Universal Values
Universal Values
Universal Values
Dhanielle Artch Tabile
Jhon Aldo Gutas
Universal It could be something
that has a universal
Values value when everybody
finds it valuable.
Trustworthiness Honesty
It concerns a variety of behavior qualities,
such as honesty, integrity, reliability, and
Is the most fundamental ethical value. We
associate honesty with people of honor. We
also admire and trust those who are honest.
Honesty in communication
It refers to the intent to convey the truth as
best as we know it to avoid communication
that is likely to mislead or deceive. Honesty in communication
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Truthfulness Sincerity/nondeception Frankness Honesty in conduct
Truthfulness means not It prohibits stealing,
intentionally misrepresenting a A sincere person does not Relationships involving trust cheating, fraud, and trickery.
fact (lying). The intent is a crucial act, say half- truths, or stay and honesty may require us Cheating is not only about
distinction between truthfulness silent to create beliefs or to voluntarily give being dishonest but also
and truth itself. Being wrong is leave impressions that are information that another taking advantage of those
not the same thing as being a liar, untrue or misleading. person needs to know. who are not cheating. It is a
although honest mistakes can
violation of trust and
still damage trust. fairness.
Integrity Self-interest
things we want
things we do not want
a refusal to see a
situation clearly
an end-justifies-the-
means attitude
Avoid bad-faith excuses
Honorable people do not rationalize
noncompliance or create justifications
for escaping commitments.
Avoid unwise commitments
Before making a promise, consider carefully whether you
are willing and likely to keep it. Think about the unknown
or future events that can make it difficult, undesirable,
or impossible for your commitments to keep.
Occasionally, all we can do is promise to do our best.
Avoiding Conflicting
is about promoting and protecting
the interests of certain people, Interests
organizations, or affiliations. Employees and public servants have an
Several relationships such as additional responsibility to make all
husband-wife, employer-employee, professional decisions on merit and not
citizen-country, create an personal interests. Their goal is to
expectation of loyalty. maintain the trust of the public.
Respect is about honoring the essential
worth and dignity of all people, including
oneself. We are morally obliged to treat
everyone with respect, regardless of who
they are and what they have done. We have
a responsibility to be the best version we
can be in all situations, even when dealing
with unpleasant people.
Tolerance Diligence
Responsibility Perseverance
Fairness is a tricky concept. Disagreeing parties tend to indicate that only one is in a fair position,
that is, their own. However, several situations and decisions are unfair, and fairness generally
refers to a range of morally justifiable outcomes instead of the discovery of one fair answer.
Universal 02
it helps us create a future we
want to experience;
Values it guides our actions to help us gain
influence among those people who
03 matter to us, whose love and respect
we crave
Dhanielle Artch Tabile
Jhon Aldo Gutas