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Chap 1a

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1.1 The Basic Program Structure
The programming of a scientific application involves re-formulating the analysis which you’d nor-
mally perform with pen, paper, and calculator as a set of instructions that follow a logical sequence. The
collection of instructions is often referred to as a procedure or routine ; we’ll simply call it a program.
Different programming languages are available that allow us to communicate the set of instructions to the
computer, and like all languages there are certain rules that must be followed when converting the gener-
al instructions into a form suitable for the particular programming language. These grammatical rules and
structures are known as the syntax of the language.
The programming language which we’ll be using is Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) which is
a subset of the Visual Basic language. It was chosen for two reasons : i) simplicity -- it’s not a difficult
language, and can be learned quite quickly, and ii) availability -- VBA is included with all versions of
Excel and Word since 1995. Once you’ve mastered the common underlying logic and approach to
programming, you’ll find learning to program in other languages a much easier process.

The basic structure of all of our programs can be described as follows :

Declaration of variable & constant types

Initializing and setting variable values

Input (read) statements

flow control
statements Calculation statements

Output (write) statements

Each of these program components will be described later in the chapter and throughout the
notes. At this time it will be more instructive for you to enter your first program and encounter a few of
the program components in a practical environment. Do not be distressed if you don’t understand a
number of the concepts presented here. There is a vast amount of interrelated ideas and information that
will hopefully become clear by the end of the course. The main thing is to “plow through”, to keep on
reading, and re-reading. Very often something that is not clear at first will become more palatable once
you’ve been worn down through repeated exposure !
Program flow control statements alter the sequence in which the program executes (sometimes in
response to decisions that are made, or due to interaction with the user).
1 -2
Before considering how programs are constructed, it is useful to understand how the program is
accessed by the user. One of the major concerns here is that the user should not be able to inadvertently
corrupt or alter the code; it follows that some sort of “barrier” or interface between the code and the user
is highly desirable. The approach used by Visual Basic (VB), and other “visual” programming languages
is to “attach”, or associate, code with various controls such as buttons, scrollbars, check boxes, text
boxes, option buttons, etc. The user then interacts with these controls, rather than directly with the actual
program code. When a particular control is activated, such as by clicking on a button, moving a scrollbar,
selecting an item from a menu, making a selection from a set of check boxes, etc. the code attached to that
control is executed. In many cases the user does not need to interact with the program beyond specifying
certain input values and problem parameters and pressing a Run button; the program then executes
without interruption until the required output is produced. However, where a greater degree of
interaction is required, such as when a user needs to make choices and express preferences, or when a
simulation is being run and a value needs to be changed, additional controls are used (some of which are
made to be visible only as required).
Professional and commercial VB applications are constructed on User Forms which hold the
various controls. A user form in effect organizes, groups, and packages the controls. A good example of
a user form based program is the Chart Wizard where the user is presented with a series of windows
each of which is a VB type user form containing a variety of controls. The individual windows (or dialog
boxes) guide the user through the interaction with the Chart Wizard program by prompting the user to
make certain choices and selections. The user never sees the actual code but nevertheless interacts with
the program as it executes. VB programs are typically accessed via icons located either on the desktop or
in the toolbar of a particular program such as Word or Excel.
Most engineers and scientific researchers working on a technical analysis or simulation that will not
be widely distributed prefer to avoid the formalism of creating a user form and instead place the controls
directly onto an Excel worksheet. This makes sense as scientific and engineering applications usually
involve the input or generation of data on a worksheet. This approach will be used throughout the course.

These notes were created in reference to Excel 97;

slight differences may occur in later versions.

1.2 Example # 1 (Function Evaluation) -- Adding Controls

This example is designed to introduce you to creating a VB application; it constructs a very simple
program to evaluate the function of two variables z = − x + ay + 2.1 where a is a known parameter.
Each of the program components will be examined in detail in section 1.4. Don’t worry too much about
what you’re doing for the time being, just follow the steps to create the program and get it working.
Open and save a new Excel file with some convenient name.
Display the VB Toolbar by going into the View menu ⇒ Toolbars ⇒ Visual Basic.
[The VB Toolbar for Excel 2000 is slightly different than given here and can be seen on pg 1-7]
Open the Control Toolbox by clicking on the Toolbox icon on the VB Toolbar (the hammer &
wrench icon -- see diagram below). [Note the distinction between Toolbar and Toolbox.]
The Macro Recorder [see Appendix 19 : Legal Plagiarism] provides a means of recording the actual VB code
associated with most operations and activities occurring on the worksheet, including the Chart Wizard program,
as we’ll examine later.
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A control is added by “drawing” it on the worksheet. Hover the cursor over the Control Toolbox
until you find the Command Button icon, then click on the button icon and release. Move the cursor to
a blank area of the worksheet, and click and drag to draw the button.

VB Toolbar with VCR Play button (triangle), VB Editor icon Control Toolbox icon
and Record New Macro button (circle)

Design Mode icon

Control Toolbox
Properties icon


View Code icon

**(Avoid !!)**

Every control has a set of associated properties ranging from the prosaic such as colour, style, font
to the useful such as caption, and left and top location to the sophisticated such as visible (which allows
the program designer to make the control invisible when not required). In addition, the control has a
name (default name = commandbutton1) that is used to link it with its associated code which will be
assigned the same name. Display the Properties window by clicking on the Properties icon found at the
top portion of the Control Toolbox. Now, click on the Command Button that you’ve just added; small
white boxes should appear around its periphery (if not, make certain that the Design Mode icon is active;
that is, has been pressed). Change the (Name) property in the Properties Window to cmdTitles , and
the Caption property to Add Titles & Labels. If you want the caption to appear on more than 1 line
change the WordWrap property to True. Add two more command buttons : Name = cmdEvaluate,
Caption = Evaluate Function ; Name = cmdClear, Caption = Clear . The “cmd” prefix in each name
is an abbreviation of “command” and reminds the user that the control is a command button. Control
prefixes are most useful in really large programs to remind the programmer of the type of control being
referenced. A summary of control prefixes is given in Appendix 5.

Design mode refers to the occasion when the program is being designed, or constructed. When the VB
Editor is in design mode a control’s properties can be set and the control can be moved and resized without
causing it to be activated (and thus “running” the program). Clicking on a control in the control toolbox
automatically puts the VB Editor in design mode. A program cannot be run if the editor is in design mode.

Caution : Older versions of VBA have a nasty tendency toward

screen freezes !! Save frequently
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1.3 Entering Code for Example # 1
Code is entered into either subroutines or functions created in the Code Window of the VB
Editor (which is the window behind the worksheet where the program is stored). The easiest way to get
into the VB Editor and the Code Window is by double-clicking on a control during Design Mode .
Something similar to the following set of windows should appear on your screen :

Return to worksheet, or use Alt + F11 which tog- VB Editor window title bar
gles you back & forth, or use the Task Bar icon

Reset button

Code Window

You may have to add

the Option Explicit

The Click() denotes that this

The Project Explorer window may The subroutine “shell” subroutine is “run” when the
appear (it can be opened from the appears automatically button is clicked on – which is
View menu) but is not of much use when a control is double- known as a “click” event.
for single or simple programs. clicked in Design Mode.

Type Option Explicit (refer to pg 1-10) at the very top of the Code Window (as in the diagram above).
Double-click on the Add Titles & Labels button; the following subroutine shell should be created :

The Click() automatically appended to the control name indicates what type of event trig-
gers or causes the subroutine to run. Whenever the user clicks on this button the commands
in the subroutine will be executed. Consult Events in Appendix 3 for more details.

Do not type in the subroutine Private Sub cmdTitles_Click()

shell; it should appear automatic- Code will be entered inside
ally when the control is double- the subroutine shell
clicked on the worksheet. End Sub

***It is preferable to create subroutine shells automatically by double clicking on a control in design
mode rather than by typing to avoid the possibility of mis-typing either the name or the event.

The VB Editor can also be reached from the worksheet by Alt + F11 which toggles you back & forth with the
worksheet, clicking on the VB Editor icon on the VB Toolbar, or clicking on the Task Bar icon that appears
after the editor has been entered once. The Code Window can also be opened from the View menu as well as by
double_clicking on Sheet1 (Sheet1) in the Project Explorer.
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Add the following code inside the subroutine shell : If you have a French version of Excel use Feuil1
instead of Sheet1. Refer to the note on pg 1-12 .
Private Sub cmdTitles_Click()
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B1") = " INPUTS" WRITE statements. The text
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 4) = " OUTPUTS" in quotes on the right side is
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(2, 1) = " x = " written into the cell addresses
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A3") = " y = " given on the left side.
End Sub

The subroutine shell can be thought of as equivalent to the front and back covers of a book : the first line,
Private Sub cmdTitles_Click(), names the subroutine with the same name as the associated control and
appends the type of event that activates the subroutine to the name, _Click() in this case. The last line,
End Sub, identifies the point at which the subroutine code is finished. When the cmdTitles button is
clicked (and the VB Editor is not in design mode) the compiler checks for a subroutine of the same name
and upon finding it executes the 4 write statements given above.

Cell Addresses : The write statements contained in the cmdTitles subroutine referred to worksheet
cell locations in two ways : i) the city-map grid description (eg B4) is the standard designation on
a worksheet consisting of an alphabetic letter representing the column followed by a number repre-
senting the row, and ii) a double numeric, or matrix type, specification in which the columns
are also represented by numeric values. With the matrix type designation the row number is given
first, and the column number second (opposite to the conventional specification). For example,
cell B4 has an array-type location of (4, 2) meaning the cell in the 4th row and 2nd column. The
matrix type description is particularly useful when loops are used to perform repetitive operations
and arrays of data are either being read in or written out.

Double-click on the Clear button and enter the following code into its subroutine shell:

Private Sub cmdClear_Click()

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(Cells(1, 4), Cells(4, 4)).ClearContents
End Sub
Alternative is Cells(1, 2).ClearContents

Test the subroutines by exiting Design Mode (click on the icon) and clicking on the two buttons (but
obviously not the Run button as no code has been attached to it). Two sets of titles and labels should
appear and then be deleted by the Clear button. If an error message occurs press the Debug button on the
message box to identify the offending statement. Any errors will likely be the result of typing errors ! The
program must be Reset after the bugs have been corrected. There are two ways of resetting the program :
i) pressing the Reset button (the VCR Stop type square button in the toolbar at the top of the VB Editor,
ii) double-clicking on the Design Mode button which takes you in and out of Design Mode and ready to
run again. If the program doesn’t run after you’ve corrected the bugs, verify that you are, in fact, out of
Design Mode.
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Enter the following code into the Evaluate Function button subroutine shell :

Private Sub cmdEvaluate_Click()

Dim z As Double, x As Double, y As Double
Declaration of variable
Const a As Double = 6.2
& constant types
Dim String1 As String
String1 = "The value of z is " Set the value of String1.

x = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B2").Value Read-in values of x & y

y = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B3") from the worksheet

z = -x ^ 2 + a * y + 2.1 Calculation statement

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D2") = z Write z back on worksheet.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(3, 4) = String1 & z
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D4") = " x = " & x & " y = " & y

End Sub *** Include a single space before and after each ampersand &

Return to the worksheet, enter the value 4.1 in cell B2 and –2.2 in cell B3. Exit Design Mode, click
on the Evaluate Function button, and verify that the answer for z is -28.35 . Your worksheet should
appear similar to the following :

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D2") = z

Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(3, 4) = String1 & z

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D4") = " x = " & x & " y = " & y

Order of Program Execution : As there are no decision statements or branching statements (explained
later) the code lines in the subroutine are executed one after the other in a linear fashion starting from the
top. The values of x and y must clearly be read-in before calculation statement is reached. If one or both
of the read statements are erroneously located after the calculation statement an error message will
unfortunately not generally occur as the compiler will assume that the values are zero.
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Upper & Lower Case Letters : VBA commands (but not variable, constant, and control names) will always
appear with the letters having the same combination of upper and lower cases regardless of how they were
typed in. For example, the expression Worksheets("Sheet1"). Range("B2").Value may be typed with any
combination of upper and lower cases but will always appear in the form just given once the cursor is moved
to another line. [The exception is the cell address which will remain as it was typed -- either b2 or B2 .]
Variables, constants, and control names will always revert to the form that they were first declared either in a
Dim statement in the case of variables and constants, or in the Properties window name box in the case of
controls. String1 was declared with a capital “S” in the Dim statement; if it was subsequently typed with a
lower case “s”, it would automatically be converted to its appearance in the Dim statement. Typing code can
thus be sped up by using a single case and letting the compiler sort things out.

Spacing of typed in characters. The VB compiler is reasonably forgiving about how the code is typed
in. For instance, if C=2 was entered two spaces would automatically be added around the equal sign to
give C = 2. That being said, there are a few situations in which
a space must not be placed, and other places, such as before and
after an ampersand, where it’s absolutely essential. Leaving 1
or more spaces after the period and before the Range in
x = Worksheets("Sheet1"). Range("B2").Value will produce
the error message on the right :

Security Issues : Opening Files Created on Other Computers

Excel 2003 contains a security feature that

prevents a file created on another machine from
being run unless the security level is set at Low.
(The file can be opened; it just can’t be run.)
Security levels are changed in the Security dialog
box which can be accessed from the VB Toolbar,
or via the Tools Menu ⇒ Macro . However,
a change to the security level when a file is open
will not register for that particular file. Instead,
close the file, open a new workbook, change the
security to low, and then open the desired file.

Clicking on Security on the VB

Toolbar produces the dialog box
on the right. Select Low.
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If you attempt to open a VBA file using Excel 97 you may encounter the dialog box given. The
subroutines you’ve created are also referred to as Macros,or macro programs. A macro program uses a
programming language, VBA in
this case. The individual code
statements are then converted
into micro instructions that
tell the processor exactly how to
execute each code statement.
A simple multiplication, for
example, would involve a
number of micro instructions.

Do not be tempted to create a

virus. As noted in the course
outline, the department has a
zero tolerance for such matters
no matter how cute or funny it Select Enable Macros which means to make them operative.
may seem to you. The sanctions
will be swift and severe: at the very least you will be out of the course with a letter on your file.
This warning automatically results from a check-off in the Excel worksheet: Tools menu ⇒ Options ⇒
General tab check off Macro Virus Protection.
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1.4 Examining the Program Components
1.4.1 Declaration of Variables & Constants :
Although you probably think only in terms of integer and decimal numbers, there are in fact many
other types of data that need to be recognized by a computer (refer to the table below). We’ll generally be
using the Double, Integer, Boolean, and String types. Double is an abbreviation of Double Precision
which was an old Fortran term used to describe large numbers that carry about 14 decimal places. Since
Double is the default type for numerical data we’ll use it for all decimal (floating point) numbers. The
Integer data type is used in a few specialized applications such as to represent an index, or refer to a cell
location (which can only be an integer), or with integer arithmetic. Boolean data types describe variables
that have only two states True or False (or 1 or 0) and are generally used as “flags” to indicate when
some condition or event has occurred . Strings hold alphanumeric values which are combinations of
alphabetic letters, numerals, and other keyboard characters.
Data Type Requirement Range of Values
Byte 1 byte 0 to 255 (2 values available in an 8 bit binary number)
Boolean 2 bytes True or False
Integer 2 bytes -32,768 to + 32,767 (16 bits : 1 bit used for + or - leaving
2 = 32, 768 values. Zero uses one of the positive values)
Long 4 bytes -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (32 bits : 1 bit used for +
(Big Integers) or - leaving 2 = 2,147,483,648 )

Single 4 bytes - 3.402823E38 to -1.401298E-45 (negative values)

(single precision) 1.401298E-45 to 3.402823E38 (positive values)
Double 8 bytes 4.94065645841247E-324 to 1.79769313486232E308 (pos)
(double precision) -1.79769313486232E308 to -4.94065645841247E-324 (neg)
Currency 8 bytes -922,337,203,685,477.5808 to 922,337,203,685,477.5807
Date 8 Bytes January 1, 100 to December 31, 9999
String 10 bytes plus 0 to about 2 billion
(variable length) string length
String Length of string 1 to approximately 65,400.
(fixed length)
Variant 16 bytes Any numeric number within range of a Double
(with numbers)
Variant 22 bytes plus 0 to about 2 billion
(with characters) string length
Object 4 bytes Any object reference
User defined Varies Varies by element
[Excel 2000 also has a Decimal data type that provides 28 places to the right of the decimal point.]
Computers work with binary digits(or bits) each of which has a value of either 1 or 0. A collection
of 8 bits is known as a byte.
[This table has been adapted from a table given in the Help file of the VB Editor under Data types ⇒ Data Type
Summary or under % (data type) ⇒ Data Type Summary .]
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It is good practice to explicitly declare the nature, or type, of a variable in order that the processor
knows exactly the amount of storage to reserve to hold the value, but more importantly, to avoid certain
errors (see Error Trapping below). If this is not done the variable is assumed to be of the default
Variant type (which is referred to as Implicit Declaration). Explicit Declaration is made by means of
Dim, Public, or Static statements (Dim is a shortened form of the earlier Dimension statement from the
Fortran language). Constants are explicitly declared via the Const statement .

Dim z As Double, I As Integer, y As Double

Examples Dim bSleep As Boolean, String1 As String
of Explicit Const a As Double = 6.2
declaration Static Index As Integer
Public Const Graph_Title As String = “Y versus X”

When a variable (or constant) is declared by a Dim or Const statement a portion of the computer
memory is “named” with the variable name. Variable names thus represent storage locations. When-
ever a variable is encountered in a code statement it is useful to interpret it as the value in the storage
location having that variable name. Algebraic expressions therefore involve operations on the values
contained in various storage locations. The expression 2*x – 5* y should really be understood as twice
the value stored in memory location x minus five times the value stored in memory location y .

A discussion of the implications of Implicit declaration as well the significance of Public versus Private
declarations is given in the Appendices 8 and 10 at the end of the notes.

Error Trapping. A variable that has had its data type explicitly declared cannot inadvertently be given a
corrupted value without an error message been produced. For example, suppose that variable x in Exam-
ple # 1 had not been explicitly declared as Double and that the read statement for x had erroneously ref-
erred to cell B1 instead of B2. The text INPUTS would have then been stored in the x memory location.
When the statement to evaluate z was executed the text would have been converted to some numerical
equivalent, and the computation would have occurred without the user realizing that anything was wrong.
A typing mistake such as entering 4.X instead of 4.1 in cell B2 would similarly go undetected; the text
4.X would be converted to some numerical value during the evaluation of z, with the user completely
unaware of the error. If, however, x had been explicitly declared as Double an error message would
have been produced in each case, and the user would be aware that something was wrong with the data.

Option Explicit : The Option Explicit statement is used to keep the programmer “honest”; it is placed
at the very top of the code window before any other code. It acts by producing an error message each time
an undeclared variable is encountered and thus forces the programmer to declare all variables.
Appendix 9 gives a check-off that causes Option Explicit to appear automatically.
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1.4.2 Initializing and Setting Variable Values

Equal signs are used to assign values to variables. String1 in Example # 1 was assigned a value in
this way with the statement String1 = "The value of z is ". [ String data is always enclosed in quotes so
that the compiler doesn’t try to interpret the string as a single variable, or group of variables (which
usually produces an error message).] Instead of reading the values of x and y off the worksheet it would
have been possible to define their values by using the statements x = 4.1 and y = −2.2 . Although
these appear to be normal algebraic statements, the equal sign here has an entirely different connotation
(see the box below).

Initializing variables means to give them some starting, or initial, value (with the expectation that this
value will change). In Chapter 3 you will create a counter that counts by threes beginning with the
number 2 (2, 5, 8, 11, …). The value of the variable Count which is to hold the counted values must
therefore be initialized to 2 . Initializing variables is generally only necessary when a running total is
being computed (refer to chapter 3).

The meaning of equal signs. Equal signs have an entirely different connotation when used in computer
programs. The use of an equal sign creates what is known as an assignment statement. Values are given
to variables by entering numbers, text, or strings on the right side of an equal sign; these values are then
assigned, or stored, into the specific storage location or object referenced on the left side of the equal sign.
The statement x = x + 3 (which is nonsensical according to rules of normal algebra) has a perfectly
legitimate interpretation in the realm of computer math : evaluate the right hand side by adding 3 to the
value currently found in storage location x, and then store the result back in location x !! Expressions of
this type will prove enormously useful in running total calculations (refer to Chapter 3). Exceptions :
equal signs actually denote equality in 3 situations: when part of conditions in If statements, Select
…Case statements, and Loop Until statements (part of Do…Loops) .

1.4.3 Read & Write Statements [Also known as Input & Output (I/O) statements]
In the context of our applications it will often be convenient to read data and variable values from
cells on the worksheet directly into the program [although occasionally, and mostly for fun, we’ll use an
Input Box (refer to Example # 2b) in this chapter]. Similarly, once the numerical analysis has been
completed it will be necessary to “write” or display the values somewhere, and again the worksheet is the
most logical place. In Example # 1 the following read and write statements were used to bring in values
for x and y from the worksheet and to transfer the value of z back to two locations on the worksheet :

x = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B2").Value
y = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B3")
Basic read statements

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D2") = z
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(3, 4).Value = z Basic write statements

Observe that the cell location is on opposite sides of the equal sign for the two situations. In view of the
interpretation of the equal sign given above, the read statement takes the value stored in the cell location
described on the right and assigns it to the memory location of the variable on the left. Conversely, the
write statement takes the value stored in the memory space referenced on the right side and assigns it to
the cell location on the left.
1 -12

French versions of Excel use Feuil1 instead of Sheet1, and so on, to identify the various sheets. This
will cause problems if you use the full version of read or write statements : Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Range
(“C3”) since Sheet1 will not exist. The error message Run-Time error ‘9’ : Subscript out of range
will be produced (pressing the Debug button will highlight the offending statement). There are 3 ways to
work around this : i) try using the simplified version of the read or write statement --- Range(“C3”) so
that the reference to “Sheet1” is eliminated, ii) replace Sheet1 with Feuil1 so that the instruction
becomes Worksheets(“Feuil1”).Range (“C3”), iii) go to the bottom of your worksheet, right-click on
Feuil1 tab, select Rename (Renom ??) and change the name from Feuil1 to Sheet1. Fortunately there are
not too many of such conflicts; the only other that I’ve seen involves Graphique being used for Chart .

Default conditions. A cell on the worksheet is an object that has a variety of properties such as colour,
font, bold, value, etc. The default property of a cell is its value so that the .Value reference can be
omitted and the compiler will still recognize that the cell value is being referred to. Similarly, for most
versions of Excel the reference Worksheets("Sheet1"). is a default condition which can be omitted .
Therefore, any of the following could be used as read and write statements :

Read : y = Range("B3") or y = Cells(3,2) Write : Range("D2") = z or Cells(3, 4) = z

Caution : Some versions of Excel occasionally give error messages if Worksheets("Sheet1"). is omitted.

Adding descriptive text to write statements. In many situations it is helpful to include some sort of
description of the number being written into a cell. Text can be combined with a value by enclosing the
text in quotes or defining it as a string. An ampersand & is used to link the text contained in the quotes or
in the string with the variable value. For example, in Example # 1 the statements
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(3, 4) = String1 & z
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D4") = " x = " & x & " y = " & y
led to The value of z is -28.35 being written into cell D3 and x = 4.1 y = - 2.2 being written into cell
D4. Units such as m/s can be attached to values in this way.

Formatting : The function value determined in Example # 1 did not extend beyond two decimal places for the
given values of x, y and a. In most situations, however, considerably more decimal places may be present. The
way in which an output value is presented is referred to as its format. Formatting functions Format( ) and
FormatNumber() are available which allow a value to be presented with a specific number of decimal places and
in a certain way such as in scientific notation, or as a currency, or a percentage, etc. For example, the following
format specifications produce the output shown to the right of each statement :

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D5") = "z = " & Format(z, "0.000") z = - 28.350

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D5") = "z = " & Format(z, "scientific") z = -2.84E+01
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D5") = "z = " & Format(z, "0.00%") z = -2835.00%
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D5") = "z = " & Format(z, "0.000E+00") z = -2.835E+01
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D5") = "z = " & FormatNumber(z, 3) z = -28.350

Note : I have been unable to obtain more than 2 decimal places using Format(z, "0.000E+00") ;
the output above was obtained with Excel 97.
1 -13
1.4.4 Calculation Statements & Operator Precedence
The familiar spreadsheet arithmetic operators are also used by the VB Editor and are given below in the
order of their precedence ( that is, in the order of which operations occur before which other operations).
Operator Type Use Description
^ Exponentiation x^y Raises x to the power y
− Negation −x Negates x
* Multiplication x*y Multiplies x and y
/ Division x/ y Divides x by y
\ Integer division x\ y Divides x by y and returns the integer result
Mod Modulo operator x Mod y Divides x by y and returns the remainder
+ Addition x+y adds x and y
− Subtraction x−y Subtracts y from x
[ The Int() function also performs integer division by returning the integer part of the argument.]
Special attention must be given to the precedence, or hierarchy, of the operations so that the exp-
ressions are evaluated in the desired way. It is usually quotients that lead to an improper sequence of operations.
For example, suppose you wished to evaluate z = 4 + 6 .
2 + 3
Writing this quotient as z = 4 + 6 / 2 + 3 would produce the incorrect result of 10 since according to the
hierarchy the division 6/ 2 would be evaluated first, and then added to 4 and to 3. Parentheses can be used to
force the evaluation of whatever is inside the parentheses first ( of course inside the parentheses the hierarchy of
operations will still be in effect unless additional parentheses are included). However, adding parentheses only to
the numerator of the quotient in this example would still give an incorrect answer : z = (4 + 6)/ 2 + 3 ⇒ 8
[the 4 and 6 are added first because of the parentheses to give 10, which is then divided by 2, and finally added to
3]. The correct approach here is to write z = (4 + 6)/ (2 + 3) which gives 2 .

Disturbingly, operator precedence on the worksheet has negation occurring before exponentiation.
This means that if you wish to evaluate exp(-x2) then entering the formula =Exp(-(x^2)) into a cell
produces a correct answer while entering = Exp(-x^2) does not ! Check this out in Excel Help :
Operator Precedence ⇒ About calculation operators ⇒ The order in which Excel performs
operations in formulas. Compare with VBA Help under Operator Precedence.

1.4.5 Program Flow Control Statements

Example # 1 presented a simple linear program; the code lines are executed one after the
other. Complex programs require a more sophisticated type of program flow which is directed by program flow
control statements of the following types : conditional or decision statements (such as If…Then…Else or Select
Case statements) , looping statements (For…Next or Do…Until statements), and branching statements (such
as GoTo statements). These statements allow program execution to assess a condition and chose an outcome, to
repeat certain operations, and to skip around specific code. Looping statements are examined in Chapter 3 (and in
the Appendix 14 & 15), GoTo statements are introduced in section 2.3 (and periodically thereafter), and If
statements will be considered below in section 1.6. [Select Case statements are presented in the Appendix 23].
1 -14
1.5 Temperature Converter. Example # 2 a) : This example is a lead-in to two more interesting
versions . Open and save a new Workbook with appropriate name. Add 3 buttons : Name = cmdFtoC,
Caption = Convert F to C (set the Word Wrap property to True) ; Name = cmdCtoF, Caption =
Convert C to F ; Name = cmdClear, Caption = Clear Both.

Type in the titles indicated. Or, if you wish, you could use a
cmdTitles subroutine with 12 write statements (as in Example #1 ).

Alternative: Read F value directly into the formula

Option Explicit and store the result directly into the output cell.
Range("D5") = (5 / 9) * (Range("C5") − 32)
Private Sub cmdFtoC_Click()
Dim F As Double, C As Double
F = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C5")
C = (5 / 9) * (F − 32)
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D5") = C
End Sub

Private Sub cmdCtoF_Click()

Dim F As Double, C As Double
C = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C11")
F = (9 / 5) * C + 32
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(11, 4) = F
End Sub
Alternative (3 lines replaced by 1) :
Cells(11, 4) = (9 / 5) * Range("C11") + 32
Private Sub cmdClear_Click()
End Sub

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