Contract or any apartment batteries as needed, unless the law provides otherwise. You must
rules, or disturbing other residents, neighbors, visitors, or owner test automatic fire alarms at the beginning of your lease term and
representatives. We may also exclude from any outside area or monthly thereafter. We may replace dead or missing batteries at
common area, to the extent permitted by statutes, a person who your expense, without prior notice to you. Neither you nor others
refuses to show photo identification or refuses to identify himself may disable smoke detectors. If you damage or disable the smoke
or herself as a resident, occupant, or guest of a specific resident in detector or remove a battery without replacing it with a working
the community. battery, you may be liable to us for $100 plus one month’s rent, actual
damages, and attorney’s fees. If you disable or damage the smoke
You agree to notify us if you or any occupants are convicted of any detector, or fail to replace a dead battery or report malfunctions to
felony, or misdemeanor involving a controlled substance, violence us, you will be liable to us and others for any loss, damage, or fines
to another person or destruction of property. You also agree to from fire, smoke, or water.
notify us if you or any occupant registers as a sex offender in any
state. Informing us of criminal convictions or sex offender registry Casualty Loss.  We’re not liable to any resident, guest, or occupant
does not waive our right to evict you. for personal injury or damage or loss of personal property from any
cause, including but not limited to: fire, smoke, rain, flood, water
21. PROHIBITED CONDUCT. You and your occupants or guests may and pipe leaks, hail, ice, snow, lightning, wind, explosions,
not engage in the following activities: behaving in a loud or obnoxious interruption of utilities, theft, or vandalism unless otherwise
manner; disturbing or threatening the rights, comfort, health, safety, required by law. We have no duty to remove any ice, sleet, or snow
or convenience of others (including our agents and employees) in but may remove any amount with or without notice. During freezing
or near the apartment community; disrupting our business weather, you must ensure that the temperature in the apartment is
operations; manufacturing, delivering, possessing with intent to sufficient to make sure that the pipes do not freeze (we suggest at
deliver, or otherwise possessing a controlled substance or drug least 50 degrees). If the pipes freeze or any other damage is caused
paraphernalia; engaging in or threatening violence; possessing a by your failure to properly maintain the heat in your apartment,
weapon prohibited by state law; discharging a firearm in the you’ll be liable for damage to our and other’s property. If you ask
apartment community; displaying or possessing a gun, knife, or our representatives to perform services not contemplated in this
other weapon in the common area in a way that may alarm others; Lease Contract, you will indemnify us and hold us harmless from
storing anything in closets having gas appliances; tampering with all liability for these services.
utilities or telecommunications; bringing hazardous materials into Crime or Emergency.  Dial 911 or immediately call local medical
the apartment community; or injuring our reputation by making emergency, fire, or police personnel in case of accident, fire, smoke,
bad faith allegations against us to others. or suspected criminal activity, or other emergency involving
imminent harm. You should then contact our representative. Unless
22. PARKING.  We may regulate the time, manner, and place of parking otherwise provided by law, we’re not liable to you or any guests or
all cars, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, boats, trailers, and recreational occupants for injury, damage, or loss to person or property caused
vehicles. Motorcycles or motorized bikes may not be parked inside by criminal conduct of other persons, including theft, burglary,
an apartment unit or on sidewalks, under stairwells, or in assault, vandalism, or other crimes. We’re not obliged to furnish
handicapped parking areas. We may have unauthorized or illegally security personnel, security lighting, security gates or fences, or
parked vehicles towed by following applicable state law procedures. other forms of security. If we provide any access control devices or
A vehicle is unauthorized or illegally parked in the apartment security measures upon the property, they are not a guarantee to
community if it: prevent crime or to reduce the risk of crime on the property. You
(1) has a flat tire or other condition rendering it inoperable; or agree that no access control or security measures can eliminate all
(2) is on jacks, blocks or has wheel(s) missing; or crime and that you will not rely upon any provided access control
(3) has no current license or no current inspection sticker; or or security measures as a warranty or guarantee of any kind. We’re
(4) takes up more than one parking space; or not responsible for obtaining criminal-history checks on any
(5) belongs to a resident or occupant who has surrendered or residents, occupants, guests, or contractors in the apartment
abandoned the apartment; or community. If you or any occupant or guest is affected by a crime,
(6) i s parked in a marked handicap space without the legally you must make a written report to our representative and to the
required handicap insignia; or appropriate local law-enforcement agency. You also must furnish
(7) is parked in space marked for manager, staff, or guest at the us with the law-enforcement agency’s incident report number upon
office; or request.
(8) blocks another vehicle from exiting; or
(9) is parked in a fire lane or designated “no parking” area; or
(10) is parked in a space marked for other resident(s) or unit(s); or

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26. CONDITION OF THE PREMISES AND ALTERATIONS.  You accept 28. A NIMALS.  No animals (including mammals, reptiles, birds, fish,
the apartment, fixtures, and furniture as is, except for conditions rodents and insects) are allowed, even temporarily, anywhere in the
materially affecting the health or safety of ordinary persons. We apartment or apartment community unless we’ve so authorized in
disclaim all implied warranties. You’ll be given an Inventory and writing. If we allow an animal, you must sign a separate animal
Condition form on or before move-in. You must note on the form all addendum, which may require additional deposits, rents, fees or
defects or damage and return it to our representative. Otherwise, other charges. An animal deposit is considered a general security
everything will be considered to be in a clean, safe, and good working deposit. You must remove an unauthorized animal within 24 hours
condition. of notice from us, or you will be considered in default of this Lease
You must use customary diligence in maintaining the apartment Contact. We will authorize support and/or service animals for you,
and not damaging or littering the common areas. Unless authorized your guests, and occupants pursuant to the parameters and
by statute or by us in writing, you must not perform any repairs, guidelines established by the Fair Housing Act and the HUD
painting, wallpapering, carpeting, electrical changes, or otherwise regulatory guidelines. We may require a written statement from a
alter our property. No holes or stickers are allowed inside or outside qualified professional verifying the need for the support and/or
the apartment. But we’ll permit a reasonable number of small nail service animal. You must not feed stray or wild animals.
holes for hanging pictures on sheetrock walls and in grooves of If you or any guest or occupant violates animal restrictions (with
wood-paneled walls, unless our rules state otherwise. No water or without your knowledge), you’ll be subject to charges, damages,
furniture, washing machines, additional phone or TV-cable outlets, eviction, and other remedies provided in this Lease. If an animal
alarm systems, or lock changes, additions, or rekeying is permitted has been in the apartment at any time during your term of occupancy
unless statutorily allowed or we’ve consented in writing. You may (with or without our consent), we’ll charge you for defleaing,
install a satellite dish or antenna provided you sign our satellite deodorizing, and shampooing. We may remove an unauthorized
dish or antenna lease addendum which complies with reasonable animal by following the procedures of paragraph 29 (When We May
restrictions allowed by federal law. You agree not to alter, damage, Enter).
or remove our property, including alarm systems, smoke detectors,
furniture, telephone and cable TV wiring, screens, locks, and access 29. WHEN WE MAY ENTER.  If you or any guest or occupant is present,
control devices. When you move in, we’ll supply light bulbs for then repairers, servicers, contractors, our representatives, or other
fixtures we furnish, including exterior fixtures operated from inside persons listed below may peacefully enter the apartment upon one
the apartment; after that, you’ll replace them at your expense with (1) day advance written notice:
bulbs of the same type and wattage. Your improvements to the entry is for: responding to your request; making repairs or
apartment (whether or not we consent) become ours unless we replacements; estimating repair or refurbishing costs; performing
agree otherwise in writing. pest control; doing preventive maintenance; changing filters;
testing or replacing smoke-detector batteries; retrieving
unreturned tools, equipment or appliances; preventing waste
of utilities; delivering, installing, reconnecting, or replacing
appliances, furniture, equipment, or access control devices;
removing or rekeying unauthorized access control devices;
removing unauthorized window coverings; stopping excessive
noise; removing health or safety hazards (including hazardous
(except in case of fire, smoke, gas, explosion, overflowing sewage,
materials), or items prohibited under our rules; removing
uncontrollable running water, electrical shorts, or crime in progress).
perishable foodstuffs if your electricity is disconnected; removing
Our written notes on your oral request do not constitute a written
unauthorized animals; inspecting when immediate danger to
request from you.
person or property is reasonably suspected; allowing persons
Our complying with or responding to any oral request regarding to enter as you authorized in your rental application (if you die,
security or non-security matters doesn’t waive the strict requirement are incarcerated, etc.); allowing entry by a law officer with a
for written notices under this Lease Contract. You must promptly search or arrest warrant, or in hot pursuit; showing apartment
notify us in writing of: water leaks; electrical problems; to prospective tenants (after move-out or vacate notice has been
malfunctioning lights; broken or missing locks or latches; and other given); or showing apartment to government inspectors, for the
conditions that pose a hazard to property, health, or safety. We may limited purpose of determining housing and fire ordinance
change or install utility lines or equipment serving the apartment compliance by us and to lenders, appraisers, prospective buyers,
if the work is done reasonably without substantially increasing your or insurance agents.
utility costs. We may turn off equipment and interrupt utilities as
needed to avoid property damage or to perform work. If utilities 30. MULTIPLE RESIDENTS OR OCCUPANTS.  You are individually
malfunction or are damaged by fire, water, or similar cause, you responsible for all Lease Contract obligations. You are also responsible
must notify our representative immediately. Air conditioning for all other residents’ Lease Contract obligations. If you or any guest
problems are not emergencies. If air conditioning or other equipment or occupant violates the Lease Contract or rules, all residents are
malfunctions, you must notify our representative as soon as possible considered to have violated the Lease Contract. Our requests and
on a business day. We’ll act with customary diligence to make repairs notices (including sale notices) to any resident constitute notice to
and reconnections. Rent will not abate in whole or in part. all residents and occupants. Notices and requests from any resident
or occupant (including notices of tenancy termination, repair
If we believe that fire or catastrophic damage is substantial, or that
requests, and entry permissions) constitute notice from all residents.
performance of needed repairs poses a danger to you, we may
In eviction suits, each resident is considered the agent of all other
terminate your tenancy within a reasonable time by giving you
residents in the apartment for service of process. Security deposit
written notice. If your tenancy is so terminated, we’ll refund prorated
refunds may be by one check jointly payable to all residents; the
rent and all deposits, less lawful deductions.
check and any deduction itemizations may be mailed to one resident


31. R EPLACEMENTS AND SUBLETTING.  Replacing a resident, Procedures for Replacement.  If we approve a replacement
subletting, or assignment is allowed only when we consent in writing. resident, then, at our option: (1) the replacement resident must sign
If departing or remaining residents find a replacement resident this Lease Contract with or without an increase in the total security
acceptable to us before moving out and we expressly consent to the deposit; or (2) the remaining and replacement residents must sign
replacement, subletting, or assignment, then: an entirely new Lease Contract. Unless we agree otherwise in writing,
your security deposit will automatically transfer to the replacement
(1) a reletting charge will not be due;
resident as of the date we approve. The departing resident will no
(2) an administrative (paperwork) and/or transfer fee will be due,
longer have a right to occupancy or a security deposit refund, but
and a rekeying fee will be due if rekeying is requested or
will remain liable for the remainder of the original Lease Contract
required; and
(3) you will remain liable for all Lease Contract obligations for the term unless we agree otherwise in writing—even if a new Lease
Contract is signed.
rest of the original Lease Contract term.

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Responsibilities of Owner and Resident
32. R ESPONSIBILITIES OF OWNER. We’ll act with customary rights or subsequent reletting doesn’t release you from liability for
diligence to: future rent or other Lease Contract obligations. Accepting money
at any time doesn’t waive our right to damages; past or future rent
(1) k eep common areas reasonably clean, subject to paragraph 26
or other sums; or to continue with eviction proceedings. However,
(Condition of the Premises and Alterations);
we will accept past-due rent and costs at any time prior to eviction
(2) m aintain fixtures, furniture, hot water, heating and A/C
being completed.
(3) comply with applicable federal, state, and local laws regarding Holdover.  You or any occupant, invitee, or guest must not hold
safety, sanitation, and fair housing; and over beyond the date contained in your move-out notice or our notice
(4) make all reasonable repairs, subject to your obligation to pay to vacate (or beyond a different move-out date agreed to by the
for damages for which you are liable. parties in writing). If a holdover occurs, then(1) we may bring an
action for possession and damages, immediately; (2) holdover rent
33. DEFAULT BY RESIDENT.  You’ll be in default if you or any guest is due in advance on a daily basis and may become delinquent without
or occupant violates any terms of this Lease Contract including but notice or demand; (3) rent for the holdover period shall be twice
not limited to the following violations: (1) you don’t pay rent or other the average monthly rent computed and pro-rated on a daily basis
amounts that you owe when due; (2) you or any guest or occupant if the holdover is willful and in bad faith; (4) you’ll be liable to us
violates the apartment rules, or fire, safety, health, or criminal laws, for all rent for the full term of the previously signed Lease Contract
regardless of whether or where arrest or conviction occurs; (3) you of a new resident who can’t occupy because of the holdover; and
abandon the apartment; (4) you give incorrect or false answers in (5) at our option, we may extend the Lease Contract term—for up
a rental application; (5) you or any occupant is arrested, convicted, to one month from the date of notice of Lease Contract extension—
or given deferred adjudication for a felony offense involving actual by delivering written notice to you or your apartment while you
or potential physical harm to a person, or involving possession, continue to hold over.
manufacture, or delivery of a controlled substance, marijuana, or
Remedies Cumulative.  Any remedies set forth herein shall be
drug paraphernalia; (6) any illegal drugs or paraphernalia are found
cumulative, in addition to, and not in limitation of, any other remedies
in your apartment; (7) you or any guest or occupant engages in any
available to Landlord under any applicable law.
of the prohibited conduct described in paragraph 21 (Prohibited
Conduct); or (8) you or any occupant, in bad faith, makes an invalid Other Remedies.  We may report unpaid amounts to credit
complaint to an official or employee of a utility company or the agencies. If you default and move out early, you will pay us any
government. amounts stated to be rental discounts in paragraph 11 (Special
Provisions), in addition to other sums due. Upon your default, we
Lease Renewal When A Breach or Default Has Occurred.
have all other legal remedies, including tenancy termination. The
In the event that you enter into a subsequent Lease prior to the
prevailing party, in a lawsuit under this contract, may recover from
expiration of this Lease and you breach or otherwise commit a
the non-prevailing party attorney’s fees and all other litigation
default under this Lease, We may, at our sole and absolute discretion,
costs. Late charges are for our time, inconvenience, and overhead
terminate the subsequent Lease, even if the subsequent Lease term
in collecting late rent (but are not for attorney’s fees and litigation
has yet to commence. We may terminate said subsequent Lease by
costs). All unpaid amounts bear 18% interest per year from due
sending you written notice of our desire to terminate said subsequent
date, compounded annually. You must pay all collection-agency fees
if you fail to pay all sums due within 10 days after we mail you a
Eviction.  If you default by not paying your rent on time, we may letter demanding payment and stating that collection agency fees
end your right of occupancy by giving you 5 days’ written notice to will be added if you don’t pay all sums by that deadline.
vacate. If you default manner, we may end your right of occupancy
Mitigation of Damages.  If you move out early, you’ll be subject
by giving you a notice of 10 days to cure default or the lease will be
to paragraph 12 (Early Move-Out) and all other remedies. We’ll
terminated on the 15th day for material breach of the lease. Notices
exercise customary diligence to relet and minimize the amount you
may be served in one of the following three ways: (1) personal
delivery to the adult resident(s); (2) to an occupant over the age of owe us. We’ll credit all subsequent rent that we actually receive
from subsequent residents against your liability for past-due and
12; or (3) by posting the notice on the door and sending the notice
future rent and other sums due.
by certified mail to the resident(s). Termination of your possession

General Clauses
34. MISCELLANEOUS.  Neither we nor any of our representatives have Cable channels that are provided may be changed during the Lease
made any oral promises, representations, or agreements. This Lease Contract term if the change applies to all residents. Utilities may be
Contract is the entire agreement between you and us. Our representatives used only for normal household purposes and must not be wasted.
(including management personnel, employees, and agents) have no If your electricity is ever interrupted, you must use only battery-
authority to waive, amend, or terminate this Lease Contract or any operated lighting.
part of it, unless writing, and no authority to make promises, Consent to Solicitation.  You hereby expressly authorize us, our
representations, or agreements that impose security duties or other representative(s), and any collection agency or debt collector
obligations on us or our representatives unless in writing. No action (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Authorized Entities”)
or omission of our representative will be considered a waiver of any to communicate with you. The communication may be made through
subsequent violation, default, or time or place of performance. Our any method for any reason related to amounts due and owing under
not enforcing or belatedly enforcing written-notice requirements, this Lease. You authorize any and all of the communication methods
rental due dates, acceleration, liens, or other rights isn’t a waiver even if you will incur a fee or a cost to receive such communications.
under any circumstances. Except when notice or demand is required You further promise to immediately notify the Authorized Entities
by statute, you waive any notice and demand for performance from if any telephone number or email address or other unique electronic
us if you default. Written notice to or from our managers constitutes identifier or mode that you provided to any Authorized Entity
notice to or from us. Any person giving a notice under this Lease changes or is no longer used by you.
Contract should retain a copy of the memo, letter or fax that was
given. Fax signatures are binding. All notices must be signed. All discretionary rights reserved for us within this Lease Contract
or any accompanying addenda are at our sole and absolute discretion.
If we exercise one legal right against you, we still have all other legal
rights available in any legal proceeding against you. Insurance Obligation to Vacate.  If we provide you with a notice to vacate,
subrogation is waived by all parties. No employee, agent, or or if you provide us with a written notice to vacate or intent to
management company is personally liable for any of our contractual, move-out in accordance with the Lease Terms paragraph, and we
statutory, or other obligations merely by virtue of acting on our accept such written notice, then you are required to vacate the
behalf. This Lease Contract binds subsequent owners. Neither an Apartment and remove all of your personal property therefrom at
invalid clause nor the omission of initials on any page invalidates the expiration of the Lease term, or by the date set forth in the notice
this Lease Contract. All notices and documents may be in English to vacate, whichever date is earlier, without further notice or demand
and, at our option, in any language that you read or speak. All from us.
provisions regarding our non-liability and non-duty apply to our
employees, agents, and management companies. This Lease Contract
is subordinate or superior to existing and future recorded mortgages,
at lender’s option. All Lease Contract obligations must be performed
in the county where the apartment is located.

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FORCE MAJEURE:  If we are prevented from completing 35. PAYMENTS.  You are required to pay rent whether or not we fulfill
performances of any obligations hereunder by an act of God, strikes, our lease obligations under this contract unless otherwise required
epidemics, war, acts of terrorism, riots, flood, fire, hurricane, tornado, by law. At our option and without notice, we may apply money
sabotage, or other occurrence which is beyond the control of the received (other than sale proceeds under paragraph 14 (Contractual
parties, then we shall be excused from any further performance of Lien and Property Left in Apartment) or utility payments subject
obligations and undertakings hereunder, to the full extent allowed to governmental regulations) first to any of your unpaid obligations,
under applicable law. then to current rent—regardless of notations on checks or money
Furthermore, if such an event damages the property to materially orders and regardless of when the obligations arose. All sums other
affect its habitability by some or all residents, we reserve the right than rent are due upon our demand.
to vacate any and all leases and you agree to excuse us from any
36. A SSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP.  We represent that either: (1) we
further performance of obligations and undertakings hereunder,
or; (2) the management company that represents us, is at the time
to the full extent allowed under applicable law.
of signing this Lease Contract or a renewal of this Lease Contract,
a member of both the National Apartment Association and any
affiliated state and local apartment (multi-housing) associations
for the area where the apartment is located.

When Moving Out

37. MOVE-OUT NOTICE.  Before moving out, either at the end of the animal-related charges under paragraphs 28 (Animals); government
lease term, any extension of the lease term, or prior to the end of fees or fines against us for violation (by you, your occupants, or
the lease term, you must give our representative advance written guests) of local ordinances relating to smoke detectors, false alarms,
notice of your intention to vacate as required by paragraph 3 (Lease recycling, or other matters; late-payment and returned-check
Term). If you move out prior to the end of the lease term, your notice charges; a charge (not to exceed $100) for our time and inconvenience
does not act as a release of liability for the full term of the Lease in our lawful removal of an animal or in any valid eviction proceeding
Contract. You will still be liable for the entire Lease Contract term against you, plus attorney’s fees, court costs, and filing fees actually
if you move out early under paragraph 23 (Release of Resident) paid; and other sums due under this Lease Contract.
except if you are able to terminate your tenancy under the statutory
You’ll be liable to us for charges for replacing all keys and access
rights explained under paragraphs 12, 23, or 24 (Early Move-Out,
devices referenced in paragraph 6 (Keys and Furniture) if you fail
Release of Resident, or the Military Personnel Clause). All notices
to return them on or before your actual move-out date.
to vacate must be in writing and must provide the date by which
you intend to vacate. If the notice does not comply with the time 42. DEPOSIT RETURN, SURRENDER, AND ABANDONMENT.
requirements of paragraph 3 (Lease Term), even if you move by the Deposit Return and Forwarding Address.  You are required to
last date in the lease term, you will be responsible for an additional provide us written notice of your forwarding address, on or before
month’s rent. If you fail to vacate by the date set forth in your notice, termination of this Lease Contract. Unless the statutes provide
you will automatically and immediately become a holdover tenant otherwise, we’ll mail you, to the forwarding address you provide,
pursuant to state law, and we will have all remedies available under your security deposit refund (less lawful deductions) and an itemized
this Lease Contract and state law. accounting of any deductions no later than 45 days after surrender
or abandonment, unless statutes provide otherwise.
38. MOVE-OUT PROCEDURES.  The move-out date can’t be changed
unless we and you both agree in writing. You won’t move out before Surrender.  You have surrendered the apartment when: (1) the
the Lease Contract term or renewal period ends unless all rent for paragraph 11 move-out date has passed and no one is living in the
the entire Lease Contract term or renewal period is paid in full. apartment in our reasonable judgment; or (2) all apartment keys
Early move-out may result in re-reletting charges and acceleration and access devices listed in paragraph 6 (Keys and Furniture) have
of future rent under paragraphs 12 (Early Move-Out) and 33 (Default been turned in where rent is paid—whichever date occurs first.
by Resident). You’re prohibited from applying any security deposit Abandonment.  You have abandoned the apartment when all of
to rent. You won’t stay beyond the date you are supposed to move the following have occurred: (1) everyone appears to have moved
out. All residents, guests, and occupants must abandon the apartment out in our reasonable judgment; (2) clothes, furniture, and personal
before the 45-day period for deposit refund begins. You must give belongings have been substantially removed in our reasonable
us and the U.S. Postal Service, in writing, each resident’s forwarding judgment; (3) you’ve been in default for non-payment of rent for 5
address. consecutive days, or water, gas, or electric service for the apartment
not connected in our name has been terminated; and (4) you’ve not
39. CLEANING.  You must thoroughly clean the apartment, including
responded for 2 days to our notice left on the inside of the main
doors, windows, furniture, bathrooms, kitchen appliances, patios,
entry door, stating that we consider the apartment abandoned. Entry
balconies, garages, carports, and storage rooms. You must follow
to your apartment to post such notice will be made subject to the
move-out cleaning instructions if they have been provided. If you
requirements of the Oklahoma Landlord Tenant Act. An apartment
don’t clean adequately, you’ll be liable for reasonable cleaning
is also “abandoned” 10 days after the death of a sole resident.
Surrender, abandonment, or judicial eviction ends your right of
40. MOVE-OUT INSPECTION.  You should meet with our representative possession for all purposes and gives us the immediate right to:
for a move-out inspection. Our representative has no authority to clean up, make repairs in, and relet the apartment; determine any
bind or limit us regarding deductions for repairs, damages, or security deposit deductions; and remove property left in the
charges. Any statements or estimates by us or our representative apartment. Surrender, abandonment, and judicial eviction affect
are subject to our correction, modification, or disapproval before your rights to property left in the apartment (paragraph 14 - Property
final refunding or accounting. Left in Apartment), but do not affect our mitigation obligations
(paragraph 33 - Default by Resident).
You’ll be liable for the following charges, if applicable: unpaid rent;
unpaid utilities; unreimbursed service charges; repairs or damages
caused by negligence, carelessness, accident, or abuse, including
stickers, scratches, tears, burns, stains, or unapproved holes;
replacement cost of our property that was in or attached to the
apartment and is missing; replacing dead or missing smoke-detector
batteries; utilities for repairs or cleaning; trips to let in company
representatives to remove your telephone or TV cable services or
rental items (if you so request or have moved out); trips to open the
apartment when you or any guest or occupant is missing a key;
unreturned keys; missing or burned-out light bulbs; removing or
rekeying unauthorized access control devices or alarm systems;
agreed reletting charges; packing, removing, or storing property
removed or stored under paragraph 14 (Contractual Lien and
Property Left in Apartment); removing illegally parked vehicles;
special trips for trash removal caused by parked vehicles blocking
dumpsters; false security-alarm charges unless due to our negligence;

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1. DWELLING UNIT DESCRIPTION. 6. USE RESTRICTIONS. Garage or carport may be used only

Unit No. ,
0216  157 Stonebridge for storage of operable motor vehicles unless otherwise stated
Blvd in our rules or community policies. Storage units may be used
 (street address) in only for storage of personal property. No one may sleep, cook,
 Edmond barbeque, or live in a garage, carport, or storage unit. Persons
(city), Oklahoma,
73013 (zip code). not listed as a resident or occupant in the Lease Contract may
not use the areas covered by this addendum. No plants may
2. LEASE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION. be grown in such areas.
Lease Contract Date: May 3, 2022
Owner’s name: Villas at Stonebridge I 7. NO DANGEROUS ITEMS. Items that pose an environmental
 hazard or a risk to the safety or health of other residents,
 occupants, or neighbors in our sole judgment or that violate
 any government regulation may not be stored. Prohibited
 items include fuel (other than in a properly capped fuel tank
Residents (list all residents): of a vehicle or a closed briquette lighter fluid container),
fireworks, rags, piles of paper, or other material that may
Idelfonso Pena Pena, Carlos Daboin CC create a fire or environmental hazard. We may remove from
 such areas, without prior notice, items that we believe might
 constitute a fire or environmental hazard. Because of carbon
 monoxide risks, you may not run the motor of a vehicle inside
 a garage unless the garage door is open to allow fumes to

 No smoke, fire, or carbon monoxide detectors will be furnished
 by us unless required by law.

 9. GARAGE DOOR OPENER. If an enclosed garage is furnished,
you  will  will not be provided with a  garage door
The term of this Addendum is as follows: opener and/or  garage key. You will be responsible for
Begins on ,  and maintenance of any garage door opener, including battery
ending on ,  . replacement. Transmitter frequency settings may not be
This Addendum constitutes an Addendum to the above changed on the garage door or opener without our prior
described Lease Contract for the above described premises, written consent.
and is hereby incorporated into and made a part of such Lease
Contract. Where the terms or conditions found in this 10. SECURITY. Always remember to lock any door of a garage
Addendum vary or contradict any terms or conditions found or storage unit and any door between a garage and the
in the Lease Contract, this Addendum shall control. dwelling. When leaving, be sure to lock all keyed deadbolt
to exclusive possession of: (check as applicable) 11. INSURANCE AND LOSS/DAMAGE TO YOUR PROPERTY.
  garage or carport attached to the dwelling; You will maintain liability and comprehensive insurance
 garage space number(s)  coverage for any vehicle parked or stored. We are not
 ; responsible for pest control in such areas.
 carport space number(s) 
12. COMPLIANCE. We may periodically open and enter garages
and storerooms to ensure compliance with this addendum.
In the event we enter the garage or storerooms, we will
 storage unit number(s) 
comply with the notice provisions set forth in the Lease
All terms and conditions of the Lease Contract apply to the
above areas unless modified by this addendum. 13. NO LOCK CHANGES, ALTERATIONS, OR IMPROVEMENTS.
Without our prior written consent, locks on doors of garages
4. SECURITY DEPOSIT. An additional security deposit of and storage units may not be rekeyed, added, or changed,
0.00 will be charged for the checked areas above. and improvements, alterations, or electrical extensions or
We (check one)  will consider or  will not consider this changes to the interior or exterior of such areas are not
additional security deposit a general security deposit for all allowed. You may not place nails, screws, bolts, or hooks into
purposes. The security deposit amount in the Security Deposit walls, ceilings, floors, or doors. Any damage not caused by
paragraph of the Lease Contract (check one)  does or us or our representatives to areas covered by this addendum
 does not include this additional deposit amount. Refund will be paid for by you.
of the additional security deposit will be subject to the terms
and conditions set forth in the Lease Contract regardless of 14. MOVE-OUT AND REMEDIES. Any items remaining after
whether it is considered part of the general security deposit. you have vacated the dwelling will be removed, sold, or
otherwise disposed of according to the Lease Contract, which
5. ADDITIONAL MONTHLY RENT. Your total monthly rent addresses disposition or sale of property left in an abandoned
(as stated in the Lease Contract) will be increased by or surrendered dwelling. All remedies in the Lease Contract
95.00 . The monthly rent amount in the Rent and apply to areas covered by this addendum.
Charges paragraph of the Lease Contract (check one)
 includes  
X does not include this additional rent.

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May 3, 2022
(when this Addendum is filled out)
Please note: We consider animals a serious responsibility and a risk to each tenant in the dwelling. If you do not properly control and
care for an animal, you’ll be held liable if it causes any damage or disturbs other tenants.

Unit No.
0216 ,  157 Stonebridge animal(s) described below. You may not substitute any other
Blvd animal(s). Neither you nor your guests or occupants may bring
 (street address) in any other animal(s)-mammal, reptile, bird, amphibian, fish,
 Edmond rodent, arachnid, or insect-into the dwelling or apartment
(city), Oklahoma,
73013 (zip code). community.


Lease Contract Date: May 3, 2022 Type: 
Owner’s name: Villas at Stonebridge I Breed: 
 Weight: Age: 
 City of license: 
 License no.: 
Tenant(s) (list all tenants): Date of last rabies shot: 
Idelfonso Pena Pena, Carlos Daboin CC Animal owner’s name: 

 Animal’s name: 
 Weight: Age: 
 City of license: 
 License no.: 
 Date of last rabies shot: 
This Addendum constitutes an Addendum to the above Animal owner’s name: 
described Lease Contract for the above described premises, 
and is hereby incorporated into and made a part of such Lease 
Contract. Where the terms or conditions found in this
Addendum vary or contradict any terms or conditions found 9. SPECIAL PROVISIONS.  The following special provisions
in the Lease Contract, this Addendum shall control. control over conflicting provisions of this printed form:

3. CONDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION FOR ANIMAL. You may Pet cannot be an aggressive breed. Pet Fee
keep the animal that is described below in the dwelling unit will be a non-refundable fee per pet. Pet
until the Lease Contract expires. However, we may terminate Rent will be $30 per pet. All pets must
this authorization sooner if your right of occupancy is lawfully urinate in designated pet areas. Owners
terminated, or if in our judgment, you and your animal, your must pick up after pet(s). Pet should be
guests, or any occupant violate any of the rules in this kept in a secure location should entry be
Addendum. needed by management for our quarterly
filter/smoke alarm checks or any other
4. ANIMAL DEPOSIT.  An animal deposit of $  0.00 maintenance service requested by you.
will be charged. We [check one]  X will consider, or  will Emergency entry may be deemed necessary
not consider this additional security deposit the general due to but not limited to: fire, flood,
security deposit for all purposes. The security deposit amount etc. We will be as careful & cautious as
in the Security Deposit paragraph of the Lease Contract [check possible, but will not assume
one]  does, or  X does not include this additional deposit responsibility or liability for your
amount. Refund of the animal deposit will be subject to the animal.
terms and conditions set forth in the Lease Contract regardless 
of whether it is considered part of the general security deposit. 

5. ADDITIONAL MONTHLY RENT.  Your total monthly rent 
(as stated in the Lease Contract) will be increased by 
$ .
0.00 The monthly rent amount in the Rent and
Charges paragraph of the Lease Contract [check one] 10. EMERGENCY.  In an emergency involving an accident or
 includes X does not include this additional animal rent. injury to your animal, we have the right, but not a duty, to
take the animal to the following veterinarian for treatment,
6. ADDITIONAL FEE.  You must also pay a one-time non- at your expense.
refundable fee of $
0.00 for having the animal in the
dwelling unit. It is our policy to not charge a deposit for support
7. LIABILITY NOT LIMITED.  The additional monthly rent and Phone: 
additional security deposit under this Animal Addendum do
not limit tenants’ liability for property damages, cleaning,
deodorization, defleaing, replacements, or personal injuries.

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11. A NIMAL RULES.  You are responsible for the animal’s 14. COMPLAINTS ABOUT ANIMAL.  You must immediately
actions at all times. You agree to abide by these rules: and permanently remove the animal from the premises if
• The animal must not disturb the neighbors or other tenants, we receive a reasonable complaint from a neighbor or other
regardless of whether the animal is inside or outside the tenant or if we, in our sole discretion, determine that the
dwelling. animal has disturbed neighbors or other tenants.

• Dogs, cats, and support animals must be housebroken. All 15. R EMOVAL OF ANIMAL.  In some circumstances, we may
other animals must be caged at all times. No animal allow an animal control officer or humane society
offspring are allowed. representative to enter the dwelling unit and remove the
• Inside, the animal may urinate or defecate only in these animal if, in our sole judgment, you have:
designated areas:  • abandoned the animal;
 • left the animal in the dwelling unit for an extended period
• Outside, the animal may urinate or defecate only in these of time without food or water; or
designated areas:  • failed to care for a sick animal.
 If you have violated our animal rules or let the animal defecate
• A nimals may not be tied to any fixed object anywhere or urinate where it’s not supposed to you will be subject to
outside the dwelling units, except in fenced yards (if any) eviction and other remedies under the Lease Contract.
• You must not let an animal, other than support animals, You and all co-tenants will be jointly and severally liable for
into swimming-pool areas, laundry rooms, offices, the entire amount of all damages caused by the animal,
clubrooms, other recreational facilities, or other dwelling including all cleaning, defleaing, and deodorizing.This
units. provision applies to all parts of the dwelling unit, including
• Your animal must be fed and watered inside the dwelling carpets, doors, walls, drapes, wallpaper, windows, screens,
unit. Don’t leave animal food or water outside the dwelling furniture, appliances, as well as landscaping and other outside
unit at any time, except in fenced yards (if any) for your improvements. If items cannot be satisfactorily cleaned or
exclusive use. repaired, you must pay for us to replace them completely.
Payment for damages, repairs, cleaning, replacements, etc.
• You must keep the animal on a leash and under your are due immediately upon demand.
supervision when outside the dwelling or any private
fenced area. We or our representative may pick up As owner of the animal, you’re strictly liable for the entire
unleashed animals and/or report them to the proper amount of any injury that the animal causes to a person or
authorities. We may impose reasonable charges for picking anyone’s property. You’ll indemnify us for all costs of litigation
up and/or keeping unleashed animals. and attorney’s fees resulting from any such damage.

• Unless we have designated a particular area in your 17. MOVE-OUT.  When you move out, you’ll pay for defleaing,
dwelling unit or on the grounds for animal defecation and deodorizing, and shampooing to protect future tenants from
urination, you are prohibited from letting an animal possible health hazards, regardless of how long the animal
defecate or urinate anywhere on our property. You must was there. We—not you—will arrange for these services.
take the animal off our property for that purpose. If we
allow animal defecation inside the dwelling unit in this 18. JOINT AND SEVERAL RESPONSIBILITY.  Each tenant who
Addendum, you must ensure that it’s done in a litter box signed the Lease Contract must sign this Animal Addendum.
with a kitty litter-type mix. If the animal defecates You, your guests, and any occupants must follow all animal
anywhere on our property (including in a fenced yard for rules. Each tenant is jointly and severally liable for damages
your exclusive use), you’ll be responsible for immediately and all other obligations set forth in this Animal Addendum,
removing the waste and repairing any damage. Despite even if the tenant does not own the animal.
anything this Addendum says, you must comply with all
19. GENERAL.  You acknowledge that no other oral or written
local ordinances regarding animal defecation.
agreement exists regarding animals. Except for special
12. ADDITIONAL RULES.  We have the right to make reasonable provisions noted in paragraph 9 above, our representative
changes to the animal rules from time to time if we distribute has no authority to modify this Animal Addendum or the
a written copy of any changes to every tenant who is allowed animal rules except in writing, as described under paragraph
to have animals. 12. This Animal Addendum and the animal rules are
considered part of the Lease Contract described above. It
13. V IOLATION OF RULES.  If you, your guest, or any occupant has been executed in multiple originals, one for you and one
violates any rule or provision of this Animal Addendum or more for us.
(based upon our judgment) and we give you written notice,
you must permanently remove the animal from the premises
within the time period specified in our notice. We also have
all other rights and remedies set forth in the Lease Contract,
including damages, eviction, and attorney’s fees.

You are legally bound by this document. Please read it carefully.

Tenant or Tenants Owner or Owner’s Representative

(All tenants must sign) (Signs below)


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This Utility Addendum is incorporated into the Lease Contract (referred to in this addendum as “Lease Contract” or “Lease”) dated
May 3, 2022 between Villas at Stonebridge I

(“We” and/or “we” and/or “us) and Idelfonso Pena Pena, Carlos Daboin CC

“You” and/or “you”) of Apt. No. 0216 located at 157 Stonebridge Blvd

(street address) in Edmond, OK 73013

and is in addition to all terms and conditions in the Lease. This Addendum constitutes an Addendum to the above described Lease Contract for
the above described premises, and is hereby incorporated into and made a part of such Lease Contract. Where the terms or conditions found
in this Addendum vary or contradict any terms or conditions found in the Lease Contract, this Addendum shall control.

1. Responsibility for payment of utilities, and the method of metering or otherwise measuring the cost of the utility, will be as indicated below.

a) Water service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:

 directly to the utility service provider; or
X water bills will be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula: 8

 f flat rate is selecte , the current flat rate is per month.
 3rd party billing company if applicable

b) Sewer service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:

 directly to the utility service provider; or
X sewer bills will be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula: 8

 f flat rate is selecte , the current flat rate is per month.
 3rd party billing company if applicable

c) Gas service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:

X directly to the utility service provider; or

 gas bills will be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula:
 f flat rate is selecte , the current flat rate is per month.
 3rd party billing company if applicable

d) Trash service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:

 directly to the utility service provider; or
X trash bills will be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula: 8

 f flat rate is selecte , the current flat rate is per month.
 3rd party billing company if applicable

e) Electric service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:

X directly to the utility service provider; or

 electric bills will be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula:
 f flat rate is selecte , the current flat rate is per month.
 3rd party billing company if applicable

f) Stormwater service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:

 directly to the utility service provider; or
 stormwater bills will be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula:
 f flat rate is selecte , the current flat rate is per month.
 3rd party billing company if applicable

g) Cable TV service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:

 directly to the utility service provider; or
 cable TV bills will be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula:
 f flat rate is selecte , the current flat rate is per month.
 3rd party billing company if applicable

h) Master Antenna service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:

 directly to the utility service provider; or
 master antenna bills will be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula:
 f flat rate is selecte , the current flat rate is per month.
 3rd party billing company if applicable

i) Internet service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:

 directly to the utility service provider; or
 internet bills will be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula:
 f flat rate is selecte , the current flat rate is per month.
 3rd party billing company if applicable

j) Pest Control service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:

 directly to the utility service provider; or
 pest control bills will be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula:
 f flat rate is selecte , the current flat rate is per month.
 3rd party billing company if applicable

k) (Other) service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:

 directly to the utility service provider; or
 bills will be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula:
 f flat rate is selecte , the current flat rate is per month.
 3rd party billing company if applicable

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l) (Other) service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:
 directly to the utility service provider; or
 bills will be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula:
 f flat rate is selecte , the current flat rate is per month.
 3rd party billing company if applicable


“1” - Sub-metering of all of your water/gas/electric use
“2” - Calculation of your total water use based on sub-metering of hot water
“3” - Calculation of your total water use based on sub-metering of cold water
“4” - Flat rate per month
“5” - Allocation based on the number of persons residing in your dwelling unit
“6” - Allocation based on the number of persons residing in your dwelling unit using a ratio occupancy formula
“7” - Allocation based on square footage of your dwelling unit
“8” - Allocation based on a combination of square footage of your dwelling unit and the number of persons residing in your dwelling unit
“9” - Allocation based on the number of bedrooms in your dwelling unit
“10” - Allocation based on a lawful formula not listed here
(Note: if method “10” is selected, a separate sheet will be attached describing the formula used)

2. If an allocation method is used, we or our billing company will calculate your allocated share of the utilities and services provided and all
costs in accordance with state and local statutes. Under any allocation method, Resident may be paying for part of the utility usage in common
areas or in other residential units as well as administrative fees. Both Resident and Owner agree that using a calculation or allocation formula
as a basis for estimating total utility consumption is fair and reasonable, while recognizing that the allocation method may or may not
accurately reflect actual total utility consumption for esi ent. here la ful, e may chan e the abo e metho s of eterminin your allocate
share of utilities and services and all other billing methods, in our sole discretion, and after providing written notice to you. More detailed
descriptions of billing methods, calculations and allocation formulas will be provided upon request.

f a flat fee metho for trash or other utility ser ice is use , esi ent an O ner a ree that the char es in icate in this A reement as may
be amen e ith ritten notice as specifie abo e represent a fair an reasonable amount for the ser ice s pro i e an that the amount
billed is not based on a monthly per unit cost.

3. When billed by us directly or through our billing company, you must pay utility bills within 15 days of the date when the utility
bill is issued at the place indicated on your bill, or the payment will be late. If a payment is late, you will be responsible for a late fee as indicated
below. The late payment of a bill or failure to pay any utility bill is a material and substantial breach of the Lease and we will exercise all
remedies available under the Lease, up to and including eviction for nonpayment. To the extent there are any new account, monthly
a ministrati e, late or final bill fees, you shall pay such fees as in icate belo .

Ne Account Fee 5.00 not to e cee )

onthly A ministrati e illin Fee not to e cee )
ate Fee 0.00 not to e cee )
Final ill Fee not to e cee )

If allowed by state law, we at our sole discretion may amend these fees, with written notice to you.

4. You will be charged for the full period of time that you were living in, occupying, or responsible for payment of rent or utility charges on the
dwelling. If you breach the Lease, you will be responsible for utility charges for the time period you were obliged to pay the charges under
the Lease, subject to our mitigation of damages. In the event you fail to timely establish utility services, we may charge you for any utility
service billed to us for your dwelling and may charge a reasonable administration fee for billing for the utility service in the amount of

5. hen you mo e out, you ill recei e a final bill hich may be estimate base on your prior utility usa e. his bill must be pai at the time
you move out or it will be deducted from the security deposit.

6. e are not liable for any losses or ama es you incur as a result of outa es, interruptions, or fluctuations in utility ser ices pro i e to the
dwelling unless such loss or damage was the direct result of negligence by us or our employees. You release us from any and all such claims
an ai e any claims for offset or re uction of rent or iminishe rental alue of the ellin ue to such outa es, interruptions, or fluctuations.

7. You agree not to tamper with, adjust, or disconnect any utility sub-metering system or device. Violation of this provision is a material breach
of your Lease and may subject you to eviction or other remedies available to us under your Lease, this Utility Addendum and at law.

8. Where lawful, all utilities, charges and fees of any kind under this lease shall be considered additional rent, and if partial payments are
accepte by the O ner, they ill be allocate first to non rent char es an to rent last.

9. ou represent that all occupants that ill be resi in in the nit are accurately i entifie in the ease. ou a ree to promptly notify O ner
of any change in such number of occupants.

10. You agree that you may, upon thirty (30) days prior written notice from Owner to you, begin receiving a bill for additional utilities and
services, at which time such additional utilities and services shall for all purposes be included in the term Utilities.

11. This Addendum is designed for use in multiple jurisdictions, and no billing method, charge, or fee mentioned herein will be used in any
jurisdiction where such use would be unlawful. If any provision of this addendum or the Lease is invalid or unenforceable under applicable
law, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of such invalidity or unenforceability only without invalidating or otherwise affecting
the remain er of this a en um or the ease. cept as specifically state herein, all other terms an con itions of the ease shall remain
unchan e . n the e ent of any conflict bet een the terms of this A en um an the terms of the ease, the terms of this A en um shall

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12. The following special provisions and any addenda or written rules furnished to you at or before signing will become a part of this Utility
A en um an ill superse e any conflictin pro isions of this printe tility A en um an /or the ease ontract.

There will be an administration fee of 10% of total bill.

Resident Signature Date

Resident Signature Date
Resident Signature Date
Resident Signature Date
Resident Signature Date
Resident Signature Date
Management Date

© 2019, National Apartment Association, Inc.

Page 3 of 3 Oklahoma/National Apartment Association Official Form, February 2019.

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May 3, 2022
(when this Addendum is filled out)
Please note: It is our goal to maintain a quality living environment for our residents. To help achieve this goal, it is important to work
together to minimize the potential for any bed bugs in your dwelling or surrounding dwellings. This addendum contains important
information that outlines your responsibility and potential liability with regard to bed bugs.


Unit No. ,
0216 157 You must allow us and our pest control agents access to the
Stonebridge Blvd dwelling at reasonable times to inspect for or treat bed bugs
 (street address) in as allowed by law. You and your family members, occupants,
 Edmond guests, and invitees must cooperate and will not interfere
(city), Oklahoma,
73013 (zip code). with inspections or treatments. We have the right to select
2. LEASE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION. any licensed pest control professional to treat the dwelling
Lease Contract Date: May 3, 2022 and building. We can select the method of treating the dwelling,
Owner’s name: Villas at Stonebridge I building and common areas for bed bugs. We can also inspect
 and treat adjacent or neighboring dwellings to the infestation
 even if those dwellings are not the source or cause of the
 known infestation. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, you
 are responsible for and must, at your own expense, have your
Residents (list all residents): own personal property, furniture, clothing and possessions
treated according to accepted treatment methods established
Idelfonso Pena Pena, Carlos Daboin CC by a licensed pest control firm that we approve. You must do
 so as close as possible to the time we treated the dwelling. If
 you fail to do so, you will be in default, and we will have the
 right to terminate your right of occupancy and exercise all
 rights and remedies under the Lease Contract. You agree not
 to treat the dwelling for a bed bug infestation on your own.

 6. NOTIFICATION.  You must promptly notify us:
 • of any known or suspected bed bug infestation or presence
 in the dwelling, or in any of your clothing, furniture or
 personal property.
 • of any recurring or unexplained bites, stings, irritations,
or sores of the skin or body which you believe is caused by
This Addendum constitutes an Addendum to the above bed bugs, or by any condition or pest you believe is in the
described Lease Contract for the above described premises, dwelling.
and is hereby incorporated into and made a part of such Lease • if you discover any condition or evidence that might indicate
Contract. Where the terms or conditions found in this the presence or infestation of bed bugs, or of any confirmation
Addendum vary or contradict any terms or conditions found of bed bug presence by a licensed pest control professional
in the Lease Contract, this Addendum shall control. or other authoritative source.
3. PURPOSE.  This Addendum modifies the Lease Contract and 7. COOPERATION.  If we confirm the presence or infestation
addresses situations related to bed bugs (cimex lectularius) of bed bugs, you must cooperate and coordinate with us and
which may be discovered infesting the dwelling or personal our pest control agents to treat and eliminate the bed bugs.
property in the dwelling. You understand that we relied on You must follow all directions from us or our agents to clean
your representations to us in this Addendum. and treat the dwelling and building that are infested. You
4. INSPECTION AND INFESTATIONS.  BY SIGNING THIS must remove or destroy personal property that cannot be
ADDENDUM, YOU REPRESENT THAT: treated or cleaned as close as possible to the time we treated
the dwelling. Any items you remove from the dwelling must
be disposed of off-site and not in the property’s trash
receptacles. If we confirm the presence or infestation of bed
bugs in your dwelling, we have the right to require you to
temporarily vacate the dwelling and remove all furniture,
OR clothing and personal belongings in order for us to perform
• YOU WILL INSPECT THE DWELLING WITHIN 48 HOURS pest control services. If you fail to cooperate with us, you will
AFTER MOVING IN, OR WITHIN 48 HOURS AFTER SIGNING be in default, and we will have the right to terminate your
THIS ADDENDUM AND WILL NOTIFY US OF ANY BED BUGS right of occupancy and exercise all rights and remedies under
OR BED BUG INFESTATIONS. the Lease Contract.
You agree that you have read the information provided in this 8. RESPONSIBILITIES.  You may be required to pay all
Addendum and that you are not aware of any infestation or reasonable costs of cleaning and pest control treatments
presence of bed bugs in your current or previous dwellings, incurred by us to treat your dwelling unit for bed bugs. If we
furniture, clothing, personal property, or possessions. You confirm the presence or infestation of bed bugs after you
also acknowledge that you have fully disclosed to us any vacate your dwelling, you may be responsible for the cost of
previous bed bug infestations or bed bug issues that you have cleaning and pest control treatments. If we must move other
experienced. residents in order to treat adjoining or neighboring dwellings
to your dwelling unit, you may be liable for payment of any
If you disclose to us a previous experience with bed bug lost rental income and other expenses incurred by us to
infestations or other bed bug related issues, we can review relocate the neighboring residents and to clean and perform
documentation of the previous treatment(s) and inspect your pest control treatments to eradicate infestations in other
personal property and possession to confirm the absence of dwellings. If you fail to pay us for any costs you are liable for,
bed bugs. you will be in default, and we will have the right to terminate
your right of occupancy and exercise all rights and remedies
under the Lease Contract, and obtain immediate possession
of the dwelling. If you fail to move out after your right of
occupancy has been terminated, you will be liable for holdover
rent under the Lease Contract.
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9. TRANSFERS.  If we allow you to transfer to another dwelling 10. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions
in the community because of the presence of bed bugs, you control over conflicting provisions of this printed form:
must have your personal property and possessions treated 
according to accepted treatment methods or procedures 
established by a licensed pest control professional. You must 
provide proof of such cleaning and treatment to our satisfaction. 

You are legally bound by this document. Please read it carefully.

Resident or Residents Owner or Owner’s Representative

(All residents must sign) (Signs below)


 Date of Signing Addendum


You are entitled to receive an original of this Addendum after it is fully signed. Keep it in a safe place.

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BED BUGS — A Guide for Rental Housing Residents
Bed bugs, with a typical lifespan of 6 to 12 months, are wingless, • Because bed bugs leave some persons with itchy welts strikingly
flat, broadly oval-shaped insects. Capable of reaching the size of similar to those caused by fleas and mosquitoes, the origination
an apple seed at full growth, bed bugs are distinguishable by of such markings often go misdiagnosed. However, welts caused
their reddish-brown color, although after feeding on the blood by bed bugs often times appear in succession and on exposed
of humans and warm-blooded animals—their sole food source— areas of skin, such as the face, neck and arms. In some cases,
the bugs assume a distinctly blood-red hue until digestion is an individual may not experience any visible reaction resulting
complete. from direct contact with bed bugs.
Bed bugs don’t discriminate • W hile bed bugs typically prefer to act at night, they often do
Bed bugs increased presence across the United States in recent not succeed in returning to their hiding spots without leaving
decades can be attributed largely to a surge in international traces of their presence through fecal markings of a red to dark
travel and trade. It’s no surprise then that bed bugs have been brown color, visible on or near beds. Blood stains tend also to
found time and time again to have taken up residence in some appear when the bugs have been squashed, usually by an
of the fanciest hotels and apartment buildings in some of the unsuspecting host in their sleep. And, because they shed, it’s
nation’s most expensive neighborhoods. not uncommon for skin casts to be left behind in areas typically
frequented by bed bugs.
Nonetheless, false claims that associate bed bugs presence with
poor hygiene and uncleanliness have caused rental housing Preventing bed bug encounters when traveling
residents, out of shame, to avoid notifying owners of their Because humans serve as bed bugs’ main mode of transportation,
presence. This serves only to enable the spread of bed bugs. it is extremely important to be mindful of bed bugs when away
from home. Experts agree that the spread of bed bugs across all
While bed bugs are, by their very nature, more attracted to regions of the United States is largely attributed to an increase
clutter, they’re certainly not discouraged by cleanliness. in international travel and trade. Travelers are therefore
Bottom line: bed bugs know no social and economic bounds; encouraged to take a few minutes upon arriving to their temporary
claims to the contrary are false. destination to thoroughly inspect their accommodations, so as
to ensure that any uninvited guests are detected before the
Bed bugs don’t transmit disease
decision is made to unpack.
There exists no scientific evidence that bed bugs transmit disease.
In fact, federal agencies tasked with addressing pest of public Because bed bugs can easily travel from one room to another, it
health concern, namely the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is also recommended that travelers thoroughly inspect their
and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, have refused luggage and belongings for bed bugs before departing for home.
to elevate bed bugs to the threat level posed by disease Bed bug do’s and don’ts
transmitting pests. Again, claims associating bed bugs with • Do not bring used furniture from unknown sources into
disease are false. your dwelling. Countless bed bug infestations have stemmed
Identifying bed bugs directly from the introduction into a resident’s unit of second-
Bed bugs can often be found in, around and between: hand and abandoned furniture. Unless the determination can
• Bedding be made with absolute certainty that a piece of second-hand
• Bed frames furniture is bed bug-free, residents should assume that the
• Mattress seams reason a seemingly nice looking leather couch, for example, is
• Upholstered furniture, especially under cushions and along sitting curbside, waiting to be hauled off to the landfill, may
seams very well be due to the fact that it’s teeming with bed bugs.
• A round, behind and under wood furniture, especially along • Do address bed bug sightings immediately. Rental housing
areas where drawers slide residents who suspect the presence of bed bugs in their unit
• Curtains and draperies must immediately notify the owner.
• Along window and door frames • Do not attempt to treat bed bug infestations. Under no
• Ceiling and wall junctions circumstance should you attempt to eradicate bed bugs. Health
• Crown moldings hazards associated with the misapplication of traditional and
• Behind and around wall hangings and loose wallpaper non-traditional, chemical-based insecticides and pesticides
• Between carpeting and walls (carpet can be pulled away from poses too great a risk to you and your neighbors.
the wall and tack strip) • Do comply with eradication protocol. If the determination
• Cracks and crevices in walls and floors is made that your unit is indeed playing host to bed bugs, you
• Inside electronic devices, such as smoke and carbon monoxide must comply with the bed bug eradication protocol set forth
detectors by both your owner and their designated pest management

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Please note: It is our goal to maintain a quality living environment for our residents. To help achieve this goal, it is important to work
together to minimize any mold growth in your dwelling. That is why this addendum contains important information for you, and
responsibilities for both you and us.

1. DWELLING UNIT DESCRIPTION. cooking with open pots. When showering, be sure to keep
Unit No. 0216 , 157 the shower curtain inside the tub or fully close the shower
Stonebridge Blvd doors. Also, the experts recommend that after taking a
(street address) in shower or bath, you: (1) wipe moisture off of shower walls,
Edmond shower doors, the bathtub and the bathroom floor; (2) leave
(city), Oklahoma, 73013 (zip code). the bathroom door open until all moisture on the mirrors
and bathroom walls and tile surfaces has dissipated; and
2. LEASE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION. (3) hang up your towels and bath mats so they will completely
Lease Contract Date: May 3, 2022 dry out.
Owner’s name: Villas at Stonebridge I
• Promptly notify us in writing about any air conditioning or
heating system problems you discover. Follow our rules, if
any, regarding replacement of air filters. Also, it is
recommended that you periodically open windows and
Residents (list all residents): doors on days when the outdoor weather is dry (i.e., humidity
is below 50 percent) to help humid areas of your dwelling
Idelfonso Pena Pena, Carlos Daboin CC dry out.
• Promptly notify us in writing about any signs of water leaks,
water infiltration or mold. We will respond in accordance
with state law and the Lease Contract to repair or remedy
the situation, as necessary.
• Keep the thermostat set to automatically circulate air in
the event temperatures rise to or above 80 degrees

5. IN ORDER TO AVOID MOLD GROWTH, it is important to

prevent excessive moisture buildup in your dwelling. Failure
to promptly pay attention to leaks and moisture that might
This Addendum constitutes an Addendum to the above accumulate on dwelling surfaces or that might get inside walls
described Lease Contract for the above described premises, or ceilings can encourage mold growth. Prolonged moisture
and is hereby incorporated into and made a part of such Lease can result from a wide variety of sources, such as:
Contract. Where the terms or conditions found in this
Addendum vary or contradict any terms or conditions found • rainwater leaking from roofs, windows, doors and outside
in the Lease Contract, this Addendum shall control. walls, as well as flood waters rising above floor level;
• overflows from showers, bathtubs, toilets, lavatories, sinks,
3. ABOUT MOLD. Mold is found virtually everywhere in our washing machines, dehumidifiers, refrigerator or A/C drip
environment—both indoors and outdoors and in both new pans or clogged up A/C condensation lines;
and old structures. Molds are naturally occurring microscopic
organisms which reproduce by spores and have existed • leaks from plumbing lines or fixtures, and leaks into walls
practically from the beginning of time. All of us have lived from bad or missing grouting/caulking around showers,
with mold spores all our lives. Without molds we would all tubs or sinks;
be struggling with large amounts of dead organic matter. • washing machine hose leaks, plant watering overflows, pet
Mold breaks down organic matter in the environment and urine, cooking spills, beverage spills and steam from
uses the end product for its food. Mold spores (like plant excessive open-pot cooking;
pollen) spread through the air and are commonly transported • leaks from clothes dryer discharge vents (which can put
by shoes, clothing and other materials. When excess moisture lots of moisture into the air); and
is present inside a dwelling, mold can grow. A 2004 Federal
• insufficient drying of carpets, carpet pads, shower walls
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study found that
and bathroom floors.
there is currently no scientific evidence that the accumulation
of mold causes any significant health risks for person with 6. IF SMALL AREAS OF MOLD HAVE ALREADY OCCURRED
normally functioning immune systems. Nonetheless, ON NON-POROUS SURFACES (such as ceramic tile, formica,
appropriate precautions need to be taken. vinyl flooring, metal, wood or plastic), the federal
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that
you first clean the areas with soap (or detergent) and water,
minimize the potential for mold growth in your dwelling, you
let the surface dry, and then within 24 hours apply a pre-mixed,
must do the following:
spray-on-type household biocide, such as Lysol Disinfectant®,
• Keep your dwelling clean—particularly the kitchen, the Pine-Sol Disinfectant® (original pine-scented), Tilex Mildew
bathroom(s), carpets and floors. Regular vacuuming, Remover® or Clorox Cleanup®. (Note: Only a few of the
mopping and using a household cleaner to clean hard common household cleaners will actually kill mold). Tilex®
surfaces is important to remove the household dirt and and Clorox® contain bleach which can discolor or stain.
debris that harbor mold or food for mold. Immediately throw Be sure to follow the instructions on the container.
away moldy food. Applying biocides without first cleaning away the dirt and
• Remove visible moisture accumulation on windows, walls, oils from the surface is like painting over old paint without
ceilings, floors and other surfaces as soon as reasonably first cleaning and preparing the surface.
possible. Look for leaks in washing machine hoses and Always clean and apply a biocide to an area 5 or 6 times larger
discharge lines—especially if the leak is large enough for than any visible mold because mold may be adjacent in
water to infiltrate nearby walls. Turn on any exhaust fans quantities not yet visible to the naked eye. A vacuum cleaner
in the bathroom and kitchen before you start showering or with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter can be

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used to help remove non-visible mold products from porous 9. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions
items, such as fibers in sofas, chairs, drapes and carpets— control over conflicting provisions of this printed form:
provided the fibers are completely dry. Machine washing or
dry cleaning will remove mold from clothes.

7. DO NOT CLEAN OR APPLY BIOCIDES TO: (1) visible mold

on porous surfaces, such as sheetrock walls or ceilings, or (2)
large areas of visible mold on non-porous surfaces. Instead,
notify us in writing, and we will take appropriate action.

8. COMPLIANCE. Complying with this addendum will help

prevent mold growth in your dwelling, and both you and we
will be able to respond correctly if problems develop that
could lead to mold growth. If you have questions regarding
this addendum, please contact us at the management office
or at the phone number shown in your Lease Contract.
If you fail to comply with this Addendum, you can be held
responsible for property damage to the dwelling and any
health problems that may result. We can’t fix problems
in your dwelling unless we know about them.

Resident or Residents Owner or Owner’s Representative

(All residents must sign here) (Signs here)

Date of Lease Contract

May 3, 2022

© 2019, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 2/2019, Oklahoma Page 2 of 2

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5/13/2022 9:42 AM



U nd er a F ed eral C ommu nications C ommission ( F C C ) ord er, y ou as ou r resid ent hav e a rig ht to install a transmitting or receiv ing
satellite d ish or antenna on the leased d w elling , su b j ect to F C C limitations. W e as a rental hou sing ow ner are allow ed to impose
reasonab le restrictions relating to su ch installation. Y ou are req u ired to comply w ith these restrictions as a cond ition of installing
su ch eq u ipment. T his ad d end u m contains the restrictions that y ou and w e ag ree to f ollow .


U nit No. 0216 , 157 ANTENNA TO INTERIOR OF DWELLING. Y ou may not
Stonebridge Blvd d amag e or alter the leased premises and may not d rill holes
(street address) in throu g h ou tsid e w alls, d oor j ams, w ind ow sills, etc. If y ou r
Edmond satellite d ish or antenna is installed ou tsid e y ou r d w elling
(city), Oklahoma, 73013 (zip code). ( on a b alcony , patio, etc.) , the sig nals receiv ed b y it may b e
transmitted to the interior of y ou r d w elling only b y the
2. LEASE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION. following methods: (1) running a “flat” cable under a door
L ease C ontract D ate: May 3, 2022 j am or w ind ow sill in a manner that d oes not phy sically alter
Ow ner’ s name: Villas at Stonebridge I the premises and d oes not interf ere w ith proper operation of
the door or window; (2) running a traditional or flat cable
throu g h a pre-ex isting hole in the w all ( that w ill not need to
b e enlarg ed to accommod ate the cab le) ; ( 3 ) connecting cab les
“through a window pane,” similar to how an external car
R esid ents (list all residents): antenna f or a cellu lar phone can b e connected to insid e w iring
Idelfonso Pena Pena, Carlos Daboin CC b y a d ev ice g lu ed to either sid e of the w ind ow — w ithou t
d rilling a hole throu g h the w ind ow ; ( 4 ) w ireless transmission
of the sig nal f rom the satellite d ish or antenna to a d ev ice
insid e the d w elling ; or ( 5 ) any other method approv ed b y u s
in w riting .

7. SAFETY IN INSTALLATION. In ord er to assu re saf ety , the

streng th and ty pe of materials u sed f or installation mu st b e
approved by us. Installation must be done by a qualified person
or company approv ed b y u s. Ou r approv al w ill not b e
u nreasonab ly w ithheld . An installer prov id ed b y the seller of
the satellite dish or antenna is presumed to be qualified.

T his Ad d end u m constitu tes an Ad d end u m to the ab ov e 8. MAINTENANCE. Y ou w ill hav e the sole responsib ility f or
d escrib ed L ease C ontract f or the ab ov e d escrib ed premises, maintaining y ou r satellite d ish, antenna and all related
and is hereb y incorporated into and mad e a part of su ch L ease eq u ipment.
C ontract. W here the terms or cond itions f ou nd in this
Ad d end u m v ary or contrad ict any terms or cond itions f ou nd 9. REMOVAL AND DAMAGES. Y ou mu st remov e the satellite
in the L ease C ontract, this Ad d end u m shall control. d ish or antenna and all related eq u ipment w hen y ou mov e
ou t of the d w elling . In accord ance w ith the L ease C ontract,
3. NUMBER AND SIZE. Y ou may install 1 satellite y ou mu st pay f or any d amag es and f or the cost of repairs or
d ish( es) or antenna( s) on the leased premises. A satellite d ish repainting cau sed b y neg lig ence, carelessness, accid ent or
may not ex ceed one meter ( 3 .3 f eet) in d iameter. Antennas ab u se w hich may b e reasonab ly necessary to restore the
that only transmit sig nals or that are not cov ered b y 4 7 C F R leased premises to its cond ition prior to the installation of
§ 1.4 000 are prohib ited . y ou r satellite d ish, antenna or related eq u ipment. Y ou w ill
not b e responsib le f or normal w ear.
4. LOCATION. Y ou r satellite d ish or antenna mu st b e located :
( 1) insid e y ou r d w elling ; or ( 2) in an area ou tsid e y ou r d w elling 10. LIABILITY INSURANCE. You must take full responsibility
su ch as a b alcony , patio, y ard , etc. of w hich y ou hav e ex clu siv e for the satellite dish, antenna and related equipment. If
u se u nd er y ou r lease. Installation is not permitted on any the dish or antenna is installed at a height that could
parking area, roof , ex terior w all, w ind ow , w ind ow sill, f ence result in injury to others if it becomes unattached and
or common area, or in an area that other resid ents are allow ed falls, you must provide us with evidence of liability
to u se. A satellite d ish or antenna may not protru d e b ey ond insurance (if available) to protect us against claims of
the v ertical and horiz ontal space that is leased to y ou f or y ou r personal injury and property damage to others, related
ex clu siv e u se. to your satellite dish, antenna and related equipment.
T he insu rance cov erag e mu st b e $ 50000.00 , w hich
5. SAFETY AND NON-INTERFERENCE. Y ou r installation: ( 1) is an amou nt reasonab ly d etermined b y u s to accomplish
mu st comply w ith all applicab le ord inances and law s and all that pu rpose. F actors af f ecting the amou nt of insu rance
reasonab le saf ety stand ard s; ( 2) may not interf ere w ith ou r inclu d e heig ht of installation ab ov e g rou nd lev el, potential
cab le, telephone or electrical sy stems or those of neig hb oring w ind v elocities, risk of the d ish/antenna b ecoming u nattached
properties; ( 3 ) may not b e connected to ou r telecommu nication and f alling on someone, etc.
sy stems; and ( 4 ) may not b e connected to ou r electrical sy stem
ex cept b y plu g g ing into a 110-v olt d u plex receptacle. If the
satellite d ish or antenna is placed in a permitted ou tsid e area,
it mu st b e saf ely secu red b y one of three method s: ( 1) secu rely
attaching it to a portab le, heav y ob j ect su ch as a small slab of
concrete; ( 2) clamping it to a part of the b u ild ing ’ s ex terior
that lies w ithin y ou r leased premises ( su ch as a b alcony or
patio railing ) ; or ( 3 ) any other method approv ed b y u s in
w riting . No other method s are allow ed . W e may req u ire
reasonab le screening of the satellite d ish or antenna b y plants,
etc., so long as it d oes not impair reception.

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11. SECURITY DEPOSIT. An ad d itional secu rity d eposit of 14. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. T he f ollow ing special prov isions
$ 200.00 w ill b e charg ed . W e (check one)  w ill control over conflicting provisions of this printed form:
consid er or  X w ill not consid er this ad d itional secu rity No satellite dish at move-in. Resident
d eposit a g eneral secu rity d eposit f or all pu rposes.T he must pay $200 deposit should they choose
secu rity d eposit amou nt in the S ecu rity D eposit parag raph to obtain a satellite dish.
of the L ease C ontract (check one)  d oes or  d oes not
inclu d e this ad d itional d eposit amou nt. R ef u nd of the
ad d itional secu rity d eposit w ill b e su b j ect to the terms and
cond itions set f orth in the L ease C ontract reg ard less of
w hether it is consid ered part of the g eneral secu rity d eposit.
T his ad d itional secu rity d eposit is req u ired to help protect
u s ag ainst possib le repair costs, d amag es, or f ailu re to remov e
the satellite d ish, antenna and related eq u ipment at time of
mov e-ou t. F actors af f ecting any secu rity d eposit may v ary ,
d epend ing on: ( 1) how the d ish or antenna is attached
( nails,screw s, lag b olts d rilled into w alls) ; ( 2) w hether holes
w ere permitted to b e d rilled throu g h w alls f or the cab le
between the satellite dish and the TV; and (3) the difficulty
and cost repair or restoration af ter remov al, etc.


installation of y ou r satellite d ish, antenna or related
eq u ipment only af ter y ou hav e: ( 1) sig ned this ad d end u m;
( 2) prov id ed u s w ith w ritten ev id ence of the liab ility
insu rance ref erred to in parag raph 10 of this ad d end u m; ( 3 )
paid u s the ad d itional secu rity d eposit, if applicab le, in
parag raph 11; and ( 4 ) receiv ed ou r w ritten approv al of the
installation materials and the person or company that w ill
d o the installation, w hich approv al may not b e u nreasonab ly
w ithheld .

13. MISCELLANEOUS. If ad d itional satellite d ishes or antennas

are d esired , an ad d itional lease ad d end u m mu st b e ex ecu ted .

Resident or Residents Owner or Owner’s Representative

(All residents must sign here) (signs here)

Date of Lease Contract

May 3, 2022

© 2019, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 2/2019, Oklahoma P ag e 2 of 2

Document digitally signed using RENTCafe eSignature services. Document ID: 2211378
5/13/2022 9:42 AM



1. DWELLING UNIT DESCRIPTION. 6. USE RESTRICTIONS. Garage or carport may be used only

Unit No. ,
0216  157 Stonebridge for storage of operable motor vehicles unless otherwise stated
Blvd in our rules or community policies. Storage units may be used
 (street address) in only for storage of personal property. No one may sleep, cook,
 Edmond barbeque, or live in a garage, carport, or storage unit. Persons
(city), Oklahoma,
73013 (zip code). not listed as a resident or occupant in the Lease Contract may
not use the areas covered by this addendum. No plants may
2. LEASE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION. be grown in such areas.
Lease Contract Date: May 3, 2022
Owner’s name: Villas at Stonebridge I 7. NO DANGEROUS ITEMS. Items that pose an environmental
 hazard or a risk to the safety or health of other residents,
 occupants, or neighbors in our sole judgment or that violate
 any government regulation may not be stored. Prohibited
 items include fuel (other than in a properly capped fuel tank
Residents (list all residents): of a vehicle or a closed briquette lighter fluid container),
fireworks, rags, piles of paper, or other material that may
Idelfonso Pena Pena, Carlos Daboin CC create a fire or environmental hazard. We may remove from
 such areas, without prior notice, items that we believe might
 constitute a fire or environmental hazard. Because of carbon
 monoxide risks, you may not run the motor of a vehicle inside
 a garage unless the garage door is open to allow fumes to

 No smoke, fire, or carbon monoxide detectors will be furnished
 by us unless required by law.

 9. GARAGE DOOR OPENER. If an enclosed garage is furnished,
you  will  will not be provided with a  garage door
The term of this Addendum is as follows: opener and/or  garage key. You will be responsible for
Begins on ,  and maintenance of any garage door opener, including battery
ending on ,  . replacement. Transmitter frequency settings may not be
This Addendum constitutes an Addendum to the above changed on the garage door or opener without our prior
described Lease Contract for the above described premises, written consent.
and is hereby incorporated into and made a part of such Lease
Contract. Where the terms or conditions found in this 10. SECURITY. Always remember to lock any door of a garage
Addendum vary or contradict any terms or conditions found or storage unit and any door between a garage and the
in the Lease Contract, this Addendum shall control. dwelling. When leaving, be sure to lock all keyed deadbolt
to exclusive possession of: (check as applicable) 11. INSURANCE AND LOSS/DAMAGE TO YOUR PROPERTY.
  garage or carport attached to the dwelling; You will maintain liability and comprehensive insurance
 garage space number(s)  coverage for any vehicle parked or stored. We are not
 ; responsible for pest control in such areas.
 carport space number(s) 
12. COMPLIANCE. We may periodically open and enter garages
and storerooms to ensure compliance with this addendum.
In the event we enter the garage or storerooms, we will
 storage unit number(s) 
comply with the notice provisions set forth in the Lease
All terms and conditions of the Lease Contract apply to the
above areas unless modified by this addendum. 13. NO LOCK CHANGES, ALTERATIONS, OR IMPROVEMENTS.
Without our prior written consent, locks on doors of garages
4. SECURITY DEPOSIT. An additional security deposit of and storage units may not be rekeyed, added, or changed,
0.00 will be charged for the checked areas above. and improvements, alterations, or electrical extensions or
We (check one)  will consider or  will not consider this changes to the interior or exterior of such areas are not
additional security deposit a general security deposit for all allowed. You may not place nails, screws, bolts, or hooks into
purposes. The security deposit amount in the Security Deposit walls, ceilings, floors, or doors. Any damage not caused by
paragraph of the Lease Contract (check one)  does or us or our representatives to areas covered by this addendum
 does not include this additional deposit amount. Refund will be paid for by you.
of the additional security deposit will be subject to the terms
and conditions set forth in the Lease Contract regardless of 14. MOVE-OUT AND REMEDIES. Any items remaining after
whether it is considered part of the general security deposit. you have vacated the dwelling will be removed, sold, or
otherwise disposed of according to the Lease Contract, which
5. ADDITIONAL MONTHLY RENT. Your total monthly rent addresses disposition or sale of property left in an abandoned
(as stated in the Lease Contract) will be increased by or surrendered dwelling. All remedies in the Lease Contract
95.00 . The monthly rent amount in the Rent and apply to areas covered by this addendum.
Charges paragraph of the Lease Contract (check one)
 includes  
X does not include this additional rent.

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15. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions
control over conflicting provisions of this printed form:

Resident or Residents Owner or Owner’s Representative

(All residents must sign here) (signs here)

 Date of Lease Contract

 May 3, 2022

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Document digitally signed using RENTCafe eSignature services. Document ID: 2211378
5/13/2022 9:42 AM



This addendum is incorporated into the Lease Contract (the “Lease”) identified below and is in addition to all the terms and conditions
contained in the Lease. If any terms of this Addendum conflict with the Lease, the terms of this Addendum shall be controlling:
Property Owner: Villas at Stonebridge I

Resident(s): Idelfonso Pena Pena, Carlos Daboin CC

Unit No:/Address: #0216, 157 Stonebridge Blvd, Edmond, OK 73013

Lease Date: 05/03/2022


Resident(s) permission for use of all common areas, Resident amenities, and recreational facilities (together, “Amenities”)
located at the Dwelling Community is a privilege and license granted by Owner, and not a contractual right except as otherwise
provided for in the Lease. Such permission is expressly conditioned upon Resident’s adherence to the terms of the Lease, this
Addendum, and the Community rules and regulations (“Rules”) in effect at any given time, and such permission may be
revoked by Owner at any time for any lawful reason. In all cases, the most strict terms of either the Lease, this Addendum,
or the Community Rules shall control. Owner reserves the right to set the days and hours of use for all Amenities and to
change the character of or close any Amenity based upon the needs of Owner and in Owner’s sole and absolute discretion,
without notice, obligation or recompense of any nature to Resident. Owner and management may make changes to the Rules
for use of any Amenity at any time.

Additionally, Resident(s) expressly agrees to assume all risks of every type, including but not limited to risks of
personal injury or property damage, of whatever nature or severity, related to Resident’s use of the amenities at the
Community. Resident(s) agrees to hold Owner harmless and release and waive any and all claims, allegations, actions,
damages, losses, or liabilities of every type, whether or not foreseeable, that Resident(s) may have against Owner
and that are in any way related to or arise from such use. This provision shall be enforceable to the fullest extent of
the law.

the Management, officers, partners, employees, agents, assigns, Owners, subsidiaries and affiliates of Owner.

II. POOL.  This Community  X DOES;   DOES NOT have a pool. When using the pool, Resident(s) agrees to the following:
• Residents and guests will adhere to the rules and regulations posted in the pool area and Management policies.
• All Swimmers swim at their own risk. Owner is not responsible for accidents or injuries.
• For their safety, Residents should not swim alone.
• Pool hours are posted at the pool.
• No glass, pets, or alcoholic beverages are permitted in the pool area. Use paper or plastic containers only.
• Proper swimming attire is required at all times and a swimsuit “cover up” should be worn to and from the pool.
• No running or rough activities are allowed in the pool area. Respect others by minimizing noise, covering pool furniture
with a towel when using suntan oils, leaving pool furniture in pool areas, disposing of trash, and keeping pool gates closed.
• Resident(s) must accompany their guests.
• Resident(s) must notify Owner any time there is a problem or safety hazard at the pool.


III. FITNESS CENTER.  This Community  X DOES;   DOES NOT have a fitness center. When using the fitness center, Resident
agrees to the following:
• Residents and guests will adhere to the rules and regulations posted in the fitness center and Management policies.
• The Fitness Center is not supervised. Resident(s) are solely responsible for their own appropriate use of equipment.
• Resident(s) shall carefully inspect each piece of equipment prior to Resident’s use and shall refrain from using any equipment
that may be functioning improperly or that may be damaged or dangerous.
• Resident(s) shall immediately report to Management any equipment that is not functioning properly, is damaged or appears
dangerous, as well any other person’s use that appears to be dangerous or in violation of Management Rules and Policies.
• Resident(s) shall consult a physician before using any equipment in the Fitness Center and before participating in any
aerobics or exercise class, and will refrain from such use or participation unless approved by Resident’s physician.
• Resident(s) will keep Fitness Center locked at all times during Resident’s visit to the Fitness Center.
• Resident(s) will not admit any person to the Fitness Center who has not registered with the Management Office.
• Resident(s) must accompany guests, and no glass, smoking, eating, alcoholic beverages, pets, or black sole shoes are
permitted in the Fitness Center.
Card # issued: (1) (3) (5)
(2) (4) (6)

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IV. PACKAGE RELEASE.  This Community 
X DOES;   DOES NOT accept packages on behalf of Residents.
For communities that do accept packages on behalf of its Residents: 
Resident(s) gives Owner permission to sign and accept any parcels or letters sent to Resident(s) through UPS, Federal Express,
Airborne, United States Postal Service or the like. Resident agrees that Owner does not accept responsibility or liability for
any lost, damaged, or unordered deliveries, and agrees to hold Owner harmless for the same.

V. BUSINESS CENTER.  This Community  X DOES;   DOES NOT have a business center.
Resident(s) agrees to use the business center at Resident(s) sole risk and according to the Rules and Regulations posted in
the business center and Management policies. Owner is not responsible for data, files, programs or any other information
lost or damaged on Business Center computers or in the Business Center for any reason. No software may be loaded on
Business Center computers without the written approval of Community Management. No inappropriate, offensive, or
pornographic images or files (in the sole judgment of Owner) will be viewed or loaded onto the Business Center computers
at any time. Residents will limit time on computers to
60 minutes if others are waiting to use them. Smoking,
eating, alcoholic beverages, pets, and any disturbing behavior are prohibited in the business center.

VI. AUTOMOBILES/BOATS/RECREATIONAL VEHICLES.  The following policies are in addition to those in the Lease, and may
be modified by the additional rules in effect at the Community at any given time:
• Only
2 vehicle per licensed Resident is allowed.
• All vehicles must be registered at the Management office.
• A ny vehicle(s) not registered, considered abandoned, or violating the Lease, this Addendum, or the Community Rules, in
the sole judgment of Management, will be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense after a
48 hour notice is placed
on the vehicle.
• Notwithstanding this, any vehicle illegally parked in a fire lane, designated no parking space or handicapped space, or
blocking an entrance, exit, driveway, dumpster, or parked illegally in a designated parking space, will immediately be
towed, without notice, at the vehicle owner’s expense.
• The washing of vehicles is not permitted on the property unless specifically allowed in designated area.
• Any on property repairs and/or maintenance of any vehicle must be with the prior written permission of the Management.
• Recreational vehicles, boats or trailers may only be parked on the property with Management’s permission (in Management’s
sole discretion), and must be registered with the Management Office and parked in the area(s) designated by Management.

VII. FIRE HAZARDS.  In order to minimize fire hazards and comply with city ordinances, Resident shall comply with the
• Residents and guests will adhere to the Community rules and regulations other Management policies concerning fire
hazards, which may be revised from time to time.
• No person shall knowingly maintain a fire hazard.
• Grills, Barbeques, and any other outdoor cooking or open flame devices will be used only on the ground level and
will be placed a minimum of
10 feet from any building. Such devices will not be used close to combustible
materials, tall grass or weeds, on exterior walls or on roofs, indoors, on balconies or patios, or in other locations which
may cause fires.
• Fireplaces:  Only firewood is permitted in the fireplace. No artificial substances, such as Duraflame® logs are permitted.
Ashes must be disposed of in metal containers, after ensuring the ashes are cold.
• F lammable or combustible liquids and fuels shall not be used or stored (including stock for sale) in dwellings, near exits,
stairways breezeways, or areas normally used for the ingress and egress of people. This includes motorcycles and any
apparatus or engine using flammable or combustible liquid as fuel.
• No person shall block or obstruct any exit, aisle, passageway, hallway or stairway leading to or from any structure.
• Resident(s) are solely responsible for fines or penalties caused by their actions in violation of local fire protection codes.

VIII. EXTERMINATING. Unless prohibited by statute or otherwise stated in the Lease, Owner may conduct extermination
operations in Residents’ dwelling several times a year and as needed to prevent insect infestation. Owner will notify Residents
in advance of extermination in Residents’ Dwelling, and give Resident instructions for the preparation of the Dwelling and
safe contact with insecticides. Residents will be responsible to prepare the Dwelling for extermination in accordance with
Owner’s instructions. If Residents are unprepared for a scheduled treatment date Owner will prepare Residents’ dwelling
and charge Residents accordingly. Residents must request extermination treatments in addition to those regularly provided
by Owner in writing. Residents agree to perform the tasks required by Owner on the day of interior extermination
to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the extermination. These tasks will include, but are not limited to, the
• Clean in all cabinets, drawers and closets in kitchen and pantry.
• If roaches have been seen in closets, remove contents from shelves and floor.
• Remove infants and young children from the dwelling.
• Remove pets or place them in bedrooms, and notify Owner of such placement.
• Remove chain locks or other types of obstruction on day of service.
• Cover fish tanks and turn off their air pumps.
• Do not wipe out cabinets after treatment.
In the case of suspected or confirmed bed bug infestation, resident will agree to the following:
• Resident will wash all clothing, bed sheets, draperies, towels, etc. in extremely hot water.
• Resident will thoroughly clean, off premises, all luggage, handbags, shoes and clothes hanging containers.
• Resident will cooperate with Owner’s cleaning efforts for all mattresses and seat cushions or other upholstered furniture,
and will dispose of same if requested.



IX. DRAPES AND SHADES.  Drapes or shades installed by Resident, when allowed, must be lined in white and present a uniform
exterior appearance.

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X. WATER BEDS.  Resident shall not have water beds or other water furniture in the dwelling without prior written permission
of Owner.

XI. BALCONY or PATIO.  Balconies and patios shall be kept neat and clean at all times. No rugs, towels, laundry, clothing,
appliances or other items shall be stored, hung or draped on railings or other portions of balconies or patios. No misuse of
the space is permitted, including but not limited to, throwing, spilling or pouring liquids or other items, whether intentionally
or negligently, over the balconies or patios.

XII. SIGNS.  Resident shall not display any signs, exterior lights or markings on dwelling. No awnings or other projections shall
be attached to the outside of the building of which dwelling is a part.

XIII. SATELLITE DISHES/ANTENNAS.  You must complete a satellite addendum and abide by its terms prior to installation or

XIV. WAIVER/SEVERABILITY CLAUSE.  No waiver of any provision herein, or in any Community rules and regulations, shall
be effective unless granted by the Owner in a signed and dated writing. If any court of competent jurisdiction finds that any
clause, phrase, or provision of this Part is invalid for any reason whatsoever, this finding shall not effect the validity of the
remaining portions of this addendum, the Lease Contract or any other addenda to the Lease Contract.

XV. SPECIAL PROVISIONS.  The following special provisions control over conflicting provisions of this printed form:
Propane or any other gases are not to be stored anywhere on the premises. Do not leave
trash on patio/balcony or outside of front door. Trash left outside is subject to a
$25.00 removal fee per item.

I have read, understand and agree to comply with the preceding provisions.

Resident Date Resident Date

Resident Date Resident Date

Resident Date Resident Date

Owner Representative Date

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Unit No. 0216 , 157 report to the office any malfunction or damage to gates,
Stonebridge Blvd fencing, locks or related equipment.
(street address) in
Edmond 6. FOLLOW WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS. We ask that you and
(city), Oklahoma, 73013 (zip code). all other occupants read the written instructions that have
been furnished to you regarding the access gates. This is
2. LEASE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION. important because if the gates are damaged by you or other
Lease Contract Date: May 3, 2022 occupants, guests or invitees through negligence or misuse,
Owner’s name: Villas at Stonebridge I you are liable for the damages under your lease, and collection
of damage amounts will be pursued.


DAMAGE. Except as specifically required by law, we have
Residents (list all residents): no duty to maintain the gates and cannot guaranty against
gate malfunctions. We make no representations or guarantees
Idelfonso Pena Pena, Carlos Daboin CC
to you concerning security of the community. Any measures,
devices, or activities taken by us are solely for the benefit of
us and for the protection of our property and interests, and
any benefit to you of the same is purely incidental. Anything
mechanical or electronic is subject to malfunction. Fencing,
gates or other devices will not prevent all crime. No security
system or device is foolproof or 100 percent successful in
deterring crime. Crime can still occur. Protecting residents,
their families, occupants, guests and invitees from crime is
the sole responsibility of residents, occupants and law
enforcement agencies. You should first call 911 or other
appropriate emergency police numbers if a crime occurs or
This Addendum constitutes an Addendum to the above is suspected. We are not liable to any resident, family member,
described Lease Contract for the above described premises, guest, occupant or invitee for personal injury, death or
and is hereby incorporated into and made a part of such Lease damage/loss of personal property from incidents related to
Contract. Where the terms or conditions found in this perimeter fencing, automobile access gates and/or pedestrian
Addendum vary or contradict any terms or conditions found access gates. We reserve the right to modify or eliminate
in the Lease Contract, this Addendum shall control. security systems other than those statutorily required. You
will be held responsible for the actions of any persons to whom
3. REMOTE CONTROL/CARDS/CODE FOR GATE ACCESS. you provide access to the community.
 Remote control for gate access. Each person who is
listed as a resident on the lease will be given a remote 8. RULES IN USING VEHICLE GATES.
control at no cost to use during his or her residency. Each • Always approach entry and exit gates with caution and at
additional remote control for you or other occupants a very slow rate of speed.
will require a $ 50.00 non-refundable fee.
• Never stop your car where the gate can hit your vehicle as
 Cards for gate access. Each person who is listed as a the gate opens or closes.
resident on the lease will be given a card at no cost to
use during his or her residency. Each additional card for • Never follow another vehicle into an open gate. Always use
you or other occupants will require a $ your card to gain entry.
non-refundable fee. • Report to management the vehicle license plate number of
X Code for gate access. Each resident will be given, at no
  any vehicle that piggybacks through the gate.
cost, an access code (keypad number) for the pedestrian • Never force the gate open with your car.
or vehicular access gates. It is to be used only during your
• Never get out of your vehicle while the gates are opening
residency. We may change the access code at any time
or closing.
and will notify you of any such changes.
• If you are using the gates with a boat or trailer, please contact
4. DAMAGED, LOST OR UNRETURNED REMOTE CONTROLS, management for assistance. The length and width of the
CARDS OR CODE CHANGES. trailer may cause recognition problems with the safety loop
 If a remote control is lost, stolen or damaged, a detector and could cause damage.
$ fee will be charged for a replacement. If
• Do not operate the gate if there are small children nearby
a remote control is not returned or is returned damaged
who might get caught in it as it opens or closes.
when you move out, there will be a $
deduction from the security deposit. • If you lose your card, please contact the management office
 If a card is lost, stolen or damaged, a $ fee
will be charged for a replacement card. If a card is not • Do not give your card or code to anyone else.
returned or is returned damaged when you move out, • Do not tamper with gate or allow your occupants to tamper
there will be a $ deduction from the or play with gates.
security deposit.
 We may change the code(s) at any time and notify you

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9. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions
control over conflicting provisions of this printed form:

Resident or Residents Owner or Owner’s Representative

(All residents must sign here) (signs here)

Date of Lease Contract

May 3, 2022

© 2019, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 2/2019, Oklahoma Page 2 of 2

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5/13/2022 9:42 AM
______ Each and every Resident must execute this Addendum which acknowledges certain rules and regulations concerning fire prevention. These rules and regulations
______ are as follows:
1. The use of a charcoaler, hibachi, or grill of any kind in or within ten feet (10’) of your apartment building structure, or on patios, balconies, or breezeways is strictly
prohibited under the terms and conditions of your Lease Agreement. Violators of the above will be fined and/or will result in the resident being held responsible
for damages.
2. Do not throw cigarettes from your patio or balcony. Lighted cigarettes are a primary cause of fires in apartments. Make certain that your occupants and visitors
follow this same rule.
3. Please do not leave cooking foods unattended.
4. Do not store in your apartment, balcony, or patio, kerosene, gasoline, or other flammable or explosive material.
5. While smoking on the apartment property, do not leave cigarette butts or other tobacco material on the ground.
6. Please limit your use of candles and never leave a candle unattended.
7. Please read, understand, and be very familiar with the Addendum to Lease Agreement involving smoke detectors.
8. Do not overload outlets or run electrical cords under rugs/carpets. Check all appliance cords for weak or frayed areas.
9. Landlord strongly urges the tenant to secure renters insurance to protect against all possible losses at or in the apartment. Resident understands and agrees that
the Landlord has obtained property and casualty insurance for its exclusive benefit and that the Resident is not a co-insured under the Landlord’s property and
casualty insurance policy. Resident may and is encouraged to obtain fire insurance to protect the renter’s interest, whether real or personal, in the property.
10. The above restrictions will be strictly enforced by the Landlord. Landlord reserves the right to terminate any lease in the event tenant violates any of the above
rules and regulations.
_____ The undersigned owner and resident(s) hereby agree that this addendum is part of their lease for apartment ________.
_____ This addendum specifies the responsibilities and regulations regarding the installation, maintenance, repair and testing of smoke detectors in the specific dwelling
Initial unit.
1. Landlord shall supply and install all required smoke detectors according to the City Ordinance and Fire Code.
2. Landlord shall provide replacement batteries to resident(s) as necessary and shall change all batteries in battery powered smoke detectors as required by
manufacturer’s specifications.
3. Landlord shall test all smoke detector(s) in the apartment units on a semi-annual schedule, document the results of the inspection and shall maintain and
test all common stairwells and common areas weekly, and monthly for other than battery powered smoke detectors.
4. The Landlord shall perform necessary maintenance on all smoke detector(s) as noted on semi-annual inspections and within 24 hours of receipt of written
notification. The Owner shall provide instructions regarding testing and maintenance of smoke detectors. (See below this lease addendum.)
1. The resident(s) shall be responsible for testing the smoke detector(s) weekly to ensure the proper operation of the smoke detector(s) within their dwelling
2. The resident(s) shall clean the smoke detector(s) annually as per manufacturer’s specifications.
3. The resident(s) shall notify the owner in writing of any deficiencies or repairs needed to the smoke detector(s).
PENALTY: It is unlawful and a breach of the Apartment Lease Agreement for any person to remove batteries or in any way make the smoke detector(s) inoperable.
INSPECTION: The Fire Chief or his representative shall have the right to inspect the smoke detector(s) at their discretion and both parties agree to cooperate.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The undersigned resident(s) acknowledge that the smoke detector(s) in the rental unit is in good working condition at the time of execution of
the lease and acknowledge their responsibilities concerning the smoke detector(s) as set forth above.
TESTING & CLEANING PROCEDURES: Test the detector weekly by pushing firmly on the test button until the horn sounds. This should take 10 seconds. If the alarm
horn makes a continuous loud sound, the detector is working properly. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO BE SURE THAT THE DETECTOR IS WORKING. TEST THE DETECTOR
Vacuum the dust off the detector at least once a year, using the soft brush attachment to your vacuum cleaner. Clean the detector’s cover when it gets dirty. Hand
wash the cover with a cloth dampened with clean water. Dry it with a lint-free cloth. Be sure not to get any water on the detector components.


_____ 1. The interior sprinkler systems are designed for your fire protection ONLY.
_____ 2. Do not hang items from, touch, or dismantle these devices in any way.
_____ 3. Do not cover or block the interior sprinkler systems.
_____ 4. You will be held responsible for any damage resulting from such tampering of these devices.
Initial 5. Do not nail, drill or hang pictures or tamper with wall area located above, below, or nearby interior fire sprinkler heads.


Idelfonso Pena Pena, Carlos Daboin CC

Name(s) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

By witness of our signatures below, the owner/agent of _______________________________________

Villas at Stonebridge I and the resident(s) of unit # ______________, 0216 hereby agree as
a. 0.00
That a total amount of $ _____________ has been paid as a deposit toward last month’s rent (LMR) and received by the owner/agent. Should the
resident(s) lease rent change during their occupancy, the owner/agent may require an additional sum to be paid to replenish the new LMR requirement.
b. That this sum shall remain with the owner/agent until proper notification by the resident(s) of intent to vacate the unit. The last month’s rent payment is for
the last month of occupancy of the unit by the resident(s) and shall not be applied to any monthly rent charge or delinquent balance throughout the
duration of tenancy, unless the owner/agent shall elect to do so under the terms of the occupancy agreement/lease or applicable statute.
c. That all of the terms, covenants, and conditions of the lease including, but not limited to, payment of rent, late fees, returned check charges and the like,
shall remain in full force and effect in addition to the terms of this Addendum and any other Addendum attached to the lease.
d. That upon notification of move-out by either party hereto, the amount specified above shall be applied to all balances due from the date of notice to the
actual date when the premises are vacated.
e. That is the resident(s) subsequently cancels the notice to vacate, and the owner/agent accepts the resident’s cancellation of said notice, a repayment of the
last month’s rent may be required of the resident is the owner’s/agent’s sole discretion. Nothing herein shall require the owner/agent to accept a resident’s
cancellation of a previously given notice to vacate.

Utilities will be placed in the resident’s name at the time of move-in and taken out of the resident’s name on the move-out day. Failure to properly transfer the utilities
will result in a $25.00 transfer fee plus $10.00 per day for each day the utilities were improperly assigned to the landlord.

___________________________________________________ Date ______________________________

Resident’s Signature
___________________________________________________ Date ______________________________
Resident’s Signature
___________________________________________________ Date ______________________________
Resident’s Signature
___________________________________________________ Date ______________________________
Resident’s Signature Page 1

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Apartment #: ________________
0216 Property Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Villas at Stonebridge I

Date: ______________________
05/03/2022 Resident Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Idelfonso Pena Pena, Carlos Daboin CC
We understand that most of our residents pay their rent on time and to those of you who do; we appreciate your prompt payments record. However, we
also understand that situations could arise that would make it impossible for you to pay promptly. Therefore, Case & Associates management has set the
following collection policies:
1. Rent is due and payable on the 1st of each month. Late charges of $____________
50.00 for nonpayment of rent and other charges owed are due and
payable after 9:00 A.M. on the _____
4th morning of each month. Additional late charges of $_________ per day, are also due everyday thereafter
until all monies owed are paid in full.
2. No partial payments of any kind including late charges will be accepted for monies owed. If payment is received by the office either in person or
via online payment, that is not payment in full including late charges and attorney fees, the payment will be returned to you and late charges will
continue to accrue until payment is received in full.
3. Personal checks will not be accepted for any payments made after the ________ 3 of the month. After the ________,
3 all payments must be made
by online payment system or by walk-in payment option only. If a check is received after the ________3 of the month, it will be returned to you
and late charges will continue to accrue until payment in full is received either by online payment system or by walk-in payment option. Cash will
not be accepted at any time for reasons of safety and security.
4. A returned check will be assess a $____________
30.00 returned check fee in addition to all late charges that would be owed. Payment to replace the
returned check must be made by online payment system or by walk-in payment option only. After receiving a second returned check, all future
payments must be made by walk-in payment option. All returned checks (NSF’s), will be returned to you and all late charges will continue to
accrue until payment in full is received either by online payment system or by walk-in payment option. Returned checks will not be re-deposited
a second time.
5. If all monies owed are not paid in full by 9:00 A.M or about the ________
12th of the month, your account will be billed a $____________
165.00 filing fee.

ADDITIONAL DEPOSIT(S) An additional deposit is required for the following items (if applicable):
(Circle One) Gate Card Gate Transmitter Exercise Room Key Pool Key Other___________________

Date Issued # of Items Issued I.D. #'s (if applicable) Deposit Required (Each) Total Deposit Collected

1. Resident agrees that this additional deposit will be held by the Landlord as a security deposit for the above noted item(s).
2. Resident agrees and understands that the additional deposit will be refunded within 30 days of return of the noted item(s) in acceptable and
proper working condition. Acceptable and proper working condition will be determined solely by the Landlord.
3. Resident agrees to notify management immediately in the event of loss of theft of the issued item(s). A replacement will be issued upon
notification of the management and payment of a Reissuance Fee in the amount of $____________
50.00 for each lost or stolen item.

1. Resident must give a 30-day written notice of early termination and pay rent to the end of that notice period, regardless of whether the
apartment is occupied. Any co-signers must be notified in writing.
Initial 2. In addition to the rent described in paragraph 1, Resident must pay a termination fee in the amount equal to two month’s rent ($____________).
The termination fee must be paid by online payment system or by walk-in payment option only. The termination fee is to be paid prior to move-
3. Any move-in specials, concessions or discounted rent given to Resident during the term of the Lease Agreement must be paid to Case by online
payment system or by walk-in payment option prior to move-out. These concessions total $____________.
4. Utilities must be disconnected and removed from Resident’s name the day after the 30-day written notice expires or the day after actual move-
out, whichever is later.
5. All deposits paid by Resident are refundable as long as Resident follows the terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement. As stated in the Lease
Agreement all deposits will be refunded if all charges are paid in full prior to the vacated date. A forwarding address must be provided by

1. $ 959.00 (Equal to one month’s rent)

2. $ 1918.00 (Equal to two month’s rent)

3. $ 0.00 (Any move-in special, concession or rent discount)

Total Due $ 2877.00


Many residents are not aware of the fact that general insurance policies covering apartment buildings do not include for each resident’s personal property.
If you wish to insure your personal belongings against fire, theft and damages of any sort (including damages caused by building defect), we urge you to
Initial contact an insurance company of your choice regarding a “Tenant’s Homeowner Policy”.

1. Leaseholder, occupant or guest of tenant displaying or using firearms, knives, or other weapons in violation of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act, 21
0.S § 1272 et seq.
2. Leaseholder, occupant, or guest of tenant carrying unloaded or loaded shotguns, rifles, pistols, open and not concealed, or concealed, in any
common areas including but not limited to: leasing office, fitness center, business center, community swimming pool, community laundry rooms
and playgrounds (other than when going to or from the tenant’s private residence or a vehicle).

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In consideration of the execution of a lease of the dwelling unit identified in the Lease, Owner and
Resident agree as follows:

1. Occupants and visitors shall not engage in criminal activity involving drug related criminal
activity on or near any property premises. “Drug Related Criminal Activity” means the illegal
manufacture, sale, distribution, use or possession with the intent to manufacture, sell,
distribute, or use of a controlled substance as defined in Section 102 of the Controlled
Substance Act (21 u.s.c. 802).

2. Occupants and visitors shall not engage in any act intended to facilitate criminal activity or
otherwise indulge drug related criminal activity on or near the property premises.

3. Occupants and visitors will not permit the dwelling unit to be used for, or to facilitate criminal
activity including drug-related criminal activity, regardless of whether the individual engaging in
such activity is an occupant or visitor.

4. Occupants and visitors will not engage in the manufacture, sale, or distribution of illegal drugs
at any location, whether on or near property premises or otherwise.

5. Occupants and visitors shall not engage in acts of violence or threats of violence including, but
not limited to, the unlawful discharge of firearms on or near property premises.

provisions of the Addendum shall be deemed a material noncompliance of the Lease. It is
understood and agreed that a single violation shall be good cause for immediate termination of
the Lease. Unless otherwise provided by law, proof of violation shall not require criminal

7. In case of conflict between the provisions in this Addendum and any other provisions of the
Lease, the provisions of the Addendum shall govern.

8. This Lease Addendum is incorporated into the Lease and executed this day between
Owner/Landlord and Resident.

____________________________________________ Date ______________________________

Resident’s Signature

____________________________________________ Date ______________________________

Resident’s Signature

____________________________________________ Date ______________________________

Resident’s Signature

____________________________________________ Date ______________________________

Resident’s Signature

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Tenant hereby designates _________________________________________

Galina Ortiz as the
tenant’s emergency contact.

Work Phone: _____________________________________

Home Phone: _____________________________________

(786) 329-2496

Relationship: _____________________________________

Address: _____________________________________
157 Stonebridge Blvd.

City/State: _____________________________________
Edmond, OK

In the event of serious illness or death, or any type of incapacity, the above person is
granted immediate access to Tenant’s apartment at a reasonable time and in the
presence of the Landlord and is authorized to remove and/or take into their
possession all contents found in Tenant’s apartment, storerooms, common areas
and/or mailboxes. If Landlord releases all Tenant’s property described above to said
emergency contact. Landlord is released from any liability or claims from Tenant,
any third parties representing Tenant or any third parties claiming any interest in and
to Tenant’s property. The above person is authorized to receive any refund of
Tenant’s security deposit, less lawful deductions.

After Tenant’s death, Landlord may remove and store all property found in
Tenant’s apartment. The Landlord may discard such property if (a) Landlord has
mailed a written request by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the person
designated above, requesting that the property be removed, (b) if the person
designated above has failed to remove the property by the 13th day after the
postmarked date of the notice, and (c) the Landlord, prior to the date of discarding
the property, has not been contacted by anyone claiming the property.

___________________________________ ____________________
Signature Date

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5/13/2022 9:42 AM



Date: May 3, 2022

(when this Amendment is filled out)

1. DWELLING UNIT DESCRIPTION. The resident is responsible for the care of the support or
Unit No. 0216 , 157 service animal. In the event the support or service animal is
Stonebridge Blvd sick or injured and you are unavailable to seek treatment for
(street address) in the animal, we will have the right (but not the duty) to contact
Edmond a veterinarian and incur on your behalf any necessary
(city), Oklahoma, 73013 (zip code). veterinarian charges to render aid or treatment to the animal.

2. LEASE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION. We will not charge a security deposit for your support or
Lease Contract Date: May 3, 2022 service animal. You will, however, be liable for any damages
Owner’s name: Villas at Stonebridge I that this animal may cause.

3. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions

control over conflicting provisions of this printed form:

Residents (list all residents):

Idelfonso Pena Pena, Carlos Daboin CC

You acknowledge that the ownership of or need for the support

or service animal does not entitle you to permit the animal
to bother, threaten or harm other residents or persons without
cause. While in common areas the animal must be supervised
and the resident must retain control of the animal at all times.
Resident is responsible for the proper disposal of animal
waste. You acknowledge that if the animal violates the rules
in the Animal Addendum or community rules, we have the
right to evict both you and the support or service animal, as
well as exercise other remedies under the lease.

You are legally bound by this document. Please read it carefully.

Resident or Residents Owner or Owner’s Representative

(All residents must sign) (Signs below)

Date of Signing Amendment

© 2019, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 2/2019, Oklahoma

Document digitally signed using RENTCafe eSignature services. Document ID: 2211378
5/13/2022 9:42 AM
The following information states that the identified document has been signed electronically by the parties detailed

Signee Details Role Signature Initials Date Signed

Idelfonso Pena Pena Resident
Email ID: idel8029562@gmail.com

Carlos Daboin CC Guarantor

Email ID: cldaboin@gmail.com

Site Manager Manager

Document digitally signed using RENTCafe eSignature services. Document ID: 2211378

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