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Parent Newsletter 1

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3rd Week of September | 2022 9th Grade Algebra 1

From Miss Farrell, What we learned last week

Happy Monday Parents! We are now three Students had their first math test!
weeks into the school year and have begun
Graphing slope-intercept equations
honing our skills.
Point slope-form
In this week's newsletter I want to highlight Standard form
some additional resources you can use at
home with your child to strengthen their
mathematical skills throughout the year. Use
the QR codes at the end of this newsletter to
access the websites.

What is it? How does the website work?

Khan Academy is an educational website Khan Academy's website is organized in a way
that offers practice exercises, where students can either gain mastery in a
instructional videos and a personalized specific topic or an entire unit/lesson. Students
learning dashboard that empowers should begin by identifying a concept they are
learners to study at their own pace in and struggling with/looking to review. After searching
outside of the classroom. The website has for the concept in the toolbar, students should
content for grades K-14 in subjects take the unit test associated with their topic to
ranging from math, science, computing, see what they already know. Upon learning their
history, art history, economics, and more. results read any relevant articles, watch the
instructional videos and do the practice
Is it free? problems to master the concept before moving
on. Finally, take final assessment to see which
Yes, Khan Academy is one of the few very
concepts you’ve mastered and which you may
educational resources that does not
need to practice more.
require a subscription. I would advise
students to create an account so they are How can it benefit my child?
able to document their progress and Khan Academy will advance your child's
bookmark certain topics. understanding of math in a fun, interactive yet
productive way. Oftentimes students are looking
Will it be used in the classroom? for additional practice or alternative
Yes, in the coming weeks students will learn explanations for concepts they learned in class.
how to use the software system and receive Therefore, Khan Academy offers a great solution
personal logins. Additionally, students will for students who are struggling with a concept
receive assignments and periodic check for at home or are preparing for an exam.
understandings through Khan Academy that
they may need to complete at home.
Khan Academy Images



Units and Lessons Practice/Quiz Class Assignments

What is it? How does the website work?

Desmos is an online interactive graphing The main interface of Desmos is a large graph
calculator for students and educators. paper canvas. On the right hand side of the
Students can access Desmos through the screen users have the ability to plot multiple
web as well as on iOS and Android device. equations and see what kind of graph is
demonstrated on the screen. Once the graph is
Is it free? drawn users can click directly on the graph to
Yes, Desmos is a free to use without a find specific values that lie on the graph or even
subscription. If students choose they may find the point of intersection, maxima, and
register for a free account to save graphs minima. Additionally, the chart features allows
and revisit them later. users to find the x and y coordinates on any
point of the graph. Desmos even allows users to
Will it be used in the classroom? input and graph multiple equations by using
their color feature to seperate them.
Yes, throughout the year students will use
Desmos frequently to practice graphing
equations. In fact, I used Desmos this week to How can it benefit my child?
teach students how to graph slope-intercept Desmos is a great interface for your child to use
equations. Desmos will play an important role and advance their math skills. More specifically,
in our unit on graphing system of inequalities to your child can enter unlimited number of
demonstrate the solution set for the system or mathematical expressions and instantly see the
more commonly known as where to shade on results graphed on the page. Additionally,
the graph (demonstrated in image down throughout the year your child will be using
below). Finally, students will use Demos as part graphs to understand important concepts such
of their final project to demonstrate their as graphing systems of linear inequalities, slope,
cumulative understanding of the relationship maximum and minimum, and much more.
between all the different kinds of graphs we will Therefore, Desmos is a great interactive tool for
learn (quadratic, linear, exponential, rational your child to use to demonstrate the relationship
ect). between all these concepts and further their
understanding of these important Algebra 1
Desmos Images

Press Settings

equation Shaded Region

Graph System of Linear Table

Inequalities (example)


Online graphing calculator Online courses + activities

Free Free

Table feature - demonstrate Instructional videos

coordinate points
Variety of subjects
Graph multiple equations
Practice questions + exams
Color coordinate graphs
K-14 education
Interactive and engaging

Miss Farrell Josiah Quincy Upper School

farrelqr@bc.edu 152 Arlington Street
800-xxx-xxx Boston, MA 02116

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